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N|n[utsu 1echn|ques

o comprehensive quide ond workbook

8y ltom| osutok| ooJ Iosoo k|oco|J
nln[utsu ls the art ol stealth, lt's a serles ol llghtlng technlques that has been practlced lor centurles.
8elore we start, there are a lew thlngs we should mentlon. llrst ol all, thls lsn't a book, but a gulde. So ll
you are looklng lor hlstory or the phllosophy ol nln[utsu, you won't llnd that here, lt's [ust not
lmportant.the only thlng we care about are the moves. Powever ll you are really lnterested ln hlstory
ol nln[utsu, you can get Lssence ol nln[utsu" by ur. Masaakl Patsuml, lt's a good book and covers all
the rlch hlstory ol nln[utsu. Second ol all, nln[utsu ls all about practlce, you need to traln day ln and day
out, so that the moves become second nature to you.
So what ls thls book about? 1he best way to thlnk about lt, ls to thlnk ol lt as your cllll notes to the art ol
nln[utsu. We've baslcally cut through the bullshlt, and locused on the lmportant stull. ln thls book, you'll
llnd lnstructlons on how to perlorm a lot ol the technlques lrom the art ol nln[utsu. 1hls book ls almed
at people who are elther lnterested ln nln[utsu, or those who are [ust startlng out ln thelr tralnlng. ll
you've been tralnlng lor 3-3 years, chances are you already know all ol thls stull by heart.
1hls book covers many aspects ol nln[utsu. We'll cover tal[utsu(unarmed combat), bo[utsu(stlck
llghtlng), ken[utsu(the art ol the sword), shurlken[utsu(blade throwlng), kusarlgama[utsu(chaln llghtlng),
go ton po(elements), on shln [utsu(lnvlslblllty), and talso condltlonlng exerclses to traln your body to be
able to do the moves.
N|n[a Gear
A typlcal nln[a outllt usually conslsts ol a hood and a mask, a [acket, trousers, shoe-socks, and ls usually
made lrom darker colors labrlcs, black, gray or dark blue. Addltlonally a nln[a would usually wear a sash,
whlch can be used as a cllmblng ald lor cllmblng trees. 1o help scale hlgh walls, a nln[a would carry a
cllmblng rope wlth a grappllng hook on the end, ln an emergency the rope would be used to blnd
captlves the nln[a has captured. lor weapons, a nln[a used a sword. unllke the long samural sword, the
nln[a sword ls much shorter, lor better close range maneuverablllty.ln essence a nln[a sword was a long
nln[as also used other weapons. Most popular ol whlch were the shurlkens, whlch most people know as
throwlng stars. 8ut there were also throwlng knlves, llghtlng stalls(baslcally a heavy stlck), a kusarl-
gamas, whlch were baslcally a chaln wlth an axe on the end, kusarl-[uttes, whlch were baslcally [ust
metal chalns, and a kyoketsu-shogel, whlch was a rope wlth a sharp knlle on the end.
lor accessorles, a nln[a would also carry a llre starter, a llrst ald klt (whlch would also contaln polsons
and sleeplng powders) and a canteen.
So now that you know the baslcs, let's move onto learnlng the moves ol nln[utsu.
1a|so Cond|t|on|ng
1here are two ways to traln your body. ?ou can stretch your muscles to become more llmber, or you can
do welght tralnlng to galn muscle mass. 1o become more llmber, you need to put yoursell lnto a
stretched posltlon lor a small perlod ol tlme (20-60seconds), durlng whlch you need to slowly lncrease
the straln on the body as you get used to the exerclse.
Pere are a lew talso condltlonlng exerclses you can do to stretch:
Neck kotat|on - twlst your neck lelt and rlght, and back and lorward. lor extra stretchlng keep your
hands down wlth palms laclng lorward.
