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Christ Hides under

the Threadbare Cloth…

Painting by Roulieta of the slums of the oppressed and disenfranchised

We sinners and weaklings, who have so often betrayed our Lord, must now face the decisive
battle in this Lent. (…) From sinners the early Church was recruited, and it will consist of sinners
until the end of times. Once she died in the catacombs and between the teeth of predators. But
nevertheless she triumphed. (…) Even now she suffers defeat after defeat. She is taunted by her
enemies and shamed by her children. Again and again she is the weeping bride of the Man of
Sorrows. But she triumphs. She triumphs! For under the threadbar cloth of her lowliness is hidden
Christ, the leader of the martyrs, the oppressed, the disenfranchised and prisoners, who form the
elite troops of the Kingdom of God on earth. And time and again the weak and foolish of the world
are chosen by Him, to shame the strong and the wise.
These words were from Father Werenfried van Straaten in his 2000 fasting meditation. (1)
This was very shortly after the publication of an anonymously written and startling book. (2) In it,
the machinations and inequities within the Vatican were exposed. The author was probably the
conservative Cardinal Luigi Marinelli, who had to appear before a Vatican tribunal as a result. But
the bird did not start to sing. Van Straaten must have had that book in mind when he gave his fas-
ting meditation.
This seems an appropriate start for this article on disturbing developments within the Church.
Some years later we were confronted with something similar in the “Confessions of a Cardinal”. (3)
In it a number of prelates had their say in anonymity, with the final editing of probably Cardinal
Achille Silvestrini, the primus of the ultra-liberal camp, in tandem, it seems, with Cardinal Walter
Kasper, who regularly clashes with Cardinal Jozef Ratzinger, while still prefect of the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith. They must have thought: “What Marinelli did, we can do it too.”

By Hubert Luns – no copyright, only attribution


1 – The Occupation of the Vatican

The smoke of satan has entered the Church, but we already knew that from the publication of
“SS-1025” (SS = Soviet Spy) (4) Agent 1025’s notes – they are not really a diary but rather a kind
of retrospective – were found in the 1960s by a French nurse on a fatal car crash victim of about
fifty years old. The identity of “1025” was not disclosed. In view of the importance of the con-
tent, she decided to proceed with publication. The notes indicate that he was the 1025th agent of
the Russian secret service to be admitted to a seminary, in this case a Canadian seminary. He was
of Polish descent and had received his basic training in Russia. Many have infiltrated the Church
in this way as a kind of fifth column. Some may have made it bishop, a few even cardinal. And no
doubt there are those who are at the head of a seminary, which is an extremely serious matter. (5)
Among other aspects, the notes expose in a structured and intelligent manner how church doctrine
and rites had to be compromised under false pretenses. That only became reality later, almost
exactly as set out in that diary. At the time still very speculative, but now clearly visible. It was
published in 1972, the year Pope Paul VI said he had the impression that the smoke of Satan had
entered the Church. The book may have been on his bedside table…

The fact that there is a systematic subversive action, which tries to hollow out the Church from
within, has become credible mainly thanks to the revelations of Bella Dodd. Who was Bella
Dodd? She was brilliant and dedicated woman. Graduated from Hunter College and New York
University Law School, she became head of the New York State Teachers Union and was a
member of the National Council of the Com- munist Party of the USA, which she served
for nearly twenty years. Bella Dodd was a ‘revert’. Born in 1904 and raised a Catho-
lic, but as a student she rejected her faith and devoted herself to Communism,
being fully convinced of its merits. She wrote in her memoires: “I often
marveled at the sacrifices made by these Communist Party members.
In my classes at Hunter were Young Communist Leaguers who would
go without lunch to buy paper and ink and other items for propa-
ganda leaflets.” At a certain point in time she started to doubt and came
back to the Roman Church under the gui- dance of famous Bishop Fulton Sheen,
reknown for his work on television and radio. He was the Billy Graham of the Roman Catholic
Church. In June 1949 the Communist Party released a public statement announcing her expulsion
from membership. On Tuesday, August 5, 1952 she announced that she was received into the Ca-
tholic Church after having been baptized by Fulton Sheen (there was no document found of an
earlier baptism).

On the front page of the New York Times for March 11, 1953, the headline ran: “Bella Dodd
asserts Reds got presidential advisory posts”, and it reported that she “swore before the Senate
Internal Security subcommittee today that Communists had got into many legislative offices of
Congress and into a number of groups advising the President of the United States.” The New
York Times published on March 8, 1954: “Bella Dodd warned yesterday that the materialistic
philosophy, which she said was now guiding public education, would eventually demoralize the
nation”. She told her own story many times again and to many people. She died in 1969.

In her memoirs, “The School of Darkness” from 1954 (see Appendix 6), she gives evidence to
support the claim that Communism is a hoax perpetrated by the financial world “to control the
common man and to advance world tyranny”. She also claimed that the Communist Party acti-
vely infiltrated agents into seminaries; and she told her friend Alice von Hildebrand, the respected
theologian, that when she was an active party member, she had dealt with four cardinals within
the Vatican who were working for Communism - even more than that. See Hildebrand interview
on page 10.

An editorial in the Christian Order Magazine of November 2000 recounts how Bella Dodd and
Douglas Hyde, revealed the plan for Communist subversion of the Church. Douglas Hyde was an
English political journalist and writer of books. As a Communist he was the news editor of the

Daily Worker until 1948, when he converted to Catholicism and resigned. Like Bella Dodd he
revealed the true aims and subversive nature of Communism:
«« Ex-Communist and celebrated convert Douglas Hyde (1911-1996) revealed long ago
that in the 1930s the Communist leadership issued a worldwide directive about infiltrating
the Catholic Church.
(…) Speaking as a former high ranking official of the American Communist Party, Mrs.
Dodd said: “In the 1930s we put 1,100 men into the priesthood in order to destroy the
Church from within.” The idea was for these men to be ordained and progress to positions
of influence and authority as monsignors and bishops. A dozen years before Vatican II she
stated that: “Right now they are in the highest places in the Church.” (…) She also said that
these changes would be so drastic that in the near future “you will not recognize the Catholic
Church.” »»

In a lecture at Fordham University in the early 1950s, Dodd unveiled what would seem to be an
uncanny prophecy of the future chaos in the Church. The lecture was attended by a monk whose
account of the talk is presented in the same Christian Order publication:
«« I listened to that woman for four hours and she had my hair standing on end. Everything
she said has been fulfilled to the letter. You would think she was the world’s greatest
prophet, but she was no prophet. She was merely exposing the step-by-step battle plan
of Communist subversion of the Catholic Church. She explained that of all the world’s
religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by the Communists, for it was its
only effective opponent. The whole idea was to destroy, not the institution of the Church,
but rather the Faith of the people, and even use the institution of the Church, if possible, to
destroy the Faith through the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled
Catholicism but was not the real thing. Once the Faith was destroyed, she explained that
there would be a guilt complex introduced into the Church… to label the ‘Church of the
past’ as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the
sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the
centuries. This would be necessary in order to shame Church leaders into an ‘openness
to the world’, and to a more flexible attitude toward all religions and philosophies. The
Communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the Church. »»

The prophetess Mary Divine Mercy, who comes from Ireland, underlines the foregoing, for she
said in the message of April 16 2012 given to her by Jesus Christ, that “this wicked plan to des-
troy my Church has been underway for hundred years, (6) but since 1967 it has intensified (the
Council finished in 1965). Many imposters, who are members of this evil sect (of Freemasonry),
who worship Satan, entered the seminaries to gain a foothold in the Vatican. Their powers, while
allowed by God the Father, were restricted up to now. As the end times draw nearer that will
change.” And on February 17 2013 she said: “The Masonic elite have grasped control over my
Church (its visible organization)”, which means that the great plan to hold sway over the Church
had been accomplished, from which logically its destruction follows. Of course, the Church as the
body of Christ, which includes all true Christians, can and will never be destroyed.

The article from the year 2000 continues:

«« This conspiracy has been confirmed time and again by Soviet defectors. Ex-KGB
officer Anatoliy Golitsyn, defected in 1961. In 1984 he forecast with great accuracy all the
astonishing developments in the Communist Bloc since that time. He confirmed several
years ago that this “penetration of the Catholic and other churches is part of the Party’s
general line – i.e. unchanged policy – in the struggle against religion.” Hundreds of files
secreted to the West by former KGB archivist Vassili Mitrokhin and published in 1999 tell a
similar tale, about the KGB cultivating the closest possible relationships with ‘progressive’
Catholics and financing their activities. One of the leftist organs identified was the small
Italian Catholic press agency Adista, which for decades has promoted every imaginable

postconciliar cause or ‘reform’ and whose director was named in “The Mitrokhin Archive”
(7) as a paid KGB agent. Interestingly, just prior to the Mitrokhin expose, it was little
Adista that ultra-Modernist Cardinal Martini utilised to diffuse his dissident rant at the 1999
European Synod, where, among other things, he called for a new Council.
What is often lost in all of this, however, is that Communism – along with the New Age
movement – is simply a chief tool of Freemasonry; its policy of Church infiltration is just
an extension of the Masonic plan clearly laid out in the [Permanent Instruction of the] Alta
Vendita and other bona fide Masonic documents recognised by the popes. [The question
here is whether the Alta Vendita was a Masonic organization, a question to be dealt with in
Appendix 2.] Even experts like Anatoliy Golitsyn have failed to grasp this point. In “The
Perestroika Deception” (1996), his collection of very accurate analyses and forecasts
submitted to the CIA during the period 1985-95, he hints at a controlling force ‘behind’
Soviet Communism but lacks “the facilities to study how it might be operating under cover
of some front organisation”. At the same time he complains that despite public plaudits for
the accuracy of his forecasts, Western leaders have regularly ignored his warnings. He fails
to see that having financed and nurtured Russian Communism from its inception, the elite
Freemasons – in symbiotic alliance with transnationalist billionaires who shape world affairs
for more prosaic reasons of power and profit – will not always allow a free hand to the likes
of President Bill Clinton [US president until 2001], who himself attributes “a lot of breaks”
in his life to his forty year membership of the Masonic Lodge “De Molay”. [De Molay was
the last Grand Master of the Templars, who was burned at the stake in 1314 for heresy.
Many Freemasons think that their order is a continuation of the Templars, although this
cannot be proven on the basis of pure historical research. But that doesn't make it untrue.] »»

Letter by Cardinal von Hartmann to Archbishop Pacelli

That Bolshevism would have been the slave of Freemasonry seems a bold claim. However, this
can be substantiated. Dr. Michael Hesemann, a German historian of the Catholic Church, gave an
interview to the Internet site “Inside the Vatican” in early May 2017. He had discovered in the
Vatican Archives of the Apostolic Nunciature of Munich a handwritten letter dated November 8,
1918, from Cardinal Felix von Hartmann, Archbishop of Cologne, addressed to the Apostolic
Nuncio of Germany (Vatican Ambassador), Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli (later to become Pope

