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May 2007 MCQ Exam

1.A piicture of Dupuytren contracture. Cause:

A. Use of chronic voratin! too"s
#. Chronic a"coho"ism
2. $icture of #o%en &isease from Antho"o!y. Dx'
(. $icture of periana" haematoma. Mn'
). *eatures of comp"ex partia" sei+ure !iven. ,x'
-. A .0 yo man/ commercia" &river has ha& a recent stro0e. 1e has "eft
hemiparesis an& "eft homonymous hemianopia. 2hat a&vice you %i""
!ive him re!ar&in! &rivin! in the future'
A. never &rive a!ain
#. 1ave an occupationa" &rivin! test &one
.. A su&anese oy came to you after a&ministration of Co3timoxa+o"e
%ith the comp"aints of pa""or an& increasin! &ar0ness of co"our of
urine. his reticu"ocyte count %as 45. 1is Coom6s test %as ne!ative/
no fami"y history an& on e"ectrophoresis 7ype A h %as &etecte&. 2hat
is the Dx'
a. 1ere&itary 8pherocytosis
. 9.$D &ef
c. Autoimmune 1A
&. 8ic0"e ce"" anaemia
e. tha"assaemia
7. 2hat is the use of $sycho&ynamic psychotherapy in Austra"ia '
A. $hoia
#. Anxiety &isor&er
C. schi+ophrenia
D. :CD
4. A oy came %ith fever an& pain in the ri!ht "e!. he har&"y moves the
"e! an& &oes not a""o% you to move it either. 1e refuses to carry %ei!ht
on that "e!. 2hat cou"& e the &x'
A. 8eptic arthritis of hip
#. :M of femur
C. D. E. cou"& e exc"u&e& easi"y
;. one of your co""ea!ue is ta0in! anti psychotic me&ication for her o%n
psychiatric i""ness. %hat shou"& e your a&vice to her''
A. she shou"& refrain from seein! pt. unti" she is asymptomatic
#. she shou"& ta0e specia"ist revie%
C. you shou"& contact the me&ica" a&visory oar&
10. 2hat is the most common association of chi"&hoo& oesity in
Austra"ia '
A. Aove avera!e hei!ht
#. 1ypercho"estero"aemia
D. cataract
11. 2hat %i"" e the <rst 8=8 %hen a p"aster is too ti!ht'
A. $ain
#. Chan!e of co"our
C. 8%e""in!
D. 8ti>ness
12. %hich nerve re!enerates most after taumatic "aceration'
A. u"nar n.
#. Me&ian n.
C. Di!ita" n.
D. sciatic n
E. Common peronea" n.
1(. A patient came %ith 12 hr 1=: severe vomitin!. $ain in upper
a&omen %hich is no% constant in the epi!astrium. 7here is ri!ity an&
!uar&in! in the a&omen. Dx'
A. ac. pancreatitis
#. $erforate& DU
C. perforate& 9U
1). A pt came %ith an i"" &e<ne& mass in the ,?* an& "oose %atery
stoo"s. 1e has fever an& has "ost . 0!s of %ei!ht recent"y. Dx'
A. Crohn &isease
#. Mec0e" &iverticu"itis
D. Ca "ar!e !ut
1-. Most common 8=8 assoc. %ith ca rectum'
A. a"tere& o%e" hait an& tenesmus
1.. A patient came %ith a pus &ischar!in! ea& at - o6c"oc0 position at
the ana" ver!e. on proin! there %as a trac0 &iscovere& %hich
exten&e& in the rectum for 1- cm. @these %ere the exact %or&sA. DB'
A. Crohn &is
#. An0y"ostomiasis
C. Ca rectum
D. 1aemorrhoi&s
17. A a&"y inCure& patient %ho ta0es anti psychotics is on the ver!e of
co""apse. ut he is vio"ent an& refuses a"" treatment. %hat &o you &o'
A. restrain him an& treat
14. A patient opens his eyes to pain/ %ith&ra%s to painfu" stimu"us ans
is una"e to ans%er ant Duestions. 2hat is his 9C8'
A. 73;
#. 10312
C. (3-
C. 1(31-
1;. An o"& man %ho su&&en"y co""apse& %as unconscious for three
minutes fo""o%in! %hich he recovere& fu""y. - EC9 rhythm strips !iven.
