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PART 6- fESl|NG, cOriM|sS' ON
i '
The Contractor sha empoy a spciarisl Subconrractor to suppty rnslar. lest and
commss' on a modu ar CCTV syslem as spec fd herein and.sshown on thedEwngs
The systam shan enses. dome cameras nehvofk disilal
video redorder. LcD mon(ors
The enfte syslem wn be connected on a h g I speed Ethemel Natwork Al lhe cameras
& the Dgla D sk Rcorders shou d be Nehvork cofrpalib e The Neh{oft cameras w
be rcgislerd n lhe Nelwork DVRS can be accessed usitrg the
rspeclive lP address by the autho.zed nelvo.k usre lof accesslng the cameras The
Netwo.k Recorder sharrecord th outpul or ar lhe registe.ed Camras onro the hard
dsk ol lhe recoder Remore Monircrng Soilware shourd b abt io mutpte
nel\rork dg ta rcorders lor operalinq the,eDorde, by usrs remolelyvia LAN or nlemet
The vdeo and controls gna s shar be lradsmified Ihrousrr the slr!ct!red cab ing system
The struclured cab ng system ncudiig . aDlive and
componenls fof CCTV
ntuork s n rhe scope olthe same coilracl and srra be supplied insta led tested and
comm ss oned as peflhe speclcatons ol voice / oata syslen.
Pan / Tiit cameEs shal be conlrc ed through sollwafe controls rh system sha be
capab or suppoidng 256 camras lhe seruer localed n Ihe con(rc| room or the
secled cameras n lh DV[4R ar each moniror r sha be possbre for uplo three
gged nlo one DVMR s muLlaieous y
fdr honiorinq the
ve of recorded vdeo and ony rhe aorhorzed sysieh admin slGlDr she be arlowed lo
lhe conlrc and management of lhe syslem The complet stup incruding
prosEmmins or the unt, slan up slrutdown stop recordig, remole codtoLling and
viwns elD shan be
Tlre aperator or user authorizaton on lhe
syslen sha be w Ih at least tdo leve s ol p.ior ry
I sha be
rhe conr.ast, brghliess, dwer tim. recording modes
vido comprcsson frame rare moron region elc oreacrr.ameE tndivtdlalyorfora
cameras logthef through the mnu divei dsef nledace or th,oush a wrc ess lR
/emol conlrclal eaclr DV[4R. t shallalso be possibe lo slan recording and iutialns
rm devces sucrr as motiou deteDlors or n.OnelD door
contacls 16 inpuls and rour oulpuls shal be ava abe n eaclr DVMR for exleha
devces, wilh user programn.ble npuvoutpul and camera secton lor recodinu o.
Eaclr D9ta Vdeo Mutrperer Recordef sharr be capabre of supporltng hgh capacity
HDD storage or upto 430 GB. The DVMR sharr be provded wilh sutabte Hard disk
capacily for live recordng ot a cameas smulaDousy Calculaton for Hard disk
Dapacily slrarlb submned Recording shar aso be pdssibe b3sd on lhe motion The
ra denlfcaton ll ng eleckdnic zoom, and provrsion
for nechancalpan / iilt Donlro s Necessary cotreclonalanp liers and miieclo6 shal
be .d uded in thBsysiem rof a
qood qua
ry d stod on tree tve or rcorderl haqe on all
onloring shal nc ude keypads wl
r0r sequenra or sprir screen monilofng. The dspay mods sha be setecrabe for
Fixed colour Done camra
PowerSource 220V-240VAC 50 tlz dt 24 v AC 5A Nz
AmbentOperatinq Temperarurr 10' C +s0' C
Anb enl OpeEt n9 Humi dr y Lessr han90%
I I 1 Nehro+Specilcarion
mage resolol on 752 r 563,752 x 230 333 x230 176 x 136 plxels
mage pracess JPEG / MJPEG (Super
Finel Fne / Normat/ Low imaqe quaity
mage ref.eshinq rate FasuM dd e/sro&very slow
Tr af f c conr r o 32 kbps, 64 kbps, 123 kbps, 256 kbps, 512 kbps I 024 kbps
Prolocos supporred TCP I lP, HTTP. FIP. SMTP ONS, DDNS, DHCP ARP.
OS applicable Wndows S3 SE, Widows NT WORKSTATION 40 Setoca
Pack6a, Wndows 2000 Proiessiona seruce Pack2 wndows ME Dr
BbwserAppicable Internet Exprorero 0. or Higher and provLded
Aclive X
PC Requrement CPU Penrun 4
or taslef tvtemories: 512 MB or
Ava labe number ccnnectons 5 browseG max miim
I J Came, a Spe. ' f i r al on
Pick-up Devlce 753 (H)x s32 (V) ptxets,
Inter neTransterCCD
scannins Area:4 B (H) t 3 6
entro scann nq area
Scannmg 625 nes/50neds/25 r.ahes
Synchron:aton nternar L ne-ock or mulup exed vedical
Vdeo OuFur 1 0 Vlp pIPAL composile 75 O/BNC connecror
Horizonla Resoluton 430rnes (c/L) 570 Ines (B^4/)
Signa-lo-Noise Rario: s0 dB (EquivatenttoAGC
Off, weightOn AP On)
Oynam c Ranger 43 dB (Typica
rvrinimum rrruminar on 0.3 rx (wDE) (c/L).