8ody 1w|st - twlst your body lelt/rlght whlle keeplng your hlps laclng lorward
Leg Stretch|ng - a) stretch one leg at a tlme b) stretch both legs c) slt ln a lotus pose
Arm 1w|sts - a) try to connect your arms behlnd your back b) squeeze your hands together c) twlst your
hand uslng your other hand
8a|ance ostures - a) do a shoulder stand b) whlle ln the shoulder stand spread your legs apart
Leg Sw|ngs - swlng your legs lorward and back
1o galn muscle mass, you need to perlorm a lot ol rapld repetltlon exerclses uslng heavy welghts, whlch
put a lot ol straln on you, whlch make you tlre easlly. ll you are golng lor bulk, you need to perlorm at
most 7-8 reps belore gettlng tlred. ll you are dolng more than that, lt's tlme to lncrease the welght. ll
you are golng lor lean, you should locus on dolng more reps (11-12), at a smaller welght.
1here are a lot ol exerclses you can do to lncrease muscle mass, as wlth all muscle galn related
exerclses, your goal ls to max out the number ol reps lor posslble best results. 1he way you max out, ls
by decldlng ln the back ol your head to do 3 more than posslble. 1hat means even when you are dead
tlred, and knCW that you can't do a slngle one more, you should be trylng to do 3 more. 1hat's the only
way you push your body to the next level.
1here are a ton ol dlllerent exerclses you can do:
ushups: Standard, Mllltary, Wlde lly, uecllne, ulamond, ulve-8omber, lunge, 1wo-1wltch Speed,
Slde-to-Slde, Cne-Arm, Clap, Slow-Motlon 3-ln-1 ush ups
u||-ups: Standard, Wlde-lront, 8everse Crlp, Closed Crlp, Swltch Crlp, Corn Cob, 1owel
We|ght-||ft|ng: Peavy ants, Lawnmowers, Llbows-Cut Lawnmowers, 8ack llys, Alternatlng Shoulder
ress, ln & Cut 8lcep Curls. 1wo-arm 1rlcep klckbacks, ueep Swlmmer ress, lull Suplnatlon
Concentratlon Curls, uprlght 8ows, Statlc Arm Curls, lllp-Crlp 1wlst klckbacks, 1wo-Angle Shoulder llys,
Crouchlng Cohen Curls, Lylng 1rlcep Lxtenslons, ln&Cut Stralght Arm Shoulder llys, Congdon Curls, Slde
1rl-8lses, lloor llys, Scarecrows, Cverhead 1rlcep Lxtenslons, ?-resses, our llys, Slde-Leanlng 1rlcep
Lxtenslons, Welghted Clrcles, 1hrow the 8omb, Slo-Mo 1hrows, lront-to-8ack 1rlcep Lxtenslons, lly-
8ow resses, uumbbell Cross 8ody 8lows, 1wenty Cnes, Cne-Arm Cross 8ody Curls, Standlng 8lcep
Curls, Cne-Arm Concentratlon Curls, 8everse Crlp 8ent-over 8ows, Cpen Arm Curls, Statlc Arm Curls,
Congdon Locomotlve, Crouchlng Cohen Curls, Cne-Arm Corkscrew Curls, Seated 8ent-over llys, Curl-
up/Pammer-downs, Pammer Curls, ln-Cut Pammer Curls, Strlp-Step Curls
now that you know how to get your body ln shape, lt's tlme to learn some llghtlng moves.
1a|[utsu(unarmed f|ght|ng)
1al[utsu ls the unarmed llghtlng method ol the nln[a. 1he tal[utsu system does not use llxed stances,
lnstead lt uses dlllerent postures to lndlcate your llghtlng attltude. 1hese postures, called kamae, are
used to show your physlcal or splrltual attltude.
n|ra No kamae(natura| posture) - thls ls the neutral posltlon and ls used to begln your sell-delense. 1o
use thls posture, your leet need to be hlp wldth apart and your hands should be placed on your sldes or
your hlps. keep your eyes lorward on your opponent.
Ichomon[| No kamae(defens|ve posture) - thls ls the posltlon that you should use ll you are about to be
attacked. 1o use thls posltlon place your leet ln a lorm ol a L(place the rear loot llrst, then the lront) and
llex your knees. Lower your body and lead wlth your hlps. , you should lower and lead wlth your hlps.
lace your rear hand by your cheek, wlth the elbow level wlth your rlbs. keep your lront hand open. ln
thls posltlon you'll be uslng leaplng and slldlng movements.
