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1. 'Close your eyes briefly. Think of one object that`s in the room and focus on it.

Without opening
your eyes, recall as much detail as you can about it. After 3 minutes or so, open your eyes and write
about that object without looking at it.'
2. 'A picture is worth more than a blank page. Take out those dusty photo albums. Pick out photo
#14. Count however way you like, but make sure you stop at photo #14. Look at the photo for 2-3
minutes. Then for 10 minutes, write all the feelings that photograph made you feel. Don`t censor
yourself. Just write. '
3. 'The dictionary atop your shelf has more than 200,000 words defined. Why don`t you blow off
some of the dust on its cover and randomly pick out 10 words? Don`t look at the meanings; just
concentrate on the words. Write down your chosen words on a (blank) sheet of paper. Now, you`re
going to have fun creating meanings for those words. What do the words make you think of? What
do you think should they mean?'
4. 'Fairy tales have happy endings. All of us know what happened in that mushy fairy tale, Cinderella.
Yeah, it`s romantic, the prince actually finding Cinderella. They lived happily ever after. But happy
endings can sometimes be, well...boring. No zing. So predictable. So...happy. What if the shoe fit one
of the sisters? What happens then? Play with your imagination here. Be funny if you like. Or serious
if you feel like it. Or be an Alfred Hitchcock. Whatever you are into, write your ending to the
Cinderella story -- but this time, make it so that the shoe fit one of the icky sisters. What does Prince
Charming do? How does Cinderella cope with it? And what about the Fairy Godmother? Start your
story here.'
5. 'Choose a poem you like. Take the last line and use that as the first line of your own poem.'
6. 'List down all the cliches you can think of, then choose one you`re most familiar with, or the one
that strikes your fancy. Make that the first line of your poem. You can take the cliche literally or
7. 'Electricity is a recent discovery. Think of 12 things to do when there`s no power.'
8. 'Make a list of 40 things that happened to you this month. They can be funny, embarrassing,
happy, or infuriating. Then pick one from your list and write about it.'
9. 'Describe what you feel right now using your sense of smell. If you feel frustrated, write about
what your frustration smells like. Use vivid words. Don`t skimp on adjectives.'
10. 'For this prompt, you`ll come up with a poem about an object that describes you. First, choose an
object. Next, list down the reasons you think the object you chose represents you. From your list of
reasons, which one is the most powerful? Which one conveys the strongest image of you? Once
you`ve chosen your main image, list down things that support this main image. Build your poem
from there.'
11. 'Below are 3 sets of words. Use all the words in each set to write mini stories in 300 words or
less: SET 1: paper clips, principal, lunchbox, swing, girl with a pink ribbon SET 2: biology, class card,
foreign student, leaf, blood sample SET 3: typewriter, filing cabinet, puncher, clerk, carbon paper,
12. 'Write about a brief but scary encounter with one of your old professors.'
13. 'Write about a weird day in your workplace.'
14. 'Moving from one place to another, and one house to another, is a big task. Write about one of
your most memorable house moves.'
15. 'Write a story about irony, with a teacher as the main character and a fuse box as the key object.
Set your story in a lab.'
16. 'Where do you go when you want to get away from the pressures of life, family, work, etc? Write
about that place.'
17. 'In 400 words, create your ideal place.'
18. 'Write about what you`d say to an uninvited guest.'
19. 'Begin a story with "There was once a chance I didn`t take..."'
20. 'Write about the color of hunger.'
21. 'Write a letter to the 10-year old child you had been.'
22. 'In 200 words, write about your first toy.'
23. 'Re-write the fairy tale, Snow White, from the point of view of Bashful, one of the 7 dwarves.'
24. 'Imagine your life is now a book. In 100 words, write the blurb for it. (It`s what people will read
on the back cover.)'
25. 'Write about one of the most difficult decisions you`ve made in your life.'
26. 'Write about one of the easiest decisions you`ve made in your life.'
27. 'Write a story about an empty glass.'
