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Tournament 19.7.

Why did I make this subsumption
Two reasons, to share my experience with other play-
ers and to improve this game. Dont misunderstand
my intentions, its a great game and I love to play it.
Nevertheless some races dearly require their missing
units, the reason why I might add a few comments,
otherwise please enjoy reading and feel free to make
your own oppinion.
Te Rules?
We played three Missions Bridges of Death, Celestial
Vortex and Usurper(King of Hill).
A player that wins a game gets 5 quest points. Players
of a game that ends in a draw get 2 quest points each.
Losers of a game get 0 quest point. Players may earn
additional quest points in a game by completing one
of the following game objectives:
- Enemy Warlord killed
- Earned Killpoints > 75% of Enemy
- Lost < 25% of your warband
Further you can only score mission points in the
second round!!
Without this rule some races have no chance at all to
win. (Tey still dont have, since they are deadweight
with heavy infantary or MOV 2, but thats my own
oppinion, not the judges)
Why did I pick Banebrood?
Because I love mobility and brutality. I would love the
idea of spreading dieseases, but lets face it, except
Bubonic Plague all other plagues suck really bad. Why
disable an enemy when you can kill him? Tere are
many foes, who are resilent, it costs points I rather
spend for more units or items and there is a high
chance for the enemy to save a plague. All in all,
plague might be a great overtime efect, but you do
something wrong, if the enemy model survives the
turn. Banebrood are the second strongest faction,
there is nearly nothing they cant handle, except
Troglodytes. Might change when Banebrood gets
a valid option for ethereal creatures, like Cyclops.
Still you have face problems like the Lighteater with
Eclipse, a skill that makes it impossible to charge.
My List
I had a second list with plagues, just for fun,
nevertheless my frst list was better. It was my frst
tournament, I had no idea what missions I had to
play, therefore my list is really bad to play Celestial
Vortex, recomman another list for this mission.
LIST 1 - Resilent, then more blood!!
Gorelord -52
+Metamorph Helm -12
+Urghast Charm - 3
+Witchweed Extract - 7
+Blades of Minaxos -12
Fallow Shaman -23
+Long Legs - 9
Fallow Shaman -23
+Gigantic Jaws - 4
+Spiked Horror - 6
Fomorian Gut-Hackers -68(+21) 5/5
Ursapine -38
Points 299
LIST 2 - Sufering is not enough!!
Gorelord -52
+Bubonic Fleas -10
++Heartkill Plague FREE
+Infectious Blade - 8
Fallow Shaman -23
+Long Legs - 9
Fallow Shaman -23
Fomorian Gut-Hackers -68(+21) 3/5
Fomorian Gut-Hackers -68(+21) 3/5
Ursapine -38
Points 299
- Gorelord
A really amazing unit, the Gorelord is my favorite
warchief. Its possible to reach 13 meele in a charge,
with incredible damage output. Not to mention you
get 1 AP for any killed living unit. Tis guy is
Pacmans evil older brother, who hadnt had a happy
childhood! You see what I mean, when you eat a unit
from lef to right away! Nevertheless, dont waste him,
keep him behind your lines till his time comes to
shine. Charging means victory and the Gorelord is the
only unit a troglodyt player fears!
- Fallow Shaman
Te Shaman increase the mobility and damage output
of your units, whats the key to victory. Compared to
other mages, they suck because of their MAG 6,
except you have Fomorian Gut-Hakers. With them
you nearly fail a check, but avoid cursing enemies.
Boosting is so much easier!
Even with more heatlh, they can be take out easily,
therefore protect them!
- Fomorian Gut-Hackers
Tese guys are worth their points!
Amazing damage, high hit chance (MEL 7) and they
can attack multiple targets.
Other than their little brothers, the Maldire Mongrels,
they have better armor, more health, one 1AP more
and a high MAG 5 value, which makes cursing them
quite hard. Imagine what they can do with a Fallow
Shaman! Forget Maldire Mongrels, I recommend
using these guys. Only thing I wonder, they are higly
magical, why dont they get Enchanted Attack to make
them spectral hunters. Might be a problem of
- Ursapine
Te word for this unit is average, average health,
average defense, anything over average kills the
ursapin. Still I really appreciate the ursapine, because
rightly played, he can be a pain in the ass! Key is his
ability to deal damage when attacked, which means,
you dont have to keep AP points!
Te Urspaine is great against any unit with low armor,
use him against them, especially if the unit attacks
multiple times. Other than that, his spikeball allows
him to ignore terrain and roll behind enemy lines,
binding a unit. You dont require line of sight to do
that. With other words, the ursapine can secure key
positions, bind enemies or be a sacrefce. All that for
cheap 38 points.
