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Short Definition : small round piece of medicine; flat piece of stone or metal bearing an inscription; Ex.
stone tablet on the wall
(noun) a slab of stone or wood suitable for bearing an inscription

(noun) a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge
Synonyms : pad , pad of paper

(noun) a small flat compressed cake of some substance
Example Sentence
a tablet of soap

(noun) a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet
Synonyms : lozenge , pill , tab

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tablet
A Gazzette (newspaper) is also a Tablet because it has a number of sheets folded into one place.
1 5

by pushpa_edit

tab(computer) is to review files and let is to go in so tab+let will relate to allowing it to go into ur body to
fight a disease
1 0

by rohitjoe

tab means decoration and let(letter) decorate with letters on a stone
0 1

by manasareddy

Short Definition : understood (without actually being expressed); not put into words; Ex. tacit agreement
(adj) implied by or inferred from actions or statements
Synonyms : silent , understood
Example Sentence
gave silent consent
a tacit agreement
the understood provisos of a custody agreement

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tacit
tacit ~ take it; imagine you are giving permission to someone to take something from your room...but you
didn't say it verbally but via your actions.
45 5

by Administrator

tacit= take + it or you will have to take something which is not expresssed...
15 4

by ketaki

Tacit - Change the word to Tact - You tactfully (with perfection)handled the situation even without
expressing it in words (tacit).
9 2

by pushpa_edit

break it as taci -t = taxi ..when u r waiting on road side . it implied, understood without being expressed
that you need taxi
8 2

by saker

7 1

by ashleyswift

Example for Tacit is Mr.Bean's Action,who used to laugh a lot with out speaking a word Mr.Bean is a tacit
Actor :)
4 0

by misc

pushpaka vimanam is a movie in which kamalhasan acted,it is movie full of tacit no single word or
dialogue,its full of actions
1 1

by isabella swan

Short Definition : habitually silent; talking little
(adj) habitually reserved and uncommunicative

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for taciturn
Taxi_turn Taxi Driver will be reserved or uncommunicative while "Driving".
71 3

by Administrator

meaning of tacit = silent. so meaning of tacit + urn = taciturn = silent person , untalkative
7 9

by arulmozhi

akin to tacit which means "without words".
2 11

by garrulous

Taciturn and Reticent are somewhat similar in sound and they also have the same meaning, which is,
someone who uses words sparingly, is reserved.
0 10

by pushpa_edit

taciturn is uncommunicative;1 who talks little its anotnym being garrulousness
0 0

by rohitjoe

0 2

by Walkingdictionary

0 2

by Walkingdictionary

Ben loves soccer and tennis. He also enthusiastically plays ping-pong and frisbee golf.
0 0

by anne C.

Short Definition : skill or sensitivity in dealing with people without causing offence
(noun) consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offense
Synonyms : tactfulness

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tact
tact= t(=talent)+ act ... so, if you want to show your talent, you need to have the tact to put your act
11 1

by ketaki

just one word we need for explanation "tactic"
7 2

by Tural

Short Definition : careful no to cause offence; OP. tactless
(adj) having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others
Example Sentence
she was tactful enough not to shatter his illusion
a tactful remark eased her embarrassment

(adj) showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people
Synonyms : kid-glove
Example Sentence
by diplomatic conduct he avoided antagonizing anyone
a tactful way of correcting someone
the agency got the kid-glove treatment on Capitol Hill

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tactful who know all the tact to persuade people will never cause any offense to any one .
3 0

by preetisoni2411

Tactful - Tact + Full. Someone who knows how to handle a situation tactfully, is well mannered and
3 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : pertaining to the organs or sense of touch
(adj) of or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch
Synonyms : haptic , tactual
Example Sentence
haptic data
a tactile reflex

(adj) producing a sensation of touch
Synonyms : tactual
Example Sentence
tactile qualities
the tactual luxury of stroking silky human hair

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tactile
CON-tact - If you are in contact with something, you are in touch with it and hence it is tactile.
45 2


It sounds similar to Reptile(class of animals e.g Snake).Now this animals e.g snake are quite sensitive or
react suddenly when see something .thus quite sensitive and as we can't touch them so related to touch.
8 0

by Yogendra Mishra

tactile sounds like textile, we are in constant touch of clothes, it implies the meaning
2 1

by vlshahane

come in-tact means come in touch. So, tact means: sense of touch.
1 8

by garrulous

Short Definition : contaminate; cause to lose purity; modify with a trace of something bad; Ex. tainted
reputation; N: stain; touch of decay or bad influence; CF. touch
(noun) the state of being contaminated
Synonyms : contamination

(verb) place under suspicion or cast doubt upon
Synonyms : cloud , corrupt , defile , sully
Example Sentence
sully someone's reputation

(verb) contaminate with a disease or microorganism
Synonyms : infect

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for taint
Stained PAINT
38 4

by garrulous

taint is spelled same as stain where stain is one which causes to lose the purity.
9 3

by daringdavin

Think of situation, where you are expelled from city because of u lost purity or bcoz of bad repute then u
need to stay out of city, in a tent(taint).
2 8

by abhims2

taint is similar to faint.. when u faint it means u have some thing impure.. ie taint is a getting
1 4

by sindu vaishnavi

Paint on sth is to increases beauty but TAINT on sth DAMAGES BEAUTY
1 3

by kick_ass

Short Definition : burlesque; act of leaving the ground
(noun) a departure; especially of airplanes

(noun) the initial ascent of an airplane as it becomes airborne

(noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way
Synonyms : burlesque , charade , lampoon , mockery , parody , pasquinade , put-
on , sendup , spoof ,travesty

(noun) humorous or satirical mimicry
Synonyms : mockery , parody

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for takeoff
we mostly hear the plane is ready to "takeoff" it means the plane is ready to leave the ground and fly
3 1

by manasareddy

Take off is like Mock. The play was a take off on Bollywood's melodrama. It was a mock play.
0 5

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : charm; object believed to give supernatural powers to or protect its bearer
(noun) a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection
against evil or disease
Synonyms : amulet

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for talisman
Talisman sounds like Tilism(hindi word), which also refers to a magical charm (most probably a locket or
an amulet) that helps protect its bearer.
7 1

by abhims2

It sounds similar to tulsi(a Holy Plant).whenever we go for certain exam it is given hoping that luck would
be with us .bcoz it is pure and holy and this plant holds extreme importance to indians
5 1

by Yogendra Mishra

tal(l)+is+man; if a man is tall he is lucky as girls get attracted towards him.
2 2

by Dhananjay Pahuja

Remember Gandhiji talisman when unhappy ,u have think of poor person.
0 2

by rakei

there is a word in telugu called "talittu" which will be hanged in the necks of small childern which prtects
them from some harm..........
0 0


"tali" a jewel which usually hangs in the neck of married woman as a sign of holy ness and it is also loke
a kind of jewel
0 0


Short Definition : claw of bird
(noun) a sharp hooked claw especially on a bird of prey

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for talon
Falcon depends upon its Talon (claw of a Bird), while on hunting
15 13

by pushpa_edit

talon sounds like talvo(hindi) ...downside of feets...
9 3

by tannu_acumen

talon ~ laton ~ legs. claws are in legs only. ;)
3 3

by friendofafriend

its my hobbie to make soft toys in free when i was making a falcon soft toy , i had forgot to put
his TAIL ON the backside of his body and also forgot to put his sharp TALON....i m too forgetful!!!.........:D
3 6

by verbal800

bird ke talwe meaning panjey
1 4

by joeytrib

In talon,peer at "t" it resembles claw of a bird
1 4

by animator

talon - the 'taal' of a 'lion'.. like the claws of a lion but in a bird
0 1

by shalnew

Short Definition : convert (hide) into leather; make brown by exposure to the sun
(noun) a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun
Synonyms : burn , sunburn , suntan

(noun) a light brown the color of topaz
Synonyms : topaz

(noun) ratio of the opposite to the adjacent side of a right-angled triangle
Synonyms : tangent

(verb) treat skins and hides with tannic acid so as to convert them into leather

(verb) get a tan, from wind or sun
Synonyms : bronze

(adj) of a light yellowish-brown color

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tan
A Tan is a Sun Burn which you get when you expose yourself to the sun.
5 1

by pushpa_edit

tanneries are places where animal skin is changed to in KANPUR
3 1

by guswidgutts

tanner (tan+er) - a person who tans a skin till the skin becomes jet black/brown ! Generally we see
leather of jet black/brown color (in shoes, purse etc.) ... you can get da hint !
1 0

by khushi5

Short Definition : only slightly connected; not central; peripheral; digressing; showing divergence; CF.
(adj) of superficial relevance if any
Synonyms : digressive
Example Sentence
a digressive allusion to the day of the week
a tangential remark

(adj) of or relating to or acting along or in the direction of a tangent
Example Sentence
tangential forces

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tangential
Word Tangent(ial) taken from maths. A tangent is a line that touches a circle with a 90`degree angle. So
the meaning comes from there only slightly connected, not central, preipheral.
14 0

by abhims2

Tangential - Take it as Tangent which is Divergent, meaning, scattered or dispersed.
2 3

by pushpa_edit

: a TANGENT touches a circle at exactly 1 pt, so meaning is SLIGHTLY CONNECTED, after touching
2 1

by nikhilparasher

tangent also deviates from centre point of circle
2 1

by Thisisnotme

recluse sounds like reckless. because of reckless character withdrawn from society
0 0

by kinabh
Short Definition : able to be touched; real; concrete; palpable; possible to realize or understand; Ex.
tangible proof
(adj) perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch
Synonyms : touchable
Example Sentence
skin with a tangible roughness

(adj) capable of being treated as fact
Synonyms : real
Example Sentence
tangible evidence
his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor

(adj) (of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value
Example Sentence
tangible property like real estate
tangible assets such as machinery

(adj) capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt
Synonyms : palpable
Example Sentence
a barely palpable dust
felt sudden anger in a palpable wave
the air was warm and close--palpable as cotton
a palpable lie

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tangible
related to tangent, touching
13 1

by sukhoyash

Tangible or say Physical - something that can be sensed or felt by touch.
1 3

by pushpa_edit

tangible ~ touchable Thing which can be touch and sense. ex tangible result
1 3

by pulkitdave007

TANned Skin, Looks Good, wanna be aBLE to touch..
0 3

by shadip

Short Definition : person who turns animal hides into leather
(noun) a small coin of the United Kingdom worth six pennies; not minted since 1970
Synonyms : sixpence

(noun) a craftsman who tans skins and hides

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tanner
A Tanner knows the Manner in which to convert a hide (animal skin) into leather.
2 12

by pushpa_edit

TAN+LEATHER:Person who makes Tan into leather
2 1

by tapobratabag

For science student its so easy: Tanner use tannins to precipitates the protein so leather removed easily
from the aminals
0 2

by rajpt_007

Short Definition : tease; excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach; torture
with disappointment; CF. Tantalus: Greek mythological figure
(verb) harass with persistent criticism or carping
Synonyms : bait , cod , rag , rally , razz , ride , tantalise , taunt , tease , twit
Example Sentence
The children teased the new teacher
Don't ride me so hard over my failure
His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tantalize
Tanta-> Taunt Tont Taunting someone... It means harassing... easy to remem.Tantalize=taunt+entice
22 6

by vikasrattangoyal

tanta rhymes with Santa, imagine a rich kid tantalizing a poor kid, Santa gave me a car, Santa gave me
new clothes, what did he give you?
12 13

by anshulnirvana

u tease somebody like tan-tane-tan-ten.....tantalize
5 5

by manikandanntrjn harass persistently by taunting
4 2

by nileshdive

Tantalize or Entice - You entice or tempt somebody with something.
2 8

by pushpa_edit

tent + lie = a girl calls you in a tent, but she was lying. so u c she tantalized you
1 3

by friendofafriend

tantrik keeps the good results in view and keeps extracting money -he's harassing- tantalizing
1 1

by carbonmonoxide

tease, tease.. tease !!! tantalize . harassment teasing ..tanta in telgu.. Teasing is tantalizing .. so please
dont harass those gals
0 2

by deeplight

TENANT+PENALIZE=Teasing a Tenant continuously in 2 ways penalizing him 2.decreasing and
increasing the rent(offering and taking away)
0 2

by Phanik12312

Tantalize(chanchale or chakchake in nepali)and be harrassed we have to face criticism for being
0 0

by santosh pokhrel

Short Definition : equivalent in effect or value; Ex. This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war;
CF. amount
(adj) being essentially equal to something
Synonyms : equivalent
Example Sentence
it was as good as gold
a wish that was equivalent to a command
his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tantamount
ta-n-ta; an equal amount of 'ta' on both sides of 'n'.
129 4

by rizvi

Tantamount and Paramount are similar in sound but have different meanings. While tantamount means,
equivalent, paramount means chief in importance.
11 15

by pushpa_edit

Paramount means superior. Tantamount means equal.
1 6

by dshefman

tantamount is like tan tan amount i.e. just equal to the price.
1 0

by shaktipada

tantamount: t+(ant)+t=amount ... so the deed is 'equivalent' or 'equal to'(=) something...
0 15

by ketaki

Tantamount -seems like tent amount .For buying the tent you have to pay the amount that equals the
tent amount
0 0

by santosh pokhrel

Short Definition : fit of bad temper; fit of petulance; caprice; Ex. The child went into tantrums.
(noun) a display of bad temper
Synonyms : conniption , fit , scene
Example Sentence
he had a fit
she threw a tantrum
he made a scene

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tantrum
sounds like "tantra mantra". We do tantra mantra to get rid of the bad temper if someone has due to evil
souls entering someone's body
25 7

by cp.jethani

ant in Rum ----> make u angry, ill tempered !
17 1

by rahul naam to suna hoga

TAINT+RUM....taint means spot.....after seeing taint of rum on my friend's shirt,his mother lost her
6 0

by nileshdive

tantrum= t + an(=angry) + t + rum(=run) .... if someone gets angry, they run into a fit of bad temper.or (
rum pine ke baad tent mein tantrum hua..)
1 13

by ketaki

Short Definition : very thin candle; gradual decrease in the width of a long object; V. make or become
gradually narrower toward one end
(noun) a convex shape that narrows toward a point

(noun) the property possessed by a shape that narrows toward a point (as a wedge or cone)

(noun) a loosely woven cord (in a candle or oil lamp) that draws fuel by capillary action up into the flame
Synonyms : wick

(noun) stick of wax with a wick in the middle
Synonyms : candle , wax light

(verb) diminish gradually
Example Sentence
Interested tapered off

(verb) give a point to
Synonyms : point , sharpen
Example Sentence
The candles are tapered

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for taper
Remember your workshop course - you would've done tapering. Otherwise, think of a hose pipe
connecting to a tap. Its width decreases gradually.
5 13

by garrulous

4 8

by carbonmonoxide

we ll apply TAPE or oil coating 2cricket bat 2increase its stoke n sharpen its edges..
3 3

by ash2205

use TAPE to make the CANDLE stand erect from falling down
2 3

by Phanik12312

Usually the candles are 'Tapering'
1 0

by worldisunderme

Taper and Slender have similar sounds. If you taper something to a point, it becomes slender at that
point (it gets slimmer than from where it had started).
0 4

by pushpa_edit

taper: think of nozzle of a tapers from one end to another...smaller at end and larger diameter at
0 0

by santhu.civil

Relate it to Tape. when u use tape to stick something you could notice gradual decrease in the width of
the tape.
0 0

by adithya28

Short Definition : venomous spider
(noun) large southern European spider once thought to be the cause of tarantism (uncontrollable bodily
Synonyms : european wolf spider , lycosa tarentula

(noun) large hairy tropical spider with fangs that can inflict painful but not highly venomous bites

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tarantula
tarantula is like Dracula
7 4

by bishalbhatt

There was an English movie called Tarantula about wild spiders. In general, Tarantula, Godzilla, Gorilla
all end with "la" - and mean some gigantic creature.
2 0

by garrulous

Tarantula (a venomous spider) and Tarantella (an Italian whirling dance)have the same sounds but the
words have conflicting emotions. While one makes you whirl in enjoyment, the other makes you writhe
(get uncomfortable) in pain.
0 2

by pushpa_edit

taRANtula:RAN( is beside u)
0 0

by kuruabhinav

Short Definition : slow; sluggish; not on time; late; Ex. tardy arrival
(adj) after the expected or usual time; delayed
Synonyms : belated , late
Example Sentence
a belated birthday card
I'm late for the plane
the train is late
tardy children are sent to the principal
always tardy in making dental appointments

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tardy
tardy..sounds like if a person is tired..he is very slow at his work and arrives late than the
expected time.
41 3

by preetisoni2411

The base word for TARDY is RETARD, in which retard is to slow up, delay, inhibit, hinder, impede.,...
17 0

by Angeltks

Tardy and Dilly-Dally are rhyming words and they are used for someone who is slow and is always late at
getting somewhere or doing something.
2 4

by pushpa_edit

TARdy - In India a TAR road takes too much time
2 0

by ipavan57

On tar(black material used in road making) u can only go slow
0 0

by bbrave

Short Definition : make or become dull or discolored; N.
(noun) discoloration of metal surface caused by oxidation

(verb) make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically
Synonyms : defile , maculate , stain , sully
Example Sentence
The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air
Her reputation was sullied after the affair with a married man

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tarnish
its opposite of garnish..simple
23 2


opposite to varnish(A coating that provides a hard, lustrous, transparent finish to a surface)
7 0

by winder

Tarnish and Polish are rhyming words and one helps to remove the other. If you apply polish to a rusted
metal, it will help remove the tarnish.
1 2

by pushpa_edit

tarnish,tardy,mundane, sluggish,slack,shoddy:all these means DULL.......!:)
1 0

by chetan530

Tarnish and Polish are rhyming opposite words, and one helps to remove the other. If you tarnish a
polished metal surface/ or a persons reputation you damage it/him.
0 0

by hcruiz

Short Definition : linger; delay in starting or going; dawdle
(verb) be about
Synonyms : footle , hang around , lallygag , linger , loaf , loiter , lollygag , lounge , lurk , mess about ,mill
about , mill around
Example Sentence
The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square
Who is this man that is hanging around the department?