28. 'What`s the most boring day you`ve had? Describe it, but this time, make it sound not boring at
29. 'Begin a 500-word piece with "If I had the power to change something, I would change..."'
30. 'Write an excuse for not working today.'
31. 'Write about a blue-colored object.'
32. 'You`re in a room full of people and you`re the only blind person there. Describe the room and
the people in your mind.'
33. 'List 20 things you`re afraid of. Pick one fear and write about it.'
34. 'Begin a story with the line, "The clock winked."'
35. 'List 10 challenges you`ve faced in the last 3 months. Pick one challenge and write about it.'
36. 'Invent a hot or sensational issue and write a news story about it.'
37. 'Use the following words in a story: hypocrite, cookie jar, city, telephone'
38. 'What`s your idea of a perfect vacation?'
39. 'Write an exaggeration of an ailment or illness (cough, fever, asthma).'
40. 'List 20 things that annoy you. Pick one and write about it.'
41. 'Write about a time you hid from someone, or a time you disguised who you really were.'
42. 'Choose one of your physical features and write about how you can change or disguise that
43. 'What does "a string of laughter" make you think of?'
44. 'Put Shaggy (Scooby-Doo`s partner) and Batgirl in an elevator and write a 200-word scene.'
45. 'In 200 words, write about what this metaphor makes you think of: "a garnish of joy"'
46. 'In 200 words, describe a hot day.'
47. 'In 500 words or less, write about "a plate of sunshine."'
48. 'Do a 5-minute freewrite with the phrase, "Anger suffers as grief withdraws" as your guide.'
49. 'What do you do on a rainy day? Write about it in 250 words.'
50. 'Write a story about a town that ran out of sugar supply.'
51. 'List 10 things you can do with tissue paper. Pick one from the list and write about it.'
52. 'Write about the "fickle finger of Fate."'
53. 'Write about what you`d cook for an enemy.'
54. 'Think of a human attribute for "pride" and freewrite on it for 5 minutes.'
55. 'Write a 150-word profile of someone named "Margaret Mallory."'
56. 'Write about a good thing gone bad.'
57. 'Try to use all of the words in a story: plastic bottle, hockey puck, dirty handkerchief, crumpled
note, unhinged door'
58. 'A drunk man sits next to you in a bar, thinks you`re his buddy and starts confessing "the truth."
Write about what "the truth" is.'
59. 'Write about a joyous moment.'
60. 'Write about the biggest lie you`ve ever told.'
61. 'List the names of 5-8 of your relatives and write a profile (in 50 words or less) of each.'
62. '"A funny thing happened on my way to..."'
63. 'Start freewriting with the help of this image: "a melon strolling on two tendrils" (a line in Sylvia
Plath`s poem, Metaphors)'
64. 'List 10-15 things worth saving then choose 1 of those things and write about it.'
65. 'Write about Valentine`s Day without mentioning these words: Valentine`s Day, cupid, love,
roses, flowers, hearts, February'
66. 'What was the worst meal you`ve had? Write about it as if the event is taking place right now.'
67. 'In 300 words, write about "deceit."'
68. 'Begin with "I thought I saw..."'
69. 'It was Erica Jong who said, "If you don`t risk anything, you risk more." Write about what this
means to you.'
70. 'Pick a character in a day time soap and put him or her in a stranded commuter train. Write
about what he or she is feeling or thinking at that moment.'
71. 'Write about a memory related to a holiday.'
72. 'Write about a task, job or chore you dislike.'
73. 'Use these words in a story: Hurricane, Flashlight, Lawn Mower'
74. 'Take out your high school yearbook and pick someone from your class. Write about what you
think he or she is doing now. Go ahead and fictionalize that person.'
75. 'Flip through a magazine and create a story around the first image you see.'
76. 'Write the story of a disastrous family picnic.'
77. 'Think of a product you wouldn`t be caught dead using. The company who makes that product
plans to stop its production. Write a strong letter to the company and convince them not to take
that product off the market.'
