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' 36.50" S 115
22' 52.00" E correct co-ordi nates,
but onl y COPY & PASTE thi s into Googl e Earth 30 30'
36.50" S 115 22' 52.00" E without the
degree notation
Thi s Australian UFO photo shows the strange but
cl earl y seen tri angl e shape wi th what appears to be
bright lights perched on each corner.
Thi s Australi a UFO photo was taken off Google
Earth maps at a range of 10,571 feet, note the triangle
with bright lights in the center. (cf p. 2 for close up)
Triangle UFO on Google Earth?










For those who have NO access to Google
Earth ... the site is East of Cervantes
on the coast of Western Australia
This subject is
per haps t he most
monstrously important
one t hat t he ear t h
faces in 2012 and on!
Despatch brings this
i ntroducti on to you,
saved people born of
the Lord Jesus Christ,
with a plea for prayer
and consideration, this
is NOT a silly game, a subject that
must be avoided lest we become
l aughi ng st ocks, t hi s i s r eal i t y
here-and-now. The Bible has always
shown us that the spiritual world
out there is authentic; we have
no real concept of what the other
dimensions are or what is in them.
There are billions of other planets
in our solar system and beyond in
the heavens.
What are angels,
the fallen or the Godly
and unfallen, where
do they live?
It is no real use to say that
the Bible reveals that the human
inhabitants of this planet are the
only beings God has created as
some Bible teachers are contest-
ing as an argument agai nst the
presence of aliens. We know from
the Scri ptures that thi s pl anet
earth is controlled by Satan, a fallen
angel, and his hordes.
Who are these beings,
certainly not just
pictures in a
Sunday School book?
I t coul d wel l be that the
aliens are not coming from other
worlds out there, but are Satan
and his cohorts who have always
been interacting with and on this
pl anet, perhaps some resi de i n
the inner realms of earth, showing
themsel ves i ncreasi ngl y as the
Endtimes proceed?
The i nfor mat i on we have
gleaned from many sources over
the years on UFOs and aliens is
staggering. Some of it is presented
herein, coordinated from internet.
Years ago we had contact with a
farmer at Glasshouse Mountains
on the Sunshine Coast, he had
suffered an amazi ng event one
night Despatch
Vol 15:2. pp. 5-6
What it was is hard
to fathom. He con
tacted the news-
papers, but they
downplayed the
whole thing and
insisted he had
mistaken an ex-
ploded electric-
i ty box nearby
for some sort of
vi si t at i on.
We went to
interview him
ourselves - he
was deeply
shocked and
afraid. He told us
that two nights
before he was
awoken by the
frantic barking of
hi s dogs, and the whol e area
around his property was lit up in
startling purple light which lasted a
long time. There was a throbbing
sound that was petrifying. When it
was earl y l ight he had fearfull y
ventured out to reconnoitre and
found he had a crop circle on his
property! We saw that circle and
it was eerie, grasses formed a per-
fect circle all beautifully precise,
and t he si des
were interwoven
like a basket. A
flockof birds the
farmer watched
for every morn-
i ng woul d not
f l y over t hi s
paddock as was
their usual habit
they avoided
it. The dogs on
t he pr oper t y
were still howl-
i ng when we
were there. I
believe he had
an al i en
wi t h t hese
Bible verses in
mind, pertain-
ing to events
in the
And the shapes of the
locusts were like unto horses
prepared unto battle; and on
thei r heads were as i t were
crowns like gold, and their faces
were as the faces of men. And
they had hai r as the hair of
women, and their teeth were as
the teeth of lions. And they had
breastplates, as it were breast-
plates of iron; and the sound of
their wings was as the sound of
chariots of many horses running
to battle. And they had tails like
unto scorpions, and there were
stings in their tails: and their
power was to hurt men fi ve
months. And they had a king
over them, which is the angel
of the bottomless pit, whose
name in the Hebrew tongue is
Abaddon, but i n the Greek
tongue hath his name Apollyon.
Revelation 9:7-11.
There are multitudes of report-
ed sightings and even encounters
wi th UFOs i n Austr al i a, these
stretch over decades.
Right up to yesterday, 2012.
The greatest UFO mystery i n
Austral i a coul d wel l be what
happened on Wednesday 6
Apri l 1966, 11 am at Westal l ,
Vi ctori a, near Cl ayton Sout h.
200 witnesses, students and
teachers of a local school, saw a
space craft (what appeared to be
one) approach and then descend
and land adjacent to a pine tree
grove called The Grange. The wit-
nesses were extremely distress-
ed, and even to thi s day have
expressed their terror and bewil-
derment because of this event.
One man I saw on DVD went, as a
young boy at that time, and tried
to approach the landed craft. He
said it was very hot and he backed
off. Later, official men well-dressed
in suits came to the school and
the witnesses were inter-
Port Phillip Bay
viewed i ndividually in the head-
masters office. The children were
ridiculed and intimidated and told
to keep silent on the affair, to the
point that some were reduced to
weeping. It is thought today that
these men were ASIO. A young
school teacher was visited in his
home by the same men because
he refused to keep quiet about the
incident. He was threatened that
his career would be destroyed, he
would be set up as an alcoholic
and as unfit toteach children ... if
he did not keep silent. 200 wit-
nesses did not give their story to
the media! Although it leaked out
in some newspapers. Now, all these
years later, a group of these wit-
nesses of
the Westal l
incident want
t he whol e
affair brought
out i n t he
Certain taped
pictures and
were collected
back i n the
sixties, but when this proof was
chased up in archives, all of the
evidence had been taken away!
19 January 1966, Tul l y, Ql d:
George Pedley was driving a
tractor on a cane farm when he saw a
saucer-shaped object rise out of a
swamp and fly off at speed. In the
swamp he found a perfectly circular, flat-
tened area of reeds floating on top of
the water. The reeds were swirled clock-
wise in a circle of about nine metres in
diameter. A search later found two
smaller nests about eight metres away
from the first nest.
24 January 1966, Perth, W. A:
Mr L Benedek was taking pho-
tographs during the evening when he
saw a bluish green light. He described
it as oval shaped with an antenna on
the front and said it dropped towards
the river at terrific speed. He managed
to take two shots. The Royal Austral-
ian Air Force examined them and later
received requests for information from
the US Pentagon.
2 Ap ril 1966, Bal wyn, Vic:
When his garden was suddenly
lit up with a strange light, a witness
looked up to see a mushroom-like ob-
ject that seemed to be floating towards
the ground. As it made a 180
through its vertical axis, he took a Po-
laroid photograph. The object then
flew away at incredible speed. Seconds
later a loud boom was heard.
4 Ap ril 1966, Burkes Fl at, Vic:
Ron Sullivan was driving at night
along a straight stretch of road in
Central Victoria when he saw a bright,
cone-shaped light in a paddock in front
of him. Suddenly his cars headlights
veered to the right for no apparent
reason and he had to struggle to keep
the car on the road. He reported the
incident after a young man, Gary Taylor,
died on the same spot two days later.
A saucer shaped depression, about
one metre across and 12 centimetres
deep, was found in a paddock where
the light had been seen. No human or
animal tracks were visible at the spot.
All relevant material on this website
Full length video made 2009
Press Kit pdf download/buy DVD
Extracts Follow From Collected Material
We Have Access To from
Undeniable Proof: That They Exist
UFOs and aliens present us with
a mystery of ever broadening propor-
tions. Disinfo, misinfo and debunking is
rampant. Always deftly woven into reports
of sightings, abductions and physical evi-
For many, there is a triumphant
feeling when the news medi a an-
nounces, once again, that they were cer-
tainly right to disbelieve that these things
exist. It provides them with the relief they
sought from the fear of the unknown.
So why doesnt it just go away?
After all, thats the way
a proper hoax behaves.
Instead of losing momentum, as
is the case with any trend or news story,
UFOs and aliens appear in our daily lives
more and more every day. The idea that
feature shows investigating these
claims on popular television channels
are only there to sell advertising, and ap-
peal to societys current interests, may
very well be a huge mistake.
It is not just some fringe memes
who are reporting seeing unidentified
crafts overhead that make not a sound.
In all reports, the thing zips or blinks into
vision, at times it hovers, only to vacate
the area at speeds no airplane is capa-
ble of.
Ordinary people who never really
give UFOs and aliens a thought have
witnessed strange orbs flashing or glow-
ing in the night sky. Some have seen
and photographed actual ships over-
head. It could be seen approaching from
afar, or just suddenly materialize. Day-
time sightings are quite common. Not
everyone calls the media, MUFON, or
sends an email to report this stuff.
This happened to my parents.
They arent the type to call the news and
dont use the internet. In fact, they told no
one about the weird thing they saw.
These are people in their 70s. It hap-
pened while they were driving in a heav-
ily wooded and hilly rural area. Motoring
along the deserted four lane highway, a
huge silvery object appeared above the
trees in front of them. Mom says it was
cylindrical, like a jet without wings or
nose. There were lots of windows along
the side. It was brightly lit inside like a
party was going on.
