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4 Using the Global Control Toolpad

The Global Control toolpad (Figure 3-8 and below) allows you to control the layout and operation of
the graphics window as well as the appearance of the model as displayed in any individual quadrant.
n addition! the Global Control toolpad includes an Undo/Redo button that undoes the most recently
e"ecuted #$%&T operation or re-e"ecutes the most recently undone operation.
The Global Control toolpad contains two types of command buttons'
GlobalControl toolpad
The quadrant command buttons allow you to specify whether or not any or all of the quadrants are
enabled or disabled with respect to changes in their appearance. The control command buttons allow
you to perform the following operations'
)hange the overall layout of the graphics window
$lter the appearance of the model in any individual quadrant
*ndo or redo #$%&T operations
The following sections describe the operation and use of both types of command buttons.
3.4.1 Quadrant Command Buttons
(uadrant command buttons allow you to enable and disable any or all of the graphics-window
quadrants with respect to changes in the model appearance. From left to right on the Global Control
toolpad! the quadrant command buttons correspond to the following quadrants'
*pper left
*pper right
+ower left
,-gina . de /0 #$%&T *12341 #*52' 3. #3$,6)$+ *123 7T23F$)2 (#*)! 3./
.898:9:8.: http'99:8:...8.:;8....'88889fluent9#ambit.3<help9users<guide9ug838/.htm
Lower right
All four quadrants (enable only)
Each quadrant command button toggles its corresponding quadrant between the enabled and disabled
states. Enabled quadrants are displayed in red on their corresponding command buttons. Disabled
quadrants are displayed in gray.
To enable a disabled quadrant or disable an enabled quadrant, clic the corresponding quadrant
command button. To enable all quadrants, clic All.
3.4.2 Control Command Buttons
!ontrol command buttons allow you to specify the appearance of the graphics window itself and of
the model as "iewed in any indi"idual quadrant. #n addition, the Undo/Redo control command button
undoes the most recently e$ecuted %A&'#T operation or re(e$ecutes the most recently undone
operation. The Global Control toolpad contains the following control command buttons.
Symbol Command Description
Fit to Window )cales the graphics display to fit within the boundaries
of the enabled quadrants
Select Pivot )pecifies the location of the pi"ot point for model
mo"ement by means of the mouse
Select Preset
Arranges the graphics window to reflect one of si$
preset configurations
Modify ig!ts
S"ecify abel #y"e
)pecifies the direction and magnitude of light on the
Allows you to add arrows, lines, and te$t to the
graphics display
)pecifies the types of labels displayed by means of the
S"ecify $is"lay Attributes form
*ndoes the most recently e$ecuted %A&'#T
+edoes the most recently undone %A&'#T operation
,-gina . de /0 %A&'#T *)E+1) %*#DE2 3. %+A,4#!AL *)E+ #5TE+6A!E (%*#), 3./
7898.9.87. http299.8..77:..;8.7772:8:89fluent9%ambit73<help9users<guide9ug838/.htm
The following sections describe the function and use of the command buttons listed above.
Fit to Window
The Fit to Window command button scales the graphics display to fit in each of the enabled
Select Pivot
The SelectPivot command button allows you to change the pivot point around which the model turns
when you rotate and/or revolve it using the left and right mouse buttons (see "Rotating the Model
%rient Model Applies a preset model orientation to all active
quadrants orients the model with respect to a specified
face or vector and stores commands related to the
current orientation in a !ournal file
S"ecify $is"lay
Allows you to specify the characteristics of the
graphics display
Render Model "pecifies whether the model is displayed in a
wireframe shaded or hidden perspective
S"ecify Color Mode "pecifies whether model colors are based on entity
types or on connectivity
&'a(ine Mes! Allows you to interactively view an e#isting mesh.
$%gina & de '( )AM*+T ,"-R." ),+/-0 &. )RA$1+2A3 ,"-R +4T-R5A2- (),+6 &.'
78/89/9879 http0//989.77:.9;8.7770:8:8/fluent/)ambit7&<help/users<guide/ug8&8'.htm
(Left-drag)" and "Revolve/Zoom the Model (Right-drag)," above).
GAMBI allo!" #o$ to "%e&if# either of t!o %oint" abo$t !hi&h to %ivot the model.
o define a $"er-"%e&ified %ivot %oint, &li&' the SelectPivot &ommand b$tton to di"%la# the $"er-
"%e&ified %oint "#mbol, then left-&li&' at the "ele&tion %oint in the gra%hi&" !indo! to identif# the
ne! %ivot %oint lo&ation. GAMBI lo&ate" the %ivot %oint a&&ording to the follo!ing hierar&h# of
). If the "ele&tion %oint inter"e&t" one or more &oordinate "#"tem", GAMBI lo&ate" the %ivot
%oint at the &oordinate "#"tem &lo"e"t to the vie!er.
*. If the "ele&tion %oint inter"e&t" one or more verti&e", GAMBI lo&ate" the %ivot at the verte+
&lo"e"t to the vie!er.
,. If the "ele&tion %oint inter"e&t" one or more edge", GAMBI lo&ate" the %ivot in referen&e to
the "ele&tion %oint and the neare"t edge. GAMBI $"e" either the %oint of inter"e&tion a" the
an&hor %oint or the tangent to the edge at that %oint a" an a+i" of rotation.
-. If the "ele&tion %oint inter"e&t" one or more fa&e", GAMBI lo&ate" the %ivot at the %oint of
inter"e&tion !ith the &lo"e"t fa&e.
.. If the "ele&tion %oint doe" not inter"e&t an# model &om%onent", GAMBI "et" the &enter of the
vie!ing vol$me a" the %ivot %oint.
o re"tore the %ivot %oint to it" defa$lt (/$adrant &entroid) lo&ation, &li&' SelectPivot &ommand
b$tton to di"%la# the /$adrant &entroid "#mbol.
Select Preset Configuration
he SelectPresetConfiguration &ommand b$tton allo!" #o$ to modif# the overall &onfig$ration of
the gra%hi&" !indo! and the orientation of the model a" di"%la#ed in the enabled /$adrant".
o o%en the men$ of %re"et &onfig$ration o%tion", right-&li&' the Select PresetConfiguration b$tton.
he %re"et &onfig$ration o%tion" in&l$de the follo!ing &onfig$ration" and orientation".
Symbol Pivot Point
0enter of vie!ing vol$me (defa$lt)
1"er-"%e&ified %oint
Option Description
2i"%la#" all fo$r /$adrant" and a%%lie" the follo!ing orientation" to the &$rrentl#
34gina - de -5 GAMBI 167R86 G1I27( ,. GRA39I0AL 167R I:7R;A07 (G1I), ,.-
)</<*/*<)* htt%(//*<*.))=.*.<.)))(=<=</fl$ent/Gambit),>hel%/$"er">g$ide/$g<,<-.htm
Modify Lights
When you click the Modify ig!ts command button, GAMBIT opens the Modify ig!ts form. The
Modify ig!ts form allows you to customize the appearance of model shadin.
Using the Modify Lights Form
The Modify ig!ts form !see below" allows you to specify the direction and brihtness of eiht
different liht sources used to determine model shadin. #ach liht source is represented on the
Modify ig!ts form by one of eiht colors$ white, cyan, maenta, blue, yellow, reen, red, and black.
enabled %uadrants.
&isplays all four %uadrants and applies an isometric 'iew in each currently
enabled %uadrant.
#(pands the upper left %uadrant to fill the raphics window.
#(pands the upper riht %uadrant to fill the raphics window.
#(pands the lower left %uadrant to fill the raphics window.
#(pands the lower riht %uadrant to fill the raphics window.
)*ina + de ,- GAMBIT ./#01/ G.I&#$ 2. G0A)3I4A5 ./#0 I6T#07A4# !G.I", 2.,
89:9;:;98; http$::;9;.88<.;+9.888$<9<9:fluent:Gambit82=help:users=uide:u929,.htm
The Modify Lights form consists of the following components:
Status buttons
Orientation globe
Status Buttons
The Modify Lights form contains eight sets of status buttons corresponding to each of the eight light
sources. Each set of status buttons includes the following buttons:
Light command button
Ambient and Distant radio buttons
Each Light command button toggles the state of its associated light source between the active (On)
and inactive (Off) states. The Ambient and Distant radio buttons constitute mutually exclusive
selectors that allow you to specify whether a specific light source is located close to (Ambient) or
distant from (Distant) the model.
Orientation Globe
The Modify Lights orientation globe consists of a wireframe sphere upon which are located eight
colored circleseach of which is displayed as either solid or hollow. Each circle represents one of the
eight light sources. Solid circles represent light sources that are currently specified as On! hollow
circles represent light sources that are currently specified as Off.
