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Godrej Tyson Foods is a joint venture between Godrej Agrovet Ltd.

, a part of the Godrej

Group and Tyson Foods Inc. We own India's eading brands of food products incuding
!ea Good "hic#en and !ea Good $u%%ie&.
We bring the best of Godrej's hygienic suppy chain and strong vaue(added brands with
Tyson Foods' e)pertise in processing and product deveop%ent to create great(tasting,
safe, and heathy products. Godrej Agrovet Li%ited is a diversified agri(business
co%pany that's a eader in the ani%a feed, oi pa% pantations, agri(inputs and poutry
Tyson Foods, Inc. on the other hand, is one of the word's argest processors and
%ar#eters of chic#en, beef and por#, the second(argest food production co%pany in the
Fortune *++ and the %ar#et eader in its retai and foodservice %ar#ets. It ta#es a ot to
%a#e chic#en this good. And at Godrej Tyson Foods Li%ited, we beieve we have %ost
of it. The #itchen is reay a wondrous pace. It's where you coo# up the %agic for your
fa%iy, coo#ing up newer, tastier and %ore uni,ue recipes.
-ut what woud you say to a #itchen that's spread over a .++,+++ s,uare feet/ 0o%e ca
it astounding. We just ca it the Tyson 1iscovery "enter. And, just i#e your #itchen, it's
where we coo# up the %agic. 2ny, we do it just a bit differenty.
0pread over a wide e)panse of .++,+++ s,uare feet, the Tyson 1iscovery "enter at
Ar#ansas is at the heart of a of our product innovations. It is ho%e to so%e of the
word's fore%ost cuinary speciaists and provides the% with a the faciities to weave
their %agic. The Tyson 1iscovery "enter co%prises3
4ineteen (yes, nineteen!) fuy e,uipped research #itchens
A %uti(protein piot pant
A pac#aging innovation aboratory
A sensory anaysis aboratory
"onsu%er research faciities
0o, when we put a that we've got into creating the best chic#en recipes that you can get,
it just %a#es it a itte easier for you to create %agic around the tabe.
!ea Good "hic#en co%es to you fro% Godrej Tyson Foods Li%ited. Godrej Tyson
Foods Li%ited is a joint venture between Godrej Agrovet, India's eading agri co%pany
and Tyson, the word eader in protein.
What makes Real Good Chicken so good?
5a#ing chic#en that's a cut above the rest ta#es a ot. It starts with our far%s, where we
bring up our chic#ens on a co%petey natura, whoeso%e and nutritious diet. The
chic#ens are then 6aa(cut at the right age in a state(of(the(art, 6A""7(certified pant,
co%petey untouched by hu%an hands. We ta#e care to cean the chic#ens thoroughy.
0o thoroughy in fact, that they're good enough to go fro% the pac# straight into the pan8
After a, you'd be better off spending your ti%e %a#ing that perfect dinner for your
fa%iy instead of ceaning chic#en. 2nce ceaned and cut to the right si&e, the chic#ens
are chied and seaed in a Freshness(oc# pac# to retain a the freshness and nutrition
inside, unti it gets to your neighborhood store. 0o, when you cut open a pac# of Godrej
!ea Good "hic#en, you get perfecty tender, juicy and heathy chic#en, just the way it's
%eant to be.

