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1.Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps in the correct tense Past Perfect or Simple Past.

1) After Fred (to spend) his holiday in Italy he (to want) to learn Italian.
2) Jill (to phone) Dad at work before she (to leave) for her trip.
3) Susa (to turn on) the radio after she (to wash) the dishes.
4) hen she (to arrive) the !at"h already (to start).
#) After the !an (to come) ho!e he (to feed) the "at.
$) %efore he (to sing) a son& he (to play) the &uitar.
') She (to watch) a (ideo after the "hildren (to go) to bed.
)) After *ri" (to make) breakfast he (to phone) his friend.
+) I (to be) (ery tired be"ause I (to study) too !u"h.
1,) -hey (to ride) their bikes before they (to meet) their friends.
2.Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect simple).
1. -he stor! destroyed the sand"astle that we (build).
2. .e (not / be) to /ape -own before 1++'.
3. hen she went out to play0 she (do / already) her ho!ework.
4. 1y brother ate all of the "ake that our !u! (make).
#. -he do"tor took off the plaster that he (put on) si2 weeks before.
$. -he waiter brou&ht a drink that I (not / order).
'. I "ould not re!e!ber the poe! we (learn) the week before.
). -he "hildren "olle"ted the "hestnuts that (fall) the tree.
+. (he / phone) An&ie before he went to see her in 3ondon4
1,. She (not / ride) a horse before that day.
3.rite the verbs in Past Perfect Simple.
1. -he pupils talked about the fil! they (!atch).
2. I was late for work be"ause I (miss) the bus.
3. e li(ed in the house that !y father (build).
4. e ad!ired the pi"ture that 3u"y (paint).
#. -hey watered the trees that they 5plant)
$. -he tea"her "orre"ted the tests that the pupils (!rite).
'. I re"ei(ed a &ood !ark in !y test be"ause I (practise)
). -he !ail order house did not send !e the shirt that I (order).
+. I had to "lean the floor be"ause !y "ats (knock) o(er the flower pots.
1,. 1y friend was in hospital be"ause she (slip) on a banana skin.
".#omplete the $uestions in Past Perfect Simple.
1. (!hat / %ob / do) that he was kept in after s"hool4
2. (you / eat) anythin& before you went to the theatre4
3. (he / live) in 3ondon before he !o(ed to 6las&ow4
4. (she / find) a new 7ob by that ti!e4
#. (they / book) a roo! before they went to Dublin4
$. (ho! often / you / ring) the bell before he answered the door4
'. 5!hy / they / have) dinner before they "a!e to the party4
). (#arly / !ash) the dishes when her !u! "a!e ho!e4
+. (you / read) the "ontra"t before you si&ned it4
1,. (!ho / live) in the house before we !o(ed in4
rite the past participle (3rd form) of the follo!ing irregular verbs.
1. speak
2. "at"h
3. eat
4. understand
#. be&in
#omplete the sentences in Past Perfect Simple (positive).
1. I lost the key that he (give) to !e.
2. She told !e that she (see)a &host.
3. I went downstairs be"ause I 5hear) a noise.
4. hen they "a!e ho!e0 Sue (cook) dinner already.
#. e "ould not send you a post"ard be"ause we (forget) our address book.
#omplete the sentences in Past Perfect Simple (negative).
1. -he waiter ser(ed so!ethin& that we (not / order).
2. .e went to Alaska where he (not / be) before.
3. She put on the red dress0 whi"h she (not / !ear) for a&es.
4. .e (not / play) tennis before that day.
#. .is !other was an&ry be"ause he (not / help) her with the shoppin&.
#omplete the $uestions in Past Perfect Simple.
1. (you / finish) your ho!ework before you went to the "ine!a4
2. (!hy / you / clean) the bathroo! before you bathed the do&4
3. (you / have) breakfast before you "a!e here4
4. (she / find) a pla"e to stay when she went to %oston4
#. (!here / she / live) before she !o(ed to /hi"a&o4
rite the past participle (3rd form) of the follo!ing irregular verbs.
1. think
2. sleep
3. throw
4. wear
#. swi!
#omplete the sentences in Past Perfect Simple (positive).
1. -hey spent their honey!oon in 8aris where they (meet) two years before.
2. hen Ali"e (do) the shoppin&0 she pi"ked her "hildren up fro! s"hool.
3. .e showed us the pla"e where he (hurt) his le&.
4. I looked at the photos that he (send).
#. 9esterday I read an interestin& arti"le whi"h !y tea"her (recommend) to !e.
#omplete the sentences in Past Perfect Simple (negative).
1. I (not / touch) a snake before that day.
2. Andy won the !at"h althou&h he (not / play) s:uash before.
3. hen I left the house0 I (not / have) breakfast yet.
4. Ji! "rashed into another "ar be"ause he (not / realise) the red traffi" li&ht.
#. I worked on Saturday0 so I (not / go) to the party the day before.
#omplete the $uestions in Past Perfect Simple.
1. (!hat / you / say) before you opened the window4
2. (he / speak) to you before he "alled us4
3. (you / s!itch) off the "ooker before we left4
4. (you / take) the laundry in when it started to rain4
#. (!ho / live) in that house before the S!iths bou&ht it4
Past Perfect ' (uestions
1ake the past perfe"t si!ple ; <wh< or <yes=no< :uestions
1) (you/go) there before we went to&ether4 .
2) (she/see) the fil! already4 .
3) hy 5he/forget) about the !eetin&4 .
4) 5it/be) "old all week4 .
#) ()/read) the book before the "lass4 .
$) hen she arri(ed (!e/eat) already4 .
') here (you/be) when I saw you4 .
)) (they/travel) by bullet train before4 .
+) (*ohn/meet) 3u"y before they worked to&ether4 .
1,) (you/do) your ho!ework before I saw you4 .
11) here (she/!ork)+ .
12) ()/pay) the bill before we left4 .
13) (!e/visit) !y parents already that winter4 .
14) hen you "alled0 (they/eat) dinner4 .
1#) .ow (he/manage) to fi2 the "ooker4 .
1$) (my sister/be) si"k for a lon& ti!e4 .
1') .ow !u"h (she/study) before the e2a!4 .
1)) hat (you/cook) for dinner that ni&ht4 .
1+) hen (they/arrive)+ .
2,) .ow !any "offees 5she/drink) before the inter(iew4

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