78. 'Write a story with the help of this image: "The shore fumed at the waves"'
79. 'List 15 simple pleasures. Pick one and write about it.'
80. 'Take two people who dislike each other and stick them in the backseat of a cab. What happens?'
81. 'In 300 words, fictionalize an event that happened to one of your parents, siblings or relatives.'
82. 'List 10 things you usually do on a rainy day. Pick one from your list and freewrite for 5 minutes.'
83. 'What reward would you like to give yourself after writing 500 words?'
84. 'Write a letter to the teacher who gave you a hard time in gradeschool or high school.'
85. 'Use the first line of a nursery rhyme (take your pick) to start a story.'
86. 'Recall a time when you did something to get noticed. Write about it.'
87. 'Recall an uplifting experience and write about it.'
88. 'Write about a moment when you and another person (sibling, friend, parent, etc.) bonded.'
89. 'List 7 remarkable experiences in your life. Then write about each experience in the next 7 days.'
90. 'You finish filing your last report and you are ready to head home. As you reach for the office
door, the lights go out. What happens next?'
91. 'Write about a man who got stood up on a date.'
92. 'Write a story about a man who skipped breakfast.'
93. 'Write a news story using this headline: Lightning bolt zaps turkey -- AND COOKS IT TO A GOLDEN
BROWN! (Weekly World News, January 2000)'
94. 'Write about a habit you find hard to break.'
95. 'List 31 simple pleasures. Every day for 4 weeks, write about one pleasure for 5 minutes.'
96. 'You come home and check your phone messages. You get to your third message and freeze.
Begin from there.'
97. 'You wake up, go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. A different face stares back at you.
Begin your story here.'
98. 'Write about how you felt when you discovered you were lied to.'
99. 'Come up with 10 images for this prompt: "My home makes me think of..."'
100. 'Write for 10 minutes using "I used to think..." as your starter.'
101. 'Open a magazine or a newspaper and find 3-5 pictures of people. Then write a 300-500 word
profile of each individual.'
102. 'If you could invent something to help mankind, what would it be?'
103. 'Create a poem using Emily Dickinson`s "Bring me the sunset in a cup" as a starting point.'
104. 'The best thing in life is...'
105. 'Brenda Ueland said, "Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force." Today, stop
what you`re doing and listen for 2 minutes. Then write the new thoughts you had as a result of this
simple activity.'
106. 'What would you do with three wishes?'
107. 'What is your greatest fear?'
108. 'List 10 things you do whenever you procrastinate.'
109. 'Write a letter to someone you feel you need to spend more time with.'
110. 'Write about something that bothered you this week.'
111. 'It was Herman Melville who said, "We become sad in the first place because we have nothing
stirring to do." Write about what stirs you.'
112. 'Write a fictional scary encounter with your hairdresser/barber.'
113. 'Begin with "Today I will..." and write for 10 minutes.'
114. 'Write about a time you pampered yourself.'
115. 'Here`s a 90-second drill: List items you can find in a hospital. When the 90 seconds are up,
write a story that includes all the words in your list, but don`t set your story in or near a hospital.'
116. 'Write about someone you would love to see put in jail.'
117. 'What happens when a computer malfunctions and traps about 400 people in a small
department store? There is only one food store in there.'
118. 'This dialogue must appear somewhere in your story: "You know what else children don`t
119. 'Write about a person who does everything "by the book."'
120. 'Retell the Nativity story in modern-day language.'
121. 'Start your story with this: "She touched the little box in her pocket and smiled."'
122. 'Use all these words in a poem: crash, crumpled paper, straw, gravel, ochre'
123. 'What are things you can do in 3 minutes? List them.'
124. 'Write a story about a father looking for his son. The child was one of the passengers in a plane
that crashed earlier that day.'
125. 'Your writing prompt: something wrapped'
126. 'Describe a perfect world.'
127. 'Write about a heart that wouldn`t quit.'