2hich cou"& possi"y exp"ain his situation'
A. 1st &e!. 1#
#. 2n& &e! 1#
C. E*
D. Comp"ete 1#
D. F###
20. :ne EC9 %hich has &i!ita"is e>ect on it. DB'
1.A piicture of Dupuytren contracture. Cause
(. $icture of periana" haematoma. Mn'
incision un&er "oca"
-. A .0 yo man/ commercia" &river has ha& a recent stro0e. 1e has "eft
hemiparesis an& "eft homonymous hemianopia. 2hat a&vice you %i""
!ive him re!ar&in! &rivin! in the future'
pa!e 71 stro0e is mentione& G they sai& pt cant &rive for 1 months
after G ( if 8A1 ut if &ense hemip"e!ia then he cant &rive efore
specia"ist G assesor asses him so i %i"" chose the 2n& option
A su&anese oy came to you after a&ministration of Co3timoxa+o"e %ith
the comp"aints of pa""or an& increasin! &ar0ness of co"our of urine. his
reticu"ocyte count %as 45. 1is Coom6s test %as ne!ative/ no fami"y
history an& on e"ectrophoresis 7ype A h %as &etecte&. 2hat is the Dx'
9.p&/ he is "ac0 as he is from su&&an G he %as !ive su"pha
containin! me&ication
7. 2hat is the use of $sycho&ynamic psychotherapy in Austra"ia '
use& a""over the %or"& for panic attac0s so i !uess anxiety &isor&er
%ou"& e the one
4. A oy came %ith fever an& pain in the ri!ht "e!. he har&"y moves the
"e! an& &oes not a""o% you to move it either. 1e refuses to carry %ei!ht
on that "e!. 2hat cou"& e the &x'
A. 8eptic arthritis of hip
#. :M of femur HHHH
C. D. E. cou"& e exc"u&e& easi"y
:M shou"& e exc"u&e& as per AMCQ oo0
10. 2hat is the most common association of chi"&hoo& oesity in
Austra"ia '
A. Aove avera!e hei!ht
#. 1ypercho"estero"aemia
D. cataract
&ont 0no% at a""/any he"p p"+
11. 2hat %i"" e the <rst 8=8 %hen a p"aster is too ti!ht'
A. $ain HHHHHH
#. Chan!e of co"our
C. 8%e""in!
D. 8ti>ness
if there a &iscomfort option i %ou"& have choosen it
12. %hich nerve re!enerates most after taumatic "aceration'
A. u"nar n.
#. Me&ian n.
C. Di!ita" n. HHHHH
D. sciatic n
E. Common peronea" n.
not sure %hy
1(. A patient came %ith 12 hr 1=: severe vomitin!. $ain in upper
a&omen %hich is no% constant in the epi!astrium. 7here is ri!ity an&
!uar&in! in the a&omen. Dx'
A. ac. pancreatitis
#. $erforate& DU
C. perforate& 9U
a"" of them can have these symptoms/its missin! some info/%hich %ay
of sittin! that he"p the pt re"ief the pain/a!e of pt /previous history /i
%ou"& !o for Acute pancreatitis cu+ there s no shou"&er tip pain/nothin!
sai& aout o%e" soun&s
1). A pt came %ith an i"" &e<ne& mass in the ,?* an& "oose %atery
stoo"s. 1e has fever an& has "ost . 0!s of %ei!ht recent"y. Dx'
A. Crohn &isease
#. Mec0e" &iverticu"itis
D. Ca "ar!e !ut
UC "oo&y &iarrhea G no masses
never hear& aout a mec0e" on the ri!ht
Ca usua"y have histoy of o%e" haits chan!e ut %t "oss support that
crohns %ou"& e my choice
as emerc0 on"ine say aout crohns
7he most common initia" presentation is chronic &iarrhea %ith
a&omina" pain/ fever/ anorexia/ an& %ei!ht "oss. 7he a&omen is
ten&er/ an& a mass or fu""ness may e pa"pa"e
1.. A patient came %ith a pus &ischar!in! ea& at - o6c"oc0 position at
the ana" ver!e. on proin! there %as a trac0 &iscovere& %hich
exten&e& in the rectum for 1- cm. @these %ere the exact %or&sA. DB'
A. Crohn &is
#. An0y"ostomiasis
C. Ca rectum
D. 1aemorrhoi&s
crohns &i+
merc0 says
Ascesses are common/ an& <stu"as often penetrate into a&Coinin!
structures/ inc"u&in! other "oops of o%e"/ the "a&&er/ or psoas
musc"eI <stu"as may even exten& to the s0in of the anterior a&omen
or Jan0s. ?n&epen&ent"y of intra3a&omina" &isease activity/ periana"
<stu"as an& ascesses occur in 1K) to 1K( of casesI these comp"ications
are freDuent"y the most trou"esome aspects of Crohn6s &isease.