(verb) leave slowly and hesitantly
Synonyms : linger

(adj) having the characteristics of pitch or tar
Synonyms : pitchy , resinous , resiny

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tarry
like when Tar gets stuck to your boot, it leaves the boot slowly....
51 3

by kmr.akhil

tarry sounds like the hindi word a delay in doing something..
36 9

by preetisoni2411

consider the word TARIFF which means paying taxes.. So the merchants will attempt to TARRY the
3 1

by rdrd

tarry sounds like tardy,so if you tarry, you will be tardy.
3 2

by lollipop

tarry sounds like hu(a)rry..hurry is the antonym of tarry
2 2

by Ani

ataTARI chala ...khup late zalele ahe......
2 2

by rahulkhadse

Tarry can be thought when a girl says "aa rahi hun"..which means to delay..
1 5

by mohitdia

boss: y r u late? me: taarey gin ra tha :P
1 1

by friendofafriend

After consuming tarry(tarry in bengali language means wine) you are walking slowly & in curved way
1 0

by shaktipada

Tarry and Early have a similar sound but they have opposite meanings. Tarry is to dwadle and get late
whereas early means, to be punctual or be somewhere before the scheduled time.
0 8

by pushpa_edit

john terry always comes late on the football field
0 2

by jay_gandhi

Short Definition : sharp to the taste; acid-tasting; caustic; sarcastic; Ex. tart apple/reply
(noun) a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money
Synonyms : bawd , cocotte , cyprian , fancy woman , harlot , lady of pleasure , prostitute , sporting
lady , whore , woman of the street , working girl

(noun) a small open pie with a fruit filling

(noun) a pastry cup with a filling of fruit or custard and no top crust

(adj) tasting sour like a lemon
Synonyms : lemonlike , lemony , sourish , tangy

(adj) harsh
Synonyms : sharp , sharp-worded
Example Sentence
sharp criticism
a sharp-worded exchange
a tart remark

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tart
TART..try to recollect TARTaric acid. You can hence say in this context, that acid is SHARP and
PUNGENT in CHARACTER and therefore it is Tart.
21 0

by imajeeth

Tart think of Fart.
1 1

by abhims2

TART..try to recollect tartaric acid,so any acid is SHARP and PUNGENT in CHARACTER
1 0

by imajeeth

1 1

by santhu.civil

like fart is very pungent/sharp to smell,TART is sharp to taste....
0 0

by rahulkhadse

Short Definition : torn piece of cloth; ADJ. tattered: (of clothes) old and torn; (of a person) dressed in old
torn clothes
(noun) a small piece of cloth or paper
Synonyms : rag , shred , tag , tag end

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tatter
tatter rhymes very near to torture...and think of physically tortured or student in college whose all clothes
are torn into pieces.....
8 3

by preetisoni2411

agar kapde k kisi part pe tatti gir jaeygi to hum us part ko faadh dengey
1 4

by friendofafriend

sounds like "futt er" means torn cloth.
0 0

by cp.jethani

Tatter and Batter (to bash up or be bashed) are rhyming words. The thief's clothes were absolutely
tattered because the policemen had battered him up very badly.
0 0

by pushpa_edit

remember TATOO... to apply a tatoo ,u need to tatter ur clothes.
0 1

by guswidgutts

tatter sounds like scatter PIECES OF CLOTH OR PAPER
0 0

by kuruabhinav

in hindi it sounds like "tittar-bhittar" means destroyed completely into pieces
0 0

by irony

Think superlative degree of tato is tatter a sticker.
0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : deride or provoke; challenge in derision; N.
(noun) aggravation by deriding or mocking or criticizing
Synonyms : taunting , twit

(verb) harass with persistent criticism or carping
Synonyms : bait , cod , rag , rally , razz , ride , tantalise , tantalize , tease , twit
Example Sentence
The children teased the new teacher
Don't ride me so hard over my failure
His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for taunt your aunt provoked you against your parents.
11 2

by preetisoni2411

Taunt and Flaunt are rhyming words but have totally different meanings. The rich are always taunting the
poor by flaunting (making a show of) their money at them.
5 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : tight; strained; tense; ready; OP. slack
(adj) pulled or drawn tight
Synonyms : tight
Example Sentence
taut sails
a tight drumhead
a tight rope

(adj) subjected to great tension; stretched tight
Example Sentence
the skin of his face looked drawn and tight
her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for taut
taut sounds like taught.. and if all the teachers want to taught(teach) lessons at the same period it will be
24 7

by rsakthivelece

Teacher needs to be tight to teach (taut)
5 3

by jazzy

Taut sounds like Got. My muscles got taut (strained) after all that strenuous exercise.
3 12

by pushpa_edit

like TIGHT
2 5

by reachacsv

taut sounds like were taught a lesson last night n were asked to write a test but u
you are TENSED........
1 10

by preetisoni2411

Tauta (totta) means Maal(sexy looking girl), and tauta tightens few muscles.. tauta means maal then taut
can be considered as muscular male who is tight and ready
1 6

by sukhoyash

taut = tota (hindi word for maal ladki) so a
1. tota is always neat and trim
2. and when taut comes around you, you become nervous and stressed
1 8

by friendofafriend

Picture tater [tot]s tightly packed together in a fast food restaurant. :)
1 2

by Herricane

Think=Thought; Tight=Taut
1 0

by Deepi21

Short Definition : needlessly repetitious; Ex. ``It was visible to the eye''; N. tautology: needless repetition
of the same sense; statement that is always true
(adj) repetition of same sense in different words
Synonyms : pleonastic , redundant , tautologic
Example Sentence
`a true fact' and `a free gift' are pleonastic expressions
the phrase `a beginner who has just started' is tautological
at the risk of being redundant I return to my original proposition

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tautological
tota (parrot) repeats what u say !!
44 0

by userdce

TAU+TAU+logical....tau is coming twice at different places...
4 0

by nileshdive

(for biological students)Remember tautonomy= practice of naming animal having same Genus and
species name. ex: spotted deer=Axis axis
2 0

by vamsi_hava

Tautology and Monotony have somewhat similar sounds, but they have the same meaning i.e to happen
1 2

by pushpa_edit

For computer students, discrete mathematics contains step to prove one equation is same as other.
1 1

by rakei

Addition to Userdce's mnemonic...... Tau + Tau + Logic - Repeating the same logic using different
repeated words
1 0

by Angeltks

Thatha in tamil means grandfather.. old people repeat the what they say all the time
1 0

by NelsonNishanth

Tauto - Logical-- Taut students logically, don't repeat the chapter every time.
0 1

by ankitshinde

strut- truck
0 0

by sravan1411

what do u find looking at the mnemonics stated for this wors...? mr.sravan unnecessarily repeating the
same thing..
0 0


Short Definition : cheap and gaudy; Ex. tawdry jewelry
(adj) tastelessly showy
Synonyms : brassy , cheap , flash , flashy , garish , gaudy , gimcrack , loud , meretricious , tacky ,tatty , tr
Example Sentence
a flash car
a flashy ring
garish colors
a gaudy costume
loud sport shirts
a meretricious yet stylish book
tawdry ornaments

(adj) cheap and shoddy
Synonyms : cheapjack , shoddy
Example Sentence
cheapjack moviemaking...that feeds on the low taste of the mob

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tawdry
TOWEL+DRY......In a public locker room, a person who dries his body with a towel in front of everybody
is vulgar and gaudy.
33 8

by nileshdive

14 60

by arcane

taw - Toy which is cheap and Dry - Means it is dry showy - Not proper elegence.
8 16

by aniketr

tawdry sounds like rowdy..a cheap person indeed!!
6 5

by ronikvnandavanam

Tawdry sounds like Laundry -> clothes -> gaudy/showy/cheaply shining clothes
6 2

by carbonmonoxide

Sounds like Taadi in marathi..taadi are cheap alcohol shops
4 4

by sohancool

any1 who asks dowry from their bahus is a fucking tawdry
3 3

by friendofafriend

sounds like toddy.. toddy shops are cheap liquor shops.. hence the meaning cheap gaudy..
2 5

by deepster89

TAWDRY = TAsteless + gAUDY.
1 1

by dshefman

Sounds like "To Oddly Dry" yourself in a way that others can see your body (It could be both Showy and
1 0

by BabiMnM

Tawdry is Vulgarity - to be showy, garish or flashy - something that is unpresentable and ungraceful.
0 4

by pushpa_edit

Dry lands r cheap so tawdry means cheap
0 0

by s.c.harish

TAWDRY sounds like "TODDY" means white water it is very cheap compare to all wines....
0 0

by nk523

Short Definition : brownish yellow
(adj) of a light brown to brownish orange color; the color of tanned leather
Synonyms : tawny-brown

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tawny
12 3


tanned ......... tanny ... tawny
3 2

by kmr.akhil

Tawny or Fawny (fawn) or Creamy (cream)or Sandy (colour of sand), are all shades of yellow ochre
(brownish yellow).
0 1

by pushpa_edit

after TAN we are TAWNY
0 0

by friendofafriend

Short Definition : specialist in classifying (animals, etc.); CF. taxonomy: science of classification
(noun) a biologist who specializes in the classification of organisms into groups on the basis of their
structure and origin and behavior
Synonyms : systematist , taxonomer

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for taxonomist
taxo(classifying into different catagories or arranging in an order...) + nomist(one who names the
5 7

by preetisoni2411

TAXO+NOMIST...imagine urself in a moving TAXI and and u are giving names NAMEIST[
(classifying)...people passing by
2 3

by elixir

a Person who (TAX)Stacks into Groups
1 1

by ss81089

Taxonomy is a Methodology of classifying animals into groups.
0 5

by pushpa_edit

Imagine a tax guy, high on something. He sees animals around him, and classifies them.
0 1

by akshaynakra

TAXI's are now -a -days classified into various CAB's...and dey r used to carry da SOCIAL ANIMALS(us
guyzzz n galzzz)
0 1

by Phanik12312

Short Definition : boredom; weariness; ADJ. tedious
(noun) the feeling of being bored by something tedious
Synonyms : boredom , ennui

(noun) dullness owing to length or slowness
Synonyms : tediousness , tiresomeness

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tedium
tedium....stadium.......bored of sitting in a stadium...... especially during test matches...for 5 days..!!!!
22 7

by preetisoni2411

Just think of the cognate 'tedious' which means annoying. Tedium annoys too.
7 2

by gunjanshah

Tedium (boring) and Humdrum (dull) are rhyming words and they also relate to each other. If something
is dull it is bound to be boring.
0 5

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : practice of abstaining totally from alcoholic drinks; N. teetotaler;; ADJ. teetotal; CF. T +
(noun) abstaining from alcohol
Synonyms : teetotaling

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for teetotalism
totally drinking tea..not drinking alcohol :-)
28 0

by sohancool

tee + total + ism.......focus..on total.....practice of totally abstaining from alcoholic drinks......
5 3

by preetisoni2411

Teetotalism and Epicureanism are similar in sound but are opposite in meaning. Teetotalism is to abstain
from alchohol but Epicureanism is to enjoy wining (wine) and dining.
1 2

by pushpa_edit

TEA+TOTAL- totally taking TEA instead of wine/beer
1 0

by userdce

0 0

by lebshah

Short Definition : boldness; nerve; rashness; Ex. temerity to ask for a pay increase after only three day's
(noun) fearless daring
Synonyms : audaciousness , audacity

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for temerity
Temerity (boldness) is the opposite of timidity, which means fear or shyness.
77 4

by missionabhijeet

T+ marry+t...if u will break d word like dis den u will find out meaning...Think like dis dat v need alot of
BOLDNESS to marry,v hav 2hold our NERVE b4 dis step
22 11

by vaibhav singh

: te+merit+yif you have merit(academic excellence) then you will be excessive confident and fearless
8 3

by nikhilparasher

remember the word tremor.. meaning shaking with fear so a temer person doesn't have tremors...
6 6

by 1.6k

temerity is opposite of timorous which means timid in nature
2 3

by joeytrib

teri mitti mein kadam rakhne ki BOLDNESS hai mujhmein
2 0

by joxeusindia

Use the verb "temper" which means to restrain/ control. Fear nor danger could TEMPER his TEMERITY.
1 3

by tivoli25

1 2

by nileshdive

THIMURU - in tamil.. those who know.. u can work out the remaining
1 0

by NelsonNishanth

Remember of Rakhi Sawant she has such foolish boldness (temerity)..... lolzzzz
0 4

by Rushabh22

sounds like tees maar khan who is very bold and rash.
0 0

by ashleyswift

temerity ( team and rift ) when you are in team you are bold and do not afraid from people who have rift
with you
0 0

by santosh pokhrel

temerity = Team has merit, so we are fearless daring.
0 0

by shaktipada

TEMERITY = the + merity; The merit people is always fearless daring.
0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : moderate; make less severe; tone down or restrain; toughen (steel) as by alternate
heating and cooling
(noun) a sudden outburst of anger
Synonyms : irritation , pique
Example Sentence
his temper sparked like damp firewood

(noun) a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling
Synonyms : humor , humour , mood
Example Sentence
whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time
he was in a bad humor

(noun) a disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger
Synonyms : biliousness , irritability , peevishness , pettishness , snappishness , surliness
Example Sentence
his temper was well known to all his employees

(noun) the elasticity and hardness of a metal object; its ability to absorb considerable energy before
Synonyms : toughness

(verb) bring to a desired consistency, texture, or hardness by a process of gradually heating and cooling
Synonyms : anneal , normalize
Example Sentence
temper glass

(verb) harden by reheating and cooling in oil
Synonyms : harden
Example Sentence
temper steel

(verb) adjust the pitch (of pianos)

(verb) make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate
Synonyms : mollify , season
Example Sentence
she tempered her criticism

(verb) restrain
Synonyms : chasten , moderate

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for temper
The TEMPo travellER is a vehicle of moderate speed.
3 5

by pcsjith

temper means 2 reduce so "divide this tem--per head"where tem can b taken as anything which can b
3 0

by SDV

Temper also means to make LESSER. To temper something is to cool it down or slacken its pace.
0 2

by pushpa_edit

sound as hamper-kharaab hona as studies hamper hona
0 0

by ashleyswift

Parent to child: You better temper that temper!
0 0

by shirasong

temper-temperature. temper means to maintain body temperature i.e., to remain cool
0 0

by VikramGovindarajan

Short Definition : characteristic frame of mind; disposition; emotional excess; ADJ. temperamental: of
temperament; having frequent changes of temper; Ex. temperamental dislike of sports; Ex.
temperamental actress
(noun) your usual mood
Synonyms : disposition
Example Sentence
he has a happy disposition

(noun) excessive emotionalism or irritability and excitability (especially when displayed openly)

(noun) an adjustment of the intervals (as in tuning a keyboard instrument) so that the scale can be used
to play in different keys

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for temperament
temeperament - temper + mental.. which shows that temper is a type of emotion of the mind.. thus
temperament is you usual mood/ frame of mind..
7 0

by deepster89

snds like-temper+permanent;so u r always prone to temper thats ur mood,disposition,characteristic or
frame of ur mind
2 0

by mdhineshm

you could see the temparament in an adult by offering him a peppermint candy on ur birthday..:)
1 1

by amarendar

Temperament and Inherent are rhyming words. You can say, that some people have a certain
temperament which is inherent in them.
0 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : moderate; restrained; self-controlled; moderate in respect to temperature; CF.
temperance: moderation and self-restraint; abstinence of alcoholic drinks; Ex. temperance society
(adj) (of weather or climate) free from extremes; mild; or characteristic of such weather or climate
Example Sentence
a temperate region
the temperate zones
temperate plants

(adj) not extreme in behavior
Example Sentence
temperate in his habits
a temperate response to an insult
temperate in his eating and drinking

(adj) not extreme
Synonyms : moderate
Example Sentence
a moderate penalty
temperate in his response to criticism

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for temperate
Temper+ate= which means he dosen't have a temper , that is he is self-controlled and is not extreme in
5 0

by Fardin

The temperate zone bw the hot tropics and cold polar has moderate climate.
2 0

by pcsjith

Think of the word TEMPERATURE. If temperatue is mild at some place, that place might be called a
temperate zone
1 0

by shery

Temperate and Tolerant are rhyming words and they both mean, someone or something that is
moderate or self-restrained.
0 4

by pushpa_edit

temperate=temper+ate...if one ate their own he has no temper to he is not extreme
in behaviour..@maha
0 0

by maha
Short Definition : stormy; violent; impassioned; N. tempest: violent storm
(adj) characterized by violent emotions or behavior
Synonyms : stormy
Example Sentence
a stormy argument
a stormy marriage

(adj) (of the elements) as if showing violent anger
Synonyms : angry , furious , raging , wild
Example Sentence
angry clouds on the horizon
furious winds
the raging sea

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tempestuous
TEMPESTUOUS can be split as TEMP + PEST + OUS, so how will your TEMPer be if someone keeps
PESTering you. It will obviously be VIOLENT.
42 1

by imajeeth

Tempestuous and Tumultuous have similar sounds and they both refer to turbulence or disorder.
5 5

by pushpa_edit

tempestuous can be related to tempting, if something is very tempting to us, we become violent and
agitated to get it...
2 2

by anshulnirvana

guys this one is simple. tempestuous and impetuous mean the same. when a pet(dog) irritates u become
impetuous or tempestuous. meaning violent and rash
2 1

by wordsmania

focus on TEMP not even (temp)orarily at rest...very stormy.originally posted by dancing shiv
0 4

by preetisoni2411

temp(temporarily)+est(sounds like rest)now think of rakhi savant(a dancer)..when mika (her friend
and singer)..kissed her..she turned violent,she got bad tempered and villified him in media,and she does
it almost every month,in short she never tak
0 7

by preetisoni2411

n short she never takes rest and always makes the news.
0 2

by preetisoni2411

we all know about the play "TEMPEST"
0 5


Tempest is a violent wind or storm.... So tempestuous is violent anger
0 1

by NelsonNishanth

sounds like "time pass" + ous.. If we do time pass during exams then our parents are sure to get violet,
stormy on us..
0 0

by saketagrawal123

Short Definition : speed of music
(noun) (music) the speed at which a composition is to be played
Synonyms : pacing

(noun) the rate of some repeating event
Synonyms : pace

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tempo
Tempo and Go. The Tempo of the orchestra kept changing from the word Go (from the time they
started)to the last piece of music they played on stage.
1 2

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : of time; not lasting forever; limited by time; temporary; secular; worldly
(noun) the semantic role of the noun phrase that designates the time of the state or action denoted by the
Synonyms : temporal role

(adj) not eternal
Example Sentence
temporal matters of but fleeting moment

(adj) of or relating to or limited by time
Example Sentence
temporal processing
temporal dimensions
temporal and spacial boundaries
music is a temporal art

(adj) of or relating to the temples (the sides of the skull behind the orbit)
Example Sentence
temporal bone

(adj) characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world
Synonyms : secular , worldly
Example Sentence
worldly goods and advancement
temporal possessions of the church

(adj) of this earth or world
Example Sentence
temporal joys
our temporal existence

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for temporal
Temporal and Mortal are rhyming words with the same meaning i.e something that is temporary, that
does not last forever.
6 0

by pushpa_edit

temporal is derived from temporary which means lasting only for a time
0 0

by shalmalibarki

TEMP+ORAL--- relates to ORAL(speaking) IN TEMPLE--- relates to secular
0 1

by nikhilparasher

Yhose who are preparing for ORAL TEMPORARY their memory will "not last forever"
0 1

by ankitshinde

"tempor"- it means time
0 0

by aditibehl

Short Definition : gain time as by postponing an action; avoid committing oneself
(verb) draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time
Synonyms : temporise
Example Sentence
The speaker temporized in order to delay the vote

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for temporize
(Temporize ~ Memorize); If you are not able to memorize the GRE words properly you temporize your
plan to schedule the exam date immediately
37 5

by khushi5

Temporize -> Temporarily + Sieze that is temporarily postpone or put on hold
17 1

by sohancool

Temporize- 'Tempo'->temporarily; 'rize'- time ko 'rise' karna, i.e., to buy time to do stuffs
6 0

by carbonmonoxide

increase the temp so that u get more time...
4 2

by 1.6k

Temporize (avoid commiting yourself in order to gain time) is the opposite of Oblige which means you
gladly do what is asked of you.
0 7

by pushpa_edit

The temp took the job in order to temporize and temporarily earn some money before becoming decisive.
0 2

by thebookie3

usaka Tempo Rise ho gaya isliye usane koi bhi STATEMENT ya DECISION LENE KE LIYE TIME
MAANGA..taaki woh shaanti se dicision le saake..
0 0

by RajeshBorkar

temporize=temporal(time)+rise(gain) i.e. gain time as by postponing an action
0 0

by pradipta863das88

TEMPO results in causing a delay by gaining time since its a slow vehicle TEMPO refers to the 3
0 0

by khandujarohan

Short Definition : holding fast (as to a belief); persistent
(adj) good at remembering
Synonyms : long , recollective , retentive
Example Sentence
a retentive mind
tenacious memory