Not quite believing her eyes, she
asked my father if he saw anything. He
said yes, he was trying to figure out what
it was. Then it was gone. It didnt fly into
sight and then zip away. It just material-
ized and then disappeared without mov-
ing. The only reason I even know about
this is she and I were driving through the
same spot a few years later, and sud-
denly she asked if she ever told me what
they had seen here one night. When I
told her they saw a UFO, she wasnt sure
about that, but was positive it was really
You hear stories of people who
see a UFO above their vehicle and the
car dies, leaving them helplessly star-
ing at this alien thing overhead. Some-
times these reports include abduction,
but not always. All such reports are made
much of. Naturally, the people who lived
through it being deemed as mentally
unstable, hallucinating or outright liars.
I beg to differ.
There are many more sightings
and abductions than we hear about. Who
would want to be publicly labeled as in-
sane or a con artist? Most people would
avoid that at all costs.
A good friend of mine related her
fathers experience with a UFO. He was
a corn farmer who increased his income
as a truck driver. Late one night in 1989
he was in a rural area in western Ohio,
headed home from a week long run.
There were three other vehicles around
him on the freeway. A UFO appeared over
the road, and everything that was mov-
ing stopped. The truck and all the pas-
senger cars just shut off. The craft hov-
ered above them for several minutes and
then silently zipped away.
He only told the story one time,
and then because his family wanted to
know what was wrong with him when
arrived home several hours later. After
that he refused to discuss it. The experi-
ence freaked him out, as Im sure you
can relate to. No one left their vehicle.
There was no electric power in the semi.
His CB radio was dead, and his watch
quit working. He said he was more terri-
fied than hed ever been during the war.
As soon as the UFO raised up from the
hover position, car lights came back on
and all electric power was restored. At
which point, the stranded group of mo-
torists naturally drove away in due haste.
These are sensible, stable peo-
ple. They are active members of their
local community with no need to tell sto-
ries to get attention. Indeed, they told lit-
erally no one of these events. How many
more say nothing? Add this unknown
amount to the highly vocal, and its easy
to see that witnessing UFOs is not some-
thing as isolated as you might think. In
the case of the farmer and his fellow
No matter how they try to debunk
the situation. UFOs and aliens are not
fiction. Not everything you hear about
contact and sightings is untrue or a hoax.
People from all walks of life, levels of
education, positions of power or
academia have seen UFOs or aliens. It
isnt a regional, national or religious sect
phenomenon. No, this so called delu-
sion is taking place around the world,
and on a regular basis.
The evidence of unidentified fly-
ing objects being caught on radar is al-
ways explained away by mainstream
media and their experts. There are
crafts photographed by satellites too.
NASA is quick to talk them down, or do
away with the frames. Astronauts and
commercial pilots see them out their
windows in flight. Military air forces of
governments the world over are chas-
ing them, as they have been as far back
in time as the 1940s. There are even
cases of physical evidence that have
been noted by scientists. A growing
number of people who have held official
roles in government, military and sci-
ence have stepped forward and an-
nounced their findings publicly, reveal-
ing what they know.
Obviously, UFOs are very real.
If they werent, would the British
government be releasing over 9,000
pages of previously Top Secret files to
the public on tracking or following these
alien crafts? Thats an incredible amount
of time and money invested by the mili-
tary over a fairy tale! Imagine how many
pages of hidden information they still
have under wraps.
The recent petition delivered to
the White House in 2011 requesting that
the US government follow suit and re-
lease the same to the public, didnt meet
with satisfaction for the petitioners. Quite
the opposite, with the official Obama ad-
ministration announcement being denial
of any creditable evidence that extrater-
restrials exist or have had contact with
people. This stance makes a mockery
of other governments and many highly
educated, intelligent people.
Its a blessing to the highly ac-
credited and accomplished Dr. John
Mack of Harvard University that he
passed away in 2004. Here was a man
who did what most scientists only dream
of - he was the best of the best in his
field, without question.
He spent over a decade studying
actual cases of alien contact at a Cam-
bridge, Massachusetts hospital. Yet,
some lowly research assistant in the
Office of Science and Technology Policy
finds the wherewithal to demote Dr.
Macks entire life work with the statement
that there is no creditable source of evi-
dence that UFOs and aliens exist.
It doesnt matter who presents
evidence or makes public statements,
they are debunked and belittled. With
every passing year, the mystery grows
deeper. Not just the reasoning behind
this denial and continual debunking, but
also over why alien beings and UFOs
are here. This isnt a science fiction flick,
it is a bizarre truth. People need far less
evidence and official declaration to be-
lieve in angels and ghosts, than they do
aliens and UFOs.
The evidence is overwhelming
if you look for it. Several thousand
books have been published on this, and
huge numbers of websites. There have
been photographs, videotapes, radar
logs, sightings from the ground, pilot
sightings. We have witnesses coming
forward from the government, includ-
ing astronauts. ... The issue is not
scientific. Its political.
Stephan Bassett interview
Washington Examiner: August 31, 2011
Bassett is the executive director
of the Paradigm Research Group. This
interview was published just weeks af-
ter retired British Ministry of Defense UFO
Project chief, Nick Pope, was publicly
quoted to admit that not only do UFOs
exist, but that the government went out
its way to instill the belief that it was all
Whats abundantly clear from
these files is that, while in public we
were desperately pushing the line that
this was of no defense interest. We
couldnt say, Theres something in our
air space; pilots see them; theyre
tracked on radar; sometimes we
scramble jets to chase these things,
but we cant catch them.
Nick Pope interview
Huffington News: August 17, 2011
Not only does Pope openly admit
to being part of what he states was a
U.K. policy of ridiculing UFO reports and
the people who reported them, he tells
us why. No government or defense group
wants the population to know that there
are things in the sky that we have no
means of control ling here on the
ground... or in the air. Furthermore, the
reason the MoD was so intent in study-
ing and chasing UFOs, was because
they thought they were secret US mili-
tary craft.
Yes, UFO craft do exist. They are
very real and becoming bolder by the
day. So why is this knowledge being
kept shrouded in mystery?
From one perspective, the many
layers of government secrecy and
security is the best possible way of
handling it. If they were to come right
out and inform everyone officially that
aliens and their highly advanced air-
craft did indeed exist... What kind of
effect would this have on people?
Indeed, the implications that
UFOs are real would have a huge af-
fect on the whole of humanity. It would
alter our very perception of everything.
Perhaps, even alter the outcome of the
current hidden agenda of the New
World Order.
Aliens, Hollywood
& UFOs
We have movies about asteroids
impacting Earth and alien invasions.
Seven of the top twenty grossing movies
involve E.T.s. They are popular because
of the interest in space, not because they
were particularly good movies. The draw
to see these flicks is that they are a rep-
resentation of our collective conscious-
It is widely believed that the cur-
rent population has just watched one too
many sci-fi flick and reruns of Star Trek
to get a grip on reality where aliens and
UFOs are concerned. However, Holly-
woods fascination with extraterrestrials
and starships or space travel began
long before Captain Kirk and Spock ap-
peared on television screens for the first
We certainly cant say that its the
awesome special effects that has made
Star Trek one of the longest running tel-
evision franchises in history. Now in its
45th year of prime time or rerun viewing,
the Hollywood concoction that coined the
phrase, Space, The Final Frontier, is
still capturing the attention of a global
This wasnt the first television
show that dealt with aliens and space-
ships. The forerunner was the Rocky
Jones, Space Ranger show for kids that
started airing in 1954. Followed by My
Favorite Martian that aired in prime time
for three years, beginning in 1963.
On the silver screen, full run mov-
ies about aliens and UFOs first surfaced
in 1951 with the release of The Day The
Earth Stood Still. The romance between
box office sales and unidentified flying
objects has been on an upward spiral
ever since.
In more recent years, the inter-
weaving of fantasy and reality where
Hollywood scripts are concerned seems
to be heavy into blurring the lines that
once separated the two.
Romancing the Unknown
Universal Pictures wasted no
time in capturing the hearts of both chil-
dren and adults in 1985 with the release
of Steven Spielbergs now classic movie,
E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial. Though Star
Wars preceded it and met with a mass
following, E.T. surpassed the Luke
Skywalker saga to become the largest
grossing film of all time. A position it held
for over a decade.
Probably the most human
friendly scripts to have been presented
to us to date of aliens entering into com-
munication with people are Star Trek and
E.T. So no one should be surprised at
the wild success of both the television
franchise and the feature film. The story
of Elliott and his alien pal is heartwarm-
ing and said to be a tale of friendship
that spans generations of humans and
the entire galaxy, if not beyond.