14. A patient opens his eyes to pain/ %ith&ra%s to painfu" stimu"us ans
is una"e to ans%er ant Duestions. 2hat is his 9C8'
A. 73;
#. 10312
C. (3-
C. 1(31-
eye on pain 2
%ith&ra% to pain -
una"e to ans%er Du+ 1
so 73;
11. 2hat %i"" e the <rst 8=8 %hen a p"aster is too ti!ht'
#. Chan!e of co"our
C. 8%e""in!
D. 8ti>ness
this is from 7oronto notes
c"inica" si!ns an& symptoms
L !reater than expecte& for inCury
L not re"ieve& y ana"!esics
L increase %ith passive stretch of compartment musc"es
L pa"pa"e tense/ s%o""en copmparment
L para"ysis @inai"ity to move "im 3 "ateA
L pu"ses are usua""y sti"" present
L paresthesias
M:7 pu"s"essness
L most important feature foun& on physica" exam is $A?M out of
proportion to inCury @the other si!ns are N"ate si!nsOA
).a "a&y %ith sore throat/ a %ee0 "ater &eve"ope& a s%e""in! %hich
moves %ith &e!"utition
1 so"itary thyroi& no&u"e
2 MM9
( thyro!"ossa" cyst
) cervica" "ymph no&e
7he &ia!nosis is usua""y esta"ishe& y oservin! a 13 to 23cm/ smooth/
%e""3&e<ne& mi&"ine nec0 mass that moves up%ar& %ith protrusion of
the ton!ue. ,outine thyroi& ima!in! is not necessary/ a"thou!h thyroi&
scinti!raphy an& u"trasoun& have een performe& to &ocument the
presence of norma" thyroi& tissue in the nec0. 7reatment invo"ves the
P8istrun0 operation/P %hich consists of en "oc cystectomy an& excision
of the centra" hyoi& one to minimi+e recurrence.1 Approximate"y 15
of cysts are foun& to contain cancer that is usua""y papi""ary @4-5A.
8Duamous/ 1Qrth"e ce""/ an& anap"astic cancers a"so have een
reporte&/ ut are rare. Me&u""ary thyroi& cancers are/ ho%ever/ not
foun& in thyro!"ossa" &uct cysts.
? for!ot to mention the re"ation to infection ...
7hyro!"ossa" &uct cysts present as mi&"ine masses of the anterior nec0
@*i!ure 2-R). A. Fi0e ranchia" c"eft cysts/ they may e asymptomatic
an& on"y appear %hen they ecome infecte& in the settin! of an upper
respiratory tract infection...Current
thats a !oo& %as of practcisn! ut ur !ettin! most Duestions statments
%ron! /"i0e there %as never %ritten a mass in mi&"ine move& %it
h&e!u"ttaion /an& i &nt thin0 there is conncetion % thyro!"ossa" cyst
an& throat infection /any%ay+ may e it %as %ritten mi&"ine i &nt
remer exact"y may e ur rite an& one of the choice for the other
Duestion %as pi"oni&a" sinus tract an& it %as at ( o c"o0 position or it
%as the other Duestion i &nt remer exact"y
1. A patient %ith acute myocar&ia" infarction use& heparinI %hich of the
fo""o%in! metho&s is use& for monitorin!:
a. #7
. $7
c. A,77
&. ?M,
e. *irino!en
2. A patient has a mitra" va"ve stenosis R a"" of the fo""o%in! si!ns are
correct EBCE$7:
a. A*
. 8 1 increase&
c. $a"pitation increase& 8 2 in apex
&. 8 (
e. $resysto"ic murmur
(. ?n a patient %ith myocar&ia" infarction %as foun& a ne% systo"ic
murmur on examination. Car&iac eCection fraction %as --5. 2hich of
the fo""o%in! is M:87 proa"e cause:
a. Aortic re!ur!itation
. $api""ary musc"e &ysfunction
c. Mitra" va"ve stenosis
&. $api""ary musc"e rupture
e. 7ricuspi& va"ve re!ur!itation
). A youn! %oman has hypertension %ith <rosin! stenosis of rena"
artery @.05A %hich of the fo""o%in! is the M:87 appropriate treatment:
a. ,ena" artery an!iop"asty
. ACE ?nhiitors
c. Antihypertensives
&. Diuretics
e. Arteries &i"ation &ru!s
-. An oese patient %ith &iaetes me""itus is un&er anti3hypertension
treatment. 1is "oo& pressure is 1.0=100mm#! on examination. 2hich
of the fo""o%in! is your ?M?7?AF consi&eration for this patient:
a. Decrease& protein in his &iet
. Concurrent hypertensive therapy
c. 9ive &iuretics
&. Contro" su!ar inta0e in the &iet
e. ?&ea" %ei!ht
.. At %hich "eve" of cho"estera" you consi&er to !ive "ipi&3"o%erin!
