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By Teddy Fullmer
Professor Peter GOBS
University of Utah
Pha"e I: TIle Hodgtlonll, Father end Son (Autumn, 1980)
Phallt, II: r.e"lie S. Hodgson (Winter, 1981)

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"ql 'O,Gloo q p"ou.. nt;u, ooaa l':y 'p,:v&"lnog 1I0v
-,':':11R gzgz 1. P"l"tdwoo tooqoS qll,H u.. pllO .. q. '{6c III
Oltimrng lftI.Ln JO S)-IOI.Llltl1l:ro Cl".I. :SIlOSOOOH :UI.L
!be Hodg"on reaearch viII b, di.lded into tvo parte, the
"ection exa:ini,, the 11.,,, of Le"lie aDd (.,ore briefl1) hi. father, aDd
takill a ""per!idal look .t Le"U.'. vork. !Db.... i ......1'.101 .... d. docu.
of Leslie'. o.".re will be fouad. iD the ".coad "ta,. of tb. project.
OUur :!ollp"" v"a born "'.arcb 8, 1851 in o.-."den Croaa, Torleahire, EDg_
land. At about 7 years of lip, he "'ent to vorle ill _lell .ill 1ft Deroholll.
11101 father _a aD "onrlooker." :'h. pArellt., I'.ary Shav ..,d Hel!r1 '0'11-
Sutcliff. .lao kept m.ll ehop ill tbeir bou , llin butter,
br""'" aug.r, pins, netd.les, th.l'ead. and. oat....l to the a:ill.,oriters.
"'''en Oliver "a" tht booked pa811l'lge On the ship "Arkllrisht,"
ea:b.rking froo Liverpool the firat ",etk in JUllt, 1866 IIIId landing in Ne", York
on the morning of July 6.
(Ollver'. mother had given birth in midvoyae to
t",in., a lrl and boy, both of ",holll d.l.d on the _gon journ., to Salt l.o&l<e.)
That ..e"inc the Rodpon" .od the cOlllfKn, of "s"iDta" froll the "Arkwright"
took " boat up the e"t Ri r .ia ne", Ka.en to where the, caught a
train to St. and tra.,l.d frOE there b, boat to tb. "out!it_
th:g pl.ace" lIt !'ebrew. 011 24 co=pe.ny of 82 oX t ...... II.IId
tva aul drawn wegoca at.rted acree. plaine. T0Ull8 ",,,lK.d tbe .n.
tire di"tallc. the MiAaouri Ri.,r to Salt Lak. City; .fter bi" d.ath h.
we. by hia daught.r, Kaud H. Fwll1.r. r, atep."
....... reached Lak. City ce the 26th day of".ll.r. 1866 (alld)
tool< aU Our belonging. in a ""60n to "C' Strut ar:d lotb he"ue to
ho" ., of t",o roo:e. Only on' r_ l'..d a flo<>. i..z:l it. 'l:'h. hou.. "'''
a !ra=. huildillg or "tuddillS. The outside "'all" ",.re lath.d
pla"ter one coat of pl.,ter 001,. Th. icside vas 1I0t,red. The
roa "'. occupied "'a. about fourn.n fe.,t .ach ",,,y.,,4
Oliver went to work two da,s .rter arrival in a ca'p8nter's shop On the north_
east corner of the Grounds, earning $1.00 daJ in Kis r.ther
got job with Utah in mill at the mouth of Parle,'. Caa:ron.
"Duriog the lSlaI!Iler of 1867 II:!, !ltther built a hOllae of two rOOllls; one
race partly in the ground and the other above it of lille concrete.
The and gravel "ere dug out of the ground and tbe bement otor,
.... built in the exeavated hole. moved into thia before the
roof .... on, it rained we used umbrellas to keep off aome of the
Tain The rOf required }.OOO shingles to COTer it. Ve were onl,
able to get 1,000 shingles at a time about two weeks ap.rt Ve lived
in thie houee for some time without door. or .. indo.... Ve used rag
earpets to keep out the cold b1 hanging them OVer the openings.
got the doors one at s also the in the same We
hsd a stove for cooking and heating. The steam
the cooking condensed on the ice formed
about half an inch thick. After the doors and were all in
we laid the rag carpets on the ceiling just to keep SOme of the
warmth in the room During the sumQer of '868 we got the upper
story of the house plastered. The flooring of each story waa
1x12 natural white pine aq,l.lare edged.,,5
This house was one of the two first houses to be built above 4th Avenue. There
were a nuaber of dugouts in the neighborhood, consisting of One room with dirt
wOd:lln CO<:;e out of a dugout wearing a fine black dre"" , whieh was "0 out of keep-
ing with dugout" that it impressed bim vcr1 much.
In the aumzer snd fall of 1874 Oliver built a two_room adobe boase st 9}8
East 3rd South, in preparation for hie .....rriege On April 12, ,875 to .....r1 Ettie
four children were born to the couple in this hoase, the tbird and
to being Leslie Simmons Hodgaon.
the spring of 1882 Oliver building contracting partnership
Henr1 J. Ha1Ward and John Wardrop; they made $5,000 in the firat 1ear. In Jan-
uar1, 1883 the1 were joined by Wardrop and incorporated the Salt Lake
BUilding and Kanufacturing Company, built a planing mill and yard.
The coapany wa5 very successful until the 1893 business panic. that same ,ear__
1893--0Iiver received a very tiMely two-year mission call to Great Britain.
Diaappointingly, Oliver'S end with laconic mention of the
panic, but no comment on the mis.ion csll. family records indicate
that he returned from England in '895 and fathered three more children, making
a total of who reached maturity four who died in infancy or childhood.
Oliver resumed his career, being listed in Polk's Salt Lake Cit, Directory of
1900 as Treasurer of the Salt Lake Building and Company, He alao
continued hi. avocation of skilled carpentry.
''Nett,'' his wife of 53 yeara, died in '928, and Oliver lind another four
yeare until he waa etruck and killed by a atreetcsr on February 18, 1932 while
walking from hiB custo08ry Sunday dinner with a daughter'. family,
During a long, buey work life Oliver eatablished a reputation for honesty
and meticulous attention to detail. He ned the aatisfaction of living to aee
three .On5 well_respected professional architects, one of thee reapon_
aible perhaps aa much aa anyone person for modelling the face of twentieth_
century Ogden.
Lealie 5i..",ons Hodsson was born DeceMber 18, 1879
in the tworoom adobe
houae built by hia father On Third South. He waa and the eldeat of
rive children when hia father went to England on a for LOS Church,
ao no doubt Lealie assumed the role of head of the family. Lealie l.arned the
building" fr= hh father &lid ie Ueted 'll "..... chinht" in the 1899 Poll<'.
Salt Lake City Directory. On JUDe 21of th8t year he married Louie Taylor
in Salt Lake. Lealie atudied architecture for fiTe year" as dr.ftsman in the
office of Samuel S. Dalla" and later with Richard r.. A. Kletting. 1904 vas aD
important ye.r for Le"lie' he gained hi" architect'" licenee, and de"igned and
built. h"",e at 375 ''0'' Street (no lon.!:er atanding) for hill wih IUld t ...o chll-
nine_nonth stint in 1905 a" chi.f for the San Diego office of
Hebbard and Gill could ... ell haTe been the beginning of Hodgson'. intereet in
Prairie "tyle. Irving Gill had worked in for Adler Lad Sullivan, where
undoubtedly felt influence of Frank Lloyd a" well as of Loui"
SulliV&I\, &Cd "lthough Gill didn't pr.ctice in the Prairie School atyle him$elf,
nne CM logically a"aume he told hi. young dr.ft......." about the ayant_garde
Chica.!:o developmeot.
Hodgson returned to UtAh in 1906, the C31ifornia Career aborted by hi....ife'"
ill he"lth (an allergy to sand_flea., .ccording to H. Hol_
broOk). After a brief "t.y in Lake he settled in Ogden and formed. part-
nership ... ith Juliu. A. Smith. knother young Prairie_style devote, Eber r.
Piers, worked for a time U d!"sft,nMll for the fi,.",. Durin their first yell.J'
together Smith .nd Hodgson put out. book, Architecture of OEden' J. A. SOli th
Hodg..on, Architects, The book i .. eTidence of the firm' ..
meting productivity. cont.ining photo. of some thirty_fiye commis..ions. The
partner..hip di,,"olved in 19'0, ju.. t 's the Eccles Avenue Subdivi"ion begsn to
JUlius Smith remaios at this writing a mystery char.cter, appe.ring nei_
in Jensen's Biographical Encyclopedia nOr in and in Polk'.
Ogden City Director1 before and after the partner.llhip with Hodgson s1sply .11
architect, offices in the ECclee Building a floors Hodg_OD__
presumes an amicable parting. Hodgson's son daughtera nothing
about him.
In 1910 Leslie his to a home st 2255 Madison Vbich, ac_
cording to hia eldest daugbter's memoirs,
..... 011 father Mod planned himself tt not finiabed at firat, ao
lived for a time in the basement painting done and floors
finished upstairs. children thOUght it a great experience to liwe
in a b.senent but J do not recall that my mother sbared our enthu-
stas",. ,,7
(Author's note: One if Leslie inherited from hi_ father, in addition
to e propeneit1 for the building profession, a propensity for living in unfi_
nished housenl) This house, a charming shingle_covered broad