The problem here is that Holly-
wood has instilled in the minds of mil-
lions that alien beings are our friends or
reasonable adversaries. This is in total
opposition of the true reports docu-
mented of peoples experience when
aliens make contact with humans. For
many, the story of the friendship that de-
velops between E.T. and the children
provides an unrealistic idea of what to
anticipate or expect from such a real life
Universal Studios aimed the
marketing message designed into the
movie poster at Christians, thirty years
before the Pope announced his accept-
ance of aliens. Film critic Roger Egbert
deemed E.T. to be, ... one of those mov-
ies that brush away our cautions and
win our hearts. As a modern era fairy-
tale, its a classic. One cant help but
wonder what amount of desensitizing it
has done to the open minds of three
decades of young children where aliens
and caution are concerned. Not when
victims of abduction all tell of horrifying
experiences and excruciating pain. ...
While Hollywood hasnt missed
a beat in releasing movies about men
from space and UFOs throughout the
history of film, the annual number has
risen to a crescendo in the past few
years. In 1953, five films were made.
During the 1960s, Hollywood lost inter-
est for the most part, but returned to
putting out several each year through the
70s and 80s. By 1996 the number hit 10
productions. In 2007, it climbed to 17
alien flicks.
2009 brought us 14 new releases
and by the third quarter of 2011, the tally
had hit 13 movies with Octobers release
of The Thing.
Prime time television has also entered
the scene with The History Channels
documentary series and drama shows
like V that captured everyones attention
briefly in 2010. Even the president was
tuning in to that weekly airing. He must
have been. Why else would he have de-
manded it be taken off the air when
Annas health care program hit a little bit
too close to home? Its just a TV show
script, Mr. President!
Or i s there more
to i t than that?
In Robbie Grahams Hollywood
and the Discourse on Disclosure, he
labels Disneys, Race to Witch Mountain,
as UFO 101.
The movie opens with a succes-
sion of real news, video clips and
photographs of UFOs, including Presi-
dent Regans infamous announcement
in front of the United Nations General
Assembly, We were facing an alien
threat from outside this world. While
the majority of viewers may have not
known it, they were being introduced
to real event reporting and historical
Graham interviewed director,
Andy Flickman, who stated that he liter-
ally put the cast through a thorough UFO
101 education before filming began. The
script Flickman originally received was
a comedy. He was instantly interested in
doing the film, but only from a serious
standpoint; working with real events, rag-
ing debates and the terminology fea-
tured in recent UFO literature. He went
so far as to tell Disney he was only will-
ing to accept the project if he was al-
lowed to ground it in as much reality as
possible. Hence the many hours the cast
spent reading book after book on the
UFO phenomenon.
There are other
more recent movi es
that weave fact
wi th fantasy.
Separating total make believe
from true reality means having spent
time reading and researching the topic.
Avatar is obviously complete entertain-
ment. However, the story is introducing
the masses to the idea that humans
could integrate into an alien society on
some far away planet successfully.
Some revelations from this dis-
course of Grahams are surprising. The
aliens in low grade movies from the
1950s were more an allegory to com-
munism than beings from outer space.
Armed with this understanding,
its easy to see that there are more
changes in Hollywoods portrayal of UFO
tales than advanced technology and spe-
cial effects. Todays silver screen aliens
are meant to be just that, creatures not
from here.
Transformers may seem like
pure fantasy. Yet, facts like Section 7 mir-
roring the Majestic Twelve is clear to
those who have studied everything UFO.
The transformer kept in cold storage at
Section 7 obviously is the portrayal of the
Roswell incident. The difference here is
that the story is told with non-biological
Additionally, Section 7 person-
nel talk about Secret Access Projects,
which do in reality exist. Collectively,
these make up the most mysterious
element of Americas National Secu-
rity State. The secrecy surrounding
SAPs was best summed up by
James R. Clapper, Undersecretary for
Defence, who told the Washington Post,
Theres only one entity in the entire
universe that has visibility on all SAPs -
thats God. Incidentally, the Pentagons
list of code names for SAPs is 300
pages long. With about 40 lines per
typewritten page, that gives us about
12,000 secret projects.
The majority of people who have
watched Dreamcatchers will be clueless
to the fact that Blue Boy isnt a fictional
secret project, but one that was inspired
are fact. The basis of the combination of
Moon Dust and Blue Fly form the con-
cept of the Blue Boy project in this 2003
film based on a Stephen King novel.
Through parody in the likes of animated
Monsters vs. Aliens to introducing the
world to ancient aliens through Indiana
Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal
Skull, yes, Hollywood is sharing much
more with us than many suspect. Things
more people should investigate beyond
the silver screen, rather than assuming
it is merely entertaining.
Most fiction is based on fact. Only
part of the message in these films is
make believe, the rest of it is drawn from
real accounts, both out of history and
modern times.
If it were all just nonsense, would
the Pope and the Vatican be preparing
to welcome the aliens? Indeed, theyve
been scanning the skies for them for
The Spiritual Connection
No institution on Earth has stud-
ied space as long as the Vatican. The
first observatory was erected after Pope
Gregory XIII directed that scientific data
be collected and studied for the reform
of the calendar in 1582. From that time
to present day, the papacy has main-
tained support and great interest in as-
tronomical research.
The Vatican has funded colle-
giate observatories in the past around
Rome, Italy, but the project most dear to
the papacy was for many years the
Specola Vaticiana located on a hillside
behind the dome of St. Peters Basilica.
By 1981, the population around
the city reached a density that made
studying space impossible. The Vatican
built a new observatory in the desert of
Arizona, where the light pollution of de-
velopment will never blot out clear sight
of the stars and planets. At least this is
the reasoning offered publicly. One must
wonder if the choice of location is also
highly desirable due to prominent UFO
activity in that part of the United States.
After all, there are many other areas
where no light pollution exists.
With over four centuries of con-
stantly watching the heavens, how many
UFOs do you suppose the priests ap-
pointed this position have witnessed?
The records of their observations are
stored securely within the Vatican, and
like many things in its vast treasure hold,
such records arent likely to find the light
of day anytime soon.
Father Gabriel Funes took the
world by surprise when he was featured
in a May 2008 BBC News article, and
quoted as saying that intelligent beings
created by God could exist in outer space
in the Vatican newspaper. Father Funes
went so far as to title his article, Aliens
Are My Brother. ...
The Vatican isnt just embracing
the fact that there are most likely beings
out there in space. Funes speculates
that these beings are free of sin. Isnt
that interesting? The Pope said he wants
to save their souls. Isnt it only the sinful
whose souls require saving?
The Pontifical Academy of Sci-
ences held the first ever astrobiology
conference on alien life in November of
2009. Among those in attendance were
representatives of universities and other
Christian faiths.
This sudden interest in aliens is
rather mystifying. The importance and
huge implications of the public an-
nouncement by the Catholic Church that
aliens are their brothers is much bigger
than people understand. It has not gone
unnoticed that the move into astrobiol-
ogy follows on the heels of Vatican rep-
resentati ves Archbishop Cel esti no
Migliore attending a United Nations
meeting in February 2008 that UFOs and
extraterrestrials were discussed at.
For centuries, theologians have
argued over what the existence of life
elsewhere in the universe would mean
for the Church; at least since Giordan
Bruno, an Italian monk, was put to death
by the Inquisition in 1600 for claiming
that other worlds exist.
The Vatican joins the search for alien life,
The Telegraph, United Kingdom:
November 10, 2009
There are those in the ufology
community that suspect this is a reac-
tion to the two UFOs that appeared over
the Vatican in 2005. Caught on news foot-
age at 6 a.m., the first one appeared
just six hours before Pope John Pauls
funeral. The second one showed up to
hover on the day of Pope Benedict XVIs
What about the papacys head
of Demonology? Carrado Balducci
stated that aliens were real and the
truth of contact was undeniable in it is
said a total of five television appear-
ances in Italy, beginning in 1986. We
can find credible proof of one of them,
and the YouTube video is very real.
The airing date of this particular
episode of Speciale TG1, was October
8, 1995. Heres the translation of his
answers to the hosts questions from
the subtitles:
Host: Father Balducci, what would you
say to those who claim that aliens are
already among us?
Balducci: We cant think any longer its
true or its false, they are real or they are
fake, we believe it or we dont believe it.
No. Nowadays there are several consid-
erations that allow us to say with assur-
ance that the existence of these beings
are real. We cant have doubts!
Maybe we can say of 100 phenomenon,
even if we say 99 are not real and one is
there is that one that makes us say that
certain phenomenon do exist. This is the
first problem. Its not any longer within
the sphere of human caution to doubt,
because cautiousness tells us to be cau-
tious, but not to negate.
Host: What are the consequences es-
pecially under the religion and philoso-
phy point of
Balducci: There arent any negative
consequences. Everything is contem-
plated. The Lord hasnt revealed us all
things. So we can very well think that the
same human redemption... Christ is al-
ways the center of the universe. But in
the universe there is everything, not only
the world, there are thousands of stars,
there are thousands of galaxies. How do
we explain them?
