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Allen Axson Montessori School

Classroom Guidance Lesson Plan
Counselors Name: Beth Jenkins Date: September 4 10
September 11 21 o!er
September 24 2# $pper
%itle o& esson: S'hool Counselin( %oolkit)
*eet +our S'hool Counselor ,ame
,ra-e e.el/s0: Pre 12 1 10 Primary 'lassrooms
3irst %hir- 12 o!er "lementary
3ourth 3i&th 4 $pper "lementary
en(th 5& %ime: 16720 minutes 7 Pre12 1
20726 minutes 7 o!er "lementary
20 minutes 7 $pper "lementary
/3 3rame!ork or 8SC80
8:8292 $se 'ommuni'ations skills to kno! !hen
an- ho! to ask &or help !hen nee-e-
8:B292 $se assessment results in e-u'ational
PS:8191 De.elop positi.e attitu-es to!ar- sel& as
a uni:ue an- !orthy person
PS:8194 $n-erstan- 'han(e is a part o& (ro!th
PS:8196 ;-enti&y an- e<press &eelin(s
5b=e'ti.e: Stu-ents !ill be'ome more &amiliar !ith the role
o& the s'hool 'ounselor by relatin( items in the
toolbo< to the role o& the s'hool 'ounselor9
Stu-ents !ill learn !ho the s'hool 'ounselor is
an- ho! to a''ess 'ounselin( resour'es9
Stu-ents !ill be'ome &amiliar !ith 'lassroom
(ui-an'e lesson e<pe'tations9
C7 Soun- le.el 0 -urin( instru'tion> unless raisin( your han- to speak -urin( -is'ussion
?7 Can ask s'hool 'ounselor &or help or a &rien- in the 'lass
87 Sittin( -o!n to listen to the lesson an- parti'ipatin( in the -is'ussion
*7 * !hen ne'essary &or personal 'om&ort
P7 ".eryone shoul- share at least on'e unless the stu-ent 'hooses to pass
For Lesson For Teacher For
For Parents
Caboo-le bo< &or %ool
Counselin( @e&erral &orms
SC @e&erral &orm
Note about the role o&
the s'hool Counselor
Parent nee-s
Ban-78i-s Stu-ent Sel&7re&erral &orm
8ll 8bout *e
Star Aan-
3ollo! up Primary:
Pea'e si(n pen
3eelin(s Bin(o -ire'tions Aho 8m ;B
BuCC i(ht +ear D(ure
3eelin(s Bin(o (ame boar-s
,oo&y (lasses
3eelin(s Bin(o :uestion 'ar-s
Clappin( han-s
Po'ket &ol-er !ith label 3rien-ship
Ahite (
*arkin( pie'es /200 Car-s ")$"
@oun- *irror
PRMAR! and L"
19 Stu-ents are seate- in the 'ir'le9 %ea'her an- Para are present9
29 /272 minutes0! stu-ent e<pe'tations /Che'k !ith tea'her ahea-
o& time an- note e<pe'tations /%ea'her ;n&o 3orm09 @elate (roun- rules
&or 'lassroom (ui-an'e lessons to 'lass e<pe'tations9
29 ,roun- @ules "<ample: ; am your s'hool 'ounselor9 *y name is *rs9
Jenkins9 ; !ill be 'omin( to your 'lassroom ea'h month an- you !ill see
me aroun- the s'hool o&ten9 Ae are (oin( to talk about !hat a s'hool
'ounselor is an- !hat a s'hool 'ounselor -oes but Drst> ; !ant to let you
kno! that ; ha.e some rule &or !hen ; am in the 'lassroom too9
$se E;F statements
Parti'ipate but ok to pass
Pay attention
Be respe't&ul
%alk to the (roup
49 /274 minutes0 /Can also be -one at the en- o& the lesson0 Be&ore !e talk
about !hat ; -o> ; !ant to learn your name an- one &un thin( that you
!oul- like to share !ith me9 ;t maybe !hat you like> your &a.orite 'olor>
your pets name> your &a.orite thin( to -o> your &a.orite !orkG ,o
aroun-9 /*ay eliminate &or Primary an- -epen-in( on time a.ailable90
69 /10716 minutes0 @e7intro-u'e mysel& as the s'hool 'ounselor9 Ahat -oes
a s'hool 'ounselor -oB ; ha.e a toolkit to help me e<plain my role9 Pass
items aroun- the 'ir'le as ea'h one is -is'usse- or use a ru( to -isplay
items -epen-in( on stu-ents attention an- -istra'tibility le.els9 Ahat is
thisB Ahat is it usually use- &orB ?o! -oes it relate to !hat a s'hool
'ounselor -oesB /Primary 67# items> " all90
%issues 8 s'hool 'ounselor !ill help you -ry your tears !hen
you are &eelin( e<tremely happy> 'on&use-> an(ry> sa- or!helme-9 ; !ill remin- you that it is ok to 'ry9 ?