Iumon[| No kamae(offens|ve posture) - thls ls the attack posltlon. 1urn your lront loot toe ln towards
your center, wlth the rear loot almed at your enemy. keep your rear heel oll the ground, and llex your
knees. keep your hands ln lront ol you, by your head. Make sure your elbows cover your rlbs. ln thls
posltlon you'll be uslng shullllng and slldlng movements.
now that you've learned the postures, lt's tlme to get down to actual llghtlng moves.
8elore you start punchlng, you should learn how to make a proper llst llrst. Slmple stull.yes.but many
people don't know how to make a proper llrst. 1o make a llst, you place your thumb on the mlddle
knuckle ol your lndex llnger.
Dr|ve unch - start oll lrom the lelt delenslve posture, then lower your hlps and shllt your body
lorward toward your enemy. unch your rlght llst lnto your enemy as you move your lelt llst lnto a
guard posltlon next to your cheek. Make sure to punch wlth a rlslng tra[ectory lor most lmpact. Cnce
you strlke your target, proceed ln a penetratlng manner lorclng your enemy to move back.
Lunge unch - start oll wlth the lelt delenslve posture, move your rlght loot lorward lnto the rlght
ollenslve posture, and as your leet change posltlons, drlve your rlght llst lorward lnto the enemy and
move your lelt llst beslde your cheek to protect your head.
Iront nand unches - start oll wlth the ollenslve posture, use your leadlng hand lor the llrst last
strlke(the power lor thls strlke comes lrom speedy movement ol your lorearm and llst), whlch you then
lollow up wlth your power punch or a klck. lt's lmportant to keep your torso relaxed lor easy movement.
Make sure to keep your rear loot sprung so that you can sllde your lront loot lorward on that lnltlal
strlke. As your hand approaches the target, allow your shoulder to rlse so that lt can protect your [aw.
?ou need to alm lor your enemy's llsts, arms or head wlth that lnltlal strlke. ln[urlng the opponent's
arms wlll glve you access to the body. Alter you perlorm the punch, pull ln your elbow to cover your
?ou have 3 optlons lor lront hand punches, you can use the back llst, you can do a stralght punch, or
you can use a cat-paw hook
8ock list. you prepare by posltlonlng your leadlng hand lnslde your shoulder, alter whlch you snap your
llst out and around lnto the enemy.
5troiqht Punch. place your leadlng hand ln lront ol your shoulder, drlve the knuckles ol your leadlng
hand stralght lnto the target.
cot Pow nook. place your leadlng hand [ust outslde your shoulder, then proceed to drlve knuckles
around lnto the target.
Shuto(open hand moves):
1he open hand moves can be used lor attacklng both solt and hard targets. lor hard targets you use the
slde ol your hand, whlle solt targets llke throat and eyes can be attacked uslng llnger tlps.
Ins|de Cpen nand Str|ke - 1hls ls the knlle hand strlke. 1o use thls move, you need to thrust your hand
lorward and to the outslde. Start oll wlth a llst, untll rlght belore the lmpact, at whlch polnt you should
open your hand lor the knlle hand strlke. 1o do a knlle hand, you need to tlghten the llngers together
and locus the lorce on the base ol your palm.rlght above the wrlst, beneath your plnky.
Cuts|de Cpen nand Str|ke - thls ls baslcally the hook verslon ol the above. ?ou thrust your hand
lorward and to the lnslde and once you reach the polnt ol lmpact you open the hand lor the strlke.
Spear nand Str|ke - you can use your hand as a spear" to drlve your llnger tlps ln to the enemy's solt
targets llke eyes and throat.
Gyaku-1e(hand tw|sts):
1he hand twlsts are used to overpower your opponent. Cnce you have the enemy ln the hand twlst,
they are under your control. ?ou can move them around llke a marlonette, lorce them down to thelr
knees and even slam them on the ground. 1here are two varlatlons ol the hand twlst, lnslde hand twlst
and outslde hand twlst.