0.1 x
DE) (8
wirh ctear Dome
Ga n Conlrol: ON (DNR-H) ON (DNR
L) orOFF (SET UP MENU) seleclable
White Ba ancer ATW1, ATW2 or AWC (SET
UP MENU) se eclab e
Apenu Setvarable (SET UP [,lENU)
Sups Dynanid2: ON or OFF
UP lvlENU) se ectable
Eeclroid Shutter Speed : OFF, 1/100, 11250, 1/500, 1/1 000 1l2 0AA, 1l4 a0o,
Aam n Pul ed up 1o 5 V DC, OFF ( Open or 2V DC
12 VDCyON ( 0
A ah Out Coieclo.output OFF (Open or4 V DC
5 V DC)l ON (< I V
50 nA) Purse r Latch seleclabie
Control Function: Auxl ary Our Cotrecloroulpul, OFF
or 4 V DC 5 V
Day / Nohl n: Pu red up lo 5 V OC, OFF (Open) / ON (0 V 0.2 mA)
Camra bodycoo.: lvory(5 5Y7 5/0 3Equivalent)
Focal engr hr 3 3mm 3mn
Matimun.pertulio: 1:1 4{wde). 1 I a(Tere)
Florizonta : 35 6
. vedcat : 26. 6" 53. 4.
Focusi ng nqe: 12 d
( 3. 9f r - )
32 PTZ ColourDomeCameE
32.1 GeneralSpecif calion
3.22 Nebro* Spe. fic.l dn
Powrsource 22cV-240VAc 50Hzor24vAc50
Ambienl opeErins iemperalue:
Ambient operalins Humidity: Less than 90 %
r mage so ul i oi : 7s2 x 563 752x230. 333x230 176x136pr ct s
lmage process JPEG / MJPEG
Fne / Flne/ Normal/ Low imaqe quaily
lmage refresh nq le: Fasl / M dder S ow /Vry Stow
Traffic contror 32 kbps, 64 kbps 123 kbps 256 kbps, 512 kbps, 1024kbps.
Protocos supponed TcP / P UDP / P HTTP, FTP, SMTP DNS DDNS.
OS app cabe Wndows 93 SE Windows NT WORKSTATION 40 Seryce
Pack6e Wndows2000 ProlessionalSP2Windows [nE orWido$ xP
Erowser App cabe: nlernel Exporer6 0, o.Hqherand provided ADiiv X
PC Reqlnemeni CPU Pentum 4 (2aGHz) or iasler lrlehores 512 MB of
Ava abl nlmbf connecl ons 5 browseG maximum
32 3 Camera Spcificarion
lN 1-2) Low-actve
Erecr ve p ters:7s2 (H) x 532 (v)
scannnq ar ea: 357 nm
{ H) x
2 67 mm ( V) 1/ 4
syn.hr0diz.ton nternarline ock/ mulllp exed vedcaldrve
Horzonta scannngtuequency: 15625kl' lz
ven' ca scann n0 irequncy:50 Hz
vdeoour pul 1 0vt p pI PAL
composi t e/ 75 o
Horzonra reso urion: mole than 430 rins atcentef
Veftca reso ution moGrhan350 nesalcenlei
sgnarro nois rato 50 dB (AGc oFF weighr on)
Mni mum umnal i on: 10 x( AGC ON HI GH)
CameE lD presel D camera LO characteB
Anour ar f er d H 4. 9' t o 43 " ot vi ewv3. 7. r o35.
