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Deoins list of commands (not all tested):

~clickNametag [avatarId] - Click an avatar's nametag

~showTarget - Show your current Magic Word target
~smsg [text] - Send a whisper to the whole district
~gwhis [text] - Send a whisper to the whole district, prefixed with 'ADMIN Name:
~accId - Gets the accountId from the target player
~run - Makes you move much faster
~collisionsOff - Turns off collisions (noclip)
~collisionsOn - Turns on collisions (noclip)
~enableAFGravity - Turn on April Fools gravity
~setGravity [gravity] (overrideWarning) - Set gravity value
~normalGravity - Set normal gravity
~getPos - Get the position of your toon
~setPos [x] [y] [z] - Set the position of your toon
~truefriend [avatarId] - Add an avatar as a true friend
~oobe - Toggle out of body view
~oobeCull - Toggle out of body view with culling debug (May make certain objects
~wire - Toggle wireframe view
~showAvIds - Show avId in nametags
~showNames - Don't show avId in nametags
~showAccess - Show your target's admin access level
~toga2d - Toggle your 2D GUI
~placer - Place your view (???)
~explorer - Explore your view (???)
~apriltoons [event] [on/off] - Turn April Toons event on/off
~randomce - Add a flag to your target to enable/disable random cheesy effects
~cheesyEffect (0-15) Enables a Cheesy Effect.
~gibfish [name] - Request a fish for your target
~nogibfish - Remove the current fish request for your target
~fireworks (july4/newyears/summer) - Start fireworks in all playgrounds
~houseType (0-5) - Set your target's house's type
~stopBingo - Stop Fish Bingo in your district
~startBingo - Start Fish Bingo in your district
~requestBingoCard [cardName] (seed) - Request a bingo card
~abortMinigame - Abort the minigame you are currently in
~winMinigame - Win the current minigame you are in
~requestMinigame [minigameName] (minigameKeep) (minigameDiff) (minigamePG) - Req
uest a minigame
~leaveRace - Leave the current race you are in
~travel (target) - Toggles Trolley Tracks in the current district. If target is
'self', it toggles for you. If target is 'everyone', it toggles for everybody.
~globaltp - Activate global teleport
~gardenGame - Start the garden game
~setCE [value] (hood) (expire) - Set the cheesy effect of your target
~setHp [value] - Set your target's laff
~setMaxHp [value] - Set your target's maximum laff
~setTrackAccess (toonup) (trap) (lure) (sound) (throw) (squirt) (drop) - Set you
r target's gag track access
~maxToon (CONFIRM/UNCONFIRM) - Max your toon.
~setMaxMoney [value] - Set your target's maximum jellybean jar value
~setFishingRod [0-4] - Set your target's fishing rod value
~setMaxFishTank [20-99] - Set your target's max fish tank value
~setName [name] - Set your target's name
~unites - Give your target all CFO unites
~setHat [0-56] (0-20) - Set the hat of your target, first is id and second is te
~setGlasses [0-21] (0-4) - Set the glasses of your target, first is id and secon
d is texture
~setBackpack [0-24] (0-6) - Set the backpack of your target, first is id and sec
ond is texture
~setShoes [0-3] (0-48) - Set the shoes of your target, first is id and second is
~kick (confirmSelfKick) - Kick your target. If you are the target, then you must
confirm your kick
~ban (reason) (confirmed) (confirmSelfBan) - Ban your target. If you are the tar
get, then you must confirm your ban
~togGM - Toggle your Game Manager icon
~ghost - Toggle your target's ghost status (invisible toon)
~badName - Reject your target's name
~setGM [0-4] - Set your target's Game Manager level
~setTickets [0-99999] - Set your target's tickets
~setCogIndex [-1-3] - Transform your target into a cog
~setTrophyScore [value] - Set your target's trophy score
~givePies [0-7] (0-99) - Give your target Y number of X pies, first is pie type
and second is amount
~locate (avatarId) (returnType) - Locate an avatar anywhere on the district
Ryans list of commands (all tested): [10:18:21 AM] Ryan cortis (rijscor): ~name
Name here set a name
~inventory restock 6 6 restock level 7 gags
~gmIcon 100 icon above your head (can be: 100 200 300 400 500 600 700)
~maxToon max out your laff, suits, gags, tp access, etc.
~unlocks unlocks all emotes/etc
~sos 99 Professor Pete give yourself a specific SOS
~unites 99 gives yourself 99 of all unites
~fires 255 give yourself fires/pink slips
~maxMoney 250 set your max jellybeans (250 max)
~money 250 set your current jellybeans (can't be more than max)
~fishingRod 4 give yourself gold fishing rod
~maxFishTank 99 max fish tank (max 99)
~skipCFO skips to final CFO round
~skipVP skips to final VP round
~globalTeleport all tele access (useless if you use ~maxToon)
~getZone get your current zone (for below VV)
~zone 2000 bring yourself to a specific zoneid (I wouldn't play with t
his unless you know the zone IDs)
~ghost make yourself a ghost (run again to turn off)
~tickets 200 give yourself speedway tickets
~maxHp set your max HP
~hp 16 set your HP (can't be above your maxhp)
~givePies 5 5 gives yourself 5 birthday cakes (like VP)
~suit invasion 1 create an invasion (change number to play with it)
~suit building 1 summons a building
~suit invasionend 1 ends current invasion
To look cool (set number to 0 to remove it from yourself)
~cheesyEffect 1 various effects (big toon/flat profile/etc)
~shoes 1 change your shoes (change number for dif ones)
~backpack 1 change your backpack (change number for dif ones)
~hat 1 change your hat (change number for dif ones)
~glasses 1 change your glasses (change number for dif ones)
~factoryWarp 1 not sure how exactly this command works (untested)
~target tells you your current target
~system message send a message to everyone
~~accessLevel 100 set someone's access level
~run run fast as hell
~collisionsOff obvious
~collisionsOn obvious
~gravity 10 set your gravity
~xyz 0 0 0 set your xyz position
~hpr 0 0 0 set your angles
~skipMovie skips the battle (even though there is a skip button. lol.
~house type 1 must be at estate, untested
~race leave leave a race
some somewhat pointless crap more for developing:
~nameNametags shows toon IDs in nametag (for database)
~wire Wireframe mode
~oobe "out of body experience" toggle
~oobeCull culling for above
~a2d turns off the HUD (friends/laff meter/etc)
~neglect freeze everyone just on your screen (basically)
~backgroundColor 1 1 1 set the color of the "grey"
~quests clear clears current tasks?
~quests clearHistory clears task history
~quests remove 1 removes task in slot 1
~quests list lists your current task IDs
~quests bagSize 4 set max task carry
~quests progress

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