Ins|de nand 1w|st - to perlorm thls move, you need to grab the enemy's lelt hand wlth your own lelt
hand. Make sure to cover the entlre back part ol hls hand. 1hen start twlstlng ln a counter clockwlse
dlrectlon whlle movlng your lelt loot back to glve you more room. keep up the twlstlng pressure and
grab the opponent's elbow wlth your rlght hand, then lorce them down to thelr knees.
Cuts|de nand 1w|st - ll the enemy uses the method above on you, you need to grab thelr lelt hand wlth
your rlght hand. Cover the entlre hand as above, then twlst ln a clockwlse dlrectlon, pushlng up under
hls knuckles ol hls plnky llnger wlth the palm ol your lelt hand, then [ust twlst ln a clockwlse manner,
whlle movlng your rlght loot to the rlght to glve you room.
klcklng ls a secondary weapon ln nln[utsu. Whlle most ol the damage wlll be done wlth punches, ln
nln[utsu you use klcklng to unbalance your opponent and to ln[ure thelr lower extremltles. ln nln[utsu
klcklng ls a smashlng move. What thls means ls that once you hlt the target, you contlnue drlvlng your
loot. So there are no snap klcks llke ln some other martlal arts.
Mae-Ger| - to perlorm thls move, you need to pull the knee up and then throw the loot lorward lnto
the opponent. 1he heel should be almed at the bone, whlle the toes can be almed at solter targets.
Ush|ro-Ger|(back-k|ck) - thls ls your baslc mule klck, look back over your shoulder and alm the heel ol
your loot lnto the enemy. lor maxlmum power, tuck your knee as hlgh as you can. 1hls ls where
stretchlng exerclses can help you galn extra lnches ln helght.
C|ose Combat:
ln close combat you'll use your elbows, knees and throws to domlnate your opponent. We are talklng
about real close combat here, where you slmply don't have the dlstance to throw a punch or a klck.
L|bows - to use your elbows, pull the llst lnto your chest at that last moment lor leverage. 1hls wlll
lncrease the power ol your hlt.
knees - to use your knees, you need to hlt your enemy at a perpendlcular angle. ?ou can achleve thls
wlth a slmple hlp twlst. Make sure to keep your elbows over your rlbs to protect yoursell durlng the
1hrows - to perlorm a throw, you need to get lnslde your opponent's guard. lace your loot behlnd the
enemy's lront loot, whlle you shove your llngertlps lnto the wlndplpe to dlsorlent them. 1hen [ust shllt
your welght lorward, whlch wlll put the other guy on hls back.
nln[utsu combat locuses on rapld comblnatlons ol strlklng and grappllng technlques. 1here are no 20
step movements that you need to memorlze llke ln some other methods. All you need to do ls learn the
dlllerent 2-3 movements lor each move, and then [ust use them at your own dlscretlon. 8ecause ol thls,
nln[utsu combat ls not predlctable, whlch glves you the added advantage. Why? 8ecause belore the
enemy llgures out the move you are golng to do, you've already llnlshed lt, and are ln the process ol
lnltlatlng your next move.
As a beglnner you need to locus on the baslc movements. 8epetltlon ls the only way to traln your body
the moves. Cnce you get to the next level you can start locuslng on dlllerent comblnatlons. 8ut once
you get to the advanced level, you need to llnd a partner to practlce lree-style llghtlng wlth.
Go 1on o(natura| e|ements)
1here are 3 go ton po elements that can be used lor combat and concealment. 1hese are water, llre,
metal, wood and earth.
Water - As a nln[a, you should be able to llght under water, water can also be used lor ambushlng your
opponents and lor escape. 1o be able to stay submerged under water, you need to use a tube lor
breathlng. lor water travel, a small lnllatable water cralt wlll go a long way. ll you are belng pursued,
splll water on the lloor to unbalance the chasers. 1o llght under water, you need to use pressure polnt
technlques. ress on the wlndplpe to cause coughlng. 1o weaken the grlp, plnch the pressure polnt on
the lorearm (rlght below the elbow). 1o push the attacker away, punch wlth both hands lnto the
enemy's rlbs. 8emember to use the proper llst lor thls. 1o lorce the enemy down grab over and behlnd
the collar bone and push down and out.
