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ELR 4202C Project: Heart Sound Pulse Display Module

The project will use a stethoscope and electret microphone to create an electrical signal input to circuitry which will indicate
the pulse with each heart beat. This signal is processed to produce a pulse display occurring with each heart beat. This is
done by detecting and processing heart sounds. The display will be prduced on a 10-LED bar graph. Additionally, the
laboratory euipment will be used to record and produce a hard copy o! the measured heart sounds and the pulse output.
Each team will design and !abricate a module, submit a written technical report, ma"e a #owerpoint presentation, and a
$ideo demonstration to present li$e be!ore the class as demonstration o! its projects completion.
There are three aspects o! this project to be di$ided among your team members%
&eport on the clinical aspects o! heart sounds
'reate a sensing transducer and electronics to detect and process heart sounds.
Design, !abricate and test the electronic module
A. Clinical Research
(eart sound origination ) anatomic and physiologic
(eart sound propagation through the body and detection sites
*orphology o! heart sound wa$e!orm
'linical conditions a!!ecting heart sounds
Determine appropriate !reuency speci!ications !or !ilter response allowing processing o! signals.
B. Fabricate a Patient Interface
+ethoscope and electret microphone as de$ices
*ounting microphone to pic" up sounds
Electret microphone principle o! operation
#owering the microphone
C. Design and Test the Electronic od!le
,nput ampli!ier, !ilter ampli!ier, scaling ampli!ier, bar graph
The attached in!ormation will help in carrying out this tas".
The !ollowing sections gi$e details o! the electronics, arragned in the suggested order !or building them.
D. The technical re"ort
This must contain a summary o! the clinical aspects o! heart sounds measurement, processing, and show aspects to decide
on the design elements o! the project. The design o! the patient inter!ace must be described with respect to !acilitating the
measurement and optimi-e the detected signal. The electronic module design must be described with design euations,
written rationale, and test results included.
E. Presentation
+ummari-e brie!ly the clinical aspects, the inter!ace design and the electronic module. Then demonstrate the module with a
human subject on the date assigned to your team. The demonstration will include a li$e presentation plus a #ower#oint
slide set and a $ideo o! the de$ice wor"ing.
Project Details:
Bloc# Diagra
$ardware to be !sed
.abricate the electronics on a /proto-board/ and use 0 $olts !or the power source. 1ou may use the
lab power supplies !or de$elopment but a battery pac" will be substituted !or the !inal demonstration.
1ou will use the L* 0213 Display Dri$er ,', a 10-segment LED bar graph and the 4uad op amp.
5uild the circuitry with carbon !ilm resistors rated !or 163 watt with 78 tolerance and capacitors such
as polyester !ilm or metalli-ed !ilm with a tolerance o! 78 and a $oltage rating o! 70 $olts. All o! these
components are a$ailable !rom the 5*E lab and must be returned at the end o! the semester.
Illustration 1: Project Block Diagram
The dis"la% assebl%
This section o! the project implements the 10-segment bar graph display with a switch to select its
display mode. The display is created by combining an L* 0213 9or eui$alent: integrated circuit, a 10-
segment LED and resistors. A typical circuit diagram is shown below, as ta"en !rom the re!erence
listed below.
Illustration 2: LM 3914 Display Driver
The power connections are slightly di!!erent than shown abo$e. Apply the ;0 $olts to pin 0 o! the ,'
and to the common anode o! the LED<s. Apply the -0 $olts to pin = o! the ,'. The /ground/, the
midpoint o! the batteries, is applied to pins 3 and >.
The resistor between pins ? and > determines the brightness o! the LED<s and its $alue should be
normally 1000 ohms or more with higher resistance causing less brightness. @! course, the li!e o! the
batteries is better with less brightness 9see the re!erence:.
Testing te display
The input signal is applied to pin 7 o! the ,'. The $oltage le$els on pins A and 3 establish the upper and
lower $oltage limits that will be displayed. Bith the circuit shown, those limits are ;1.=7 $olts and
Test the circuit by applying a sinusoidal $oltage to pin 7, a!ter !irst con!irming the $oltage on the
oscilloscope. Cse a sinusoid o! 1 (- with a pea" $oltage o! 1.=7 $olt. This should cause the display
to sweep to !ull scale and bac" to dar" and then remain dar" !or D second. +lowly reduce the
amplitude and obser$e that the number o! lit segments is reduced. Bhen the amplitude drops to
approEimately 0.1=7 $olt, only a single segment should light up. Document these e$ents in your report.
Alternative Power &!""l%
The class web site has the description !or an alternati$e power supply arrangement using the remaining op-amp. This will
allow the circuit to be powered by a battery aiding demonstration in the classroom.
E!ercise "# $%taining a signal and design a sensor older
Listen !or the heart sounds using the stethoscope. Determine the location that will be used to detect sounds. &ecord this
location !or EEercise F1 report.!ace6thoraE6hsounds.html
Design a way to couple the stethoscope sensor head with an electret microphone. This design also must accommodate the
wiring necessary to power and sense the microphone output The design MUST also include a straign relie! system to
support the wiring between the electronics and the sensor plus insulation to pre$ent electrical shoc".
