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"#$%&'() *+, -#.

/01)2%3 45&62

Biought to you by:
"#$%&'() 72+6 85+9)29:

Wiitten by:

Plane Cieuit to CBF
@+A%2 B< CB1)21):D

-Things you will neeu
-uetting Staiteu

-YSF foluei
-Piogiam sub-folueis
-File types

Auuing Nous:
-Auuing aiiciaft
-Sceneiy anu giounu objects

-Check youi .lst files!

-Sceneiy Euitoi

0nline Flying:
-Bow to join a seivei

42))&1' #)+9)26D

So you have finally founu YS Flight, the best Flight Simulatoi on the inteinet foi fai
too many ieasons to count. To use this wonueiful piece of softwaie, you neeu to
have a few things.

@(&1': EB5 F&%% 1226D
-A Nac computei with 0SX (Intel)
-Inteinet Access
-Piefeiably a two-button mouse

Youi fiist step, if you have not uone it alieauy is to uownloau the latest stable
ielease foi Nac 0SX Intel fiom anu unzip the files. I say stable ielease,
because the cieatoi, Soji Yamakawa sometimes publishes beta, 'Test Releases' that
aie not fully testeu, ielying on the YSFlight community to finu glitches anu help
iefine the piogiam. It is bettei to uownloau the latest stable ielease fiist, get useu to
flying, auu youi mous anu then tiy the test ieleases.

$&'592 GD H(+) )(2 I1JK&LL26 <&%2 :(B5%6 %BBM %&M2
Simply open anu you can immeuiately fly some stock planes by using
the "Cieate New Flight" option in the menu seen in Figuie 2. Flying in the small
winuow can be a pain with the contiols, so maximize the winuow foi bettei visibility
anu contiollability of youi aiiciaft.

$&'592 ?D H(+) "#$ N+&1 N215 %BBM: %&M2
Aftei a few minutes flying you've piobably figuieu out the contiols foi geneial
movement, but in oiuei to ieally fly, you neeu to know the full contiols. Fiom the
menu page, go to 0ption->}oystickNouseKey Assignment to finu the uefault
contiols anu to set youi own (Figuie S).

$&'592 OD CB1)9B% #2)5L

You may have also noticeu in youi flying that the planes aie not veiy uetaileu
compaieu to many flight simulatois such as FSX, but uo not feai! While YSFlight is
not open souice, (mouifications to the .app.exe file aie piohibiteu) you can still
make youi own custom planes anu maps to fly. "But how uo we auu such planes anu
maps." you may ask. Well foi a PC, it is simple, but on a Nac, these files aie hiuuen
fiom view. Right click on anu select 'Show Package Contents' as shown
in Figuie 4.

$&'592 >D H(292 )B <&16 )(2 'BB6 :)5<<

Figuie S shows the sub-foluei aiiangement of YSFlight. These convenient folueis
holu all the infoimation neeueu in oiuei to fly. The 'aiiciaft' foluei, as the name
suggests, holu the infoimation about the planes you fly. The 'sceneiy' foluei holus
the vaiious map files, anu the 'giounu' foluei holus all of youi giounu objects. "What
aie giounu objects." Biu you see any builuings while you weie flying. Those aie
giounu objects. They help spice up maps anu pioviue taigets foi giounu attack
missions anu some pioviue Suiface-to-Aii uefenses as you may alieauy have founu
out the haiu way.

$&'592 PD @(2 A+:&, :5AJ<B%629:
Each of these folueis contains stiange file types, which to any seasoneu YSF flyei
make peifect sense, but to the aveiage new flyei, appeai to be gibbeiish.

Beie aie the main file types:

A list file that specifies the file path of each pait iequiieu foi a
planemapgiounu object. They aie piefaceu by:
- aii*** foi aiiciaft
- gio*** foi giounu objects
- sce*** foi sceneiies, i.e. maps.
***.uat The heait of any aiiciaft oi giounu object that tells the piogiam what
qualities the plane has anu wheie to position weaponiy, etc.
***.flu The giaphics pait of a map that contains all of the placement
infoimation foi the giounu objects.
***.stp The Stait Positions foi planes in any map, specifying height, thiottle
anu uiiection.