Pius XII). In that letter, Von Hartmann informed Pacelli that he had received information from
Emperor Wilhelm II, which he wished to pass on to the Pope through the nunciature, of which an
excerpt is given here:
«« Your Excellency! His Majesty the Emperor just has let it be known to me “that,
according to news that came to him yesterday, the Grand Orient Freemason’s Lodge has just
decided first to depose all Sovereigns – first of all him, the Emperor – then to destroy the
Cathololic Church, to imprison the Pope, etc, and, finally, to establish on the ruins of the
former bourgeois society a world republic under the leadership of American Big Capital.
The German Freemasons are purportedly loyal to the German Emperor and they informed
him about it. Also England wants to preserve the current bourgeois order. France and
America, however, are said to be under the full influence of the Grand Orient. Bolshevism
[which from the beginning of the Russian Revolution has been supported by the western Big
Capital] is said to be the external tool to establish the desired conditions. (8) In the face of
such a great danger which threatens in addition to the Monarchy, also the Catholic Church;
it is thus important that the German episcopacy be informed and that also the pope be
warned.” So far the message of His Majesty. I have believed myself to be duty-bound to
pass it on to Your Excellency, and I have to leave it up to Your judgment whether You wish
to pass this message on to Rome. (…) May God protect us and His Holy Church in this
terrible turmoil! (…) With utmost devotion and being at His Excellency’s disposal, Cardinal
Felix von Hartmann »» (Source: A.S.V., Arch. Nunz. Monaco d.B. 342, fasc. 13, p. 95-96)

Plot against the Church by Masonic Groups

Prophetic message from the Book of Truth of April 29, 2012
By the end-time prophet MDM (Mary Divine Mercy)
God and all his works have been plotted against by Masonic groups established in the
Middle Ages (as the Knights Templar). Their allegiance is to the evil one. He, Satan, is their
god and they are proud to pay homage to him through Black Masses.
Then there is the Holy See which has been under fierce attack by this group since 1967.
Slowly they have infiltrated my Church, not just within the Vatican, but within the ranks
beyond in every country. Their deliberate contamination of my Church has resulted in evil
atrocities inflicted on innocent victims.
Their love of money and power is nothing compared with the sickening devotion they
show to the king of lies, Satan himself. He is openly worshipped in groups and in secret.
Priests and other holy servants including bishops, cardinals have aligned themselves in
certain quarters with this group. The evil acts they participate in are too serious to reveal to
you but know that they offer human sacrifices to the evil one in churches set up to offer the
Holy Eucharist of the Holy Mass. This group, so careful to hide their true activities from
those genuine and holy priests, holy bishops, holy cardinals and other sacred servants com-
mit vile acts.
They hate God with a ferocity that would shock you. The powers given to them by
Satan has meant that their wickedness, greed, lust and sexual deviations are welcomed by
their followers in all countries. They greet each other with private signals designed to show
allegiance to each other.
One thing is certain, their wicked acts will come to an end and, unless they turn to Me
during The Warning (the enlightenment of conscious as foretold in Garabandal), they will
have little time left before they are cast into the lakes of fire where they will suffer a terrible
persecution for eternity.
They have created and stirred up the apostasy that exists all over the world. They
achieved this by infiltrating My Church. (See also the message of February 14, 2013.)

Your beloved Jesus

Lamb of God

This immense perversity turned out to be following a plan much older than Communism
itself! It goes back to the “Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita” (Supreme Auction
House). That instruction dates from 1820, which is reflected in an exchange of letters from
and to a certain Nubius (a nom de guerre). The well-known writer Jacques Crétineau-Joly
put this on the table at the request of Pope Pius IX in his historical work from 1859. (9) It
starts like this:
«« On April 3, 1824, Nubius takes over the helm of the Venditas [known as the Carbonari],
and it is then that he writes in these terms to Volpe: “We have taken a heavy burden on our
shoulders, my dear Volpe. We must carry out the immoral education of the Church and, by
small, little-defined steps, arrive at the triumph of revolutionary thought through a Pope
[dancing to our tune]. In this project which seems to vastly exceed the ordinary human
capacity, we still grope forward; but in the few months that I have stayed in Rome, I am
already beginning to get used to the new existence allotted to me.” »»

The Alta Vendita’s instruction is a broad plan to undermine the Church through the very ministers
of the Roman Catholic faith, a long-term project that reached its apex in the period after World War
II. The Council of the sixties and what followed was a weighty phase in it. Since the middle of the
nineteenth century, thousands of traitors have entered the seminaries and have been ordained to the
priesthood, forming a sufficient reservoir from which a number of cardinals and professors would
emerge, and finally even a pope, so that the dirty work could take shape at all levels, and of course
also in the seminars. The instruction shows the diabolical strategy of infiltrating the Church and
mobilizing its bona fide members after first corrupting them with freethinker ideals. Thus, well-
meaning Catholics would be taken in tow and help propagate Masonic ideals under the apparent
legitimacy of Catholicism. The tactic was simple: as woodworm infiltrates a wooden beam without
affecting the outside, the same would happen to the Roman Church, on the surface beautiful but
rotten inside, until the beam collapses under its own weight, to be exchanged by something new
afterwards – commonly known as the apostatic ecumenical movement, and it is there that the true
Christ, even as a beggar, will no longer be welcome.

The strange phenomenon occurs that many act out of inner conviction, unaware of a conspiracy.
Freemasons call such people ‘brothers without (work) apron’, for they are not members of the
association, but agree to its ways. They think they are serving a good cause and although they are
all too aware that they are deviating from the traditional church doctrine, they do not want to turn
their back on the mother institution, knowing that, now in this time, it lacks the vitality to expel
the schismatics (excommunication). Man is a strange creature. Only God can see what moves a
person. Lack of humility? In any case, lack of prayer. Our priests no longer pray and are no
longer prayed for. We must carry the priests in our hearts, especially our own parish priest(s).

2 – Old Liberal Catholicism put on its Seat

We will limit ourselves in this chapter and the next one to an analysis of “The Confessions of a
Cardinal”, as commented by Abbé Claude Barthe in the “L’Homme Nouveau” (The New Man) of
January 17, 2009 (No 1437). Without a doubt, the book was written by an expert on the Vatican
organization, someone who is familiar with all the important persons and intricacies and, accor-
ding to the book, a former Curia member. (Silvestrini has never been a Curialist. This detail may
be a distortion to divert attention from him.) The purpose of the publication was to draw the
contours of the post-Benedict era, in which the Church would have to get rid of her oppressive
rigidity and outdated ways of thinking. The Church’s post-war openness to the world has, it is
said, succeeded in distancing itself from the Constantine and Tridentine church model, but despite
the “good intentions” of the last Council, it has failed to uproot it. According to the book, the
reason that the Church has entered an unprecedented crisis after the Second Vatican Council is
due to an insufficient implementation of the conciliar guidelines. The real work has yet to be
done, which involves “inventing” a new church model that meets the needs of the times we have
now arrived at: “Since the disenchantment of the world is a natural development, which is inevi-

table for and indispensable (…), the Church now has the task of inventing a new way for this
disenchanted world to remain faithful to its message.” In fact, this ‘new’ is just a revival of the
old liberal Catholicism. All the ingredients are there: the ‘realistic’ statement of the final victory
of Modernism, to which Catholics have only to join; the bad conscience that the church people
would struggle with – because of the condemnation of contraception, which is being called
another Galileo affair. The manner of formulating
the problem shows the astonishing ignorance of the
essentially anti-Christian and unnatural nature of
this modernity, especially in its political version: the
institutionalized liberal democracy.

The church model of the anonymous cardinal is the

liberation theology of the 1980s and, according to
Abbé Barthe, it resembles in detail the disciplinary
and dogmatic straitjacket of the Marxist liberation
ideology, which has exerted so much attraction on
the Fathers Boff and Sobrino and on so many Bra-
zilian bishops. This ideology has now mutated into
a post-Marxist view of society among modern libe-
rals. Incidentally, Silvestrini (if it was him) is not
alone in his Modernist views. The proposals are derived from the church ideal of the Jesuit
Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini. The Freemason Martini (10) can be seen as the intellectual genius
behind the liberal movement within the post-war Church. The proposals in “The Confessions”
seem to be an exact copy of the program that Martini presented at the end of the European Synod
in 1999. The “knots that (in his opinion) need to be cut” look like this:
a) The dramatic lack of ordinances can only be remedied by the admission of married priests
to the office.
b) The place of women in the Church must be initiated by admitting them to the presbiteria
[all functions except saying the consecration words].
c) The problem of sexual orientation must be solved by appealing to individual conscience
in order to counteract the catastrophic effect that Humanæ Vitæ had on the image of the
d) Marriage discipline needs to be re-examined so that remarried divorcees regain access to
the Eucharist.
e) Ecumenical hopes need to be revived.

It is noteworthy that the Martini Plan is carried out in exactly this fashion by fellow Jesuit Jorge
Mario Bergoglio (who became Pope in 2013). An interesting detail is that Martini was the most
likely successor to Pope John Paul II. Even though already with Parkinson’s disease, he managed
to collect 40 votes in the first round at the 2005 conclave, two more than Cardinal Ratzinger, who
then became Pope. (source Wikipedia) A few hours after Martini’s death in 2012, the Corriere
della Sera published his last interview in which he described the Church as two hundred years
‘out of date’. Well, that brings us to the French Revolution. So Martini and his brother Bergoglio
are sons of the Enlightenment! It goes without saying that they have Modernist ideas, which deny
a personal God, and they also deny that God might speak directly to us, if only through the Bible.

3 – Cardinal Martini and the Succession Question

At the time, Martini expressed his ideas in an interview with his German friend Georg Sporschill,
which appeared in 2008 in the book “Jerusalemer Nachtgespräche” (Night Talks in Jerusalem),
also published in Spanish, Italian and French. It contains the shocking announcement – as if the
epiphany at Sinai never happened: “We must not make God Catholic. God is above the boun-
daries and definitions that we establish. We need them in life, that’s obvious, but we shouldn’t
confuse them with God.” In other words, God is too busy to deal with the organization of our

society. In summary: We need to get down to business and sculpt a contemporary religion. After
God molding Adam, it’s up to us to mold ourselves. And this they dare call religion!

Martini makes a frontal attack on the encyclical Humanæ Vitæ. (11) The forty years that have
passed since then are compared by him to the forty years that the Hebrews spent in the wilder-
ness. Above all, he promotes an undogmatic form of Catholicism in which at least the principle of
dogma itself must be silenced. A striking statement is also: “We are the religion of the Incarna-
tion and therefore the priest must no longer be separated from concrete life.” But first, according
to him, we must break with the defensive logic against the modernity of this world. And he gets
worked up about how the Church is run, a way that must go away forever:
«« Always those laws! That is an attempt to force life within text boxes. That is an excessive
centralization for fear of derailment – it is always that fear of derailment that paralyzes us.
That is behaving like a monarch, benevolent at best, authoritarian at worst. In short, that
means to be Roman first and foremost and wanting to maintain a system in this modern age,
befitting an empire that is collapsing all around because it has made itself dependent on one
head. This is a frantic glorification of authority and imposing the straitjacket of the correct
liturgy in a denial of the expressiveness of the feelings, a curbing of spontaneity because it
would be dangerous. So it is wanting to control, always controlling, always controlling under
an unrelenting urge to control. »»

Martini should have succeeded John-Paul. But this Pope just kept sitting. In 2005, after 22 long
years, he died. Martini then suffered from a rare form of Parkinson’s disease, which is why he
resigned as Archbishop of Milan in 2002. In 2005 he was therefore not papabile (worthy of beco-
ming Pope). After only 4 rounds of voting and one day, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected on
April 19, to go down in history as Pope Benedict XVI. There must have been a certain panic
among the Modernists, for Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was not yet papabile in view of his extre-
mely poor health. His treatment by a spiritualist had begun in 2004 and was not yet finished. Only
in 2007 would he have recovered sufficiently to be able to take on the arduous position. (12) As
an encore for his ‘spiritual healing’, after about 350 sessions !! – twice a week for three years and
then once a month, until 2012 – Bergoglio, as usual with such ‘irradiations’, has not only regained
health but must have acquired some form of demonic possession too. And now that’s our Pope!
We should not be surprised at the foregoing in light of the heavy infiltration of the Church, which
Bella Dodd clearly predicted. It also fits the April 16, 2012 prophecy of MDM, the Irish end-time
prophetess, in which she says that “this evil sect will now unleash every power to ensure that they
will elect a new replacement [of their choice] for my Holy Vicar Pope Benedict XVI.”