statins @e!/ simvastatin/ pravastatinA
a. . mmo"="
. -.- mmo"="
c. - mmo"="
&. ).- mmo"="
e. ) mmo"="
7. $atient %ith coronary heart &isease an& xanthoma a"on! the Achi""es
ten&ons. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is 71E M:87 F?SEFT &ia!nosis:
a. *ami"ia" hypercho"estero"aemia
. *ami"ia" comine& hyper"ipi&aemia
c. ,emnant remova" &isease
&. 1ypo"ipoproteinaemia
4. 2hich of the fo""o%in! examination supports the &ia!nosis of
pu"monary thromoemo"ism:
a. Chest $A B3rays
. $u"monary Dopp"er
c. #"oo& !as
&. $u"monary venti"ation perfusion mismatche& on pu"monary scan
e. Fun! function measurement
Conta!ious &iseases
;. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is the M:87 C:MM:M characteristic of p"eura
e>usion of 7#:
a. 9"ucose &ecrease& or asent
. Monocyte
c. #"oo& staine&
&. $rotein U2!
e. *in& 7# aci""us
10. 2hich fo""o%in! !roup is the M:87 at ,?8S :* 1?E infection:
a. 1eterosexua"
. 1omosexua"
c. ?ntravenous &ru! user
&. #"oo& transfusion
e. 1aemophi"ias
11. 2hich of the fo""o%in! !roup is FEA87 F?SE of infection of 1?E:
a. 1eterosexua"
. #"oo& 7ransfusion
c. 1omosexua"
&. 1aemo&ia"ysis
e. 1aemophi"iacs
1(. A farmer has su&&en"y ha& un&u"ant fever for 23( &ays %ith
arupt"y hea&ache severe mya"!ia/ Caun&ice an& petechia" rash on the
s0inI "iver an& sp"een en"ar!ement. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is the
a. #ruce""osis
. Te""o% fever
c. Feptospirosis
&. Ma"aria
e. Anthrax
1). Den!ue fever/ a"" fo""o%in!s are correct EBCE$7:
a. Arovirus
. MosDuito transmission
c. Chi"&ren !et "east severe i""ness
&. 7here is no speci<c treatment
e. Air &rop"et infection
1-. A patient %ith mycoacteria infection %hich of the fo""o%in! is most
appropriate treatment
a. cotrimoxa+o"e
. tetracyc"ine
c. Amoxyci""ine
&. Metroni&a+o"e
e. Erithromycin
1.. 2hat is compati"e %ith critica" i""ness:
a. ?ncrease& cortiso" / increase& 781
. #oth cortiso" an& 781 &ecrease&
c. ?ncrease& cortiso"/ &ecrease& 781
&. Decrease& cortiso"/ increase& 781
e. Morma" cortiso"/ increase& 781
17. A .- year o"& man has Nu"0V &iarrhoea %ith Woi"V. 1e &rin0s a"coho"
for many years . 2hich of the fo""o%in! is your investi!ation
a ?E pancrea!raph
En&oscopy pancrea!raph
c. A&omina" B3ray
& U"trasoun&
e Enema
14.*or an e"&er"y man/ %hich aove fo""o%in! "oo& su!ar "eve" nee&
further investi!ation
a. - mmo"="
. -.- mmo"="
c. . mmo"="
&. ..- mmo"="
e. 7 mmo"="
1;.8i&e e>ective of corticosteroi&s inc"u&in! a"" the fo""o%in! EBCE$7
a Fymphocytosis
. Fymphopenia
c. 1irsutism
&. :steoporosis
e. 2ei!ht !ain
20. A patient has hea&ache/ prominent supraorita" ri&!e pro!nathism
teeth spacin! increase&/thic0 spa&e3"i0e han&s an& seorrhoea an&
coarse oi"y s0in. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is #E87 investi!ation to
esta"ish &ia!nosis:
a. ?nsu"in3!"ucose
. B3ray of pituitary test
c. Crania" C7 scan or M,? scan
&. 8E,UM 7)X$,FX!ro%th hormone "eve"
e. :ra" !"ucose to"erance test @:977A
21.2hich fo""o%in! patient is FEA87 F?SEFT to su>er primary
a. .- year o"& fema"e %ith !oitre
. (- year o"& fema"e %ith &epression
c. 24 year o"& fema"e %ith ( years menorrha!ia
&. 14 year o"& oy %ith re"ative "ess a!e
e. (2 year fema"e %ith anaemia unresponsive to iron/ # 12an& fo"ate
22 $atient has a sin!"e "ump on one si&e of the thyroi&/ a"" fo""o%in!