I|re - ?ou can use llre ln exploslves and llrearms, and you can use the smoke lor coverage. ?ou can set
llre to one area as a dlverslon, so you can get or leave an area. ?ou can use the sun to help you llght, by
keeplng lt at your back as you llght. ?ou can use a burnlng clgar or a llghter to burn the adversary as you
llght..although smoklng klnda deleats the purpose ol learnlng martlal arts.
Meta| - Metal technlques can be used lor dlverslons and lor creatlng sounds. 1hrow colns to create
nolse as you sneak around. ?ou can also throw those colns ln the lace ol the enemy to dlsorlent them as
you get llght. ?ou can use ball bearlngs to unbalance your pursuer, and these can also be used lor
throwlng at your enemy. Lock plcklng also lalls under the metal technlques. ll you need to get lnto a
metal structure, you can use acld to weaken the structure.
Wood - Wood technlques lnvolve uslng the woods lor concealment, by uslng plants, trees and hlgh
grass lor cover, use the lollage to hlde where you can see wlthout belng seen. ?ou should also be
lamlllar wlth carpentry and dlllerent constructlon methods. Learn the dlllerent polsonous plants so you
can use them lor harassment (and to avold gettlng hurt by them too)
Larth - Larth technlques are used lor cover, as well as combat, by uslng rocks, sand and clumps ol dlrt to
dlsorlent the opponents. ?ou can also use earth technlques to hlde among rocks or uneven ground. ?ou
should be able to run qulckly over rocks so that you can make pursult harder. lt's also lmportant to
research the areas you are ln, so that you'll have knowledge ol the terraln. Some people also conslder
vehlcles as earth technlques, slnce they make travel easler, so you should be able to drlve lor most people thls lnvolves learnlng to rlde motorcycles and learnlng to use manual
8o Iutsu(st|ck f|ght|ng)
8o[utsu ls the stall llghtlng method ol the nln[a. 1he 8o !utsu system borrows heavlly lrom tal[utsu, lt
uses many ol the same postures.
Ichomon[| No kamae(defens|ve posture) -1hls ls baslcally the same posture as the unarmed method,
but wlth a stall. 1here are three maln ways to hold the stall.
yes. Alm the stall at the eyes ol the adversary, and grlp the stall wlth your palms laclng down.
Mid-5ection. Alm at the mld-sectlon and hold the stall palms down.
uefense. Pold the stall across your body. Crlp the stall wlth both hands laclng palm down.
usinq o nonbo{short stoff) - keep your leet hlp-wldth apart and hold the stall palms down.
A stall ls a very potent weapon, thanks to lts length lt glves you plenty ol reach to hlt your opponent
whlle staylng outslde ol thelr reach. 1here are a number ol dlllerent ways to use a stall ollenslvely:
1op-Down Attack - use the leadlng edge ol the stall to brlng lt down sharply on the opponent's head or
lorearm. ll the opponent also has a stall, you can also hlt that. 1o lncrease your reach, make sure to
push you arms lorward.
k|s|ng Attack - lrom the delense posltlon, use the lower edge ol the stall to strlke the opponent's shln,
groln or the bottom ol thelr lorearms.
1hrust Attack - hold the stall wlth both hands, then thrust lt lorward lettlng lt sllde ln your hands untll
you reach the bottom part ol the stall, then grab lt llrmly, and proceed to thrust lt lnto your opponent's
chest or stomach.
Str|ke Attack - hold the stall ln the delense posture, move your rear loot lorward, whlle brlnglng the
rear ol the stall to strlke your opponent's head or lorearms.
Sweep|ng Attack - alm the stall at the eyes ol your opponent, lower your grlp and let the stall sllde
down ln your hands. Move your rear loot lorward and proceed wlth a sweeplng motlon where you use
the extended" stall, to strlke your enemy's knees or shlns.