(adj) stubbornly unyielding
Synonyms : dogged , dour , persistent , pertinacious , unyielding
Example Sentence
dogged persistence
dour determination
the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics
a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it
men tenacious of opinion

(adj) sticking together
Synonyms : coherent
Example Sentence
two coherent sheets
tenacious burrs

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tenacious
Sounds like ten Asians. Ten developing Asian countries if united together, can not be pulled apart.
52 7

by Administrator

Using the similarity to "Asian" again, you can use the stereotype that Asians are good at school... thus
good at remembering/ retentive. You can even stretch it to the "stubbornly persistent" def."
12 5

by tivoli25

REtenacious... one who retains things..
9 1

by 1.6k

A man named ROCKY was sent to jail for throwing acid at his wife. He came out of jail several years later
and you know the first thing he did? He threw the acid again. This thing repeated 10 times. Finally he was
called tenacious
7 7

by friendofafriend

TENANT-DOESNT LET GO OFF a flat he gets , very easily.. TENANTs are TENAcious
6 1

by madness

even if there are ten meanings, a tenacious person will remember all
3 4

by 1.6k

Tenacious reminds of Tentacles of Davy Jones in the movie Pirates of Caribbean, they stuck together
and didn't yield by any possible means.
1 1

by hungover

Humans have ten fingers to hold on to something persistently.
1 0

by praveenvd

ten means push in greek
0 6

by harneet_9

tenacious = ten + ac + io + us; We( us means we) indeed oblige(i for indeed & o for oblige) ten air
conditioner for the hall anyhow otherwise you will not get your money.
0 1

by shaktipada

Short Definition : firmness; persistence
(noun) persistent determination
Synonyms : doggedness , perseverance , persistence , persistency , pertinacity , tenaciousness

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tenacity
tenacity : teen's consistant activity ie determination to continue what he/she 's doing.
25 5


tenacity : ten aina chestha - not giving up
12 5

by santosh reddy

in search of job i am PERSISTENTLY living in A CITY like mumbai for TEN years......still no
4 2

by verbal800

Tenacity and Frailty are rhyming words with opposite meanings. While tenacity stands for
firmness,strength, frailty refers to weakness or fragility (fragile).
3 9

by pushpa_edit

Tenacity=Tenant+City means tenant in a city is not oersistant
0 0

by manojksolanki

Short Definition : possession of land or building by rent; period of a tenant's occupancy
(noun) an act of being a tenant or occupant
Synonyms : occupancy

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tenancy
Think of the word tenant - who lives in a rented flat/building
2 0

by sohancool

Tennancy and Occupancy are similar in sound as well as in meaning. A tenant occupies accomodation in
rent from the owner.
1 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : one that pays rent to use property owned by another
(noun) someone who pays rent to use land or a building or a car that is owned by someone else
Synonyms : renter
Example Sentence
the landlord can evict a tenant who doesn't pay the rent

(noun) a holder of buildings or lands by any kind of title (as ownership or lease)

(noun) any occupant who dwells in a place

(verb) occupy as a tenant

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tenant
this word sounds like TANT ON RENT...and during marriges we take the TANT ON RENT....and tant is a
property owned by tant owner for which we pay rent to him.
3 0

by preetisoni2411

Tenant and Occupant are rhyming words and they both refer to a lodger or holder of rented property.
1 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : have a tendency; take care of; minister; serve at; apply one's attention; attend
(verb) have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined
Synonyms : be given , incline , lean , run
Example Sentence
She tends to be nervous before her lectures
These dresses run small
He inclined to corpulence

(verb) have care of or look after
Example Sentence
She tends to the children

(verb) manage or run
Example Sentence
tend a store

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tend
Tend or Lend a helping hand is to assist or help someone.
2 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : promoting a particular point of view; biased; having an aim; designed to further a
cause; Ex. tendentious rather than truth-seeking; CF. tend: move in a certain direction
(adj) having or marked by a strong tendency especially a controversial one
Synonyms : tendencious
Example Sentence
a tendentious account of recent elections
distinguishing between verifiable fact and tendentious assertion

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tendentious
Rearrange the words to make - Tend or Tendency + ious or bias. So, TENDENTIOUS is a TENDENcy
towards one viewpoint over another.
30 2

by pushpa_edit

tendentious:(tendency+Us~United states):the tendency of US is to support/tend towrds the controversial
country, thats why it supports pakistan to crub india through financial and military/weapon
supporting a controversial
1 0

by NarenSuri

Split like: TEN DEN ( Ten people discussing at a single den raise to controversial views)
1 0

by acidburn

tend = tendor,so when tendor is provided a pratiality is made btwn two......
0 0

by misha

Tendency+ tension= tendency to bring out the controversial topic which gives tensions
0 0

by Isismona

Short Definition : offer formally; extend; Ex. tender one's resignation/the exact fare; N: formal offer;
money; Ex. legal tender; ADJ: young and vulnerable; sensitive to the touch; sore; soft; delicate; Ex. child
of ten
(noun) something that can be used as an official medium of payment
Synonyms : legal tender , stamp

(noun) someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another
Synonyms : attendant , attender

(noun) a formal proposal to buy at a specified price
Synonyms : bid

(noun) car attached to a locomotive to carry fuel and water

(noun) a boat for communication between ship and shore
Synonyms : cutter , pinnace , ship's boat

(noun) ship that usually provides supplies to other ships
Synonyms : supply ship

(verb) offer or present for acceptance

(verb) propose a payment
Synonyms : bid , offer
Example Sentence
The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting

(verb) make a tender of; in legal settlements

(verb) make tender or more tender as by marinating, pounding, or applying a tenderizer
Synonyms : tenderise , tenderize
Example Sentence
tenderize meat

(adj) given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality
Example Sentence
a tender heart
a tender smile
tender loving care
tender memories
a tender mother

(adj) hurting
Synonyms : raw , sensitive , sore
Example Sentence
the tender spot on his jaw

(adj) young and immature
Example Sentence
at a tender age

(adj) having or displaying warmth or affection
Synonyms : affectionate , fond , lovesome , warm
Example Sentence
affectionate children
a fond embrace
fond of his nephew
a tender glance
a warm embrace

(adj) easy to cut or chew
Example Sentence
tender beef

(adj) physically untoughened
Synonyms : untoughened
Example Sentence
tender feet

(adj) (used of boats) inclined to heel over easily under sail
Synonyms : crank , cranky , tippy

(adj) (of plants) not hardy; easily killed by adverse growing condition
Example Sentence
tender green shoots

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tender
the method of contracting.. or FORMALLY OFFERING a company to undertake public works is called a
2 1

by rsakthivelece

Tender and Retire. You tender your resignation to retire from your job.
1 2

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : doctrine; dogma
(noun) a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof
Synonyms : dogma

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tenet
TENET rhymes with the tenants were given a set of DOCTRINE by the owner before they
could occupy the house
42 1

by imajeeth

teen + net. teen should not be allowed to sit in interNET for long time. this is the common PRINCIPLE or
DOGMA among parents
27 2

by arulmozhi

The Ten Commandments
2 2

by Tiney

TEN+IT=when TEN(a group) say something every1 follows IT(as a principle)
2 2

by elixir

teeneger + net ... teeneger shld be given proper "teaching" to use net
1 3

by anshul011235

A Tenet is a Statement of a strong religious belief or principle.
0 5

by pushpa_edit

tenant one who holds property, tenet mens similar about principals of religious or political belief
0 4

by sukhoyash

KAS-KE(tighten) keep the things kas-ke or they would fall out of order.
0 3

by userdce

tenet = ten + eat; The food should be taken before ten for good health thiis a doctrine without proof.
0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : part that forms the end; railroad or bus station; ADJ. forming an end; ending in death;
fatal; Ex. terminal cancer
(noun) station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods
Synonyms : depot , terminus

(noun) a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves
Synonyms : pole

(noun) either extremity of something that has length
Synonyms : end
Example Sentence
the end of the pier
she knotted the end of the thread
they rode to the end of the line
the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix

(noun) electronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer; has a keyboard and

(adj) of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route
Example Sentence
freight pickup is a terminal service
terminal charges

(adj) relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time
Example Sentence
terminal examinations
terminal payments

(adj) being or situated at an end
Example Sentence
the endmost pillar
terminal buds on a branch
a terminal station
the terminal syllable

(adj) occurring at or forming an end or termination
Synonyms : concluding , final , last
Example Sentence
his concluding words came as a surprise
the final chapter
the last days of the dinosaurs
terminal leave

(adj) causing or ending in or approaching death
Example Sentence
a terminal patient
terminal cancer

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for terminal
Terminal and Final are rhyming words which mean, the end or an end to something.
1 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : end; V. terminate
(noun) a coming to an end of a contract period
Synonyms : expiration , expiry
Example Sentence
the expiry of his driver's license

(noun) a place where something ends or is complete
Synonyms : end point , endpoint , terminus

(noun) something that results
Synonyms : final result , outcome , result , resultant
Example Sentence
he listened for the results on the radio

(noun) the end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme)
Synonyms : ending
Example Sentence
I don't like words that have -ism as an ending

(noun) the act of ending something
Synonyms : conclusion , ending
Example Sentence
the termination of the agreement

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for termination
Termination and Eradication are rhyming words with the same meaning, which is, to remove something
0 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : terms used in a science or art; study of nomenclature
(noun) a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline
Synonyms : language , nomenclature
Example Sentence
legal terminology
biological nomenclature
the language of sociology

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for terminology
Terminology and Etymology both refer to words. Terminology refers to the technical terms of a subject
whereas Etymology refers to an account of a word's origin and description.
0 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : last stop of railroad; end
(noun) a place where something ends or is complete
Synonyms : end point , endpoint , termination

(noun) the ultimate goal for which something is done
Synonyms : destination

(noun) (architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar;
originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome
Synonyms : term , terminal figure

(noun) either end of a railroad or bus route

(noun) station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods
Synonyms : depot , terminal

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for terminus
Terminus=terminal+bus. So, terminus is Bus Terminal where bus stops and loads & unloads passengers.
7 0

by Saquib

Terminus and Bus which are rhyming words are interrelated, because each and every bus has to end at
a terminus (bus stop).
1 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : on or relating to the earth
(adj) of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air
Synonyms : tellurian , telluric , terrene

(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of the planet Earth or its inhabitants
Synonyms : planetary
Example Sentence
planetary rumblings and eructations
the planetary tilt
this terrestrial ball

(adj) operating or living or growing on land

(adj) concerned with the world or worldly matters
Synonyms : mundane
Example Sentence
mundane affairs
he developed an immense terrestrial practicality

(adj) of this earth
Synonyms : sublunar , sublunary
Example Sentence
transcendental motives for sublunary actions
fleeting sublunary pleasures
the nearest to an angelic being that treads this terrestrial ball

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for terrestrial
Terrestrial which is pertaining to the earth is the opposite of Celestial or Astral which refer to the stars
and the constellation.
3 2

by pushpa_edit

When we go on the terrace of a building we can see the full surrounding which is nothing but earth.
2 3

by yogendraghatpande

Darwin Can't Solve the problem :: 'Human and Monkey are similar but why human are terrestrial and why
Monkeys are arborial'
1 0

by onno manush

Short Definition : concise; abrupt; pithy
(adj) brief and to the point; effectively cut short
Synonyms : crisp , curt , laconic
Example Sentence
a crisp retort
a response so curt as to be almost rude
the laconic reply; `yes'
short and terse and easy to understand

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for terse
terse...sounds like TERESA..Here all her achievements,efforts everything has been consolidated,
confined and put into a single word "MOTHER"..So TERSE means brief,concise
34 9

by ArDoR

TERSE rhymes with VERSE.jus a verse is always CONCISE and PITHY
17 9

by imajeeth

write mother teresa as u r riting concise and brief!
5 4

by adityasree

TEARse....when you tear your cloth it becomes brief,concise...
5 2

by nileshdive

Terse is when you Converse in a curt or concise manner.
2 7

by pushpa_edit

Time spent in a hearse is brief by comparison.
2 1

by Rodeokinney

read it as T-erase.... we erase unnecessary lines to make it short and concise
0 0

by l.k.sandra

Short Definition : third in order or rank
(noun) from 63 million to 2 million years ago
Synonyms : tertiary period

(adj) coming next after the second and just before the fourth in position
Synonyms : 3rd , third

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tertiary
Tertiary and Subsidiary have the same sounds. While Subsidiary stands for something second in
importance (as Primary means first), Tertiary refers to third in level.
2 3

by pushpa_edit

1 0

by nachi

Short Definition : mosaic; inlaid; Ex. tessellated pattern
(adj) having a checkered or mottled appearance

(adj) decorated with small pieces of colored glass or stone fitted together in a mosaic
Example Sentence
a tessellated pavement

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tessellated
18 2

by rakei

Tessellated and Decorated have somewhat similar sounds. The Taj Mahal is tessellated or decorated
with mosaic art.
8 4

by pushpa_edit

TESSELATED can be split as TESt+ELATED..i was very ELATED to have skipped de TESt.the reason
being,i fell on the MOSAIC TESSELATED means MOSAIC
5 17

by imajeeth

tessellated has 'essel' in it, Think of 'Essel World' is decorated with each small things.
3 2

by gunjanshah

latin tessella means diminutive, tiny.. so tessellated means anything combined tiny parts(may be
homogeneous may be different)
2 0

by sukhoyash

0 0

by shalnew

Short Definition : maker of a will; CF. testatrix
(noun) a person who makes a will
Synonyms : testate

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for testator
testator (or) testate: here from testate take estate and tor from tor represents a person so
person having estates definetly makes a will so that estate will go to his heirs
13 0

by gre_10

test+at+or(your)own will so do you want to give test its ur own will
4 1

by saravpreet.302

Testator - change the word Testat into state and add success to or.. The TEstator States his will to his
2 12

by pushpa_edit

2 1

by sandeep41190

One who TESTS the SUCCESSOR for a fortune - TEST - ATOR
1 4

by drquadros54

parents will transfer all their properties to their children before death. such an act is called testator = THE
+ STATOR (stater).
1 3

by arulmozhi

testate (will)from latin root testor means testify.. during that time making will was not a same process like
today, they used witness(testis) in place of stamp paper
1 1

by sukhoyash

Testator takes testimonies from the dying person to make the will
1 1

by carbonmonoxide

you hav a will to become a 1st you hav to write a test..
0 3

by Ani

person who make a will to score good marks in a test called testator
0 1

by sundeep421

Short Definition : irritable; impatient and bad-tempered; short-tempered; N. testiness
(adj) easily irritated or annoyed
Synonyms : cranky , fractious , irritable , nettlesome , peckish , peevish , pettish , petulant , scratchy ,tech
y , tetchy
Example Sentence
an incorrigibly fractious young man
not the least nettlesome of his countrymen

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for testy
If someone has described you as SHORT-TEMPERED in the TESTY(testimonial), then you will get
IRRITATED looking at it.
42 12

by imajeeth

TESTY sounds like TASTY, so if food is not tasty u get irritate, bad tempered
21 3

by kashyap

test+y - tests (exams) are irritable and make a person short-tempered
13 3

by shubhabrata

a IRRITATED person says--Dont TEST my patience
7 3

by watefun

5 3

by krish007

if the food is not TASTY u become TESTY....!:)
2 0

by chetan530

Teasing Tea.
1 2

by shadip

for computer people: the software testers are very short tempered and are very irritable to the developer
1 2

by anshul011235

TESTY-S if sumone fidgets with it.. d 'proces' becomes short tempered..
1 2

by madness

TESTY OR FIDGETY have somewhat similar sounds. The words refer to irritability.
0 6

by pushpa_edit

Split the word into TEST+TEA. if u could not TEA during TESt u get irritated...
0 3

by atluri.vinay

Who does'nt get easily irritated by a surprise TEST!
0 2

by ankit_725

when you see that your tests are approaching you easily get irritated
0 2

by brain_damage

giving a test is testy
0 2

by faisal_rabbi04

Someone wrote a bad TESTY about you and hence you got "IRRITATED"
0 2

by ankitshinde

This somehow sounds like "testis". So if someone shows your testis to others you get annoyed.
0 0

by itzmesriram

my testicles are testy,i shall treat them gently!
0 0

by roozbeh33

Short Definition : tie (an animal) with a rope or tether; N: rope or chain to which an animal is tied; limit of
one's endurance; Ex. the end of one's tether
(noun) restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal
Synonyms : lead , leash

(verb) tie with a tether
Example Sentence
tether horses

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tether
TETHER can be split as TiE + HER, so remember it as TIE her WITH A ROPE.
33 5

by imajeeth

Tether and Fetter are common because both words refer to a kind of restrain (rope or chain) for an
3 7

by pushpa_edit

tether --> tie+together
2 2

by nikhilnitc

tet+her....tightly(tet) tie rope........
1 4

by sansan549

tether- tie+ her
1 0


Bangla tador
0 2


Internet tethering in iphone means.. it can be used as a hotspot to connect or TIE other instruments or
equipments to it.
0 1

by NelsonNishanth

Short Definition : of a theme; relating to a unifying motif or idea
(adj) relating to or constituting a topic of discourse

(adj) of or relating to a melodic subject

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thematic
Thematic can be thought of as related to a theme or an idea. So is it's meaning..
7 0

by mohitdia

them+atic(attic):so those people are on attic discussing a idea or coming to a conclusion
1 0

by gre_10

Thematic and Topic are rhyming words which refer to a subject being discussed.
0 5

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : government run by religious leaders
(noun) a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided)

(noun) the belief in government by divine guidance

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for theocracy
theo(means god)+cracy..(goverment...)..goverment by god.....or religious people....
24 1

by preetisoni2411

Theocracy is a Democracy (government) of the priests in the name of a divine being.
1 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : based on theory; not practical or applied; hypothetical
(adj) concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations
Synonyms : theoretic
Example Sentence
theoretical science

(adj) concerned with theories rather than their practical applications
Example Sentence
theoretical physics

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for theoretical
theore(theory)+tical(practical) something that is just based on theory..not on practical.....
1 2

by preetisoni2411

Theoretical and Practical are rhyming words with opposite meanings. Theoretical stands for a study
based on theory while a practical involves activity instead of theory.
0 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : curative; N. therapy
(noun) a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain
Synonyms : curative , cure , remedy

(adj) tending to cure or restore to health
Synonyms : alterative , curative , healing , remedial , sanative
Example Sentence
curative powers of herbal remedies
her gentle healing hand
remedial surgery
a sanative environment of mountains and fresh air
a therapeutic agent
therapeutic diets

(adj) relating to or involved in therapy
Synonyms : therapeutical
Example Sentence
therapeutic approach to criminality

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for therapeutic
therape(therapy) + eutic..a therapy to cure therapeutic..means curative....
18 0

by preetisoni2411

Therapeutic for the Chronic. Therapeutic healing relieves or cures a chronic disease.
0 2