&eelin(s is a !on-er&ul thin( an- lettin( &eelin(s out helps us
Ban-78i-s S'hool 'ounselors 'an help heal your !oun-s9
Sometimes !e ha.e hurts on the insi-e /heart hurts0 an- ; am
someone you 'an 'ome to to talk about situations that bother or
upset you9/ ";*;N8%" or 'han(e ne<t year0
"arphones S'hool 'ounselors are listeners9 ; am here &or e.ery
stu-ent in J88 an- ; listen
Star Aan- Sailors ha.e use- stars as a (ui-e &or many> many
years9 ike stars> a s'hool 'ounselor is a (ui-e9 ; 'an help you i&
you are &eelin( lost> 'on&use- or unsure about ho! to sol.e a
BuCC i(ht +ear D(ure) or 'lappin( han-s &or $" %5 ;N3;N;%+
8ND B"+5ND %his is to symboliCe ho! s'hool 'ounselors
en'oura(e stu-ents to rea'h their hi(hest potential9 ; !ant ea'h
an- e.ery one o& you to -o your best an- be the best you e.er9
,oo&y (lasses S'hool 'ounselor helps stu-ents look at problems
or situations in a -iHerent !ay or &rom a -iHerent perspe'ti.e9
"raser ".eryone makes mistakes9 S'hool 'ounselors help
stu-ents learn an- (ro! &rom their mistakes9
Ahite ( helpin( han-s9 S'hool 'ounselors !ork !ith
stu-ents> tea'hers> parents an- members o& the 'ommunity9 ;
am in !hat is 'alle- a helpin( pro&ession9 ; like to help people9
@oun- *irror %his is the most important part o& !hat a s'hool
'ounselor -oes9 Aalk aroun- the 'ir'le !ith the mirror9 +ou are
the most important partI ; am here as a s'hool 'ounselor
be'ause stu-ents are .aluable an- important an- spe'ial an-
they nee- to -o !ell in s'hool9 *y =ob is to help you learn more
about yoursel& an- -o your best in s'hool9! &orms !ith "9 ea.e 8 8B5$% *" as home!ork9
"n'oura(e stu-ents to 'omplete the &orm an- return it to me so
that ; 'an (et to kno! them better9
49 /272 minutes0 Ahat ha.e !e learne- to-ayB @e'or- stu-ent response9
%ype them up an- print &or tea'her to post !ith)near 3eelin(s Bin(o
%itle o& esson: S'hool Counselin( %oolkit *eet your s'hool
,ra-e e.el/s0: 3ourth 3i&th 4 $pper "lementary
en(th 5& %ime: 20 minutes 7 $pper "lementary
/3 3rame!ork or 8SC80
8:8292 $se 'ommuni'ations skills to kno! !hen
an- ho! to ask &or help !hen nee-e-
8:B292 $se assessment results in e-u'ational
PS:8191 De.elop positi.e attitu-es to!ar- sel& as
a uni:ue an- !orthy person
PS:8194 $n-erstan- 'han(e is a part o& (ro!th
PS:8196 ;-enti&y an- e<press &eelin(s
5b=e'ti.e: Stu-ents !ill be'ome more &amiliar !ith the role
o& the s'hool 'ounselor by playin( *eet the
S'hool Counselor ,ame9 SC !ill! items in
the toolbo< an- the role o& a s'hool 'ounselor9
Stu-ents !ill learn !ho the s'hool 'ounselor is
an- ho! to a''ess 'ounselin( resour'es9
Stu-ents !ill be'ome &amiliar !ith 'lassroom
(ui-an'e lesson e<pe'tations9
19 Stu-ents are seate- in the 'ir'le9 %ea'her an- Para are present9
29 /272 minutes0! stu-ent e<pe'tations /Che'k !ith tea'her ahea-
o& time an- note e<pe'tations /%ea'her ;n&o 3orm09 @elate (roun- rules
&or 'lassroom (ui-an'e lessons to 'lass e<pe'tations9
29 ,roun- @ules "<ample: ; am your s'hool 'ounselor9 *y name is *rs9
Jenkins9 ; !ill be 'omin( to your 'lassroom ea'h month an- you !ill see