128. 'What happens when a man bumps into his former girlfriend while he shops for baby toys with
his pregnant wife? The man once told the ex-gf: "I`m not the marrying kind."'
129. 'Write a light-hearted piece on how to get along with an enemy.'
130. 'What`s the un-funniest joke you`ve ever heard? Who told you the joke? Write about it.'
131. 'Jocelyn Rundle, 23, from Perth, Australia, likes to always feel in control. She is strong-willed,
determined, and a perfectionist. Her best: thoughtful, reflective, observant. Her worst: tends to
ignore pain, push self and body and ignore warning signs. Situation: Put Jocelyn in an airport, where
her flight is announced cancelled. She`s on her way to the most important meeting of her career.
What does she do?'
132. 'How would a broken plate feel?'
133. 'Write about a keepsake.'
134. 'Begin with "I wish someone told me..."'
135. 'List 50 things you`ll never do.'
136. 'Write a pure dialogue story. Make your story move along by using dialogues *only*. No
narration, no description... just dialogues.'
137. 'Use this line anywhere in your story: "Behind her, the noise escalated."'
138. 'Write a news story based on the headline: Local Beauty Lets Hair Down for Prince Charming'
139. 'Begin a story with, "The hallway was silent..."'
140. 'Weave a story around a 60-year old photograph.'
141. 'Weave a story that revolves around the cliche, "drown your sorrows."'
142. 'Incorporate this sentence somewhere in your story: "The strange noises grew louder." Your
story should also demonstrate the cliche "a bundle of nerves" (without mentioning the cliche).'
143. 'In 200 words, describe a day in the life of a window washer.'
144. 'Weave a story around this mixed proverb: "Bad news cures all things."'
145. 'What happens when two friends visit an old house that one of them inherited from a distant
relative? In the house, there is a 100-year old mirror that has never been broken.'
146. 'Mention all these words in a story that ends in a compromise: mechanic, spaghetti, bathtub,
147. 'What would be going on inside the head of a young executive nervously biting on her nails?'
148. 'Put an athlete, artist and a fitness instructor in a museum. Add in a broken window and a
crooked painting. One of the three panics. Write out the scene.'
149. 'Nancy Kincaid and Dan Carey meet five years into the future. One of them is anti-social. Write
these two characters` story based on this quick plot: giving her a cellphone proves to be a big
150. 'Weave a story around this mixed proverb: "Silence is a great healer."'
151. 'Weave a poem that contains all these lines (in no particular order): "I tie the ribbon in a foolish
way," "the delicious fragility of this travesty," and "where we still laugh and wish."'
152. 'Freewrite for 3 minutes on this cliche: "ice water in her veins."'
153. 'Christina Cruz and Scott Peters meet after a failed experiment. One of them is seeking revenge.
Write their story based on this quick plot: "patient turns murderous after having a near-death
154. 'What story can you come up with this premise: a flight attendant drinking champagne in first
155. 'Use all of the following in a short narrative or poem: "as dense as a London fog," "a slate of
solace," "like oil and water," "wound the clock," and "receding as you please."'
156. 'Jacqueline Morris and Alfred Bishop meet after a vehicular accident. One of them loves
watching old movies. Write their story based on this quick plot: "nature trip turns into a nightmare."'
157. 'Here`s a 90-second drill: List items you can find in an airport. When the 90 seconds are up,
write a story that includes all the words in your list. Set your story anywhere except near or in an
158. 'List 30 uses for a hanger.'
159. 'Weave a mini-story (200-250 words) using the following words in order: shell, comic book,
discarded soap box, rubber soles, postcard'
160. 'Write a 250-word character sketch describing a sore loser.'
161. 'Write a mini-story (100 to 250 words) that begins with: "They had nothing to say to each
162. 'Use all of the following in a poem: "a culture of solitude," "faithful blue sky," and "where we
still discover."'
163. 'In 200 words, describe a day in the life of a valet.'
