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Homeopathic Treatment, Cure & Medicines

Potts Disease / Tuberculosis of Spine

Potts disease is a presentation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis that affects the spine, a
kind of tuberculous arthritis of the intervertebral joints. Scientifically, it is called
tuberculous spondylitis. Potts disease is the most common site of bone infection in TB;
hips and knees are also often affected. The loer thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae
are the areas of the spine most often affected.
Pott!s disease, hich is also knon as Potts caries, "avid!s disease, and Pott!s
curvature, is a medical condition of the spine. #ndividuals sufferin$ from Pott!s disease
typically experience back pain, ni$ht seats, fever, ei$ht loss, and anorexia. They may
also develop a spinal mass, hich results in tin$lin$, numbness, or a $eneral feelin$ of
eakness in the le$ muscles. %ften, the pain associated ith Pott!s disease causes the
sufferer to alk in an upri$ht and stiff position.
Potts disease is caused hen the vertebrae become soft and collapse as the result of
caries or osteitis. Typically, this is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. &s a result, a
person ith Pott!s disease often develops kyphosis, hich results in a hunchback. This is
often referred to as Potts curvature. #n some cases, a person ith Pott!s disease may
also develop paralysis, referred to as Potts paraple$ia, hen the spinal nerves become
affected by the curvature.
ETI!"# of Tuberculosis of Spine
' (ausative or$anism) *ycobacterium tuberculosis.
' Spread) +aemato$enous. ,by blood-
' (ommonly associated ith) "ebilitatin$ diseases, &#"S, "ru$ addiction, &lcoholism.
S$mptoms of Tuberculosis of Spine
The onset is $radual.
' Back pain is localised.
' .estricted spinal movements.
' /ever.
' 0i$ht seats.
' &norexia.
' 1ei$ht loss.
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' There may be kyphosis. ,spinal curvature-
' *uscle astin$.
' & paravertebral sellin$ may be seen.
' They tend to assume a protective upri$ht, stiff position.
' #f there is neural involvement there ill be neurolo$ical si$ns.
' & psoas abscess ,may present as a lump in the $roin and resemble a hernia-.
Differential dia%nosis
' Pyo$enic osteitis of the spine.
' Spinal tumours.
I,-ESTI")TI, for Tuberculosis of Spine
' T4() 4eucocytosis.
' 5S.) raised durin$ acute sta$e.
Tuberculin test
' Stron$ly positive.
' 0e$ative test does not exclude dia$nosis.
)spirate from /oint space & abscess
' Transparency) turbid.
' (olour) creamy.
' (onsistency) cheesy.
' /ibrin clot) lar$e.
' *ucin clot) poor.
' 1B()
' Shos $ranulomatous tubercle.
01&a$ spine
' 0arroed joint space.
' "iffuse vertebral osteoporosis adjacent to joint.
' 5rosion of bone.
' /usiform paraspinal shado of abscess in soft tissue.
' "estruction of bone.
' 1ed$e9shaped deformity ,collapse of vertebrae anteriorly-.
' Bony ankylosis.
' :ertebral collapse resultin$ in kyphosis.
' Spinal cord compression.
' Sinus formation.
' Paraple$ia ,so called Pott!s paraple$ia-.
"E,E&)! M),)"EME,T for Pott2s Disease
' Bed rest.
' #mmobilisation of affected joint by splinta$e.
' 0utritious, hi$h protein diet.
' "raina$e of abscess.
' Sur$ical decompression.
' Physiotherapy.
Homeopath$ Treatment & Homeopathic &emedies for Spinal
+omeopathy treats the person as a hole. #t means that homeopathic treatment focuses
on the patient as a person, as ell as his patholo$ical condition. The homeopathic
medicines are selected after a full individuali;in$ examination and case9analysis, hich
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includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. &
miasmatic tendency ,predisposition2susceptibility- is also often taken into account for
the treatment of chronic conditions. The medicines $iven belo indicate the therapeutic
affinity but this is not a complete and definite $uide to the treatment of this condition.