eaves and marvelous outrigger brackets. still stands, its at le&8t
in excellent condition. painted an inviting soft bra....... ('l'his I'.dison Awenue
home to figure yesrs later in a refreshingly offbeat business desl.)
In the .ame year a. the move to Madison Avenue, began on the Eccles
Avenue SUbdivision. Dsvid EcCles in 1909 deeded lots to his f-=ily and other
prominent, carefully chosen Ogdenitea, intending to create a unified, exclu_
sive neighborhood, set apert.from the surrounding area.' eclecticis",. Hodg_
eon collaborated Dber Piers in planning &ad developing the area,
proposed Prairie_style motif would be idaally suited to its prairie_like set_
ting. Piers's designs "tayell quite IItrietly with Prairie, but Hollgson
lured into co",bining influenees, as in the leRoy Ecclee home of 1917, later
to the Weber ClUb: basic Prairie embelliShed pantile roof, fili-
gree braCkets. Tuscan_columned front porch and porte_co_
and Hodgson later suceumbed
coapletely to razp&Dt eclectici.. witb Greek ReTiY"l boa. tor banker J".e
PbUee, and ..tee........ htrick Olde Cott"l!ie, II"'" \III!ort..... Uly
_r...d b,. " er.... ileal ::"tatt "lp. o..aisn of the latter bc.e b co>abtellt
-=01 "how.. Eo<1p='. c.-pet,,"ce vith the "t,.le--b\1t ...." "'lJIde..e Vbat Pier. and
Ecel had to .. about hi" exuberant departure PT.irie-"t11. c....
Ho4t"oll returned to the Prairie "111e, boweYer, b hi. helve.1I part.
lIe..e .conS other., two ...11 jevel.: The '916 LOS Braach for the Dear.
1100 21.t Strut &tid the P.thr,,0ZI/I11. 3\llldiftg of '914 .t 2"22-26 w..hios;toll
Boule."..d, which is larS. to the Branch for the Dear, but ...11 in
rel"tion to another coemi"alon troe thi" period__the i.pre".iYel,. "\lb.tanti.l
191} Ecele.. Building, 21001-1' BouleYArd. Hodgson'. oolid
Dr bulk, topped by a ornate cornice snd braekets, make. obei&anee to the
buildings or the Chicago achool, he ver, likel, learned about
froOl Irving GilL
imprinted his mark on Ogden, not his also
his poaitior. as of He vas a charter .egbar and aarl, pre_
aident of Rotar, helping to eatabliab the Rotar, Seholar.nip You=da-
U ..... He alao bdor.rd to the Olden of Coc=eree, the \{eter llI'.d
tbe Ogden Golf and ClUb. and for 25 ,eara architect for the Ogden
City Soard of He a ce=ber of the Ut... Chapter of AtA and .erved
fiVe yeara or. the Stah Architect..... l I:UJ:IiJliog B-..d. The Hodgson fa-il, COIl
aiated of oioe born betveen 1900 and 192'. four of vboe died in infanc,
...d urI, child..>:ood. r ....:.r daughhra ...d eme son still lhe 11> and
Lake Cit,.
nespite hi. ver, actiYe career and civic iDvolYellent, Hodgson a deYo-
ted man. His daughtera recall that he dignified and raaerved,
gentle, quietl, and a lover or music and art. Son RObart, who sppren.
ticed in hie orrice and later his partner, describes his rather aa a great
poker player a quick and s lare repertoire of jokes. He was a tough
b03S. a perfectionist with a broad reputation for unshakable integrity and
ethics. !lis specifications were "the finest ever." W'l:enever Hodpon quell-
tioned the viability of a cabinetry. or concrete_forming detail. he
built a te.t in the family_garage_workshop and worked with it till h..
was aati.. fied that it was th.. best he could produce. He periodically str....s-
tested aamples of concrete and to assure himself tbey specifica_
tion In this respect he waa y.. ahead of hia time.
After ..everal very productive 11010 years. !lodgaon forcad s partnership with
Myrl A. and opened a new era in Ogden architectUre.
on McClenahan is as scarce as on his predeeessor. Ju-
lius neither ia listed in or in Jensen's Biographical En_
cyclopedia. Polk's Ogden City Directory is a bit this tice:
his firat wife Norca died about 1938. and McClenahan diad at age 49 on January
22. 1940. aurvived by his second wife El .. ie and a.. v.. ral children from his first
Hodgson's daughters Lu and Phyllis "I' ... c" well. ae a brilliant
drafta=an and designer. his clowning exuberance by hill conseTTative
partner's Robert describes the cethod of opera_
tion: LeSlie would give the design concept ",ketche", to "...."e." who would turn
out the working dr"wing de hils. 1n ".ncs" words. Leslie W'UI the driver Ilnd
he the The partner.." shared " &Dd concern with detail.
an evidenced by their be",utiful Forest Services Regional Office Building.
Hodgson and personally selected the placecent of every aingle brick
in the building. in order to obtain a baseoent_to_cornice. dark-to_light ombri
IIhading so subtle ..s to be perceptible only when pointed out froc s block_away
vantage point mr.d re-exao1ned close up. Frank Lloyd have beea
So ftmiable Vall the Hodgaon!McClenahaD p&rtnerahip that the earlier_men_
tiDned offbeat business deal involving the aod8e0n hams on Madison Avenue vas
not only possible but seemingl, a great success, Around 19}4 the Hodgenn live-
in family Va" dwindling nO longer in need of large house, vhile the
burgeoned beyond the confines of the aodeat vine_covered cottage
")'... 0" hsd designed at 1265 I(aril:rn Drive. So, in l:I&lIter_stroke of prllg:oa-
tisa (or plain "ense), the two switched hocea--&nd apparently
everyone vas 8atiafied.
Hodgson and McClenahan produced aome of Ogden's moat diverse lIrchitec_
tI:"s--in function as "'ell lIlI IItyh: the gI0%"10l: ..1y gaudy 1927 Peery'll E!>yp-
ti.n sharell SAlt Lake'.
MAllonic the probable distinction of being the .tate'll on11 Egyptian
eX&Cplell; the Stllte Sohool for the Deaf'. Girlll' lind HeAting
Plant; three Art Deco triumphll--the Forellt Service.. Building, the 1937
lind the Ogden Municipal Building of 1939.
After dellth in JIlnUllry, 1940 Hodgllon took hi. lion Robert into
partnerllhip, lind the firm in governmcnt worY.. During
II Lelllie willi architect fnr several Federlll lIgenciell, including Buehnell
General HOllpitlll in Brigham Cit, and tbe NIIYlIl Supply Depot at Clellrfield.
28, 1944 Vice Ben Horrell, prellented him the
Heritorioa.. Civilian Service.
On the evening of Jul, 23, 1947 Hodgllon dropped in to lIee hill daughter Lu
. but, cOlllplaining of fatigue, lltayed only. few ",inutes and went h""'e to prepare
for .. weekend in the clln,on. The next morning he wall delld, lit lice 68.
A clAaaicalrevival bYilding standa at 2550 Washington 5QYlevard--
and 1906 AlthoYgh the ravages of time are varI
clear, the retaina its srmmetry and gracefYl proportions. Acroaa the
street the Art Deco step-back higb-rise BUilding of 1939. Iro-
nic but fitting, that these two totaLly dissimilar works sbould face each other
acroSs Ogden's street, signifying the beginning and culainating periods
of a man who spent over forty years improving Ogden. Some of hi. designs are
gone--the Block's made for the new Ogden City
Some been recIcled__carved Jesuit priests and sandstone blocks from Sri_
ghaa Cit!'s Lincoln School adorn the False Arrest Saloon'. 27th Street fasade.
S""'e have be"n deaecrated--.. cha..",ing little Prairie_atyle hOllle at 15th and
I!ar:-iaon hides b..hind I/!'Iite J'Aint and aluminum/plaatic additions. So.... , like
th.. .. , are juat old and But countl.. ss others r .. main aa
solid and enduring as Hodgaon .. nvisioned th.....
Dozena of bnblidng queations r .. Min u"anal/.. r .. d. Who Was Juliua S.. ith?
Is the Scol/crofl \Isr.. .. corr..ctly dat .. d 1900-04 and if so wh! is it attri_
buted to .smith wh..n t!\ey didn't join force" till 1906? How
of .. .. s Av.. nue Subdivision is Hodgson's and how much Pi .. rs's? Where did
co",. from ..r,d wh..n did he beco"'e Hodg"on's partn.. r? Etc etc.... tc. Hop.. _
fully, nine of 61.ut!'lingtl aid.. d bI a mild wint .. r to !acilitste the
Ogden will produc. a fairl! ..h..nsiv....valuRtion o! La"li. nodg_
son's contribution to tho archit.ctur.. o! Utah.
1. Conyeraatioa with Robert D. Hod&eon, 850 Street, Ogden.
2. Since Stlltehood, Hi.toriclIl !ai Biographical (WarruzVNoble>, p. }Bo.
,. Wuna/Nohle err 1.0 obti.llg OUnr. arrha! 1.0 Selt Lake Cit7 &11 1850--
one yellr before hill birth.
Journal of Ol1ur Hodgeoo, p. ,.
5. Ibid., p. 4.
6. Hodgtlon', obituary in the"SeIt Lake T'ribWle"and the"De.eret -Ne"'II" in_
correctly giYe. hi. birth dAte II. December 18, '878, 1nate.d of '879,
.e indicated in family recorda.
7. of Ph7ll1. H. Holbrook, p. 2.
8. Family records 1.0 poe.eaeion of Mrll. Phyllill B. Holbrook, North Ogden.