The Sankt Gallen Mafia, so called by Cardinal Godfried Danneels himself (as a fun play of
words), aimed to achieve just this. (13) This group had been working behind closed doors since
1996 and met every year in Sankt Gallen to talk in general terms about the ‘church of the future’.
This is described in the controversial biography of Danneels from 2015. The fact that Martini was
first on the agenda to become pope does not appear in Danneels biography because they did not
want Bergoglio to be known as a second choice. Silvestrini could have been an alternative, but he
was too old. In 1978 they would have liked to have him on the throne, but that did not work out.
Bergoglio is ten years younger, which matters a lot at that age. The Sankt Gallen conspirators
were of varying palette. Of course Danneels and Martini were present at those meetings, but also
the Dutch bishop Adriaan van Luyn, the English Cardinal Basil Hume, the German Cardinals
Karl Lehman and Walter Kasper, not to mention Cardinal Achille Silvestrini. The latter two were
already discussed at the beginning of this article. There were others, and they were always of a
Modernist signature. By all means a heretic club.

4 – The Purity of the Church, an Impregnable Fortress

The fact that Pope Benedict dared to strengthen ties with the Pius X brotherhood has cost him
dearly. His motive was clear: a return to the sources. But that’s precisely what they wanted to

avoid. It can hardly be a coincidence that on the day the decree was signed by the Pope to lift the
excommunication of four bishops of the confraternity, that on that very day there was the tele-
vised interview with Richard Williamson, one of the four, in which he denied the Jewish genocide
(it was not until three days later that the decree became public). This unleashed a huge riot, in
which the Pope was accused, completely wrongly, of Antisemitism. See Appendix 5: “Holocaust
Negator William Richardson”. It was clear that the Pope was under immense pressure from his
closest associates. Most of what takes place within the walls of the Vatican eludes us. Political
maneuvering cannot bear the light of day.

It is extremely sad in this regard that the Church is being abandoned by her own children, by the
very people who should have stood in the breach. Nothing, however, can stop its triumph, for
where evil abounds, grace reigns beyond measure, for God’s love is beyond measure. (Rom.
5:20) And think not that evil tarnishes the Church in her very being, for the prince of this world,
the evil one, can do nothing against her. (John 14:30) This reveals the folly of her enemies. The
priest Dr. Martin Lugmayr said in an interview (14) that in
1988 when the group around Archbishop Lefebvre was
increasingly moving towards a schism – whose seminary he
attended – he began to study the saints who, in times of
confusion, had not given in to the temptation to establish a
supposedly pure and undefiled Church, but instead com-
mitted themselves to being more intimately connected with
the heart of the Church in a consistent imitation of Christ,
for the benefit of and with the Church members. More
specifically, he referred to St Catherine of Siena and her
work “The Dialogue of Divine Providence”, also called the
“Book of Divine Doctrine”. According to a tradition, this
would have been given to her in exaltation in the week of
October 9 to 14, 1378. She lived in a time of church
schisms and played an active mediating role in it. This also
explains the emphasis on this in “The Dialogue”, which
deals with the spiritual life of a human being in a broad
sense. Together with Francis of Assisi, she is the patron
saint of Italy. She is not the least. Like Teresa of Avila, she
has been named “Teacher of the Church”, a distinction Catherine of Siena
unique to women. At the end of ch. 12 she writes:
«« Verily, I (Jesus) say to you, the more afflictions visit the mystical body of the Holy
Church, the more soothing comfort. And what will this consolation consist of? It will be the
reformation and holiness of her servants, who will blossom in favor of the glory and honor of
my Name, and they will ascend to Me the fragrance of all virtues. It will be the servants of
my Church who will be reformed, not my Church itself, for the purity of my Bride cannot be
diminished or destroyed by the mistakes of her servants. »»

How the very purity of the Bride, which is the Church, cannot be tainted by the shortcomings
of its members, is illustrated by the presentation of Jesus after he had undergone the Roman
scourging, a scourging so severe that many victims died under the violence. Was the holiness and
purity of Jesus affected by this scourging? Just as Jesus’ adorable purity was not tarnished by that
scourge, and yet He was made unrecognizable, so less is that of the Church, though tarnished and
smeared with mud.

For the honor of the papacy and in defense of the Church, I ask you not to forget to pray for Pope
Emeritus Benedict. He needs our prayer. And don’t forget our priests. Carry the parish priest(s) in
your heart, for the demands, temptations and snares in our postmodern world are many. Through
prayer God clears a way and through the prayer of many a broad way.
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Dr. Alice von Hildebrand sheds New Light on Fatima, May 12 2016

Alice von Hildebrand (†2022), then in her 90s, now finds some difficulty in
writing by computer, so Mike Hickson slightly edited her original email for
greater clarity. Von Hildebrand has approved the following version and has
graciously given her permission for it to be posted on the OnePeterFive website.

Email by Alice von Hildebrand to Fr. Brian Harrison

May 6, 2016

Dear Father,
I think the following two conversations, which I recall very well from the
1960s, are of particular interest now, in these deeply troubled times half a
century later. For they apparently corroborate Cardinal Ciappi’s testimony
that part of Our Lady’s Fatima secret is the shocking prediction that the great
apostasy in the Church would begin ‘at the top’.
The first conversation was in June 1965. We were in Florence in the house
where my husband was born, and where I spent my first sabbatical. My
husband invited a priest named Msgr. Mario Boehm, whom he had met in
Rome shortly after his conversion, and who had been one of the top editors of
L’Osservatore Romano for many years. The topic of Fatima came up. My
husband raised the question: “Why was the third secret of Fatima not
revealed? For the Holy Virgin had said it should be shared with the faithful in
1960.” Don Mario: “It was not revealed because of its content.” My husband:
“What was so fearful about it?” Msgr. Boehm - as a well-trained Italian - did
not say that he had read it, but intimated that the content was fearful:
“…infiltration of the Church to the very top”. It shattered us, but confirmed
my husband’s fear that the way Vatican II was interpreted was going to
expose the Church to terrible dangers. Alas, this fear was well founded.
The second conversation is one with Bella Dodd that I have already
spoken about on previous occasions. We met her in the Fall of 1965 and she
visited us here at New Rochelle (New York State), where I still live, either in
1966 or 1967. She had been an ardent communist from her student days at
Hunter College - a hotbed of communism. (That is why I was systematically
persecuted there, as recounted in my book “Memoirs of a Happy Failure”.)
Bella had sown the seeds of this diabolical philosophy at Hunter, but
converted in 1952 under the guidance of Archbishop Fulton Sheen.
Let me repeat the conversation between her and my husband:
DvH: “I fear the Church has been infiltrated.” Bella: “You fear it,
dear Professor; I know it! When I was an ardent Communist, I was
working in close contact with four cardinals in the Vatican working
for us; and they are still very active today.” DvH: “Who are they? My
nephew Dieter Sattler is a German stationed at the Holy See.” But Bella,
who was under the spiritual guidance of Archbishop Sheen, declined to
give this information.

The only recourse we have now is prayer, and the firm conviction that the
gates of hell shall not prevail. St. Matthew, ch. 24, has warned us.

In union of ardent prayers.

I am, dear Father, respectfully yours in Christ
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(1) The Dutch priest and Premonstratensian brother of the Abbey of Tongerlo (†2003) was the
founder of the important international Catholic organization “Aid to the Church in Need / Aid to
Priests in the East”.

(2) “Via Col Vento in Vaticano”, no author - Kaos edizioni Milano # 1999, ISBN 88-7953-080-1.
There is also a French edition: “Le Vatican mis à nu” – éd. Robert Laffont, Paris # 2000.

(3) “Confession d’un Cardinal” by Olivier Le Gendre – Éd. Jean-Claude Lattès # 2007.

Satanists in the Vaticaan?

(4) a) “ES-1025” by Marie Carré - Éd. Segieb – Freneuse, France # 1972. There is also an English
edition: “AA 1025 - The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle” – Éd. Saint-Raphaël, Quebec # 1973.
b) Father Gabriele Amorth (†2016), the official exorcist of the diocese of Rome, was aware of
the existence of Satanic sects among the clergy in Rome. In one of his books we read (“Confes-
sions: Memoirs of the Official Vatican Exorcist”), directly translated from the French edition: xxxx
«« – Satanists in the Vatican?
Amorth: Yes, there are also members of Satanic sects here in the Vatican.
– And who are members of it? Are they priests or just simple laymen?
Amorth: They are priests, bishops and even cardinals!
– Excuse me, Father Gabriele, but how do you know?
Amorth: I know of people who could tell me because they had the opportunity to experience
it for themselves. And it was ‘confessed’ several times by the demon himself under the
compulsion of obedience during exorcisms.
– Has the Pope been informed about this?
Amorth: Of course he’s been briefed on that! But he does what he can. It’s a terrible thing.
You should also remember that Benedict XVI is a German Pope. He comes from a people
who value these things very little. And indeed there are practically no exorcists in Germany.
And yet the Pope believes in it: I was allowed to speak to the Pope three times when he was
still Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. But of course he believes in it!
– Is it also right, as Paul VI said, that the smoke of Satan has entered the Church?
Amorth: It is unfortunately true, because even in the Church there are followers of Satanic
sects. This particularity of the smoke of Satan related to Paul VI on June 29, 1972. It is clear
that he broke the ice by lifting the veil of silence and censorship that had lasted far too long,
but it had no practical effect. Someone like me had to get up, a nobody, to bring out this
discontent, to arrive at practical results. »»

Seminaries, broedplaatsen van slangeneieren

(5) If a seminary falls under a libertine regime, the consequence not only is that aspiring priests
must learn ideas that deviate from traditional teaching, but also that candidates who would pre-
viously have been rejected are now admitted and candidates who would have previously been
accepted are turned down. There are seminaries where people are turned down just because they
pray the rosary! The latter was told during a lecture by a young Belgian priest, who had experi-
enced this and was therefore forced to go to a foreign seminary for his vocation. We may wonder:
How many students were deformed by the seminary professors down the years and how many
others, clerical and lay, were deformed in turn by those educated priests?

(6) These hundred years that the evil cult was active in 2012, need not be exactly one hundred
years. The starting year may also have been 1917, the date of the apparitions of Fatima. Then 1967
would have been exactly 50 years later.

The Mitrokhin Archive

(7) The Mitrokhin Archive is a collection of handwritten notes made secretly by KGB employee
Vasili Mitrokhin during his thirty years as a KGB archivist in the foreign intelligence service and
the First Chief Directorate. When he defected to the United Kingdom in 1992 he brought the
archive with him. In July 2014, the Churchill Archives Centre at Churchill College released Mitro-
- 12 -

khin’s edited Russian-language notes for public research; the archives are the largest openly avai-
lable KGB data trove. The original handwritten notes by Vasili Mitrokhin are still classified.

