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Training M anual Training M anual
BTS and SS Configuration BTS and SS Configuration
Breezem ax Default IP address of DATA port :
Breezem ax Default IP address of M GM T port :
h b d i h
BST have tw o ports: DATA PO RT
M anagem ent Port
Gem ini Com m unication Com pany Confidential
The BST can be m anaged in three ways
Telnet via DATA or M G M T port
SNM P (AlvariCRAFT/AlvariSTAR via DATA or M G M T port
Serial connection via the M O NITO R port
To access the M ONITOR program , connect Cable to
either the DATA or M GM T port. Telnet the ports IP
address. At the password prom pt, type adm in. Adm in is
the default adm inistrator password of the BS.
Note: Your operator m ight ask you to change the
password during the com m issioning
After telnet the unit following should be displayed
on the screen:
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Gem ini Com m unication Com pany Confidential
THE ABO VE 7 O PTIONS would be displayed on SCREEN.
Press 1 for configuring G eneral Param eters.
Four options would be displayed:
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1. Press 1 to configure Device Nam e - Give the nam e of BST
at the Prom pt.
2. Press 2 to configure Device Location Give the Location
of BST on the Prom pt
3. Press 3 to configure ATPC Control - It should be enabled
a) 1 to show the current status
b) --2 to update/configure the status.
a) Press 2 to set ATPC control (if not enabled already)
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c) W e have fix the optim al uplink RSSI level which has to
m aintained by CPE towards BST. (W e have fix it on -73
dBm )
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4. Cell
a) Show -- Shows the current Status
b) Update To change the entered Value (or to put the
value for the first tim e you will see the
cursor blinking)
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Leave Operator ID unchanged & configure the Cell ID infollowing form at: BST ID.
Sector A,B,C,D e.g. 34.A (where 34 is BST ID and A is orientation of Sector)
Option 3.2 -- M anagem ent Port
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It has six sub options.
3.2.1 Show M anagem ent Port Configurations
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Press 1 : It shows com plete port detailed configured
3.2.2 M anagem ent port IP Address
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Press 2 : You can configure the IP address of BST as
per the info Provided.
3.2.3 M anagem ent Port Subnet M ask
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Press 3 : You can configure Subnet M ask of BST as per
the info Provided.
3.2.4 M anagem ent port G ateway
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Press 4: You can configure the Gateway of BST as per
the info Provided.
3.2.5 Auto Negotiation O ption-- Enable/Disable
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Press 1 enable: It should be Enable
3.2.6 M anagem ent Port M anagem ent Traffic-
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Press 2 to enable: It should be Enable
O ption 3.3 Data Port
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It has seven options
3.3.1 Show Data Port configuration
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Press 1 to see the com plete sum m arized detail of the Data Port
3.3.2 -- Data Port IP Address
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Press 2 To configure the IP address of the Data
Port as per the info Provided.
3.3.3 Subnet M ask of Data Port
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Press 3 To configure Subnet M ask of Data Port as per
the info Provided.
3.3.4 Data Port Gateway
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Press 4 to configure the G ateway IP Address for Data Port as per
the info Provided.
3.3.5 Data Port M anagem ent VLAN ID
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Press 5 To configure the M anagem ent VLAN ID for Data Port as per
the info Provided.
3.3.6 Auto Negotiation Option
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Press 1 to enable Auto Negotiation. (Auto Negotiation
should be enabled in BST)
3.3.7 Data port m anagem ent Traffic Enable/Disable
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Press 2 to enable Data Port M anagem ent Traffic. (Data Port
M anagem ent Traffic should be Enabled in BST.)
Option 3.4 Authorised M anagers
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It has three Options: 1) to view present Authorized M anager,
2) To select the particular Authorized M anager
3) To add another Authorized M anager
3.4.1 Show All
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It shows the sum m arised report of Authorised M anagers
Option 3.5 Bridge
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Leave Bridge Aging Tim e unchanged
Option 3.6 --Voice
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Leave DRAP TTL Retries Unchanged
Option 3.7 --Debug stream
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Leave Debug Stream Unchanged
Option 4 Alarm s & Traps
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It has four O ptions
4.1 Show Active Alarm
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Press 1 to see all the active alarm s
4.2 Trap Display Filter
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Leave Trap Configuration Unchanged
4.3 Show trap Log
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Press 1 to see the Log of all the traps
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Factory default settings been configured
4.4.3 --Severity
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It has three sub m enus for viewing, updating the severity of
traps & to set the traps on default value.
4.4.4 Suppression Interval
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Leave Suppression Unchanged
3.5 Perform ance M onitoring
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It has two options one for Port Counter & other for BER Counters.
3.5.1 Port counters
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It has two options one for M anagem ent port & other for Data & wireless
Ports M anagem ent Port Counters
Press 1 for M anagem ent Port Counters
Gem ini Com m unication Com pany Confidential It shows the Port counters
Gem ini Com m unication Com pany Confidential
Press1 to see the status of the Packets Transm itted, discard
Packets Etc. Reset Counters
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It reset all the counters & sets them to zero
3.5.2 Data & W ireless Port Counters
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It has two sub m enus one to view & other to reset the counters Show Port Counters
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It shows the Status of Data Bytes Received, Discard
etc in both Data & wireless Port. Reset Counters
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It sets all the counters to zero
3.5.3 Burst Error Rate Counters
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It has two Sub m enus one to view & other to Reset the counters Show Counters
Gem ini Com m unication Com pany Confidential
You have to select the M AC of the particular SU for which you want to
view the data Bytes transferred.
Put the M AC of SU for which you want to see the BER
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Alvarion BreezeM ax CPE configuration.
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SU Com m issioning
Connect ethernet port to the laptop/PC
Default IP address of the Eth port is
(m ask
Default Password for entering the configuration m enus is:
i i i
The configuration is done via the Ethernet port (10/100BaseT) of the SU, using Telnet
Gem ini Com m unication Com pany Confidential
Following three consecutive failures to enterthe correct
password, access to the M onitor program will be blocked
for 5 m inutes.
The rest of the SU param eters are configured in the SU
m enu in the NPU m onitor application.
After log-in in CPE the following Options com es:
1)Show Sum m ary
2)Unit Control
4) Radio Param eter
Gem ini Com m unication Com pany Confidential
4) Radio Param eter
5)Perform ance M onitoring
1-It shows the com plete detail of that CPE
2 Unit Control
Reset To reboot the device (Soft Reboot)
3 Configuration
a) Nam e : You have to give the nam e as (Connected to
(Site ID)& (SectorNo)e g Conn to 134 A
Gem ini Com m unication Com pany Confidential
(Site ID) & (Sector No)e g Conn to 134 A
b) Organisation Nam e: Put the nam e of Custom er
c) Address: Give the nam e of custom er Address.
4.Radio Param eters-
a) Bandwidth
b) Uplink Frequency.
5. Perform ance M onitoring-
a) Start Link Quality Status .
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Thank You
Contact : info@
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