All of the listeu file types above can be openeu in TextEuit. All othei file types aie foi
the giaphics, oi physical bouies, of the aiiciaft anu giounu objects, anu what you see
when flying. Those aie impoitant if you plan on making youi own planes, but foi
now you uon't neeu to pay attention to them with the exception of the next section.
Q66&1' *B6: )B "#$%&'()D

$&'592 RD SQT U&'()&1' <9BN UB96 $%+:((2+9)

Auuons, oi Nous, aie usei-maue planes, maps, oi giounu objects that aie foi use by
the public foi fiee. It is impoitant to note that all of these mouueis put countless
houis into theii woik anu shoulu always be iecognizeu whenevei uisplaying theii
woik. In this tutoiial, all of the example auuons aie given cieuit. Theie is an
establisheu policy foi this that can be founu heie on if you have any

Auuons fiequently come in packs, oi a collection of a mouuei's woik. Theie aie
liteially thousanus of uiffeient planes that have been maue to uate anu packs aie
fiequently ieleaseu at YSFBQ. The oiganization of these packs vaiies fiom pack to
pack, but they usually all have foui main folueis; aiiciaft, giounu, sceneiy, anu usei.
The fiist thiee have been uiscusseu in the oiganization section above, but the usei
foluei is something new. This is wheie the bulk of all files will be going, as it allows
the usei to quickly finu files fiom inuiviuual mouueis.

Figuie 7 shows an example pack that can be uownloaueu fiom YSFBQ. This
paiticulai pack is fiequently useu online uue to its low-lag chaiacteiistics. I will
uiscuss flying online latei in this uocument.

$&'592 VD @(2 72+6 85+9)29 W+,MD 42129+% Q&9 CBNA+)

The BQP is an aiiciaft pack as it only contains aiiciaft uata. Note that the aiiciaft
foluei only has an .lst file in it anu all the vaiious files aie in the usei foluei. If we
look at the .lst file, we see that the file paths look like this:

$&'592 XD 78WY: Z%:) <&%2
The .lst file tells YSFlight to finu the files in useiBQPuAC foluei, iathei than in the
aiiciaft foluei wheie the stock planes files aie. -12 )(&1' )B 1B)&,2 &: )(+) )(292
+92 / [ 3 &1 )(2 L+)(:Z @(&: 1226: )B A2 ,(+1'26 )B / \ 3 &1 B9629 )B FB9M B1 EB59

It shoulu look something like this:
useiBQPuACc1Suh.uat useiBQPuACc1Suh.unm useiBQPuACc1Sucl.sif

This is a majoi stumbling point foi many Nac useis, as it makes no uiffeience which
uiiection the slashes aie on Winuows which many mouueis use to cieate theii
woiks of ait. These slashes will neeu to be changeu in ioughly half of the .lst files
you uownloau, so you shoulu check eveiy .lst file to make suie you will not iun into
eiiois ovei this minoi huiule. As I mentioneu eailiei, theie aie othei file types in
auuition to the ones in the table above. In the example .lst line above, theie aie two
moie listeu, the .unm anu the .sif. Both of these aie vitally impoitant foi planes anu
if you uo not have them, they won't loau anu can ciash YSF. See the section about
Eiiois foi moie uetail.

Now that you have checkeu foi the moie blatant eiiois, it is time to install these
auuons into youi YSFlight sub folueis. Lucky foi you it is stupiuly easy to uo. Simply
copy the contents of the aiiciaft foluei fiom the BQPuAC pack into youi YSFlight's
aiiciaft foluei. If you uo not alieauy have a usei foluei in the sub folueis of youi
YSFlight, copy the usei foluei with eveiything insiue it into youi YSFlight uiiectoiy
like so:

$&'592 ^D U&M2 :B]
If you alieauy have a usei foluei, copy whatevei is insiue the pack's usei foluei into
youi usei foluei. Bo no oveiwiite anything at this stage. Insteau, go in anu finu what
youi cuiient YSFlight lacks that the pack you aie installing has, anu then auu them.
This can be a veiy laboiious piocess, but the iesults aie well woith the heauache it
can cause with some of the laigei packs. Those laigei packs geneially have the best
maps anu planes, making youi flying aesthetics that much bettei.

Q66&1' _2F #,2129&2: +16 49B516 -A`2,):D

$&'592 GaD W+9)&+%%E CBNL%2)26 W(&%&LL&12 0:%+16: *+L SE ;2,+<<=>?

In oiuei to auu new maps anu vaiious giounu packs, you follow the same geneial
pioceuuie outlineu foi the aiiciaft, making suie that all the .lst files aie foimatteu
coiiectly. Take the time to make suie that eveiything is in the iight spot, as it will
save time latei if you iun into a pioblem.
H2+LB1: Q66B1:D

If you have exploieu YSFBQ at all, you piobably have founu that people have
uiffeient weapons equippeu in some of theii pictuies. Now that you have high-
quality planes anu maps to fly on, using the stock weapons sticks out like a zebia at
a pig convention.

Lucky foi you, it is possible to uownloau anu install new weapon skins. These uo not
affect the function anu peifoimance of the weapons. It simply gives them a face-lift,
allowing you to make veiy pietty scieenshots anu movies.