ADd Noble. Utah Sinc. Statehood. Ei.torical and Biographical.
ChicaSO and S. J. ClArka Publ1shing Cooopan,., 1919
Harrift, E. T. krchiteclure of 0SSen'
122!!-QZ. Sdt tMe City,
.:!.. !. Sooitb 2 Ledllt!. Hodl'j!!on. uchi-
Cenlary Printing COIIpan,., 1907.
Polk, R. L. Salt LUe Cit: D'irector:. and 0SSen Cit: Director:!' .!2Qi-j
and 1925-t'i5:'""" Ogden and Salt Lake: II. L. Polk ADd COIIpany, Publ1ebere.
Jeneen, Latter 0.: Saint. BiOgraphical Enc:clopedia. Salt Lake
Cit,.: De.eret Newe Presa, 1936.
Go... , Peter L. "The Prairh School Ill(lllence il'l lltAh." The Prairie School Re_
.!!.!.!.. 12:1 (1975).
Hodgson Faeil,. racorda. in poaseasion of Mr Ph,.llia H. Holbrook, 2695 North
850 Ea.t. North Ogd.n. Utah.
, .... "<;...... t\. '\)\\..\.. M.. 1':.
llo> U hu with !'.re. l'b)'llh H. Rolbrook,.r.. , \
Robert D. 850 24tb Street, Ogden lltah
Mn. Louie Il. H""er, 1JJ5 ........ tcb Orin, Salt l..x.e Cit)', Utah
'\:i'd.. Q, ,
llni'' of Utah Harriott Librar)' ..... tern A&ericana Coil action: Leftlle HodS-
.. em obit,.....)'. Salt LUe Tribune and Deseret !!..!.2, Jul)' 25. 1947.
Journal of Rodg.on, in poeae.aion of autbor, cop)' obt..ined froe Hra.
Ph)'llie Holbrook.
Copies of photographft. arcbitectural dravinga and rendaring obtained froc
Robert Hodgson.
Faeily photograph. obtained froe Hrs. Ph,.llia Holbrook.