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : pertaining to heat; producing heat; warm; Ex. thermal bath; N: rising current of warm
(noun) rising current of warm air

(adj) relating to or associated with heat
Synonyms : caloric , thermic
Example Sentence
thermal movements of molecules
thermal capacity
thermic energy
the caloric effect of sunlight

(adj) of or relating to a hot spring
Example Sentence
thermal water

(adj) caused by or designed to retain heat
Example Sentence
a thermal burn
thermal underwear

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thermal
Thermal sounds like Kambal (a hindi word which means a warm blanket), is also a kind of thermal
1 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : opinion put forward and supported by reasoned arguments
(noun) an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument

(noun) a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an
advanced academic degree
Synonyms : dissertation

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thesis
Thesis or a Treatise refer to a theory or statement put forward for reasoning.
2 5

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : pertaining to drama; N: actor or actress
(noun) a theatrical performer
Synonyms : actor , histrion , player , role player

(adj) of or relating to drama
Example Sentence
the movie director had thespian cooperation

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thespian
pronouncing thespian gives u a feeling of the (e)spn which is a sports never shows drama so
thespian is opposite of espn which shows drama
33 11

by annn21984

do you remember thespis.....the first person in universe who appeared as an actor on the stage in a thespian..means .pertaning to drama or play.
13 8

by preetisoni2411

Thespian - rearrange the words into - The as THEATRE and Spian as Person. Therefore a Thespian is a
Theatre Person, an actor.
9 9

by pushpa_edit

THE + SPAIN..The movie Zindagi na milegi dobara was shot in SPAIN. Thus relate this movie with
5 1

by ishajuneja90

Thespian= The(theatre) + spian (person) means a theatre person.
0 0

by Gregarious
Short Definition : slave; bondage; slavery; Ex. Her beauty held him in thrall; CF. enthrall
(noun) the state of being under the control of another person
Synonyms : bondage , slavery , thraldom , thralldom

(noun) someone held in bondage

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thrall
thrall=thrill( a person is in slavery under a witch and doing thrill work
53 8

by shubhabrata

Thrall and Enthrall have similar sounds and a somewhat similar meaning as both words refer to a kind of
captivity. While thrall means to be held by power or forcefully, enthrall means to be spellbound (beholden
by someone's charm)
23 4

by pushpa_edit

Thrall-> Thr+All -> all are thr (there) under his power. usage: all are in thrall to him.
5 2

by carbonmonoxide

sounds like 'troll' which is kept in dungeons, hence its slavery.....tough ti interpret
1 7

by kaavya_3000

Short Definition : beat with a whip or flail; defeat utterly; talk about thoroughly in order to find the answer;
move wildly or violently; Ex. The fishes thrashed about in the net.
(noun) a swimming kick used while treading water

(verb) give a thrashing to; beat hard
Synonyms : flail , lam , thresh

(verb) move or stir about violently
Synonyms : convulse , jactitate , slash , thrash about , thresh , thresh about , toss
Example Sentence
The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed

(verb) dance the slam dance
Synonyms : mosh , slam , slam dance

(verb) beat so fast that (the heart's) output starts dropping until (it) does not manage to pump out blood at

(verb) move data into and out of core rather than performing useful computation
Example Sentence
The system is thrashing again!

(verb) beat the seeds out of a grain
Synonyms : thresh

(verb) beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight
Synonyms : bat , clobber , cream , drub , lick
Example Sentence
We licked the other team on Sunday!

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thrash
Thrash and Bash are rhyming words which mean, to beat up violently.
2 0

by pushpa_edit

th + rash...if you beat someone with a whip ...RASHes will appear on the body the very next day.
2 0

by preetisoni2411

thrash,whip,screw,thresh : BEAT
1 0

by chetan530

Short Definition : worn through till the threads show; shabby and poor; hackneyed; Ex. threadbare
(adj) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Synonyms : banal , commonplace , hackneyed , old-hat , shopworn , stock , timeworn , tired , trite ,well-
Example Sentence
bromidic sermons
his remarks were trite and commonplace
hackneyed phrases
a stock answer
repeating threadbare jokes
parroting some timeworn axiom
the trite metaphor `hard as nails'

(adj) having the nap worn away so that the threads show through
Example Sentence
threadbare rugs

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for threadbare
Threadbare -Wear and Tear - The garment has become quite threadbare due to its continuous wear and
10 3

by pushpa_edit

threadbare = thread + bare;we know jeans are made of thread,imagine and old jeans, so we can say that
thread can be seen in bare eyes.
5 0

by nasri wear clothes when barly your clothes look like clothes..till each thread come out......
2 6

by preetisoni2411

THREADBARE - Something which has been READ BAAR it is common..or a cliche, banal
2 0

by bugmenot

Observe that 'threadbar' as 'read' + 'bar' [In hindi, it is bar, bar i.e repetitive]. So when you read same
thing repetitively, you get 'over familiar' and it becomes 'common/trite' for you.
1 0

by gunjanshah

Short Definition : sign or warning (of coming danger); Ex. threat of rain; V: express a threat; give warning
of (something bad); Ex. The cloud threatens rain.
(noun) something that is a source of danger
Synonyms : menace
Example Sentence
earthquakes are a constant threat in Japan

(noun) a warning that something unpleasant is imminent
Example Sentence
they were under threat of arrest

(noun) declaration of an intention or a determination to inflict harm on another
Example Sentence
his threat to kill me was quite explicit

(noun) a person who inspires fear or dread
Synonyms : scourge , terror
Example Sentence
he was the terror of the neighborhood

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for threat
Threat and Sweat have the same sounds. You can say that, even a small threat can sometimes make
you break out in a sweat.
0 3

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : beat (cereal plants) with a machine or flail to separate the grains from the straw
(verb) move or stir about violently
Synonyms : convulse , jactitate , slash , thrash , thrash about , thresh about , toss
Example Sentence
The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed

(verb) move like a flail; thresh about
Synonyms : flail
Example Sentence
Her arms were flailing

(verb) beat the seeds out of a grain
Synonyms : thrash

(verb) give a thrashing to; beat hard
Synonyms : flail , lam , thrash

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thresh
similarly when you thrash straw..or beat the straw....grains will come out......
5 0

by preetisoni2411

Thresh and Thrash sound similar and both refer to a kind of beating - Thresh is the beating out of grain
from the husk, while thrash is to beat up someone.
2 0

by pushpa_edit

thresh,trash,screw all these mean to beat.....
1 0

by chetan530

th+resh(rash)...when you beat someone rash..appear on skin....
0 1

by preetisoni2411

Short Definition : careful about money; economical; N. thrift
(adj) careful and diligent in the use of resources

(adj) mindful of the future in spending money
Synonyms : careful
Example Sentence
careful with money

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thrifty
Thrifty and Safety go hand in hand. It is for our own safety to be thrifty (to use resources thoughtfully).
12 2

by pushpa_edit

THRIFTY=RUPEES+50...Carefull about that money
4 0

by Phanik12312

when there is a rift(large crack on ground)....we shud be much careful............its goes that we shud be
careful because our resources such as body part may get damage and we get suffer in future
3 1

by sansan549

thrifty,stinge,parsimony,skimp all these mean to miser.
1 1

by chetan530

Short Definition : prosper; flourish
(verb) grow vigorously
Synonyms : boom , expand , flourish
Example Sentence
The deer population in this town is thriving
business is booming

(verb) make steady progress; be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical
significance or importance
Synonyms : flourish , fly high , prosper
Example Sentence
The new student is thriving

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thrive
thrive after strive
13 3

by yastej

replace v wid c now say i noe thrice times vocab words than u means u r flourishing growing in learning
4 1

by khatter

no only survive but flourish
3 11

by digant

Thrive or Drive a roaring trade means to flourish or prosper.
2 6

by pushpa_edit

Thrive- rive->river-> people who live nearby a river would be rich and prosperous.
2 0

by Namclearbluesky

Short Definition : (of a heart or machine) beat rapidly or violently; N. Ex. hearthrob: heartbeat;
(noun) a deep pulsating type of pain

(noun) an instance of rapid strong pulsation (of the heart)
Synonyms : pounding , throbbing
Example Sentence
he felt a throbbing in his head

(verb) pulsate or pound with abnormal force
Example Sentence
my head is throbbing
Her heart was throbbing

(verb) expand and contract rhythmically; beat rhythmically
Synonyms : pulsate , pulse
Example Sentence
The baby's heart was pulsating again after the surgeon massaged it

(verb) tremble convulsively, as from fear or excitement
Synonyms : shiver , shudder , thrill

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for throb
Remember like this when u get robbed ur heart throb .i.e beats violently
4 1

by atluri.vinay

Throb or Bob up and down - beat or pulsate with a strong rhythm.
1 0

by pushpa_edit

wen u get robbed ur heart will throbe.
1 0

by chetan530

Short Definition : violent anguish
(noun) violent pangs of suffering
Example Sentence
death throes

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for throes
THROE is pronounced like throw you throw things at someone when you become violent in
49 4

by imajeeth

this word sounds like if a person in voilent anguish..he throwes up everything whatever
comes in front of him...
16 3

by preetisoni2411

Throes and Woes both refer to pain. While throes means pangs of pain, woes refer to deep pain caused
by great sorrow (it generally causes a heart ache).
10 3

by pushpa_edit

throes rhymes with toes... beating with toes gives someone "violent suffering"...
1 6

by chetanbpl

throes somewhat sounds like throat, so when you have a sore throat, you have a throe.
1 3

by lollipop

When your GIRL FRIEND THROES(throw) you out of her life it is really PAINFUL to your heart....
1 1

by nileshdive

Thorns of roses are painful
0 0

by bbrave

Short Definition : crowd (of people or things); V.
(noun) a large gathering of people
Synonyms : concourse , multitude

(verb) press tightly together or cram
Synonyms : jam , mob , pack , pile
Example Sentence
The crowd packed the auditorium

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for throng
this word sounds like when a king sits on the throne...CROWD gathers at that time.
41 11

by preetisoni2411

Remember like this when u do some thing WRONG(Throng)on road Crowd will gather
19 3

by atluri.vinay

9 1

by friendofafriend

Throng - make that The + Long. The long ques thronged the entrance waiting to enter the ground where
the rock concert was taking place.
4 2

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : strangle; regulate the speed of with a throttle; N: valve that regulates the flow; CF.
throat ?
(noun) a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine
Synonyms : accelerator , throttle valve

(noun) a pedal that controls the throttle valve
Synonyms : accelerator , accelerator pedal , gas , gas pedal , gun
Example Sentence
he stepped on the gas

(verb) place limits on (extent or access)
Synonyms : bound , confine , limit , restrain , restrict , trammel
Example Sentence
restrict the use of this parking lot
limit the time you can spend with your friends

(verb) kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air
Synonyms : strangle , strangulate
Example Sentence
he tried to strangle his opponent
A man in Boston has been strangling several dozen prostitutes

(verb) reduce the air supply
Synonyms : choke
Example Sentence
choke a carburetor

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for throttle
throttle rhymes with THROAT KILL, it means to KILL BY SQUEEZING THE THROAT.
18 3

by imajeeth

THROTTLE=THROAT +BOTTLE....imagine you got up at nite to drink water from your BOTTLE when
suddenly a pair of hands come out of the wall and try to STRANGLE YOU...bhooooot(ghost)!!!.............;)
4 1

by verbal800

throt+tle....strabgling of throat...will stop the air to come in..or will cause problem while
breathing...regulate the speed of something by strangling the important part of sth...if someone strangle
the is stooped..or speed of life is r
2 0

by preetisoni2411

Throttle is to Strangle someone until she/he runs out of breath and falls down dead.
1 1

by pushpa_edit

Charles's angels- full "throttle"
0 0

by aditibehl

Short Definition : block or hinder; baffle; frustrate
(noun) a crosspiece spreading the gunnels of a boat; used as a seat in a rowboat
Synonyms : cross thwart

(verb) hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
Synonyms : baffle , bilk , cross , foil , frustrate , queer , scotch , spoil
Example Sentence
What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
foil your opponent

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thwart
this word sounds like if someone squeezes your throat your air passages will get
blocked...............thus desires will be prevented.. u also feel frustrated and baffled..
45 13

by preetisoni2411

Thwart or Obstruct is to prevent someone from doing something.
2 11

by pushpa_edit

TH(thousand) + WART(massa).. a person having thousand wart will get furtrated.. and this is block or
hinder his beauty
2 0

by chhattani

thWARt concentrate on WAR[against enemy,against opponents DESIRE]
1 3

by elixir

thwart= 't' for total wart sounds like wat that means to spoil
0 0

by shrenik

0 2

by selve

sounds like swarth(hindi)...jisne bhi swarth kiya vo frustrate ho gaya
0 0

by milinddhoke

Short Definition : touch (the body) lightly so as to cause laughter; please
(noun) a cutaneous sensation often resulting from light stroking

(noun) the act of tickling
Synonyms : tickling , titillation

(verb) touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or
spasmodic movements
Synonyms : titillate , vellicate

(verb) feel sudden intense sensation or emotion
Synonyms : thrill , vibrate
Example Sentence
he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine

(verb) touch or stroke lightly
Example Sentence
The grass tickled her calves

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tickle
Tickle and Tingle are rhyming words. You feel a tingling sensation, causing laughter, if someone tickles
1 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : miser; excessively frugal person
(noun) a miserly person
Synonyms : cheapskate

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tightwad
tight + wadu(in telugu)....a person who is tight or very miserly when it comes to spending money...we
generally say he is a tight handed person..that means he is a miser.....
29 5

by preetisoni2411

a tightwad is a very frugal and miserly guy, he doesnt buy new clothes even if his old clothes are very
14 0

by wingdeng

sounds like "TIGHT WED". a THRIFTY OR MISER person could only have a TIGHT WEDding because
he dont have much money to spent..
5 0

by lebshah

Tightwad or a Niggard is a miserly or stingy person.
2 2

by pushpa_edit

break like TIGHT HAATH(hand)
1 0

by userdce

tight wad has WADS of MONEY but he's always tight with it/ plays for broke
1 0

by menon_ranjit

tight + wadhwa (last name) = saala wadhwa, jab bhi party maango bolta hai haath tight hai. bloody stingy
1 0

by friendofafriend

tightwad,sting,skimp,parsimony,thrift all are synonyms means MISOR
1 0

by chetan530

sounds like "tight wed". the person who is tightly wed means who hasn't spent much money in his
wedding means he is thrifty or miser.
0 1

by cp.jethani

Tight Wad(wallet) imagine someone that's very tight with their wallet.
0 0

by usairforce1985

Tightwad tightly hold on to wads (Money bundle).
0 0

by anujpathania

Short Definition : handle used to move boat's rudder (to steer)
(noun) a shoot that sprouts from the base of a grass

(noun) someone who tills land (prepares the soil for the planting of crops)

(noun) lever used to turn the rudder on a boat

(noun) a farm implement used to break up the surface of the soil (for aeration and weed control and
conservation of moisture)
Synonyms : cultivator

(verb) grow shoots in the form of stools or tillers
Synonyms : stool

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tiller
tiller as if we are tilting .. the rudder to move the boat !!!!
9 1

by shuuu.shubham

sounds like driller,so a tool used to drill the soil by a farmer
5 11

by pushpa_edit

Suppose a tailor(sounds like tiller) makes suit for a sailor and he gifts the tailor a tiller.
3 7

by listen2sumit

tiller is rudder which is used by boat to move on water...there is a lizard which uses its tail as a tiller to
move on water...
2 1

by manasareddy

tiller==on 14th feb me and my gf had gone 4 boating when suddenly a KILLER shark surrounded us.B4
the shark could reach TILL HER(my gf)...i took the TILLER and killed the shark!!!!my gf got immpressed
and she huged me tightly....!
1 0

by verbal800

tiller sounds like sailor ... and thus is realated to a boat
1 0

by pintu89

if we do not use the tiller becomes KILLER...!!!
1 0

by sravan1411

Short Definition : quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument (which distinguishes it from
others of the same pitch)
(noun) (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound)
Synonyms : quality , timber , tone
Example Sentence
the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely
the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for timbre
Timbre reminds us of timber or wood. Also most of our traditional musical instruments are made of
wood.In cricket when a batsman gets bowled , it hits the timber and produces a distinguised quality sound
called "timbre".
34 1

by saikiran

Timeberlake.... remember JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE.. his voice is very different from other singers
15 0

by bharat.k.suthar

Timbre and Tenor are somewhat similar in sound. Timbre refers to the characteristic quality of the sound
of a voice or instrument, whereas Tenor is a quality of voice.
0 4

by pushpa_edit

TIMBERland- its realated to music..this is enough to remmber the word during analogies and rc's!
0 0

by madness

Short Definition : lack of self-confidence or courage
(noun) fear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions
Synonyms : timidness , timorousness

(noun) fearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities
Synonyms : timorousness

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for timidity
timi(time)+dity(duty)..well you did nt do the duty of studying on time during now you have
lost your self confidence......
8 1

by preetisoni2411

timidity some what sounds like tremor - you tremor only when you lack self confidence & courage
1 4

by rkavvy29

(its just a variation of preeti's)...timi(TIME)+dity(DUTY).. its your duty to TIMELY STUDY everyday
otherwise you would LACK SELF-CONFIDENCE while attempting the questions in exam
1 2

by lebshah

Timidity (loss of confidence) and Gallantry (bravery) are rhyming words with opposite meanings. While
one signifies strength the other depicts weakness.
0 5

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : fearful; timid; demonstrating fear
(adj) timid by nature or revealing timidity
Synonyms : fearful , trepid
Example Sentence
timorous little mouse
in a timorous tone
cast fearful glances at the large dog

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for timorous
sounds like TIME + OVER: imagine you are giving your GRE exam, and your time gets over, you will get
frightened.. = fear = demonstrate fear. :)
45 7

by keyurpatel87

timorous=timor+ous , think of timor ..we become fearful hearing the East timor+ USA war..
6 10

by walid

timorous means showing or suffering from nervousness or a lack of confidence...TUMOURous...if you
come to know that you have a tumour, you will be TIMOROUS....
4 2

by nileshdive

timorous = timid
3 2

by friendofafriend

Timorous and Nervous are rhyming words with the same meaning. They refer to someone who is faint-
hearted or afraid.
1 6

by pushpa_edit

Pronounced similar to Amorous; So Gunnu is fearful of amorous conquests
1 6

by 0m3gA

ok little weak but concentrate to understand. Amorous is illicit love. Not pure love. And we don't fear the
world in pure love. So we fear the world in timorous (a form of timid amorous)
1 3

by friendofafriend

Timorous sounds like Timon.... try to relate it with Timon of cartoon Timon and Pumba where Timon was
really COWARD
1 1


remember from history the great mongol ruler Timur-lung... every king ws fearful of him
0 3

by saif_mohmd

timid and morose
0 3

by shalnew

tehi moros: when we saw a tiger in front of us then
0 0

by pravesh
Short Definition : give a slight degree of a color or quality to; N: slight degree of a color or quality; Ex.
tinged with grey/jealousy
(noun) a slight but appreciable amount
Synonyms : hint , jot , mite , pinch , soupcon , speck , touch
Example Sentence
this dish could use a touch of garlic

