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Functionality at a glance Student

Student is the heart of the college, and so is heart of this system also. This
system makes the life of the student at PCC easy. All functionality in this system
revolves around the student. The Functionality available to student is listed below
and e!lained !recisely. This is to hel! the students to navigate through the
system easily and in a user friendly manner.
Functionality available to students"
a. Assessment
b. Attendance
c. Change Password
d. Chat
e. C#AAP
f. C$ail
g. %&'ook
h. %vents
i. Feedback ( Suggestion
). For*+,,
k. FA-
l. .onours Form
m. #ibrary
n. $y .ome
o. $y Profile
!. $y Targets
/. 0ewsletter
r. 1nline Payment
s. Polls
t. S!orts Test
u. 2ser $anual
a. Assessment" Students can assess Academic su!!ort being offered to
them by the college and also assess their sub)ect teachers on various
/uestions including teacher3s im!act on learning, teacher3s !ersonality
and teaching methodology.
b. Attendance" The students can view their current semester attendance
sub)ect wise for the lectures conducted with their overall attendance
c. Change Password" Students can change their C&login !assword.
d. Chat" Students can chat with their college friends, other students and
teachers by sending friend re/uest.
e. C#AAP" Chowgules #earn Anytime Any Place is college #$S systems
where students can access u!loaded study material by teachers, they can
also !artici!ates in -ui44es conducted to them online and also can submit
assignment online. 5t can be access on 6 off cam!us.
f. C$A5#" College official mail system, students can send and receive mail
on 6 off cam!us. They can also create task, calendar and set some
g. %&book" Student can re/uest for %book co!y if books hardco!ies are not
available in library due to being issued to other students or teachers.
%book co!y in !ages of +, can be re/uested at times, which are send in
students C$A5# account.
h. %vents" Along with all other users, students can view the events in the
current month on this !age. The !revious month3s events can be viewed
through the 7Archived3 link on the same !age.
i. Feedback ( Com!laint" The students can give their feedback about the site
or anything in the college cam!us with the hel! of this screen. This
feedback is recorded in the database and an % $ail goes to
Feedback(Com!laint grou! mail bo. The concerned authority from SPCC
will deal with the feedback.
). For*+,," .ere students can !ost their 8o3s for what they will do for `100.
k. FA-" This !age contains the fre/uently re/uired hel! to the users. These
are general /uestions regarding the usage of the system. All fre/uently
asked /uestion of students are answered here from A!!lying online,
courses offered and using 5T resources.
l. .onours Form" Students can enroll for various honours courses offered by
college by filling this form.
m. #ibrary" Student can search a book online, reserve it. Also he( she can
look at the reserved and issued media with the hel! of 7$y #ibrary3 /uick
5. Search a $edia" Students can search the eisting media !er section
and reserve any of them online.
55. $y #ibrary *ecords" From the /uick links dro! down, after selecting
the 7$y #ibrary3 link, students are able to check which media they
have reserved or issued. Also the return date along with the fine
amount if a!!licable for all media is also mentioned on this !age.
555. Ask %&resource" Students can re/uest for %&book co!y if hard book is
not available in library.
59. *eservation #ist" Shows book titles with color codes whether they are
available or issued.
9. $ovie(Film Collection" Shows list of $ovie( Film 898 !resent in
library which students can issue.
n. $y .ome" Currently 7$y .ome3 link refers to your user !rofile. :hen you
sign in to the system, it will take you to this !age. And if you click on 7'ack
to .ome3 link from any other !age, it will lead you to this !age. From this
!age you will not be able to u!date your !rofile. For u!dating your !rofile
you need to go on 7$y Profile3 !age.
o. $y Profile" Students are able to view and u!date their !rofile online from
this link. They can change their address details and career interests.
!. $y Targets" This is a link to the ;rade Tracking system. 1nce the student
clicks on this link, he( she will get a screen with his( her !rofile information,
student can create their resume, view their achievements, home where
they can !ut their !ost and comment on other !ost, view his(her
attendance re!ort for that semester, !revious academic details, his( her
library transactions of the issued and reserved books by him( her. The
return date of the issued media as well as fine amount if a!!licable is also
mentioned on this screen.
Set targets for the current semester and view their 5SA eamination marks
and check their variance, the web !ages he(she has visited on the system
and the class schedule(Time table of the student.
The student gets the class schedule only for his (her elected sub)ects. The
class schedule contains the Course name, sub)ect, and block number. The
student needs to assign targets every semester which his ( her mentor can
change after discussion.
These re!orts hel! the teachers to analy4e the !erformance of the student
and his( her key strengths, weaknesses, areas of im!rovements, career
interests. Teacher can guide the student according to their needs and set
the targets for them accordingly.
/. 0ewsletter" Students can view the newsletters categori4ed according to
the de!artments. The recent newsletters contain the newsletters of last
four months. They can also view the older newsletters with the hel! of
7archived3 link on the same !age.
r. 1nline Payment" Students can view their smart card transaction and
check their card balance.
s. Polls" Students can create their own !oll /uestions and get feedback from
students ( Teachers
t. S!ort Test" Students can register by filling this s!orts test form for
!artici!ating for various s!orts courses held in college.
u. 2ser $anual" Students are !rovided with online manual e!laining the
features and its use in their c&#ogin.
1ther 5nformation" The home!age contains other information like institute
information, infrastructure of the college, S!orts facility of the college<
careers information etc.

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