(8) Bolshevism was supported by Western big business from the beginning of the Russian revo-
lution. See, among others, the well-known book by Professor Antony C. Sutton: “Wall Street and
the Bolshevik Revolution” - Arlington House, New Rochelle, NY # 1974. It reads on page 25: “(The
American) President Woodrow Wilson was the fairy godmother who provided Trotsky with a
passport to return to Russia to ‘carry forward’ the revolution… At the same time careful State De-
partment bureaucrats, concerned about such revolutionaries entering Russia, were unilaterally
attempting to tighten up passport procedures.”

(9) “L’Église romaine en face de la Révolution” (The Roman Church confronted by the Revo-
lution) by J. Crétineau-Joly - Henri Plon Éditeur, Paris # 1859 (book 3, pp.112 ff.).

(10) The Grande Oriente d’Italia Democratico (GOD) published an official letter of condoleance
expressing grief that on August 31, 2012 their initiated Freemasonic brother Cardinal Martini had
died. In the letter of condoleance is written: “On this fact (of his initiation) – and the way it took
place – one can find some illustrative points in the book by Brother Gioele Magaldi, entitled
‘MASSONI’ - Chiarelettere Editore, to be released in November 2012.”

(11) Humanae Vitae (On Human Life) is Pope Paul VI’s last encyclical, published in 1968. It deals
with human life, marriage and family planning. The encyclical reaffirmed Catholic teaching that
marital love, sexuality and the ability to procreate are inextricably linked. On this basis, the use of
abortion, sterilization and contraception, such as the condom and the pill, is rejected.

The spiritistic healing of Bergoglio

(12) Liu Ming is a middle-aged Taoist monk who moved to Argentina from China in 2003. In
2004 he started spiritualistic sessions to relieve Cardinal Bergoglio from his health problems. For
the next three years, Liu Ming visited him twice a week until Bergoglio felt better; thereafter, that
is, after his recovery, once a month. The Cardinal of Buenos Aires was in very bad health. He was
diabetic, a gallbladder surgery was done, and on top he had a severe liver disease. Furthermore,
during his childhood, the upper part of his left lung was removed. He also had serious heart
problems. A team of doctors recommended heart surgery, and it was then that Liu Ming came on
the scene. This is described in the 2014 book by renowned church journalist Austen Ivereigh: “The
Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope”.

(13) According to my information Danneels has never been a member of Freemasonry, but they
themselves consider him a ‘brother’. That is why he is called a Freemason without an apron,
which refers to the leather apron that one wears during official ceremonies and which represents
the work apron of the ‘temple builders’.

(14) The German periodical of the Society of St. Peter # mei 2009.

See also the article: “CHURCH IN EXILE”

The descriptive text of that article goes as follows: “The undersigned has his doubts about whether
this involves voluntary renunciation by Pope Benedict. Under the threat of a smear campaign that
would have shaken many good Catholics, the Pope may have decided to ‘voluntarily’ abdicate…
This above article appeared in December 2012. Therefore, the news did not really surprise that
Pope Benedict would relinquish his duties on February 28. There are five popes (the exact num-
ber is open to debate) who resigned under pressure of circumstances, but usually under direct
threat. This event also falls in that category.”
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The 1821 Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita

Of the Infiltration and Subversion of the Church
Published in “The War of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization” (Ch. XIV & XV).
by Right Rev. Mgsr. George Dillon, D.D., the Missionary Apostolic of Sydney (Australia).
Based on his lectures delivered in Edinburgh in October 1884; the lecure was delivered about six months
after the appearance of Pope Leo XIII’s famous encyclical letter “Humanum genus”, on Freemasonry.
A few changes were made to update the language and spelling to modern standards.

Introduction by Monsignor Georg F. Dillon

This document reveals the battle plan followed by the Italian revolutionaries since the first half of
the 19th century. It also gives a fair insight into the tactics that other European countries have
been confronted with by Freemasonry. But the next document [the so-called cover letter] seems
to me to be a still more striking document, written for the benefit of the Piedmontese lodges of the
Carbonari, by a member of the Alta Vendita, whose pseudonym was Piccolo Tigre (Little Tiger). I
may here mention that the custom of taking these fanciful appelations has been common to the
secret societies from the very beginning. Arouet became Voltaire, the notorious Baron Knigge was
called Philo, Baron Dittfort was called Minos, a custom adopted by the principal chiefs of the dark
Atheistic conspiracy then and since. The chief ambassador of the Alta Vendita was a corrupt
Italian nobleman who took the name of Nubius, [murdered in 1837, probably by Mazzini, because
of his inflated ego (p. 116)]. (…) Piccolo Tigre, who seems to have been Nubius’ most active agent,
was a Jew. He travelled under the cover of an itinerant banker and jeweler. This character of
moneylender or usurer disarmed suspicion regarding himself and such of his confederates as he
had occasion to call upon in his peregrinations. Of course he had the protection of the Masonic
body everywhere. (…) Piccolo Tigre thus traveled safely, and thanks to him the instructions that
the Alia Vendita saw fit, arrived safely at the superior degrees of the Carbonari.

1. EVER since we have established ourselves as a body of action, and that order has commenced
to reign in the bosom of even the most remote lodge, mirroring the lodge nearest to the centre of
action [the Supreme Lodge], there is one thought that has profoundly occupied the men who aspire
the universal regeneration. That is the thought of the liberation of Italy [that is groaning under the
Roman rule], from which will one day follow the liberation of the entire world in favor of the
fraternal republic, which heralds the harmony of humanity. That thought has not yet been seized
upon by our brethren beyond the Alps [this implies that the instruction came from a country
north of Italy and not from Italy itself]. They believe that revolutionary Italy can only conspire in
the shade, deal some strokes of the poniard to sbirri [Italian policemen] and traitors, and leasurely
judge the yoke of events taking place beyond the Alps, being in favor of Italy but without its
involvement. This error has been fatal to us on many occasions. We are not called to combat it
[the old order] with slogans, as if that were enough. It is absolutely necessary to subjugate it by
[coordinated] actions. Thus, amidst the cares, which have the privilege of agitating the minds of
the most vigorous of our lodges, there is one which we ought never forget! […and that’s to keep
the fire of the revolution alive!]


2. The Papacy has at all times exercised decisive action upon the affairs of Italy. By the hands, by
the voices, by the pens and the hearts of its innumerable bishops, priests, monks, nuns and lay
men - in all latitudes - the Papacy finds devotedness without end, ready for martyrdom bordering
on enthusiasm. Everywhere, whenever it pleases to call upon them, it has friends willing to die or
lose all for its cause. This tremendous leverage is only for Popes to exploit to its fullest, but as of
yet they have used it only to a certain extent. Today there is no question of reconstituting for our-
- 14 -

selves that power, the prestige of which is for the moment weakened. Our final end is that of
Voltaire and of the French Revolution: the destruction for ever of Catholicism, yes even of the
Christian idea which, if left standing on the ruins of Rome, would be the resuscitation of Christi-
anity later on. [And we want to achieve this by infiltrating the bastion by presenting ourselves as
pious people who aspire even to the hated priesthood.] But to forge our way all the more sure, we
must not be discouraged by reverses that postpone the good outcome indefinitely, and be always
prepared to make [short time] compromises to the detriment of the good cause, and we should pay
no attention to those braggarts of Frenchmen, those verbose Germans, those melancholic English-
men, all of whom imagine they can kill Catholicism, now with an impure song, then with an illo-
gical deduction and at some other time with a sarcasm smuggled in like the cotton of Great
Britain. Catholicism has a life much more tenacious than that. It has seen the most implacable, the
most terrible adversaries, and it has often had the malignant pleasure of throwing holy water on
the tombs of the most enraged. Therefore, tolerate our brethren of these countries, yielding to the
sterile intemperance of their anti-Catholic zeal. Let them mock our Madonnas and apparent devo-
tion to them [after we have put on the hateful black cassock]. With this passport we can conspire
at leisure, and go step by step forward to the conclusion we have in mind.
[As is common with these types of documents, parts and even entire sentences are omitted and
cryptic language is often used to keep things vague for the uninitiated. Apparently, Pope Gregory
XVI received this document from a defector, with some explanation. They were first published in
1859 by Jacques Crétineau-Joly in “L’Église Romaine en face de la Révolution”, based on the
Italian document. In a personal letter dated February 25, 1861, addressed to the author, Pope Pius
IX guaranteed the authenticity of the documents revealed. (source: Wikipedia France, Dec. 2021)
Looking back from 2017, the planned subversion appears to have succeeded beyond all expecta-
tions, which once again underlines the authenticity of the instruction.]

3. Now the Papacy has been intertwined with the history of Italy for seventeen centuries. Italy
cannot breathe or move without the permission of the Supreme Pastor. With him she has the
hundred arms of Briareus [from Greek mythology], without him she is condemned to a pitiable
impotence. She has nothing but divisions to foment, hatreds to break out, and stir up hostilities, to
manifest themselves from the highest chain of the Alps to the lowest of the Appenines. We cannot
accept such a state of things. It is necessary, then, to seek a remedy for that situation. The remedy
is found. The Pope, whoever he may be, will never come to the secret societies; it is for the secret
societies to come [through infiltration] to the Church, with the aim of winning them both [the
Church and its Pope]. The work which we have undertaken is not the work of a day, nor of a
month, nor a year. It may take many years, a century perhaps, but in our ranks the soldier dies and
the fight continues.

4. It is not our intention to win popes to our cause, to convert them to our principles so as to
propagate our ideas. Regardless of the course of events, that would be a ridiculous dream. If, for
instance, cardinals or prelates, voluntarily or by accident, should somehow gain access to some of
our secrets, it would in no way be a motive for desiring their elevation to the See of Peter. [At
least not at this early stage, cf. §11.] Something like that could destroy our plan. Mere ambition
could turn them into our adversary. The lust for power would drive him to sacrifice us. That
which we ought insist upon, that which we should seek and expect, as the Jews expect their
Messiah, is a Pope according to our wants. Alexander VI, [a Borgia], with all his personal flaws,
would not suit, for he never erred in religious matters. In contrast, Clement XIV, who reigned in
the 18th century, would suit us from head to foot. [The other] Borgia was a libertine, someone
really sensual who was Pope in the middle of the 15th century [as Callixtus III]. He has been
cursed, notwithstanding his vices, by all the voices of philosophy and incredulity, and he brought
that curse upon himself by the strength with which he defended the Church. Clement XIV, a
Ganganelli, gave himself over, bound hand and foot, to the ministers of the Bourbons [King Louis
XV], who made him hesitant [to act firmly]. And so it is that his tolerance was celebrated by the
non-believers. This Ganganelli has become a very great Pope [according to the Masons]. Some-
one of his caliber would be ideal for us if that were ever possible. With that we could march more
surely to the attack upon the Church than with the pamphlets of our brethren in France, or even
- 15 -

with the gold of England. Do you wish to know the rea-

son? It is, because by that we have no more need of the
vinegar of Hannibal, no more need of the powder of the
cannon, no more need even of our arms. We involve the
index finger of the successor of St. Peter engaged in the
plot, and that is of more value for our crusade than all the
Innocents, the Urbans, and the St. Bernards of Christianity
together [because this finger determines the course to be
taken.] [The reference to vinegar is taken from a descrip-
tion of Hannibal’s crossing of the Alps, when his men
used fire to split boulders on their path, and boiling vine-
Saint Peter – Rome gar hastened the process.]