(noun) a pale or subdued color
Synonyms : undertone

(verb) affect as in thought or feeling
Synonyms : color , colour , distort
Example Sentence
My personal feelings color my judgment in this case
The sadness tinged his life

(verb) color lightly
Synonyms : tinct , tint , touch
Example Sentence
her greying hair was tinged blond
the leaves were tinged red in November

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tinge
TINGE is related 2TINY...i.e TINY trace of color or quality
2 1

by Phanik12312

Tinge and Touch have somewhat the same sound and they mean, a slight or minor trace of an element
or a quality. For example you could say, a touch or a tinge of something.
1 3

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : slight degree of color; V: give a tint to
(noun) a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color
Synonyms : shade , tincture , tone
Example Sentence
after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted

(verb) color lightly
Synonyms : tinct , tinge , touch
Example Sentence
her greying hair was tinged blond
the leaves were tinged red in November

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tint
Tint and Paint are rhyming words which refer to colours, shades or tints (hues of colour).
2 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : drink (alcoholic beverages) frequently; N: alcoholic drink
(noun) a serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg
Synonyms : draft , draught , potation
Example Sentence
they served beer on draft

(verb) drink moderately but regularly
Synonyms : bib
Example Sentence
We tippled the cognac

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tipple
Don't tipple or you will TOPPLE.
49 4

by userdce

TIPple, who gives tips to waiter more no of times ?? the one who goes to bar regularly and drinks.
20 0

by rajeshgandham

Reminds of tippu sultan. Kings we see in films usually drink and enjoy.
13 8

by sandeep048

tipple~~~~nipple...from nipple generally sucks milk where as here alchol
4 2

by sansan549

Take it as TIP LE (hindi). Don't drink and don't say Tip Le..
2 3

by Assiduous

TIPPLE is to always have a BOTTLE in hand, to be a habitual drinker.
0 3

by pushpa_edit

Man had an habit of tipping all people when he was tipple.
0 0

by anujpathania

tipple==TIP TIP gir raha hai alcohol from that NIPPLE...why waste it,so we DRINK IT
0 0

by verbal800

sounds like tripple one who keeps on tripping- badly drunk
0 0

by dark_lord

t + ppl >>> many ppl have a habit to DRINK tea REGULARLY.
0 0

by RajeshBorkar

Short Definition : long angry denunciatory speech; diatribe; harangue; extended scolding; denunciation
(noun) a speech of violent denunciation
Synonyms : broadside , philippic

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tirade
sounds like tired.. your mom gets tired after a TIRADE..i.e. LONG ANGRY DENUNCIATORY SPEECH..
42 8

by kvsharat

In Trading job, if something goes wrong, they will scold you
8 2

by 0m3gA

papa made the rade of evening tea by tirade .(tea+rade)
2 8

by sanduja_arun

TEE in pujabi means daughter. lets say TI = daughter for a second. now if you raid your daughter when
she is changing clothes, youre a fucking pedophile and this is god-damn denouncing. SO DONT TIRADE
2 3

by friendofafriend

TIRADE is when you BOMBARD somebody with angry words.
1 5

by pushpa_edit

Tyre vesetappudu (While a puntchur guy changes a tyre) he bitches non-stop about other puncture guy.
so Tirade.
1 2

by kingkoti

tire tho adithe, mom wil give long speech of scolding
1 0

by santosh reddy

TIRADE - sounds like "ti rage" means woh ladki gussa main hain (ti:woh ladki)rage:gussa), so us ladki
apne boyfriend par apna pura gussa (anger/denunciation utara)nikala.
1 0

by sagarbudavi

Tirade = T(Talk) + i(in) + rade(Rage)
1 0

by vocabIsFun

When you are tired after a heavy work, if somebody speaks at you asking questions you get irritated
shout at them and give the a TIRADE speech.
1 0

by ipavan57

TIRADE RHYMES WITH BRATE.... both means to scold stongly..
0 3

by vishal41

Tirade: Tyrant + rade, rade by tyrant is accompanied by bitterness
0 0

by boybluffs

Parade of Scoldings
0 0

by saicharan06

TYRANT + EDE = becoz his speech was very harsh and critical. THIRADEkunna polulla tyrant nte
0 0

by biotechlover

Short Definition : gigantic; N. titan
(adj) of great force or power

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for titanic
Think of the great ship 'Titanic', how powerful it was!
6 0

by rizvi

TITANIC and GIGANTIC are rhyming words which mean, something very enormous or huge.
1 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : tax of one-tenth (contributed to a church); V: pay a tithe
(noun) a levy of one tenth of something

(noun) an offering of a tenth part of some personal income

(verb) exact a tithe from
Example Sentence
The church was tithed

(verb) levy a tithe on (produce or a crop)
Example Sentence
The wool was tithed

(verb) pay one tenth of; pay tithes on, especially to the church
Example Sentence
He tithed his income to the Church

(verb) pay a tenth of one's income, especially to the church
Example Sentence
Although she left the church officially, she still tithes

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tithe
sorry if it hurts any one........tit+he..when someone touches the tits then he shud pay 1/10th of salary
12 12

by sansan549

we have a sentence tithe tistha. so a person can harm you by making you to pay more tax
3 7

by gre_10

how hard is reaching tenth from tithe??? tithe = tenth or one tenth
2 1

by friendofafriend

TITHE - TO + TO THE tax (tithe) department to pay your DUES (tithe).
1 12

by pushpa_edit

if u TIe THE mind to a religion then u must pay one tenth of ur salary as tax to god in the temple
1 1

by harsha00711
Short Definition : tickle; excite pleasantly; Ex. not to titillate the audience but to enlighten it
(verb) touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or
spasmodic movements
Synonyms : tickle , vellicate

(verb) excite pleasurably or erotically
Example Sentence
A titillating story appeared in the usually conservative magazine

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for titillate
"Tits" + "Late" -> The more late a girls show you her tits in foreplay, more sexually excited you become.
19 1

by anujpathania

TITILLATE and STIMULATE are rhyming words, both of which mean to excite or to provoke desire.
12 7

by pushpa_edit

Titill = titli can be considered as sexy extrovert girl, who excites you sexually(pleasantly), or tickles your
7 7

by sukhoyash

A 'TITI' [ticket checker] was tickling you, Jab tum train mein 'LATE' hue the. Bez he wanted to check your
ticket. Hence 'TITILLATE'.
3 6

by gunjanshah

TITI(boobs) HILAATEY... its not me the word is simply made by that. perverted englishmen ;)
2 0

by friendofafriend

aaj kal comedy circus(a prog on sony tv) goes on TILL LATE nite..a 1 hour show is extended to 1.5
hrs...nevertheless it is capable of TICKLING its audience throughout the show!!!............:D
1 0

by verbal800

when a titli(butterfly) flutters past ur skin u feel tickled and excited pleasurably
0 1

by harsha00711

Short Definition : name (of a book, film, etc.); mark of rank; formal appellation as of rank or office (such
as Lord or General); right or claim to possession; championship; Ex. title as head of the family; Ex. title to
(noun) a heading that names a statute or legislative bill; may give a brief summary of the matters it deals
Synonyms : rubric , statute title
Example Sentence
Title 8 provided federal help for schools

(noun) the name of a work of art or literary composition etc.
Example Sentence
he looked for books with the word `jazz' in the title
he refused to give titles to his paintings
I can never remember movie titles

(noun) a general or descriptive heading for a section of a written work
Example Sentence
the novel had chapter titles

(noun) the status of being a champion
Synonyms : championship
Example Sentence
he held the title for two years

(noun) a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the
legal right to possess it
Synonyms : deed , deed of conveyance
Example Sentence
he signed the deed
he kept the title to his car in the glove compartment

(noun) an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General'
Synonyms : form of address , title of respect
Example Sentence
the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title

(noun) an established or recognized right
Synonyms : claim
Example Sentence
a strong legal claim to the property
he had no documents confirming his title to his father's estate
he staked his claim

(noun) (usually plural) written material introduced into a movie or TV show to give credits or represent
dialogue or explain an action
Example Sentence
the titles go by faster than I can read

(noun) an appellation signifying nobility
Example Sentence
`your majesty' is the appropriate title to use in addressing a king

(noun) an informal right to something
Synonyms : claim
Example Sentence
his claim on her attentions
his title to fame

(verb) give a title to
Synonyms : entitle

(verb) designate by an identifying term
Synonyms : style
Example Sentence
They styled their nation `The Confederate States'

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for title
title ~~ entitle
2 0

by 1.6k

TITLE and LABEL are similar sounding words which mean, a name or a word denoting something.
1 3

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : nervous giggle; nervous laugh; V.
(noun) a nervous restrained laugh

(verb) laugh nervously
Synonyms : giggle
Example Sentence
The girls giggled when the rock star came into the classroom

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for titter
titter : tit + her(ter), these days blouses are made so somooth they frequently slipped off. this situation
may find you laughing nervously, or one can laugh when management is trying to undo all stuff but
keeping tits in mind ;)
34 11

by sukhoyash

TITTER and SNIGGER which are rhyming words refer to a sort of giggle. Titter is a high-pitched giggle
while a snigger is a sly giggle.
8 5

by pushpa_edit

say in a lecture, professor wants to say twist and pronounces it as t(w)its, there will be nervous laughter
in the classroom
7 7

by namaskar

to tittering laugh sounds like a TwITTERing bird.
3 2

by dshefman

In Front of teacher u need to titter otherwise she's gonna catch u.
1 2

by Rushabh22

prodigal-pradeep sir and galfriend imagine pradeep sir has become extravagant and is seen hovering
with gals
0 0

by santosh pokhrel

0 0

by nandhalawyer

Short Definition : of a title; in name only; nominal; having the title of an office without the obligations; Ex.
titular head of the company
(adj) of or relating to a legal title to something
Synonyms : titulary
Example Sentence
titulary rights

(adj) of or bearing a title signifying status or function
Example Sentence
of titular rank

(adj) of or pertaining to the title of a work of art
Example Sentence
performed well in the titular (or title) role
the titular theme of the book

(adj) of or associated with or bearing a title signifying nobility
Example Sentence
titular dignitaries

(adj) existing in name only
Synonyms : nominal
Example Sentence
the nominal (or titular) head of his party

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for titular
TITULAR - TIT + U + LAR - TITLED + YOU + ARE. Titled you are but unfortunately with no power.
13 0

by pushpa_edit

tit+u+lar TITle with LAR(lierlie) U have a TITle with LIEmeans having a title without power
3 0

by nikhilparasher

titu you have title but you are titular
1 1

by ishant

you have just the title and nothing else.
0 0

by pragati_gupta

0 0

by xsugrbbyxx

Total+Ruler-The legal documents totally rule
0 0

by KevinJ

Short Definition : servile flatterer; yes man; sycophant; V: be a toady to; fawn
(noun) a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage
Synonyms : ass-kisser , crawler , lackey , sycophant

(verb) try to gain favor by cringing or flattering
Synonyms : bootlick , fawn , kotow , kowtow , suck up , truckle
Example Sentence
He is always kowtowing to his boss

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for toady
Sir, "TODAY"(toady) you look very ...... (this an act of pleasing someone in order to gain a personal
48 5

by keyurpatel87

A toady person is like a toad who makes sounds to flatter people just like a toad tries to flatter the female
9 3

by mohitdia

toady=to(too)+ady(addy)means person who add more than fact
2 0

by mamunrashid

toady in x-men was extreemely servile
1 1

by friendofafriend

TOADY and FLATTERY are similar in sound and meaning. If you flatter a person in order to gain
advantage, you will be refered to as toady.
0 10

by pushpa_edit

the toad flattered the nightingale in order to gain popularity
0 0

by harsha00711

Puffs up saying the things that influence the powerful. But whose croaks are filled with venom.
0 0


Ever wonder how Toad from the Super Mario Bros. series got his name? He's "toadally" a Toad to the
Princess, today and every day!
0 0

by mrprince10

Toady = To(To take) + ad(Advantage by) + (Flattery)y
0 0

by vocabIsFun

Short Definition : Roman outer robe
(noun) a one-piece cloak worn by men in ancient Rome

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for toga
as v know dat v know dat v r supposed to wear some special clothes to do yoga...nw lets supose dat v
should wear TOGA to do its a kind of robe
17 3

by bebo

baba ramdev teaches YOGA in the morning to all the ppl in the stadium and b4 leaving the platform
wears a TOGA and leaves....bhahut shining marta hai!!!.........;)
5 0

by verbal800

TOGA sounds like CHOGA, a Hindi word for a garb or clothing.
1 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : outward sign; Ex. a token of our gratitude
(noun) an individual instance of a type of symbol
Synonyms : item
Example Sentence
the word`error' contains three tokens of `r'

(noun) something serving as a sign of something else

(noun) a metal or plastic disk that can be redeemed or used in designated slot machines

(noun) something of sentimental value
Synonyms : keepsake , relic , souvenir

(adj) insignificantly small; a matter of form only (`tokenish' is informal)
Synonyms : nominal , tokenish
Example Sentence
the fee was nominal
a token gesture of resistance
a toknenish gesture

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for token
A TOKEN is an INDICATION of something . It could be a token of gratitude or an emblem of something.
1 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : sound (a large bell) slowly at regular intervals; N: sound of a bell; fixed tax or charge
(noun) a fee levied for the use of roads or bridges (used for maintenance)

(noun) value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something
Synonyms : cost , price
Example Sentence
the cost in human life was enormous
the price of success is hard work
what price glory?

(noun) the sound of a bell being struck
Synonyms : bell
Example Sentence
saved by the bell
she heard the distant toll of church bells

(verb) ring slowly
Example Sentence
For whom the bell tolls

(verb) charge a fee for using
Example Sentence
Toll the bridges into New York City

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for toll
Do u rember TOLL gate where money is collected as atax..
6 0

by atluri.vinay

The bell TOLLS while the drums ROLL.
3 2

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : large volume; book
(noun) a (usually) large and scholarly book

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tome
when you are asked to read a really Large Book, Then you say with surprise "TO ME"??? .. ;)
27 7

by murali89

tome-- consider TOMe,(tom n jerry) tom is big( large volume) than jerry..
9 3

by gprasaad88

(T)heory h(OME) ie theory home ie large book of facts
3 6

by surya.jolly

TOME is the Home of a book or a large volume.
2 7

by pushpa_edit

tome resembles dome....a dome is enormous and large in volume....
1 3

by rushikesh321

TOME is a book that weighs a TON
1 3

by dshefman

imagine a worm reading a tome
1 2

by lollipop

an EPIC(usually large book like bible) is an EPITOME(best example) for a TOME
1 0

by lokesh755

Tome= To cut (A cut part of a large book here) Dichotomy: Cut into mutually exclusive or contradictory
groups or entities. Appendectomy: : surgical removal of the vermiform appendix Epitome:To cut into a
summary , a perfect model.
0 6

by rakei

Go home and read this tome
0 3

by ishant

Picture a tomb made of books
0 1

by Herricane

tome-imagine that ome is written in front the religious book which is obvious to be large
0 1

by santosh pokhrel

Short Definition : shaving of the head especially by person entering religious orders; V.
(noun) the shaved crown of a monk's or priest's head

(noun) shaving the crown of the head by priests or members of a monastic order

(verb) shave the head of a newly inducted monk

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tonsure
u have to be ton sure before u shave ure head
11 5

by friendofafriend

family whenever an elder in the family dies
5 4

by lebshah

TONSURE - TO MAKE SURE that the head is clean-shaven (tonsured).
3 6

by pushpa_edit

tonsure means in hindi takla for sure
3 0

by shrenik

break like TONSIL+SURE(head)- so if somebody gets tonsil on his head then he would need to get head
2 17

by userdce

TONSURE = TON + SURE = TAN + SURE Tirupati ke balaji where u go whenur heart is devoted and to
make SURE ur TAN (body) is also devoted u do TONSURE
1 4

by surya.jolly

TOnSURE with "n" silent sounds like ocher. Now, not even saintly figures in the east wear ocher clothes
and have a TOnSURE head.
0 1

by BloodyMickey

TonSURE - Thirupathi - Sure head shaving!
0 1

by akshaynakra

Ton-sur:Barbar play Thom Thom on sir(head)
0 0

by bbrave

Short Definition : physical features of a region (such as the shape and height); CF. topo-: place
(noun) the configuration of a surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features

(noun) precise detailed study of the surface features of a region

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for topography
TOPOGRAPHY is the GEOGRAPHY of an area, its rivers, roads, buildings, etc.
7 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : become unsteady and fall down
(verb) fall down, as if collapsing
Synonyms : tumble
Example Sentence
The tower of the World Trade Center tumbled after the plane hit it

(verb) cause to topple or tumble by pushing
Synonyms : tip , tumble

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for topple
One Who TIPPLES(Search for the meaning i'm not givin it here) naturally TOPPLES
3 1

by Phanik12312

TOPPLE and STUMBLE have a similar sound and they both mean, to trip and fall over.
1 1

by pushpa_edit

Top +Ful (topple),One hut was near a big tree and a huge fruit(fal) fell on it from top and the hut
1 0

by listen2sumit

if u throw a person from the 'top' of the building he will definitely FALL DOWN...
1 0

by RohiniSree

topple is similar to toggle which means unsteady state(0 or 1 state in binary form )
0 0

by aparajita

Short Definition : underwater explosive apparatus; V.
(noun) a professional killer who uses a gun
Synonyms : gun , gun for hire , gunman , gunslinger , hired gun , hit man , hitman , shooter ,triggerman

(noun) a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and
tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the
United States
Synonyms : bomber , cuban sandwich , grinder , hero , hero sandwich , hoagie , hoagy , italian
sandwich , poor boy , sub , submarine , submarine sandwich , wedge , zep

(noun) an explosive device that is set off in an oil well (or a gas well) to start or to increase the flow of oil
(or gas)

(noun) a small firework that consists of a percussion cap and some gravel wrapped in paper; explodes
when thrown forcefully against a hard surface

(noun) a small explosive device that is placed on a railroad track and fires when a train runs over it; the
sound of the explosion warns the engineer of danger ahead

(noun) armament consisting of a long cylindrical self-propelled underwater projectile that detonates on
contact with a target

(noun) any sluggish bottom-dwelling ray of the order Torpediniformes having a rounded body and electric
organs on each side of the head capable of emitting strong electric discharges
Synonyms : crampfish , electric ray , numbfish

(verb) attack or hit with torpedoes

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for torpedo
it sounds like tornodo but under water
3 0

by chetan530

TORPEDO - break it into TOP + SPEED -A Top Speed underwater missile (TORPEEDO) which hits the
enemy ships like a TORNADO.
2 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy; ADJ. torpid: lethargic; lazy; inactive; (of an animal)
dormant; hibernating
(noun) a state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility
Synonyms : torpidity
Example Sentence
he fell into a deep torpor

(noun) inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy
Synonyms : listlessness , torpidity , torpidness