To reposition any of the eight light sources relative to the model (center of globe) leftclic" its
corresponding circle on the orientation globe and leftdrag the circle to the new location. To drag the
light source to the side of the globe farthest from the viewer# drag it to the edge of the globe# then
bac" toward the middle. The light source is located on the far side of the globe when it is located on
the dashed portion of a circumferential line.
$OTE: %f you reposition lights that are Ambient or Off# &'()%T does not change model shading.
*+gina , de -. &'()%T /SE01S &/%2E: 3. &0'*4%5'6 /SE0 %$TE07'5E (&/%)# 3.-
89:9;:;98; http:::;9;.88<.;=9.888:<9<9:fluent:&ambit83>help:users>guide:ug939-.htm
When you click the Annotate command button, GAMBIT opens the Annotate form. The Annotate
form allows you to add annotation objects such as arrows, lines, or tet to any indi!idual "raphics
window #uadrant and to modify or delete such objects.
GAMBIT allows you to perform the followin" operations with respect to annotation objects.
Adding an Annotation Object
GAMBIT allows you to add the followin" types of annotation objects$
Arrow%%a strai"ht line or series of connected line se"ments with a sin"le arrowhead at one end
Line %%a strai"ht line or series of connected line se"ments without an arrowhead at either end
Text %%alphanumeric tet that can be placed anywhere in the "raphics window
Title %%alphanumeric tet that constitutes a title for the model
When you Add an annotation object to a "raphics window #uadrant, GAMBIT creates the object and
fies its position and orientation at an anchor point relati!e to the #uadrant itself. Annotation objects
do not mo!e when you translate, rotate, or &oom in or out on the model. To specify the anchor point,
left%click the "raphics window at the anchor point.
If you resi&e a #uadrant that contains annotation objects, GAMBIT maintains the positions of the
object anchor points relati!e to the ori"inal proportions of the #uadrant. 'owe!er, GAMBIT does
not alter Text or Title characters when you resi&e a #uadrant, therefore, the characters retain their
ori"inal si&e.
Arrow Object
To add an Arrow annotation object, perform the followin" steps$
Operation Description
Add (reates a new object in the "raphics window
Modify Modifies an eistin" object
Delete )eletes an eistin" object
Delete all )eletes all eistin" objects
Step Description
* +elect the Add radio button on the Annotate form.
,-"ina . de /. GAMBIT 0+123+ G0I)1$ 4. G2A,'I(A5 0+12 I6T127A(1 8G0I9, 4./
*:;:<;<:*< http$;;<:<.**=.<>:.***$=:=:;fluent;Gambit*4?help;users?"uide;u":4:/.htm
6@T1$ To create an arrow consistin" of more than one line se"ment, repeat +tep > for each endpoint
of each intermediate se"ment. When you Shift%ri"ht%click to Apply the arrow annotation object,
GAMBIT creates an arrow defined by the series of line se"ments and possessin" a sin"le arrowhead
located at the last point selection point.
Line Object
To add a Line annotation object, follow the "eneral directions outlined abo!e with respect to addin"
an Arrow object but select the Object:Line in lieu of the Object:Arrow option in +tep <. The Line and
Arrow annotation objects differ only in that the 5ine object does not include an arrowhead.
Text Object
To add a Text annotation object, perform the followin" steps$
Title Object
To add a Title annotation object, perform the followin" steps$
< +elect the Object:Arrow option.
4 +pecify the object Color and Width.
/ Shift%left%click the "raphics window at the point at which the tail of the arrow is to be
located, and release the mouse button.
> Shift%left%click a"ain in the "raphics window, and Shift%left%dra" the mouse pointer to
the point at which the head of the arrow is to be located.
A (lick Apply on the Annotate form 8or Shift%ri"ht%click in the "raphics window9.
Step Description
* +elect the Add radio button on the Annotate form.
< +elect the Object:Text option.
4 +pecify the object Color and Size, and input the alphanumeric Tet associated with the
/ Shift%left%click in the "raphics window, and dra" the tet to its final location.
> (lick Apply on the Annotate form 8or Shift%ri"ht%click in the "raphics window9.
Step Description
* +elect the Add radio button on the Annotate form.
< +elect the Object:Title option.
,-"ina = de /. GAMBIT 0+123+ G0I)1$ 4. G2A,'I(A5 0+12 I6T127A(1 8G0I9, 4./
*:;:<;<:*< http$;;<:<.**=.<>:.***$=:=:;fluent;Gambit*4?help;users?"uide;u":4:/.htm
Modifying an Annotation Object
To modify an annotation object, perform the following steps:
Deleting an Annotation Object
To delete an annotation object, perform the following steps:
Deleting All Existing Annotation Objects
To delete all existing annotation objects, perform the following steps:
Using the Annotate Form
The Annotate form (see below) allows you to add, modify, or delete annotations to the graphics
display. To open the Annotate form, click the Annotate command button on the !lobal Control
3 pecify the object Color and Size, and input the alphanumeric Tet associated with the
! "lick Apply on the Annotate form (or Shift#right#click in the graphics window).
Step Description
$ elect the Modify radio button on the Annotate form.
% &ick the object to be modified. ('(T): To unpick a picked object, Shift#middle#click
on the object.)
3 pecify the modifications by means of the Object and "roperties fields on the Annotate
form. ('(T): To change the position of an object within its *uadrant, Shift#left#drag
or Shift#middle#drag the object to its new location.)
! "lick Apply on the Annotate form (or Shift#right#click in the graphics window).
Step Description
$ elect the Delete radio button on the Annotate form.
% Shift#left#click the object to be deleted.
3 "lick Apply on the Annotate form (or Shift#right#click in the graphics window).
Step Description
$ elect the Delete all radio button on the Annotate form.
% "lick Apply on the Annotate form (or Shift#right#click in the graphics window).
&+gina , de !- ./012T 3)45 .326): 3. .4/&72"/8 3)4 2'T)49/") (.32), 3.!
$:;:%;%:$% http:;;%:%.$$<.%=:.$$$:<:<:;fluent;.ambit$3>help;users>guide;ug:3:!.htm
The Annotate form includes the following options and specifications.
Using the Set Color Form
Operation: -------------------------
Add specifies the addition of an annotation object.
Modify specifies the modification of an existing annotation object.
Delete specifies the deletion of an existing annotation object.
Delete all deletes all existing annotation objects.
Object: (active for Add and Modify options only)
specifies the type of annotation to be added or modified.
"roperties: -------------------------
Color: specifies the color of the annotation.
When you click the Color bar (located immediately to the right of the Color:
heading) !"#$%T opens the Set Color form which allows you to specify the
annotation color. &or instructions concerning the use of the Set Color form see
'(sing the )et *olor &orm' below.
Width: (Arrow and Line options only) specifies the thickness of the Arrow or Line
annotation object.
Tet: (Text and Title annotations only) specifies the wording of the annotation.
+,gina -. de /0 !"#$%T ()123) !(%415 6. !2"+7%*"8 ()12 %9T12&"*1 (!(%) 6./
-.:.;:;.-; http5::;.;.--<.;=..---5<.<.:fluent:!ambit-6>help:users>guide:ug.6./.htm
The Set Color form allows you to specify the color of an annotation object. To open the Set Color
form (see below), click the Color bar on the Annotate form.
The Set Color form includes the following specifications.
NOTE !ou must click Apply to apply the color specification and close the form.
Specify Label Type
"hen you click the Specify Label Type command button, #$%&'T opens the SpecifyLabelType
form. The Specify Label Type form allows you to specify the kinds of labels that are displayed when
you display labels by means of the Specify Display Attributes form (see ()pecify *isplay $ttributes,(
#$%&'T allows you to specify the display of any or all of the following types of labels.
Color name specifies the color by name.
Colors: allows you to select a color from a list of a+ailable colors.
To select a color, left,click the color in the scroll list. #$%&'T displays the
currently selected color on a color band located immediately abo+e the Colors
scroll list.
Label Type Description Example
Regular Entity face.3
-.gina // de 01 #$%&'T 2)E34) #2'*E 5. #3$-6'7$8 2)E3 'NTE39$7E (#2'), 5.0
/:;:<;<:/< http;;<:<.//=.<>:.///=:=:;fluent;#ambit/5?help;users?guide;ug:5:0.htm
To display a label, you must specify the label type, by means of the Specify Label Type form, and
activate labels for the entity (or entities) of interest, by means of the Specify Display Attributes form.
