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Inspection system:-

1. 4-point inspection system is followed in fabric inspection.

2. They use a inspection machine. The machine is not holding any roll. It is
inspect from the stake of the fabric.
3. There fabric is gray so there is no color defect.
4. The defect the identify are as follow:-ole! "ly! contamination! #lub!
#tripe! $ycra out! oil mark! knot % &eedle 'reakage.
*Penalty points Legends:-
ole(! "ly ("! )ontamination()! #lub(#! #tripe(#T! $ycra out($*
*il mark(*+! ,ertical mark(,+! -not(-! &eedle 'reakage(&'.
*Fore point system:-
#i.e of the defect /enalty
3 Inches of less 1
*0er 3inch but not o0er 1 inch 2
*0er 1 inch but not o0er 2 inch 3
*0er 2 inches 4
3ny hole 4
3ssign 4 point to each conducti0e linear yard in which a continous running
defect e4ceeds 2 inches.
*Acceptance Calculation:-
Total penalty points 4 31 4 155
/enalty points per 155 s6. yards(
Total length 4 width of the fabric

78esult:- 9p to 45 /oints :accepted;
)lassification :- <45/ts(3 =rade
45-15/ts(' =rade
11->5/ts() =rade
3bo0e >5 /ts(8e?ected.
Working process of Dyeing Section
73t first =rey fabric collects from =rey.
7=ray fabric is pre treatment.
7if the fabric is needed to dry the back part of the fabric then fabric is turned
by the machine.
7gray fabric is dyed at @-15 hours accordingly to the order by matching
7Then load the fabric in ydstructor machine % hydrotruct the fabric.
7Then slitting % drying the fabric by slitting machine at a time.
7Then dyed fabric is finishing % slide compacting in fi4ed dia by starter
7Then dye fabric is compacting by compacting +achine.
7#uper0isor is checking the 6uality of finished fabric.
73t last they packing the fabric manually.

Store Section
A 3 =roup has its own storing system. #tore in charge ! describe their
working procedure % gi0e other necessary information. 3ccording to all
these things are gi0en below:
All te acti!ities are !ery important for "etter

"abric :"rom supplier; .
*rder sheet.
#hade lot card :"rom supplier;.
+aking blanket to distinguish different shad lot 15B fabric shall check to
find out the "abric ATC.
15B fabric inspection to ensure acceptable 6uality le0el or as re6uired )=
:f; 151.1! )= :f; 151.2
7 )ountry wise shade counting card.
7 #eparating re?ect fabric % replacing fabric before supply to .cutting.
7 "astness inspection.
7 "abric supply to cutting as per re6uisition.
In0entory the =oods.
Import recei0ing report.
)omputer entry.
$oading production date wise.
8eport to commercial department.
Deli0ery or issuing to 0arious sections.
%asic &orking procedure:-
8aw +aterial recei0ing.
8aw material statement.
"abric stacking as per dye lot on wood pallet.
In0entory report % swatch card preparation.
'in card porting.
"abric % accessories issue.
Daily send % recei0ing report of washE embroidery.
/.* closes down account.
'e #uality acti!ities doing store section:-
1. To identify and determine the e4tent of fabric defects! the different
width % accurate length of the fabric.
2. The fabric inspector is responsible to carry out fabric inspection to
maintain inspection records. Auality assurance manager is responsible
to appro0e the inspection result %decides in case of a non-conforming
Sade (at:-
1. >F4>Ffabric swatches from all rolls of each color recei0ed in a lot
are cut % the rill number on e0ery swatch are record.
2. These swatches are sewed together in from of a blanket and among
these swatches on is send for wash as per buyer washing standard.
3. 3fter was the shade 0ariation is noted and the rolls are segregated
accordingly and shade notation is gi0en to unwashed blankets
according to the percentages of the 0ariation shade in the recei0ed
4. The shade mat cart is prepared recording roll number in e0ery
shade identified in a color in e0ery lot.
Inspection system:-
1. 4 point inspection system is followed in fabric inspection.
2. The roll of fabric is uploaded on fabric inspection machines and the
width of the fabric is measured in 0arious positions and the data is
recorded. 3ll the same time inspection is continued against 4 point
3. "or the inspection! a sample of minimum of 15B of the total fabric
co0ering each color all the different fabric dye lots and different width
of fabric is taken.
4. The defect the identify are as follows:- hole! fly! contamination! slub!
strip! lycra out! oil mark! 0ertical mark ! kont %needle breakage!
dyeing defect etc.