The brand that India trusts
Godrej !ea Good "hic#en is the eading brand of fresh chic#en in India. And with a
good reason. Whether it's heathier, tastier fresh chic#en or the %ost tantai&ing ready(to
eat products, you just can't find a better chic#en than Godrej !ea Good "hic#en
Why Godrej Tyson
1. One Poer!ul Port!olio
We focus on serving the growing de%and for ,uaity poutry in India with processed
chic#en, vaue added chic#en products and to co%pe%ent these, a very strong vegetarian
". #trong #u$$ly Chain
We have the best saes and distribution networ# in the industry. This is our core strength
and we are happy to everage it to serve our custo%ers better.
%. Inno&ation
We are the first co%pany to %ar#et fresh chied chic#en in India. Food innovations are
based on consu%er insights co%bined with food %anufacturing e)pertise to deveop great
tasting chic#en and vegetarian products.
'. ()$ertise in Processing
We have state(of(the(art, 6A""7 certified, processing pants in -angaore 9 5u%bai.
A processes are supervised by trained food technoogists.
*. +rand ,Godrej Tyson-
.++: safe and guaranteed whoeso%e products is what you shoud e)pect fro% Godrej
Tyson foods. We foow the industry best food safety standards, trac#ing, research 9
./CCP0Certi!ied Processes
What is ./CCP?
6a&ard Anaysis and "ritica "ontro 7oints, or 6A""7 is a syste%atic preventive
approach to food safety that identifies physica, che%ica, and bioogica ha&ards in
production processes that can cause the finished product to be unsafe, and designs
%easure%ents to reduce these ris#s to a safe eve.
In other words, 6A""7 focuses on prevention of ha&ards rather than re%edies or
finished product inspection. At Godrej Tyson Foods Li%ited, a our processes across the
entire food chain are 6A""7("ertified, fro% food production to the preparation
processes incuding pac#aging and distribution.
0o, when you buy a pac# of Godrej !ea Good "hic#en or Godrej !ea Good $u%%ie&,
you can rest assured that you're buying the %ost hygienic chic#en avaiabe.

Real Good Chicken
0ti buying chic#en the od fashioned way fro% your neighborhood butcher/ It's ti%e
you switched to !ea Good "hic#en. Apart fro% the taste, there are so%e reay good
reasons for you to switch3
!ea Good "hic#en is processed in our own state(of(the(art, 6A""7(certified pants,
co%petey untouched by hu%an hands. The resut is that your chic#en is %uch %ore
hygienic than the neighborhood butcher's
!ea Good "hic#en is bred in our own far%s on a natura, nutrient(rich diet and
saughtered at the right age, when it is %ost tender. A this, so you get tastier, juicier
;ni#e other fro&en chic#en brands, !ea Good "hic#en is fresh. 2nce processed, we sea
the chic#en in specia Freshness(oc# pac#s, chi it to preserve the freshness and deiver
it every day to your neighborhood store
2ore Con&enient
!ea Good "hic#en is co%petey dressed, ceaned and ready to go straight into the pan
fro% the pac#. 7us, it's avaiabe in a variety of convenient cuts. 0o you don't waste ti%e
ceaning and cutting the chic#en
2ore 3alue
;ni#e your neighborhood butcher who charges you a per #g rate for the entire bird, !ea
Good "hic#en is a %eat and no feathers. 0o, when you buy a #g of !ea Good "hic#en,
you get a #g of %eat, not feathers
Real Good 4ummie5
Ready to eat. Ready to enli&en any occasion.
!ea Good $u%%ie& is a range of ready to eat products %ade fro% the sa%e great(
tasting, tender and heathy !ea Good "hic#en. !ea Good $u%%ie& gives you a wide
range of both vegetarian and non(vegetarian <chic#en= products. "hoose fro% these great(
tasting product ranges3
Poer #tarts A range of tasty products that give your day the right start. "hoose fro% a
variety of saa%i and sausage products that are rich in proteins as they are tasty
6iddie 7elights Give your #ids a range of tasty and fun products that are aso nutritious.
7ic# fro% yu%%y 1ino& and 7i&&a 7oc#ets
7esi Treats A range of authentic Indian recipes, fro% 1ii Aoo "haat to Luc#nowi
0ee#h >ababs to Awadhi 0ha%i >abab. Ta#e your pic#
Global +ites And who can forget the a(ti%e favorites i#e -urgers, 4uggets and %ore/
(n&ironmental conditions
Ther%a co%fort inside poutry faciities is essentia, as unfavorabe environ%enta
conditions significanty affect production. -oth e)cessive cod and heat %ay cause
production osses and i%pair bird heath and wefare and, in e)tre%e situations, increase
bird %orbidity and?or %ortaity. The evoution of technoogy and of the #nowedge on
ther%oreguation physioogy and behaviour wi reduce %ista#es in poutry house design
and in bird %anage%ent that can cause ther%a disco%fort. The deveop%ent of
infor%ation technoogy aows new techni,ues in the study of broier ther%a co%fort,
such as the use of rea(ti%e i%age anaysis using video ca%eras, i%age(ac,uisition
hardware, and i%age(anay&ing software progra%%es to ac,uire process and evauate
infor%ation. .
Interestingy, inside broier houses, @+ per cent of the heat is not produced by a%ps or
brooding syste%s but by the birds the%seves. 7roper evauation of this heat production
%ay aow creating %echanis%s for the utii&ation of this energy, which coud be
transated in significant cost savings.
1ood #a!ety
Food conta%ination by pathogens is the %ain concern of consu%ers <IF", A+.+=.
0uppying this de%and for safer food re,uires transparency and co%%it%ent by a the
parties invoved in the process of food production, incuding govern%ents. Bach step of
the food suppy chain wi be increasingy controed, with e%phasis on ris# %onitoring
through preventive and corrective actions <anaysis and %onitoring critica contro
points=. This re,uires carefu seection of input suppiers, focusing on product ,uaity and
not price, which re,uires evauation and %aintenance pans, understanding the process
and the %aterias used by suppiers, and technica #nowedge on physica, che%ica, and
%icrobioogica ris#. In the feed %is during the ne)t decades, auto%ation wi increase,
with ower e)posure of wor#ers to operationa ris#s, and %ore e%phasis wi be paced on
critica contro points, which wi be %onitored just in ti%e, and on rea(ti%e traceabiity.
Andree and 0chwaegee <A+.+=, who participated in the deveop%ent of a project to
anayse e)isting or potentia vunerabe points in food production chains, said the oss of
infor%ation or of traceabiity is the %ain ris# factor for the entrance of conta%inants into
the process of ani%a feed production. Giving proper attention to these new re,uire%ents
is of great i%portance for the poutry industry, particuary considering the e)porting
countries, which %ust co%py with the increasing de%ands of the i%porters.
6eath %onitoring of the foc#s is and wi beco%e increasingy i%portant, not ony to
prevent foodborne disease but aso to avoid perfor%ance osses and to ensure bird
wefare. "o%piance with heath progra%%es <ceaning and disinfection, vaccination,
pest contro, disease %onitoring=, i%%ediate notification and record of abnor%a
situations, heath %onitoring progra%%es and %easures for infection contro and
eradication %ust be put in pace, particuary in a scenario where the use of anti%icrobia
co%pounds is increasingy restricted.