Bridges of Death
It was my frst game, therefore I tried to hard to wipe
out the enemy. I would have won, if time hadnt run
out (Tird round - Sudden Death). It ended in a draw,
with me having far more killpoints (which wins me
nothing). Plainly spoken, you win if you are a sneaky
bastard. All you have to to is to bring your units over
the bridge and thats ALL THAT MATTER.
I played against Halodynes. Since my opponent used
city-state models, I hadnt really much to fear.
My biggest concern was, how to counter the giant
statue and the Halo Warrior of the temple faction.
Tey werent part of this game. Further he had two
Ceberus models, which I know, he would use for a
quick rush on my side, using their movement speed
to avoid any confrontation. A cowardly tactic, but
something I used against him. Te match was not
that pleasant, because he cursed my ursapine to be
overpowerd and in the last round, he came me with
whatever rules, while I allowed him to call tactics
afer a charge (he forgot it) and other things. Afer
making the game a draw, I had to force him to shake
my hand and call it a good game, which was the only
thing, that really pissed me.
Well, some people are really desperate to win.
Bridges of Death
I placed my units close between right corner and
center, creating the illusion to focus only on the right
and center bridge. Like I anticiapted, he put his two
ceberus on my lef side. Ohh, what surprise I had in
store for him.
Round 1
First I activated my Gorelord to give 1 AP both
shamans and used the rest to move in direction center
to protect the middle bridge. My second activation
was to cast Longlegs with my frst Shaman on the
Ursapine and Guthackers, while using the second
Shaman to mutate the spells.
Tird action was using my ursapine (which was now
light cavallary with Mov 5) to run accross the
battlefeld to block the right bridge, calling his tactic.
Tose ceberus should dare to attack it now.
Guthackers where running over the lef bridge,
already securing it for me.
Round 2
Tere was a lot of fghting this round, fnally some
blood! Hoplites were coming closer to my
guthackers (out of range for charge) and using their
phalanx. Teir demarchon well protected next to
them. Of course my guthackers didnt wait and
charged into them. Well my mistake was not to break
their formation frst, instead I tried to get damage on
the demarchon (he had ARM 11). I couldnt use all
guthackers, because of the space and did 2 missrolls,
resulting in only one guthacker attacking two times
(Circle tactic). Tat was a weak frst attack.
Bridges of Death
Both Ceberus charged my Ursapine and both of
them got their ass kicked. A lot damage for both of
them, trying to break through my Ursapine. How
can a beast with mere 38 points stop two Ceberus!!!
Overpowerd!! Because you try to beat stone with two
In the end both ceberus were seriously wounded, one
with 1 HP the other with 5 HP, both poisend.
Still my ursapine was under heavy pressure, therefore
I moved my Gorelord to assist my loved pet and used
his tactic, allowing me to break the enemys tactic and
therefore preventing the ceberus to use his self tactic.
I expected the hill ogres to help the hoplites, instead
the moved over the bridge to secure a point. Ok, I was
a little bit surprise by that move, since it means I can
destroy his hoplites and take out the Hill Ogres with
my Gorelord.
Round 3
Te hill ogres used their frst activation to charge my
shaman and kill him. Ok, that was to be expected, but
whatever, it was my Shaman with the spell Longlegs,
already sustained. My concern was my ursapine, fn-
ishing both ceberus and granting me certain victory.
But before that I activated my Guthackers to fnish the
hoplites and his Demarchon. Again I used more mus-
cles than brain, attacking the Demarchon frst, using
their multiple hit tactic, to hurt his minions, result-
ing in countless deaths of these poor minons. Would
I have attacked the other way around, I would have
killed the Demarchon (by loosing his Phalanx bonus).
Nevertheless I had four guthackers, ready to fnish the
job in the next round.
Well, next I activated my Ursapine and used his roll
of death tactic, sadly I missed one puppy (the one
with 1 hp). I used my last 2 Action Points to attack
it, of course he called counter attack, resulting that
I missed and the ceberus was hitting with a damage
dice of (5+6), killing the ursapine. Grasping his luck,
he activated and ran straight over the bridge as far as
he could(what was not much with MOV 2). Well he
got me there, still double checking my miss. Fortuna
is a cruel maiden :P
Bridges of Death
Ok, time for my Gorlord to shine and fnish those Hill
Ogres. A little drug abuse and there he went, my big
boy. Ten we started discussing, because in my frst
attack of the double attack I missed mentioning my
weapon strength, resulting in 5 more damage. Im not
sure, if it would have had any impact, but my opposite
player argued forgotten is forgotten. Yah, like your tac-
tics and abilities of your units, ALL THE TIME! Hadnt
much to say on that, therefore he removed the ogre
with a pissed gaze. Nevertheless the judge came over,
said the game is over, we should count points. My
opposite already cheering his victory, cause he had
his Ceberus and his Hill Ogre on my side, while I had
only my Guthackers on his, mocking me, that I didnt
run afer his Ceberus and forfeiting my victory.