Penalty points legends:-
ole (! "ly("! )ontamination()! #lub(#! #trip(#T! $ycra out($*! *il
,ertical mark(,+! -ont(k! &eedle breakage(&'! 3nother Dyeing defect.
Four points system:-
#i.e of defect /enalty
3 inches of less 1
*0er 3 inches but not o0er 1 inch 2
*0er 1 inch but not o0er 2 inch 3
*0er 2 inch 4
3ny hole 4
3ssign 4 points to each conducti0e linear yard in which a continuous
running defect e4ceeds 2 inch.
Acceptance calculation:-
/enalty points per 155 s6. yards (
)lassification: <45 pts(3 grade
45-15 pts(' grade
11->5pts() grade
3bout >5pts(8e?ected

The e4ecuti0e! lab-dip is responsible to perform the test. 3 6uality controller
assists him to the test.
The 6uality control wearing the glo0es and goggles! mi4es the
chemical reagents :ammonia and di memethyl gly o4ym; in cotton
Then he rubs the cotton bud o0er the accessories.
The color turns to yellow if the accessories contain nickel. *ther wise
the color remains unchanged.
Product de!elopment section
1. =arber section:
In this section the pattern de0elopment is done.
2. #ection organ gram :pattern De0elopment;
/attern +aster
3sst. /attern +anster
#ection organ gram :#ample de0elopment;
#ample #uper0isor
#ample man
#ample )utter +an
#ample A.)
'ypes of Sample*Style of sample
Fa"ric Color Si+e ,uantity
>HB cotton
1HB /olyester 3ny 145 3 /cs
&on stretch 0el0et 3ny 114 3 /cs
/ocketing- TEc pocketing in match color.
Iipper- C-- J 4 C= metal .ipper.
#titching- Kn.yme wash
*ther information L /$# follow the in6uire is 0ery urgent.
Production engineering Facilities:-
The company has production engineering facilities. 3ll kinds of /./ sample!
/8*T*! /)8! /./.8! ".).8! #i.e set! /ilot 8un etc are pro0ided from here.
Cutting section
"abric :from store;
*rder sheet.
#hade card.
$ayer placing
Cut fa"ric supply for se&ing input
Cutting section $ran gram:-
Cutting manager
Cutting in-carge
Cutting super!isor
Cutting (*C operator
%undling (an
Working procedure:-
"abric spreading
'ody part cutting
'and knife cutting
"abric part inspection
Iron table
"ussing machine
Ticket number
Deli0ery to sewing sec.
To ensure that defect which are found during the fabric spreading are
Se&ing section
The company has e4port process checkers in their sewing section who were
checking 155B of the import process. #o the factory has skill operator! who
can prepare fast class e4port 6uality dress.
+easurement sheet
*rder sheet
#titch garment :ready for finishing and packaging;
In line inspection
Table inspection
Inspection- stitch designing for work man ship
$ut put:-
#ending garment for finishing or was :operation;
8ework :operational;
8e?ection :operational;
Se&ing section organ gram:-
/roduction manager
"loor in-charge
$ine chief
Input super0isor
A. controller
Final ta"le inspection /se&ing0:-
To ensure the 6uality of the garments and to identify the defects if
there any and rectify those if possible.
Auality controller is responsible for implementation of final
inspection system and 0erifies the inspection.
"inal table 6uality inspection recei0ed garments from assemble
section and are responsible to check 155B garments 6uality and
check the measurement as e4plain bellow:
The garments are inspected from inside and outside for stitching
defects as e4plained in sewing defect standard.
9sing arrow stickers identification defects and the defected
garment are segregated. The results are recorded on table alteration
*n hourly basis 6uality controller will 0erify the final table 6uality
inspection by rechecking the segregated defected garments on
random basis and sign to table alteration report.
*nce the in line A ) controllers ha0e 0erified the line super0isor
will take the defected garment for repair % there are re-inspected
will normal production.
Knd of the day 6uality inspector will calculate the percentage for
e0ery line and record on table alteration report.
Finising section
Acti!ities of finising section are as like as follo&:-
To take the output of sewing section
'ar take and hole
&ormal check up
Thread sucking
&ormal iron
&eedle detector +E)
"inal check
"inal iron
Tag attachment

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