1he stall ls mostly an ollenslve weapon. lt has very llmlted appllcatlons lor delense, and ls only vlable, ll
your opponent ls unarmed, has a stall ol thelr own or has a very short range weapon llke a knlle.
Defense aga|nst punches -as your opponent throws hls punch, move to the lnslde ol hls reach and use
your rlght hand to block thelr punch. Whlle proceedlng to strlke the enemy ln the rlbs wlth your stall
Defense Aga|nst Staffs - to delend agalnst other stalls, you need to put your stall ln the way ol the
opponent's stall. 1hls comes down to belng able to read your opponent. ?ou need to know what moves
are posslble lrom hls current posltlon , you need to know what he ls most llkely trylng to do as he goes
through the attack. ractlce ls very lmportant here, because you want to be able to perlorm the
delenslve move lnstlnctlvely.
1op uown 4ttock uefense - to delend agalnst a top down attack, start oll by keeplng your loot ln the
rear lor leverage. 1hen you need to llgure out the range, to see where the attack ls golng to hlt.your
head or your knees, then lnterpose your stall to block the attack there.
5trike 4ttock uefense - to delend agalnst thls move, move one loot back lor leverage and lnterpose
your stall across your shoulder
5weepinq 4ttock uefense - to protect agalnst thls move, move your stall lnto a vertlcal posltlon and
place lt by your loot.
Grab Defense w] nanbos:
Sometlmes the enemy wlll end up grabblng you.ln such an event, you can use a hanbo (walklng cane)
to make them pay dearly lor dolng that.
I|ght|ng wr|st grabs - ll the enemy grabs your wrlst(rlght wrlst), place your stlck across the top ol thelr
hand, grab lt wlth the llngers ol your other hand, and proceed to crush thelr llngers. 1hls technlque
works whether the enemy ls a rlghty or a lelty. ll they are a lelty, you'll [ust be crushlng thelr thumb,
lnstead ol the other 4 llngers.
I|ght|ng Iacket Grabs - ll the enemy grabs your [acket or shlrt, use the cane across hls lorearms(close to
the wrlsts) then apply pressure as you step back to make them go down
I|ght|ng nanbo Grabs - ll the enemy grabs your stlck, use your thumb to crush the enemy's thumb
ken o(sword f|ght|ng)
1he sword the most lethal weapon ln the nln[a's arsenal, unllke the long samural sword, thls one ls
almost hall as long. And there ls a very slmple reason lor that..unllke the samural sword, the nln[a
sword ls deslgned lor close range llghtlng/assasslnatlons. 8elore you go and spend $200-$900 on a
proper sword, we urge you to start oll wlth a wooden tralnlng sword. ?ou can buy one here. 1hey
usually sell lor $10-$20. Why buy a tralnlng sword? 8ecause as a newble" you really don't know what
you are dolng, and wlth a wooden sword there ls less chance ol causlng permanent damage.
1o hold the sword properly, you need to grlp the sword wlth both hands. lace your rlght hand above
your lelt hand, and make sure to keep a short dlstance between the hands.
1he 1hrust - the thrust ls a polnt technlque, slmply move your lront leg lorward, then lean on lt wlth
your hlps and stralghten out your arms, thrustlng the blade lorward. 1he best bet here ls to alm lor the
heart or the neck, slnce those wlll cause the hlghest blood loss.
1he Vert|ca| S|ash - the slash ls a slmple technlque. Slmply move lorward on your lelt loot, and ralse
your sword above your head at a 43 degree angle. 1hen move your rlght loot lorward and brlng your
sword down on the enemy's head. Speed ls ol the utmost lmportance here. Slnce thls technlque leaves
your chest exposed to an attack, you need to make sure that you perlorm lt whlle the enemy has no
chance ol hlttlng you back.