I asked the judge if I can fnish my turn, it was anyway
the last activation this round and he replied of course.
I used my Slay-Movement to bring distance between
my Gorelord and his unit ( just eye-candy, I was
already out of their combat range with the death of
the Hill Ogre) and used 3AP to move over the bridge,
meaning I score a point and making it a draw. Well
my enemy was really pissed, saying its not allow to do
that, im in combat and have to attack further, or I get
free hits, preventing me to move and the game is al-
ready over! Like I said I was out of combat range, had
4 AP I could as I WISH and next to me the judge,
sanctioning the action. Terefore the game ended in a
draw, we me having far more killing points (wins you
nothing, except a personal highscore).
Feedback - Bridges of Death 5/10
Ok, Bridges of Death could be fun, but truth told,
neither I nor my foe really grasp the exploitable
weakness of this map, or at least I didnt! I was just
looking for a bloody fght!
Just move over one bridge with your units, securing a
free way for succeeding units. Now the enemy can
ignore you or engage you (what means he lose,
because his units score no points while engaging you
on his terrain). Any possible defense on the bridge
would be helpless against your concentrated army, if
there is anything fast enough! Te only real choice
the enemy has, is to play the same tactic and cross the
brige on the other side, creating a mexican standof.
Tats more or less what my enemy tried to do with
his two Ceberus. Tink about it more, you can score
5 points by winning + 1 point if your unit is un-
scratched. In other words, winning is all that matters,
not killing units, and you win more by being a pussy!
Every single faction with slow units is doomed to lose.
With friend the map might be fun(because you want
to play, not to win), as a OFFICAL tournament map
its insufcient.
Celestial Vortex
I had now to face the strongest player in this
tournament, winner of the last two tournaments, a
Troglodyte player, who just annihilate a Mortan player
(like expected) in the last game. With other words, the
coming match was the ONLY match that mattered.
In the beginning I realised that I already was at a big
disadvantage, because I had a faw in my list for
Celestial Vortex, while the other player, used his pre-
pared second list slot for this special mission.
What Im talking about? Well, only character models
can score points, I had my Gorelord and my Shamans,
second just waiting to be slaughtered. Guthackers
have to be used wise, but they are such good units, I
would have taken them anyway. Te problem was my
Usadir was absolutly useless against Troglodytes Iron
Hides or Obsidian Nightmares, but worse, it could not
make a single point in this mission for me. Bringing a
beast instead of a character model costed me plainly
spoken victory.
Troglodytes are by far the strongest race as they have
armor, health and INCREDIBLE utility! Further I
have nothing to deal with the ghosts (cyclops I miss
you). Nevertheless, all odds against me gives me an
extra thrill, I would outplay my foe. And so I did!
Te tactic was easy, surprise the enemy with a deep
strike in his territory, pushing him against the map
border and allow the Shamans to take the points.
I would use the Guthackers to deal with both Iron
Hides and Obsidian Nightmares, supported by my
Ursapine. Afer fnishing them, the guthackers and
the Gorelord would fank the rest, making it possible
for my warchief to go toe on toe with the Duskborn
Like I anticipated, he placed the terrain in the middle,
so I might not approch the center, while deploying his
character models last, placing them on the other side
of my troops. Splitting my troops would mean certain
death, so I kept them together.
Celestial Vortex
Round 1
Nothing happend, except my gorelord reached
the center of the map, while the Ursapine and
Guthackers(only those were beefed up with Longlegs
and Bulging Biceps ) covered the right side, pre-
paring to deepstrike. My shamans running afer the
group with their short legs.
My enemy ordered his Iron Hides and Obisdian
Nightmares to engage and intercept my Gorelord.
Te Duskborn Chiefain, Feral Hammerfst and
Lighteater brought more distance between my
Gorelord, and them while getting at the same time
closer to the lef Vortex.
Round 2
Deepstrike! My Guthackers charged as light units,
thanks to my Shaman, and encouraged by my
chiefain with 1AP and his tactic into the Iron Hides,
killing two of them, making the rest fee in terror.
My Gorelord took the middle Vortex, both Shamans
tried to reach the right Vortex, but couldnt reach it
around 2 . 4 Nightmares attacked with their minds
my Guthackers, not much impressing them much.
Ursapine came to assist my guthackers. Together they
would rip those ghosts apart.