The existence of other inhabited
worlds, in which way inhabited and by
whom you see, we... there is a very old
saying that natura non facit saltum
(Latin)... nature dont make jumps. We
have the plant kingdom, the animal king-
dom, the human kingdom and the an-
gelic realm. The only thin, the four realms
that we know. Three are natural and we
can see them.
Between man, the human beings
and angels, there is a big step. With this
argument of the appropriateness very
well illustrated by St. Thomas, one of the
main theologians, its probable, its likely,
that between men, that has already a
spirit within him. But poor spirit he, sub-
ject to the matter in an incredible way. At
the evening we feel that we have to go to
sleep, in contrary the soul doesnt need
to rest. Even a small illness... Its so
locked up. The angel is only spirit.
It is likely that there are other be-
ings which have a soul, lets say, that is
less linked - less subordinate to the physi-
cal body. And a soul of this kind its obvi-
ous that they can accomplish progress
that we are unable of, even if we made a
lot of them in recent decades.
Brother Guy Consolmagno, as-
tronomer for Pope Benedict XVI told Ri-
chard Alleyne, correspondent for The Tel-
egraph, that the Church would welcome
aliens. Brother Guy added that he would
be delighted to baptize them... no mat-
ter how many tentacles they might have.
In the Sepetember 2010 interview,
Consolmagno explained that any intelli-
gent entity has a soul if it has free will,
freedom to love and freedom to make
decisions. This may not be unique to
In another interview with the Saint
Anthony Messenger, Brother Guy stated,
Belief in extraterrestrial intelligences has
never been in contrast with Church teach-
ing. Here he shares the knowledge that
believing that life could exist on other
planets in the Universe was certainly
nothing new within the Catholic Church.
Cardinal Nicholas of Kues, who
lived in the 15th century believed there
may well be orbiting planets beyond our
stars, and that some of these planets
may even be inhabited by intelligent be-
ings. Father Angelo Secchi put his views
on the existence of aliens into writing in
Consolmagno also mentions a
Father Coyne of our current time who
said in an interview, The Universe is so
huge that it would be folly to believe that
we are an exception, that we are the only
intelligent beings in the universe. ...
Not All Christian
Faiths Agree.
There are many who maintain
that the existence of extraterrestrials is
in great conflict with what the bible
teaches. In fact, not all Catholic clergy
uphold the recent announcement that E.T.
is our brother. Like many Christians from
other churches, Brother Mi chael
Dimond, emphatically relates UFOs and
aliens to demons. Dimond has written a
book on the subject, and he appeared
on Coast To Coast AM with George Noory
in May of 2009.
Paul Davies, a theoretical physi-
cist and cosmologist from Arizona State
University who spoke at the Vatican as-
trobiology conference believes the po-
tential challenge to Christianity is being
seriously watered down by religious
leaders. In an article by Marc Kaufman
that appeared in the Washington Post
on November 8, 2009, Davies shares
this astute observation:
The real threat would come from
the discovery of extraterrestrial intelli-
gence, because if there are beings else-
where in the universe, then Christians,
theyre in this horrible bind. They believe
that God became incarnate in the form
of Jesus Christ in order to save human-
kind, not dolphins or chimpanzees or
little green men on other planets.
Davies explained the tensions
within the Catholic Church: If you look
back at the history of Christian debate
on this, it divides into two camps. There
are those that believe that it is human
destiny to bring salvation to the aliens,
and those who believe in multiple incar-
nations, he said,
referencing the be-
lief that Christ could
have appeared on
other planets at other
times. The multiple
incarnations is a her-
esy in Catholicism.
As Paul
Davies sees the
Catholic Church di-
vided into two camps
on the debate over
whether extraterres-
tri als from some-
where else in the
universe are possi-
bl e, we see the
same going on
among Protestant
and other Christian
churches. Not just their leaders, but their
membership too. As one forum mem-
ber on puts it, it is im-
possible to seriously investigate any-
thing to do with the subject without the
need to look at the esoteric side to it all.
Here too, the followers of the
extraterrestrial and unidentified flying
object phenomenon are a diverse group
with clear divisions. It doesnt seem to
matter if their religious beliefs are Chris-
tian, Islamic, Jewish, Protestant, New
Age or even atheist. As with anything else
in our world, we cant agree on this situ-
ation either.
Maybe thats part of the purpose behind
E.T.s and UFOs - to keep the chaos quo-
tient humming along in overdrive. If so,
were all behaving according to the syl-
labus. ...
Of course, that was hundreds of
years before the formation of the Secret
Intelligence Vatican bureau. Whose pur-
pose is studying and investigating con-
tact and the entire phenomenon. The Vati-
can started their SAP in about 1954.
As one non-Catholic Christian
puts it after decades of studying the UFO/
alien phenomenon, the extraterrestrials
commonly known as Grays do seem to
be the embodiment of what is described
in Revelations 16:
13 And I saw three un-
clean spirits like frogs
come out of the mouth
of the dragon, and out
of the mouth of the
beast, and out of the
mouth of the false
14 For they are the spir-
its of devils, working
miracles, which go
forth unto the kings of
the earth and of the
whole world, to gather
them to the battle of that
great day of God Al-
One thing that Ive no-
ticed in the years of re-
searchi ng the sce-
nario, is that the only
esoterically connected building in the
world to have UFOs hovering over it is
the Vatican. There have been two more
occasions their presence has been
filmed or photographed since 2005. This
shot was captured in September 2009.
Three more crafts were filmed by a group
of antiaircraft regiment men on a smart
phone on June 7th, 2010 in the wee
hours of the morning. Trained to spot
military aircraft, it was the peculiar
behavior and impossible maneuvering
of the crafts that drew their attention to
them. ...
Knowing, Denial,
Conflict &
Armed Forces
Secrecy abounds over knowl-
edge and conflict with UFOs or aliens,
and until just recently, this was the stance
of the military and governments the world
over. Things seem to be building to a
crescendo though, and as the frequency
of sightings and abductions mounts, the
amount of information available grows
right along with it.
The world awaits disclosure on
the part of the US government and mili-
tary, and it doesnt look like this is going
to happen anytime soon. On one hand
the situation is denied as possible, let
alone taking place. On the other are so
many levels of secrecy and a multitude
of hidden agenda projects dating back
to the 1940s. One really must pause and
give great thought to this. ...
In 1917, The Red Baron, Manfred
von Richtofen and his fellow air force ace
Peter Waitzrik , had one appear right in
front of their planes during an early morn-
ing fly over Belgium. Richtofen not only
fired on a UFO, but shot it down during
World War I. As with all the other inci-
dents of military pilots in WWII Europe
and again in the Pacific, they thought
what they saw was some fantastic new
invention of the enemy. It was many
years later that Waitzrik realized exactly
what they saw that morning. At the time
they reported the incident to their com-
mander, including the fact that the occu-
pants limped out of the downed craft and
crept off into the woods. They were told
to say nothing about it, to anyone.
In World War II, air force pilots of
all the allied countries and Germany saw
hundreds of orbs as they flew missions
over various areas of Europe. The 415
Night Squadron, the first bomber to have
radar on board, saw more of these foo
fighter orbs than any other pilots during
the war.
British and American command-
ers during WWII thought their troops
were reporting secret German weapons
in debriefing. At first nothing was reported
in paperwork. It didnt take long for there
to be too many incidents to ignore them
all together. Any incidents that were for-
mally reported were designated to be
viewed by only certain higher members
of the command. So, very few documents
of these events exist in relation to actual
sightings and interaction with pilots.
Even now, 70 years later and in a
time of huge technological advance-
ments, officially reported and broadcast
explanations continue to pass UFO inci-
dents off as secret developments of an-
other countrys military, or even foreign
space program rocket test failure after
How is it that airborne craft can
be picked up on radar, and cant be iden-
tified by the FAA? Not decades ago, but
in recent years, even though no com-
mercial or private planes were in the air,
unknown craft appearing on radar is
guessed to be a plane. After 9/11, no
plane is allowed to be in the air without
ground control knowing who it is and
where they are at all times. Even prior to
9/11, airplanes didnt take off without the
air traffic controller knowing was on board
and where they were headed.
The question is, are they lying?
Its doubtful they still as clueless as they
were in the 1940s.
The Norway Spiral
Bizarre and beautiful, a massive
spinni ng spiral l ight shocked and
amazed Norwegians across hundreds
of miles of northern Norway on Decem-
ber 9, 2009 at 8:30 in the morning.
It was unlike anything they had
ever seen. Celebrity astronomer, Knut
Jorgen Roed Odegaard, was clueless
as to what it could be. The light remained
visible for a full two minutes, which is far
too long for a meteorite display. It was
clearly not northern lights. The coloring
is all wrong. Auroras glow green in the
sky and may waver or dance, but cer-
tainly never spin.
