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FAQs for PMDs and FBX on Business Manager

General questions
Q: DoI havetouse Business Manager?
A: You don't *have* to, but Facebook user accounts only get a single personal ad ac-
count. If you need additional ad accounts you will need to use Business Manager. Busi-
ness Manager is a self service tool that oers more business features so any clients you
work with might be already using Business Manager. Facebook will no longer create
gray-users for customer who need new ad accounts after 8/1/2014 for North America
companies. We will communicate the dates that will apply for international companies
Please note that if your company works with a client who is using Business Manager to
manage their ad accounts, they will not be able to access ad accounts using their Busi-
ness Manager that you've given them permissions to. They will need to log into them in-
dividually which is not ideal.
Q: DoI needaFacebookPagetouse Business Manager?
A: Yes - to set up a Business Manager you will need to have a Facebook page that repre-
sents your business.
Q: Howdoes myappget access toBusiness Manager APIs?
A: If your app has ads API access you will have automatically have access to all the Busi-
ness Manager APIs.
You will need to have the ads_management permission and manage_pages permissions
as well to manage ad accounts and pages for a client, respectively. When you set up your
Business Manager you should claim your app or add your app to your Business Manager
using the app advanced settings panel.
Q: Howis our Ads API appassociatedwithour Business Manager?
A: You associate the app with your Business through app settings in Thesteps to associate are documented in the business
mapping api documentation.
After the association you'll also be able to use the business mapping api.
Q: If I havemultiplebusiness units e.g. aself-serveproduct andamanagedservice
product, shouldI set upmultipleBusiness Managers or just one?
A: In most cases we recommend one Business Manager to represent your company, espe-
cially if its likely that your company is under one organization within Facebook's CRM.
However if you have multiple credit lines with Facebook e.g. one for your Brazil cus-
tomers and one for your North America customers then you would create a business for
Q: DoI havetouse myFacebookaccount tojoinabusiness?
A: Yes, we ask that all users of Business Manager use their Facebook account to authenti-
cate into Business Manager for security reasons.
Q: CanI attachmultipleBusiness Managers toonecredit line?
A: No, you can't. If for example you have a credit line for your Brazil oce vs. North
America you will need to create a Business Manager for each.
Q: UsingmyBusiness ownedcredit line, canI assignaxedcredit valuetoanad
A: No, you can toggle whether the account gets credit at all or not, but you cannot set
a specic value. The Business Manager Dynamic Credit Allocation Flow (DCAF) runs
signicantly more often than DCAF on gray users which greatly reduces the needed for
xed credit. Our goal is to make credit allocation run often enough so that you don't
have to worry about the credit allocated until the total outstanding amount (across all ad
accounts) hits the total credit limit, and you'd use Account spend limits to control spend
at the account level if needed.
Q: CanI set myadaccount tonot get credit if it is usingmybusiness ownedcredit
A: Yes, you can disable it from getting credit using ads manager. There is not an API to
do this at present.
Q: If I havemultipleaccounts onDynamic Credit AllocationFlowbut acouple
spendmuchfaster andneedmoreallocatedtothem, what's thesuggestedsolu-
A: If the ad accounts are within business manager they are automatically using our
fastest version of this product which allocates credit based on speed of spend. This ver-
sion is signicantly faster than the previous one and we'll continue to improve this.
Q: CanI removeaccounts frommyBusiness ownedcredit line?
A: Changing payment methods on an ad account has the same process as before - you
have to work with your rep to change an ad account funding source o of your credit
Q: CanI addacredit cardtomybusiness?
A: Yes, under thePayment Methods tab in Business Manager settings you can ad a
credit card that can then be applied to any new ad accounts you create. Existing ad ac-
counts on a credit line need Facebook assistance to change their payment methods just
as before.
Systemuser andauthtokenquestions
Q: What is thedierencebetweenauser asystemuser?
A user represents real people taking an action, a system user represents a machine taking
action. Software action should be done through system user.
Q: What about deferreduser actions?
A: For this use case you should use business to business permissions (more long-term) or
use long-live user tokens. Business permissions has the ability for one business to give
another business permissions to manage their business and the assets owned by that
* Business permissions documented here:
* Long-lived user tokens are documented here:
Q: Is systemuser areal user?
A: No. A system user is a machine or software taking programmatic action on behalf a
business. it cannot be used in the facebook UI, and it is associated with your business
manager for greater security.
Q: What aretheuse cases for systemuser adminvs systemuser?
A: An admin system user has access to everything within the business and there is only
one admin system user per business. System users can have access restrictions put on it
by the admin system user.
When managing the actual permissions of the business itself you should use the admin
system user e.g. granting a new employee permissions to the appropriate assets. For all
other actions such as creating ads for a specic ad account, we recommend using regular
system user. System users oer a higher level of security because if compromised they
can only access what they are assigned.
Q: If grayaccounts areclaimedbyaBusiness Manager, does this impact theau-
A: No, existing authentication tokens continue to work until the gray account itself is
Q: What aretheratelimits imposedonsystemusers? Will onesystemuser be able
toreplacemultiplegrayusers for automatedactions?
A: Rate limits for System Users are based similar limits to gray accounts, limits typically
are grouped by ad account and not by user.
Q: Doour existingappsecrets remainthesame?
A: Yes
Q: What access tokenis usedtocreatethesystemuser?
A: Create the system user and fetch its token using the business manager UI at busi-, under settingssystem user. you'll only see the system user panel
if your BM owns and app that has ads-api access, or your owns an app that is specially
whitelisted by your FB rep.
Q: Canpeopleoutsideof Business Abe givenaccess toreports for Business A's ad
A: Yes. The Business would need to grant these people access to those ad accounts just
like they would today for a given ad account. This is no dierent than the process today.
Business A can also grant permissions to another Business (e.g. Business B) with busi-
ness to business permissions. In this case once Business B has permissions to the ad ac-
counts the admin of Business B can then give permission to it's employees up to the level
of permission granted by Business A.
Q: Is thereawaytochainpermissions (pass onpermissions giventomyBusiness
toanother Business)?
A: No, there is not a way to relay permissions given to your Business to another Business.

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