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Google XML Sitemaps Generator for WordPress


This generator will create a compliant sitemap of your WordPress b
Currently homepage, posts, static pages, categories, archives and author pages
are supported.

The priority of a post depends on its comments. You can choose the way the prio
is calculated in the options screen.

Feel free to visit my website under or contact me at
himself [at] arnebrachhold [dot] de

Have fun!

1. Upload the full directory into your wp-content/plugins directory
2. Make your blog directory writeable OR create two files called sitemap.xml
and sitemap.xml.gz and make them writeable via CHMOD In most cases, your blo
g directory is already writeable.
2. Activate it in the Plugin options
3. Edit or publish a post or click on Rebuild Sitemap on the Sitemap Administra
tion Interface

Additional contributors:
Inspiration Michael Nguyen
SQL Improvements Rodney Shupe
Japanse Lang. File Hirosama
Spanish lang. File Omi
Italian lang. File Stefano Aglietti
Trad.Chinese File Kirin Lin
Simpl.Chinese File june6
Swedish Lang. File Tobias Bergius
Czech Lang. File Peter Kahoun
Finnish Lang. File Olli Jarva
Belorussian Lang. File Marcis Gasuns
Bulgarian Lang. File Alexander Dichev

Thanks to all contributors and bug reporters! There were much more people invol
in testing this plugin and reporting bugs, either by email or in the WordPress

Unfortunately I can't maintain a whole list here, but thanks again to everybody
not listed here!

