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Wh- Questions allow a speaker to find out more information about topics.
They are as follow:
Other words can also be used to in!uire about specific information:
Which (one)?
How much?
How many?
How lon?
How o!ten?
How !ar?
What "in# (o!)?
"hoice of alternati#es
Person $objecti#e formal%
Price& amount $non'
(uantity $count%
The +,rammar+ used with wh' !uestions depends on whether the topic bein,
asked about is the +subject+ or +predicate+ of a sentence. *or the subject
pattern& simply replace the person or thin, bein, asked about with the
appropriate wh'word.
$-omeone has my baseball.hat%
$-omethin, is botherin, you.%
Who has my baseball hat.
What is botherin, you.
*or the predicate pattern& wh' !uestion formation depends on whether there is
an +au/iliary+ #erb in the ori,inal sentence. u/iliary or +helpin,+ #erbs are #erbs
that precede main #erbs. u/iliary #erbs are italici0ed in the followin,
I can do it.
They are lea#in,.
I ha#e eaten my lunch.
I should ha#e finished my homework.
To make a !uestion usin, the predicate pattern& first form a yes/no !uestion by
in#ertin, the subject and $first% au/iliary #erb. Then& add the appropriate wh'
word to the be,innin, of the sentence.
$1ou will lea#e some time.% When will you lea#e.
$2e is doin, somethin,.% What is he doin,.
$They ha#e been somewhere.% Where ha#e they
If there is no au/iliary and the #erb is +be&+ in#ert the subject and #erb& then add
the appropriate wh' word to the be,innin, of the sentence.
$2e is someone.% Who is he.
$The meetin, was some time.% When was the meetin,.
If there is no au/iliary and the #erb is not +be&+ add do to the be,innin, of the
sentence. Then add the appropriate wh'!uestion word. 3e sure to +transfer+ the
tense and number from the main #erb to the word do.
$1ou want somethin,.% What do you want.
$1ou went somewhere.% Where did you ,o.
$-he likes somethin,.% What does she like.
$. They #o their homewor" at niht. (when)?
&. 'r. (o)ertson came to the *arty alone. (who)?
+. The car is across the street !rom the house. (where)?
,. I li"e the re# )louse- not the )lue one. (which)?
.. She !elt )etter a!ter she too" a na*. (how)?
/. That is an Enlish )oo". (what)?
0. 'y sister calle# her )oy!rien# yester#ay (when)?
1. She tal"e# to him !or an hour. (how lon)?
2. He stu#ies *iano at the uni3ersity. (what)?
4. 55555555 did you ,o there.
6. 55555555 ha#e you done.
7. 55555555 ha#e you been.
8. 55555555 did you see yesterday.
9. :hy hasn;t she seen the mo#ie.
<. :hat ha#e they read.
=. :here has he ,one.
>. :ho ha#e we seen.
?. :hy does she study so hard.
4@. :hat do you do now.
44. :here did you ,o.
46. :hy ha#en;t you done your homework yet.
47. :hat ha#e I done.
48. :here ha#e they ,one to play football.
49. :ho did tell you you;re awesome.
4<. :hy did she break it.
4=. :hat does he read.
4>. :here ha#e you put it.
4?. :ho did that to you.
6@. :hy has she written the letter.
64. :hat kind of music did you listen to.
66. :here does the concert take place.
67. :ho cheated on the last e/am.
68. :hy ha#e you told her the secret.
69. :hat did she see.
6<. :here did they played the match.
6=. :ho stole it.
6>. :hat did you say.
6?. :hy ha#e you run so far.
7@. :hat did you hide it.
74. :here has he ,one.
76. :ho has heard that noise.
77. :hy ha#e you chan,ed your hotmail password.
78. :hat ha#e you broken.
79. :here has it been all this time.
7<. :ho did you lie to.
7=. :hy do you keep tryin,.
7>. :hat ha#e you made for your birthday.
7?. :here has she tasted that food.
8@. :ho lau,hed of you.

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