Even Dr. Erik Tandberg, Chief of
the Norway Space Center, was baffled
and amazed, though he did agree with
other official opinions that it could have
been caused by a failed rocket launch
from Russia. However, Russia insisted
they had not fired a missile when con-
tacted on December 9th, and Tandberg
stated, I agree with everyone in the sci-
ence community that this light was the
weirdest thing. I have never seen any-
thing like this ever... So we may have here
an entirely new phenomenon.
The exclusive story came out on
the 9th in The Sun paper in the United
Kingdom. By the time it reached US main
stream media on the of December 10th,
the story had changed. Suddenly, it was
definitely a Russian rocket. Reuters re-
ported that the Russian Space Ministry
confirmed it was a ballistic missile test
that failed on the third engine. The blue
spiral being attributed to fuel being lost.
Naturally, the Christian Science
Monitor had their expert witness, Dr.
Dimpfi, a private contractor who works
with the US Air Force and NASA, corrobo-
rating the fact that it was without a doubt
a missile in failure. Fox News consulted
with defense analyst, Pavel Felgenhauer,
who knew upon watching the video that
it was definitely a missile launch failure.
And more newspapers around the world
followed suit.
A computer simulation was cre-
ated to prove this new theory.
Theres a couple of things wrong
with this scenario though.
1) By law, Russia has to give advance
notice to Norway such a test is being
2) Surprise firing of missiles in another
countrys airspace is viewed as an act of
war everywhere.
No coverage was given to Rus-
sia apologizing to Norway for this mis-
step in communication. The original re-
sponse to inquiry was completely the
opposite, they insisted no missile or
rocket had been launched. Why come
forward a day later with the story of a huge
investment gone awry? Why were no
repercussions (at the very least a meet-
ing of chiefs) following on the heels of
this astronomical event? It makes no
Incidentally, this isnt the first oc-
currence of spiral lights in the sky. In
1988, a similar phenomenon took place
in China, and unfortunately this was so
long ago the only reference available is
a rather fuzzy image. China saw a sec-
ond such display in another area of that
country in 2008. Tomsk, Russia also had
a little less spectacular spiral light event
in 2008.
None of these other spiral forma-
tions had the blue spiral streaming back
toward the ground. They werent as mas-
sive as the Norway spiral. Neither of
these other bizarre behaving lights got
the worlds attention like the sight that
started everyones day in northern Nor-
way either. Nick Pope, ex-chief of the
UFO investigations division of the Brit-
ish Ministry of Defense, was amazed and
felt it was tragic that it had to happen
right after the UFO program was shut
down in the UK. He also stated, There
is more than meets the eye to these im-
Isnt that interesting? A lot of peo-
ple didnt miss the fact that this hap-
pened right before President Obama
was due to arrive to accept the Nobel
Peace Prize. According to a report by
Prime Minister Putin that was published
by Wikileaks, Obama and Defense Sec-
retary Robert Gates were rushed to the
safety of the Alice Bunker, because of the
spiral lights. Why? Its just a failed rocket
test, nothing to worry about at all. There
were no aliens involved. All the preferred
experts said so. Obviously, retired Brit-
ish Ministry of Defense UFO experts
arent creditable.
Conflict of Interest
Literally hundreds of former mili-
tary and government witnesses have
come forward to share their direct expe-
riences with major UFO incidents. Many
of them have had to remain silent on
what theyve seen due to a sworn oath of
secrecy while in office, enlisted in the
armed forces and connected to other
highly classified organizations.
The governments of the world
may be well-intentioned in the secrecy
surrounding the UFO-Nukes Connec-
tion, but the public deserves to know that
alien craft can, and do, disable nuclear
weapons. From 1948 to present day,
there have been quite a number of occa-
sions reported of hovering UFOs ren-
dering nukes in standby mode com-
pletely inoperable. Not just here in the
USA, but in other countries as well.
This falls neatly into step with UFO
interest in fighter pilots in war time. The
implications of what this ability or tam-
pering with munitions could cause at a
time of attack are troublesome.
Its easy to see why it would cre-
ate panic in terms of national security
being threatened. No military would want
such a breach made public in the face
of other nuclear armed countries that
might get itchy over pushing that button.
I believe that the security serv-
ices of both the United States and the
United Kingdom have attempted - both
then and now - to subvert the significance
of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by
the use of well practiced methods of
USAF Colonel Charles Halt
Referring to the
Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident
Fox News Article - September 27, 2010
The Soviets also experienced the
same type of UFO activity at their nuclear
facilities during the Cold War era. This
has been verified by KGB and Ministry of
Defense documents released or leaked
following the collapse of the U.S.S.R.
The British military has had UFO in-
cursions as well. Colonel Halt, a retired
USAF offi cer stationed near the
Rendelsham Forest Incident at RAF
Bentwater in the 1980s has
come forward due to his experience
there. The craft his men witnessed in a
UFO landing near the base in 1980 is
shown in the sketch above. This incident
is referred to as the British Roswell.
Declassified records available through
the Freedom of Information Act from the
Air Force, FBI and the CIA have revealed
unquestionable, significant UFO inci-
dents, decade after decade.
Declassified government docu-
ments and witness testimony from former
or retired military personnel confirm be-
yond any doubt the reality of ongoing
UFO incursions at nuclear weapons sites.
When I say UFO, the witnesses have
described these craft as disc-shaped, or
cylindrical-shaped, or spherical. These
objects are capable of both hovering
and high velocity flight, usually com-
pletely silently.
Robert Hastings UFO-Nukes Connection
press conference National Press Club,
Washington D.C. - September 27, 2010
On the flip side of the scenario
are millions of citizens resting assured
in the safety net that nuclear arms were
supposedly created to preserve. When
were they planning on divulging
the fact that at any given time, these
weapons could be rendered useless
when UFOs deem to hover and shut
down the system?
On September 27, 2010, full dis-
closure to the press regarding the UFO-
nukes connection took place in Wash-
ington D.C. during a press conference
held by long time researcher, Robert
Hastings. In the days leading up to the
press conference at the National Press
Club, retired military personnel who
were set to appear were interviewed by
major newspapers.
This UFO wave of main stream
media press coverage included CNN
doing a live streaming broadcast of the
press conference itself. The full two hour
press conference video is still available
online at Robert
From the time of the test deploy-
ment of the first nuclear bomb took place
in 1948 and all through the Cold War,
repeated incidents took place at nuke
sites in the USA. While most people are
totally unaware of this connections be-
tween alien craft and nuclear arms, it is
well documented. It isnt all old news or
historical events either. There is evidence
of multiple and ongoing incidents hav-
ing taken place near ICBM sites oper-
ated by F.E. Warren Air Force Base, in
Wyoming. The most recent report of
UFOs hovering over an arms location
was in June of 2011.
Much more attention to this press
event was paid by the publication Vet-
eran Today, than in the main stream
media. If ever there was a front page
story, this is it, writes Lee Spiegal, jour-
nalist for the VT article and AOL News.
At long last, all of these witnesses are
coming forward to say that, as unbeliev-
able as it may seem to some, UFOs have
long monitored and sometimes tam-
pered with our nukes.
Sadly, it didnt show up on the
front page anywhere. The main stream
media isnt interested. Or could have
been told to not provide coverage. Ei-
ther way, the masses know not of this
more than 60 years of ongoing interest
in nuclear weapons, and the power to
render them useless.
There are those who are quick to
assume that this means the aliens are
peace loving, that they have come to en-
lighten us to stop fighting and live as one
happy global family. Given their profound
interest in military activity and equipment,
this could be the wrong perception.
If you or I site a UFO, the experi-
ence lasts mere seconds to minutes.
Fighter pilots have been accompanied
in flight by UFOs for long periods of time,
even as much as a few hours.
There should be serious consid-
eration given to this disabling of arms.
Rather than pondering the love and ac-
ceptance angle, it might be wiser to view
this as a flexing of muscles. A show of
what they can do, and how defenseless
we are. It could also be a message to
militaries to tread with greater caution,
given their intense activity at nuclear arms
sites during the Cold War.
No, the majority of visits of these craft do
not include disarming the nukes. How-
ever, in the event of war, at the moment of
true need, will a UFO hover and disable
the very thing that could protect a nation,
or a continent from the horrors of attack
in the nuclear age?
If UFOs can disable warheads, it
shouldnt be forgotten that nuclear power
fuels homes and industry around the
world. NASA just launched a nuclear
powered rover headed to Mars. The US
Air Force has a secret craft known as
the TR-3B that is also nuclear powered.
Not to mention it is the sole source of
electrical energy to many homes and
businesses today.
UFOs Captured on Radar
There are also many pieces of
evidence that UFOs exist from their pres-
ence being captured on radar, and mili-
tary planes being deployed immediately
to chase them down. The alien craft has
been fired upon and studied in depth by
militaries around the world.