'\\M, "'L," ....'%C
'"'= -0-'\ """
5, ted-ely f'Ill1&er
Profes.or Peter Go
Winter, 198'
e:q>e.llahe, addicthe_-..r:d iapoaeible to do &1...". So I enad pro!OWld
to friends, &seociate. aad re1eti.e. who c... tributed with aucll
to tbl cond, but tar tro. final, pha.e of Le.lie Hodce'" reaearch:
To Debbie (Utah State Hletorieal Societ1J, KartJ Collett (Weber
Stete College Special COll"ction. Librar1) and Dr. JeffreJ (Weber
Count1 Librar,.), tor .....1.og Ya1llable inforaation evd1.e.ble.
To Lu Ho,jpo" H_er and PbJl11a lI0dceOll Holbroooe, for per-
aODl1 and !acil,. reeorda, ae.orie. of their fetber.
To Robert D. Hod.&aoc, tor tree tenerou" ecce... to hietoriea.ll,.
To JeLOUIe Cbriahllaen.(lleber CoUlltJ Llbrar 1), tor cooperation, entbu-
aieam, inexh."etlble archi l bloodhoUlldi"a--and tor her truet.
To Brian P'1.ll1.ller, for phototraphic eQuipilent. fil,., derkroOIl ti.. e Md
gounoet aee..1e.
epec1a1 thanka to ?Toreeaor Peter Go"a, fOr good-natured f;,
!lexible dud.lln.... and. for inepiri.ns a peeaiDfl for architeeturel hielOT)'.
r..sl1e Si..o"11 lIodgllo" began his architechlral career iJl 0sdell i.D. 1906.
after sever.l y.ars' drafti"s i" the otfic.s of Richard Kletting
and S. C. Dallas in Salt LAke "d eom_ "i"e months io aebbard and Gill's
S&n DiegQ otfice. The 41 years uotil hi. prolific, i"dd. Part_
nerehips with J. l. Smith, Myrl McClenahan &nd " just-uoearthsd, UAreeearcbed
collaboration with S. T. Whitaker
produced a body of work astounding i" its
volume and diversity.
The four_year with Smith (1906-1910) brought forth .n abun-
dance of arts_&odcraft" bungslowe. stately residence" for OgdeD's
first facil1e. and wonderfully ao11d Richerdsonian pUblic buildings._the Dee
and Lewis Schools and the puzzlingly_dated Scowcrott Warehouse.
In 1910 planning for the Eccles Avenue Subdivieion, in which
Hodgson a.sociated with Owner O&vid EcCles ADd fellow_architect Eber F. Piers.
Hodgson and Piers didn't form. P5rtnerehip, but worked together to create
tbe elegBnt, exclueive neighborhood envision by Ecclea .e " ho=ogeneous
Prairie_style enclave. Piers edhered consietently to the horizont.l ground_
huggiog linell of the Chicago_born atyle. Although Hodgson followed Eccles'll
wiehes i" part, he couldn't restrain hill IItrong eclectic t.ates_-most notably
in the 1917 LeRoy Ecclell manllion at 2509 Ecclea Ave"ue (b.sically Prairie
with multi_period embellishment) &nd Patrick Healy Jr. 'II 1920 English coun-
try cottage .t 2580 Eccles Avenue.
lIodgson'. public work of the 1910.1920 period demonstrated two definite
Chicago influences. The 1914 PsttereoA/Nye 8uildiJlg, 2422-26 Washioston Bou_
levard, sAd the 1916 LOS Srsnch tor the ne"t, 740 21ftt Street, are Prairie.
The Eccles of 1913. 2401-11 Washington BoulaYsrd,borrows fro. the
Chicago School'. solid I\andli.D.j!: of _sa, ...,d frOll Loub Sullt......,'s OnlSte
cornice end bracket trim.
Hodgson joined forcea with MTrl A. McClenahan in 1920 and hi, work eyol... ed
into still another highly distincti.e style. Art Deco ee.e to Ogden with the
subtly elegant Forest Ser"'ices Regional Offices Building of 1931. The 19}4
Home Economics Building at USAC--now DSU__ to be a dresa-rehasrasl for
Hodgson'e the stunning collegi.te_Gothic_influence_Art_Deco
High School or1937. The step-b"ck high_rille Municipal Building wes cOllpleted
in 1939.
After died in 1940 Hodgson took his .on Robert into partnership
and the firm involved in government Bushnell Gener.l Hospital
in City. the Clearfield Naval Supply Depot end other egency
co.... i .. llionll.
An .ttempt hes been made to formuLate a chronological list of known Hodg_
eon work: it ill, sdmittedly. sketchy. Weber County Library Special Collee_
tionll t..... a copy of 1907 book, Architecture of OgSJen: S"ith and Les_
'906-21--e wealth of mar...elous exterior end interior photo_
greph8. with ovne.s' but ftO (A clasllic example of why ar-
chitecturel hilltoriene take lote of .spirin.) SOlie of theee ho:es heYe been
identified through .. tilte-con!ltlming but profit.ble system: en o..... er. lIe-'"e
ill cheeked in the Ogden City Directoriall for one or two yeara before the
1907 publication date. When an addrells ill found the extent struc_
ture et that site co=pared to the picture in the Smith/HodgeoD book. If
they match,a photograph is taken end added to the extant slide file. At
least fourteen heell heYe thus been identified end photogrsphed, and 8era1
other homes and found to he... e been make room for
such glorious contributions to Good ss Ramada InD cliche and
City Mall.
A nostalgic arts/crafts bUff is at nuzber of S.ith/Hodgson
and residences approaching eighth with integrity and a
certain eclat. But could at the and indignity upon
of their brickwork or E. S. Rolapp!s
at 2514 AYecue cowers a shameful coat of baby blue paint. His
next-door neighbor H. H. Rolapp, 2520 MAdison no doubt cringes in hia of his home's siding protuberance and tacky wrousnt_1ron
porch railing. Bob Hodgson explicitly descr1pt1
e for the aesthetes
who the 11v1ng roo= of the Hodgson home at 2255 Madison Aye_
nue; tooled copper fireplace, oak banding ll.nd wainscoting "en "lI>Ods....1zed"
with white paint all Nor have the schoola escaped abandonoent and
desecration. The Lor1n Fll.rr School at 22nd etreet and Harrison stands dejec-
tedly behind a "For d&'!. On 20th Street just above ...sshington BOUle-
vard, the Dee School's sturdy Richardaonian stonework is caked with chalky
white paint ll.nd its windows hidden b, utterl, incongruous lac, white lell.f_and_
Yine grilles. And to twist the knife one more turn, a buge aign blatantly
the ,",orld that the building if; the hOlCe of "Li'l Audrey's Ladiea' Spa."
Civili ..... tion "Arches On
A mind_boggling a=ount of research undone. In-person perusal of
Hodgson drswings in the State College ArChitectural Drll.winga Collection
"ill doubtless ,ield clues, ll.a will continued study of old cit, direc_
tories. And ill. ll. mine of information and lell.d., the
persons of m&ny proud Ogden
Research has SG rar uncGyered a disappointingly small amGunt of Hodgson
Prairie style. But the undated homes intriguing--the achoole
invite the hope that much aore Prsirie The known
HodgsGn'a affisity for enriching the atyle hia Ovn
touch. as in the LArkinesQue Lorin Farr School. One suspecta that
25_year etint as Ogden School Diatrict Architect as fecund as other
of his long and yaried work_life.
Hopefully all of Hodgson's work viII eyentually be identified and
photographed, and buildings be recorded. And then.
Phase IV__Tne Interiors. (One experiences a recurrent fantasy: A stooped.
nonagenarian wanders in the sunset giow, Pftd. pencil.
magnifying glaaa at the ready and hesd filled with plans for future phases of
the Lealie Hodgson Stpry.)

