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Science and Sounds

Science Proves How Sound Can Change DNA

A Russi an research team l ed by bi ophysi ci st and mol ecul ar
bi ol ogi st Pj otr Garj aj ev has proved sound and vi brati on caused
by sound can transform DNA.

Unl i ke Western sci enti sts they refused
to accept that the 90% of our DNA referred to as j unk DNA
hel d no val ue and i n an effort to prove thi s they pai red
l i ngui sts wi th geneti ci sts to study the i mpact of vi brati on and
l anguage on Human DNA.

What thei r research uncovered was compl etel y unexpected -
they discovered that human DNA stores data like a
computer' s memory system, wi th our geneti c code usi ng
grammar rul es and syntax j ust l i ke human l anguage!

It appears that al l human l anguages are si mpl y verbal i zati ons
of our DNA and perhaps even more astoundi ng was the
di scovery by the team that l i vi ng human DNA can be changed
and rearranged wi th spoken words and phrases si mpl y by
usi ng the ri ght frequency.

The work of Pj otr Garj aj ev and hi s team provi des sci enti fi c
evi dence as to why the mantra' s and chanti ng used by the
Yogi s and Rabbi ' s throughout hi story have such a powerful and
posi ti ve effect on human bei ngs - Our DNA i s i nherentl y
programmed to respond to l anguage(whi ch i s essenti al sound
and vi brati ons)

Dr. Pi l l ai says: "Thi s gi ves hope that by mani pul ati ng sounds
we can al l reach the hi ghest i ntel l i gence."
- Dr. Pi l l ai -

All Matter Originates From Sound
Quantum Physi ci sts have researched ti rel essl y the ori gi ns of

Ini ti al l y i t was thought that the
mol ecul e was the smal l est form of matter. Thi s was soon
rej ected wi th the di scovery of the atom and fol l owi ng that the
parti cl e.

Sti l l searchi ng they have been l ed to the real i zati on that i n
order to fi nd the true ori gi n of matter they must l ook beyond
j ust materi al substances, and begi n to expl ore the fi el d of

Thei r research i nto energy and search to i denti fy the
appearance of matter l ed to the l atest revel ati on wi thi n the
worl d of Quantum Physi cs, the "String theory".

As a resul t of a perfect mathemati cal cal cul ati on, that i n over
40 years has not be proven wrong, Physi ci sts have determi ned
that the shape and structure of the matter we percei ve i s
actual l y made up of ti ny vi brati ng fi l aments cal l ed stri ngs.

Vi brati ons caused by sound... concl udi ng that matter as the
anci ent ci vi l i zati ons cl ai med i s created by sound.

"The day sci ence begi ns to study non-physi cal phenomena, i t
wi l l make more progress i n one decade than i n al l the previ ous
centuri es of i ts exi stence."
- Ni kol a Tesl a -

EEG Study Reveals How Dr. Pillai' s
Technologies Impact The Brain
To further qual i fy what the Yogi ' s and Si ddha' s have known for
centuri es and to back up the resul ts achi eved through hi s
groundbreaki ng work wi th Phenomes and the Tri pura
Foundati on. Dr. Pi l l ai commi ssi oned hi s own studi es to confi rm
the i mpact sounds have on the human brai n.

Jay Gunkel man, Chi ef Sci enti st
at Brai n Sci ence Internati onal , Cal i forni a was the l ead on thi s
parti cul ar study whi ch reveal ed how speci fi c sound vi brati ons
are hardwi red i n the Brai n.

Wi th each sound vi brati on havi ng a speci fi c si gnature i n our
Brai n

The study reveal ed some trul y amazi ng resul ts, whi ch cl earl y
showed i t i s possi bl e to acti vate speci fi c parts of the brai n
al ready known to control certai n acti vi ti es such as i ntel l i gence,
memory and focus through the use of speci fi c sounds.

Jay Gunkel man' s study has been abl e to categori cal l y
concl ude that sound vi brati ons are both acknowl edged and
absorbed i nto the human brai n.

Confirming once again the wisdom of the Yogis and
Siddha' s who knew the use of specific sound vibrations
has the ability to increase brainpower and experience
higher intelligence.

"My brai n i s onl y a recei ver, i n the Uni verse there i s a core
from whi ch we obtai n knowl edge, strength, and i nspi rati on.
I have not penetrated i nto the secrets of thi s core, but I know
that i t exi sts."
- Ni kol a Tesl a -

Sound and Its Influence on Physical Matter - Water
Can sound reall y influence physical matter?

The answer to thi s questi on i s qui te si mpl y yes!
We' ve al ready seen proof that our DNA can be al tered through
the appl i cati on of sound but now thanks to the research of Dr.
Masaru Emoto we can now see the i nfl uence i t has on
somethi ng we al l have access to - water!

Dr. Emoto bel i eved that not onl y does water refl ect the
physi cal word around i t, i n the same way as a mi rror mi ght do
but i t al so refl ects the consci ousness of the bei ng or
envi ronment i n whi ch i t i s present.

To prove thi s Dr. Emoto exposed di fferent test sampl es to a
vari ety of both posi ti ve and negati ve i nfl uences i n the form of
wri tten notes pl aced wi t h the wri ti ng toward the sampl e - these
notes i ncl uded words l i ke ' Thank you' ' Love' ' I hate you' and
' You fool '

Each test sampl e was then frozen and the frozen water

What was reveal ed was astoni shi ng.

