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Sample Paper 2011

Class XII
Subject Biology
(Three hours)
Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing
during this time.
All working including rough work should be done on the same sheet as and adjacent to the rest of answer.

Answer all uestions in !art " and any fi#e from !art "" choosing three uestions from $ection A and two
from $ection %.The intended marks for each uestion or parts of uestions are gi#en in brackets & '
Part I
(Answer all questions)
(uestion 1
a) *i#e significant differences between the following
i) Allopatric and $ympatric $peciation
ii) +ed and ,hite -uscle fibres
iii) .eart ,ood and $ap wood
i#) Antibody and "nterferon
#) Tropic and Nastic -o#ement
b) Answer the following

i) 12pand "AA
ii) *i#e an e2ample of a connecti#e tissue
iii) ,hat is the role of polyethylene glycol in somatic hybridisation3
i#) Name the en4yme which plays an important role in ageing
#) Name a plant growth inhibitor
c) *i#e the causal agents of following diseases
&/0 '
i) -easels
ii) A"5$
iii) Typhoid
i#) !lague
#) -alaria
d) *i#e significant contributions of the following scientists
i) Andreas ,agner
ii) !.6.$ethi
iii) "#an !a#lo#
i#) 6arot 6off
e) 7ill in the blanks with appropriate words
&/0 '
i) 888888888888888888 carries blood from heart to other organs of the body
ii) The process of inducing flowering in a plant by e2posing to light is known as 88888888888
iii) "n e2cess of o2ygen the en4yme +ubisco participates in 888888888
i#) The techniue of growing plants in nutrient mist is known as 888888888888888
#) The le#el of progesterone is ma2mimum in 8888888888 phase of menstrual cycle
f) *i#e the most significant role9 function of the following
i) $AN
ii) T:cells
iii) $emen
i#) !ancreas
#) "ncomplete C:shaped rings of cartilage
g) *i#e reasons for the following
i) $hort day plants are called long night plants
ii) Only one sperm fertilises the o#um
iii) Transmission of ner#e impulse across synapse is slower than its conduction along the length of
Part II
Section A
(Answer any three questions)
(uestion /
a) *i#e an account of #arious types of #ascular bundles in plant
b) *i#e functions and deficiency symptoms of Nitrogen=Calcium and %oron in plants
c) 5raw a labelled diagram of T.$. of dicot stem
(uestion ;
a) *i#e a brief account of the light reaction in plants in#ol#ing two photosystems
b) %riefly describe the de#elopment of endosperm after fertilisation
c) >ist four functions of gibberllins
(uestion <
a) 5escribe the process of e2piration and inspiration in man
b) i) %riefly describe how transmission of ner#e impulse takes place in myelinated ner#e fibre
ii) ,hat is the ad#antage of this type of conduction
c) *i#e the functions of the following hormones
i) $T. ii) Adrenaline
(uestion 5
a) 5raw a labelled diagram of T.$. of testes
b) *i#e e2amples of antagonistic pairs of muscles in humans stating functions of each
c) *i#e a brief account of the digestion of fats in humans
(uestion ?
a) ,hat is haemodialysis3 .ow is it carried out
b) *i#e a brief account of the e#ents taking place during atrial systole and #entricular systole
c) >ist four important characteristics of flowers pollinated by insects
Section B
(Answer any two questions)
(uestion @
a) %riefly e2plain the origin of giraffe by >amarckAs Theory
b) ,hat are 5arwinAs finches3 ,rite a brief note on it
c) ,hat are the main criticisms against >amarckAs Theory
(uestion B
a) ,hat are missing links3 *i#e an e2ample along with its characteristics
b) *i#e an account of >ederbergAs replica plating e2periment
c) .ow is Cro:-agnon man different from .omo $apiens
(uestion C
a) ,rite short notes on
i) CT scan
ii) Dltrasound "maging
iii) 5NA fingerprinting
b) *i#e the potential uses of the following
i) >auceana ii) Ashwagandha iii) (uinine i#) Easaka
(uestion 1F
a) ,hat is addiction3 ,hat are main causes of drug addiction
b) ,hat is genetic counselling3 ,rite a note on it
c) ,hat are bio:fertilisers3 gi#e e2amples

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