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Johnny Brown
Ms. Chiquita Boyd
ENG 111-54
15 July 2014
Essay 4 Aru!"ntati#" Essay
A!"ri$an %&orts Car #s. 'or"in %&orts Car
('inal )ra*t+
Various individuals watch others ride by and/or brag about owning the hot 2014
Chevrolet Corvette Stingray, and wish that they could say and/or do the sae! S"orts cars have
becoe a high coodity in today#s society! $ue to various tastes and "ersonalities, any
custoers %ind theselves in the "redicaent o% choosing between the well&'nown s"orts cars o%
the (erican ade Corvette and/or )oreign ade *orsche! +n choosing a s"orts car, one ust
consider the "er%orance, %eatures and costs o% these "ri,ed "ossessions- these three %actors are
essential in the "urchase o% these well&sought a%ter vehicles! .he custoer will ainly %ocus on
the "er%orance, %eatures and cost o% the vehicle, when deterining whether or not that s"orts
car is the one %or the! .he attention grabbing Corvette is o% "o"ular deand %or nuerous
consuers! +n reviewing the %acts, one will discover the reasoning as to why the Corvette, an
(erican&ade s"orts car, is indeed the best choice %or any undecided custoer that %ind
theselves behind the wheel o% the 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray!
.he Corvette is well 'nown %or the "er%orance generated by this vehicle and has soe
i"ressive things to o%%er in its "er%orance! )irst loo'ing at the engine, noted on the website o%
/dunds, the Corvette is hoe to a 0!2&1iter 1.1 "ushrod V2 "ower "lant engine
34avanagh 15! .his is agni%icent "ower "rovided to the driver at 6ust a "ush o% the "edal! .he
2014 Chevrolet Corvette is %urther "ower&"ac'ed with 1yons stating on .ies 7nion website,
that the horse"ower gets u" to 488 h!"! 3400 with "er%orance e9haust5 315! .his %act also ties
into the overall strength and staina o% the engine, which "roves to be i"ortant to the "otential
buyer! +ncluded in this "er%orance "ac'age is the new onstrous seven s"eed anual, noted on
:inding ;oad by Bradley +ger, o%%ering short, "recise throws, and will ha""ily ta'e the driver
well into tri"le digit s"eeds while still in third gear 315! S"eed is de%initely an i"ortant %actor
to the "otential buyer o% a s"orts car- and what goes hand in hand with that, is the
handling/steering o% the vehicle! Sooth transition %ro one gear to another is also very
i"ortant, es"ecially with a seven s"eed transission!
.he breath&ta'ing 2014 Chevrolet Corvette o%%ers any %eatures! :ith a
custoer#s %irst loo' at this beauty, they will %ind, $iensionally, the C< Corvette is a hair
larger than the base C0! =verall length increases by 2 inches to 1<0!> inches, and width is u" by
an inch to <?!< inches! :heelbase grows an inch to 100!< inches! .rac' widths increase roughly
an inch at both ends to 01!< inches in %ront and 02!> inches at the rear!, as stated on /dunds
by 4avanagh 315! +n soe cases, si,e does atter to the consuer! (s the "otential buyer ste"s
inside, they will discover, as si"ly "ut by 4avanagh on /dunds that, Bare "lastic is gone,
re"laced with so%t&touch sur%aces and leather everywhere! .wo di%%erent seats will be available
@ a base version and a ore aggressive S"ort Co"etition seat! Both a""ear to be signi%icant
u"grades over the outgoing coodes o% the C0, but grinding our tuchuses into the will have
to wait! .he %ocal "oint o% the cabin is the driver- the swee" o% the dashboard cants its controls
accordingly! )aceted styling eleents o% the e9terior are re"rised here, notably in the instruent
binnacle and AV(C controls! +t loo's aggressive and "ur"ose%ul without encroaching into
cheesiness! /ven the o"tional carbon&%iber tri "ieces are the real deal and lend a convincingly
e9otic loo' to the surroundings 315! .he Corvette ost certainly o%%ers ore than the standard
(s in any decision a'ing "rocess, one ust always consider the "rice o% an ite or
desired "roduct! .he "rice o% the vehicle alost always has the u""er&hand, when it coes down
to the three %actors, in the custoer#s decision! 1SB.V has the 2014 Corvette reasonably
"riced! Base "rice %or the cou"e is C81,>>8 including destination %ee and C80,>>8 %or the
convertible odel, an increase o% C1,400 %or both over the outgoing 201?! .he standard "ac'age
%or the ne9t&generation Corvette carries any i"roveents over the si9th&generation and Chris
*erry, Vice *resident o% Chevrolet Dar'eting, certainly sounds "roud o% it! .he Corvette
Stingray delivers a cobination o% "er%orance, design and technology that very %ew
anu%acturers can atch, and none can even coe close %or C82,000 3Stoc'an 15! +t is evident
in ost cases that "ricing is very i"ortant to the consuer! Dost buyers want the ost %or their
oney! Eac'ie Stoc'an also notes on 1SB.V, .he web is bu,,ing today with FD#s release
o% standard "ricing o"tions %or the 2014 Corvette Stingray Cou"e and Convertible! /nthusiasts
and edia&ty"es ali'e are "ulling out their calculators to "rice out their drea "ac'age when the
uch&antici"ated Corvettes hit the showroo %loor later this year 315! Chevrolet has "riced this
well&sought a%ter vehicle, very reasonably! Chevrolet has given custoers the o""ortunity to
"urchase this "o"ular car without "aying an ar and a leg %or it!