$&'592 GGD b59BY: $JGR Bc29 @$PXY: T6F+96: Q&9 $B9,2 S+:2de29E W92))Eddd
In oiuei to finu these weapon skins, make youi way ovei to YSFBQ anu get youiself
some packs. I peisonally am paitial to this one, the BNI Beavy Inuustiies Pack 2.
Shop aiounu anu finu one that you like, because they aie haiuei to auu anu uninstall
than aiiplanes, maps anu giounu objects.

To stait, we neeu to isolate anu backup the cuiient weaponiy we aie using. Figuie
12 shows us that the weaponiy uata files aie unuei the 'misc' foluei. They aie
nameu foi each of the possible slots in the loauing menu anu :(B5%6 1B) A2

$&'592 G?D H2+LB19E &1 )(2 N&:, $B%629

Nake a backup copy of these files anu plop them into a foluei insiue YSFlight. Name
it what you like, but make suie that you can finu it in a jiffy incase you iun into an
eiioi anu neeu to ieveit back to the uefault weaponiy.

I mentioneu that you uo not want to iename any of these files eailiei anu that
quality makes it haiu to uninstall this type of auuon. YSFlight ieaus the name anu
assigns that skin to the weapon it think it is. Foi example, you woulu not want oui
Aii-to-Aii missiles looking like a Suulb bomb. That woulu happen if you ienameu
the aim9x file to be bombSuu.

Figuie 1S shows us that although the skins make the weapons look uiffeient, they
aie still nameu with the uefault names. Look at the aim2uuu foluei that I openeu. Its
files aie still nameu aim9x to make suie that that weapon skin is applieu to the aim
9x missile in YSFlight. This makes it haiu to swiftly ieplace inuiviuual weapons fiom
uiffeient packs.

To install these new skins, copy, paste, anu ieplace the uefault weapon files in the
misc folueis. If you open up YSFlight, you will finu that you have a new weapon skin
that looks awesome.

$&'592 GOD S_0 72+cE 0165:)9&2: W+,M ? $B%629:

I peisonally ieally like this pack, not only foi its wiue iange of weapons, but theii
high-uetail anu the ability to have eastein anu westein-block weapon skin packs
that coulu be applieu to vaiious aiiciaft to make them look even moie iealistic foi
scieenshots anu movies. To some, this might not be a majoi attiaction, but I finu it
veiy useful anu fun to play with.


Foi moie infoimation anu a long list of auuon packs anu websites, heau on ovei to
YSFBQ. You can also check out this site. YSFlight Auuon Seaich. I highly iecommenu

If you join YSFBQ (You shoulu), iemembei to uo youi ieseaich anu seaich foi
auuons befoie posting asking foi them. It will eain you kuuuo points.


If eveiything woiks out peifectly anu you have yet to iun into eiiois, you still neeu
to ieau this section incase you iun into these eiiois in the futuie.

This section by no means, coveis eveiy single pioblem you may come acioss.
ueneially most eiiois have to uo with files being impiopeily placeu. Raiely aie
auuons ciitically flaweu that pievent theii use, because the mouueis who maue
them pay attention to those types of things anu tiy theii haiuest to avoiu them.

$&'592 G>D Q1 2g+NL%2 Z%:) 299B9

In oiuei to tioubleshoot this pioblem, follow the file path shown in the eiioi to see
if the file is theie. If not, check to see if you have it. Woist-case scenaiio, you ie-
uownloau the pack, finu the file anu inseit it into youi YSFlight.

$&'592 GPD Q1 T99B9 0 21,B51)2926 )9E&1' )B %B+6 + N+L
Figuie 1S shows an eiioi I encounteieu while tiying to loau the 42South Combat
Touinament Nap 1. Aftei opening up the 2uuuiw.acp file, a giounu object, I saw that
it containeu file paths to files that I knew I uiun't have. To solve this pioblem I
simply uownloaueu the iight pack anu inseiteu the files wheie the file path uictateu
it shoulu be. Pioblem solveu.

In both scenaiios, both eiiois weie geneiateu fiom an impiopeily placeu oi missing
file. This is why it is impoitant to ieview youi .lst files when you install new packs
anu to not oveiwiite anything. Always inseit new files anu folueis. Bon't be lazy anu
YSFlight will not be a heauache to use.

If you still have questions, uo not be afiaiu to ask them on YSFBQ, just make suie
you've uone a faiily intensive seaich fiist. If you still uo not finu youi answei, uo not
hesitate to post youi question. Someone else has the same oi a similai question,
which will only help people in the futuie. By woiking as a community, YSFBQ stiives
to be the best iesouice foi YSFlight anu with eveiyone's contiibutions that can

#B "B5 H+1) @B *+M2 Q1 Q66B1hD

As I mentioneu eailiei, most auuons aie maue on PCs, anu that is because most
(N0T ALL) of the softwaie is winuows only. I use a XP emulatoi viitualBox to make
maps in Sceneiy Euitoi. Soji is cuiiently woiking on making a veision of Sceneiy
Euitoi that will iun natively on Nac 0SX Intel. As of Apiil, 2u12 it is still in the
uevelopmental stages, but it will eventually become stable anu functional.