For example, to display the numbers of mesh intervals for all edges in the model, you must select the
Interval options on the Specify Label Type form, then activate labels for all edges by means of the
Specify Display Attributes form.
NOTE ()! "f the Label option on the Specify Display Attributes form is On, changes made on the
Specify LabelType form affect the model display as soon as they are specified.
NOTE (#)! The Specify Label Type form specifications do not affect coordinate system labels.
Using the Specify Label Type Form
The Specify LabelType form (see belo$) allo$s you to specify the types of labels that are displayed
by means of the Specify Display Attributes form. To open the Specify LabelType form, clic% the Label
Type command button on the Global Control toolpad.
The Specify Label Type form consists of a field of five chec% boxes that allo$ you to specify the
display of the follo$ing label types (see above)!
Boundary Type
Boundary Layer
Continuum Type
Interval Edge mesh intervals int = 15
Boundary Type &oundary'type (one specifications btype = WALL
Scheme )eshing scheme scheme = pave
Boundary Layer &oundary layers b_layer = b_layer.5
Continuum Type *ontinuum'type (one specifications ctype = FLUID
+,gina # de -. /0)&"T 12E342 /1"5E! 6. /30+7"*08 12E3 "NTE3F0*E (/1"), 6.-
9:9#:#9# http!::#9#.;.#<9.!;9;9:fluent:/ambit6=help:users=guide:ug969-.htm
The Undo command undoes GAMBIT operations in reverse order relative to their sequence of
When you click the Undo command button GAMBIT reverses the most recently executed operation.
!or example if you create a vertex and click Undo GAMBIT deletes the vertex.
Multiple Undo Operations
As you create and"or mesh a model GAMBIT maintains and updates an #undo# list$that is a first$
in"last$out sequential list of Geometry Mesh Zones Tools and Global Control commands performed
durin% the modelin% session. When you execute the Undo command GAMBIT reverses the most
recently executed operation and removes it from the undo list. If you execute the Undo command a
second time GAMBIT reverses and removes from the undo list the operation that you performed
immediately prior to the most recently executed operation$and so on. !or example if you create and
mesh a cylindrical volume then click Undo GAMBIT removes the mesh from the volume. If you
click Undo a second time GAMBIT deletes the volume.
By default GAMBIT maintains &' undo levels$$that is the undo list contains the &' most recently
executed operations. To increase or decrease the number of operations retained in the undo list
modify the GAMBIT UNDO default variable by means of the dit Defaults form (see )ection *.+.*,.
-.T/0 Increasin% the number of undo levels necessarily increases the amount of disk space required
by the GAMBIT pro%ram.
The !edo command reverses the most recently executed GAMBIT Undo operation.
When you click the !edo command button GAMBIT reverses the most recently executed Undo
operation. !or example if you create a vertex and click Undo GAMBIT deletes the vertex. If you
then click !edo GAMBIT restores the vertex to the model.
Multiple Redo Operations
GAMBIT allo1s you to !edo multiple$operation sequences that are undone by means of the Undo
operation. !or example if you create and mesh a cylindrical volume then click Undo GAMBIT
removes the mesh from the volume. If you click Undo a second time GAMBIT deletes the volume.
If you then click !edo GAMBIT restores the volume and if you click !edo a second time
GAMBIT restores the mesh.
23%ina &4 de *5 GAMBIT 6)/78) G6I9/0 4. G7A2:I;A< 6)/7 I-T/7!A;/ (G6I, 4.*
&'"'+"+'&+ http0""+'+.&&=.+>'.&&&0='='"fluent"Gambit&4?help"users?%uide"u%'4'*.htm
By default GAMBIT allo1s you to undo the &' most recently executed operations and to !edo the
&' most recently executed Undo operations. To increase or decrease the number of operations that
can be undone and"or redone modify the GAMBIT UNDO default variable by means of the dit
Defaults form (see )ection *.+.*,.
-.T/0 Increasin% the number of undo levels necessarily increases the amount of disk space required
by the GAMBIT pro%ram.
Orient Model
The "rientModel command button allo1s you to apply a preset model orientation to all currently
enabled quadrants to orient the model 1ith respect to a specified face or vector and to store
commands related to the current orientation in a @ournal file.
To open the menu of "rient Model options ri%ht$click the "rient Model command button. The "rient
Model menu includes the follo1in% options.
Option Description
9isplays the model as vie1ed in the x direction.
9isplays the model as vie1ed in the x direction.
9isplays the model as vie1ed in the y direction.
9isplays the model as vie1ed in the y direction.
9isplays the model as vie1ed in the z direction.
9isplays the model as vie1ed in the z direction.
9isplays an isometric vie1 of the model.
23%ina &* de *5 GAMBIT 6)/78) G6I9/0 4. G7A2:I;A< 6)/7 I-T/7!A;/ (G6I, 4.*
&'"'+"+'&+ http0""+'+.&&=.+>'.&&&0='='"fluent"Gambit&4?help"users?%uide"u%'4'*.htm
Using the View Face/Vector Form
The #ie$ %ace&#ector option allows you to view the model from a direction normal to any one of the
model faces or in relation to a specified vector. When you select the #ie$ %ace&#ector on the "rient
Model menu, GAMBIT opens the #ie$ %ace&#ector form (see below. The #ie$%ace&#ector form
allows you to specify the face toward which or vector alon! which the model is to be viewed.
The #ie$ %ace&#ector form includes the followin! options"
Normal to Face Option
#everses the orientation of the model as currently displayed in each $uadrant.
#ie$ %ace&#ector option%%orients the model in a direction either normal to an
e&istin! face or defined by a vector (see '(sin! the )iew *ace+)ector *orm,'
,isplays the model accordin! to its previous orientation and confi!uration.
(-.T/" This operation is identical to the double%middle%clic0 in the !raphics
window (see '1how 2revious )iew (,ouble%middle%clic0,' above.
1aves the commands correspondin! to the current model orientation and
confi!uration to the session 3ournal te&t file. (-.T/" This operation is identical
to the double%ri!ht%clic0 in the !raphics window (see '4ournal )iew (,ouble%
ri!ht%clic0,' above.
($uadrant command buttons enable or disable any or all $uadrants with
respect to chan!es in model appearance.
Normal to Face
Along Vector
allows you to specify one of two options for orientin! the model.
Normal to Face orients the model normal to a selected face
Along Vector orients the model in the direction of a specified vector
The followin! sections describe each of the options.
25!ina 67 de 89 GAMBIT (1/#:1 G(I,/" ;. G#A2<I=A> (1/# I-T/#*A=/ (G(I, ;.8
6?+?@+@?6@ http"++@?@.66A.@7?.666"A?A?+fluent+Gambit6;Bhelp+usersB!uide+u!?;?8.htm
The Normal to Face option allows you to orient the model in the direction normal to a specified face.
For instructions in specifying the face that defines the view direction, see "List Boxes," above.
(!T"# $hen you specify the Normal to Face option, %&'B(T scales the model to fit in the enabled
)uadrants when it reorients the model.*
Along Vector Option
The Along Vector option allows you to view the model in the direction of a specified vector. %&'B(T
orients the model so that the specified vector is normal to the plane of the screen.
$hen you select the Along Vector option, %&'B(T displays a Define command button immediately
below the Along Vector button. To specify the vector in the direction of which the model is to be
viewed, clic+ the Define command button to open the VectorDefinition form. (,ee "-sing the .ector
/efinition Form," below.*
Using the Vector Definition Form
$hen you select the Along Vector option on the View Face/Vector form and clic+ the Define command
button, %&'B(T opens the Vector Definition form (see below*. The Vector Definition form allows
you to specify the vector along which the model is to be viewed. (!T"# The Vector Definition form
is also used to define vectors, such as axes of revolution, for %&'B(T geometry operations (see
0hapter 1 of the %&'B(T 'odeling %uide*.*
The VectorDefinition form includes the following specifications.
Active Coordinate
System Vector
displays the coordinates of the Start and End points for the current vector
23gina 45 de 67 %&'B(T -,"89, %-(/"# :. %8&2;(0&L -,"8 (T"8F&0" (%-(*, :.6
4<=<1=1<41 http#==1<1.44>.1?<.444#><><=fluent=%ambit4:@help=users@guide=ug<:<6.htm
Specifying a Vector Parallel to Coordinate System Axes
Immediately below the Coordinate Sys. list box is a group of radio buttons that allow you to specify
the orientation of the model and perspective of the viewer relative to the coordinate axes. The six
orientation options are as follows:
Positive X, Negative X
Positive Y, Negative Y
Positive Z, Negative Z
For example, if you specify c_sys.1 in the Coordinate Sys. list box and select the Positive Y orientation
option, GA!IT displays the model as viewed in the positive direction along the y axis of c_sys.1.