5. We do not doubt that we shall arrive at the ultimate term of all our efforts; but when and how?
The unknown is not yet manifest. Nevertheless, since nothing should distract us from the plan laid
out and, indeed, everything should be directed towards it – as if the future success already crowns
the work scarcely known today – we want to give this instruction to the members of the Supreme
Lodge, but it must remain a secret from the lower degrees. [On this basis] they must issue a coun-
sel in the form of an instruction or memorandum, enlightening the universality of the brethren. It
is of particular importance – due to a discretion of which the reason is obvious – to ensure that
this counsel is never to be perceived as ‘orders’ emanating from the Alta Vendita [in fact: The
Grand Orient of France]. It represents too much a peril for the clergy; at the moment one cannot
afford to playfully deal with this as is quite customary with one of those petty affairs or petty
princes upon which one need but blow to cause them to disappear.


6. Little can be done with those old cardinals or those prelates, whose character is immovable
[and therefore remain faithful to Catholic teaching]. It is necessary to leave them as we find them,
incorrigible, trained in the school of [Cardinal Ercole] Consalvi. Instead, through our magazines,
which enjoy a certain popularity and sometimes are barely known, we will draw on the weapons,
which will render useless or ridiculous the power held in their hands. A gossip that is skillfully
disguised and artfully spread among certain honourable and chosen families, may then descend
into the cafes and thence into the streets; it has happened before that words have killed a man! If
from the depths of the provinces a prelate comes to Rome to exercise some public function, get to
know his character, his antecedents, his qualities, his defects above all things. If we know before-
hand that he is a declared enemy [of us], such as an Albani, a Pallotta, a Bernetti, a Delia Genga,
a Riverola, catch him in all the snares you can place under his feet; create for him one of those
reputations that frightens little children and old women; portray him as cruel and bloodthirsty; tell
about him some traits of cruelty that can easily be imprinted in people’s minds. [This is the defi-
nition of a smear campaign.] When foreign journals, for our convenience, collect these allega-
tions, which in turn are embellished by them, their stories will inevitably command respect, for
they are known for seeking the truth – and this will be all the more effective if it refers to a state-
ment from some revered fool who has a connection with the smeared person. As in France and
England, Italy will never be wanting in facile pens, who know exactly how to dress these lies, so
useful to the good cause. With a newspaper, of which the readers are not acquainted with the dee-
per backgrounds, but in which they see their representation or judge, there is no need for further
proof. The general public is in the infancy of liberalism; they believe in liberals, as, later on, they
will believe in us, not knowing very well why.

7. Crush the enemy whoever he may be; crush the powerful by means of lies and calumnies; but
especially crush him in the egg. It is to the youth we must go. It is that which we must seduce; it
is that which we must bring under the banner of the secret societies. In order to advance step-by-
step, calculated but sure, on that perilous road, two qualities are most necessity. You [conspira-
- 16 -

tors] ought to have the air of being as simple as doves, but be prudent as the serpent. Your fathers,
your children, even your wives must always be ignorant of the secret you carry. If you see fit to
go often to confession in order to better mislead the eye of the Inquisition, you have the obliga-
tion to keep the most absolute silence regarding these things. You know that the least revelation,
that the slightest indication escaped from you in the tribunal of penance, or elsewhere, can bring
on great calamities and that the sentence of death is already pronounced upon the revealer [by the
Masonic tribunal], either committed willfully or carelessly.

8. To get us a suitable Pope according to the rules of the game, it is necessary to fashion for that
Pope a generation worthy of the rulership we dream of. Forego the elderly and the middle-aged
[we are talking about the early 19th century], but instead go to the youth and, if possible, even
children should be on your agenda. Never speak in their presence a word of impiety or impurity.
Maxima debetur puero reverentia (to the youth we owe the most respect). Remember these words
of the poet, for they will save you from impudence which it is absolutely essential to abstain from
for the sake of the cause. To gain advantage in the home of every family, to obtain for yourself
the right of asylum at the domestic hearth, you ought to present yourself with all the appearance
of a serious and morally eminent man. Once your reputation is established in the colleges, the
gymnasiums, the universities, and in the seminaries – once that you shall have captivated the
confidence of professors and students, so act that those who are principally engaged in the eccle-
siastical governance should love to seek your conversation. Nourish their souls with the splen-
dours of ancient Papal Rome. There is always at the bottom of the Italian heart a regret for Repu-
blican Rome. Excite, enkindle those natures so full of warmth and of patriotic fire. Offer them at
first, but always in secret, inoffensive books, poetry imbued with national sentiments; then, little
by little, you will have brought your disciples to the desired degree of cooking. After, on all levels
of the ecclesiastical organization, this daily work shall have spread our ideas, just as the light
spreads, then you will be in a position to appreciate the wisdom of what we initiated.


9. We predict that the Italian troubles, which are becoming ever more acute, in a few months’
time will lead to an intervention by Austria. There are fools who frivolously endanger other men,
so much so that even sensible people can get carried away in it. The revolution that they [the
Carbonari] are waging in Italy [as from 1820] can only end in disaster and persecutions. [It was
through the intervention of Austria, who, in April 1821, sent troops to Italy (Piedmont) by which
the Carbonarian movement was crushed.] The time is not yet ripe for it, neither men nor things
are prepared for it and so it shall be for a long time, but meanwhile out of this evil may come a
beautiful chord that enraptures the hearts of the clergy. We speak of their dislike of the stranger.
Make sure the Austrian is seen as a ridiculous and repulsive breed, even before his expected
incursion. Departing from the idea of Pontifical supremacy, seek to awaken the ancient recol-
lections of the wars of the priesthood and the [Roman] Empire, and thus stoke the smoldering
passions of the Guelphs and the Ghibellines. In that way you’ll obtain for yourselves the reputa-
tion of being good Catholics and pure patriots. [The Guelphs and Ghibellines were rival parties in
the middle ages that supported the papal party and the Holy Roman Emperors respectively.]
[The final blow to the Carbonari was given in 1831, when they were destroyed by Austrian troops,
who had intervened at the request of Pope Gregory XVI; afterwards the governments of the
various Italian states cracked down on the Carbonari, who then virtually ceased to exist. Its mem-
bers became affiliated especially with Mazzini’s Young Italy. Their demise would have served
Freemasonry in France and Germany for a number of reasons, perhaps also because the Perma-
nent Instruction belonged to the Alta Vendita Lodge of the Carbonari. If ever discovered, it would
have become irrelevant because it originated (so it was believed) in a now-defunct organization.
Incidentally, it was and still is extremely important to disguise the fact that the “Alta Vendita” and
“The Grand Orient of France” were actually one and the same. Yet the Church was not fooled,
because already in 1821 Pope Pius VII condemned the Carbonari as a Freemasonic movement,
excommunicating its members in the bull “Ecclesiam a Jesu Christo”.]
- 17 -

10. That reputation of being good Catholics and pure patriots will [after infiltration of the bastion]
pave the way for our doctrines to be spread [via the seminaries] to the heart of the young clergy,
and to go even to the depths of the monasteries. In a few decades’ time, these men [infiltrators]
shall occupy all key positions thanks to the ephemerality of existence. It will be they who govern,
administer, and judge. It will be they who form the Council of the Sovereign. They will one day
be called upon to choose the upcoming Pontiff with paterissa [pastoral staff]; and that Pontiff, like
the greater part of his contemporaries, will inevitably be imbued with the Italian and humanitarian
principles that we are about to bring into circulation. It’s like a little grain of mustard, placed in
the earth, but the sun of righteousness [actually the Hellish curse] will let it grow to great power,
and one day you will witness what a rich harvest that little grain has produced.

11. In the road, marked out for our brethren, are great obstacles to be cleared, with all kinds of
[unforeseen] difficulties that cannot be easily solved. We will fulfill that task thanks to our expe-
rience and acumen, forward to a beautiful end. What does it matter to put all the sails to the wind
in order to achieve that end? You wish to revolutionize Italy? Find the right Pope whose contours
have been drawn by us. You wish to establish the reign of the elect [better: the damned] upon the
throne of the Whore of Babylon? [the Roman Church] Let the naive clergy march under your
banner in the belief that they are still marching under the banner of the Apostolic Keys. You wish
to annihilate the last vestige of [papal] tyranny and oppression? Cast your nets like a Simon Bar-
Jonah [the Apostle Peter]. Lay them in the depths of sacristies, seminaries, and monasteries,
rather than in the depths of the sea, [meaning that the sworn enemies of God must infiltrate as
priests, professors and monks.] And if you do not rush things [and are willing to wait perhaps a
hundred years], we promise a catch more miraculous than Bar-Jonah’s! The fisherman of fish will
have become a fisherman of men. You will gather yourself as friends around the Apostolic See
[after having ascended to the rank of bishop or cardinal.] A revolution is being preached here with
the [papal] tiara and the cope, marching under the Cross and the banner [of the Roman Church], a
revolution that [in due course] needs to be spurred on a little to put the four quarters of the world on
fire. [The tiara is a crown consisting of three crowns above each other, carried by a Pope. A cope
is a wide liturgical vestment, worn by the clergy. These are the symbols of infiltration.]
[Mathew 16:17-18: Jesus said: “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not
revealed this to you, but my Father who is in Heaven. And I, I say to you that you are Peter, and
on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”

12. Let every act of your existence be directed towards discovering the Philosopher’s Stone. The
alchemists of the Middle Ages wasted their time and their gold in a futile quest for this ideal. The
ideal of the secret societies, however, [is setting the world on fire, which] will be attained for the
simplest reason because it proceeds from human passions. Then, let us not be discouraged by any
delay, setback or defeat. Let’s sharpen our swords [of betrayal] in the tranquility of the [Masonic]
lodges [where eavesdroppers are shut out], let’s deploy our guns [of moral perversion of the
masses, to hollow out the Harlot’s defenses]. Whip up all the passions [of all: those of the com-
mon man, and more in particular of priests], including the most evil [of loving God beyond the
bounds of decency] and the most generous [of loving Satan], and be comforted in the certainty
that our plans will one day be crowned with success despite the most unlikely of prospects.
“The War of Anti-Christ with the Church” by Monsignor Georg F. Dillon was republished in 1965,
and then called “Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power behind Communism”.
In the foreword of the latter publication is stated: «« Mgr. Dillon’s work has already been honou-
red by the Holy Father himself with so marked and so unusual an approbation that there is no
need for us to accord it any further praise than merely to take note of the fact. The book was
presented to His Holiness, accompanied by an Italian version of its table of contents, and of long
extracts from its principal sections, and Leo XIII was pleased to order that the [translation of the]
Italian version should be completed, and the book printed and published at Rome at his own
expense. »»
- 18 -


This, writes Monsignor Dillon, is the cover letter of the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Ven-
dita, written by Piccolo Tigre on January 18th 1822, and addressed to the Piedmontese lodges of
the Carbonari, meaning that the widespread distribution of the Permanent Instruction, only then
was undertaken seriously (so 16 months later). Thereafter, the Permanent Instruction has been
acted upon meticulously and consistently by all the Masonic lodges, not only in Italy, but every-
where else as well. This letter shows how eager the supreme leaders were to make use of insti-
tutionalized Masonry, notwithstanding their contempt for the [Italian] bons vivants, who were
merely interested in the ‘craft’ to indulge themselves as drunkards and freethinkers. (New trans-
lation based on the French by Crétineau-Joly.)