1. O!l KaJ' 6, 198', ..hile eaain.hli; ucbitKtlll"al dravings 1n Sob HodgaCD.'.
office, tbe sheet for the Ecel BuildiAg waa aiSDed
"5. T. ;Ihitaker and fA..Ue S. H0d8sM, Architech." Bob e.aU lblt totO ve"
partner_ for about three 1910-14. Tbi. vAA the tirat tia.
Whitaker's _ .... :1 in tbe current rese.rch project.
2. The Ogden Hietorical Buildinga Sure.y un.qui.neally gi Hodgeon credit
for the Scowcroft but a1&o detes the building 19Q0.04__tvo year.
before Ho<1gsoll ..,yed to Ogden__an:! OlD. doubte tI::at Salt Lak ..cgden "aJI &C
'."1 in tboa. Poe.ihl., but unlike1,. To tb. plot,
Bob nodgllon .,.,Dber" hill rather describing in detail the ".111 con.t..... cHon"
thod used io the Werebouae__gradaated wooden be..- reinforced vith ..edge.
""ned en"",.re.
3. Bob Hodgson procl.ime th. &rchaeologie.l .uthentieity, and in8iet. that the
hhrogl)"ilhiee .0000e"hne Oil th. r.<;.de spell O\It "Old ....." HodgsOl> ill Ilerr)'
old ..... l.R
4. In eonverution "ith the .uthor, He)' 6, '98'.
LH.. rris, E. T.
Architecture of Ogden: J.
1906-07. Sdt LUe Cit,.,
A. Smith! Leslie Hodg&on,
Cent ... ry Printing COIlp8.llJ'. 1907.
Polk. R. L. Ogden City Directory, .1222-06. Ogden: :iI. L. Polk II< COOl-
UtAh St.te Historic..l Society Files: County
Ogden Historic 3uildings S... r.ey.
'Hill, JOII.
H.; ... ire. F. A.; Critchlow, J.
PacifiC Realty AssociAtion, Inc., c.
Ogden. the
Jllllction City.
'The City of Ogden .'eber count! .!!!!h.. Part L'
E. V. Fohlin, publi ..her, 191
.01. 1. Sdt lJJce Cit,.:
State College Speci"l Collectiollll: Architectur.. l tlra...ings__Leslie
S. Hodg"on.
Prominent Citizens' File.
Pro,"inent Building" File. and .rchitectural dra... ings in possession of Robert D. Hodgson,
850 24th Street, Cgden, Utah.
Interview with Robert D. Hodgson. 850 24th Street. Ogden, ......,. 6, 1981.
GOIIII, Peter L. "1'he PrAirie School Influence in Utah." The Pr"irie
SChool Review, 12: 1 (1975),
County Library Speci"l Collections
T'Ile foll ....n....E: is of enrytlolD& _ fu- k:l_ to the .lItloor .a
b....US be.... design"d b,. LeaHe HodpDll, .. well aa reliable attribllUDIl8.
lllcllld:ed u-e e..t.... t ...11 de_Ih"ed, a:u! sll ert&llt u-cbltect,,_
ral dr ...-inga. f'urthe, iIl ."tiptiOll ia "eceaaar:!, to lIetel"llille .... ielo of the
drerlnp U-e for une""'pleted projecU. Works o! undeter-iIIec1 4atilts foll_
the chroao:o.!':ical li.tinS. The li.t identifies dOcu.ent.tion aourCea ae_
cordioS to thia code:
on!: 0sden at Weber Count:!' Librar:!, and Utsh
St.te ntstoricsl Salt Lake Cit,.).
Utah St.te Historic.l Soeiet,..
State College Speeiel Arcbiteetllral Drawinss Col_
Robert Hiatortcal .. pb Collection.
RHAD: Robert Hodgson Arehitectural Drewi"s Coll.. ctioe.
S/Il: Architect",... !!! O"de,." SlOith" Hodsson.
An aaterisk a th.. bllildins 1a extant.