The sampl es
exposed to the posi ti ve i nfl uences formed beauti ful crystal l i ne
structures, whereas those subj ected to negati ve i nfl uences
produced mal formed and mi sshapen crystal s.

Dr. Emoto then took hi s study a step further and subj ected
sampl es previ ousl y exposed to negati ve i nfl uences and even
heavi l y pol l uted waters, whose crystal structures were
mal formed and requested that a pri est pray over the sampl es.

Once agai n the resul ts were astoundi ng - fol l owi ng the pri ests
prayer the crystal l i ne structures of the previ ousl y mal formed
sampl es transformed i nto the same beauti ful structures seen i n
the sampl es exposed to posi ti ve i nfl uences


Our thoughts and words have a di rect effect on water, and
si nce the human body i s approxi matel y 70% water, you can be
assured that our thoughts and words affect not onl y oursel ves,
but al so the wi der worl d that we l i ve i n.

"When you choose to vi brate at a hi gher l evel usi ng these
sounds, you pi ck up the hi ghest val ues of l i fe, i ntel l i gence, and
- Dr. PIl l ai -

Tripura Foundation Transforms Intelligence
Dr. Pi l l ai founded the Tri pura
Foundati on wi th one si mpl e goal - to share sci ence-based,
transformati onal tool s through educati onal programs that
acti vate the hi ghest potenti al of peopl e oppressed by poverty.

A key part i n the success of the foundati on i s i ts use of the
Phonemi c Intel l i gence methodol ogy.

Phonemi c Intel l i gence (PI) i s an i nnovati ve program that
acti vates a chi l d' s greatest potenti al . Sci enti fi cal l y based
sound technol ogi es are used to sti mul ate whol e brai n states,
enhanci ng l earni ng and emoti onal devel opment.

PI i ncorporates the repeti ti on of phonemes to sti mul ate
i mportant areas of the brai n.

Facts about PI:

Li ngui sts have studi ed the rel ati onshi p between l anguage and
the mi nd or i ntel l i gence for many years

Phonemes (the smal l est uni t of sound i n a spoken word) are
the bui l di ng bl ocks of l anguage

~ Our abi l i ty to percei ve and thi nk i s a process faci l i tated by
~ Phonemes and l anguage consti tute the mi nd

Each phoneme carri es wi thi n i t a speci fi c form of i ntel l i gence

Phonemes are i nvol ved i n creati ng the overal l devel opment of
the mental /psychol ogi cal , i ntui ti ve, sensory and bi ol ogi cal
facul ti es.

In the pi l ot study, parti ci pants i n the PI program del i vered by
Tri pura Foundati ons HoPE centers were made to l i sten to and
vocal i ze four sounds focusi ng on di fferent parts of the brai n.

Lead researcher Dr. Anbarasu Annamal ai sai d "Usi ng EEG
(El ectroencephal ography), we recorded el ectri cal acti vi ty i n
the brai n and found profound changes wi th the use of each
di screet sound," whi l e i ntroduci ng the methodol ogy of the
study vi a Vi deo.

As many as 2,450 chi l dren are
usi ng thi s brai n-changi ng educati on i n 70 centers across three
states of Indi a - Tami l Nadu (58 centers), Goa (10 centers) and
Haryana (2 centers). These chi l dren, bel ongi ng to
economi cal l y poor secti ons of the communi ty, have
demonstrated very posi ti ve resul ts wi th hi gher test scores,
greater focus on school work, cooperati on and parti ci pati on,
feel i ngs of peace and happi ness, and overal l wel l bei ng.

Saral a, grew up wi th the PI program i n Tri pura Foundati on' s
Gi rl stown:

In 2012, she earned a Bachel or of Sci ence i n Computer
Sci ences and then wrote her entrance exam to attend the
Masters program at a presti gi ous Col l ege i n Chennai . Pri or to
her enrol ment i n PI, Saral a' s fami l y of si x survi ved on onl y $20
US per month.

Wi th Tri pura Foundati on' s support, she has been rel eased from
a cycl e of poverty and empowered to hel p others.

"What we now want i s cl oser contact and better understandi ng
between i ndi vi dual s and communi ti es al l over the earth, and
the el i mi nati on of egoi sm and pri de whi ch i s al ways prone to
pl unge the worl d i nto pri meval barbari sm and stri ve...
Peace can onl y come as a natural consequence of uni versal
enl i ghtment..."
- Ni kol a Tesl a -

Further Proof Sound Can Alter Molecular Structure
In the 1960' s, a medi cal doctor named Hans Jenny conducted
experi ments, whi ch showed the abi l i ty of sound to actual l y
create form i n vari ous substances i ncl udi ng pl asti cs, l i qui ds
and water.
Pl aci ng these substances, powders, sand, water etc. onto a
steel pl ate, whi ch he then vi brated wi th sound usi ng a crystal
osci l l ator, the vari ous substances took on the most organi c
l ooki ng shapes often repl i cati ng mi croscopi c organi sms or
underwater l i fe.
Hi s work i s now known as Cymati cs.

Cellular Structure & Energy Impacted By Sound
Fabi an Maman, a French acupuncturi st and sound heal er used
Ki rl i an photography to take photos of haemogl obi n bl ood cel l s
that were exposed to di fferent sounds.
Hi s photographs focused on bl ood cel l s exposed to an
ascendi ng chromati c scal e-C, C#, D, etc.
Each note affected the cel l di fferentl y, creati ng a uni quel y
di fferent shape and Ki rl i an col our. Demonstrati ng cl earl y
cel l ul ar structure and energy i s effected by sound.

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