Within weeks of the first sighting
on June 24, 1947, the first secret ops
was organized with the mission of track-
ing and gathering facts for analyzing. It
was the birth of Project Blue Book. In the
early 1950s Blue Book was officially
ended, but soon replaced with Project
Sign. These initial operations were fol-
lowed by a succession of new secret
ops projects running up to present day.
The more recent analyzation
units wont be well identified as the par-
ticipants are still too young and active in
the military to have the temerity to come
forward and divulge what they know or
have seen. The former head of Project
Blue Book, Edward J. Ruppelt was one
of the first to report the real events and
incidents of Air Force pilots and UFOs in
a book, Report on the Unidentified Fly-
ing Objects. First published by Double
Day Books in 1956, the book is now in
the public domain, where anyone can
read it cover to cover online.
From the earliest sighting, the
military has been quick to demean the
stability of anyone who felt that flying
saucers were real, both within their ranks
and private citizens. The question is, is it
a cover up because some dark con-
spiracy exists, or is this denial all due to
the desire to not wear egg on ones face?
After 70 years of chasing them, militaries
around the world still have no accept-
able explanation of what these things
really are. Not the best fact to admit when
you are tasked with national security. Not
when UFOs are faster, and more agile,
than any aircraft the global military has
in their arsenal.
The ex-military men who have
come forward in the past few years are
all retired. The media is quick to ques-
tion their mental balance due to their age.
Yet, due to oaths of secrecy while en-
listed these men had no choice but to
remain silent until the time was right. It
wasnt just happening in the United
States either, Britains Air Force has sev-
eral incidents of ghost planes being
picked up on their radar too. The first RAF
reported radar sighting happened in the
early months of 1947. ...
By the end of 1948, Project Sign had
received several hundred UFO reports.
Of these, 167 had been saved as good
reports. About three dozen were Un-
known. Even though the UFO reports
were getting better and more numerous,
the enthusiasm over the interplanetary
idea was cooling off. The same people
who had fought to go to Godman AFB to
talk to Colonel His and his UFO observ-
ers in January now had to be prodded
when a sighting needed investigating.
More and more work was being pushed
off onto other investigative organization
that was helping the ATIC. The kickback
on the Top Secret Estimate of the Situa-
tion was beginning to dampen a lot of
enthusiasms. It was definitely a bear
market for UFOs.
A bull market was on the way, however.
Early 1949 was to bring little lights and
green fireballs.
Edward J. Ruppelt Report on the
nidentified Flying Objects - 1956
Do Media & Government
Cover-Ups Exist?
Throughout the past seven dec-
ades, there have been thousands of
UFO sightings from the ground. Many
more have registered on radar both at
munici pal airports and on mi litary
screens. Commercial airline pilots and
air force pilots around the world, local
law enforcement officers, and a growing
number of high profile people have also
seen alien craft. Not just in the dark of
night, the phenomenon continues to oc-
cur in broad daylight.
Astronauts have definitely seen
them, as we know from the stories told
by Gordon Cooper, Neil Armstrong,
James Lovell, Frank Borman, Ed White,
Dr. Edgar Mitchell and other highly re-
spected men. They have all discussed
incidents of visitation of alien craft as
pilots in the US Air Force or on space
For many years I have lived with a
secret, in secrecy imposed on all spe-
cialists in astronautics. I can now reveal
that every day, in the USA, our radar in-
struments capture objects of form and
composition unknown to us. And there
are thousands of witness reports and a
quantity of documents to prove this, but
nobody wants to make them public.
Why? Because authority is afraid that
people will think of God knows what kind
of horrible invaders. The password is still:
We have to avoid panic by all means.
Astronaut Gordon Cooper
Taped interview by J. L. Ferrando
From Britain to India, China, Japan,
Italy, Brazil, Mexico and beyond, govern-
ment or military departments of defense
everywhere have been tracking, analyzing
and reporting to an authority figure about
this global mystery. Its been going on
for at least 70 years. All of them had an
intense interest in figuring out if these
strange unknown things in the sky was
another countrys secret aircraft.
Its pretty safe to assume that this
isnt the case. Unless the rumors are
true, and there was a crash at Roswell.
One that an alien survived, and at least
one space ship was confiscated to pro-
vide the info to copy UFOs for military
craft design.
As Nick Pope, past chief of the
UKs now ended MoD UFO investiga-
tion, has recently said, once certain that
the alien crafts werent new secret spy
ops from the USA, the project ended.
Having no further reason to withhold the
information contained in thousands of
pages of reports and documents, over
9,000 pages have been declassified and
made available to the population in the
fall of 2011. This isnt all of the files how-
ever, they have a great deal more still in
the process of scrutiny as to whether
they should be released, or kept under
lock and key.
France has also declassified and
release thousands of pages of UFO and
extraterrestrial documents. Followers of
the UFO scene in the USA issued a peti-
tion to President Obama, and met with a
continuance of denial and ultimate dis-
appointment. What does this really
means? Since we know from other gov-
ernments that they are real, why continue
a cover up that has been going on for
almost three quarters of a century?
Anyone looking for fresh information on
UFOs would have better luck trying a new,
but less publicized, source: a study by
the French military, just translated into
an approved English addition.
Leslie Kean, journalist
UFO theorists gain support abroad, but
repression at home Boston Globe -
May 21, 2000
Some think that Obama is also
playing a role in the secrecy. However,
Dr. Edgar Mitchell was quoted in an arti-
cle in the St. Petersburg Times in 2004
as revealing that the top secret cabal
that handles these affairs stopped de-
briefing the president about the extrater-
restrial situation with Kennedy. ...
The U.S. government has been
covering up evidence of extraterrestrial
visits for more than 50 years, an array of
20 retired Air Force, Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration and intelligence officers said
Wednesday. They demanded Congress
hold hearings on what they say is long-
standing secret U.S. involvement with
UFOs and extraterrestrials. Calling the
greatest secret of the 20th century, the
officials, who termed themselves wit-
nesses of UFO-related events, de-
scribed a series of military investigations
they said they saw crashes of alien
spacecraft, bodies of alien beings, se-
cret government documents even James
Bond-style erasures of people who
knew too much.
Government is Covering Up UFO Evidence,
Group Says The Washington Times - May
11, 2001 Julia Duin, religion columnist ...
Paul Schneider who worked on secret
underground government installations
for decades was found strangled with a
catheter in January 1996.
Ex-Air Force intelligence agent and
publisher of the Alien Digest, Ron
Rummel - a friend and collaborator of
Schneider, purportedly committed sui-
cide. Details, however, leave much doubt
to this being the real cause of his August
1993 death.
Ron Johnson dropped dead of a stroke
at the age of 43, right after passing a
physical with flying colors. His place of
employment at the time of his death was
with the Institute of Advance Studies in
Texas, where he is reported to have been
working on UFO propulsion systems.
Ron worked at other top secret labs and
was an attendant of two NATO meetings
concerning ETs in the two years before
he died.
William Cooper, probably one of the
most famous late era whistle blowers
on the ET-UFO conspiracy, died from
gunshot wounds in a highly question-
able incident with the Sheriffs Depart-
ment. The altercation took place just off
his property in Arizona.
There are others. The reports of
those deceased who are connected to
the disclosure or study of different as-
pects of the UFO and extraterrestrial situ-
ation flow backwards from today to the
1950s. Like many similar cover up inci-
dents, such as Kennedys assassina-
tion, the circumstances and reported
causes are not totally acceptable.
The interesting thing is that most of
the UFO files from that period have been
destroyed. But what happened is that a
scientist whose grandfather was one of
his [Churchill] bodyguards, said look,
Churchill and Eisenhower got together
to cover up this phenomenal UFO sight-
ing, that was witnessed by an RAF crew
on their way back from a bombing raid.
The reason apparently was because
Churchill believed it would cause mass
panic and it would shatter peoples
religious views.
Nick Pope, ex-UK MOD UFO investigator
Churchill ordered UFO cover-up,
National Archives Show BBC News,
London - August 5, 2010
What began as concern over repeat-
ing the mass panic that swept the U.S.
the night War of the Worlds aired on
the radio, seems to have altered as the
UFO phenomenon stretched on and on
following the war. J. Edgar Hoover was
quite miffed at the fact that the CIA wasnt
able to study or investigate crashed
flying saucers and their inhabitants,
because the Army took off with all
remains and kept the FBI in the dark. ...
It is recommended that: a. The
Director of Central Intelligence advise
the National Security Council of the se-
curity implications inherent in the fly-
ing saucer problem. b. CIA, under its
assigned responsibilities, and in coop-
eration with the psychological strategy
board, immediately investigate possi-
ble offensive or defensive utilization of
the phenomena for psychological war-
fare purposes both for and against the
United States.
This is no doubt a reaction to the
third appearance of UFOs over the White
House during the summer of 1952. This
is not just some rumor. It was caught on
film by a television news crew. This photo
was taken during the night hours be-
tween July 19 and 20, 1952. The intense
UFO activity repeated a week later on
July26-27 and again on August 2-3. The
skies over the Pentagon, the White
House and the National Capitol Build-
ing were alive with darting UFOs.