Zoom speed approx 3 3s (TELE1a,
DE) n manuatmode
Focusspeed: approx 30s(FAR/NEAR)in manm mode
AGC ON (LO!\4/ON (MrD) /ON (H
SENS UP: max.4 t mes, AUTO/F|X
lvlENU) selectable
CameE body color: lvory (5 sY7 5/0.3 Equvatent)
/ filech anism spec tication
kis: aulofratic (open/close
is possble)/manua
Zoom r6tio:xl0 +
dista zoom x 5
Max mum aperlure Etor 1 : 1.4 (w DE) ro 2 0 (rELE)
Focal ength:4 2 to 42 mm
3 2 1
Pannlng ranqer 360' endess
Panning angleselting: possible (inauto pan mode)
Panning moder manual/aulo pan
Panning speed: 1 0' /s to 100 A,
post on: mar mun. ppox. 100 "
Tilliis spedr manual appror r 0
' /s
1o 100
' /s
3-stept64-sreps presel
fiaxlmumapprox 100' ls
Contro s pan /r t. tens 16presetpostions,homepostion
3 3 Fixed ColourCam6E
33. 1 Gener al Speci f cal on
Ambenl Oper at n9Tempe. at ur s 10' C, +50' C
Ambient Operallng Humidityr Less tban 90 %
PorerSou.ce aid PowerConsumplion:12VDC 700 mA
3.3 2 Nehrorf on l
; l mage Resor ur i dnr 7s2 x 563 752x20 333r 230, 176r 136
pi xes
rmage Frocess: JPEG/MJPEG (qualry seteclabte super Fne / Fine / Normat/
maqe Relreshing Rate: Fasu Midd e7 slowT very s ow
TEffc Contro: 32 kbps, 64 kbps 123 kbps 256 kbps 512 kbps 1 024 kbps,
Prolom supponed: TcP/tP, HTTP FTP SJr,tTp DHcp, and DNs
OS App icabre Windo* 93 SE, W ndows NT 4 0, Windows 2000, Windows tvlE,
Bbwsef Appicabe InbmetExplorer6.0 orFlighe.andpbvidedAclveX
Pc Requiment CPU Pentium 4
or faste. lvlemofesr 512 MB of
able number.onne.lons 5 bro{seE ma^mum
3.l I Camera' on:
Piok up Device:753 (ll) x5A2 (V)pirels,Inled
ne Transter CCD
scann ns Area:4.3 (H) x 3 6
mm (Equivant
to scann ns area or 1/3' pck dp
Scannlng: 62s rines/so fietds/2s irames
v d d o o u o
( ' 0 v l o . o l PAL
- o y o o s l e / .
BNL . o
- . r 0 .
Horzonb Resoution:430 nes (c/L),570 ines (B/v\,)
S qnal-to.No se Rato:50 dB (Equtaenl
ro ACC Otf Weighl On)
Mni mum I um nal i on: 0 3 l r ar Fl 4 ( C/ L) , 01
x at F1a ( B/ yV)
Gai ncont t ul ON{ DNR' H) , ON( DNR L) or OFF( SETUPMENU) set ecr abe
wh te Balaice: Ar wr ATW2 or AWC (SEr up MENLJ) se ecrabre
Aperlure: Sei Variable (sET LJPlvtEN!)
SensUp: OFF AUTO{ x2, x4 x6 x10) FX( x2, 14 x6. x10, x16, x32)
Super Dynamic2: ON o, OFF (SET
UP rvtENU)setectabte
Eeclron. Lisht Conlrolr 1/60 (OFF) 11100, 1/250, 1/500, l/1 0001/2 000 1/4
LensMounr CSmounl ( suppi edwl hC. mount adapt er )
ALc Lens: DC orVdeo seeclable
Auxliaryourr co edto. oulput, oFF
or 4 v Dc 5 v Dc) /oN (r r v 50
ControlTermina s Aarm ln
A Oul Co ectoFourpui.
DC OFF ( Open o. 2 v DC t 2 V
5V DCII ON (s i V 50 mA)
Day / Nighr ln Pu ed Dplo 5 v oc, oFF (open)/oN
v 0 2 mA)
Camera bodycoror rvdry (3
0Y7 3/0.3 Equivaenr)
Came.a ens mounr bddycDror Voet(5PB6l4 Equivalent)
Camera Lens specirdalon
r mage r z: 06 mm
t 4
3nh ( H) x36
mm ( V)
Focal engl h: 3 3 mm
- 3
Mxi mum aper l ur e r al l o: 1 I a( wde) 113( Ter e)
Angu ar ne d of vew: Hor 2onr ar 356' 73. 6' Venca:
Focusi ds r ang: 1. 2m- d ( 3 e r l
- )
t 4ount CS- mount 1' 32UN
Ambientoperatns lempefarurer-10' c +50' c
oi mensons 61mm ( W) x53
mm ( H) r 46 nn ( D)
Lens unl eody. oor vor y ( 7 9Y60/ 0 3 Equvat . nr l
The Ouldoor dameras shat be
rcled Housing whjch shourd be
Weatherprcoi Vanda proof
and tamper proor Usns the Ceiting,^/la Mounr Brackers
trre rrousin! srroud be Dapabe ol insial nq on rhe cei ns or wal based on re site
requi.emenr The Housins shourd be providad wilh a slnshetd
exposure b dneDl
slnlght and anl coidensation heater/bower to ensure hsh leve cf camera picrure
5 NerwDrk D' stalO' sk Re.order
Ihe nebrork recoder shoud slore mages traismitted by Erherner from up to 32
netwdrkd cameras on is hard d sk separarec.mea and Pc pons shoud enabte rrish
speed throushput uplo 64Mbps
The Recorder shou d be lvlPEG4 and JPEG comparbte, aDd strat facitra connedlioi
uplo 32 MPEG4 came.asofupto 16 JPEG cames The dord.sha suoDorrCame.a
' on
or &. a- a
- . Fnng- or
r f d dr p' cr .