SINCE our brothers and sisters cannot discuss [the Permanent Instruction] with us in consul-
tation, it seems good and useful to us to clarify on all [the relevant] points so that the desired
initiative can unfold. It is therefore through this avenue that we insist that anyone [of our secret
society] who joins any kind of confraternity, takes care that the mysterious prevails there. All
Italy is covered with religious confraternities, and with penitents of divers colours. Do not fear to
slip in some of your people into the very midst of these flocks, led as they are by a stupid devo-
tion. Let our agents carefully study the adherents of these confraternities, and it will gradually
become apparent that there is no shortage of fields to be harvested. Under the most trifling pre-
text, but never political or religious, you should on your initiative form associations, or better still,
let others form them, having commerce, industry, music, the fine arts, etc. for object.*) Gather
these ignoramuses in some place, even in a sacristy or chapel, and put them under the pastoral
care of a virtuous priest of good repute, yet gullible and easy to be deceived. Then infiltrate the
poison in those chosen hearts, but only little by little, as if by chance. Afterwards, upon reflection,
you will be amazed at your success.

For a man to lose his morals, it’s all about separating him from his family. He is sufficiently
inclined by nature to flee from the domestic cares and more likely runs after easy pleasures and
forbidden joys. He likes the long chats in the café and the idleness of the cabaret. Guide him,
support him, give him an important function of some kind; gently teach him to abhor his daily
work. And by this manipulation, after weaning him from his wife and children, and showing how
painful all his duties are, you will then awaken in him the desire for another existence. Man is a
born rebel. Stir up the thirst for rebellion until it becomes a conflagration, but in such a way that
the conflagration may not break out. This is a preparation for the grand work to be commenced.
When you shall have insinuated into a few souls disgust for family and for religion (the one near-
ly always follows in the wake of the other), let fall some words which provoke the desire of being
*) The great Italian political leader Giuseppe Mazzini, after exhorting his followers to attract as
many of the higher classes as possible to the secret plotting, which resulted in a united Italy, and
was intended to form a socialist Italy, as a prelude to a socialist Europe, said: “Associate, associate
[in action groups]!” All is contained in that word. The secret societies can give an irrestistible
force to the party who is in a position to invoke them. Do not fear to see them divided. The more
divided, the better. All of them advance to the same end by different paths. The secret will be
often unveiled. So much the better. Secrets are required to provide security to its members, but a
certain transparency is called for to strike fear into those who consider themselves above fellow
men. When a large number of members are ordered to disseminate an idea and make it public
opinion, if they could even cooperate for a while, they will find the old edifice pierced in all its
parts, and falling, as by miracle, at the slightest sigh of opposition. In astonishment they will
watch how kings, noblemen, wealthy men, priests and all those who make up the carcass of the
old edifice, dash away before the sole power of public opinion. Courage, then, and perseverance!
- 19 -

affiliated to the nearest lodge. This vanity of the city-dweller or the bourgeois to subjugate him-
self to Freemasonry, is something so common and so universal that it has always made me won-
der at human stupidity. I begin to be astonished at not seeing the entire world knock at the gates
of all the Venerables, and demand from these gentlemen the honour to be one of the workmen
chosen for the reconstruction of the Temple of Solomon. The prestige of the unknown is so attrac-
tive to a certain kind of people, that they prepare themselves with trembling for the phantasma-
goric initiation rites and the fraternal banquet.

Being a member of a lodge, feeling compelled to keep a secret that has never been entrusted to
him, even vis-à-vis wife and children, represents for certain characters an intense pleasure and an
ambition. The lodges, today, can well create gourmands, they will never bring forth citizens.
There is too much dining amongst Right Worshipful and Right Reverend brethren of the Grand
Orient. But they form a place of depot, a kind of stud (training centre), a centre through which it
is necessary to pass before getting higher up. The lodges form but a relative evil, an evil tempered
by a false philanthropy, and by songs yet more false as in France. All that is petty bourgeois and
too gastronomic; but it is an object which should be encouraged without ceasing. In teaching a
man to raise his glass to his lips you commence to own his intelligence and liberty, you dispose of
him, turn him round about, and study him. You divine his inclinations, his affections, and his
tendencies; then, when he is ripe for us, we direct him to the secret society [the higher degrees] of
which Freemasonry [of the lower degrees] can be no more than the antechamber.

The Alta Vendita [in Paris] desires that under one pretence or another, as many princes and
wealthy persons as possible should be introduced into the Masonic lodges. Princes of a sovereign
house, and those who have not the legitimate hope of being ‘King by the grace of God’, all wish
to be kings by the grace of a Revolution. The Duke of Orleans was a Freemason, Prince Carig-
nano was one also. There is no shortage of people in Italy and elsewhere who aspire to the rather
modest honor of the symbolic apron and trowel [Masonic attire]. There are those who were
disinherited and proscribed. Flatter all their number who crave popularity; overwhelm them for
Freemasonry. The Alta Vendita will see in retrospect how they can be used for the cause of
progress. A prince who has no prospect for a kingdom, is a good fortune for us. There are many
of them in such a situation. Make Freemasons of them. The lodge will conduct them to Carbona-
rism. Maybe one day the Alta Vendita will allow them to join them. [This again shows that the
Alta Vendita is the highest Masonic lodge to which the Carbonari are indebted.] While awaiting
they will serve as birdlime for the imbeciles [birdlime is a sticky substance spread on to twigs, to
trap small birds], and also the collaborating [enemies of us], the bourgeoisie and the needy. These
poor princes will serve our ends, while thinking to labour only for their own. They make a
magnificent ‘sign board’, and there are always plenty of fools willing to compromise themselves
in the service of a conspiracy, when they perceive some prince acting as the mainstay.
[This text is from the French translation of the original Italian, as found in “L'Église romaine en
face de la Révolution” (The Roman Church versus the Revolution) by J. Crétineau-Joly from 1859.
Monsignor Dillon departed also from this French text. The relevant text reads: «Un jour viendra
où la haute Vente peut-être daignera se les affilier.» This text has been corrected as follows: «Un
jour viendra où la haute Vente peut-être daignera de les affilier à eux.»]
[This same principle of using princes as a ‘sign board’, whether reigning or not, in order to give
Freemasonry a reputation of respectability, is also seen in affiliated organizations. My father was
Secretary General of NATO but had no idea of the machinations in the background (as of the real
motives of the SDI) and he was certainly not a member of some scabrous organization like Free-
masonry; rather, he could be defined as a Realpolitiker, as one who sought to achieve higher
moral goals in a world averse to higher moral rules. Even more so this applies to what is known in
England as “The Crown”, which many believe implies that Queen Elizabeth II knows what dirty
political and financial maneuvers are being committed in her name – not occasionally, but conti-
nuously! But that conclusion is premature, as all her advisors are ‘very respectable persons, being
served at Blenheim’; so why should she be suspicious? The fact that sometimes there is a disgus-
- 20 -

ting complicity, as with King Frederick II of Prussia (1740-1786), does not prove that such a thing
is always the case.]

Once that a person, perhaps even a prince, yes a prince in particular, allows himself to be corrup-
ted, rest assured that he is on a slippery slope. There is little morality, even in men of high morals,
and that is why the decay set in motion is so rapid. [Our guiding principle is: first corrupt a man,
and only then stir up the revolutionary zeal.] And so, don’t be alarmed to see how the [Masonic]
lodges flourish [for we are masters in that game], while Carbonarism, [which only makes propa-
ganda for the revolution,] recruits with difficulty. At our lodges we expect a doubling of our
ranks. They form, without them being told so, our breeding ground. They discourse without end
upon the dangers of fanaticism, of the bliss of social equality, and upon the grand principles of
religious liberty. They launch amidst their feastings thundering anathemas against intolerance and
persecution. No more is needed to make them ours. A man imbued with these fine things is not
very far from us; there is nothing more required than to enlist him.

[Thanks to the French Revolution] the legal framework came into being of social progress and all
that follows from it; [therefore, if eager to undermine the bastion] don’t bother to look elsewhere.
However, as it stands now [and will remain so for a long time to come], never throw off the mask
[of submission]. Content yourselves to prowl about the Catholic sheepfold, but seize like good
wolves the first lamb that presents itself at the gate [of the seminaries], when the opportunity
arises. The bourgeois has much to offer us, the nobility still more. But their lambs [those of the
peerage] should not be allowed to turn into foxes, like the infamous Carignano. [Prince Charles-
Emmanuel Carignano fought against the French revolutionaries despite his ties to Freemasonry.]
There is a death sentence on breaking the oath; and all those princes, [that we can’t just kill off at
the slightes betrayal], might betray us or put us in the pillory, whether they are weak or cowardly,
ambitious or repentant. As fortune wills it, they do know little, in fact nothing, and are incapable
of comprehending the quintessence of our mysteries [scandalous goals and sacrileges].

Upon the occasion of my last trip to France, I saw with deep satisfaction how our new initiates
showed an extraordinary zeal for the spread of Carbonarism [which they wanted to establish
everywhere in Europe]; but I also saw that they rather precipitated the movement too much
[losing sight of the fact that the primary function of Carbonarism is anti-clericalism]. In my view,
their religious hatred has mutated too much into political hatred. [Anyway, ten years after this
letter, Carbonarism completely had ceased to exist.] The conspiracy against the Roman See
should not be mixed with other projects. The leaders are well placed to see fiery ambitions ignited
in the bosom of secret societies, and they have observed that often, once the ambitious came to
power, they did forsake us. The route to be followed is not as yet sufficiently well traced so as to
deliver us up to intriguers who put us in the spotlight, thus endangering the de-Catholicization of
the world, and that is of prime importance right now. [Caution is advised, because] an ambitious
man who has achieved his goal will not just follow us. Mind you, the Revolution in the Church is
“la révolution en permanence”; it heads for the all necessary overthrow of throne and altar. An
ambitious person may not really want these things for himself. We, however, see higher and
further. Now then, pursue the common good, for unity makes power. Let us only, and only, con-
spire against Rome. For that, let us exploit every event [affecting the Church]; let every twist and
turn work in our favor. Let us be especially wary of over-enthusiasm: a good hatred, thoroughly
cold, thoroughly calculated, and thoroughly profound, is of more worth than all the fireworks and
pompous declamations. At Paris they cannot comprehend this, but in London, [where there is a
raging hate against Catholicism,] I met people who seized better upon our project and have com-
mitted themselves to us. I have had some great offers, so that we will soon have a printing house
in Malta placed at our disposal. We will then be in a position, and that is a sure thing, to distribute
our books, pamphlets and the like, with impunity and under the British flag, from one end of Italy
to the other, which the venditas (lodges of the Carbonari) shall judge proper to put in circulation.
- 21 -


The Alta Vendita is ‘Le Grand Orient de France’

A pertinent question is in which city the Alta Vendita was located. One would say a simple
question with a simple answer. After checking the current literature on this subject and after an
extensive search on the Internet, this question still remained unanswered, which only fueled my
curiosity. Not an unimportant question, because if the Alta Vendita was nothing and was only a
lodge of the Carbonari, who as an organization ceased to exist in 1831, then the Permanent
Instruction of 1820 for the subversion of the Church was also nothing, and yet it rocked the
Roman institution to its foundations, albeit only after World War II, it started to make real impact,
and, to be honest, there was the near-successful attempt in 1903 when the Primate of Poland
vetoed Cardinal Rampolla’s election to the Seat of Peter because he happened to be a member of
Freemasonry. In his place, the world was granted the very devout Pope Pius X.

