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OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to recognise the phoneme /t>/ and

will have had more practice with asking and answering about location.
Key language: the phoneme /D/ as in Ollie octopus Additional language: Tom
Revision: clock, orange, box, shop, prepositions, places in a town, Where's ... ? Where are
... ? It's ..., They're ...
Town flashcards 72-77: a park, a shop, a street, a hospital, a cafe, a flat
Household object flashcards 48-53: a mat, a lamp, a clock, a phone, a mirror, a sofa
Extra activity 1: Photocopiable activity 8 (see page 100), if not used in the previous lesson
copied onto thin card, one for each pupil, scissors, crayons
Revise the town and household objects vocabulary using the 12 flashcards. Flash each one
quickly in front of pupils, elicit the word and stick it on the board (picture side).
PB50. ACTIVITY 9. Say it with Monty.
Say Open your Pupil's Books at page 50, please. Introduce Ollie octopus to the class. Stress
the /D/ sound at the beginning of each word and say Today's new sound is ... Pupils supply /D/.
Check understanding of octopus, using the picture.
Hold up your book and point to Ollie. Say This is Ollie octopus. Say Hi to Ollie octopus.
Pupils respond. Emphasise the /D/ sound and check pupils say it correctly. Make the sound
several times for pupils to repeat. Point to the shop. Elicit what is in the window (a clock) and
the name of the shop (Tom's Clocks). Say Listen and say it with Monty. Play the CD. Pupils
listen and repeat in chorus. Play the CD again. This time, pupils repeat in groups and then in
pairs. They try saying the tongue twister as fast as they can. Ask volunteers to say it quickly
to the class.
Write the tongue twister on the board and elicit the /D/ sounds. Underline them. Focus pupils
on the 12 flashcards on the board and ask them which words have the /D/ sound (shop,
hospital, clock). Help pupils notice that the letter 0 does not always have the /t>/ sound, e.g.
Key: The clock's on an orange box in Tom's shop.
PB50. ACTIVITY 10. Ask and answer.
Ask a question about the picture, using the example. Review the meaning of the prepositions
they'll need, using gesture: next to, in front of, between, behind. Pupils ask and answer first in
open pairs. Pupils work in closed pairs, taking turns to ask and answer about the picture.
Extra activity 1: see page 116 (if time)
AB50. ACTIVITY 8. Read the words and draw lines.
Say Open your Activity Books at page 50, please. Focus pupils on the activity. Remind them
of the flashcards and that not all words with 0 have the sound /D/. Pupils work in pairs. They
say the sounds and find which ones sound like shop and which like boat. They connect them
with lines. Pairs check with pairs. Check with the class.
Key: Shop - sock, clock, box, frog; boat - nose, sofa, no, throw, goat
AB50. ACTIVITY 9. Draw a city. Write about it.
Pupils draw a picture of their ideal city to include the places under the picture. They then
complete the sentences about the city. Draw a model map on the board for them to use. This
will make it easier for them to describe:

Extra activity 2: see page 116 (if time)
Ending the lesson
Write the six town words in scrambled letter order on the board (park, shop, street, hospital,
cafe, flat). Pupils work in pairs and race to unscramble them. Check with the class by asking
pupils to spell words out correctly.


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