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Faculty of
Department of
Suggested sample letter for Public Speakers/Guest Speakers
Public Speakers include both guest speakers for specific events and seminar leaders provided
the seminar to be given by the foreign speaker does not last longer than five days.
PERSO!" Date
Dear name:
On behalf of the Faculty of facultys Department of dept I am pleased to invite you to our
Faculty/Department as a uest !pea"er for the period date# to date$%
&our 'ill be: #Outline duties and responsibilities here$ i.e.%&
(#) *addressin+ the follo'in+ convention/convocation/dinner, etc: (provide details)
($) *addressin+ staff/students/others on %%%%%%%%%%% in your area of expertise-.
(/) *participatin+ in and/or actin+ as a spea"er at the %%%%%%%%% conference/symposium/convention%
&ou 'ill receive an honorarium of 0amount% (If applicable)
&ou 'ill also receive reimbursement for airfare and accommodation expenses% '(f applicable)
It is our understandin+ that under 1e+ulation 1#23(4) of the Immi+ration and 1efu+ee Protection
1e+ulations you may enter 5anada as a uest !pea"er 'ithout the need to secure a 'or" permit%
6o'ever, citi7ens from certain countries must obtain a 8emporary 1esident 9isa (819) throu+h a
5anadian visa post abroad prior to enterin+ 5anada% For a complete list of countries and territories
'hose citi7ens re:uire visas in order to enter 5anada as visitors, please refer to the 5I5 'eb site at:
http%//*** If you are uncertain as to visa re:uirements from your
country, you are advised to contact the nearest 5anadian visa office concernin+ the current re+ulations%
For a list of 5anadian embassies, hi+h commissions and consulates, please refer to:
;s your stay in 5anada 'ill be temporary, you 'ill not be covered by ;lberta 6ealth 5are% In case you do
not have <Out=of=5ountry> covera+e under your medical insurance plan in your country of residence, you
may purchase medical insurance as a visitor to 5anada at your o'n cost (i%e%, throu+h !impson roup
?edical !ervices Inc%, 'ebsite: http://'''%simpson=+roup%com)%
Please carry this letter of invitation 'ith you 'hen you arrive and present it to the admittin+ Immi+ration
Officer at the 5anadian port of entry% &ou also re:uire a valid passport@ as proof of your citi7enship. It
'ill be necessary for the passport to be valid for the entire len+th of your stay in 5anada%
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you re:uire any further information at 8el: or A=mail:
&ours sincerely,

$BCC Dniversity Drive E%F%, 5al+ary, ;lberta 8$E #EG '''%ucal+ary%ca
name $ letterdate
,If you are a citi7en or a permanent resident of the Dnited !tates, reenland or !aint=Pierre=et=?i:uelon,
you do not need a passport or a temporary resident visa to enter 5anada% &ou must, ho'ever, provide
proof of citi7enship or permanent residence, such as a national identity card or an alien re+istration card%
Please note$ that those *ho contravene a provision of Section -./ of the Immigration and
Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) #i.e.$ a foreign national *ho makes a material misrepresentation
'misstating credentials$ letters of reference$ etc.) or *ho *ithholds information on a relevant
matter 'criminal involvement$ prior immigration difficulties$ previous illegal *ork in 0anada$ a
serious medical condition$ etc.) that could induce an error in the administration of 0anada1s
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act]$ is guilty of an offense and liable for prosecution in the
criminal courts of 0anada.

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