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Lesson story observation sheet

Teachers name Bill

Level Bsico
What the teacher was
trying to achieve (check the
opening screen caption)
Speaking and pronunciation
What teaching equipment
(paper, books, technology)
the teacher used and
your reactions to this
Pizarrn, marcadores, mmica
Tecniques the teacher used
(grammar explanation,
pronunciation teaching,
speaking organisation)
Grammar explanation, pronunciation, speaking, practica
en grupo
Things you noticed about
the teachers
behaviour/manner in the
Paciente, dinmico, alegre por su trabajo y con mucha
Things you noticed about
the students
behaviour/manner in the
Empezaron de manera aptica pero se elev ms inters
con el transcurso de la clase
Your favourite part of the
La parte en la que silba para resaltar la entonacin
Your overall impression of
the lesson
La tcnica y le poco material didctico que uso en clases

Teachers name Elli
Level Bsico
What the teacher was
trying to achieve (check the
opening screen caption)
Future with going to about her family
What teaching equipment
(paper, books, technology)
the teacher used and
your reactions to this
Guion de la clase, fotografas respecto al tema, mmica y
Tecniques the teacher used
(grammar explanation,
pronunciation teaching,
speaking organisation)
Speaking y listening
Things you noticed about
the teachers
behaviour/manner in the
Una clase que me parece no muy buena, ya que la
maestra no fomentaba la participacin de la clase
Things you noticed about
the students
behaviour/manner in the
Los alumnos se vean muy apticos y aburridos
Your favourite part of the
El uso de las manos para la entonacin de las palabras
Your overall impression of
the lesson
Usa solo mmica

Teachers name Kit
Level Pre-Intermediate
What the teacher was
trying to achieve (check the
opening screen caption)
Ask and give directions
What teaching equipment
(paper, books, technology)
the teacher used and
your reactions to this
Radio, plumones de varios colores, pizarrn, libro,
dibujos, copias
Tecniques the teacher used
(grammar explanation,
pronunciation teaching,
speaking organisation)
Grammar explanation, pronunciation teaching, speaking
organisation, practice, oral practice
Things you noticed about
the teachers
behaviour/manner in the
Muy ordenado, buena actitud, tiene acercamiento con sus
alumnos y les brinda apoyo
Things you noticed about
the students
behaviour/manner in the
Pusieron mucha atencin y eran muy participativos
Your favourite part of the
Uso de mucho material didctico
Your overall impression of
the lesson
Que plane la clase y se notan las ganas de ensear

Teachers name Brbara
Level Intermediate
What the teacher was
trying to achieve (check the
opening screen caption)
Annoying rules
What teaching equipment
(paper, books, technology)
the teacher used and
your reactions to this
Pizarrn interactivo, can, diapositivas, fotos, libros y
material auditivo
Tecniques the teacher used
(grammar explanation,
pronunciation teaching,
speaking organisation)
Promueve la discusin en grupo, speaking organisation,
speaking y motivacin
Things you noticed about
the teachers
behaviour/manner in the
Tiene una actitud muy positiva en la clase y es muy dinmica
Things you noticed about
the students
behaviour/manner in the
Participan mucho y muy positivos
Your favourite part of the
El buen uso del material tecnolgico
Your overall impression of
the lesson
El uso de la tecnologa

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