164. 'Freewrite for 3 minutes on this cliche: "back to square one."'
165. 'Think of a memorable character (from a book, film or TV show). Craft a story about that
character losing the most valuable thing he or she owns.'
166. 'Weave a feature story with this headline: Giant Flies Invade Norway!'
167. 'Cook your own version of a "get rich quick" scheme.'
168. 'What story can you come up with this quick plot: "secretary has a weird way of classifying
169. 'Flesh out this character: Juliana Ritter, 53; she is an extrovert but gets easily depressed.'
170. 'Do a 3-minute freewrite based on this metaphor: "a galaxy of longing"'
171. 'Describe in concrete terms how "curiosity suffers."'
172. 'List images or ideas with the help of (or write a story sparked by) this random stimuli: "blue
ribbon fading hysterically."'
173. 'Write in the voice of "a rope about to snap."'
174. 'Include this line anywhere in a poem: "the rouged coals languish long after midnight"'
175. 'What would you find in an accountant`s garbage bin?'
176. 'Write about a "scoffing sun."'
177. 'What happens to a woman who is fired from her job after getting the wrong number?'
178. 'Write a story sparked by "a convoy of urgency."'
179. 'Write from the point of view of an old car that has just gotten a new paint job.'
180. 'Connect these images in a story or poem: "pleading knife," "basket reciting angrily," and "icy
181. 'What images does this line in one of Gregory Corso`s poems spark in you: "They want to make
buttons out of my bones"'
182. 'If an ATM could be custom created for you, what would it spew out instead of money?'
183. 'What if you`re going to write a story about fatherhood with a florist as the main character and
a new dress as the key object? Set your story in a restaurant.'
184. 'Brandi Engler and Greg Sampson meet a week before his wedding. One of them is allergic to
almonds. Write their story.'
185. 'Use the following words in your story: little boy, torn page, market, cart'
186. 'Freewrite for 5 minutes using this opening line: Behind her, the noise escalated...'
187. 'Create a story, poem or any piece based on this metaphor: "a minute of failure."'
188. 'Write from the point of view of a coffee maker that short-circuited.'
189. 'Write a news story based on this headline: "Hospitals Won`t Help Dying Man"'
190. 'What if you`re going to write a story about greed with a CEO as the main character and a chess
board as the key object? Set your story in a hospital.'
191. 'Create a piece inspired by a line from one of Anne Sexton`s poems: "The black room took us
like a cave"'
192. 'Why would a pastry chef refuse to move to another town?'
193. 'Make a list using this prompt: The 10 Worst Things that Could Happen on Your Way to Work
(or School)'
194. 'Complete the statement, "I`d walk a mile for a ____________" and continue to write about it.'
195. 'Create a story, poem or any piece based on this metaphor: "a chapter of loathing."'
196. 'Write from the point of view of a freshly scrubbed floor.'
197. 'Describe thirty minutes in the renewal of a friendship.'
198. 'Kristin Pedersen and Russell Ebert meet before he inherits money. One of them is killed.'
199. 'Use the following words in your story: social worker, mop, hotel room, beeper'
200. 'Create a story based on this plot: gets trapped in the bathroom on Valentine`s day'
201. 'Write a piece based on "a blur of ego"'
202. 'What if you`re going to write a story about confusion with an 8-year old adopted boy as the
main character and a rose as the key object? Set your story in a bus station.'
203. 'Write from the point of view of a branch with a bird perched on it.'
204. 'Begin a story that is all about this mixed proverb: Revenge is bliss.'
205. 'Write a 250-word description of a character named Seth Alary, a 23-year-old male who is
fearful of disapproval and has a strong need to please others.'
206. 'Christina Rabinovitz and George Wilson meet on the first day of school. One of them has has
written a book.'
207. 'Use this plot: reporter arrives in town and asks odd questions.'
208. 'What if you are going to write a story about resignation with a widower as the main character
and a wallet as the key object? Set your story in a ski lodge.'
