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The Governing Body, together with the Headteacher, staff and Local Authority, is responsible

for the school. It is ambitious for the school, driving for a lively curriculum which enthralls our
children so that they are able to do their very best and have the best possible start in life.

Its members are made up of representatives from the community, from the parent body, from
the staff and from the Local Authority. The governing body undertakes an annual self-
evaluation which informs its own development for the coming year.

The three aims of school governing bodies are:

1) To provide a strategic overview:
Governing bodies help to define the strategic direction of the school, underpinned by statutory
policies and effective budget management systems. Detailed day-to-day management issues
are handled by the Headteacher.

2) To monitor and evaluate the work of the school:
The governing body receives detailed reports on all issues from the Headteacher, and has
opportunity to discuss and reflect on them in line with the monitoring and evaluation policy
and linked to the priorities of the School Development Plan.

3) To be a critical friend:
The governing bodys key role is to be a 'critical friend' to the school. Another way of
describing this is 'supportive challenge' or holding the school to account for the work that it
does. The governing body is loyal to the school, but will also ask challenging questions about
how the school is doing, and offer differing viewpoints on alternative approaches.

The full governing body meets at least five times a year. The Chairs of Committees, together
with the Chair and Vice Chair of Governors, make up the School Development Plan
Committee. All other governors sit on two of each of the four other committees, according to
their interests and expertise. Some governors have individual responsibility for linking with
specific aspects of the curriculum and school organisation.

All Governors can be contacted via the school office. See below a list of the current
Governors of the school:

Mike Allen Community Governor (Chair of Leadership & Management Committee)
Helen Bailey Foundation Governor
Liam Eaglestone Local Authority Governor (Chair of Governors)
Lee Errington Staff Governor
Galina Gardiner Parent Governor
Trevor Hodges Parent Governor
Linda Jarvis Foundation Governor (Chair of Vision, Values, & Communication Committee)
David Land Parent Governor (Chair of Finance and Premises Committee)
Kenny Lynch Parent Governor (Chair of Progress and Achievement Committee)
Nick Moss Headteacher
Adam Osborne Staff Governor
Margaret Sheather Foundation Governor
Annie Smith Parent Governor
Jane Spouse Local Authority Governor (Vice Chair of Governors)

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