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for torpor
Well its quite opposite to what is a topper who is naturally diligent
45 2

by saikiran

tor-por....TORRENT PAR..........TORRENT PAR most of the seeders were INACTIVE due to which
downloading the movie becomes a SLUGGISH task....
18 5

by lebshah

RAJ THAKERY TO MNS PEOPLE.."aaj tum sab itne LATHARGIC,SLUGGISH kyu lag rahe ho? hume
kal THOD PHOD karne jana hai...yaad hai na?",,,,,,,,:)
11 1

by verbal800

Torpedo is fast and speedy...while torpor is opposite to torpedo
6 0

by tanvir

sounds like tapori, who is very lazy
3 4

by namaskar

Suppose you are very much disturbed with something and then you go back to your room and cause
destruction i.e tod phod( in hindi language).. After you are finished with your desrtruction you feel tired
and lack in energy,
2 1

by gre_guru

Torpor and Torpid means almost the same. Lazy and inactive. Tor- tortoise which means slow. But be
careful about torpedo, which means the exact opposite.
1 0

by avinashdharan

tor - phor means breaking everything.. OPPOSITE .. lack of energy - lethargy
1 0

by anindyajyotiroy

As in " tar par latka hua ho.. aalsi hai "
0 2

by siddharth4484

sounds like tod-phod.. person who does tod-phod is very active..Opposite of that is lethargy
0 1

by gre_111

A TOPPER is never a TORPOR ....he studies with vigor
0 0

by himesh0107

tor-por is tod- phod, in hindi, after you are finished with tod-phod, you get lazy and sluggish...
0 0

by ankitshah091

torpor = tor por; The ppl who are always saying after that is always lazy.
0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : twisting force; force producing rotation
(noun) a twisting force
Synonyms : torsion

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for torque
TORQUE and ROCK (as of in dance) are rhyming words. They both refer to a production of an oscillatory
0 4

by pushpa_edit

i need torque to roast my pork over fire [that is, if i eat pork].
0 0

by maha4

Short Definition : rushing stream; flood; Ex. The rain fell in torrents.
(noun) a heavy rain
Synonyms : cloudburst , deluge , downpour , pelter , soaker , waterspout

(noun) a violently fast stream of water (or other liquid)
Synonyms : violent stream
Example Sentence
the houses were swept away in the torrent

(noun) an overwhelming number or amount
Synonyms : deluge , flood , inundation
Example Sentence
a flood of requests
a torrent of abuse

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for torrent
TORRENT and CURRENT are rhyming words with a similar meaning. Torrent refers to heavy flow of
water and Current refers to flow of electrons.
11 0

by pushpa_edit

while downloading torrents peers are connected in huge numbers. its like a flood of peers
6 0

by friendofafriend

torrent a fictional character in a comic..torrent..a daughter of a violent strom is
known as FLOOD
0 2

by preetisoni2411

torrent = tor(you) + rent (rate);when the guy asked the bar girl what is your(tor) one night rent(money),
the water flow from her eyes in high speed & she said I am not sold able ; I only dance for this bar.
0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : (of weather) hot or scorching; passionate; Ex. torrid love affairs
(adj) characterized by intense emotion
Synonyms : ardent , fervent , fervid , fiery , impassioned , perfervid
Example Sentence
ardent love
an ardent lover
a fervent desire to change society
a fervent admirer
fiery oratory
an impassioned appeal
a torrid love affair

(adj) emotionally charged and vigorously energetic
Example Sentence
a torrid dance
torrid jazz bands
hot trumpets and torrid rhythms

(adj) extremely hot
Example Sentence
the torrid noonday sun
sultry sands of the dessert

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for torrid
torturously arid or hot & arid=torrid
24 8

by gre_fever

My girlfriend thought i was lookin torrid(HOT) in my new silky shirt so she just came up and TORE IT
8 5

by verbal800

"Tour" + "Rid" You got rid of the tour because it was to hot outside.
6 2

by anujpathania

i remember vaguely but 10 years back there was this chick named TORRY who was KANE's gf in WWE.
i best KANE 1.was passionate about 2. HEATED sex with her.
5 6

by friendofafriend

People in Torrid Zones experience hot
3 2

by 0m3gA

torres is really PASSIONATE about football and girls think he is really HOT
2 2

by harsha00711

too - Arid(hot and scorching )
2 0

by Rushabh22

torrid - to really red - red is symbolic of passion , hot and heat.
1 1

by shalnew

torrid....torri+d..torri..sounds like tory..people of.conservative party in britain is known as TORY..who is
very PASSIONATE ABOUT his party rules and work.
0 6

by preetisoni2411

TORRID and HEATED are words describing something very hot and dry.
0 9

by pushpa_edit

Tory Wilson (am not sure whether she is still doing it )is very hot women in WWE
0 0

by NelsonNishanth

Short Definition : trunk of statue with head and limbs missing; human trunk
(noun) the body excluding the head and neck and limbs
Synonyms : body , trunk
Example Sentence
they moved their arms and legs and bodies

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for torso
the terrorist TORtured the army chief SO much that his dead body was found as a TORSO(head and
legs missing...)
7 1

by verbal800

A TORSO is the TOP ROW (upper half) of the human body.
6 9

by pushpa_edit

Torso: Tor(e) (means phaad) (diya) Sir Or Pair se...
1 0

by RKA-CE-9910827111-Delhi

TORSO is the victim of SO or extreme TORture.Generally in extreme stage extremist cut the leg,head or
slaughter the TORSO is the victim or object without head or limb.
0 1

by mamunrashid
Short Definition : winding; full of curves; Ex. tortuous mountain road
(adj) highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
Synonyms : byzantine , convoluted , involved , knotty , tangled
Example Sentence
the Byzantine tax structure
Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship
convoluted legal language
convoluted reasoning
the plot was too involved
a knotty problem
got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering
Oh, what a tangled web we weave
tortuous legal procedures
tortuous negotiations lasting for months

(adj) marked by repeated turns and bends
Synonyms : twisting , twisty , voluminous , winding
Example Sentence
a tortuous road up the mountain
winding roads are full of surprises
had to steer the car down a twisty track

(adj) not straightforward
Example Sentence
his tortuous reasoning

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tortuous
a tortoise does not move in straight line... it keeps twisting and turning making path complicated.
37 4

by 1.6k

tortuous - torque(twisting)uous: full of twisting
7 0

by manikandanntrjn

TORTUre fOr US to follow
4 3

by karenrw

tortoise mosquito coil will not be straight it is twisted and winded . Tortoise coil is in rhyming with
4 0

by mrudula

The Tortuous Spiral Maze, which had a lot of twists and turns, had everyone perplexed.
2 7

by pushpa_edit

The Tortuous Spiral Maze (which has a lot of twists and turns) had everynone perplexed.
1 2

by pushpa_edit

if u remember contort it means to twist out shape. tortuous meaning is very close to that.
1 2

by friendofafriend

tortuous can be compared to circuitous.. And both means almost same
0 1

by jobin_mathew

the pronunciation of this word is not simple, it twists the tongue
0 1

by aroraraman309

Short Definition : throw lightly; move or lift (the head) with a sudden motion; flip (a coin) to decide
(noun) the act of flipping a coin
Synonyms : flip

(noun) (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team
Synonyms : flip , pass
Example Sentence
the pass was fumbled

(noun) an abrupt movement
Example Sentence
a toss of his head

(verb) throw or toss with a light motion
Synonyms : flip , pitch , sky
Example Sentence
flip me the beachball
toss me newspaper

(verb) lightly throw to see which side comes up
Synonyms : flip
Example Sentence
I don't know what to do--I may as well flip a coin!

(verb) throw carelessly
Synonyms : chuck
Example Sentence
chuck the ball

(verb) move or stir about violently
Synonyms : convulse , jactitate , slash , thrash , thrash about , thresh , thresh about
Example Sentence
The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed

(verb) throw or cast away
Synonyms : cast aside , cast away , cast out , chuck out , discard , dispose , fling , put away , throw
away , throw out , toss away , toss out
Example Sentence
Put away your worries

(verb) agitate
Example Sentence
toss the salad

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for toss
TOSS to decide a WIN or LOSS.
0 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : animal, plant, or natural object serving as a symbol of a clan or family; representation
of this; Ex. totem pole
(noun) a clan or tribe identified by their kinship to a common totemic object

(noun) emblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant; serves as the symbol of a family or
clan (especially among American Indians)

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for totem
A TOTEM is an EMBLEM of a natural object adopted by a tribe.
3 1

by pushpa_edit

TOTally ThEM the symbol totally represents them
3 1

by dark_lord

TOTEMPOLE = statue represented as a symbol. totem is same as totempole. eg lion is the totem of king
1 0

by arulmozhi

Short Definition : shake or move unsteadily; sway as if about to fall
(verb) move without being stable, as if threatening to fall
Example Sentence
The drunk man tottered over to our table

(verb) walk unsteadily
Synonyms : coggle , dodder , paddle , toddle , waddle
Example Sentence
small children toddle

(verb) move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
Synonyms : seesaw , teeter

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for totter
cant believe no one thought abt it - TOT - is a baby - always moves unsteadily - abt to fall
23 1

by achilles

Sounds Like Torture.therefore while someone is released after being tortured..he moves unsteadily.
14 5

by razzmatazz

TOTTER: to walk like a TODDLER
5 1

by iiternalfire

DO+TARAF(side)- people who are on both side are always swaying either side.
4 11

by userdce

2 2

by survivor007007

TOTTER and SAUNTER are rhyming words which mean, to walk with a limp.
1 4

by pushpa_edit

Tod-tod kar chalna - means not walking smoothly.. Ladkhada kar chalna
1 1

by post4bhawna

Sounds like globetrotter who travels widely...likewise totter is also to move unsteadily..
0 1

by mohitdia

DODDERING mean SHAKY or INFIRM.. which is same as tottering
0 1

by NelsonNishanth

tot means disconnected. ter means wire. Some wire is disconnected so it is in unstable state.
0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : causing a feeling of pity or sympathy; pathetic; V. touch: cause to feel pity or
sympathy; ADJ. touched
(noun) the event of something coming in contact with the body
Synonyms : touch
Example Sentence
he longed for the touch of her hand
the cooling touch of the night air

(noun) the act of putting two things together with no space between them
Synonyms : touch
Example Sentence
at his touch the room filled with lights

(adj) arousing affect
Synonyms : affecting , poignant
Example Sentence
the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene
poignant grief cannot endure forever
his gratitude was simple and touching

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for touching
TOUCHING or HEART-RENDING, both refer to something that is tragic or sad.
0 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys; criterion; standard
(noun) a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated
Synonyms : criterion , measure , standard
Example Sentence
the schools comply with federal standards
they set the measure for all subsequent work

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for touchstone
divide it like you touch gold with a stone to test the fineness of gold.
6 1

by preetisoni2411

A TOUCHSTONE is a special kind of stone that measures the quality of gold. A slight rub or touch on the
stone gives you the standard of gold.
1 1

by pushpa_edit

think of touchstone pictures...the make films of good standards!!
1 2

by ajitvarma

typical village mentality......villagers to convict.."If you TOUCH this volcanic STONE(temperature=400
degree celcius) and your figers dont get burnt then you are freed from all blames..............;)
1 2

by verbal800
Short Definition : oversensitive; easily offended; irasible; delicate; needing delicate handling; Ex. touchy
(adj) quick to take offense
Synonyms : feisty , huffy , thin-skinned

(adj) difficult to handle; requiring great tact
Synonyms : delicate , ticklish
Example Sentence
delicate negotiations with the big powers
hesitates to be explicit on so ticklish a matter
a touchy subject

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for touchy
Remember Touch me not plant, which is very sensitive
7 0

by 0m3gA

TOUCHY or MOODY - someone who is oversensitive and reacts to everything.
2 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : promote or publicize (one's goods or service); praise excessively (as a form of
advertisement); CF. advertise
(noun) someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit
Synonyms : ticket tout

(noun) someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way
Synonyms : touter

(noun) one who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack)
Synonyms : tipster

(verb) advertize in strongly positive terms
Example Sentence
This product was touted as a revolutionary invention

(verb) show off
Synonyms : blow , bluster , boast , brag , gas , gasconade , shoot a line , swash , vaunt

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tout
tout: shout to promote (to publicly praise or promote)
47 1


improve the previous mnemonic...imagine a stout person praising his muscles
13 6

by ashay.ut

tout= t + out tell it out...this process is called promoting or advertising
9 1

by sunilgandham

Imagine a person selling advise about when "Tendulkar" will be "OUT" for betting on how many runs he
will score
4 10

by anshulnirvana

tout=Tendulkar OUT!!!....according to the review system tendulkar was not out but the umpire gave him
out....the indian media PUBLICISED this issue too much afterwards....:D
2 1

by verbal800

We have to bet on Stout persons in sumo, in order to win
1 4

by 0m3gA

An agent who annoy customers especially with persistent requests
1 1

by sandesh.j

if some1 pawns u wid scout. u must praise him
1 1

by friendofafriend

imagine a stout person who touts
0 8

by cool_123

A TOUT or an AGENT - someone who operates as a middleman or a negotiator.
0 7

by pushpa_edit

tout - stout it up and shout it out
0 1

by shalnew

Shout and Tell it OUT.
0 0

by Rushabh22

the snout saleslady must tout her product in order to get it sold in an unfamiliar market.
0 1

by maha4

You tout; I pout.
0 0

by shirasong

producers approach advertiser to tout their product...
0 0

by nani99

Short Definition : poisonous; N. toxicity
(adj) of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison
Example Sentence
suffering from exposure to toxic substances

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for toxic
TOXIC - The ENDEMIC spread of TOXIC waste has caused many deaths in the area.
0 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : propaganda pamphlet (esp. by a religious or political group); expanse of land; region of
indefinite size; system of related organs; Ex. digestive tract
(noun) an extended area of land
Synonyms : parcel , parcel of land , piece of ground , piece of land

(noun) a system of body parts that together serve some particular purpose

(noun) a brief treatise on a subject of interest; published in the form of a booklet
Synonyms : pamphlet

(noun) a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers following a path through the brain
Synonyms : nerve pathway , nerve tract , pathway

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tract
You would drive a TRACTOR in a TRACT(meaning an expanse of land or say a field) to get it ready for
30 2

by cool_123

imagine u drive a tractor in a tract(meaning land) to distribute tract(meaning pamphlet)
14 4

by cool_123

u atTRACT customers by giving out TRACTS
5 0

by lord_slayer

its like ...trackter....where it work? over a piece of land.
0 0

by tannu_acumen

similar in meaning of a TRACK, a book track, a land track or a nerve track, makes sense?
0 0

by shalnew

Short Definition : docile; easily managed; (of something) easily changed or molded; N. tractability
(adj) easily managed (controlled or taught or molded)
Synonyms : manipulable
Example Sentence
tractable young minds
the natives...being...of an intelligent tractable disposition

(adj) readily reacting to suggestions and influences
Synonyms : amenable
Example Sentence
a responsive student

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tractable
Tractable sounds like tractor ,which makes it easy to manage a field .
20 1

by balrajbalraj007

It is easy to 'Trace' a 'Table' in a house. So it is easily managable.
13 7

by rizvi

tractable:means someone can be put into track easily, thus easily managable
5 0

by saujan

TRACTABLE rhymes with someone who is trappable can EASILY INFLUENCED OR
2 2

by imajeeth

TRACTABLE and FLEXIBLE are rhyming words with a similar meaning. Both words stand for someone
who is easy to deal with or control.
2 1

by pushpa_edit

Think of the way the tread on a TRACTOR's tires MOLD the mud so easily because of the weight of the
1 1

by tivoli25

traction=movement so, tractable=can be moved easily i.e. easily manageable
1 0

by philophobic

something you are ABLE to keep a TRACK of
1 0

by joxeusindia

TRACTors were invented to make large equipment easier to move and control on any TRACT of land.
0 0

by dshefman

with track and table,we can easily manage things or easily work or deal
0 0

by laaptu

Note the similarity between tractable and tractor. Both come from the Latin word tractare, which originally
meant "to drag about." You can think of a tractable person as someone who can be dragged about easily,
like a plow.
0 0

by kiran443

if draw a table(time table) for anything it can b easily manged & easily understandable
0 0

by kruz

Short Definition : expose to slander
(verb) speak unfavorably about
Synonyms : badmouth , drag through the mud , malign
Example Sentence
She badmouths her husband everywhere

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for traduce
TRADUCE - TO + REDUCE someone's good image, to slander or defame.
86 1


He was crying again and again pointing towards me -TERA(ur) DOSH(fault)
11 3

by userdce

to TRY to REDUCE someone's image with words.
3 0

by dshefman

t+raduce- raduce sounds like reduce someone who is fond of tea traduces if t(ea) is reduced
1 2

by cool_123

TRADITION+INTRODUCE = introduce some1 to the tradition of slandering(speaking unfavourably about)
1 4

by keyurpatel87

source:Mnemonicsgurji traduce can be split as tennis + duece ( i know its farfetched but.. ) So a player
on the wrong side of the decision swears at teh umpire Thus traduce=slander
0 4

by k-electron

traduce - TREAD + ABUSE = tread on one's good image and abuse it
0 0

by shalnew

Well u must all be familiar with transducer. Never converts energy. But always reduced in form of heat
which is dissipated hence reduced
0 0

by abhijit@25

traduce = try to reduce, i.e they are trying to reduce your position.
0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : path taken by a projectile; Ex. trajectory of a bullet
(noun) the path followed by an object moving through space
Synonyms : flight

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trajectory
In tragic moment of our life we follow the curved path of life
0 2

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : walk with a heavy step; travel on foot; N: vagrant; one who travels aimlessly about;
long walk; sound of heavy walking
(noun) a disreputable vagrant
Synonyms : bum , hobo
Example Sentence
a homeless tramp
he tried to help the really down-and-out bums

(noun) a person who engages freely in promiscuous sex
Synonyms : swinger

(noun) a foot traveler; someone who goes on an extended walk (for pleasure)
Synonyms : hiker , tramper

(noun) a heavy footfall
Example Sentence
the tramp of military boots

(noun) a commercial steamer for hire; one having no regular schedule
Synonyms : tramp steamer

(noun) a long walk usually for exercise or pleasure
Synonyms : hike , hiking
Example Sentence
she enjoys a hike in her spare time

(verb) travel on foot, especially on a walking expedition
Example Sentence
We went tramping about the state of Colorado

(verb) walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud
Synonyms : footslog , pad , plod , slog , trudge
Example Sentence
Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone

(verb) cross on foot
Example Sentence
We had to tramp the creeks

(verb) move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
Synonyms : cast , drift , ramble , range , roam , roll , rove , stray , swan , vagabond , wander
Example Sentence
The gypsies roamed the woods
roving vagabonds
the wandering Jew
The cattle roam across the prairie
the laborers drift from one town to the next
They rolled from town to town

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tramp
tRAMP,conc. on the highlighted word...when ppl go on a ramp(fashion shows),they WALK AIMLESSLY
14 0

by imajeeth

TRAMP and STAMP are rhyming words which mean, to walk with heavy footsteps, to march along.
2 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : step heavily with the feet; crush under the feet
(noun) the sound of heavy treading or stomping
Synonyms : trampling
Example Sentence
he heard the trample of many feet

(verb) tread or stomp heavily or roughly
Synonyms : tread
Example Sentence
The soldiers trampled across the fields

(verb) injure by trampling or as if by trampling
Example Sentence
The passerby was trampled by an elephant

(verb) walk on and flatten
Synonyms : tramp down , tread down
Example Sentence
tramp down the grass
trample the flowers

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trample
imagine in Pakistan a Hindu temple is trampled..(trample sounds like temple)
6 4

by aman.khippal

TRAMPLE and CRUMPLE are rhyming words having the same meaning i.e to destroy something harshly
by treading on it repeatedly.
0 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : hypnotic state; ecstatic state; detachment from one's physical surrounding (as in
contemplation or daydreaming); CF. transition
(noun) a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation
Synonyms : enchantment , spell