1he D|agona| S|ash - 1o perlorm thls move, start by movlng your lelt loot lorward whlle you place the
sword by your rlght shoulder, then step lorward on your rlght loot whlle swlnglng the bat" to strlke
your opponent. 1hls ls a much saler slash than the regular one, slnce you don't leave your chest
Defend|ng Aga|nst 1he 1hrust - to delend agalnst the thrust you need to knock the enemy's blade aslde
wlth yours. 1o do thls cross your sword wlth thelrs, then glve lt a push to the slde. Capltallze on thls
move, by slldlng your blade down along hls sword, and hlt the base ol thelr thumb.
Defend|ng Aga|nst the Vert|ca| S|ash - to delend agalnst the vertlcal slash walt lor the enemy to start
lunglng lorward then sldestep wlth your rlght loot, as you move to the slde slash at thelr mld-sectlon
wlth your sword held ln a horlzontal posltlon. note: thls applles ll your opponent knows what they are
dolng.ll they are slow, you can strlke them wlth a lunge whlle thelr dramatlcally" ralse thelr sword.
Defend|ng Aga|nst 1he S|ash - to delend agalnst the slash, you need to ralse your sword to cross wlth
thelr blade. Make sure to angle your attack to lower the pressure ol thelr attack. 1hen once thelr blade
lalls oll to the slde and becomes no threat to you, counter attack wlth a slash ol your own.
kusar|(cha|n combat)
1here are 4 chaln(kusarl) weapons that a nln[a uses. All ol these weapons can be used ln the short and
the long range.
Cb| - an obl ls baslcally [ust a plece ol tough ol labrlc. 1hese are usually 6-7 leet ln dlameter and are
usually wrapped around the walst.
1here are a number ol ways to use an obl. ?ou can use lt to tle your captured opponents. ?ou can use lt
to scale trees ([ust wrap lt around the tree and cllmb). And you can use lt ln actual combat. ?ou can use
lt to llght agalnst punches, klcks, and even opponents wlth swords. 1he baslc ldea ls to wrap your obl
around an opponent's appendage and then use that to brlng them down. lor example, let's say the
opponent throws a llst your way. ln that sltuatlon you slde-step the punch, and move your sash below
your opponent's wrlst. 1hen use your lelt hook to punch the enemy, whlle pulllng the sash together.
llnally contlnue wlth the movement to brlng the guy down and place your knee above the elbow to pln
them down.
kusar|-Iutte - kusarl !utte ls baslcally a 2-3 loot chaln wlth targeted welghts on the ends.
1o use the chaln, conceal lt ln your hands tlll the last moment, and then sllde your rear loot lorward as
you swlpe the chaln llke a yo-yo lnto the shlns arms or the head ol the attacker(a). ?ou can also throw
the chaln lnto the opponent's lace/hands to dlsorlent/hurt them, whlle you close ln wlth your llsts(b).
kyoketsu Shoge| - kyoketsu Shogel ls a 2 bladed knlle that ls attached to ten loot cord to allow lor long
range attacks.
ll you played the game mortal kombat, thls weapon wlll be lamlllar. 1here are a number ol ways to use
the kyoketsu shogel, both lor short range and long range attacks. lor long range attacks you can throw
the knlle and then once lt strlkes your opponent pull on the strlng to get lt back so you can attack more
enemles. Cr you can hold onto the strlng and slash lt down to strlke your opponent wlth the knlle end.
lor short range, you can throw the rlng end ol the kyoketsu shogel to wrap your rope around the ankle
ol the enemy, and once the enemy's leg ls ensnared.all you need to do ls pull on the rope to brlng up
the enemy's leg so that they topple, at whlch polnt you can llnlsh them oll wlth a blade. 1hls tactlc ls
especlally uselul, ll the enemy ls comlng at you wlth a stall or a sword, at thls polnt you [ust add an extra
step where you duck down below thelr attack, belore perlormlng the maneuver.
kusar|-Gama - kusarl-gama ls a ten loot chaln, attached to a 1 loot handle, wlth a slckle knlle on the
1here are a number ol ways to use these. And you can use them as a regular slckle([ust swlng lt llke an
axe), you can hold onto the chaln and swlng around the slckle to keep your enemy at a dlstance. And
worse comes to worst, you can even use them to delend agalnst an enemy wlth a sword. 1o do that
slmply use the chaln to catch the slash and then dellect lt by stepplng back and turnlng your body ln the
dlrectlon ol the enemy's slash. 1hen once the sword ls ol no danger to you, use the slckle blade to strlke
your enemy's throat.