Specifying a Vector Parallel to a Model Edge
Method: contains four radio buttons that allow you to select the method used in
specifying the vector. The available methods are as follows:
Coord. Sys. Axis "" specifies a vector defined by one of the coordinate
Edge "" specifies a vector defined by the endpoints of an existing edge
2 Vertices "" specifies a vector defined by two existing vertices
2 Points "" specifies a vector defined by two points
The options and specifications available in the lower part of the Vector
Definition form vary according to the Method option selected. The following
sections describe specifications associated with each of the four options
listed above.
Coord. Sys. Axis specifies viewing the model along a vector defined by one of the coordinate
axes. #hen you select the Coord. Sys. Axis option, the lower portion of the
Vector Definition form appears as shown above. It includes the following
Coordinate Sys. specifies the coordinate system of reference for the vector along which the
model is to be viewed.
Edge specifies viewing the model along a vector defined by the Start and End
endpoints of an existing edge. #hen you select the Edge option, the lower
portion of the Vector Definition form appears as shown below. It includes the
following specifications.
$%gina &' de (' GA!IT )*+,-* G)I.+: /. G,A$0I1A2 )*+, I3T+,FA1+ 4G)I5, /.(
&6768786&8 http:77868.&&9.8:6.&&&:96967fluent7Gambit&/;help7users;guide7ug6/6(.htm
Vector Definition form -- Edge option specifications
Specifying a Vector Parallel to a Line Passing Through Two Vertices
Vector Definition form -- 2 Vertices option specifications
Specifying a Vector Between Two Points
Edge specifies the edge parallel to which the model is to be viewed.
Reverse reverses the model orientation relative to the edge sense. (NOTE: You can also
reverse the view by middle-clicing on the edge.!
Vertices specifies viewing the model along a vector defined by two e"isting vertices.
#hen you select the 2 Vertices option$ the lower portion of the Vector Definition
form appears as shown below. %t includes the following specifications.
Vertices: contains two te"t bo"es that allow you to specify the Start and End vertices that
define the vector along which the model is to be viewed. To reverse the
orientation of the model$ switch the Start and End verte" specifications.
2 Points specifies viewing the model along a vector defined by two points. #hen you
select the 2 Points option$ the lower portion of the Vector Definition form appears
as shown below. %t includes the following specifications.
&'gina () de *+ ,-./%T 01E231 ,0%4E: 5. ,2-&6%7-8 01E2 %NTE29-7E (,0%!$ 5.*
(:;:<;<:(< http:;;<:<.(().<=:.(((:):):;fluent;,ambit(5>help;users>guide;ug:5:*.htm
Vector Definition form -- 2 Points option specifications
Specify Display Attributes
When you click the Specify Dispay Attri!"tes command button, GAMBIT opens the
SpecifyDispayAttri!"tes form (see below! The SpecifyDispayAttri!"tes form allows you to
customi"e the appearance of the model in any currently enabled #uadrant!
contains two radio buttons that allow you to select the point associated with
the $alues currently displayed in the lower part of the form! The options are
as follows%
Point -- specifies the start point
Point 2 -- specifies the end point
To re$erse the model orientation, switch the specifications for the two
specifies the coordinate system of reference for the points that define the
$ector alon& which the model is to be $iewed!
#ype -----------------------
specifies the type of coordinate system to be used in the current point
$o!a % &oca allows you to define the coordinates of the point with respect to either the
&lobal or local coordinate system! The nature of the te't bo'es that appear
under each headin& depends on the type of coordinate system selected by
means of the #ype option (see abo$e! To define the coordinates of the point
currently specified, input its coordinate $alues in either the $o!a or the
&oca te't bo'es! When you input a $alues in either set of te't bo'es,
computes and displays the correspondin& $alues for the other set!
()&ina *+ de ,- GAMBIT ./012/ G.I30% 4! G1A(5I6A7 ./01 I8T019A60 (G.I, 4!,
*:;:<;<:*< http%;;<:<!**=!<>:!***%=:=:;fluent;Gambit*4?help;users?&uide;u&:4:,!htm
Using the Specify Display Attributes Form
The Specify Dispay Attri!"tes form allows you to customize the appearance of the model in any or
all of the graphics windows quadrants. It includes the following options.
The middle section of the Specify Dispay Attri!"tes form allows you to select individual model
entities or entire entity types for display specification. The available entity-type options include
groups ($ro"ps), volumes (Vo"mes), faces (Faces), edges (Edges), vertices (Vertices), boundary
layers ('. &ayers), and coordinate systems (C. Sys).
Specifying Display Attributes--Groups Example
The options available for each entity type are identical to those for model groupswhich are as
(quadrant command buttons) enable or disable any or all quadrants with
respect to changes in model appearance.
$ro"ps applies the specified display attributes to any or all groups in the model.
allows you to select the model groups to which the specified display attributes
All specifies all groups in the model
Pic# specifies groups selected by means of the $ro"p list bo! (see below).
("#T$% If you pic& a group in the graphics window or clic& in the $ro"p
list bo!, '()*IT automatically selects the Pic# option.)
+,gina -. de /0 '()*IT 12$342 '1I5$% 6. '3(+7I8(9 12$3 I"T$3:(8$ ('1I), 6./
;.<.-<-.;- http%<<-.-.;;=.->..;;;%=.=.<fluent<'ambit;6?help<users?guide<ug.6./.htm
Render Model
The RenderModel command allows you to render the model as either shaded, wireframe, or hidden.
The symbol displayed on the Render Model command button indicates its current function. To
change the function of the button, right-click it to open the menu of available functions, then select
the desired function from the menu. When you select a function from the menu, GAM!T
automatically renders the model according to the selected function.
Specify Color Mode
Groups allows you to select specific groups to which to apply the display attributes.
Visible specifies the visibility of the selected groups.
renders the selected groups visible "On# or invisible "Off#.
Label specifies the visibility of labels for the selected groups.
renders labels for the selected groups visible "On# or invisible "Off#. To select
the types of labels to be displayed, use the SpecifyLabel Type command on the
Global Control toolpad.
Silhouette specifies the visibility of silhouettes for the selected groups.
renders silhouettes for the selected groups visible "On# or invisible "Off#.
$ilhouettes display outlines of surfaces that do not possess edges-for e%ample,
the curved surfaces of cylinders and spheres.
Mesh specifies the visibility of the mesh.
renders the mesh visible "On# or invisible "Off#.
Render specifies the general appearance of the selected visible groups.
allows you to specify the appearance of the selected visible groups&
Wire wireframe model view displays a wireframe view of the selected
Shade shaded model view displays a three-dimensional shaded view of
the selected groups.
Hidden renders invisible all hidden lines. 'idden lines are those concealed
behind other entities in the current model orientation.
()gina *+ de ,- GAM!T .$/01$ G.!2/& 3. G0A('!4A5 .$/0 !6T/07A4/ "G.!#, 3.,
+898*9*8+* http&99*8*.++:.*;8.+++&:8:89fluent9Gambit+3<help9users<guide9ug838,.htm
The SpecifyColorMode command button allows you to toggle between two modes of defining color
for the lines, curves, and points as displayed in the active graphics-window quadrants. The two color
modes are as follows:
Topology -- specifies that the colors displayed for vertices, edges, faces, and volumes
correspond to the hierarchy of model entities.
Connectivity -- specifies that model colors are based on connectivity between entities.
Topology Mode
In the topology color mode, G!"IT displays entity colors according to the G!"IT geometry
color conventions. The default topology color conventions are as follows.
#ou can change the default topology color conventions by means of the Edit Defaults form $see
%&sing the 'dit (efaults )orm% in *ection +.,.+-.
The colors listed in the table above correspond to only those entities that do not constitute parts of
higher-topology entities. )or e.ample, if an edge e.ists on its own, it is displayed as yellow, but if it
constitutes part of a face, it is displayed as cyan.
Connectivity Mode
In the connectivity color mode, G!"IT displays colors based on the connectivity between entities.
The default connectivity color conventions are as follows.
)or e.ample, in the connectivity color mode, lone vertices are white but any verte. that constitutes
an endpoint for two separate edges is colored orange. *imilarly, lone edges are white, but an edge
Entity Color
/erte. white
'dge yellow
)ace cyan
/olume green
Number of Connections Color
0 white
1 orange
, deeps2yblue
3 or more cyan
45gina ,, de +6 G!"IT &*'78* G&I(': 3. G749IC: &*'7 I;T'7)C' $G&I-, 3.+
10<0,<,01, http:<<,0,.11=.,>0.111:=0=0<fluent<Gambit13?help<users?guide<ug030+.htm
that an edge that is shared by three separate faces is colored deepskyblue.