me aroun- the s'hool o&ten9 Ae are (oin( to talk about !hat a s'hool
'ounselor is an- !hat a s'hool 'ounselor -oes but Drst> ; !ant to let you
kno! that ; ha.e some rule &or !hen ; am in the 'lassroom too9
$se E;F statements
Parti'ipate but ok to pass
Pay attention
Be respe't&ul
%alk to the (roup
49 /274 minutes0 /Can also be -one at the en- o& the lesson0 Be&ore !e talk
about !hat ; -o> ; !ant to learn your name an- a little bit more about
you9 ; ha.e this so''er ball an- it has :uestions on it9 +ou !ill nee- to
share your ans!er to the :uestion that is 'losest to your le&t thumb9
Sometimes these are 'alle- thumb balls9 5k999;ll toss the ball9 Cat'h it9
Say your name9 8ns!er the :uestion nearest your le&t thumb an- toss it
to a 'lassmate9 ets try to (et it to e.eryone !ithout repeatin( anyone9
,o aroun-9
69 /6 min0 Jui'k! o& S'hool Counselin( %ool kit items:
Pea'e si(n pen %his is a symbol &or pea'e9 8 s'hool 'ounselor tea'hes
about 'hara'ter an- 'onKi't resolution an- helps stu-ents learn to li.e
pea'e&ully9 ; !ill be talkin( to you about pea'e in &uture lessons9
o'k Dis'uss 'onD-entiality !ith " an- $"9 ".erythin( you say to me !ill
be kept 'onD-ential unless you say somethin( about hurtin( your sel&> or
hurtin( someone else9 8lso> i& someone is hurtin( you 7 you nee- help an- ;
!ill nee- to in.ol.e others !ho 'an help you9 Ae !ill talk more about that in
another lesson9 Just remember that it is my =ob to keep your se'rets9
Clappin( han-s &or $" %his is to symboliCe ho! s'hool 'ounselors
en'oura(e stu-ents to rea'h their hi(hest potential9 ; !ant ea'h an- e.ery
one o& you to -o your best an- be the best you e.er9
"arphones S'hool 'ounselors are listeners9 ; am here &or e.ery stu-ent an-
; listen
49 Play *eet the S'hool Counselor ,ame9
L9! &orms9 Stu-ent Che'k in an- S'hool Counselin( 3orm9
#9 ea.e A?5 8* ;B an- stu-ent sur.ey as home!ork9 "n'oura(e stu-ents
to 'omplete the &orm an- return it to me so that ; 'an (et to kno! them
?o! -o you kno! i& the lesson !as eHe'ti.e> ho! -o you kno! i& your (oals
!ere a'hie.e-B
Process &ata: $sin( D(ures> su'h as numbers o& stu-ents ser.e-> (roups
an- 'lassroom .isits
;n'rease in number o& stu-ent .isits to the SC oM'e9 Number o& 8ll
8bout *e 3orms @eturne-
Perce'tion &ata: %his -ata measures !hat stu-ents an- others
obser.e an- per'ei.e
@e'or-e- per'eptions at the en- o& the lesson
Results &ata: Aritten presentation o& the out'omes o& 'ounselin(
pro(ram a'ti.ities
Parent sur.eys returne- an- analyCe-
Stu-ent sur.eys returne- an- analyCe-
Counselor @eKe'tions:
$se o& ru( better &or Primary (ra-es9 ;n'orporate- summati.e han-out &or all
'lasses9 ?elp&ul to in'lu-e a! o& the re&erral &orms9 Names 'han(e- b)'
stu-ent rea'tion to name9 ?i> my name isNNNN O e<'ellent i-eaI
Teacher n(ormation Form
Phone "<tension: NNNNNNNNNNNNNN
@oom ParentB + ) N
Class PetsB + ) N
3ol-ers (o home on: * % A %h 3
; (et the stu-ents attention by:
5ur Classroom @ules
5ther in&ormation you shoul- kno! about our 'lass:
Please return 'omplete- &orm to *rs9 Jenkins> @oom 10Q9 %hank you

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