The symptoms listed a$ainst each medicine may not be directly related to this disease
because in homeopathy $eneral symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken
into account for selectin$ a remedy. To study any of the folloin$ remedies in more
detail, please visit our *ateria *edica section. 0one of these medicines should be taken
ithout professional advice.
Homeopathic &emedies
Calc carb9
Pain as if sprained; can scarcely rise; from overliftin$. Pain beteen shoulder9blades,
impedin$ breathin$. .heumatism in lumbar re$ion; eakness in small of back.
(urvature of dorsal vertebrae. 0ape of neck stiff and ri$id.
(alc carb suits to person ith 4eucophle$matic constitution, blond hair, li$ht complexion,
blue eyes, fair skin; tendency to obesity in youth. Psoric constitutions; pale, eak, timid,
easily tired hen alkin$. "isposed to $ro fat, corpulent, unieldy. (hildren ith red
face, flabby muscles, ho seat easily and take cold readily in conse<uence. 4ar$e
heads and abdomens; fontanelles and sutures open; bones soft, develop very sloly.
(urvature of bones, especially spine and lon$ bones; extremities crooked, deformed;
bones irre$ularly developed. +ead seats profusely hile sleepin$,
Calc phos9
.heumatic pain and stiffness of neck ith dulness of head, from sli$ht drou$ht of air.
(ramp9like pain in neck first one side then the other ,ri$ht to left-. Throbbin$ or jerkin$
pains belo scapula. :iolent pain in re$ion of back hen makin$ the least effort.
Backache and uterine pains. Sharp pains in sacrum and coccyx. Soreness as if separate
in sacro9illiac synchondrosis. (urvature of the spine to the left, lumbar vertebrae bend to
the left, spina bifida. Soreness in sacro9iliac symphysis, as if broken.
(alc phos suits to person ith anaemic and dark complexion, dark hair and eyes; thin
spare subjects, instead of fat.
Phos acid9
Tension and cramp9like drain$ in muscles of neck, especially on movin$ head. *iliaria
on neck. Borin$ pain beteen scapulae. Spondylitis of cervical vertebrae.
5ruption, painful to touch, on back, shoulder9blades, neck, and chest. Burnin$ pain in a
spot above small of back. #tchin$ stitch in coccyx, fine stitches in coccyx and sternum.
(ralin$ ,formication- tin$lin$ in back and loins.
Phos acid best suited to persons of ori$inally stron$ constitutions, ho have become
debilitated by loss of vital fluids.
.i$idity of nape of neck. Pressure on shoulders. Sellin$ of neck. 5n$or$ement of
axillary $lands and of those of nape of neck and of neck. Paralysed sensation in upper
sacrum and loer lumbar vertebrae. (ontusive pain in loins and back ,as if back ere
broken-, especially after havin$ been seated a lon$ time, hinderin$ alkin$, risin$ up, or
makin$ the least movement. Pain in small of the back hen risin$ from a stoopin$
position. Sensitiveness of spinous processes of dorsal vertebrae to pressure. Softenin$
of spine. +eat or burnin$ in back, beteen scapula. Tearin$s and stitches in and beneath
both scapula. Pain in coccyx impedin$ easy motion, can find no comfortable position,
folloed by painful stiffness of nape. (occyx painful to touch as from an ulcer. Transient
pain from coccyx thou$h spine to vertex that dre head back durin$ the stool. Backache
and palpitations prevail.
Phos best adapted to tall slender persons of san$uine temperament, fair skin, eyelashes,
fine blond, or red hair, <uick perceptions, and very sensitive nature. 3oun$ people ho
$ro too rapidly are inclined to stoop ho are chlorotic or anaemic; old people, ith
mornin$ diarrhea. 0ervous, eak; desires to be ma$neti;ed %versensitiveness of all the
senses to external impressions, li$ht, noise, odors, touch. .estless, fid$ety; moves
continually, cannot sit or stand still a moment Burnin$) in spots alon$ the spine;
beteen the scapulae; or intense heat runnin$ up the back;of palms of hands in chest
and lun$s; of every
PTuberculosis of Spine Symptoms, Cure, Cause, Treatment, Homeopath...