situation s su!!est ma"i!nant EBCE$7
a. 8in!"e no&u"e
. U8 sho%e& a so"i& no&u"e
c. 7hyroi& scan sho% W1:7O "ump
e. Associate& %ith increase& serum thyro!"ou"in
f. Associate& %ith hoarseness
1. A patient %ith acute myocar&ia" infarction use& heparinI %hich of the
fo""o%in! metho&s is use& for monitorin!:
a. #7
. $7
c. A,77
&. ?M,
e. *irino!en
CA A$77
2. A patient has a mitra" va"ve stenosis R a"" of the fo""o%in! si!ns are
correct EBCE$7:
a. A*
. 8 1 increase&
c. $a"pitation increase& 8 2 in apex
&. 8 (
e. $resysto"ic murmur
DA 8(
(. ?n a patient %ith myocar&ia" infarction %as foun& a ne% systo"ic
murmur on examination. Car&iac eCection fraction %as --5. 2hich of
the fo""o%in! is M:87 proa"e cause:
a. Aortic re!ur!itation
. $api""ary musc"e &ysfunction
c. Mitra" va"ve stenosis
&. $api""ary musc"e rupture
e. 7ricuspi& va"ve re!ur!itation
DA $M,
). A youn! %oman has hypertension %ith <rosin! stenosis of rena"
artery @.05A %hich of the fo""o%in! is the M:87 appropriate treatment:
a. ,ena" artery an!iop"asty
. ACE ?nhiitors
c. Antihypertensives
&. Diuretics
e. Arteries &i"ation &ru!s
aA ,ena" art an!io
as per eme&icine
-. An oese patient %ith &iaetes me""itus is un&er anti3hypertension
treatment. 1is "oo& pressure is 1.0=100mm#! on examination. 2hich
of the fo""o%in! is your ?M?7?AF consi&eration for this patient:
a. Decrease& protein in his &iet
. Concurrent hypertensive therapy
c. 9ive &iuretics
&. Contro" su!ar inta0e in the &iet
e. ?&ea" %ei!ht
cu+ of the %or& initia" i %ent throu!h the ans%ers more than one time
he is &iaetic /oese %ith uncontro""e& htn /after that rea&in! of his
"oo& pressure i thin0 the correct ans%er %ou"& e A ut u never 0no%
/i nee& input of the other memers p"+ in that Duest
.. At %hich "eve" of cho"estera" you consi&er to !ive "ipi&3"o%erin!
statins @e!/ simvastatin/ pravastatinA
a. . mmo"="
. -.- mmo"="
c. - mmo"="
&. ).- mmo"="
e. ) mmo"="
&espite that the ne% aussie !ui&"ines have more &etai"s that that ut i
%ou"& sti"" choose -.-
7. $atient %ith coronary heart &isease an& xanthoma a"on! the Achi""es
ten&ons. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is 71E M:87 F?SEFT &ia!nosis:
a. *ami"ia" hypercho"estero"aemia
. *ami"ia" comine& hyper"ipi&aemia
c. ,emnant remova" &isease
&. 1ypo"ipoproteinaemia
its common"y associate& %ith hyper"ipi&aemia type 2 not sure %hich
one of those ut i %ou"& choose A nee& some he"p in that one
4. 2hich of the fo""o%in! examination supports the &ia!nosis of
pu"monary thromoemo"ism:
a. Chest $A B3rays
. $u"monary Dopp"er
c. #"oo& !as
&. $u"monary venti"ation perfusion mismatche& on pu"monary scan
e. Fun! function measurement
;. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is the M:87 C:MM:M characteristic of p"eura
e>usion of 7#:
a. 9"ucose &ecrease& or asent
. Monocyte
c. #"oo& staine&
&. $rotein U2!
e. *in& 7# aci""us
nothin! is most characteristis rea""y ut <n&in! a 7# aci""us is very
exc"usive i thin0
10. 2hich fo""o%in! !roup is the M:87 at ,?8S :* 1?E infection:
a. 1eterosexua"
. 1omosexua"
c. ?ntravenous &ru! user
&. #"oo& transfusion
e. 1aemophi"ias
A homosexua"s
as per merc0
7he sexua" practices %ith the hi!hest ris0s are those that pro&uce
mucosa" trauma/ typica""y intercourse. Ana"3receptive intercourse
poses the hi!hest ris0
11. 2hich of the fo""o%in! !roup is FEA87 F?SE of infection of 1?E:
a. 1eterosexua"
. #"oo& 7ransfusion
c. 1omosexua"
&. 1aemo&ia"ysis
e. 1aemophi"iacs
. #"oo& 7ransfusion
1(. A farmer has su&&en"y ha& un&u"ant fever for 23( &ays %ith
arupt"y hea&ache severe mya"!ia/ Caun&ice an& petechia" rash on the
s0inI "iver an& sp"een en"ar!ement. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is the
a. #ruce""osis
. Te""o% fever
c. Feptospirosis