The Permanent Instruction was a long-term Masonic project that, in order to have any measure of
success, required the continued support of the highest echelons. That is the hardest fact, to accept
that the plot spans the ages, while the banality and intellectual dwarfism of its adherents catch the
eye. They may be intelligent at times, but they lack true knowledge and understanding. A second
characteristic of those who make careers in Freemasonry is that they are diabolical narcissist,
without exception. These psychopaths do not see their fellow man as a being of flesh and blood,
but as a kind of cartoon figure.*) It is not without reason that the Book of Revelation speaks of the
Synagogue of Satan, a title that fits seamlessly with Freemasonry. So it’s Lucifer pulling the
strings, and that explains a lot. In his millennia-long struggle his horizon is far beyond ours; in his
time perspective, the duration of a human life doesn’t matter and we see that expressed in the
Permanent Instruction. And just as the Holy Spirit is the prompter with us, Lucifer is the prompter
of those who belong to him, not whispering softly but forcefully, for he is a real tyrant.

It wasn’t hard to figure out that the Alta Vendita was the command center of the Carbonari, or
charcoal burners. Before the French Revolution of 1789 set the whole continent ablaze, and not
least Italy, the Carbonari might have been a respectable organization, comparable to the guild of
the free or independent masons before it was infiltrated by the Rosicrucians, which eventually
culminated in the association of Freemasons as we know them today. The Catholic Encyclopedia
of 1913 tells under Carbonari that “the place where the members assembled was called baracca
(hut) and its interior the vendita or place of selling (of coal). The members who made up each
separate district formed a vendita, so named after the place of assembly. At the head was the Alta
*) Diabolical Narcissism is the psycho-spiritual driver behind most of the cultural pathologies we
see around us today. Diabolical Narcissism is broadly defined as when a human being, like the
fallen angels, decides to weed out any kind of charity, thereby amputating his capacity for love or
empathy, and as such he is only capable of the demonic emotional palette of anger, hatred, jea-
lousy and fear. As a result, he has become incapable of empathy, and incapable of the emotions
derived from love, namely happiness, gratitude, joy, and sadness. These people are incredibly
dangerous to souls as they, like the demons, literally hunt other human beings, attempting to
murder not their bodies, but their souls, out of pure spite. Like the demonic angels, deep down,
Diabolical Narcissists know that they are monstrosities, and thus are animated by an unquen-
chable spite, especially toward those ‘mere humans’, so far beneath them, and yet capable of that
which they have freely rejected: love. Diabolical Narcissists are literally obsessed with the notion
that they are a separate caste, an uber-aristocracy, distinct and above everyone else, even ‘super-
human’, and as such the ‘rules, which apply to the ‘rabble’ and the multitudes of ‘uncultivated’, do
not apply to them. One of the greatest sources of devilish satisfaction for Diabolical Narcissists is
to openly commit crimes, atrocities, scandalous sinful acts or acts of abuse, and yet NOT be held
accountable – to operate outside the law and rules of human decency, which is also a typical Free-
masonic ideal and one of those secrets kept under the lid. (Ann Barnhardt)
- 22 -

Vendita or supreme vendita.” But this source also fails to mention where it was located. The
English Wikipedia of November 2021, under Carbonari, indicates that the Alta Vendita was in
Sicily, refering to The Rambler of May 1854. However, if we go to that source, it turns out to be a
dirty lie. When such a simple question is so difficult to answer, it usually indicates that people
want to hide something. The suspicion arose that the Carbonari was being used as a front organi-
zation for Freemasonry, in fact a paramasonic organisation, because Italy was an inhospitable
place for Freemasonry. An earlier example of a paramasonic organization was the Mops Orden
(the order of the pug), founded in Cologne in 1738, to escape the papal interdict of “In eminenti
apostolatus”, but the initiative was short-lived and had no impact.

In the short period that the Carbonari made themselves known, the Vatican was all-powerful,
their will was law. This explains why also the temporal power of the Pope had to be snatched
away. But until that moment caution was called for. In 1870 this finally succeeded permanently.
On the day of the official declaration of papal infallibility, when Rome was ravaged for a day by
an awesome and terrifying storm, the Council (Vaticanum I) had to be hastily terminated on the
basis of reports that the protecting French troops would be withdrawing, following the French
defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. The Papal States, which encompassed almost all of central
Italy, was stolen from the Church in what followed, and since then, Freemasonry was able to
manifest itself more freely in Italy.

This is what happened in the aftermath of the French Revolution. In Piedmont and Naples, where
discontent was especially widespread, proponents of the revolutionary vengeance organized
disturbances. Conspirators who managed to escape prison, or a death sentence, found refuge in
France, where they became influential and active. Things started to change in Italy after Napoleon
rose to prominency on the second of March 1796. When he invaded Italy in the spring, he found
a fertile ground for implementation of the revolutionary ideas. Napoleon conquered most of Italy.
He set up a series of new republics, complete with new codes of law and abolition of the old
feudal privileges. Napoleon’s Cisalpine Republic was centered on Milan. After 1797, the Italian
peninsula enjoyed a period of relative calm, which ended in April 1799 with the start of the
Austro-Russian campaign against France. This, in turn, gave rise to the Italian unification move-
ment, the Risorgimento or ‘resurgence’, based on a political movement that claimed the Italian
people’s right to a government that suited their own taste. Italian Masonry was plagued by feuds
and schisms, but they all agreed on the battle crie “Ni roi, ni dieu” (neither king nor God). Despite
this, the chief leaders of the Italian unification movement were all depraved Masons belonging to
the highest echelon: Mazzini, Garibaldi, and Cavour. A government according to one’s own taste,
therefore meant a government that listened to the Masonic principles, but this could only take
shape in the early 1870s. Until then, there had been much unrest in Italy and there were many
skirmishes, and at times it seemed the Risorgimento had failed. Yet, Freemasonry stubbornly
continued to follow its course, and finally it got its way.

Freemasonry was established under that name in London in 1717, not coincidentally 200 years
after the Lutheran Reformation had begun. And already in 1738 Pope Clement XII issued the bull
“In eminenti apostolatus”, banning Catholics from becoming Freemason. Clement’s successor,
Pope Benedict XIV, was equally adamant against the spreading secret societies, especially Free-
masonry. He asked Empress Maria Theresa to disband the Lodge in Vienna. Police almost arres-
ted her husband, Francis, when they raided the Viennese establishment, but the Duke managed to
escape through a back door. Benedict issued a bull in 1751, reiterating the penalty of excommu-
nication. It is remarkable that in the resolution of November 30, 1735 of the Protestant States of
Holland and West-Friesland, all Freemasonic activities were banned, thus 29 months before “In
eminenti apostolatus” appeared. In this resolution, not only meetings but also the making
available of meeting rooms to “so-called Freemasons” were prohibited “under pain that they will
be regarded as disturbers of public peace”. Two weeks later, the Court of Holland issued the
“Publication against the Voluntary Masons”, because: “such movements are breeding grounds for
unwelcome ideas”. It is of interest that before 1689 the headquarter of Freemasonry was situated
in Amsterdam, when the organization hided under a different name. On August 15 1814, Cardi-
- 23 -

nals Consalvi and Pacca issued an edict against secret societies, especially against Freemasonry
and the Carbonari, in which it was forbidden under severe penalties to become member, to attend
their meetings or to furnish a meetingplace for such, but they did not recognize them to be one
and the same. Pius VII (1821), Leo XII (1825), Pius VIII (1829), and Gregory XVI (1832) issued
bulls against Freemasonry and the host of secret societies, in particular Carbonarism, which were
infesting Italy and thriving on intrigue, assassination, and subversion.

The 1821 bull “Ecclesiam a Jesu Christo” associated Freemasonry with Carbonarism, formulated
as follows: “The Freemasons, or the societies referred to by other names, according to the diffe-
rent languages and countries [in which they reside], may have been the origin of that of the
Carbonari and certainly served as their model.” It should be noted that this bull was promulgated
as early as twelve months after the dissimination of the Permanent Instruction. And this may not
have been a coincidence, for although the Church was not yet in possession of the original docu-
ment, the contents may well have been communicated orally by defectors (being mentioned in
this bull). And this, along with their own writings, readily available, served as the basis for
drawing up the papal document. It says, among other things:
«« The Carbonari feign a singular respect and wonderful zeal for the Roman Catholic
religion, and for the teachings and the person of our Saviour Jesus Christ, whom they
sometimes call with culpable audacity to be their supreme master and head of their
association. But these speeches, sweeter than honey, are but the means these treacherous
men use to all the more surely encapsulate those who are not on their guard. They come
in the disguise of sheep, but deep down they are devouring wolves. (…) The Carbonari
mainly try to instill indifference towards religion, which is the most dangerous of all
systems: to give each person absolute freedom to form a religion according to his own taste
and thought. By blasphemous rites they profane and besmirch the Saviour’s Passion on the
Cross. They desecrate the holy sacraments with horrendous sacrileges devised by them, and
used as a substitute. And the mysteries of the Catholic religion do not count. Finally, they
want to overthrow this Apostolic See against which the most darkest and odious plots are
being hatched [as stated in the Permanent Instruction], animated by a very particular hatred
aimed at the Primacy of this See. (…) Following our predecessors, we believe that severe
punishments should be imposed against the Carbonari. We highlight them especially, for
they claim that the two earlier bulls of Clement XII and Benedict XIV do not apply to them
and that therefore they cannot be subject to the penalties enumerated therein. »»

After this lengthy introduction, we come back to the question of who or what the Alta Vendita
was. This introduction is important because the context outlined is essential for finding a correct
answer to this question. It is through manipulation of the historical context that the correct course
of history can be hidden. It seems that Napoleon once said that history is a set of lies that people
have agreed upon, a statement with much truth in it. On the other hand, it is through knowledge of
the historical context that true history can be recovered.