Ten those trio moved in to secure the Vortex, while
the Lighteater would use Eclipse (5 Haze Efect)
to prevent any attempt from me to charge with my
gorelord at them.
At this moment I notice, the game was already over
thanks to Eclipse. Tey scored 3 points, while I scored
1 point,. If my Ursapine had been a character model, I
would have won.
Round 3&4
To make it quick, I charged with my Guthackers
the ghost, while one Guthacker charged the feeing
Iron Hides (keeping formation), making them run
away (hunted over the border), while I dealt dam-
age to those ghosts. Te damage was very low, still I
killed them in the forth round. Tey killed two of my
With that the game was over, since he would just
hunting the vortex, always hiding himself behind
his wall of darkness. Why didnt I engage? Because I
required my character models to make three points
every round, otherwise I would have lost anyway.
With other words I couldnt move a Shaman nor
my Gorelord, only a wounded Ursapine and four
Guthackers. Nothing that could take these guys out!
Celestial Vortex
Still I got 1 Point, which made 2nd
Because I didnt lose more than 8% of my warband, I
got 1 Point, means the match was 5:1. At this point I
was certain to be second place. (see next match)
Feedback - Celestial Vortex 1/10
1 point for trying to make an interesting tournament
map and I will be completly honest:
Tis was the worst map I have ever played!
Why are units and beasts not allowed to make points,
instead those groups get damage? Anyone who use
more character models wins, especially, if he uses
models like the Lighteater and Feral Hammerfst,
which both have great crowed control and can prevent
engaging from enemies! While units might be able to
deal some damage, beast are just dead weight.
Te biggest problem is, that moving away from the
vortex means losing, since you dont generate points
for victory. All your character models are bound to
those vortexes.
To win, all you have to do is run as fast as you can to
one vortex, right or lef and place as many character
models on it as you can! Dont leave it at any costs.
Even if you are engaged, remember, you have more
character models!
I think you see my point!
My enemy played save, which is with other words
absolutly boring! Tis game is about clashing armies
not about, whats the best way to avoid combat.
Te game Im not proud of
My last enemy was a Mortan player and that means
FREE WIN. I didnt even care for the mission goal
and the guy didnt have the smallest chance as I
annihilated every single unit in the next three rounds.
Carnifexes are just bad, avoid any base contact with
an Centurion and your save, while the Princeptor
might be a problem, he is no problem for a group of
friendly bloodthirsty guthackers. Necromagus, wait,
does the thing really do anything?
Jokes aside, I killed the Princeptor and Centurion in
the second round with just my guthackers and my
Gorelord had fun with the legionaires.
Might have taken 4 rounds, but the player was friend-
ly enough to send his last mortan soldier against my
Shaman, so that I can kill him.
I appricate such cooperation!
Mortans are so bad, the player has my respect for still
playing them.
Feedback - Usurper -/10
I played my own game, who fast can I kill Mortans.
It was really funny, but face it, I didnt play Usurper.
Terefore I cant say, if this mission is fun or not.
At least you are forced to fght at the center!
Closing Words
Becoming 2nd Place
Since I was the only one, who could get 1 Point
against the Troglodyte player, I became second.
For my frst tournament, thats a great achievment.
I had more than double the time killing points than
the 1st Place, what its my personal achievment, that
makes me proud. I wasnt someone, who solely played
to win, I tried to engage and creating bloodbaths!
Te Tournament was fun playing, but Im not sure
if I will join a second tournament, because I know,
how to win a mission and that has nothing to do with
tactical skill or to know how your enemy ticks, its
plainly about what faction you play and how fast you
can reach targets.
Fact is, Troglodytes are too strong (a guy winning
three times straight in tournaments without even fear-
ing defeat except from another Troglodyte is a sign)
and thats not because of their points costs or basic
values, they have too much utility (and they get more)
in my oppionon
Banebrood are incredible strong, since they are fast
and deadly. Teir mobility is key to win any mission.
Just make sure you can charge an enemy and hit him.
Troglodyts are the only opponent you have to fear, but
they fear your charge, the Cyclop might change a few
things! Nevertheless Banebrood is too strong
compared to other factions.
Mortans are laughable weak and their constructs are
deadweight, because they cant move, defend or take
mission targets. Killing units give you no advantage at
all, therefore waste of points.
Dwarves have the same problem with their MOV 2,
they never reach the mission target in time!
Halodynes might get strong with their temple
subfaction, still they require luck to trigger their
Hallow Warrior, otherwise you just wipe their units
I know there wont be any chances, since its
impossible to change unit cards, but changing and
tweaking tournament missions should be a valid
Tank you for reading!

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