Challenges in Re!rigerated or 1ro5en Chicken
!efrigerated or fro&en chic#en production is a reay good dea as a business. A%ost
everyone eats chic#en, and a%ost no house has a fridge with no chic#en inside it. -ut as
entrepreneurs sti there are chaenges in having this business officiay. In %y essay, I'%
going to %ention so%e of the chaenges I'% going to face as an entrepreneur incase I
wanted this business to e)ist in %y country 0audi Arabia, and how I %ight have to find
substitute soutions so that %y business doesn't end up with faiure i#e so%e other
The first issue is that the co%petitors in the sa%e %ar#et are driving the bridgesC there are
reay big co%petitors in the %ar#et. And other than that is that the co%petitor's
affectation is ess because of their production's vou%e. They can product a ot in a short
ti%e and se it with the owest prices which grows the co%pany reay fast and %a#es
co%petition a reay hard thing for others that woud have the sa%e business.
Another issue is that for refrigerated or fro&en chic#en production we shoud use pure
natura %edications instead of the che%ica ones which cost a ot %ore of course, and
because of this issue our revenues wi grow ess because we' have to spend %ore in
e)panding the vou%e of our ,uaity.
2ther issues e)ist as we such as the ac# of price co%petition which we can't have
because of the ow cost in other fir%s, as we %entioned earier the co%petitors'
production is very arge which is the thing that reay %a#es the% se their products with
the east they can, so what we can do is co%pete in the ,uaity by using natura
%edication, because our product then wi be %ore trustabe and everyone woud want to
buy which wi be the good thing about our product.
Last but not east are the icense issues. The govern%ent a%ost never gives the icense
uness the conditions were re,uired such as e%poy a specific nu%ber of citi&ens, a
specific a%ount of invest%ent that shoud be earned, and other conditions.

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