We don’t have to look far. First of all, the Instruction itself gives indications that the Alta Vendita
was not located in Italy and is therefore a name that was not used for clarification but for conceal-
ment. The introduction of the Instruction already brings us close to the truth:
«« That thought of the liberation of Italy has not yet been seized upon by our [Carbonarian]
brethren beyond the Alps. The Carbonari believe that revolutionary Italy can only conspire
in the shade, deal some strokes of the poniard and leasurely judge the yoke of events taking
place beyond the Alps [in particular in France and Germany], being in favor of Italy but
without its involvement. »»

The cover letter shows that the Alta Vendita was located in Paris and that Freemasonry was lord
and master of Carbonarism. We could call it a slip of the tongue, a step towards total disclosure:
«« The Alta Vendita desires that under one pretence or another, as many princes and wealthy
persons as possible should be introduced into the Masonic Lodges [of the Italian venditas].
- 24 -

Princes of a sovereign house, and those who have not the legitimate hope of being king by
the grace of God, all wish to be kings by the grace of a Revolution. The Duke of Orleans
[nicknamed Prince Equality] was a Freemason, Prince Carignano was one also. There is
no shortage of people in Italy and elsewhere who aspire to the rather modest honor of the
symbolic apron and trowel [Masonic attire]. There are those who were disinherited and
proscribed. Flatter all their number who crave popularity; overwhelm them for Freemasonry.
The Alta Vendita will see in retrospect how they can be used for the cause of [revolutionary]
progress. A prince who has no prospect for a kingdom, is a good fortune for us. There are
many of them in such a situation. Make Freemasons of them. The Lodge will conduct them
to Carbonarism. Maybe one day the Alta Vendita will allow them to join them. [This again
shows that the Alta Vendita is the highest Masonic lodge to which the Carbonari are
indebted.] »»

However, there is more that gives a definitive answer to our question. In an obscure work from
1853 called “Lorenzo Benoni, or passages in the life of an Italian” by Giovanni Ruffini, published
in London, Ruffini reminisces about his time as member of the Carbonari. In doing so, he reveals
important information about the Alta Vendita, which cannot be found elsewhere: (p. 196)
«« Carbonarism was an immense net that enveloped all Europe. A sign from the Supreme
Vendita in Paris could set the whole Continent on fire. The Kingdom of Naples alone
counted forty thousand affiliated members. The initiated of the mysterious association were
to be found on the steps of the throne, and in the most humble cottage. The judge upon his
judgment-seat, and the accused in the dock, by means of an imperceptible sign, recognised
each other as brothers [by which the criminal escaped punishment]. (…) The Supreme
Vendita alone, stationed in Paris, held in its grasp all the threads of the different centres of
Carbonarism, and could at any moment put them in communication with each other. »»

Supreme Vendita translates in Italian as Alta Vendita, and translates back in English as Supreme
Lodge. And which is the Supreme Lodge in Paris? Of course “The Grand Orient of France”,
which is the oldest French Masonic obedience and the largest in continental Europe. It came into
being in 1773 from a profound transformation of the first Grand Lodge of France.

Given the importance of this comment, it is worth getting to know this work better and to see who
wrote it. Well, Giovanni Ruffini from Genoa, came from a Catholic family (his uncle was a
priest), but still he joined the Carbonari. In 1833, at the age of 26, he narrowly escaped to Paris; in
absentia he was sentenced to death. His brother was arrested because the police confused him
with Giovanni and then his mother warned him and he fled by boat from Genoa to Nice, a journey
of only 110 nautical miles. An extensive review of “Lorenzo Benoni” (the title of the book)
appeared in the May 1854 Rambler, mentioned earlier. The Rambler calls itself “A Catholic
Journal and Review” and was printed in London. This one from May had 612 pages of which the
corresponding review is 7 pages under the title “Life of a Conspirator” (pp. 432-38), but the title
could just as well have been “Life of a Carbonari”.

The review says Ruffini’s book is nothing else than a history of his own life – from his childhood
till the period when having joined the Carbonari, until he fled from Italy on the explosion of the
revolutionary plots in the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1833. (The Kingdom encompassed Genua.) No
doubt because he wrote about prohibited activities, he pretended to be someone else, and so he
told the story of one Lorenzo Benoni (meaning: the brilliant good man). The review considers “a
large portion of Signor Ruffini’s story to be extremely tedious [about which I cannot but agree],
detailing the events of school and college life with a commonplace minuteness anything but gra-
phic or interesting.” The narration of his youth drags on for about 200 pages and then the main
character describes his desire to become Carbonari and talks about the ceremony through which
he was admitted. They questioned him: “Do you have formed a clear idea of the terriblde duties
that you take upon yourself? Do you know that as soon as you have taken the solemn oath, your
arm, your faculties, your life, your whole being will not belong to yourself, but to the order of the
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Good Cousins? [An alternative name for the Carbonari.] Are

you ready to obey blindly and to abdicate your will before the
will of your superiors in the order?” This is, of course, a
terrible self-inflicted curse and therefore this kind of curse is
part of each initiation ceremony of any secret society any-
where in the world. Do not believe it’s an idle curse! It’s real
and terrible. It paves the way to Hell.

Most notably, the book, whose literary qualities are subpar,

was reissued in 2015 by Amazon company Sagwan Press with
the comment: “This work has been selected by scholars as
being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base
of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from
the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work
as possible.” This indicates that this was done because the
narration of the life of a Carbonari can be considered true and
characteristic. This underlines Ruffini’s testimony, stating that the Alta Vendita and the Paris
Masonic Lodge “Le Grand Orient de France” are one and the same, and thus the conspiracy to
subvert the Roman Catholic Church was initiated from the highest echelons of Freemasonry, and
kept alive until finally someone sympathetic to their goals managed to usurpate the Pope’s seat,
I’m talking about Bergoglio. What hatred, a burning hatred, is not capable of! And Bergoglio? He
did not act out of hatred but out of unbridled narcissistic ambition.

The elite had to be deployed to undercut the West

Freemasonry is out to disrupt all human relations from within, making the masses easy
prey for manipulation. It thus wants to separate man from his family and relatives and, like
a displaced loner, to take away his standards of decency, in order to be propelled by the
social-political winds of the moment without a fixed beacon or higher goal. This idea was
further developed at the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow that was founded in the early
1920s. An important celebrity of that institution was Willi Münzenberg, who formulated
the idea of conquering the West not through the revolt of the proletariat, but by targeting
the intellectual and administrative elites over a long period of time. This was a kind of
follow-up to the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita. The elite had to be deployed to
undercut the West, for it was well understood that the Christian bastions of Western
civilization were too strong to attack directly.
With the foundation in 1923 of the “Institut für Sozialforschung in Frankfurt” (Institute for
Social Research in Frankfurt) this plan got a semi-scientific basis. The Frankfurt School
movement was launched in the 1960s under Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse.
Adorno was director of the institute as from 1958 and Marcuse was associated with it,
although he lived in the United States. This in fact neo-Marxist movement has had a major
international influence on the ‘soft sector’ in science, such as sociology, rock music (the
Beatles were Adorno’s brainchild), and political science. A generation of students has been
ruined in this way and the pernicious ideas have found their way into all kinds of party
political programs, such as that of the CDA (Christian Democratic Appeal), the largest
political party in the Netherlands at the time.
Under the cabinets of Jan-Peter Balkenende (2002-2010), this party has shrunk to an
insignificant level. In the cabinet Balkenende II, was the extremely progressive sociologist
Abraham (Ab) Klink, the CDA Minister of Health, who - in the Netherlands - was the evil
genius behind the extremely criminal initiative of the Mexican flu shot, which was launched
in 2009 and massively administered. Ab Klink was mockingly called the party ideologue of
the CDA. Indeed, he was the reason that the CDA in 1996 said goodbye to the Bible as a
guideline for politics. Instead, Klink introduced the communitarianist ideology of New Age
guru Amitai Etzioni through the Scientific Institute of the CDA, of which he was director
from 1999 to 2007. Similar patterns have occurred in many countries.
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Cardinal Rampolla (left and middle - 1900: Philip de László, right - 1912: August Bresgen)

The Alta Vendita Plan almost came true

The Permanent Instruction from 1820 went as follows:
«« You wish to revolutionize Italy? Find the right Pope whose contours have been drawn by
us. It may take many years, a century perhaps, but in our ranks the soldier dies and the fight
continues. In a few decades’ time, the young clergy, who will have infiltrated the ranks, shall
occupy all key positions thanks to the ephemerality of existence. It will be they who govern,
administer, and judge. It will be they who form the Council of the Sovereign. They will one
day be called upon to choose the upcoming Pontiff with the pastoral staff. »»

Unbelievable! Impossible! That is how many people will react. Surely the Lord promised that He
would be with His Church until the end of time? Or was it a false promise? Fortunately the Lord
also ensured the failure of this plan hatched by Freemasonry, but seen in human terms you could
say that at the beginning of the twentieth century the Church escaped by the skin of its teeth.

Well, after exactly 83 years, they almost got their way! After the death of Pope Leo XIII in 1903
a Conclave was called together and, at first, the Italian Cardinal Rampolla was chosen as succes-
sor. But to everyone’s surprise, the Cardinal-Archbishop of Krakow demanded that the election
be declared null and void. Speaking on behalf of the Emperor Franz-Josef of Austro-Hungary, the
primate of Poland vetoed the election of Cardinal Rampolla. No reason was given for his action.
Finally Cardinal Sarto was elected rather than Rampolla. He became the saintly Pius X and
waged an open war against the Modernists and also against Freemasonry, which Archbishop
Meurin S.J. called the ‘Synagogue of Satan’.

Years later it became known that a certain Bishop Jouin, founder of the renowned journal R.I.S.S
(Revue Internationale des Sociétés Secrètes / International Revue of Secret Societies), had unde-
niable proof that Cardinal Rampolla was not simply a member of some Freemasonry lodge or
other but that he was Grand Master of an extremely secretive sect, the ‘Ordo Templi Orientalis’.
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When Bishop Jouin found it impossible to persuade the Roman Curia of the truth, he made direct
contact with the Austrian court. The Emperor of Austria, as already stated, used this information
to make his intervention. In fact at the time he still had a right of veto over the Conclave by virtue
of a clause in a treaty between Vienna and the Vatican.

The enemies of the Church were nevertheless firmly convinced that their Satanic plan would suc-
ceed. In documents published several years before the death of Pope Leo XIII the following
exchange was recorded between some entity who introduced himself as the demon Asmodeus and
Lucifer-priestess Diana Vaughan:
«« This will happen in the very year that the present Pope dies. His successor will be more
diligent than competent; we are looking forward to his exceptional diligence for it will lead
to a great deal of damage to the Church (...) Write, yes write that to your correspondent (...) I
can tell you (continues the demon Asmodeus) that with this change of Pope an end will come
to the sovereignty of Simon (Peter) that worries you so much. »» “Symboles du Palladisme”
by Diana Vaughan – Éditions Delacroix (p. 50).

Without the intervention willed by God’s Providence, who knows what crisis would have come
upon the Church in the religious, political, social, economic and other spheres?

• A Comment on the Rampolla Affair

In the last section of Craig Heimbichner’s article on the Rampolla affair: “Did a Freemason al-
most become Pope? – The story of Cardinal Rampolla”, is written:
«« Although it is never a welcome task to accuse a Cardinal of diabolical intrigue, it appears
that Monseigneur Jouin was correct, and deserves the posthumous thanks of the Church. The
evidence supports the allegation that a Freemason, Cardinal Rampolla, nearly became Pope
over a century ago. Instead it became the saintly Pius X.
But certain questions remain for all of us to ponder. If the Lodges nearly gained a
victory over the Vatican so long ago, would they stop trying? Why would they stop?
Would they not be encouraged? And what would they have further attempted? I believe
that thoughtful answers to these questions will illuminate the history of many changes in
the life of the Church over the past several decades, in which the Cult of Man has gained a
rapid ascendancy, together with shocking Kabbalistic sexual depravity within the ranks of
the priesthood itself – strangely ‘coincidental’ with the highest, that is to say the eleventh
degree of the Ordo Templi Orientalis – the ‘initiation’ of sodomy. Saint Pius X warned us
of the danger of infiltration of partisans of error within the priesthood itself. The Holy Ghost
cannot be blamed for the kind of mutations which have caused these and other wounds in the
Body of Christ; such would be blasphemy. No, we must blame the ‘unholy’ spirit, the Devil,
whose minions still issue from lodges and infect the Church.


This contribution by Craig Heimbichner appeared in the August 2003 edition of “Catholic Family News”,
called: “Did a Freemason Almost Become Pope? – The Story of Cardinal Rampolla”.

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