&. Ma"aria
e. Anthrax
i ha& to &i! har& for that ans%er
1). Den!ue fever/ a"" fo""o%in!s are correct EBCE$7:
a. Arovirus
. MosDuito transmission
c. Chi"&ren !et "east severe i""ness
&. 7here is no speci<c treatment
e. Air &rop"et infection
i thin0 it %as mosDuito ites not &ro"ets so eA is my ans%er
1-. A patient %ith mycoacteria infection %hich of the fo""o%in! is most
appropriate treatment
a. cotrimoxa+o"e
. tetracyc"ine
c. Amoxyci""ine
&. Metroni&a+o"e
e. Erithromycin
eA Erithromycin
A patient %ith acute myocar&ia" infarction use& heparinI %hich of the
fo""o%in! metho&s is use& for monitorin!:
a. #7
. $7
c. A,77 ====================
&. ?M,
e. *irino!en
2. A patient has a mitra" va"ve stenosis R a"" of the fo""o%in! si!ns are
correct EBCE$7:
a. A*
. 8 1 increase&
c. $a"pitation increase& 8 2 in apex
&. 8 ( ====================
e. $resysto"ic murmur
(. ?n a patient %ith myocar&ia" infarction %as foun& a ne% systo"ic
murmur on examination. Car&iac eCection fraction %as --5. 2hich of
the fo""o%in! is M:87 proa"e cause:
a. Aortic re!ur!itation
. $api""ary musc"e &ysfunction
c. Mitra" va"ve stenosis
&. $api""ary musc"e rupture ================
e. 7ricuspi& va"ve re!ur!itation
). A youn! %oman has hypertension %ith <rosin! stenosis of rena"
artery @.05A %hich of the fo""o%in! is the M:87 appropriate treatment:
a. ,ena" artery an!iop"asty =================
. ACE ?nhiitors
c. Antihypertensives
&. Diuretics
e. Arteries &i"ation &ru!s
-. An oese patient %ith &iaetes me""itus is un&er anti3hypertension
treatment. 1is "oo& pressure is 1.0=100mm#! on examination. 2hich
of the fo""o%in! is your ?M?7?AF consi&eration for this patient:
a. Decrease& protein in his &iet ==============
. Concurrent hypertensive therapy
c. 9ive &iuretics
&. Contro" su!ar inta0e in the &iet
e. ?&ea" %ei!ht
.. At %hich "eve" of cho"estera" you consi&er to !ive "ipi&3"o%erin!
statins @e!/ simvastatin/ pravastatinA
a. . mmo"="
. -.- mmo"=" =============
c. - mmo"="
&. ).- mmo"="
e. ) mmo"="
7. $atient %ith coronary heart &isease an& xanthoma a"on! the Achi""es
ten&ons. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is 71E M:87 F?SEFT &ia!nosis:
a. *ami"ia" hypercho"estero"aemia ===============
. *ami"ia" comine& hyper"ipi&aemia
c. ,emnant remova" &isease
&. 1ypo"ipoproteinaemia
4. 2hich of the fo""o%in! examination supports the &ia!nosis of
pu"monary thromoemo"ism:
a. Chest $A B3rays
. $u"monary Dopp"er
c. #"oo& !as
&. $u"monary venti"ation perfusion mismatche& on pu"monary
scan ===============
e. Fun! function measurement
Conta!ious &iseases
;. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is the M:87 C:MM:M characteristic of p"eura
e>usion of 7#:
a. 9"ucose &ecrease& or asent
. Monocyte @ "ymphoctosisA=============
c. #"oo& staine&
&. $rotein U2!
e. *in& 7# aci""us
10. 2hich fo""o%in! !roup is the M:87 at ,?8S :* 1?E infection:
a. 1eterosexua"
. 1omosexua" ============@ 1:-031-0A
c. ?ntravenous &ru! user
&. #"oo& transfusion
e. 1aemophi"ias
11. 2hich of the fo""o%in! !roup is FEA87 F?SE of infection of 1?E:
a. 1eterosexua"
. #"oo& 7ransfusion =====================
c. 1omosexua"
&. 1aemo&ia"ysis
e. 1aemophi"iacs
1(. A farmer has su&&en"y ha& un&u"ant fever for 23( &ays %ith
arupt"y hea&ache severe mya"!ia/ Caun&ice an& petechia" rash on the
s0inI "iver an& sp"een en"ar!ement. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is the
a. #ruce""osis
. Te""o% fever
c. Feptospirosis ========@ this scenario mixes oth ruce""osis an&
"eptosiprasis/ ecause un&u"ant fever an& sp"enomea!a"y is in
ruce""osis / ut no Caun&ice an& rash is thereA
&. Ma"aria
e. Anthrax
1). Den!ue fever/ a"" fo""o%in!s are correct EBCE$7:
a. Arovirus
. MosDuito transmission