209. 'Use these words in your story: dog trainer, bills, beach, pie'
210. 'What are the top 12 things you can buy with your last $20?'
211. 'Write from the point of view of a clean sock that was mistakenly placed in the hamper.'
212. 'Create a story, poem or any piece based on this metaphor: a cup of restraint'
213. 'In 300 words, write about a day in the life of an old wedding dress.'
214. 'Create a story based on this personification: love hesitates'
215. 'Use the following metaphors in a poem: a pitcher of bitterness, a taste of sacrifice, a house of
216. 'Write from the point of view of the last tree standing in a forest.'
217. 'Why would a speaker be afraid of cats?'
218. 'List 13 good reasons to learn another language.'
219. 'I deserve a ____________'
220. 'Write a short story based on this plot: parents help their son make up with his girlfriend'
221. 'Put a used car salesman, a banker and a movie addict in a bus. Add in a flat tire and an empty
window seat. One of the three starts laughing hysterically. Write out the scene.'
222. 'Write a story about a beggar who loves to hear himself sing.'
223. 'Sonya Yajko and Simon Fojas meet after an earthquake. One of them becomes resigned to his
or her fate.'
224. 'Spin a tale using this quick plot: little brother gets hold of valuable data CD'
225. 'Use these words in your story: doctor, roll of film, stairwell, telephone'
226. 'Write from the point of view of a birdcage whose occupant recently died.'
227. 'Why would a teacher contemplate a change in career?'
228. 'Think about a thing you feel should not have been invented.'
229. 'Deanna Russ and Zach Enriquez meet after she gets acquitted of a crime. One of them wants to
be someone else. Write their story based on this quick plot: takes over his father`s law practice after
his death'
230. 'What story an you come up with this quick plot: cancer comes back after 3 years of remission'
231. 'List the 7 worst things to say to a person who just got dumped.'
232. 'Use the following metaphors in a poem: a course of sorrow, a spoonful of delight, a knot of
233. 'Create a story based on this personification: hope vibrates'
234. 'Create a story, poem or any piece based on this metaphor: a plate of fear'
235. 'Beverly Copper and Kenneth Salvador meet when she discovers someone has broken into her
house. One of them is a biologist.'
236. 'What if you are going to write a story about selfishness with a trader as the main character and
a scrapbook as the key object? Set your story in an Asian country.'
237. 'What can you create based from this B-movie plot? In a cursed town of chaos, a wizard and
seven dutchesses go on a quest to find the cure for a deadly disease.'
238. 'Use this cliche anywhere in your story: growing like a weed'
239. 'Write about a bucket of distaste.'
240. 'Use all these words in a story or poem: preacher, coin, stairwell, comb'
241. 'What if you`re going to write a story about letting go with a factory worker as the main
character and a locket as the key object? Set your story in a small apartment.'
242. 'Come up with 10 reasons you should skip bathing for a week.'
243. 'Write a fictional news story based on this headline: Elvis clones taking over the world'
244. 'Create a story or poem inspired by a line in an e.e. cummings poem: "the weak noise of her
eyes easily files my impatience to an edge"'
245. 'Teresa Callister and Lewis Parker meet while he is vacationing with his wife. One of them gets
246. 'Write out a scene based on this quick plot: man assaults officer while his car is being towed'
247. 'In 250 words, write from the point of view of a strand of hair'
248. 'Make a list of the 12 worst movie of all time.'
249. 'Why would a trader own a gun?'
250. 'Mildred Allard and Lee Rabinovitz meet on a lake. One of them is pretending to be someone
else. Write their story.'
251. 'Use this plot in a short story: gets carried away with a new fad.'
252. 'What if you`re going to write a story about death with a movie double as the main character
and a receipt as the key object? Set your story in a laundry mat.'
253. 'Describe in detail a person who leaves no stone unturned.'
254. 'Why would an antiques dealer leave town?'
255. 'Come up with 12 good reasons to sleep in.'
