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SRT 603 / SRW 600


1. My proposed topic:
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations of Volunteers in Sport Events.
2. Statement of problems
i) Te event or!ani"er doesn#t fully understand teir volunteers#
motivation to$ards te tas%s tey carried in order for te volunteers
to !ive fully commitment on te tas%s assi!ned to tem.
&. Te type of researc'desi!n tat seems most appropriate to tis topic
(and state $y)
)n experiment
) correlational study
) causal*comparative study
A survey using a wrien !uesi"nnaire
A survey using inerviews "# severa$ in%ivi%ua$s
)n etno!rapic study
) case study
-ustify $y you coose tis desi!n:
i) To evaluate and clasify te ans$ers !iven by volunteers is in
intrinsicallly or extrinsically motivated.
ii) To !ater information about people#s opinions. often as%in!
respondents to indicate o$ stron!ly tey a!ree or disa!ree
$it a statement !iven. but sometimes merely posin! a
/uestion and !ivin! respondents space in $ic to formulate
teir o$n replies.
0. My researc 1uestions
i) 2at are te reasons for te individuals to volunteer3
ii) 2at is te outcome from volunteerin!3
iii) 2at are te most re$ards motivated te volunteer3
iv) 4o te motivations of volunteer ave si!ni5cantly relationsip
$it te re$ards tat desire by te volunteers3
6. My researc +b7ectives
To explore te components of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation $itin
te $ider context of motivated beavior of volunteers tat $ill
determine te most motivated re$ards of volunteerin! in sport events.
8. 9ypotesis (if any)
i. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
:. Te variables in my study are:
Intrinsic and Extrinsic
Motivations of Volunteers
Independent Sport Event
;. Teory'ries related to your study:
i. <enner#s (2==2) formulation of te volunteer process.
ii. )braam Maslo$ developed te 9ierarcy of >eeds model 1?0=*6=
?. Intended sample: under!raduated volunteers,,,($o $ill
participate in your study)
Sample si"e: ,,,,,1==,,,,,,,, (note for descriptive study not less
than 100, correlational study around 50 ; experimental 30 for each
1=. Samplin! tecni/ue (e.!. strati5ed random) used:
Volunteers a!ed 1;*&= years old and ad volunteered $itin te past
12 monts in sport events.

11. Type of instruments I planned to use to measure my variables.
(Ma%e sure all variables are included) If you are usin! /uestionnaire.
state $at /uestionnaire'$ose /uestionnaire tat you are usin!
(te developed /uestionnaire)@ $at are te items ' sub topics tat
$ill be as%ed: (relate it to your ob7ectives)
2at /uestionnaire'$ose /uestionnaire:
a. Intervie$s
b. Voluntary Aunctions Inventory Scale by Blary and Snyder
c. Can! and Belladurai#s (2==&) Volunteer Motivations Scale for
International Sportin! Events (VMS*ISE)
Items'Sub topics included in te /uestionnaire:
a) Voluntary Aunctions Inventory Scale by Blary and Snyder
i) Deason to volunteer
ii) +utcome of volunteerin!
b) Can! and Belladurai#s (2==&) Volunteer Motivations Scale for
International Sportin! Events (VMS*ISE)
i) Tree broad areas desi!ned to acieve te purpose of te
study. Te 5rst section included items assessin! te
motivations of volunteerin!. Te second area included
items assessin! te satisfaction of individual volunteer
experiences. Te tird a 5nal section included /uestions
tappin! demo!rapic information.

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