Release History:
2005-06-05 1.0 First release
2005-06-05 1.1 Added archive support
2005-06-05 1.2 Added category support
2005-06-05 2.0a Beta: Real Plugin! Static file generation, Admin UI
2005-06-05 2.0 Various fixes, more help, more comments, configurable fi
2005-06-07 2.01 Fixed 2 Bugs: 147 is now _e(strval($i)); instead of _e($
i); 344 uses a full < ?php instead of < ?
Thanks to Christian Aust for reporting this :)
2005-06-07 2.1 Correct usage of last modification date for cats and arc
hives (thx to Rodney Shupe (
Added support for .gz generation
Fixed bug which ignored different post/page priorities
Should support now different wordpress/admin directories
2005-06-07 2.11 Fixed bug with hardcoded table table names instead of th
e $wpd vars
2005-06-07 2.12 Changed SQL Statement of the categories to get it work o
n MySQL 3
2005-06-08 2.2 Added language file support:
- Japanese Language Files and code modifications by hiro
masa (
- German Language File by Arne Brachhold (http://www.arn
2005-06-14 2.5 Added support for external pages
Added support for Google Ping
Added the minimum Post Priority option
Added Spanish Language File by Csar Gmez Martn (http://www.
Added Italian Language File by Stefano Aglietti (http://
Added Traditional Chine Language File by Kirin Lin (http
2005-07-03 2.6 Added support to store the files at a custom location
Changed the home URL to have a slash at the end
Required admin-functions.php so the script will work wit
h external calls, wp-mail for example
Added support for other plugins to add content to the si
temap via add_filter()
2005-07-20 2.7 Fixed wrong date format in additional pages
Added Simplified Chinese Language Files by june6 (http:/
Added Swedish Language File by Tobias Bergius (http://to
2006-01-07 3.0b Added different priority calculation modes and introduce
d an API to create custom ones
Added support to use the Popularity Contest plugin by Al
ex King to calculate post priority
Added Button to restore default configuration
Added several links to homepage and support
Added option to exclude password protected posts
Added function to start sitemap creation via GET and a s
ecret key
Posts and pages marked for publish with a date in the fu
ture won't be included
Improved compatiblity with other plugins
Improved speed and optimized settings handling
Improved user-interface
Recoded plugin architecture which is now fully OOP
2006-01-07 3.0b1 Changed the way for hook support to be PHP5 and PHP4 com
Readded support for tools like w.Bloggar
Fixed "doubled-content" bug with WP2
Added xmlns to enable validation
2006-03-01 3.0b3 More performance
More caching
Better support for Popularity Contest and WP 2.x
2006-11-16 3.0b4 Fixed bug with option SELECTS
Decreased memory usage which should solve timeout and me
mory problems
Updated namespace to support YAHOO and MSN
2007-01-19 3.0b5 Javascripted page editor
WP 2 Design
YAHOO notification
New status report, removed ugly logfiles
Better Popularity Contest Support
Fixed double backslashes on windows systems
Added option to specify time limit and memory limit
Added option to define a XSLT stylesheet and added a def
ault one
Fixed bug with sub-pages. Thanks to:
- Mike Baptiste (,
- Peter Claus Lamprecht (
- Glenn Nicholas (
Improved file handling, thanks to VJTD3 (http://www.VJTD
WP 2.1 improvements
2007-01-23 3.0b6 Use memory_get_peak_usage instead of memory_get_usage if
Removed the usage of REQUEST_URI since it not correct in
all environments
Fixed that sitemap.xml.gz was not compressed
Added compat function "stripos" for PHP4 (Thanks to Jose
ph Abboud!)
Streamlined some code
2007-05-17 3.0b7 Added option to include the author pages like /author/jo
Small enhancements, removed stripos dependency and the a
dded compat function
Added check to not build the sitemap if importing posts
Fixed missing domain parameter for translator name
Fixed WP 2.1 / Pre 2.1 post / pages database changes
Fixed wrong XSLT location (Thanks froosh)
Added notification
Removed unused javascript
2007-07-22 3.0b8 Changed category SQL to prevent unused cats from beeing
Plugin will be loaded on "init" instead of direclty afte
r the file has been loaded.
Added support for robots.txt modification
Switched YAHOO ping API from YAHOO Web Services to the "
normal" ping service which doesn't require an app id
Search engines will only be pinged if the sitemap file h
as changed
2007-09-02 3.0b9 Added tag support for WordPress 2.3
Now using post_date_gmt instead of post_date everywhere
Fixed archive bug with static pages (Thanks to Peter Cla
us Lamprecht)
Fixed some missing translation domains, thanks to Kirin
Added Czech translation files for 2.7.1, thanks to Peter
Kahoun (
2007-09-04 3.0b10 Added category support for WordPress 2.3
Fixed bug with empty URLs in sitemap
Repaired GET building
Added more info on debug mode
2007-09-23 3.0b11 Changed mysql queries to unbuffered queries
Uses MUCH less memory
Fixed really stupid bug with search engine pings
Option to set how many posts will be included
2007-09-24 3.0 Yeah, 3.0 Final after one and a half year ;)
Removed useless functions
2007-11-03 3.0.1 Using the Snoopy HTTP client for ping requests instead o
f wp_remote_fopen
Fixed undefined translation strings
Added "safemode" for SQL which doesn't use unbuffered re
sults (old style)
Added option to run the building process in background u
sing wp-cron
Removed unnecessary function_exists, Thanks to user00265
Added links to test the ping if it failed.
2007-11-25 3.0.2 Fixed bug which caused that some settings were not saved
Added option to exclude pages or post by ID
Restored YAHOO ping service with API key since the other
one is to unreliable. (see 3.0b8)
2007-11-28 Fixed wrong XML Schema Location (Thanks to Emanuele Tess
Added Russian Language files by Sergey
2007-12-30 3.0.3 Added Live Search Ping
Removed some hooks which rebuilt the sitemap with every
2008-03-30 Added compatibility CSS for WP 2.5
2008-04-28 Improved WP 2.5 handling
2008-04-29 Fixed author pages
Enhanced background building and increased delay to 15 s
Background building is enabled by default
2008-04-28 3.1b1 Reorganized files in builder, loader and UI
Added 2 step loader so only code that's needed will be l
Improved WP 2.5 handling
Secured all admin actions with nonces
2008-05-18 3.1b2 Fixed critical bug with the build in background option
Added notification if a build is scheduled
2008-05-19 3.1b3 Cleaned up plugin directory and moved asset files to sub
Fixed background building bug in WP 2.1
Removed auto-update plugin link for WP < 2.5
2008-05-22 3.1 Marked as 3.1 stable, updated documentation
2008-05-27 Extracted UI JS to external file
Enabled the option to include following pages of multi-p
age posts
Script tries to raise memory and time limit if active
2008-12-21 3.1.1 Fixed redirect issue if wp-admin is rewritten via mod_re
write, thanks to macjoost
Fixed wrong path to assets, thanks PozHonks
Fixed wrong plugin URL if wp-content was renamed / redir
ected, thanks to wnorris
Updated WP User Interface for 2.7
Various other small things
2008-12-26 3.1.2 Changed the way the stylesheet is saved (default / custo
m stylesheet)
Sitemap is now build when page is published
Removed support for static robots.txt files, this is now
handled via WordPress
Added compat. exceptions for WP 2.0 and WP 2.1
2009-06-07 3.1.3 Changed MSN Live Search to Bing
Exclude categories also now exludes the category itself
and not only the posts
Pings now use the new WordPress HTTP API instead of Snoo
Fixed bug that in localized WP installations priorities
could not be saved.
The sitemap cron job is now cleared after a manual rebui
ld or after changing the config
Adjusted style of admin area for WP 2.8 and refreshed ic
Disabled the "Exclude categories" feature for WP 2.5.1,
since it doesn't have the required functions yet
2009-06-22 3.1.4 Fixed bug which broke all pings in WP < 2.7
Added more output in debug mode if pings fail
Moved global post definitions for other plugins
Added small icon for ozh admin menu
Added more help links in UI
2009-08-24 3.1.5 Added option to completely disable the last modification
Fixed bug regarding the use of the HTTPS url for the XSL
stylesheet if the sitemap was build via the admin panel
Improved handling of homepage if a single page was set f
or it
Fixed mktime warning which appeared sometimes
Fixed bug which caused inf. reloads after rebuilding the
sitemap via the admin panel
Improved handling of missing sitemaps files if WP was mo
ved to another location
2009-08-31 3.1.6 Fixed PHP error "Only variables can be passed by referen
Fixed wrong URLS of multi-page posts (Thanks artstorm!)
2009-10-21 3.1.7 Added support for custom taxonomies (Thanks to Lee!)
2009-11-07 3.1.8 Improved custom taxonomy handling and fixed wrong last m
odification date
Changed readme and backlinks
Fixed fatal error in WP < 2.3
Fixed Update Notice in WP 2.8+
Added warning if blog privacy is activated
Fixed custom URLs priorities were shown as 0 instead of
2009-11-13 3.1.9 Fixed MySQL Error if author pages were included
2009-11-23 3.2 Added function to show the actual results of a ping inst
ead of only linking to the url
Added new hook (sm_rebuild) for third party plugins to s
tart building the sitemap
Fixed bug which showed the wrong URL for the latest Goog
le ping result
Added some missing phpdoc documentation
Removed hardcoded php name for sitemap file for admin ur
Uses KSES for showing ping test results
Ping test fixed for WP < 2.3
2009-12-16 3.2.1 Notes and update messages could interfere with the redir
ect after manual build
Help Links in the WP context help were not shown anymore
since last update
IE 7 sometimes displayed a cached admin page
Removed invalid link to config page from the plugin desc
ription (This resulted in a "Not enough permission error")
Improved performance of getting the current plugin versi
on with caching
Updated Spanish language files
2009-12-19 3.2.2 Fixed PHP4 problems
2010-04-02 3.2.3 Fixed that all pages were not included in the sitemap if
the "Uncategorized" category was excluded
2010-05-29 3.2.4 Fixed more deprecated function calls
Added (GMT) to sitemap xslt template to avoid confusion
with time zone
Added warning and don't activate plugin if multisite mod
e is enabled (this mode is NOT tested yet)
Changed get_bloginfo('siteurl') to get_bloginfo('url') t
o avoid deprecation warning
Changed has_cap(10) to has_cap('level_10') to avoid depr
ecation warning
Fixed wrong SQL statement for author pages (Ticket #1108
), thanks to twoenough
2010-07-11 3.2.5 Backported Bing ping success fix from beta
Added friendly hint to try out the new beta
2010-09-19 3.2.6 Removed YAHOO ping since YAHOO uses bing now
Removed deprecated function call
Maybe Todo:
- Your wishes :)