c. Chi"&ren !et "east severe i""ness
&. 7here is no speci<c treatment
e. Air &rop"et infection ===============
1-. A patient %ith mycoacteria infection %hich of the fo""o%in! is most
appropriate treatment
a. cotrimoxa+o"e
. tetracyc"ine
c. Amoxyci""ine
&. Metroni&a+o"e
e. Erithromycin ======================
1.. 2hat is compati"e %ith critica" i""ness:
a. ?ncrease& cortiso" / increase& 781
. #oth cortiso" an& 781 &ecrease&
c. ?ncrease& cortiso"/ &ecrease& 781
&. Decrease& cortiso"/ increase& 781 ===========
e. Morma" cortiso"/ increase& 781
17. A .- year o"& man has Nu"0V &iarrhoea %ith Woi"V. 1e &rin0s a"coho"
for many years . 2hich of the fo""o%in! is your investi!ation
a ?E pancrea!raph
En&oscopy pancrea!raph
c. A&omina" B3ray
& U"trasoun&
e Enema @ ans shou"& e feaca" fat for ma"asorptionAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
14.*or an e"&er"y man/ %hich aove fo""o%in! "oo& su!ar "eve" nee&
further investi!ation
a. - mmo"="
. -.- mmo"=" =======================
c. . mmo"="
&. ..- mmo"="
e. 7 mmo"="
1;.8i&e e>ective of corticosteroi&s inc"u&in! a"" the fo""o%in! EBCE$7
a Fymphocytosis ======================
. Fymphopenia
c. 1irsutism
&. :steoporosis
e. 2ei!ht !ain
20. A patient has hea&ache/ prominent supraorita" ri&!e pro!nathism
teeth spacin! increase&/thic0 spa&e3"i0e han&s an& seorrhoea an&
coarse oi"y s0in. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is #E87 investi!ation to
esta"ish &ia!nosis:
a. ?nsu"in3!"ucose
. B3ray of pituitary test
c. Crania" C7 scan or M,? scan
&. 8E,UM 7)X$,FX!ro%th hormone "eve"
e. :ra" !"ucose to"erance test @:977A @91X:977A===============
21.2hich fo""o%in! patient is FEA87 F?SEFT to su>er primary
a. .- year o"& fema"e %ith !oitre==========
. (- year o"& fema"e %ith &epression
c. 24 year o"& fema"e %ith ( years menorrha!ia
&. 14 year o"& oy %ith re"ative "ess a!e
e. (2 year fema"e %ith anaemia unresponsive to iron/ # 12an& fo"ate
22 $atient has a sin!"e "ump on one si&e of the thyroi&/ a"" fo""o%in!
situation s su!!est ma"i!nant EBCE$7
a. 8in!"e no&u"e
. U8 sho%e& a so"i& no&u"e
c. 7hyroi& scan sho% W1:7O "ump ==================
e. Associate& %ith increase& serum thyro!"ou"in
f. Associate& %ith hoarseness
7han0s !uys..? ve !ot Cust 2 &i>.
17. A .- year o"& man has Nu"0V &iarrhoea %ith Woi"V. 1e &rin0s a"coho"
for many years . 2hich of the fo""o%in! is your investi!ation
a ?E pancrea!raph
En&oscopy pancrea!raph
c. A&omina" B3ray HHHHH
& U"trasoun&
e Enema
?ts most "i0"ey Ch.$ancreatits...8o x3ray for any ca"ci<cation ..Mot
&e<nitive &x..
?f pancratic en+yme %as there %ou"& e the ans%er.
14.*or an e"&er"y man/ %hich aove fo""o%in! "oo& su!ar "eve" nee&
further investi!ation
a. - mmo"="
. -.- mmo"="
c. . mmo"="
&. ..- mmo"="
e. 7 mmo"="
in&ication of 977
More thou!hts %e"come&
2(. Uveitis is M:87 C:MM:MFT foun& in %hich of th e fo""o%in!
a. ,eiterOs &isease
. ,heumatoi& arthritis
c. An0y"osin! spon&y"itis
&. 8Co!renOs syn&rome
e. $sorisis
2-. Era&ication of 1EF?C:#AC7E, $TF:,? for &uo&ena" u"cer:
a. ?ncrease u"cer hea"in! rate
. ?nJuence re"apse rate
c. Decrease rate of !astric "ymphoma
&. Decrease "oca" !astritis
e. Decrease cimeti&ine &osa!e
2. A youn! patient comes from overseas %ith &iarrhoea/ no "oo&.
7emperature (7.;C/ stoo" examination sho%e& fe% 8a"mone""as. 2hat
is your mana!ement:
a. :servation an& repeat stoo" examination ( &ays "ater
. #roa& spectrum antiiotic "i0e amoxici""in
c. 7rimethoprine p"us su"phasa"a+ine
&. Cotrimoxa+o"e p"us trimethoprim
e. ,eassure
27. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is M:87 ,EFA7ED to a&enoma=carcinoma of
the co"on:
a. Aspirin can cause&
. Fo% <re &iet
c. 8aturate& fat more than the unsaturate& fat in the &iet
&. A"coho"
f. 8mo0in!
