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[F] = Full Control [P] = Partial Control [C] = Conceptual Control

Curriculum and Professional Development Division K12 Foreign Language

SPANISH I3840 Teacher Guide
UNIT 5: Meet My Family

By the end of this unit, students will be able to
Interpersonal Communication Interpretive Communication Presentational Communication Culture, Connections,
Comparisons, and Communities Conversation Reading Listening Speaking Writing
1.5.1 Ask and describe their familial relationships
1.5.2 Ask and tell what members of their families
do and why
1.5.3 Ask and describe their family members
physical and personal characteristics
1.5.4 Ask and tell about other peoples
2.5.1 Understand personal
e-mails, notes, and
other short reading
about families
2.5.2 Understand when
they read about
where people work
and what they do
3.5.1 Understand what people
say in short
conversations about
family members
3.5.2 Understand basic
descriptions of family
3.5.3 Understand when
people talk about where
they work and what they
4.5.1 Describe their family
members physical and
personality traits
4.5.2 Talk about what their
family members like
and dont like to do in
their free time
4.5.3 Describe what their
family members do in
their free time
4.5.4 Talk about where their
family members work
and what they do
5.5.1 Describe their families
using photographs, etc.
5.5.2 Write about what
members of their families
like and dislike doing in
their free time
5.5.3 Write about where their
family members work
and what they do
5.5.4 Write about what their
family members do in
their free time
6.5.1 Discuss and compare the concept of family as it
exists in the Spanish-speaking world (i.e., family
size, extended family, living arrangements,
practices, traditions, etc.) and their own families
What will students know by the end of this unit?
Vocabulary Language Structures and Conventions
Family members
Professions and work places
Work-related verbs
Possessive adjectives
Present tense [P]
Subject-verb agreement [P]
Possessive adjectives [P]
The verb ser to describe physical/personal traits [F]
Adjective agreement [P]
What universal concepts should I teach throughout this course?
7.0.1 Identify and use cognates that exist between Spanish and English
7.0.2 Compare language structures between Spanish and English
7.0.3 Compare and contrast the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world with their own culture
7.0.4 Recognize opportunities to use Spanish outside of the classroom setting
7.0.5 Recognize and use gestures, manners, behaviors, greetings, and idiomatic expressions of the Spanish-speaking world
7.0.6 Recognize similarities and differences in the Spanish-speaking writing system and use it with increasing accuracy
7.0.7 Recognize and use the Spanish sound system with increasing accuracy

Quarter 3
Curriculum and Professional Development Division K12 Foreign Language

SPANI SH I 3840 Vocabulary Guide
UNI T 5: Meet My Family

Quarter 3
el maestro
el profesor
el mdico doctor
el enfermero nurse
el dentista dentist
el polica police officer
el jefe boss
el secretario secretary
el abogado lawyer
el bombero firefighter
el trabajador construction worker
el msico musician
el actor actor
el bailador dancer
el atleta athlete
el veterinario veterinarian
el mecnico mechanic
el vendedor salesperson
el artista artist
el ingeniero engineer
*Be sure to teach both
masculine/feminine and
singular/plural forms of these

Famil y
el padre father
la madre mother
el hermano brother
la hermana sister
el abuelo grandfather
la abuela grandmother
el to uncle
la ta aunt
el primo
la prima
el nieto grandson
la nieta granddaughter
el hijo son
la hija daughter
el sobrino nephew
la sobrina niece
el padrastro stepfather
la madrastra stepmother
el hermanastro stepbrother
la hermanastra stepsister
los parientes relatives
mayor older
menor younger

Work Places
la escuela school
el hospital hospital
la oficina office
la estacin de polica police station
el edificio building
la estacin de bomberos fire station
el teatro theater (plays)
el estadio stadium
el taller auto repair shop
la tienda store
el museo museum

el perro dog
el gato cat
el pez fish
el pjaro bird
el conejo rabbit
la tortuga turtle
el ratn mouse
la serpiente snake
el caballo horse
la rana frog

Possessive Adjecti ves
Work-Related Verbs
ayudar to help
vender to sell
trabajar to work
pintar to paint
arreglar to fix
construir to build
ensear to teach
cuidar to take care of
limpiar to clean
presentar to perform/to present
salvar to save/to rescue

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