If two coincident entities differ in the degree of their connectivity to other entities in the model,
GAMBIT displays the color corresponding to the leastconnected entity. !or e"ample, if a lone
verte" is coincident with the corner verte" of a foursided face, GAMBIT displays a white verte" at
the location of coincidence.
#$T% &'() GAMBIT determines connectivity coloration for any entity on the basis of the number of
sides of the entity that are connected to higher entities. If you create a face that includes a dangling
edge, GAMBIT assigns the dangling edge a connectivity color of deepskyblue, because the face
itself e"ists on two separate sides of the edge.
#$T% &*() +ou can change the default connectivity color conventions by means of the Edit Defaults
form &see ,-sing the %dit .efaults !orm, in /ection 0.*.0(.
Examine Mesh
1hen you click the Examine Mesh command button, GAMBIT opens the Examine Mesh form &see
below(. The ExamineMesh form allows you to display an e"isting mesh and to customi2e the
characteristics of the mesh display.
34gina *5 de 06 GAMBIT -/%78/ G-I.%) 5. G7A39I:A; -/%7 I#T%7!A:% &G-I(, 5.0
'<=<*=*<'* http)==*<*.''>.*?<.''')><><=fluent=Gambit'5@help=users@guide=ug<5<0.htm
To display a mesh by means of the Examine Mesh form, you must specify two major sets of
Display Type
Display Mode
The Display Type parameters determine which mesh elements are visible when the mesh is displayed.
The Display Mode parameters determine the visual appearance of elements that are displayed.
Specifying the Display Type
There are three general Display Type specifications on the Examine Mesh form:
Element type
Quality type
The domain specification allows you to define which region of the mesh is displayed. The element-
type specification determines which element shapes are included in the group of displayed elements.
The uality-type specification determines the uality criterion that is used to color displayed
!"gina #$ de $% &'()*T +,E-., &+*DE: /. &-'!0*1'2 +,E- *3TE-4'1E 5&+*6, /.$
7898#9#87# http:99#8#.77:.#;8.777::8:89fluent9&ambit7/<help9users<guide9ug8/8$.htm
elements and9or to define which elements are displayed.
The following sections describe each of the specifications listed above.
Specifying the Domain
The domain specification consists of the following options:
The Plane and Sphere options allow you to display mesh elements located relative to a planar or
spherical cut through the mesh. The Range option allows you to display only those mesh elements
the uality of which falls within specified limits with respect to a designated uality criterion.
The following sections describe the each of the options listed above and illustrate their relative
effects on the mesh display for the elliptical cylinder shown in 4igure /-7$. 53=TE: *n this e>ample,
the cross section of the cylinder is elongated with respect to the x a>is, and the cylinder is aligned
with the z a>is.6
4igure /-7$: (eshed elliptical cylinder
Plane Option
?hen you select the Plane option, &'()*T displays a plane cut through the mesh. To customi@e the
plane cut, you must specify two parameters:
Cut Type
Cut rientation
The Cut Type specification determines whether &'()*T displays a @ero-thicAness plane cut through
the mesh or an array of mesh elements defined by their position with respect to the cutting plane. The
Cut rientation specification allows you to align the cutting plane with one of the three planes of the
active coordinate system and to specify the position of the cutting plane.
!"gina #; de $% &'()*T +,E-., &+*DE: /. &-'!0*1'2 +,E- *3TE-4'1E 5&+*6, /.$
7898#9#87# http:99#8#.77:.#;8.777::8:89fluent9&ambit7/<help9users<guide9ug8/8$.htm
Specifying the Cut Type
To specify the Cut Type, you must select one of the following options:
Display cut
Display elements
Display cut Option
When you select the Display cut option, GAMBIT displays a zero-thicness plane cut through the
mesh-such as that shown in !igure "-#$% The plane cut shown in !igure "-#$ is located in the center
of the elliptical cylinder and is aligned with the y-z coordinate plane%
!igure "-#$: Plane cut -- Cut Type: Display cut option, y-z plane
&ou can align the cutting plane with any of the three 'artesian coordinate planes (y means of the
Cut Orientation slider (ars )see *+pecifying the 'ut ,rientation,* (elow-%
Display elements Option
When you select the Display elements option, GAMBIT displays a region of the mesh defined with
respect to the cutting plane% &ou can specify which region of the mesh is displayed (y means of
Display elements su(options% The Display elements su(options are as follows:
A set of radio (uttons corresponding to the Display elements su(options is located a(o.e the Cut
Suboption Description
- /isplays elements that e0ist (elow the cutting plane
0 /isplays elements that are intersected (y the cutting plane
+ /isplays elements that e0ist a(o.e the cutting plane
12gina 34 de 56 GAMBIT 7+89:+ G7I/8: "% G9A1;I'A< 7+89 I=T89!A'8 )G7I-, "%5
#>?>3?3>#3 http:??3>3%##@%3$>%###:@>@>?fluent?Gam(it#"Ahelp?usersAguide?ug>">5%htm
Orientation slider (ars in the lower section of the Examine Mesh form% To select a Display elements
su(option, clic its corresponding radio (utton%
!igure "-#4 and !igure "-#6 show the effect of the 0 and - su(options, respecti.ely, on the mesh
display for the elliptical cylinder shown in !igure "-#5% In (oth figures, the cutting plane is centered
in the cylinder and aligned with the y-z plane%
!igure "-#4: Plane cut -- Cut Type: Display elements, y-z plane, +u(option )0-
!igure "-#6: Plane cut -- Cut Type: Display elements, y-z plane, +u(option )--
=,T8: When you select the Display elements option, GAMBIT displays only those elements that
meet both the domain and element type specifications currently specified in the Display Type field on
the Examine Mesh form% !or e0ample, if you select the Plane option and specify the display of
pyramidal elements only, GAMBIT displays only those mesh elements that are pyramidal in shape
and are intersected (y the specified cutting plane% )+ee *+pecifying the 8lement Type,* (elow%-
12gina 36 de 56 GAMBIT 7+89:+ G7I/8: "% G9A1;I'A< 7+89 I=T89!A'8 )G7I-, "%5
#>?>3?3>#3 http:??3>3%##@%3$>%###:@>@>?fluent?Gam(it#"Ahelp?usersAguide?ug>">5%htm
Specifying the Cut Orientation
To specify the Cut Orientation, you must specify the alignment and position of the cutting plane% The
alignment and position specifications determine the following characteristics of the cutting plane:
Alignment relati.e to the planes of the acti.e coordinate system
<ocation in the model domain
The alignment and position of the cutting plane are specified (y means of the Cut Orientation slider
(ars located in the lower section of the Examine Mesh form )see a(o.e-% There are three Cut
Orientation slider (ars, la(eled X, Y, and Z%
GAMBIT allows you to align the cutting plane such that it is parallel to any one of the three
coordinate planes of the acti.e coordinate system% To orient the cutting plane, clic the slider (o0
corresponding to the a0is that is normal to the desired coordinate plane% !or e0ample, to orient the
reference plane such that it is parallel to the x-y coordinate plane )!igure "-#@-, clic the slider (o0
la(eled Z%
!igure "-#@: Plane cut -- Cut Type: Display elements, x-y plane
To reposition the cutting plane in the model domain, left-drag the slider (o0 to the left or right%
When you left-drag the slider (o0, GAMBIT automatically updates the graphics window mesh
display to reflect the current position of the (o0% To change the position of the cutting plane in
increments, left-clic the slider (ar on either side of the slider (o0%
=,T8: If you acti.ate a coordinate system other than the currently acti.e system, GAMBIT
automatically updates the orientation of the cutting plane with reference to the newly acti.e system%
Sphere Option
When you select the Sphere option, GAMBIT displays a spherical cut through the mesh% To
customize the spherical cut, you must specify two parameters:
Cut Type
Cut Orientation
12gina 3@ de 56 GAMBIT 7+89:+ G7I/8: "% G9A1;I'A< 7+89 I=T89!A'8 )G7I-, "%5
#>?>3?3>#3 http:??3>3%##@%3$>%###:@>@>?fluent?Gam(it#"Ahelp?usersAguide?ug>">5%htm
The Cut Type specification determines whether GAMBIT displays a zero-thickness spherical shell or
an array of mesh elements defined by their position with respect to the shell. The Cut Orientation
specification allows you to position the center of the sphere and to specify the radius of the sphere.