.he undecided custoers ay %ind a %ew reasons as to why the )oreign ade 2014
*orsche >11 Carrera S ay be a better car, so to allow everyone to see their "oint o% view, here
are soe to nae a %ew! .he custoer ay %eel that the 2014 *orsche loo's better, and everyone
is entitled to their own o"inion- however, the Corvette does o%%er soe %antastic %eatures, as %ar
as the interior as well as the e9terior designs! :hen on the to"ic o% "er%orance, the *orsche has
been 'nown to have a relatively high rate o% horse"ower! Aowever, as stated be%ore the 2014
Chevrolet Corvette Stingray G81 includes a 488 h!"! .he custoer#s last resort could very well
be the "ricing! .he *orsche is loo'ed u"on as a very nice car, but this s"orts car is "riced
relatively high! Hoted "reviously, the Base "rice %or the cou"e is C81,>>8 including destination
%ee and C80,>>8 %or the convertible odel, an increase o% C1,400 %or both over the outgoing
201?, by Stoc'an on 1SB.V 315! .he Corvette, overall, is a agni%icent car! Chevrolet
ost de%initely built this car to ada"t to and be very e%%icient %or any custoer that is interested!
(s stated be%ore, *orsche is loo'ed u"on as a nice car, in its own right, but when you loo' at the
overall "ac'age, the Corvette is obviously the better choice!
:hen it coes down to the decision a'ing "rocess, the decision is ultiately the
custoer#s! Based on what they want and how they %eel- at ties social status "lays a role in
what their decision ay be! (s "reviously stated, the custoer#s decision is based on the
"er%orance, %eatures and cost o% the vehicle! .he %uel econoy %or this vehicle is also
considered! .he Corvette brings a lot to the table! +n any as"ects, the Corvette has "roven to
bac'&u" all the hy"e and e9citeent that was antici"ated %or its arrival! .he 2014 Chevrolet
Corvette Stingray G81 has shown us why it was given the nae Stingray, in "er%orance,
%eatures and cost! Chevrolet has given the world a new car that certainly lives&u" to its nae!
Bradley +ger states on :inding ;oad, Aad all this antici"ation created e9"ectations that
would be nearly i"ossible %or the Corvette to achieveI Could the new Stingray even ho"e to
live u" the ountain o% hy"e that surrounded itI :ell %ol's, there will be no D! Hight
Shyaalan&style "lot twists here&the hy"e is in %act true, this C< Corvette Stingray is a truly
%antastic s"orts car 315! :ith the in%oration gained %ro this article, it is now u" to the
custoers to go and "urchase, the aa,ing, 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray G81!
:or's Cited
+ger, Bradley! $rivenJ 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray! :inding ;oad! *! 1! < Darch 2014!
:eb! 2 Euly 2014!
4avanagh, Eason! ;evealedK 2014 Chevrolet Corvette C<J .he Stingray is Bac'! /dunds! *!
1 1? Eanuary 201?! :eb 2 Euly 2014!
1yons, $an! 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray G81J Bang Deets Buc'&(gain! .ies 7nion!
*!1! 2< Hoveber 201?! :eb! 2 Euly 2014!
Stoc'an, Eac'ie! FD ;eleases *ricing %or 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Cou" and Convertible!
1SB.V! *!1! 20 ("ril 201?! :eb! 2 Euly 2014!

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