256. 'Write from the point of view of the only tree left standing in the forest.'
257. 'Use all these words in a story: detective, cart, backseat of a car, toy car'
258. 'Complete this famous tagline with your own: The greatest tragedy is ____________.'
259. 'I once dreamed about...'
260. 'Use this metaphor to spark a poem or story: a chest of childhood'
261. 'Create a story or poem inspired by a line in a Margaret Atwood poem: "We are learning to
make fire"'
262. 'Write about a man who teaches his pet cockroaches to tap dance.'
263. 'Give 8 good reasons it is OK for men to lie.'
264. 'Ginger Kemp and Pete Papillon meet in a hospital ward. One of them wants to be someone
else. Write their story.'
265. 'Begin your story with this line: It was the one thing he coveted the most.'
266. 'Marian Bartsch and Joey Costagli meet on his first day at work. One of them had a rough
childhood. Write their story.'
267. 'Use this plot in a short story: employee demands for a car in her contract'
268. 'What if you`re going to write a story about deception with a male alcoholic as the main
character and yellow bag as the key object? Set your story in an ice rink.'
269. 'Why would a fashion model refuse to have pictures in her house?'
270. 'List 9 good reasons to eat your mother-in-law`s cooking.'
271. 'Write from the point of view of a glass on the edge of the table.'
272. 'Use all these words in a story: priest, ring, garden, magnifying glass'
273. 'Complete this famous tagline with your own: Please don`t squeeze the ____________.'
274. 'My old room was...'
275. 'Use this mixed personification to spark a poem or story: sorrow croons as love begs'
276. 'Create a story or poem inspired by a line in a David Lehman poem: "Death was last seen in the
auction room, looking worried"'
277. 'Why would Fortune 500 companies start hiring corporate fortune tellers?'
278. 'Bonnie Steinweg and Louie Cunningham meet while he is waiting for his date. One of them
works two jobs. Write their story.'
279. 'Create a story based on this quick plot: a young attorney takes on a pro bono case against the
advice of her father'
280. 'What if you`re going to write a story about fear with a female chemist as the main character
and a diary as the key object? Set your story in a park.'
281. 'List 9 good reasons to break off a wedding.'
282. 'Write from the point of view of a virus about to infect an important document.'
283. 'Write a story based on this plot: mailed Valentine card never arrives'
284. 'List 10 things you would buy with your last $20.'
285. 'Write a fictional news story about an adoption agency selling shaved apes as babies.'
286. 'Edith Tidwell and Caleb Francis meet when a mutual acquaintance introduces them to each
other. One of them is a chemist. Write their story.'
287. 'Use these two metaphors in a poem: "an inch of scorn" and "a cradle of beliefs"'
288. 'Use this cliche anywhere in your story: off like a shot'
289. 'What if you`re going to write a story about letting go with a factory worker as the main
character and a locket as the key object? Set your story in a small apartment.'
290. 'Write a fictional news story based on this headline: Businesswoman Gets First Cell-Phone
291. 'Create a story or poem inspired by a line in a Charles Bukowski poem: "some suicides are never
292. 'Use all these words in a story or poem: grandfather, photoalbum, post office, folder'
293. 'Sherry Willcox and Scott Gainer meet during a wedding. One of them receives a letter.'
294. 'Write out a scene based on this quick plot: search for the missing daughter of a high-ranking
government official'
295. 'In 250 words, write from the point of view of a ball of yarn being chased by a cat'
296. 'List 7 reasons to turn down a marriage proposal'
297. 'Why would a playwright run a red light?'
298. 'Paula Morin and Louie Maruyama meet after he resigns from his job. One of them collects
guns. Write their story.'
299. 'Use this plot in a short story: liberal activist daughter moves in temporarily with parents'
300. 'What if you`re going to write a story about infidelity with a female paramedic as the main
character and a pair of boots as the key object? Set your story in a prison cell.'
301. 'Come up with 10 good reasons you shouldn`t write your life story.'