The U.S. government has no evi-
dence that any life exists outside our
planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence
has contacted or engaged any member
of the human race.
Phil Larson - Office of Science &
Technology Policy Assistant, 2011
Not only were the known to be
unidentified flying objects seen by peo-
ple on the ground, they also showed up
on radar - several of them in the area.
The Washington National Airport control
tower, Bolling Air Force Base across the
Potomac from the government center
and nearby Andrews Air Force Base all
had the same objects on their radar
screens simultaneously.
Those manning the radar en-
sured they all had the same craft on their
screens over the phone,
Commercial airline pilots airborne in the
vicinity confirmed the radar tracking with
concurring visual reports.
cf previous page for News Clip
The most embarrassing and
confusing Air Force press conference,
the one with the largest ever attendance
by reporters, took place following the
capturing of the numerous UFOs on film
that aired on national television. No, it
comes as no surprise that within a few
weeks time, the CIA was taking the
flying saucer problem as a serious
situation. ...
How much more proof do you
need to know that the mainstream me-
dia is far from being a free press? Its
pretty clear that not much truthful report-
ing is taking place in your newspaper, or
on the evening news. Furthermore, if you
recall, we have J. Edgar Hoover stating
that information about flying saucers was
to go no further. The military is also sworn
to secrecy on these matters, as are all
commercial airline pilots and many sci-
Youre not talking about someones
imagination. And in the same time
frame, I heard so-called experts that the
Air Force brought in and concoct stories
from swamp gas to things like that. If its
an aircraft with wings, and the laws of dy-
namics apply, you dont stop that thing
and reverse it in a blink of an eye. And
things like that did occur.
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown, USAF
Office of Special Investigations National
Press Club, Washington D.C. - May 9, 2001
1. National Security
Every nation in the world feels that
unidentified flying objects are a threat to
national security. Especially since
militaries and air force specialists have
no idea what UFOs really are. As Nick
Pope has said, the British Ministry of
Defense suspected that the UFOS were
some new secret spy craft developed by
the USA. So, until they have made sure
that this isnt what is going on, it makes
perfect sense to keep it quiet. Still, did it
really take almost three quarters of a
century of secrecy to come to a viable
conclusion? And, what about Churchills
concept that secrecy was necessary to
preserve peoples religious beliefs?
2. Panic
Preventing panic of the popula-
tion has long been upheld as a prime
reason for the UFO cover up. This dates
back to the 1940s and was a reaction to
Orson Wells War of the Worlds radio
play. While it may have created panic for
society 70 years ago, in todays world,
the impact would be far different. Indeed,
Admiral Lord Peter Hill-Norton, Chief of
the UK Ministry of Defense from 1971-
1973, has this to say about that school
of thought:
Governments fear that if they did
disclose those facts, people would panic.
I dont believe that at all. Ive said so in
print. There is a serious possibility that
we are being visited by people from outer
space. It behooves us to find out who
they are, where they come from, and what
they want.
3. Money
As with all enemies, real or con-
trived, big players with deep pockets have
always been eager to cash in on war
profits. They are just as quick to take over
any kind of developments that show ex-
ceptional prospects for financial gain.
Before sharing witness testimony on the
huge financial gain that UFOS and ETs
could offer, you should know that Tesla
energy and inventions were all funded
by J. P. Morgan. If you dont know about
Nikola Tesla, he was a brilliant man, who
among other things, created free energy.
About Nikola Tesla
The study of UFOs may reveal
some new forms of energy to us, or at
least bring us closer to a solution.
Major General Vasily Alexeyev, Russian
Space Communications Center
Even back in Teslas time, we
had free energy. Its not that our gov-
ernment doesnt want us to know that
there are other people on other plan-
ets. What they dont want us to know
is that this free energy is available to
everybody. Thats the greatest secret.
So secrecy about the UFOs is because
of the energy issue. ...
Editors Note:
Some would like for us to believe
that the aliens are our enemy now.
This craft was what they called the
Alien Reproduction Vehicle. It was also
nicknamed the Flux Liner. This
antigravity propulsion system this
flying saucer was one of three that
were in this hangar at Norton Air Force
Base. We have found a patent filed by
James King Jr., and this patent looks just
like this system, except that instead of
having a dome for a crew compartment,
it has a cylinder in the center. It has the
same flat bottom and sloping sides. The
patent was filed initially in 1960 and
was secured in 1967.There is a sci-
entist in Utah by the name of Moray B.
King he wrote a book called, Tapping
the Zero Point Energy. Zero-point en-
ergy is actually what keeps the electrons
energized around the atomic structure
of everything in the universe. Theres
enough of this flux, this electrical
charge in the nothingness of space,
that if you could capture all the energy
that was embedded in just a cubic yard
of space, youd have enough energy to
boil the oceans of the entire world.
Mark McCandlish,
USAF Aerospace Illustrator
I lifted one up and heres this
body floating in fluid. First, I thought it was
a child because it was small. Then I
looked at its head and all. The head was
different. The arms were thin. The body
was gray. So right at that moment I fig-
ured I dont know what this thing is.The
one ET craft I saw was at one of the
airbases.General Trudeau created
the Foreign Technology Division and put
me in charge of it... We gave informa-
tion about the ET technologies out and
insisted the corporations take the pat-
ents. We put the integrated circuit out.
The general said, lets keep a secret,
but when I die, I relieve you of my oath.
Colonel Philip J. Corso,
Sr., U.S. Army, National Security Council
When I was working with the
Skunkworks, we signed an agreement
with the National Security Agency, and
the National Security Council, as well as
the CIA. And we kept very quiet about
this. Anti-gravitational research was
going.We know that there were some
captured craft from 1947 in Roswell, New
Mexico. And, yeah, they were real. And,
yes, we really did get some technology
from them. And, yes, we really did put it
to work.We knew each other from what
we call unseen industry. We can term it
black, deep black, or hidden. The knowl-
edge I have of these technologies came
from the craft that were captured here. I
didnt see the craft, nor did I see the bod-
ies. But I certainly know some of the peo-
ple that did.
There was no question that there
are peoples, or beings, from outside the
planet. Are these ET people hostile?
Well, if they were hostile, with their weap-
onry they could have destroyed us a long
time ago.We got these things that are
handheld scanners that scan the body
and determine what the condition is. We
can also treat from the same scanner.
Are these things real? Well, I can tell you
personally that weve been working on
them. And we have ones that can cure
cancer. Yes, diagnose and cure. Politics,
and God bless them, the FDA, and
other people whose financial interests
could be damaged by the release of
certain technologies keep these out of
view.One of the purposes for found-
ing this technology corporation that I
did in 1998 was to bring forth these
technologies that can help get rid of
the toxins that can clean the air, that
help get rid of the need for so much
fossil fuel. Yes, it is time. I can tell you
personally that it has already started.
Don Phillips, USAF &
Lockheed Skunkworks Engineer
When I was at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base, we had flying saucers
that covered the distance from Columbus
to Detroit in the equivalent of about 20,000
miles per hour.Zero-point energy rep-
resents about 40-50 megawatts of
power per cubic inch of space. Thats
a lot of power. If you could tap it at will,
then no one would have to sell gaso-
line or oil anymore
Dr. Paul Czysz, Professor of Aeronau-
tical Engineering for McDonnell-Douglas
There are more of these witnesses.
Military men and engineering personnel,
or scientists, that have come forward to
share their inside knowledge of the cover
up and wealth that the advanced tech-
nology offers to those with the means to
reverse engineer it from confiscated
craft. ...
Denial, Disclosure
& Religious Beliefs
It is curious that the papacy has
suddenly announced that they believe
that there are other beings out there in
the universe. Additionally, the Jesuit and
Catholic clergy are ready to welcome
these alien brothers and save them
from sin. Well the Pope is eager to save
them, Brother Fune believes they are free
of sin. Meanwhile, the majority of the rest
of Christendom continues to deny that
aliens exist.
Does the Vatican know some-
thing that is hidden from other Christian
faiths? It is possible given the volume of
cultural records that are stowed away at
Vatican City. Yet, without access to them,
such a conclusion can only be assump-
tion. Obviously, there must be some
knowledge that fueled the need to make
such a global announcement.
It is rather blind to declare that
the alien abduction reports are due to
some level of psychosis or delusion. It
has been proven that the majority of the
people who say they have been abducted
are not crazy or spinning yarns. Some-
thing definitely happened to them be-
yond earthly explanation. To believe that
such reports are merely publicity stunts
at this point in our timeline is definitely
For many, the entire concept that
aliens from other planets or beyond our
solar system means that the very foun-
dation of their religious faith becomes a
myth. This scenario undoubtedly in-
cludes a great number of devout Catho-
lics as well, regardless of what the Vati-
cans astronomical scientists have to
say. This all puts more weight on the un-
derstanding of both Winston Churchill
and Dwight Eisenhower back in the days
of foo fighters, and the beginning of the
cloak of secrecy that has shrouded
UFOs and extraterrestrials for over 60
Many Christians believe that the
ETs are The Watchers who have re-
turned to Earth. If this is who the aliens
really are, they would be beings from
another place in outer space. There is
no mention of them arriving in any kind
of vehicle or contraption in the Bible.
