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R 113


Fourh !e"e#er
Mech$%&c$' E%(&%eer&%(
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions
PART A (10 2 = 20 marks)
1 !eri"e a re#ation $or %han&e in #en&th o$ a 'ar han&in& $ree#( un)er its own wei&ht
2 A 'rass ro) 2 m #on& is $ixe) at 'oth its en)s *$ the therma# stress is not to ex%ee) +,-
0a#%u#ate the tem1erature throu&h whi%h the ro) shou#) 'e heate) Take the
"a#ues o$ 2 an) 3 as 1+ 10
/5 an) 60 7Pa res1e%ti"e#(
8 !raw the shear $or%e )ia&ram $or a sim1#( su11orte) 'eam o$ - m s1an is su'9e%te)
to a %#o%kwise moment o$ 1-k.m at )istan%e o$ 2 m $rom the #e$t en)
: ;ket%h the 'en)in& an) shear stress )istri'ution $or <T< se%tion
- ;how that the shear stress o"er a re%tan&u#ar se%tion is 1ara'o#i%
, 0a#%u#ate the maximum torque that a sha$t o$ 12-mm )iameter %an transmit i$ the
maximum an&#e o$ twist is 1= in a #en&th o$ 1- m Take 0= +0 10

+ A %(#in)ri%a# she## o$ -00 mm )iameter is require) to withstan) an interna# 1ressure o$

:MPa >in) the minimum thi%kness o$ the she##? i$ maximum tensi#e stren&th in the
1#ate materia# is :00 ./mm
an) e$$i%ien%( o$ 9oint is ,-@ Take $a%tor o$ sa$et( as -
A A re%tan&u#ar R0 sim1#( su11orte) 'eam o$ s1an 8 m an) %ross se%tion 200 mm 8-0
mm %aries a 1oint #oa) o$ 100 k. at its mi) s1an >in) the maximum s#o1e an)
)e$#e%tion o$ the 'eam i$ 3 = 02 10

6 !raw %on9u&ate 'eam $or a %anti#e"er %arr(in& uni$orm#( )istri'ute) #oa) o"er the entire
10 !e$ine strain ener&( )ensit(
PART B (- 1, = A0 marks)
11 (i) ;tate Moment4Area MohrCs theorem (:)
(ii) A sim1#( su11orte) 'eam AB uni$orm se%tion? : m s1an is su'9e%te) to a
%#o%kwise moment o$ 10 k.m a11#ie) at the ri&ht hin&e B !eri"e the equation
to the )e$#e%te) sha1e o$ the 'eam Lo%ate the 1oint o$ maximum )e$#e%tion an)
$in) the maximum )e$#e%tion (12)
12 (a) (i) !eri"e a re#ation $or %han&e in #en&th o$ a 'ar o$ uni$orm#( ta1erin&
%ir%u#ar se%tion su'9e%te) to an axia# tensi#e #oa) DEC (A)
(ii) A rein$or%e) %on%rete %o#umn -00 mm -00 mm in se%tion is
rein$or%e) with : stee# 'ars o$ 2- mm )iameter? one in ea%h %orner?
the %o#umn is %arr(in& a #oa) o$ 1000 k. >in) the stresses in the
%on%rete an) stee# 'ars Take 3 $or stee# = 210 10
an) 3
$or %on%rete = 1: 10
(') A sim1#( su11orte) 'eam is #oa)e) as shown in $i& G 12 (') !raw the shear
$or%e an) 'en)in& moment )ia&rams (A)
18 (a) A so#i) sha$t is su'9e%te) to a torque o$ 100 .m >in) the ne%essar( sha$t
)iameter i$ the a##owa'#e shear stress i) 100 ./mm
an) the a##owa'#e twist is 8=
1er 10 )iameter #en&th o$ the sha$t Take 0 = 1 10

(') (i) ;tate an( $our assum1tions ma)e in the theor( o$ sim1#e 'en)in&
(ii) !eri"e the 'en)in& $ormu#a M/* = $/( = 3/R (12)
1: (a) A thin %(#in)ri%a# she## 1- m #on&? interna# )iameter 800 mm an) wa## thi%kness
10 mm is $i##e) u1 with at atmos1heri% 1ressure *$ the a))itiona# $#ui) o$ 800
108 mm8 is 1um1e) in the she##? $in) the 1ressure exerte) '( the $#ui) on the
she## Take 3 = 2 10- M/mm2 an) 1/m = 08 A#so $in) the hoo1 stress
in)u%e) (1,)
(') (i) !eri"e a re#ation $or )e$#e%tion o$ a %#ose#( %oi#e) he#i%a# s1rin&
su'9e%te) to an axia# )ownwar) #oa) E (A)
(ii) A quarter e##i1ti% #ea$ s1rin& ,0 %m #on& is ma)e o$ stee# 1#ates
wi)th 10 times the thi%kness The s1rin& is to %arr( a #oa) o$ 8k.
an) the en) )e$#e%tion is #imite) to - %m the 'en)in& stress o$ the
1#ates must not ex%ee) 8000 ./mm
>in) suita'#e "a#ues o$ the
siHe an) num'er o$ 1#ates to 'e use) Take e = 2 10
1- (a) A %anti#e"er o$ #en&th 22 is %arr(in& a #oa) o$ E at the $ree en)? an) another
#oa) o$ E at its %entre !etermine '( moment area metho)? the s#o1e an)
)e$#e%tion o$ the %anti#e"er at the $ree en) (1,)
(') (i) !eri"e a re#ation $or strain ener&( store) in a 'o)( )ue to shear
stress (,)
(ii) A re%tan&u#ar 'o)( -00 mm #on&? 100 mm wi)e an) -0 mm thi%k
is su'9e%te) to a shear stress o$ A0 MPa !etermine the strain
ener&( store) in the 'o)( Take . = A- 10

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