&emo$e the head !rom the stethoscope to be coupled with the microphone.
Illustration 3: eparate !ea" #rom set!oscope
,llustration 3 +hows the elements necessary to build a microphone inter!ace !or the stethoscope. .irst attach the microphone
to the lead wire cable using solder.
+econdly, insert the microphone into a small piece o! tubing. &e!er to ,llustration 7.
+ilicone +eal can be applied to the wire end o! the tubing to !orm a strain relie!. @nce the silicone has set the microphone
and tube should be able to be attached to the stethoscope head without pulling the microphone and its cable !rom the tubing.
+ome blac" tape or +cotch mending tape can be wrapped around the stem o! the stethoscope head to pro$ide a spacer. The
spacer will allow a tight !it between the stem and the tubing.
There should also be some "ind o! belt created to hold the transducer against the chest !or continuous monitoring.
Illustration 4: $lements necessary #or "etecting soun"s
Illustration %: Microp!one components in place
Config!ration '(:
'onnect microphone with =H@hm resistor !or obser$e $oltage at Iode 1 as shown in ,llustration A. J; can be ;3.7-7
$olts. The oscilloscope probe can be connected directly to Iode 1 without reuiring the capacitor. .irst, D' couple the
oscilloscope and determine the static $oltage present at Iode 1.
IeEt the oscilloscope should be switched to A' coupled input to elinimate the D' o!!set $oltage present at the node. *a"e
additional measuresments o! the heart sounds. Adjust the gain and sweep speed to reliably show the image o! the heart
sounds. *easure the !reuency and amplitude characteristics o! the signal.
'apture a screen show o! sounds traces !rom an @scilloscope to include in EEercise F1 report.
The characteristics o! this trace will be the basis !or determining the circuit characteristic speci!ications.
Deterine re)!ired s"ecifications:
.rom the eEperimental obser$ations and the traces recorded, determine the reuired speci!ications !or bu!!er ampli!iers gain
and o!!set plus !ilter !reuency responses based on si-e o! the signal and the input reuirements o! the display plus research
about the !reuency characteristics o! the photo pulse signal.
Illustration &: Microp!one c!ematic
Illustration ': $lectronic image o# !eart soun"s: Lu()Du(
E!ercise "2
Design a circuit to meet the speci!ications o! the sensor output signal and the display input signal reuirements.
The !ull bloc" diagram should be reali-ed.
A sample re!erence schematic is shwon in ,llustration 2, is a copy o! the schematic in &e!erence F1. The $alues must be
changed based on the !ilter characteristics and sensor per!ormance results !rom EEercise F1.. Determine the speci!ic $alues
and draw the complete circuit schematic with all the correct $alues used !or this project.
Illustration 9: *e#erence 1: c!ematic
Illustration +: ystem Block Diagram
,llustration 2 is shown by eEample and alternati$e circuit con!igurations can be used.
Csing the input con!iguration F1 !rom EEercise F1 replaces &1A and &1. The gain o! C1a can be set !or the reuired
ampli!ication. C1b is a bandpass !ilter con!iguration similar to .igure 0.1= in *edical ,nstrumentation teEt boo".
The signal !rom C1a should ha$e enough gain to be use!ul as input o! a personal computer sound card to allow long term
recording o! the signal !or archi$e and analysis.
A precision hal! wa$e recti!ier and a low pass !ilter can be used to implement the pulse shaper to dri$e the L*0213 bar
graph dri$er. I@TE% the input the bar graph dri$er has a limited and speci!ic range. *a"e sure the output o! the pulse
shaper con!orms to those reuirements.
Bhen con!igured in the precision recti!ier mode, its output consists o! the positi$e hal!-cycles o! the input signal. Bhen a
capacitor is added across the load resistor, the en$elope detector output holds the pea" amplitude o! the input signal. ,n this
mode it must ha$e a decay time constant suitable !or the tremor !reuency. ,t is recommended to use a capacitor $alue o! 1.0
micro!arad and set the decay time constant to gi$e a good indication on the display.
Illustration 1,: Pinout #or -ua" .p)/mp
Eletctret *icrophone ,n!ormation
An electronic sound ampli!ication stethoscope including a battery powered sel!-contained sound ampli!ication circuit
contained in a hand held connector housing inserted in the !leEible sound conduit o! the stethoscope. The circuit includes a
miniaturi-ed microphone !or recei$ing sound wa$es !rom the stethoscope pic"up head and a miniaturi-ed spea"er !or
transmitting ampli!ied sound wa$es to the stethoscope headpiece. 5oth the microphone and spea"er may be housed in the
connector housing and are $ibration insulated !rom the housing itsel!. The electronic circuitry and battery power source are
located in compartments separated !rom the microphone and spea"er. A LED light source is placed in series between the
ampli!ier circuit and the power source such that the !luctuations in its intensity are directly proportional to the power surges
in the circuit. The LED is thus a $isual indicator o! such body !unctions as respiration and blood !low. The ampli!ier circuit
is also pro$ided with an on6o!! $olume control thumbwheel located on the sur!ace o! the connector housing

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