Specifying the Cut Type
To specify the Cut Type, you must select one of the followin options!
Display cut
Display elements
The spherical-cut Display cut and Display elements options produce effects similar to those of the
correspondin plane-cut options but differ as outlined below.
Display cut Option
"hen you select the spherical-cut Display cut option, GAMBIT displays a zero-thickness spherical
shell such as that shown in #iure $-%&.
#iure $-%&! Sphere cut -- Cut Type: Display cut option
The lines shown on the surface of the spherical cut represent lines of intersection between the sphere
and either the mesh-element faces or the eometrical boundaries of the model components. 'ou can
position the sphere within the model domain and specify its radius by means of the Cut Orientation
slider bars (see )*pecifyin the +ut ,rientation,) below-.
Display elements Option
"hen you select the Display elements option, GAMBIT displays a reion of the mesh defined relati.e
to the cuttin sphere. 'ou can specify which reion of the mesh is displayed by means of Display
elements suboptions. The Display elements suboptions are as follows!
Suboption Description
/0ina 1& de 23 GAMBIT 4*567* G4I85! $. G6A/9I+A: 4*56 I;T56#A+5 (G4I-, $.2
%<=<1=1<%1 http!==1<1.%%>.1?<.%%%!><><=fluent=Gambit%$@help=users@uide=u<$<2.htm
A set of radio buttons correspondin to the Display elements suboptions is located abo.e the Cut
Orientation slider bars in the lower section of the Examine Mesh form. To select a Display elements
suboption, click its correspondin radio button.
#iure $-1<, #iure $-1%, #iure $-11 and show the effect of the -, 0, and + suboptions, respecti.ely,
on the mesh display for the elliptical cylinder shown in #iure $-%2. In each fiure, the cuttin
sphere is located in the center of the cylinder, and its radius is that shown in #iure $-%&, abo.e.
#iure $-1<! Sphere cut -- Cut Type: Display elements, *uboption (--
- 8isplays elements that eAist entirely outside the cuttin sphere
0 8isplays elements that are intersected by the cuttin sphere
+ 8isplays elements that eAist entirely inside the cuttin sphere
/0ina $< de 23 GAMBIT 4*567* G4I85! $. G6A/9I+A: 4*56 I;T56#A+5 (G4I-, $.2
%<=<1=1<%1 http!==1<1.%%>.1?<.%%%!><><=fluent=Gambit%$@help=users@uide=u<$<2.htm
Figure 3-21: Sphere cut -- Cut Type: Display elements, Suboption (0)
Figure 3-22: Sphere cut -- Cut Type: Display elements, Suboption (+)
NOTE: When you select the Display elements option, !"#$T %ispl&ys only those ele'ents th&t
'eet both the %o'&in and ele'ent type speci(ic&tions currently speci(ie% in the Display Type (iel% on
the Examine Mesh (or') For e*&'ple, i( you select the Sphere option &n% speci(y the %ispl&y o(
pyr&'i%&l ele'ents only, !"#$T %ispl&ys only those 'esh ele'ents th&t &re pyr&'i%&l in sh&pe
&n% &re intersecte% by the speci(ie% cutting sphere) (See +Speci(ying the Ele'ent Type,+ belo,))
Specifying the Cut Orientation
To speci(y the Cut Orientation, you 'ust speci(y the position &n% r&%ius o( the cutting sphere) The
position &n% r&%ius o( the cutting sphere &re speci(ie% by 'e&ns o( the Cut Orientation sli%er b&rs
loc&te% in the lo,er section o( the Examine Mesh (or' (see &bo-e))
When you speci(y & Sphere cut, !"#$T %ispl&ys (our Cut Orientation sli%er b&rs, l&bele% X, Y, Z,
&n% R) The X, Y, &n% Z sli%er b&rs &llo, you to speci(y the position o( the center o( the sphere rel&ti-e
to the &*es o( the &cti-e coor%in&te syste') The R sli%er b&r &llo,s you to speci(y the r&%ius o( the
Range Option
When you select the Range option, !"#$T %ispl&ys only those 'esh ele'ents the .u&lity o( ,hich
(&lls ,ithin & speci(ie% r&nge ,ith respect to & speci(ie% Quality Type criterion (see Figure 3-23))
/0gin& 31 %e 12 !"#$T 3SE45S 3$6E: 3) 4!/7$8!9 3SE4 $NTE4F!8E (3$), 3)1
1:;:2;2:12 http:;;2:2)11<)2=:)111:<:<:;(luent;&'bit13>help;users>gui%e;ug:3:1)ht'
Figure 3-23: Elliptical cylinder mesh -- Range option
To display mesh elements by means of the Range option, you must specify the following parameters:
Quality criterion
To specify the uality criterion, you must use the Quality Type option button located at the bottom of
the Display Type field !see "#pecifying the Quality Type," below$% To define the range, you must
specify its lower and upper limits by means of the range components located in the lower section of
the Examine Mesh form !see below$%
&hen you select the Range option, '()*+T displays two types of range components on the
Examine Mesh form:
Loer and !pper limit slider bars
The range histogram consists of a bar chart representing the statistical distribution of mesh elements
with respect to the specified uality criterion% Each -ertical bar on the histogram corresponds to a
uniue set of lower and upper uality limits% To display those elements the uality of which falls
within the limits represented by any -ertical bar on the histogram, left-clic. the corresponding bar%
/0gina 32 de 12 '()*+T 3#ER4# '3+5E: 3% 'R(/,+6(7 3#ER +8TERF(6E !'3+$, 3%1
9:;:2;2:92 http:;;2:2%99<%2=:%999:<:<:;fluent;'ambit93>help;users>guide;ug:3:1%htm
Lower and Upper Limit Slider Bars
The Loer and !pper limit slider bars allow you to specify the lower and upper limits of the quality
range that determines which elements are displayed in the graphics window. To specify the Loer or
!pper limit of the range, left-drag the appropriate slider box to the desired location. To change the
Loer or !pper limit of the range incrementally, left-click the appropriate slider bar on either side of
the corresponding slider box.
NOTE !f the Loer "alue is greater than the !pper "alue, #$%&!T simultaneously displays those
elements with quality "alues less than the !pper "alue and greater than the Loer "alue.
Specifying the Element Type
'hen you select the Display elements option, #$%&!T displays two-dimensional (face) and*or three-
dimensional ("olume) elements in the graphics window. #$%&!T allows you to customi+e the mesh
display so that only specified types of elements are displayed. To specify the element type, you must
specify two parameters
The class specification determines whether #$%&!T displays face elements or "olume elements.
The shape specification determines which element shapes are included in the set of displayed
.or the purposes of displaying the mesh, there are two classes of elements
2D Element
3D Element
Each class is associated with its own set of a"ailable element shapes (see below). To specify a class,
left-click the class option button in the Display Type field and select either the 2D Element or 3D
Element option.
'hen you select an element class, #$%&!T displays a set of option selector buttons that represent
the element shapes a"ailable for the specified class. The option selector buttons are located at the
right side of the class option button.
The following table shows the element shapes corresponding to each element class.
Element Class Shape Selector Button
2D Element /uadrilateral
3D Element 0exahedron
12gina 33 de 45 #$%&!T 6-E78- #6!9E 3. #7$10!,$: 6-E7 !NTE7.$,E (#6!), 3.4
;<*<=*=<;= http**=<=.;;>.=?<.;;;><><*fluent*#ambit;3@help*users@guide*ug<3<4.htm
'hen you display mesh elements by means of the Examine Mesh form, #$%&!T displays only those
elements the shapes of which match the current element-type specifications. .or example, if you
specify a plane cut according to the following parameters
#$%&!T displays only those "olume elements that meet both of the following criteria
!ntersected by the specified plane
!n the shape of either a brick or a wedge
-imilarly, if you specify a plane cut according to the following parameters
#$%&!T displays only those face elements that are intersected by the specified plane and possess a
quadrilateral shape (see .igure 3-=4).
Parameter Specification
,lass 3D Element
-hape 0exahedron, 'edge
Parameter Specification
,ategory 2D Element
-hape /uad
12gina 34 de 45 #$%&!T 6-E78- #6!9E 3. #7$10!,$: 6-E7 !NTE7.$,E (#6!), 3.4
;<*<=*=<;= http**=<=.;;>.=?<.;;;><><*fluent*#ambit;3@help*users@guide*ug<3<4.htm
.igure 3-=4 Plane cut, y -- z plane-2D Element, /uad
Specifying the Quality Type
The quality-type specification defines the criterion that determines the following mesh display
'hich elements are displayed by means of the domain Range option (see A7ange Option,A
The coloration of elements for faceted mesh displays (see A.aceted Option,A below.)