Joha A. Sc_croft VarehOWle, 2}OC1 Vall "'fe:>\Ie. CEIl, R. lIodp01l q,"orha.
Sh\lpe_wnu.... Cand,. factory, WaU Ionll\le .. 26th Street. 5/E.
l'!IuIonic '!ff:lph, 2550 Bhd. OfUI, SIR.
See Section 2 o! this report, in which the book, Architect\lre 0sden,
S<oith ! lIodg!!Gn, 1906-21, ill reprGduced in it" ..ntiret,.. Ooting of
indi'fid\lel buildings not ,... t heen .. stablished.
JOM S. lIout:< R.."idence, 2522 &ecles A.elllle. t1SliS.
Wilford Willia&& ho&e. WSC.
KO\IfId fort School. Ra.t.D.
(h..ating and ..."tilating)
Tabernacle Square Landscape Ouilll>' VSC.
'.iUi,,= Wright/Jolleph Morrell Residence. te:cltll hen"'e. USHS
H\lgh M. R""e Ruidence, 2555 te:Clell loYell\le. USIiS.
J. S. Lewie Stehle" Ice RO\l"e. W$C.
B. W. Cottage, 2481 Hudson Avenlle. WSC.
Centrel School/ Elks Cl\lb Lodge Rodeling.
252? Grant "".lIue.
Ralph t. 8rietol (Brietoe?) Residence, 2L80 Van Bure" ".eDue. OEB,
Stat" School for Dee! .. Sltad. 20th Street" Mocroe READ.
GrUMO\Iae. eo.. 8&nl .. Dc..eatic Sele:>ce Ca"ell.
Fort School Additio::. RP.A.!I.
H"ating and Plumhing.
191}: OUiet Buildina:. 2100,." W.."hiDl!taa Bbd. 00lI.
Patter.ollIN,e BUilding, 2422 Whington l ~ d OHB.
I::...,..ton Stab !lank. loISe.
Banll Ur.aell/Juea PWvu Redde"ce, 2669 Kadl.on "'''m'' OfiB.
LOS Br&ech for the ne.. r, 140 21.t Street. OKB. Peter 00.. Article. (See
LeRoy Eccles Rellidence. 2509 eel.B Aven".. RHAD, osaS. .. ThOlU.lI Store FroIIt" (for D. B. Pury !etate). illlAD.
GuJ John.on hOlle, Ogden C&Jl1DII. IISC.
Pule,. T. \lriht l I ~ r hoee, 0sden CNIyCllll. IISC.
Patrick Jr. ReBidenee, 2580 Eccles Avenue. WSC, USHS.
Frank VTlsht .!i0Me. '-'SC.
J.. 1/. \tript noee reaodeliD!. VSC.
Albert E. Becker Home. IISC. (See lllid_ J<>:)
lI.ahillgtoll School, ....hillgtOll B1.d... }}rd Street. RaP
Reed Botel ~ d i Parlor. WSC.
0crYHll All::> 'n.r .. apo xog
0(J'W!l<l 'litHO p",a aOllh'l'l""'" l'r!02' 'lla,puna uapllo
OY!!ll'dR!I P"lll gZIl2' 'lOOIPS l(.j'H uapliO