302. 'Write from the point of view of a spoon inside the dishwasher.'
303. 'Make this the first line of your story: Catching the signal from one of her friends, Angela
brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting.'
304. 'What if you`re going to write a story about power with a policeman as the main character and
an old pair of shoes as the key object? Set your story in the operating room.'
305. 'List 20 rules you`ve broken.'
306. 'Create a news story with this headline: Army Tough Guy Trampled by Deer'
307. 'Tiffany Papillon and Alan Chatman meet during a cruise. One of them loves to cook.'
308. 'Use this plot in a short story: popular burger shop uses tainted beef patties'
309. 'Start your story with this line: Alice tried to remember who had given her the key.'
310. 'Use this cliche anywhere in your story: the raw end of the deal'
311. 'Use the following words in your story: photographer, needle, dormitory, bicycle'
312. 'Make a list of: The 7 Top Things that Could Happen to Bad People'
313. 'Michelle Corcoran and Chris Lucado meet after his break up. One of them has a fear of
314. 'What if you`re going to write a story about self-expression with a cab driver as the main
character and a fire escape as the key object? Set your story in a funeral home.'
315. 'Use the following words in your story: diplomat, jacket, conference room, balloon'
316. 'Create a news story with this headline: Beer-Crazed Elephants Face Execution!'
317. 'Use this plot in a short story: doctor says hockey is damaging his spine'
318. 'Use this cliche anywhere in your story: keep your fingers crossed'
319. 'Make a list of: 10 Best Reasons to Share A Room with Your Best Friend'
320. 'What if you`re going to write a story about friendship with a high school student as the main
character and a fountain as the key object? Set your story inside a flower shop.'
321. 'Amy Tidwell and Jason Engler meet on an airplane. One of them becomes resigned to his or her
322. 'Use this plot in a short story: loses a winning lottery ticket'
323. 'Use this cliche anywhere in your story: burn the midnight oil'
324. 'Make a list of: 7 Signs It`s Time to Take a Bath'
325. 'What if you`re going to write a story about desperation with an evangelist as the main
character and a memo as the key object? Set your story in a ghost town.'
326. 'Use this plot in a short story: fired from her job after getting the wrong number'
327. 'Why would an engineer eat once a day only?'
328. 'Write from the point of view of the knife inside a thief`s pocket.'
329. 'Irene Robinson and Bradley Neumann meet while she is searching for a long-lost relative. One
of them is a loner.'
330. 'Make a list of the 10 most unusual jobs you are interested in.'
331. 'Write from the point of view of a TV remote.'
332. 'Create a story for the cautious and wide-eyed Kitty Sampson, who becomes the superheroine
Ruby Angel who possesses the power of gravity control.'
333. 'Use this plot in a short story: holiday house they rented turns out to be run-down servants
334. 'Create a story involving these two characters: Stella Alcott and Tom Costagli meet while he is
vacationing with his wife. One of them owns a boat.'
335. 'Wax some poetics and take your cue from Emily Dickinson. Start your poem with the line,
beauty crowds me till I die.'
336. 'Write about 15 minutes in the downfall of love.'
337. 'Use this plot in a short story: roommates have not paid the phone bill.'
338. 'Create a poem or a story based on this personification: The sun bows as pain vibrates.'
339. 'Write about 5 things you would do to entertain yourself if you did not see a soul for 7 days.'
340. 'Use the following words in a story: burglar, envelope, forest, desk lamp.'
341. 'Write from the point of view of a wedding bouquet.'
342. 'Craft a poem or a story based on this metaphor: a flourish of hate.'
343. 'Start your story with this line: Her laugh broke the silence.'
344. 'Melinda Alcott and Dwayne Modderman meet in a bank. One of them is a loner. Describe how
they meet.'
345. 'Write from the point of view of a stack of paper a few inches from the shredder.'
346. 'Use the following words in a story: college student, crumpled paper, train, laptop.'

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