(noun) a state of mind in which consciousness is fragile and voluntary action is poor or missing; a state
resembling deep sleep

(verb) attract; cause to be enamored
Synonyms : becharm , beguile , bewitch , captivate , capture , catch , charm , enamor , enamour ,enchant
, entrance , fascinate
Example Sentence
She captured all the men's hearts

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trance
In trance u feel like u r in france
5 1

by Phanik12312

it sounds like transfer . If u got transfer to australian branch .... imply day dreaming.
1 2

by gopikrish2000

TRANCE or ENCHANT is to be held spellbound or be in a state of hypnosis.
0 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : calmness; peace
(noun) an untroubled state; free from disturbances
Synonyms : quiet , tranquility

(noun) a state of peace and quiet
Synonyms : quietness , quietude , tranquility

(noun) a disposition free from stress or emotion
Synonyms : placidity , quiet , repose , serenity , tranquility

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tranquillity
Trans (transfer) + quality -> transfer in to quality life
4 4

by hurricane

tranQUILL ==> PILL . we take pills to reduce our tensions and become calm.
2 0

by chandu24

TRANQUILITY and SERENITY have a similar sound and meaning. The words mean, in a state of peace
and quiet.
1 5

by pushpa_edit

related to transquillisers and by using transquilliser the animal becomes quiet and peaceful and doesnot
disturb us
1 0

by Rohit.2204

0 1

by sai satish

tranquillity= transform+quiet i.e. transform to quiet which is calmness, peace
0 0

by pradipta863das88

Short Definition : exceeding ordinary limits; superior; surpassing; V. transcend: go beyond; exceed;
surpass; N. transcendancy
(adj) exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence
Synonyms : surpassing

(adj) beyond and outside the ordinary range of human experience or understanding
Example Sentence
the notion of any transcendent reality beyond thought

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transcendent
TRANSCENDENT, concentrate on TRANSCEND. We are familiar with the transcend pen drive that is
available in the market. It is of a SUPERIOR quality and SURPASSES all the other brands.
32 0

by imajeeth

TRANSCENDENT or an EXCELLENT state where one surpasses or goes beyond the range of
experience, belief etc.
0 2

by pushpa_edit

(Trance-descend) - DESCEND into a TRANCE of going BEYOND the set limits.
Short Definition : going beyond common thought or ideas; impossible to understand by practical
experiences or practices; known only by studying thoughts or intuition; OP. empirical; CF.
(adj) existing outside of or not in accordance with nature
Synonyms : nonnatural , otherworldly , preternatural
Example Sentence
find transcendental motives for sublunary action

(adj) of or characteristic of a system of philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual above the
empirical and material

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transcendental
Transcend means to go beyond....Transcendental means beyond the thinking of common people
5 0

by nileshdive

trans+ send + den+tall ; a witch in den transports & sends a tall thing which is supernatural
3 3

by gopikrish2000

TRANSCENDENTAL and MYSTICAL are rhyming words with a similar meaning. The words describe
something of a spiritual or non-physical realm.
0 3

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : copy; write a copy of; N. transcription
(verb) write out from speech, notes, etc.
Example Sentence
Transcribe the oral history of this tribe

(verb) rewrite in a different script
Synonyms : transliterate
Example Sentence
The Sanskrit text had to be transliterated

(verb) rewrite or arrange a piece of music for an instrument or medium other than that originally intended

(verb) make a phonetic transcription of
Example Sentence
The anthropologist transcribed the sentences of the native informant

(verb) convert the genetic information in (a strand of DNA) into a strand of RNA, especially messenger

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transcribe
TRANSCRIBE = TRANSfer + SCRIBE(to write). So when you transfer some writings from one book to
other it means you COPY the writings.
12 0

by imajeeth

Derived from the word TRANSCRIPT which means copy made from original.
5 0

by Assiduous

TRANSCRIBE and SCRIBE. Historians TRANSCRIBE (copy) the old manuscripts originally written by
SCRIBES (writers) in the olden days.
1 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : violation of a law; sin; V. transgress: go beyond (a limit); violate; do wrong
(noun) the act of transgressing; the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle
Synonyms : evildoing
Example Sentence
the boy was punished for the transgressions of his father

(noun) the spreading of the sea over land as evidenced by the deposition of marine strata over terrestrial

(noun) the action of going beyond or overstepping some boundary or limit

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transgression
Trans + aggression....imagine the army of Pakistan aggressively crossing the Line of Control (LOC) and
hence violating the law trans(=across) border.
36 3

by saikiran

take it this way..train aggression aggression in train is against the law!!!
13 1

by ajitvarma

(transcribe + gre) transcribe means copy, so copyin in gre is a violation of law
7 4

by blahblah

TRANSGRESSION and VIOLATION are similar sounding words which mean, to break a rule or law.
1 6

by pushpa_edit

1 0

by chetan530

train on grass;so violating law or going beyond boundary as train should be on tracks not on grass
0 0

by laaptu

In some countries, there's a sign that says:"aggregation of transsexuals is illegal"
0 0

by shbf

Short Definition : staying for a short time; momentary; temporary; N: one that is transient
(noun) one who stays for only a short time
Example Sentence
transient laborers

(noun) (physics) a short-lived oscillation in a system caused by a sudden change of voltage or current or

(adj) of a mental act; causing effects outside the mind
Synonyms : transeunt

(adj) lasting a very short time
Synonyms : ephemeral , fugacious , passing , short-lived , transitory
Example Sentence
the ephemeral joys of childhood
a passing fancy
youth's transient beauty
love is transitory but it is eternal
fugacious blossoms

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transient
remember transient light and transient current.... that we studied in physics.....which produce an effect for
a very short time...
13 0

by coolmlasod

ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from Latin transient- going across, from the verb transire, from trans-
across + ire go.
1 0

by duongtu

in transit:i.e. have to stay for some time,temporary stay
1 0

by laaptu

TRANSIENT which means unstable or momentary is the opposite of CONSTANT which refers to
stability, something stable.
0 1

by pushpa_edit

Transient means 'passing over' or 'crossing over'. So, any thing passing over or crossing over will be
available for short period of time and hence will be "short lived".
0 1

by goodking210

Forest-Hobos (half ent-half human) in trance (trans) moving from city to city like zombies ready to eat
your head.
0 0

by czarny_pan

Short Definition : going from one state of action to another
(noun) the act of passing from one state or place to the next
Synonyms : passage

(noun) an event that results in a transformation
Synonyms : changeover , conversion

(noun) a change from one place or state or subject or stage to another

(noun) a musical passage moving from one key to another
Synonyms : modulation

(noun) a passage that connects a topic to one that follows

(verb) cause to convert or undergo a transition
Example Sentence
the company had to transition the old practices to modern technology

(verb) make or undergo a transition (from one state or system to another)
Example Sentence
The airline transitioned to more fuel-efficient jets
The adagio transitioned into an allegro

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transition
TRANSITION or CONVERSION or TRANSFORMATION, all of which are rhyming words having the
same meaning. The words refer to the process of changing from one state to another.
1 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : transient; impermanent; fleeting; N. transitoriness
(adj) lasting a very short time
Synonyms : ephemeral , fugacious , passing , short-lived , transient
Example Sentence
the ephemeral joys of childhood
a passing fancy
youth's transient beauty
love is transitory but it is eternal
fugacious blossoms

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transitory
Transistors take a very short time to turn from on to off i.e acting like a switch
6 2

by lord_slayer

Or, transitory=transition will occur(it has tendency for it), it'll stay in the previous state for short
period..previous state is ephemeral..
1 1

by Thisisnotme

TRANSITORY and MOMENTARY have the same sound and both words mean... briefly, a fleeting
(passing) moment.
0 2

by pushpa_edit

transitory...signifiesthat it has tendency for transition..and imagine that transition is taking place quickly,
as generally incase of physics..
0 1

by Thisisnotme

Short Definition : partly transparent
(adj) allowing light to pass through diffusely
Synonyms : semitransparent
Example Sentence
translucent amber
semitransparent curtains at the windows

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for translucent
transparent for you not for all ; an object that allows light to pass through but is NOT TRANSPARENT.
1 1

by Gireish

Translucent, Split it Trans-Luce-nt. Means the thing is TRANSparent to LUCE alone and NoT for all.
1 0

by Jagadesh Rao

TRANSLUCENT - an object that allows light to pass through but is NOT TRANSPARENT.
0 3

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : transform; change; convert to something different
(verb) change in outward structure or looks
Synonyms : metamorphose , transform
Example Sentence
He transformed into a monster
The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle

(verb) change or alter in form, appearance, or nature
Synonyms : transform , transubstantiate
Example Sentence
This experience transformed her completely
She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture
transubstantiate one element into another

(verb) alter the nature of (elements)

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transmute
mutation we know is a change in genes, so transmute
17 1

by 1.6k

transition from one channel to other in mute to avoid loud volume.:-)
15 3

by sandeep048

Trans(train)+Mute....imagine that we have made a noiseless train...because we have changed the form
of conventional train...
1 2

by nileshdive

TRANSMUTE or TRANSMUTATION is a TRANSFORMATION from one form of a substance to another.
0 2

by pushpa_edit

0 2

by lebshah

trans+mutate, mutation means changing
0 2

by manasareddy

when somethin is TRANSformed into another thing we become MUTE cos we are shocked...!!
0 1

by psruthishalini

Short Definition : permitting light to pass through freely; easily detected; obvious; clear; Ex. transparent
(adj) transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity
Synonyms : crystal clear , crystalline , limpid , lucid , pellucid
Example Sentence
the cold crystalline water of melted snow
crystal clear skies
could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool
lucid air
a pellucid brook
transparent crystal

(adj) so thin as to transmit light
Synonyms : cobwebby , diaphanous , filmy , gauze-like , gauzy , gossamer , see-
through , sheer ,vaporous , vapourous
Example Sentence
a hat with a diaphanous veil
filmy wings of a moth
gauzy clouds of dandelion down
gossamer cobwebs
sheer silk stockings
transparent chiffon
vaporous silks

(adj) free of deceit
Synonyms : guileless

(adj) easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety)
Example Sentence
a transparent explanation
a transparent lie

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transparent
TRANSPARENT or EXPLICIT - something that is crystal clear.
0 1

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : (of a fact) become known; be revealed; happen; give off (watery waste matter) through
(verb) pass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas
Synonyms : transpirate

(verb) exude water vapor
Example Sentence
plants transpire

(verb) come to light; become known
Example Sentence
It transpired that she had worked as spy in East Germany

(verb) come about, happen, or occur
Example Sentence
Several important events transpired last week

(verb) give off (water) through the skin

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transpire
Conspire is Secret plot, so transpire is to open the secret, reveal it
35 2

by 0m3gA

every one remembers the process of "transpiration" in plants, take it metaphorically for
information...relate it yourself
6 9

by anshulnirvana

transpire sounds like perspire ie, sweat
1 4

by cvshinto

pyre is fire.even u want to hide the fire the smoke reveals it
1 3

by u.roopesh

TRANSPIRE or TRANSPIRATION is the EVAPORATION of water from the leaves in the form of water
0 4

by pushpa_edit

transpiration-is process used by plants..and this IS KNOWN after several years of research!!...hope u like
0 7

by ajitvarma

transpiration-is process used by plants..and this IS KNOWN after several years of research!!...hope u like
0 6

by ajitvarma

pyre is fire even if want to hide fire smoke will reveal transp(y)re-reveals
0 4

by u.roopesh

Short Definition : strong emotion; rapture; Ex. in a transport/transports of; V: move to strong emotion;
(noun) something that serves as a means of transportation
Synonyms : conveyance

(noun) an exchange of molecules (and their kinetic energy and momentum) across the boundary between
adjacent layers of a fluid or across cell membranes

(noun) the commercial enterprise of moving goods and materials
Synonyms : shipping , transportation

(noun) a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion
Synonyms : ecstasy , exaltation , rapture , raptus
Example Sentence
listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture

(noun) a mechanism that transports magnetic tape across the read/write heads of a tape
Synonyms : tape drive , tape transport

(noun) the act of moving something from one location to another
Synonyms : conveyance , transfer , transferral , transportation

(verb) move something or somebody around; usually over long distances

(verb) move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
Synonyms : carry
Example Sentence
You must carry your camping gear
carry the suitcases to the car
This train is carrying nuclear waste
These pipes carry waste water into the river

(verb) hold spellbound
Synonyms : delight , enchant , enrapture , enthral , enthrall , ravish

(verb) transport commercially
Synonyms : send , ship

(verb) send from one person or place to another
Synonyms : channel , channelise , channelize , transfer , transmit
Example Sentence
transmit a message

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transport
TRANSPORT = TRANS + SPORT. Concentrate on the word sport. So, in order to be successful in any
sport you have to be EMOTIONALLY STRONG.
6 6

by imajeeth

tranSPORT: Cricket is a SPORT to which there is very STRONG EMOTION of Indian's is attached
5 0

by krazykunzi

transport - TRANCE + SPORT = a sportive or joyous trance which means ecstacy , emotion
2 0

by shalnew

TRANSPORT or TRANSMIT or TRANSPLANT is to transfer or move something from one place to
another.and when sm1 close 2 u get transferred u have strong sad emotion.
0 6

by pushpa_edit

when you take cocaine you are 'transported' to a state of 'strong emotion'
0 1

by saif_mohmd

Short Definition : reverse the order or position of
(noun) a matrix formed by interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix

(verb) change the order or arrangement of
Synonyms : commute , permute
Example Sentence
Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word

(verb) transfer from one place or period to another
Synonyms : transfer , transplant
Example Sentence
The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America

(verb) cause to change places
Synonyms : counterchange , interchange
Example Sentence
interchange this screw for one of a smaller size

(verb) transfer a quantity from one side of an equation to the other side reversing its sign, in order to
maintain equality

(verb) put (a piece of music) into another key

(verb) exchange positions without a change in value
Synonyms : commute
Example Sentence
These operators commute with each other

(verb) change key
Example Sentence
Can you transpose this fugue into G major?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transpose
trans(transfer)+ pose(position)
2 0

by cyli

TRANSPOSE or transplant or move to a new position.
0 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : outward decorations; ornaments (as an outward sign of rank)
(noun) (usually plural) accessory wearing apparel
Synonyms : furnishing

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trappings
there is a chance that outward decorations may trap you. Hence always follow the interiors rather than
getting trapped by trappings.
31 4

by saikiran

when we set up a TRAP (ie pitfall) we decorate the top with grass and dirt, so that people don't notice the
trap and falls in.
13 0

by usairforce1985

Trappings -> toppings(Pizza) Used to decorate and giver better taste :D
3 0

by helloworld5

TRAPPINGS are accessories or symbols of status.
1 4

by pushpa_edit

People are generally TRAPPED for their ORNAMENTS,Decorative things on their body
1 2

by Phanik12312

don't fall in trap by watching the outward decoration/ornamentation of a slut.
1 0


0 6

by pvnpras

trappings - sounds like DRAPINGs - drape is to dress - so it could mean the outward dress
0 0

by shalnew

Short Definition : (of an experience) deeply shocking; pertaining to an injury caused by violence; N.
trauma: serious wound; emotional shock that causes lasting psychological damage
(adj) of or relating to a physical injury or wound to the body

(adj) psychologically painful
Example Sentence
few experiences are more traumatic than losing a child

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for traumatic
trauma...sounds similar 2 coma
6 0

by ritu1018

TRAUMATIC=TRAUMAtic,means pertaining to TRAUMA,a deep distressing experience;emotional shock
following a stressful event
1 3

by imajeeth

TRAUMATIC or something TRAGIC something caused by emotional stress.
1 3

by pushpa_edit

TRAUMATIC sounds like PNEUMATIC. if u play with pneumatic systems u will get hurted nd which will b
1 1

by mohitpanwar2007

traumatic =TRAgic + draMATIC
0 0

by roozbeh33

Short Definition : strenuous work; toil; painful labor; labor of childbirth
(noun) concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child
Synonyms : childbed , confinement , labor , labour , lying-in , parturiency
Example Sentence
she was in labor for six hours

(noun) use of physical or mental energy; hard work
Synonyms : effort , elbow grease , exertion , sweat
Example Sentence
he got an A for effort
they managed only with great exertion

(verb) work hard
Synonyms : dig , drudge , fag , grind , labor , labour , moil , toil
Example Sentence
She was digging away at her math homework
Lexicographers drudge all day long

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for travail
TRAVel - AIL...Imagine someone ailing after a long travel...repenting over the large physical and mental
pain and tiredness after the travel
23 4

by saikiran

Travel+rail....when you travel a long distance in a railway full of people you suffer from travail....
6 1

by nileshdive

travail is work in french hence hard work
3 1

by kaavya_3000

TRAVAIL or STRAIN - hard manual labour, stressful work.
0 8

by pushpa_edit

travail ~ travel - If want to get a chance to travel overseas, you have to travail in your company.
0 0

by editor1

trav+ail= ail as in ailment..which is painful.
0 0

by ritu1018

Once the traVAIL was lifted in marriage, she had a painful childbirth
0 1

by dncprncss

Tough(T) + Real(R) + And(a) + Vast(Va) + In(I) + Labour(L)
0 0

by vocabIsFun

Travail = travel + ail; Become ail after travel.
0 0

by shaktipada

Short Definition : go through or across
(noun) a horizontal beam that extends across something
Synonyms : crossbeam , crosspiece , trave

(noun) a horizontal crosspiece across a window or separating a door from a window over it
Synonyms : transom

(noun) taking a zigzag path on skis
Synonyms : traversal

(noun) travel across
Synonyms : traversal

(verb) travel across or pass over
Synonyms : cover , cross , cut across , cut through , get across , get over , pass over , track
Example Sentence
The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day

(verb) to cover or extend over an area or time period
Synonyms : cross , span , sweep
Example Sentence
Rivers traverse the valley floor
The parking lot spans 3 acres
The novel spans three centuries

(verb) deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a legal suit
Synonyms : deny

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for traverse
tra(travel)+ verse(adverse)- travel adverse = travel across.
2 2

by fera5

TRAVERSE or CUT ACROSS - cross over, take a short cut.
0 3

by pushpa_edit

adverse= opposing direction, diverse= various directions, universe= all to one direction, reverse =
inverse direction, traverse = Tra (meanse across) direction
0 0

by roozbeh33

Short Definition : copy or example of something that completely misrepresents the true nature of the real
thing; comical parody or imitation; treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculous; Ex. travesty of
(noun) a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations
Synonyms : farce , farce comedy

(noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way
Synonyms : burlesque , charade , lampoon , mockery , parody , pasquinade , put-
on , sendup , spoof ,takeoff

(verb) make a travesty of

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for travesty
If u think Bra(tra) as vest then it is a travesty.
45 13

by rakei

Travesty looks like transvestite (a man dressed as a woman) and hence basically a humorous caricature
of a woman.
9 3

by selevanl

rem TRAVESTY=TARA+AVASTY. TARA AVASTY is a female mimic who is involved in travesty of actors
2 3

by adi1489

travesty = trans + vest... change in clothes.. imitation but a poor one
1 11

by namaskar

TRAVESTY is a MOCKERY or an absurd or distorted imitation of the original.
0 11

by pushpa_edit

travesty - tra or trans + vest + y - trans means across or over or beyond, vest means to dress , so
travesty means the act of dressing up an event over or beyond being humourous, satirical etc.
0 4

by shalnew

A caricature of John Travolta in vest.
0 0

by biotechlover

Short Definition : walk; trample; N: grooved face of a tire; horizontal part of a step
(noun) a step in walking or running
Synonyms : pace , stride