Shu|ken[utsu(shur|ken]stars throw|ng)
1he senban shurlken ls a lour polnt throwlng blade that can be used accurately up to 30 leet. ?ou can
also hold lt ln your hand lor close range llghtlng. 1o throw a shurlken, start oll by grabblng lt at the
outermost edge ol one ol the polnts. Cnce you are ready to throw, throw lt on a level plane.
1o practlce throwlng shurlkens, setup a target 2 leet away. lt may seem sllly, but the whole polnt ol the
tralnlng ls to learn how to stralghten your arm, and most lmportantly when to release the blade lor
maxlmum accuracy.
1o throw a shurlken properly you need to remember that your hand and your lorearm need to move as
one unlt. ?ou should never bend your wrlst, slnce that wlll cause a snap whlch wlll ruln all accuracy. ?our
arm should be polntlng stralght at the target when you release the shurlken lor optlmal accuracy. 1lmlng
ls throw the shurlken early, and lt'll go to one slde ol the throw lt late, and
lt'll go to the other slde.
1here are two ways to throw the shurlkens, and each method has lt's own advantages and
nor|zonta| Shur|ken 1hrow|ng Method - thls method wlll glve you the most range, and wlll glve you a
lew extra lnches horlzontally where you can hlt the enemy.
Vert|ca| Shur|ken 1hrow|ng Method - throwlng the shurlken vertlcally wlll glve you laster speed, and
wlll allow lor less degradatlon durlng lllght. uependlng where you alm, thls method can mean more
room lor error.
Stra|ght 8|ade 1hrow|ng
1here are two ways to throw a blade. ?ou can throw lt lor a stralght lllght or lor a spln lllght. 1o throw a
blade lollow the lnstructlons lor shurlken stars, and make sure to throw wlth a llxed wrlst.
1o begln practlclng blade throwlng, setup a target 4-6 leet away. 1hen practlce throwlng the blade polnt
llrst. keep practlclng untll you can hlt the target 4-3 tlmes ln a row. 1hen double your dlstance to ~12
leet and throw the knlle handle llrst at the target. 1he blade should turn 180 degrees and hlt the target
wlth the edge ol the knlle. keep practlclng untll you once agaln can repeat the hlt 4-3 tlmes ln a row.
Cnce agaln lncrease your dlstance, thls tlme to 18 leet. 1hrow the blade polnt llrst, and have lt turn 360
degrees to hlt the target wlth the knlle edge.
keep practlclng all the dlllerent dlstance, untll once agaln you manage to hlt 4-3 tlmes ln a row. Alter
you master llxed dlstance, you'll have to do the hard part.learnlng the angles necessary lor random
dlstances. lt's baslc know that 6 leet = 180 degrees ol spln, whlch means each loot ls 30
degrees dlllerence. 1hen [ust ad[ust your lnltlal throw, to compensate lor the extra dlstance.
Cn Sh|n Iutsu(|nv|s|b|||ty)
lt's very sad that thls has to be sald.but none ol these technlques wlll make you lnvlslble. Cn shln [utsu
ls about dlsappearlng lnto the crowd, hldlng your ldentlty, exceedlng expectatlons than slmple golng
pool. lor nln[as thls ls called Shlchl Po ue(seven ways ol golng), whlch baslcally means the dlllerent
ways you can dlsgulse yoursell to lnllltrate an area.
1hls baslcally bolls down to knowlng the role you are golng to play. ?ou need to know the accents, and
all the knowledge that a potentlal person ln that role mlght know. 1he best roles are usually the ones
that have some sort ol authorlty. noone questlons a cop or an audltor lrom capltallze on
Well that's pretty much lt on nln[utsu. Popelully you en[oyed thls crash course.

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