The recorders Aulo Pfearuresrioud aulomalica y reddgniz the nehrork cameGs as
soon as trrey are connected lo |re Nenvork
a storaqe capacty ol l Trabrle & optona ertens on units
The Recorder shoud have
for Iola stor:ge capacly of
r s" Ct o+50" C
Humd r y ess t han 35%
Hiqh speed seria ioterface 4s0r\,rbps
ch 1 16Aar m nput , Ch I Ta. moul put
10 Base r/100 Ease Tx (RJ45)
Rehote Conlrol Center Nelwork DVR l4anaqement Soltwa
rn Locar rvlode the software shoud faclil:re search payback and manaqement of
mag rles downloaded on PC frard Disk.
Fo ow ng realures rhoud
be suppoded by the Sonvare:
The Dsk recoder l4anagement Soffware shal alow ntegrarion of oplo 1OO Network
DVR s ror .emote operal on va L
n the Neluork Mode lhe SoltwaG shoud fac itate ndnitorins ve mages laken by
rdr and also camera operalon. The software sho!d
soppod fDordrng, seardr and p ayback of recorded imaqes rrom mutiple recorderc lhar
Amb enr opeEliis Temperature
Simu bneous dispay ot upro 16
sc.eeft) combination of d sp.y
randomry by dfassins & dropp nq
Upto 500 Camra poslions
channs n di spl ays of f our pa r n ( 1. 4
9. 16
and display cameras Dan b selected
be reqisrered so lhal they can be d: ed up
Rendle ope.aton of pan/riruzoom
lrre d sk rccordershar be possib
runciions of cameras wh ch are connected to
Three lypes or search functons shoud be supponed
p ayback vMD search, and ma.kins search
Trre sonwae shou d suppoft uplo 32 usfs opemton
Schedu e reg slralion capacty upto 400
upro 10 access for s mutaneous down oads.
Uplo 4 simultaneous lle paybacks
The Monrorc shal provide hgh qua ry doour pcrures on 17' 432.m dasonat LCD
e equippd with 1.239 x 1024 hqh reslution SXGA
pane.500TV Lines of hor:ontar resorul on and 3 bitfurlcorourdisp ay
The Monltor shourd ncrude 3 Vdeo termtnas
Svideo and Y/Cb/Cr
domponent video) p us RGB for Pc inpui. audio outpul and a 0 5w builf n speakef
' rhe
1/9h picture in p crure (P P) dispray lealu shdurd arrow PrF wndows lo b pracd
in aiy ofthe Mon lors rour dDme6
A slandad 19 nch rack lor the sefrer/ backup and a cuslom buirt panoramc ck wth
epr ovded asa pad Dr l h sysr eml D accDmmodat ea
controland monilorng qulpment. Sutable rack moontng brackels sha I be used ror
p.oper lix nq of al rack mounted ltems The fna!desisn and od3lions for the Donlrc 3nd
montoingstalionsshal bedecded aler as per proledl requ nenl and to ihe approva
of the Engneef The PC seryer rack sha be suppied fom Compaq Hoieywl or
A ol ihe system nsta lal on work sha L be caired oul / supeto sed by
Subcontractor However Ihe ncessary cdilalihenl and erlicalpowe.
Secur i t ysysl emsha bet her esponsbi l t yol t heMEPcdi t acl or
The complel nstalaton sh!r be lesled and commssoned by
lo demonslrale lhe opraton of lhe
sal sfacr on olrhe crients personnel
The SubcorlEctor shalinclude and be responsble for lhe lreeorcrrarce resDai
nspcllon and mainlenance. as recommeMed by the manDfadrurer oi the dohp ete
system for one year
afleflhe oflca hand ng over ol lhe syslem
Prorro commencemenr of .iy works the Contraclof sha
and submtworking
drawlnqs dela ng bulnot imredlor
The Contractoi sha prepare lu y dtaild Operalion ard Nrlaintenance Manuals forthe
system equipment and submir ro the En_o neerfor h s approvar
a 1
3.2 r{s-BuiLr' DEwinas .nd o/M Manuals
P.ior to handing over rhe wo*s, rhe Contractor is to suppry ihe Englnes
tour sels ot
p nc, 1 electbnic @py .t all i4s-Bu I d6wings e aling 10 lhe slpplied sysiems, lour
bound sets oi a I Operaiion and Mainienane [4anua s for all equipmenl inslalled.

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