The Watchers didnt appear in a ball
of light. They are simply not there
and then they are there.
Then we have long studied
theories that these ETs are not from
somewhere else in the universe, but
from another dimension. This con-
cept, like the idea that they are The
Watchers, would also make them
alien creatures to Earth as human-
ity has always known it. Jacques
Vallee believes that aliens
are not just imaginary creations, but
very real, and the same beings that
were once known as fairies. His hy-
pothesis is that the beings can
shape shift to meet the mindset of
society as it evolves through time.
Vallee concurs that this would
also account for the fact that there are
many historical references beginning
before recorded time that show that al-
iens and UFOs have been present world-
wide for thousands of years. This is seen
in cave paintings and ancient rock art
scattered around the globe and dated to
be older than the Bible by far in some
instances. His investigation has been
ongoing for some time and is quite in-
volved. You can learn more about it by
reading his book, Dimensions: A Case-
book of Alien Contact. free pdf download
Would the official revelation that
extraterrestrials are very real and that
UFOs are not science fictional imagina-
tion run wild destroy your religious be-
liefs? Some think not, however, they have
yet to experience disclosure. ...
Ancient Aliens,
Mythical Gods
& Artifacts
The Battle of L. A.
marks the beginning
of secrecy
... There are two reasons that the
scientific community has been unable
to address the issue sensibly.
The first is that the phenomenon is
so elusive that it cannot be easily meas-
ured. The UFO occupants - if there are
any - cannot be studied or even engaged
in dialogue... The second is simply, fear.
Any explanation of the phenomenon that
is now prosaic must inevitably lead to a
profound challenge to the cherished
theories about the nature of mind and
universe, and mans place in the cos-
If we come to a correct under-
standing of the UFO phenomenon, we
may well in the process destroy the
whole basis of our present beliefs about
The public is left - as I was - fac-
ing the visitors in
the middle of the
night without any
notion of what
they are, where
they came from,
or how to act in
their presence.
Whitley Strieber.
Forward of the
Dimensions: A
Casebook of Alien
Jacques Vallee,
... Another inter-
esting explana-
tion comes from
the preface of a
report entitled,
UFOs and Re-
lated Subjects:
An Anno-
tated Bibliogra-
that was written and published by the
U.S. Air Force in the 1960s. Here it is
stated that much of the UFO literature at
that time dealt with things like mental
telepathy and invisible entities or phe-
nomena akin to ghosts and possession.
The preface describes UFO reports of
the era to be strikingly similar to age old
accounts of incidents known to clergy and
parapsychologists as demonic posses-
sion and psychic phenomenon.
Is this all part of a cover up? Is the
disinfo machine creating a connection
on paper that will bring many a religious
person to shun and flee the concept that
UFOs and ETs are real?
However, until disclosure actually
takes place, do we really know for a fact
one way or the other? One thing is defi-
All of this would be viewed
as a threat by almost anyone.
A threat that no government, mili-
tary or national space program can pro-
tect people from. Any institution of this
sort is powerless
in the face of par-
anormal activity.
So the security of
a nation and its
people could very
well be seen as
exposed to peril.
Especi ally if it
were di sclosed
that, yes, extrater-
restrials do exist
and not only do
they flit about in
their UFOs be-
yond behavioral
control, but also
have a tendency to
simply material-
ize in your bed-
room and whisk a
person off to con-
duct painful, and
perhaps long dis-
turbing, tests on
the mi nd and
body, not to mention sexual relations
being a common abduction activity. ...
In 2011, astronomers at HARPS have
announced discovering 50 exoplanets,
and believe that there are many more
out there. It is said there could very well
be one planet for every one or two super
stars in the heavens. In September of
2011, it was announced that a number
of these newly found planets could very
well support life and are defined as
super earths.
The astronomers feel that one of
the new exoplanets could very well be
inhabitable for humans, having a heated
core and quite possibly liquid water on
the surface. This Earth-like planet,
known as HD 85512 b is rocky and has
a similar density to our own. It orbits just
far enough from its star that they are
thought to provide a climate much like
the one here on Earth.
And the majority of people around
the world argue that there is no univer-
sal proof that aliens or extraterrestrials
exist. Its all just a science fiction tale that
some misinformed or highly delusional
folks have adopted as their mantra.
No one is saying that the Vatican
astronomers are delusional. With ob-
servatories around the world, it doesnt
seem unusual that the Vatican is study-
ing them too. However, now that the
world has been told that they are looking
for extraterrestrials in space from their
super powered Lucifer telescope in Ari-
zona, questions loom. Do they know
something that the rest of us do not?
Given the fact that the missing scrolls of
Alexandria are believed to be in posses-
sion of the Vatican, and have been for
about 1,000 years, it may be that they
have knowledge that isnt available to the
public. Knowledge that could very well
be highly similar to the information pro-
vided by the alien known as Airl.
Mull that implication over.
Be sure to include the conspiracy
theory concepts that have plagued the
UFO/alien phenomenon since it be-
came Top Secret some 60-70 years ago,
most especially with the armed forces
of the United States. It would also be wise
to keep in mind that Airl stated that these
groups of spiritual beings have been at
war with one faction or the other for mil-
lions of years. Do you see the obvious
weapons being fired in this SOHO/
LASCO satellite image? There are more
of them as you read on.
Tales of Vimanas, the flying
shields of the Hopi Indians, the flying
carpets of Arabia, the flying wheels of
biblical Ezekiel and even flying thrones
permeate folk lore or cultural traditions,
along with accredited historical tomes
such as apocryphal books and the He-
brew, Ethiopian and Christian bibles.
More references are found in the Vedic
hymns and works associated with other
long established Asian or Middle East-
ern religions. Even King Solomon re-
counts a tale of flying so fast through the
sky on his magic carpet of green silk that
he breakfasted in Damascus and
supped in Media. The very same carpet
that the Queen of Sheba bore their son
on during her trip back to Ethiopia.
Could it all be
Myth & Science
... It was known in some circles up
to a decade ago that there are some sort
of huge craft out there in our own solar
system and they are shooting at each
other. They started showing up on satel-
lite footage around the sun not too long
before NASA severely restricted or com-
pletely cut off public access to the foot-
There are a number of stills and
even videos from the GOES and SOHO
satellites that show flying craft and artil-
lery being fired. This one to the right is
incredibly clear. Sound a little crazy? It is
real. A growing number of learned sci-
entists in physics and astronomy have
been studying this phenomenon for
Over the last few years, since the
SOHO/LASCO satellite was put into or-
bit, the general public has had one of
the greatest opportunities ever, in discov-
ering anomalies as above. Unfortunately
since the SOHO/LASCO image were
made available to the public, there have
been days of interrupted service and
other information from other satellites has
become extremely restricted. For in-
stance, the HST (Hubble) images are
severely restricted. Even the images that
have been released at times had areas
blackened out, not unlike secret govern-
ment documents with stripes of black
marker over half the page.
However the anomalies have
been too numerous for the spooks to
cover up. The following images show
actual craft firing and being fired upon.
They may appear to be close to the sun,
however they are likely closer to the sat-
ellite than the sun... These (images) are
just a few of the hundreds, if not thou-
sands of examples.
War In Heaven, War On Earth -
TMG Group, August 2005
Do you still believe
it is all a myth?
What reason is there to program
the public mind set to think its a hoax or
the hysterical ravings of crazy peo-
ple? Is it about power, control or
money? Is there a conspiracy play-
ing out in secret, or is it classified
Top Secret to hide the fact that no
military can control UFOs or alien
So many unanswered
questions. So many theories. Too
many secrets. Far too much lost
knowledge over the centuries.
Surely someone, somewhere,
knows the truth. Should we blame
them for not rushing forward to
share the facts? After all, unless
they were accepted
as an accredited
source by those
who believe them-
selves to be in
charge of the world,
this person or group
would no doubt be
judged delusional,
psychotic or suffer-
ing from some
other mental issue.
No one is eager to
be labeled a crack-
pot in public.
DESPATCH: There is much more more than
what has been included here. This pdf is
available via email if needed.
There were many graphics used
throughout that we had no space to
include, also print size had to be reduced
for the same reason.
This booklet is too try and alert
others to the importance of the subject
and one that needs to be understood from
a Christian/Biblical perspective. It cannot
be ignored because we do not like the
subject. The unsaved need to know the
truth about the origin of these entities, as
as they can al l ow themsel ves to be
dominated by them through fear. God is
not the author of Fear, He is the God of
all Comfort and Rest.

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