The following sections describe the quality types a"ailable in #$%&!T and the correspondence
between quality types and the mesh element types described in the pre"ious section.
Quality Type Definitions
#$%&!T pro"ides the following mesh quality-type specifications
Aspect Ratio
Diagonal Ratio
Edge Ratio
EquiAngle Skew
EquiSize Skew
MidAngle Skew
The following sections summari+e the definitions and characteristics of each of the specifications
listed abo"e.
12gina 3? de 45 #$%&!T 6-E78- #6!9E 3. #7$10!,$: 6-E7 !NTE7.$,E (#6!), 3.4
;<*<=*=<;= http**=<=.;;>.=?<.;;;><><*fluent*#ambit;3@help*users@guide*ug<3<4.htm
The Area specification applies only to 2-D elements and represents mesh quality on the basis of
element area.
Aspect Ratio
The Aspect Ratio applies to triangular, tetrahedral, quadrilateral, and hexahedral elements and is
defined differently for each element type. The definitions are as follows.
Triangular and Tetrahedral Elements
For triangular and tetrahedral elements, the Aspect Ratio ( is defined as!
where f is a scaling factor, and r and R represent the radii of the circles (for triangular elements or
triangular elements, " for tetrahedral elements, .
#y definition,
where describes an equilateral element.
Quadrilateral and Hexahedral Elements
For quadrilateral and hexahedral elements, is defined as!
where is the a$erage length of the edges in a coordinate direction (i local to the element (see
Figure %-2& and n is the total number of coordinate directions associated with the element. For
quadrilateral elements, " for hexahedral elements, .
'(gina %) de *+ ,-.#/T 012341 ,0/D2! %. ,3-'5/6-7 0123 /8T23F-62 (,0/, %.*
9:;:2;2:92 http!;;2:2.99<.2&:.999!<:<:;fluent;,ambit9%=help;users=guide;ug:%:*.htm
Figure %-2&! Aspect Ratio ( -- quadrilateral element
-gain, by definition,
where describes an equilateral element.
Diagonal Ratio
The Diagonal Ratio ( applies only to quadrilateral and hexahedral elements and is defined as
where the are the lengths of the element diagonals. For quadrilateral elements, " for
hexahedral elements, .
#y definition,
The higher the $alue of , the less regularly shaped is its associated element. For square
quadrilateral elements and cubic hexahedral elements, .
Edge Ratio
The Edge Ratio ( is defined as follows!
'(gina %+ de *+ ,-.#/T 012341 ,0/D2! %. ,3-'5/6-7 0123 /8T23F-62 (,0/, %.*
9:;:2;2:92 http!;;2:2.99<.2&:.999!<:<:;fluent;,ambit9%=help;users=guide;ug:%:*.htm
where represents the length of the element edge i, and n is the total number of edges associated
with the element.
By definition,
The higher the value of , the less regularly shaped is its associated element. For equilateral
element shapes, .
EquiAngle Skew
The EquiAngle Skew ( ) is a normalized measure of sewness that is defined as follows!
where and are the ma"imum and minimum angles (in degrees) between the edges of the
element, and
triangular and tetrahedral elements, . For quadrilateral and he"ahedral elements, .
By definition,
where describes an equilateral element, and describes a completely degenerate
(poorly shaped) element.
#$T%! For pyramidal mesh elements, is equal to its ma"imum value for any of the five faces of
the mesh element. &n an ideal pyramidal mesh element, all four triangular faces are equilateral and
the base of the pyramid is a square.
Table '() outlines the overall relationship between and element quality.
Table '()! vs. *esh +uality
%quilateral (,erfect)
,.gina '/ de 01 -2*B&T 34%564 -3&7%! '. -52,8&92: 34%5 &#T%5F29% (-3&), '.0
);<;=<=;)= http!<<=;=.))/.=>;.)))!/;/;<fluent<-ambit)'?help<users?guide<ug;';0.htm
In general, high-quality meshes contain elements that possess average values of 0.1 (2-D) and
0. (!-D).
EquiSize Skew
"he EquiSize Skew ( ) is a measure of s#e$ness that is defined as follo$s%
$here S is the area (2-D) or volume (!-D) of the mesh element, and is the ma&imum area (2-D)
or volume (!-D) of an equilateral cell the circumscri'ing radius of $hich is identical to that of the
mesh element.
(y definition,
$here descri'es an equilateral element, and descri'es a completely degenerate
(poorly shaped) element.
and mesh quality sho$n in "a'le !-
, as $ell. In general, high-quality meshes contain elements that possess average values of
0.1 (2-D) and 0. (!-D).
()*"+% "he EquiSize Skew quality metric applies only to triangular and tetrahedral elements. If you
select the EquiSize Skew metric for a mesh that contains elements other than triangles and tetrahedra,
,-.(I" evaluates the non-triangular and non-tetrahedral elements using the EquiAngle Skew
idAngle Skew
"he MidAngle Skew (
) formed 'et$een the 'isectors of the element edges
(quadrilateral) or faces (he&ahedral) (see /igure !-20).
2ery poor (sliver)
13gina !4 de 5 ,-.(I" 67+897 ,6ID+% !. ,8-1:I;-< 67+8 I)"+8/-;+ (,6I), !.
10=02=2012 http%==202.11>.2?0.111%>0>0=fluent=,am'it1!@help=users@guide=ug0!0.htm
Figure 3-26: MidAngle Skew ( ) definition -- quadrilateral element
For quadrilateral elements,
For hexahedral elements,
where , , and are the three angles computed from the face-isecting lines of the element.
!" definition,
where descries an equilateral element, and descries a completel" degenerate
(poorl" shaped) element.
#he Stretch qualit" metric ( ) applies onl" to quadrilateral and hexahedral elements and is defined
as follows:
where is the length of diagonal i, is the length of the element edge j, and n and m are the total
numers of diagonals and edges, respecti$el". For quadrilateral elements, n % 2 and m % &' for
hexahedral elements, n % & and m % (2.
!" definition,
)*gina &+ de &, -./!0# 123452 -1063: 3. -4.)708.9 1234 0:#34F.83 (-10), 3.&
(+;+2;2+(2 http:;;2+2.((<.2=+.(((:<+<+;fluent;-amit(3>help;users>guide;ug+3+&.htm
where describes an equilateral element, and describes a completely degenerate
(poorly shaped) element.
The Taper quality metric ( ) applies only to quadrilateral and hexahedral mesh elements and is
defined as follows.
For any quadrilateral (or hexahedral) mesh element, it is possible to construct a parallelogram (or
parallelepiped) such that the distance between any given corner of the parallelogram (or
parallelepiped) and its nearest element corner node is a constant value. As a result, any vector, T,
constructed from an element corner node to the nearest corner of the parallelogram (or
parallelepiped) possesses a magnitude identical to that of all other such vectors (see Figure !"#).
Figure !"#$ Taper quality metric definition !! quadrilateral element
%ach vector, T, can be resolved into components, , that are parallel to the bisectors of the mesh
elements, there are three. The Taper quality metric ( ) is defined as the normali&ed maximum of
all such components for the element.
'y definition,
where describes an equilateral element, and describes a completely degenerate
(poorly shaped) element.
()gina *+ de *# ,A-'.T /0%120 ,/.3%$ . ,1A(4.5A6 /0%1 .7T%1FA5% (,/.), .*
+898"9"8+" http$99"8".++:.";8.+++$:8:89fluent9,ambit+<help9users<guide9ug88*.htm
The Volume specification applies only to !3 elements and represents mesh quality in terms of mesh
element volumes.
The Warpage ) applies only to quadrilateral elements and is defined as follows$
where Z is the deviation from a best!fit plane that contains the element, and a and b are the lengths
of the line segments that bisect the edges of the element.
'y definition,
where describes an equilateral element, and describes a completely degenerate
(poorly shaped) element.
Element Types vs. Quality Types
%ach element type is associated with a unique set of available quality types. Table !" summari&es
the correspondence between mesh element types and the quality types described above. (0haded
boxes in the table represent quality types that are available for each corresponding element type.)
Table !"$ -esh element type vs. quality type
Quality Type
"!3 %lement !3 %lement
Area X X
Aspect Ratio X X X X X X
Diagonal Ratio X X
Edge Ratio X X X X X X
EquiAngle Skew X X X X X X
EquiSize Skew X X
MidAngle Skew X X
Stretch X X
Taper X X
()gina *" de *# ,A-'.T /0%120 ,/.3%$ . ,1A(4.5A6 /0%1 .7T%1FA5% (,/.), .*
+898"9"8+" http$99"8".++:.";8.+++$:8:89fluent9,ambit+<help9users<guide9ug88*.htm
To specify a quality type, click the Quality Type option button and select the quality type from the
option menu.