$&'592 GRD "# #,2129E T6&)B9 /#)9&M2 *+L AE ;2,+<<=>?3
Befoie you go aiounu asking questions online, ask youiself what you want to uo. Bo
you want to make maps. Bownloau Sceneiy Euitoi anu ieau thiough the help file
that comes with it. Auuitionally, ieau thiough these tutoiials by TFS8 anu PatiickN.
These thiee iesouices shoulu give you a soliu base to get staiteu on map making.

"But I want to make planes!" you might be saying. If you want to make planes
without an emulatoi oi bootcamping youi Nac to iun winuows, you can uownloau
Blenuei foi Nac 0SX. Refei to this section of YSFBQ foi iesouices.

$&'592 GVD S%21629 B1 *+, -#.

Theie aie not that many mouueis who use Nacs on YSFBQ, but that shoulu not
uiscouiage you. Blenuei has the exact same functions on Winuows anu Nacs, so you
can use all of theii tutoiials anu infoimational viueos. At the same time, you can
push foiwaiu the community's knowleuge base anu wiite up a tutoiial foi those that
follow you using Nacs.

The best way to leain how to use Sceneiy Euitoi anu Blenuei is to ieview the
tutoiials anu then expeiiment anu play with the softwaie. Expeiience is the best
teachei anu gaining it can be veiy iewaiuing anu fun.

-1%&12 #29c29:D

$&'592 GXD ;2,+<<=>? /?>G:) #(+6BF 751)29Y: CJP3 +16 <+1`2) /b59Bi: SB2&1' VPV3
$%E&1' &1 <B9N+)&B1 B1 )(2 #)Z *++9)&1 :29c29

Flying online is a bieak fiom off-line isolationist flying. It opens up a new uimension
of flying anu cieates the oppoitunity foi many community events like Aii Shows. It
is fun to fly, uogfight, anu peifoim attack missions with othei people anu uepenuing
on the seiveis.

What I woulu iecommenu uoing it you have the haiu uiive space, is to cieate a new
YSFlight that is entiiely sepaiate so that you can ieuuce youi loauing time to get
online. It stieamlines the piocess anu cieates less hassle.

$&'592 G^D *E "#$ #29c29 +LL

0nce you set up youi Seivei application, you aie set to fly online. uo to YSFBQ heie
anu finu a seivei you aie inteiesteu in flying on. You can geneially finu out if a
seivei is online by visiting the seivei list, but at the moment, YSFBQ is having
tiouble getting it to woik piopeily. Insteau, you can ask in the chat if anyone is
online anuoi willing. Nake suie that you ieview the iules on each seivei anu
iespect them. Failuie to follow no mattei what the excuse is not welcomeu in the
community anu can be punisheu with a ban. Simply follow the iules anu have fun.

$&'592 ?aD _2)FB9M C%&21) *215 W+)(

$&'592 ?GD _2)FB9M C%&21) *215 F&)( #29c29 7&:)B9E -L21
Simply finu the seivei IP Auuiess, type it in anu off you go! 0nce you type in a seivei
auuiess, you can simply finu it in youi histoiy anu select it to go back to it at a latei

$&'592 ??D 42129+% CB112,)&B1 01)29<+,2

When connecting to a seivei, the joining piocess is faiily similai to cieating an
offline flight. You select youi plane, loauing, stait position anu then you can join. The
IFF ueteimines the uiffeient 'teams' you can be on. Anu it can affect the staiting
positions you can stait at uue to hostile giounu objects.

Theie aie some eiiois that only occui with Seiveis that you uo not expeiience
offline. In oiuei to join, you must have the iight sceneiy anu aiiciaft; geneially these
aie listeu on YSFBQ in theii uesciiption.

$&'592 ?OD ;2,+<<=>? /e@JGVG $\QJGX$ #5L29 7B912)3 +16
;BBN:6+E /I$-3 B1 GVG:) #29c29
As shown in Figuie 2S, Boomsuay is flying what appeais to be a 0F0 in the ciuue
shape of a plane. This is an automatic stanu-in mouel that YSFlight shows when you
uo not have the aiiciaft someone else is flying installeu.

Seiveis aie foi having fun anu aie the epitome of YSFlight flying.

Enjoy YSFlight anu be suie to join YSFBQ!

Last mouifieu Apiil 2S, 2u12.

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