24. A 243year3o"& po"iceman on su"phasa"a+in therapy for u"cerative
co"itis/ ,i!ht hypochon&ria" pain. 89$7 an& a"0/ phosphatase increase&/
i"iruin mi"& increase&/ 89:7 norma" an& "iver aminotransferase
en+ymes norma" @'A %hich of the fo""o%in! is 71E M:87 F?SEFT
a. $rimary i"iary cirrhosis
. 8i&e e>ect of su"phasa"a+in
c. 8c"erosin! cho"an!itis
&. Cho"an!itis
e. Acute vira" hepatitis
2;. $atient %ith suppose& hepatoma. 2hich of the fo""o%in! Duestions
is M:87 he"pfu" for &ia!nosis:
a. $resent "iver cirrhosis
. A"coho" "iver &isease
c. Acute hepatitis
&. Cho"an!itis
e. *ami"y history of "iver hepatoma
(0. Ascitis
. #i"atera" a&omina" varicosis
c. $eri3ora" te"ean!iectasia
&. Zaun&ice an& pa"mar erythema
e. DupytrenOs contracture
(1. ?n anaemia patent %ith increase& transferrin. A"" of the fo""o%in! is
correct EBCE$7:
a. ?ncrease& serum ferritin
. Decrease& serum ferritin
c. ?ncrease& tota" iron in&in! capacity
&. ?ncrease& transferrin
e. Decrease& serum iron
(2. An anaemic patient %ith increase& transferrin. A"" fo""o%in! are
correct EBCE$7:
a. 7ha"assemia maCor
. Chronic &isease
c. ?ron &e<ciency
&. 8i&ero"astic anaemia
e. 1aemo"ysis
9oo& Fuc0
2(. Uveitis is M:87 C:MM:MFT foun& in %hich of th e fo""o%in!
a. ,eiterOs &isease
. ,heumatoi& arthritis
c. An0y"osin! spon&y"itis
&. 8Co!renOs syn&rome
e. $sorisis
2-. Era&ication of 1EF?C:#AC7E, $TF:,? for &uo&ena" u"cer:
a. ?ncrease u"cer hea"in! rate
. ?nJuence re"apse rate
c. Decrease rate of !astric "ymphoma
&. Decrease "oca" !astritis
e. Decrease cimeti&ine &osa!e
2. A youn! patient comes from overseas %ith &iarrhoea/ no "oo&.
7emperature (7.;C/ stoo" examination sho%e& fe% 8a"mone""as. 2hat
is your mana!ement:
a. :servation an& repeat stoo" examination ( &ays "ater
. #roa& spectrum antiiotic "i0e amoxici""in
c. 7rimethoprine p"us su"phasa"a+ine
&. Cotrimoxa+o"e p"us trimethoprim
e. ,eassure
7rave" Diarrhae
27. 2hich of the fo""o%in! is M:87 ,EFA7ED to a&enoma=carcinoma of
the co"on:
a. Aspirin can cause&
. Fo% <re &iet
c. 8aturate& fat more than the unsaturate& fat in the &iet
&. A"coho"
f. 8mo0in!
24. A 243year3o"& po"iceman on su"phasa"a+in therapy for u"cerative
co"itis/ ,i!ht hypochon&ria" pain. 89$7 an& a"0/ phosphatase increase&/
i"iruin mi"& increase&/ 89:7 norma" an& "iver aminotransferase
en+ymes norma" @'A %hich of the fo""o%in! is 71E M:87 F?SEFT
a. $rimary i"iary cirrhosis
. 8i&e e>ect of su"phasa"a+in
c. 8c"erosin! cho"an!itis
&. Cho"an!itis
e. Acute vira" hepatitis
2;. $atient %ith suppose& hepatoma. 2hich of the fo""o%in! Duestions
is M:87 he"pfu" for &ia!nosis:
a. $resent "iver cirrhosis
. A"coho" "iver &isease
c. Acute hepatitis
&. Cho"an!itis
e. *ami"y history of "iver hepatoma
Mot 8ure
(0. Ascitis
. #i"atera" a&omina" varicosis ''=
c. $eri3ora" te"ean!iectasia
&. Zaun&ice an& pa"mar erythema
e. DupytrenOs contracture
? Dont 0no%[[[ ? !uess a"" associate& %ith "iver &isease
(1. ?n anaemia patent %ith increase& transferrin. A"" of the fo""o%in! is
correct EBCE$7:
a. ?ncrease& serum ferritin
. Decrease& serum ferritin
c. ?ncrease& tota" iron in&in! capacity
&. ?ncrease& transferrin
e. Decrease& serum iron
(2. An anaemic patient %ith increase& transferrin. A"" fo""o%in! are
correct EBCE$7:
a. 7ha"assemia maCor
. Chronic &isease
c. ?ron &e<ciency
&. 8i&ero"astic anaemia
e. 1aemo"ysis

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