Copyright 2005 - 2009 ARNE BRACHHOLD (email : himself - arnebrachhold - de)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

Developer Documentation

Adding other pages to the sitemap via other plugins

This plugin uses the action system of WordPress to allow other plugins
to add urls to the sitemap. Simply add your function with add_action to
the list and the plugin will execute yours every time the sitemap is build.
Use the static method "GetInstance" to get the generator and AddUrl method
to add your content.


function your_pages() {
$generatorObject = &GoogleSitemapGenerator::GetInstance(); //Please note
the "&" sign for PHP4!
if($generatorObject!=null) $generatorObject->AddUrl("http://blog.uri/tag

- The URL to the page
- The last modified data, as a UNIX timestamp (optional)
- The Change Frequency (daily, hourly, weekly and so on) (optional)
- The priority 0.0 to 1.0 (optional)

Rebuilding the sitemap on request
If you want to rebuild the sitemap because dynamic content from your plugin ha
s changed,
please use the "sm_rebuild" hook which is available since 3.1.9.
All other methods, like calling the Build method directly are highly unrecomme
nded and might
not work anymore with the next version of the plugin. Using this hook, the sit
emap plugin will
take care of everything like loading the required classes and so on.



The sitemap might not be rebuild immediately, since newer versions use a backg
round WP-Cron
job by default to prevent that the user has to wait and avoid multiple rebuild
s within a very short time.
In case the sitemap plugin is not installed, nothing will happen and no errors
will be thrown.


Adding additional PriorityProviders

This plugin uses several classes to calculate the post priority.
You can register your own provider and choose it at the options screen.

Your class has to extend the GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioProviderBase class
which has a default constructor and a method called GetPostPriority
which you can override.

Look at the GoogleSitemapGeneratorPrioByPopularityContestProvider class
for an example.

To register your provider to the sitemap generator, use the following filter:


Your function could look like this:

function AddMyProvider($providers) {
return $providers;

Note that you have to return the modified list!

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