NOTE: The Quality Type option menu includes only those quality types that are common to all
currently selected element types. For example, if you specify the element type to include only D
Element rectangles, the Quality Type option menu includes six items: Area, Aspect Ratio, Skew, Stretch,
Taper, and Warpage. f, on the other hand, you specify the element type to include both D Element
shapes !rectangles and triangles", the Quality Type option menu includes only the option Skew.
Specifying the Display Mode
Display Mode specifications determine the appearance of the mesh display. To specify the display
mode, you must specify the follo#ing parameters:
Enabled quadrants
The quadrant specification determines #hich graphics #indo# quadrants are affected by the current
specifications on the Examine Mesh form. The appearance specification determines the manner in
#hich the mesh elements are displayed in each enabled quadrant.
Specifying the Enabled Quadrants
The quadrant specification field consists of a set of fi%e command buttons that are identical to the
quadrant command buttons used to enable and disable general graphics operations in each of the
quadrants. For a description of the use of quadrant command buttons, see &ection '.(.), abo%e.
Specifying the Appearance
*$+,T pro%ides the follo#ing options #ith respect to the appearance of the displayed mesh:
The Wire option specifies that *$+,T displays a #ireframe %ie# of the mesh. The Faceted option
specifies that *$+,T renders the mesh display in either a colored, shaded, or hidden %ie#. Neither
option is exclusi%e of the other.
Wire Option
-hen you select the Wire option, *$+,T displays all lines corresponding to the edges of all
displayed mesh elements.
Faceted Option
-hen you select the Faceted option, *$+,T renders all displayed mesh elements to illustrate their
shape, location, and.or quality characteristics. There are three Faceted rendering suboptions, each of
#hich is mutually exclusi%e of the others:
Volume X X X X
Warpage X
/0gina (' de (1 *$+,T 2&E34& *25E: '. *3$/67$8 2&E3 NTE3F$7E !*2", '.(
)9.9:.:9): http:..:9:.));.:<9.))):;9;9.fluent.*ambit)'=help.users=guide.ug9'9(.htm
Quality Suboption
When you select the !ualit" suboption, GAMBIT renders the faces of all displayed mesh elements as
Color to represent the quality of the element with respect to the currently specified quality
criterion as displayed on the scale at the bottom of the Examine Mesh form see !"pecifyin# the
$uality Type,! abo%e&
"hade to reflect the position of the face with respect to the li#ht source
If you rotate the model by means of the mouse, the colors of the element faces chan#e to reflect
chan#es in the position of each element face with respect to the li#ht source' (or a description of the
procedures and specifications required to modify the position and bri#htness of the li#ht source, see
!Modify )i#hts,! abo%e'&
Shade Suboption
When you select the Shade suboption, GAMBIT renders the faces of all displayed mesh elements in
shades of #ray to reflect the position of each face with respect to the li#ht source'
Hidden Suboption
When you select the #idden suboption, GAMBIT displays a wireframe %iew of the mesh but hides all
lines that are concealed behind displayed mesh element faces'
Using the Examine Mesh Form
The Examine Mesh form allows you to specify the type of mesh elements displayed and the display
mode for those elements' It includes the followin# specifications'
Display Type: *************************
$lane displays a plane cut throu#h the mesh' The cut can represent either a
+ero*thic,ness plane or mesh elements defined in relation to those
intersected by the plane see !-lane .ption,! abo%e&'
Sphere displays a spherical cut throu#h the mesh' The cut can represent
either a +ero*thic,ness spherical shell or mesh elements defined in
relation to those intersected by the shell see !"phere .ption,!
Range displays all mesh %olume elements possessin# quality %alues within
a specified ran#e for one of se%eral a%ailable mesh quality criteria
see !/an#e .ption,! abo%e&'
%D Element
D Element
specifies the class of elements to be displayed' 0lement classes
include face elements D Element& and %olume elements %D
-1#ina 22 de 23 GAMBIT 4"0/5" G4I60: 7' G/A-8ICA) 4"0/ I9T0/(AC0 G4I&, 7'2
:;<;=<=;:= http:<<=;='::>'=?;'::::>;>;<fluent<Gambit:7@help<users@#uide<u#;7;2'htm
specifies D Element shapes'
"pecifies %D Element shapes'
Quality Type: *************************
Aspect Ratio
Diagonal Ratio
Edge Ratio
EquiAngle Skew
EquiSize Skew
MidAngle Skew
allows you to specify the quality criterion that determines which
elements are displayed by means of the Range option and the
coloration of elements for faceted mesh displays' "ee !"pecifyin#
the $uality Type,! abo%e'&
Display Mode: *************************
quadrant command buttons& enable or disable any or all quadrants
with respect to chan#es in mesh display' Chan#es made by means of
the ExamineMesh form are applied only to enabled quadrants'
Wire specifies a wireframe %iew of the displayed mesh elements'
Faceted specifies a faceted renderin# of all displayed mesh element faces'
Faceting Type: **********************
!ualit" colors each mesh element face to represent its quality and shades
each mesh element face to reflect its current position with respect to
the li#ht source' 9.T0: 0lement colors chan#e sli#htly when you
reorient the model'&
Shade shades the mesh elements to create a three*dimensional renderin# of
the mesh'
#idden displays a wireframe %iew of the model but hides all lines that are
concealed behind other elements in the current mesh specification
and orientation'
Cut Type: *************************
Displa" &ut displays a +ero*thic,ness planar or spherical cut throu#h the mesh'
Displa" Elements displays elements defined in relation to the plane or spherical shell'
Cut Orientation: contains slider bars that allow you to specify the orientation of a
plane cut or the radius and location of the center of a spherical cut'
The Cut Orientation field also includes radio buttons that allow you
-1#ina 2? de 23 GAMBIT 4"0/5" G4I60: 7' G/A-8ICA) 4"0/ I9T0/(AC0 G4I&, 7'2
:;<;=<=;:= http:<<=;='::>'=?;'::::>;>;<fluent<Gambit:7@help<users@#uide<u#;7;2'htm
to specify the region of elements to be displayed by means of the
Display elements option.
Plane Cut Slider Bars
The plane-cut slider bars (see below) allow you to change the
position of the cut plane in the x (X), y (Y), and z (Z) directions.
To change the location of the cut plane, left-click one of the slider
boxes and drag it to a new location on its slider bar. GA!"T
repositions the plane according to the final position of the slider box.
The plane-cut sliders also allow you to change the orientation of the
cut plane with respect to the coordinate planes. The X, Y, and Z
sliders orient the cut plane perpendicular to the x, y or z coordinate
planes, respecti#ely, of the acti#e coordinate system. To change the
orientation of the cut plane, left-click the appropriate slider.
Spherical Cut Slider Bars
The spherical-cut slider bars allow you to change the location of the
center of the cutting sphere in the x (X), y (Y), and z (Z) directions
and to specify the radius (R) of the sphere.
To change the location of the sphere center, left-click one of the X, Y,
or Z slider boxes and drag it to a new location on the slider bar. To
change the sphere radius, left-click the R slider box and drag it to its
new location.
Display elements Suboption Radio Buttons
$hen you select the Display Elements option (see abo#e), GA!"T
displays three radio buttons abo#e the Cut Orientation slider bars.
The radio buttons allow you to specify the region of mesh elements
to be displayed.
%&gina '( de ') GA!"T *+,-.+ G*"/,0 1. G-A%2"3A4 *+,- "5T,-6A3, (G*"), 1.'
7898:9:87: http099:8:.77;.:<8.7770;8;89fluent9Gambit71=help9users=guide9ug818'.htm
Fluent, Inc. 11/08/99
The options specified by means of the radio buttons are as follows.
6or both the plane-cut and spherical-cut options, the 0 option
specifies that only those elements intersected by the specified plane
or spherical shell are displayed.
6or plane cuts, the - and + options display all elements located in the
negati#e and positi#e coordinate directions, respecti#ely, relati#e to
the elements intersected by the plane.
6or spherical cuts, the - and + options specify the display of elements
inside and outside, respecti#ely, those elements intersected by the
spherical shell.
%&gina ') de ') GA!"T *+,-.+ G*"/,0 1. G-A%2"3A4 *+,- "5T,-6A3, (G*"), 1.'
7898:9:87: http099:8:.77;.:<8.7770;8;89fluent9Gambit71=help9users=guide9ug818'.htm

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