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or$an or tissue of the body $enerally in diseases of nervous system. +aemorrha$e
diathesis; small ounds bleed profusely.
Stiffness of nape, ith headache. Sellin$ of $lands of nape, in the neck, and under the
axillae ,ith suppuration-, sometimes ith induration. Suppuration of axillary $lands.
(aries of clavicle.Stitches beteen the hips.(occyx painful, as after a lon$ carria$e
ride.9 Stin$in$ in os coccy$es on risin$, painful to pressure. 9Scabby elevation on coccyx,
above fissure of nates.9 Pain in the loins, hich prevents risin$ up, and forces patient to
remain lyin$ don.9 #nflammatory abscess in lumbar re$ion ,on the psoas muscle-.9
1eakness and paralytic stiffness in back, loins, and nape.9 Tearin$s and shootin$s in the
back.9 Shootin$s in the loins, hen seated or lyin$ don.9Burnin$ in back hen alkin$
in open air and becomin$ arm.9 &chin$, shootin$, burnin$, and throbbin$ in lumbo9
sacral re$ion.9 Sellin$ and distortion of spine ,curvature of the vertebrae-.9(ontusive
pain beteen the shoulder9blades.
Silicea best adapted to the nervous, irritable, san$uine temperament; persons of a
psoric diathesis. Persons of li$ht complexion; fine dry skin; pale face; eakly, ith lax
muscles. (onstitutions hich suffer from deficient nutrition, not because food is lackin$
in <uality or <uantity, but from imperfect assimilation. %versensitive, physically and
mentally. Scrofulous, rachitic children ith lar$e heads; open fontanelles and sutures;
much seatin$ about the head.
Stiffness of neck, in nape, ith paralytic, sprained pain. (hild cannot hold head up neck
muscles so eak. Tetters on nape. Sellin$ and inflammation of $lands of nape and of
neck.Sellin$ and suppuration of axillary $lands. (rackin$ in vertebrae of neck,
especially on bendin$ backards. 1eakness and renchin$ pains, or pain as from a
bruise in loins, coccyx, and in back, especially on alkin$, or risin$ from a seat. =nain$
pain in small of back. Pain in small of back not permittin$ one to stand erect. /inds
himself at ni$ht lyin$ on back. (annot lie on back on account of rush of blood to head.
Pain in back after manual labour. Shootin$s in loins, back, and shoulder9blades,
sometimes ith obstructed respiration. Sharp and rheumatic pains, drain$, tension,
and stiffness in loins, back,and nape. Pinchin$ and burnin$ sensation beteen the
shoulder9blades. Tension and bruised pain beteen scapulae and in nape, hich on
movin$ head $oes to shoulders. Stitches beneath scapulae hich take aay the breath.
"rain$ in ri$ht scapula, evenin$ on $oin$ to sleep. Tearin$ in left scapula hile sittin$.
0eedle9shoots at point of left scapula. Sprained pains in back. "urin$ hole day achin$
in small of back, orse hen urinatin$."istortion ,curvature- of spine. :ertebrae
softened. (rackin$ of vertebrae on bendin$ head backard.
Sulphur &dapted to persons of a scrofulous diathesis, subject to venous con$estion;
especially of portal system. Persons of nervous temperament, <uick motioned, <uick
tempered, plethoric, skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric chan$es. /or lean, stoop9
shouldered persons ho alk and sit stoopin$ like old men. Standin$ is the orst
position for sulphur patients; they cannot stand; every standin$ position is
uncomfortable. "irty, filthy people, prone to skin affections. &version to bein$ ashed;
alays >. after a bath.
Pain in back from a fall, from sexual excess. Pott!s disease after injury. Psoas abscess.
*uch used amon$ herbalists in caries of spinal and other bones.
Symphytum facilitates union of fractured bones; lessens peculiar prickin$ pain; favors
production of callous; hen trouble is of nervous ori$in. #rritability at point of fracture;
periosteal pains after ounds have healed.
1 Homeopath$ for Pott2s spine
1 Spine Pain
1 Tuberculinum bo5inum
1 !un% cancer
1 )bscess 3Tubercular abscess4
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Prolapsed Inter5retebral Disc
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