dllll "llu,pnna nUJO ll1UOllla!! n;:""as llla.lo..
0(J'W!!ll '(nsn ::>.SO

a.Hli 'PliO!! l"a,,, 'liulPnna alltlllt(:>x:o "p.l"",polS "o,un

daaqs uo,un
dhll ':lS'l 'Strwnna aO,lIn
'laa"lS p"(Z/'llll,Pl
,{,x0l.lY ,
: 62'6l
'::JS" 'a"olS ""1100
0dRij 0pAla "oliu,'l""'" 1 la".I1S ql!OZ
'JSI\ "lalS "0 ".:I""H
0aYHlL'dYlIlI: 'pliOl! l""'" '"",a"HO::l

dHH 'aBO "PAIR UOlllul'lllll/\ UIl,ldAll3 ll,".Iaad
amaR '0
:lSll ""IIOR "1'1"00""lS oX "0
"::lSll ".na".., lIa1lpY 1 l.".IlS '1192 '"unoH 1llaml.lvdy IIll"ll
iiO!:(i.S()N CKilONOLOGJ (tnf'!'.)
19'1' :
Adlli.cht .... UOll BlI.lldhg_L!l6 COOp' .... th. SeCIlTU:r COrpo.... tiOll. READ.
RU"iaiDll: 19'1'. il:llA!l.
o...llift& IJaUa--LiOl:l Coal CorporatiOll, VatUa, Utah. IISC.
19"": Wal.ker Potato Chip ec.pIl.l11, 221" Khad Aunlle. RKAD. DeaoUah.d.

Contiftenhl S.king CO<Ipuy. RHAD.
Globe !'.Hla. R1lAD.
C. J. Cottage, 14'5 25th WSC. (See al1d. 59)
w. H. "i11i.- Cottag., 1"" 25th Stre.t. WSC. (See aUd. 58)
."..,phriea!\lillia:oe Joint Gar..g i/SC. atld WilliaM .it. identified
b1 Robert HO<!.g&On __M.ay 6, 1981.)
Fr.d R.8id.nce, 1961 Washington 91.d. (Slid.a 62 &6}) RHAD
Lorin Fllrr School, 22nd Street . Harrhon Blvd. RItP. (SUd, 5")
Polk School, 26th Street &Polk Avenue. RHP. (Slid.a 51.")
Unidentified remodel.d Prairie bll.llsalov, 25th St, &HarrisOll 91vd. 51)
(Attributad b, Rob.rt SodgeOll, 6, 1981)
Richardson Cottage, 700 25th Stre.t,
("ttrlbuted by Robert HodpOlll, Y.a,
Ci:.a.nd:ler Cottage, 128,16tl:: Street. (!il1du 55 & %)
(Utrlbllted b:r Robert Eodp.o.. , ".ay 6, 19'81)
Glrla' Do,..jtOT:r, State School Cor the Dear, 20th Street &MOIlTGI ".llllI.e 1<:.:1'.
(Slide 48)
Central Junior Hign School (Old Ogde.. 8ish School), 25tb St. &Mecroe A.e.
(Slide "7) (Attribllt'd by Pobert 80dgBOo &Ph:rllia Holbrook, Ka:r 6, 1981)
Last' Tbc.8e Store rreat. (10r O. H. PeerT EBtate>. 1917.
pt.r<:hzellt-., shuta; li.rle:<-2 abeets.
I't"b St.te School for tbe Dea! " Blud, 1912.
Greent.ous.' linen__7 ahts.
Doc.stie Department e : linen__' eht.
Co... Barn' linen_of "heet".
Ogden City and County Building, '939.
parcho'llt __ abe.t
Alteratione " additions to Grant School, HodS.oo " KcClenahaD, o.d.
linen__5 eh.ete; pareh=eol __7 .llte.
&.;,,1,e 31111ding OUie. Ruodeli.lltl " R.arrange....rota. 192'7-}5.
li:en-_2 ab t.; Bheet.; __ , abe.ts.
Side School. D.d.
Origi:uol: lillee--!; shuta; pu-c:b...t-., e!c.eet
Adl!iU",,: 111l,,,.-1 sheet; pard...lll " MeIOU.
Tort School, hting, plU3bing and e.ol118ting, 1910-12.
Linen__6 at.eete.
Addition: linen__? sneets.
PipTee School Addition. n.d.
aheeta: parcheent_.! aheeta.
R. J. Walker Potato Chip 2214 Kiesel Avenue, '944.
paper__k aheets; blue--' aheet.
A. J. Re>baon Stonse BuDdinS, 19(,,4. Plain CitJ, Utah.
paptr__} aheeta.
Ad.lllinilltraUOt: BuHc!UlS--LDS Ce>openUye Security CorporaUorl, 1941_k}.
paper' Z9 a):eeta; blue__ 14 lLhuta.
Te>=iat Apartcenta !or Dick Gutul. Waal'lUlj!;toc !lhd. and }}r4 St., n.d.
paper __8 aheeta.
Box Elder Jail, Cit,., Ctab. 1940.
paptr--'6 lLhuta.
Continental BakicS CocpanJ 0sden 26th, 1947.' __} aheeta; JarchJltlnt--7 "betta.
Ac!dition' linen__ t6 ahe.t.; 15 aheeta.
Globe Milla, 194?
linen__4 aheets, paper__ 1 aheet.

Ilr. L Mra. FNd ViU1aaa Ruidellce, 1961 V.ehiJIKtOll Shod., Il.d.

aneeta. __1 ebeet.
Fred Villi.... Garar. 191<7.
pllper--1 al:.eet.
L. R. &eclea Residellce, L Gardella, 1917.
llllen--17 aheeta.
0aden City L
linee__62 aheete.
Jail: aheete.
Unl_ Stock,.ards, 550 II. Excll.enSe Rcwo<!.
Show 192': __ __2 aheet
Addition, 19}}: peper__, elleete; perct..ent--}5 sheete.
E:llcb.nSe Building. '9}1: p8r-ch:ent __1a aheet...
Shup San:., 19'1: aheets.
Larkin L Sone MortUary. 1945.
parct... ent __6 eheeta, peper--9 eh,eta; linen--9 sh"ts.
W. H. Wr-lght , Sona Compeny Stor., n.d.
Altentions L Additiona: linell':'_' sheet.
(Note: The nobert Hodgson Collection el.o inclu<!ea dravins-
aigh School (H.rrlsQn High School) and the &eel,. Building.
howe.,r. unavailable at the tia. the of the collection
for th, Ogden
'!'bey were,
.... exaained.)
Beth ApartuDt I!OIIJI 26tb ... Ada.a, 192'. liodpaa. .. McClnahaA.
linen__' al:ul; ,-"'1"--9 shut
Firat Nationd IlalIk :!!uildiD';. D.d. .. I!CClIIn.."'.....
__ aheet
Becker Ka1t1n,; Company, Eanaton, Wyo., 1917.
110en__'0 ah'tta; paper--5 ahaeta.
J. W. Cottage, Ogden, '919.
I1nen--" ahteta; paper__4 ahaata.
B. w. cottage, 248' Hudson. '9".
paper--'5 ahteta.
C. J. cottage. n.d.
W. H. Williac. cottage" joint with C. J. n.d.
linen__4 aheata.
LiD:: e-l Corp WatHa V:.a.,>, 1942-"'.
Albert r. Beeker hOl:e. Brinker ""e. "26th St '921, EocIgaOl1" I':"cl.,
linen--9 aheeta.
.rll. Albert E. Beeker ho=e, n.d., Hodsaon"
linen--7 ahatta.
I':ra. W, Ch.a, ho=e, n,d., Hodgllon ..
Mr. Ora. Patrick Jr. home, '920, Hewitt, Hodgaon "
paper __1'
GlI.y Jo!u:aon all._rhoulle, Ogden Canyon, '917-18. Hodgaon i< McClenab.n.
paper __'O aheet
J, ..... Lnedahl how. n.d.
pa... aheeta.
I'.re. J. O. Read t:oat. n.d. llodpon'" l':eCle:>ahM.
lir.tn__' abeeta; ptptr__4 aheata.
H.:lry G. Stain 1:-.. '9Z7, lloclgllOOl ... McClenahan
D. K. Stewart hoce (double houa,). '92}-25, Hodgllon ... McClanahan.
paptr--6 abeeta.
Evanaton State Bank, Wyo., 1914.
1inen__ 10 eheete; paper __8 eheete.
Roy D. Thatcher bome. 192}-25. Hodgeon &McClenahan.
paper--18 aheeta.
J. S. Lewie Stable 8< Ice Houee, 1911-12.
paper--'1 aheets.
Williaca home. 1910.
1inen__6 eheeta.
Arthur ...... ight hOllle rUlodeling, 1921. Hodgaon 8< HeClananan.
peper--5 eheete.
FrAnk Wright home, 1921, Hodgson 8< McClenahan.
paper __ 10 aheets.
Parley T. Wright eummerhouse, Ogden Canyon. 1919, Hodgson 8< McClenAhan.
Hotel Bigelow Garege. 1929, Hodgson 8< HeClenahen.
peper__? sheete.
Reed Hotel Ladiea' Parlor, 1922, Hodgson 8< HeClenahan.
peper--25 lineo--1 eheet.
LDS 10th Ward Meetinghouse, n.d.
1inen--9 sheets.
rred J. Kiesel n.d.
peper--6 eheets.
Y.ese &Bunkhouses, Bear River Club Co., Ogden, 1912.
peper--5 sheete
Bra..well J>oolt 8< Stationery Store, 2363 Blvd., 1922,
paper __' eheets.
Burton Implement Company, 1913.
linen__ ,1 sheets; peper--' eheete.
Scowerort 8< Sone Warehouse, Price, Utah. n.d
" paper__2 aheets
T. C. Mercer Store. 314_18 25th St. Rellodding, n.d.
11oen--5 eheete.
Hodgeon &
National Dollar Store, 1927. Architect'
peper--8 aheets.
Bernard J. Joseph, San Francbco.
Hodgson 8< Heelenaban, eupervising
Joseph Farry Investment Co 23rd 8< Waabington BITd, 1913.
lineo__16 eheete; paper__ 11 sheete.

Ogden 1'u....,1tW"e " Carpet Co. N=odelina:. n.d.

11::e,, __6 .heet
Richardao:l "H=.t Store d4iU.......... 4 alteration 1915.
1ine::_' a.l:ut.; paper__10 .beU.
,i_... H. Speora:o Co......!lina:ton Bhd. n.4.
paper__2 .heet
Woodmaneee Store. 2455-59 Vaahington Blvd. n.d. Hodg.on" McC1enaban
paper--5 sheeta.
George \I. Larkin Terr.ce. n.d. " Hod&acn.
11"e,,-_6 sheet
Union Stock Tare. !lundin,. '930. I!odgao:l " Meclec.aban.
paper-9 sheen.
:-abernac1e Sq.....e. '9". Hod&a= .... d ... T. Stillwell. LaDdacape J.rchitect.
papu_11 &heet ...

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