(noun) the grooved surface of a pneumatic tire

(noun) the part (as of a wheel or shoe) that makes contact with the ground

(noun) structural member consisting of the horizontal part of a stair or step

(verb) put down or press the foot, place the foot
Synonyms : step
Example Sentence
For fools rush in where angels fear to tread
step on the brake

(verb) tread or stomp heavily or roughly
Synonyms : trample
Example Sentence
The soldiers trampled across the fields

(verb) crush as if by treading on
Example Sentence
tread grapes to make wine

(verb) brace (an archer's bow) by pressing the foot against the center

(verb) apply (the tread) to a tire

(verb) mate with
Example Sentence
male birds tread the females

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tread
remember treadmill in gym which we use for walking.
19 0

by cp.jethani

TREAD or TRUDGE - to walk or to stride along.
0 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : keep as precious; cherish
(noun) accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc.
Synonyms : hoarded wealth
Example Sentence
the pirates hid their treasure on a small island in the West Indies

(noun) art highly prized for its beauty or perfection
Synonyms : gem

(noun) any possession that is highly valued by its owner
Example Sentence
the children returned from the seashore with their shells and other treasures

(noun) a collection of precious things
Example Sentence
the trunk held all her meager treasures

(verb) hold dear
Synonyms : appreciate , prize , value
Example Sentence
I prize these old photographs

(verb) be fond of; be attached to
Synonyms : care for , cherish , hold dear

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for treasure
TREASURE in great MEASURE was once accumulated by Pirates (sea robbers).
0 1

by pushpa_edit

Ram CHARAN(CHERISH) has lot of Treasure
0 1

by Phanik12312

Short Definition : article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly
(noun) a formal exposition

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for treatise
focus on TREATI..almost same as remember treaty between two nations, so it must be a
formal written document
18 3

by anshulnirvana

A TREATISE or a THESIS is a written book or document on a subject.
3 2

by pushpa_edit

treat+ise...focus on treat means deal with a speech or writing or discuss about an discuss
about a treatise...a written essay or exposition
0 3

by preetisoni2411

Short Definition : travel; journey; V: make a long difficult journey
(noun) a journey by ox wagon (especially an organized migration by a group of settlers)

(noun) any long and difficult trip

(verb) journey on foot, especially in the mountains
Example Sentence
We spent the summer trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas

(verb) make a long and difficult journey
Example Sentence
They trekked towards the North Pole with sleds and skis

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trek
Trecking is a long & tedious trip or a track is through which a journey is taken.
5 1

by gre_fever

in STAR TREK, they make a long journey to various stars.
3 1

by friendofafriend

trek....sounds like we can travel in a truck...or journey in truck
3 0

by sriramraparla

every one knows the movie "star trek" means journey of space
0 0

by regalia201

A TREK or a HIKE is a long arduous (tiring) journey.
0 0

by pushpa_edit

I don't like trek in a truck and do you?
0 0

by mallikarjun

Short Definition : trembling; slight quiver (as of the earth or from nervous agitation)
(noun) an involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear)
Synonyms : shudder

(noun) a small earthquake
Synonyms : earth tremor , microseism

(noun) shaking or trembling (usually resulting from weakness or stress or disease)

(verb) shake with seismic vibrations
Synonyms : quake
Example Sentence
The earth was quaking

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tremor
Remember Trimmer, a noob's hands will tremble/shake when trimmer is brought near to his neck
6 4

by 0m3gA

Tree+Mor(peacock)....when there is a Mor on a tree, tree tremors....
5 1

by nileshdive

TREMOR and Shiver are rhyming words which mean, a slight tremble or quiver.
1 4

by pushpa_edit

those who watch seinfeld the comedy show will know how much kramor tremors
1 1

by friendofafriend

tremor sounds like fever..1 quivers in fever or u cn rmmbr it as it sounds like temper so quiver by
smbodies temper.
0 1

by ritu1018

Short Definition : trembling; wavering
(adj) (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear
Synonyms : quavering
Example Sentence
the old lady's quavering voice
spoke timidly in a tremulous voice

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tremulous
TREMble+nervOUS-->Tremulous is trembling in nervousness or fear
13 0

by Saquib

TREMULOUS and NERVOUS are rhyming words with a similar meaning. Both words mean, quivering or
shivering with fear.
6 1

by pushpa_edit

think of the word tremble- as in fear
2 0

by tivoli25

Short Definition : cutting; incisive; keen
(adj) having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect
Synonyms : searching
Example Sentence
searching insights
trenchant criticism

(adj) characterized by or full of force and vigor
Synonyms : hard-hitting
Example Sentence
a hard-hitting expose
a trenchant argument

(adj) clearly or sharply defined to the mind
Synonyms : clear-cut , distinct
Example Sentence
clear-cut evidence of tampering
Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest
trenchant distinctions between right and wrong

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trenchant
When you chant it is to be very strong, clear and effective
34 5

by ksameer_coep

if chant under the ll be clear and effective
33 45

by preetisoni2411

21 1

by manishtuteja10

'ant' always walk in straight 'trench' i.e they know which way is right or wrong for them.. they never
3 2


trenchant:trench+ant;an ant in a trench is sharply perceptive to things because it can see every minute
particles.(sharply perceptive)
3 3


TRENCHANT and ELOQUENT are rhyming words . Both the words refer to a strong and effective use of
2 16

by pushpa_edit

when american economy collapsed,keynes asked the us goverment to dig trenches so that they can
employ people& govt was SO KEEN to have a solution, they really asked people to dig trenches..
1 12

by preetisoni2411

TRENCHANT rhymes with PUNGENT,so the meaning goes(not the exact one though)
1 12

by imajeeth

TRENCH warfare b/t father and teenage you. He saw right through your ANTic because he was more
[keenly perceptive]. Now he still teases you w/ [penetrating remarks] of his [effectiveness] in catching you
red handed.
1 2

by joeyessoe

ten chantazz ( severe) or criticism
1 1

by arshnagpal

if ure chatting with 10 people then you must be all knowing or insightful. ten + chat
1 1

by friendofafriend

trend + chant(repeatedly doing something) >>> when a trend goes on and on followed by people, it
becomes clear in mind of younger people that that related thing is to be done like that nly... relate it..
1 0

by RajeshBorkar

train+chant:so when train is chanting the expression is effective n clearly heard or understood
0 0

by laaptu

trench+ant...imagine an ant forcefully breaking the trench and vigorously coming your way...
0 0

by Thisisnotme
Short Definition : fear; nervous apprehension
(noun) a feeling of alarm or dread

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trepidation
Intrepid is fearless, so Trepid is fearfull....:P
48 7

by 0m3gA

TRAP - soldier on being trapped had the feeling of trepidation/fear.
41 3

by userdce

Tremble >> Trepidation. As he was afraid, he trembled (Trepidation)
2 1

by tanvir

concentrate on the starting part, it SOUNDS LIKE RAPID, as in river rafting, rapids make everyone feel
2 0

by mohitpanwar2007

TREPIDATION and CONSTERNATION have the same sound and meaning. The words describe fear or
1 6

by pushpa_edit

INTREPID (adj) is contrary to TREPID (adj), so TREPIDATION (noun) is contrary to inTREPID as well.
1 2

by cpinedo

Trip down in an Expedition causes FEAR...U b'come NERVOUS
0 2

by Phanik12312

Short Definition : suffering; ordeal; distress; trial
(noun) an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event
Synonyms : trial , visitation
Example Sentence
his mother-in-law's visits were a great trial for him
life is full of tribulations
a visitation of the plague

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tribulation
Tribulation~Tribal ; While the group was trekking they were caught by jungle tribal(junglee log In Hindi)
and harrased ...It was a period of tribulation for them!
26 1

by khushi5

The verdict from a 'Tribunal' is often an annoying/frustrating/catastrophic event for a family.
12 2

by rizvi

TRIBes of our nATION undergo only suffering and distress.
9 0

by pcsjith

there is always suffering in troubled nation
2 1

by friendofafriend

when TRI:3, BULls r coming towards you to hit you it creates frustrATION n tribulation within you
2 0

by nisha236

TRIBULATION (trouble and suffering) and AFFLICTION are both a painful condition.
1 8

by pushpa_edit

TRIBULATION (trouble and suffering) and AFFLICTION are both a painful condition.
1 8

by pushpa_edit

TRIBULATION=TRIBUTE means tax. so if you fail to pay the tax in time, you must be in distress and
suffering condition.
0 0

by smsayem127

tribute + nation >> a national tribute is paid when the nation SUFFERS a loss of some great personality
or is in DISTRESS due to some calamity..
0 0

by RajeshBorkar

Short Definition : court of justice
(noun) an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
Synonyms : court , judicature

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tribunal
tribal people are badly dey need a special COURT OF JUSTICE!!
7 3

by ajitvarma

TRIBAL people r treated as NULL (tribu+nal) hence they need justice...!!!
6 0

by sravan1411

Tribunal~Communal ; For all communal(group of ppl/community) problems we need a tribunal
3 3

by khushi5

TRIBUNAL or JUDICIAL have the same sound. The words refer to a board of officials appointed to pass
judgement over a trial.
0 8

by pushpa_edit

tribunal=trib(tribals) - unal(sounds like canal).tribal people have fightings over canals so a cout of justice
is required to solve the problem.
0 1

by gre_10

Short Definition : official of ancient Rome elected by the plebians to protect their rights; protector of the
(noun) (ancient Rome) an official elected by the plebeians to protect their interests

(noun) the apse of a Christian church that contains the bishop's throne

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tribune
TRIBUNE or a PLEBEAN JUDGE or a law official.
2 4

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : tax levied by a ruler; payment made by one nation to another in acknowledgment of
submission; mark of respect (such as praise or gift); Ex. pay tribute to
(noun) something given or done as an expression of esteem
Synonyms : testimonial

(noun) payment by one nation for protection by another

(noun) payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence
Synonyms : protection
Example Sentence
every store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tribute
TRIBUTE and CONTRIBUTE are rhyming words. As it was a TRIBUTE for the flood victims, everyone
CONTRIBUTED generously.
7 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : flow in drops or in a thin stream; N.
(noun) flowing in drops; the formation and falling of drops of liquid
Synonyms : dribble , drip
Example Sentence
there's a drip through the roof

(verb) run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream
Synonyms : dribble , filter
Example Sentence
water trickled onto the lawn from the broken hose
reports began to dribble in

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trickle
Trickle same as twinkle, twinkle in terms of light trickle in terms of water..
7 2

by pradnya.agrawal

TRICKLE and DRIBBLE have similar sounds and meaning i.e to fall drop by drop in a thin stream.
4 1

by pushpa_edit

when you lie in the bathtub, the water that trickles down from the faucet on your foot really tickles you.
practice this word in bath and you never forget the word.
0 0

by roozbeh33

Short Definition : person who cheats people
(noun) someone who plays practical jokes on others
Synonyms : cut-up , hoaxer , practical joker , prankster , tricker

(noun) someone who leads you to believe something that is not true
Synonyms : beguiler , cheat , cheater , deceiver , slicker

(noun) a mischievous supernatural being found in the folklore of many primitive people; sometimes
distinguished by prodigious biological drives and exaggerated bodily parts

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trickster
trick+ster--a person who is very good in playing tricks..or in cheating people.
1 0

by preetisoni2411

TRICKSTER and PRANKSTER are rhyming words which refer to someone who cheats or fools people.
0 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : three-pronged spear
(noun) a spear with three prongs

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trident
TRIDENT=TRI(three) + DENT(tooth).
13 1

by imajeeth

4 0

by parry007

TRIDENT-TRI (three)and DENT (a hole or a groove caused by the fall of something heavy or sharp).
When a Trident (a forked spear) falls or is thrown at something, it creates three holes (dents) with its three
sharp pointed spears.
0 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : something of little importance or value; small amount; Ex. a trifle; V: treat without
seriousness; flirt
(noun) a cold pudding made of layers of sponge cake spread with fruit or jelly; may be decorated with
nuts, cream, or chocolate

(noun) a detail that is considered insignificant
Synonyms : technicality , triviality

(noun) something of small importance
Synonyms : small beer , trivia , triviality

(verb) waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently
Synonyms : piddle , piddle away , wanton , wanton away

(verb) act frivolously
Synonyms : frivol

(verb) consider not very seriously
Synonyms : dally , play
Example Sentence
He is trifling with her
She plays with the thought of moving to Tasmania

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trifle
consider it as "Rifle" rifle is given least importance when compared to ak47 and stenn guns..
9 2

by klnvsk

TRIFLE or TRIVIAL or SIMPLE - something that is not of much importance or value.
1 2

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : trivial; unimportant
(noun) the deliberate act of delaying and playing instead of working
Synonyms : dalliance , dawdling

(adj) not worth considering
Synonyms : negligible , paltry
Example Sentence
he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost
piffling efforts
a trifling matter

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trifling
divide it like TRI(TRY)+FLING.(means to throw sb or something) always TRY to throw
9 1

by preetisoni2411

trifling :trivial+feeling .. you are felling its truvial i.e: that is of no value unimportant :D
2 0

by malyaz

Split as T(tea)+RIFLING (Re-Filling) work is not worth activity and takes time so its delaying also
1 1

by ksameer_coep

TRIFLING refers to something unworthy of REGARDING, a small matter.
0 4

by pushpa_edit

TRIFLING sounds like DRIBBLING, its like jst dribbling for time pass i.e. delaying any work and nt
0 0

by mohitpanwar2007

Short Definition : set off; start
(noun) lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun
Synonyms : gun trigger

(noun) a device that activates or releases or causes something to happen

(noun) an act that sets in motion some course of events
Synonyms : induction , initiation

(verb) put in motion or move to act
Synonyms : activate , actuate , set off , spark , spark off , touch off , trigger off , trip
Example Sentence
trigger a reaction
actuate the circuits

(verb) release or pull the trigger on
Example Sentence
Trigger a gun

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trigger
A TRIGGER is a LEVER for releasing a spring. To trigger something off - set something into action.
0 1

by pushpa_edit

trigger of a gun to Trigger a Bullet out of the gun!
0 0

by khushi5

Short Definition : group of three related works (connected by a shared subject but each complete in
(noun) a set of three literary or dramatic works related in subject or theme

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trilogy
TRILOGY or STORY which consists of three parts.
0 2

by pushpa_edit

Yeah! The Star Wars Trilogy has 3 stories which shared the main story and each complete in itself.
0 0

by atiya

Julius caesar is divided into three act yeilding a trilogy a literature work by shakespeare !!
Short Definition : make neat or tidy by clipping; reduce by removing what is unnecessary; ornament;
decorate (round the edges); Ex. trim the cost; Ex. jacket trimmed with fur; N. ADJ: tidy; in good order
(noun) a state of arrangement or appearance
Synonyms : trimness
Example Sentence
in good trim

(noun) a decoration or adornment on a garment
Synonyms : passementerie , trimming
Example Sentence
the trimming on a hat
the trim on a shirt

(noun) attitude of an aircraft in flight when allowed to take its own orientation

(noun) cutting down to the desired size or shape
Synonyms : clipping , trimming

(verb) remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size
Synonyms : pare
Example Sentence
pare one's fingernails
trim the photograph
trim lumber

(verb) decorate, as with ornaments
Example Sentence
trim the christmas tree
trim a shop window

(verb) cut down on; make a reduction in
Synonyms : bring down , cut , cut back , cut down , reduce , trim back , trim down
Example Sentence
reduce your daily fat intake
The employer wants to cut back health benefits

(verb) balance in flight by regulating the control surfaces
Example Sentence
trim an airplane

(verb) be in equilibrium during a flight
Example Sentence
The airplane trimmed

(verb) decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
Synonyms : dress , garnish

(verb) cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of
Synonyms : clip , crop , cut back , dress , lop , prune , snip
Example Sentence
dress the plants in the garden

(verb) cut closely
Synonyms : shave
Example Sentence
trim my beard

(verb) adjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally used

(adj) thin and fit
Synonyms : spare
Example Sentence
the spare figure of a marathon runner
a body kept trim by exercise

(adj) of places; characterized by order and neatness; free from disorder
Synonyms : shipshape , well-kept
Example Sentence
even the barn was shipshape
a trim little sailboat

(adj) neat and smart in appearance
Synonyms : clean-cut , trig
Example Sentence
a clean-cut and well-bred young man
the trig corporal in his jaunty cap
a trim beard

(adj) severely simple in line or design
Synonyms : tailored
Example Sentence
a neat tailored suit
tailored curtains

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trim
TRIM or PRIM and PROPER - something neat and tidy, attractive.
0 0

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : knickknack; bauble; cheap jewelry
(noun) cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing
Synonyms : bangle , bauble , fallal , gaud , gewgaw , novelty

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trinket
A BRACELET is also a TRINKET. A Trinket refers to a small and delicate piece of jewellery.
5 8

by pushpa_edit

anklet ,bracelet,all r small jewelry pieces called knickknack..and bauble is ghungru as in
anklet(payal)..the same is trinklet.
3 2

by ritu1018

a bauble twinkles
0 1

by friendofafriend

trinket - generally the bracelets, bangles or earrings, makes a sound which hears like 'trink,clink' or
0 0

by shalnew

trinket sounds like locket...a small jewel..remember as small cheap jewel..
0 0

by sindhuja

tin ka kit. of very little value
0 0

by akshay2398

Short Definition : hackneyed; commonplace; repeated too often;
(adj) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Synonyms : banal , commonplace , hackneyed , old-
hat , shopworn , stock , threadbare , timeworn ,tired , well-worn
Example Sentence
bromidic sermons
his remarks were trite and commonplace
hackneyed phrases
a stock answer
repeating threadbare jokes
parroting some timeworn axiom
the trite metaphor `hard as nails'

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trite
trite = tri +it ( so sounds like try + it) She made the same dish all the time and give it to her friends saying,
'try it' ... as it is repeated so many times, it becomes over familiar.
37 3

by sanjunsai

trite sounds like tried...when smthng is tried again n again it bcomes hackneyed
16 1

by ritu1018

TRITE = TRI + TE(SEE) = TRI + SEE = see 3 times = common
2 0

by dhanu1600

TRITE is to give something no RESPITE (without any rest whatsoever) - to keep it continuously in use
over and over again.
0 6

by pushpa_edit

TRITE=TRI(3) all of em taste the SAME en COMMON!!!..hope u like it
0 4

by ajitvarma

Short Definition : trifles; unimportant matters
(noun) something of small importance
Synonyms : small beer , trifle , triviality

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trivia
TRIVIA which refers to trivial (small) matters is the opposite of INSIGNIA which describes something
important, a symbol of authority.
3 3

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : pledge of good faith especially in betrothal; betrothal; Ex. by my troth
(noun) a mutual promise to marry
Synonyms : betrothal , engagement

(noun) a solemn pledge of fidelity
Synonyms : plight

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for troth
TROTH is related to BETROTHAL which can be split as BE+TROTH, to BE TRUTHFUL. Therefore
23 0

by imajeeth

troth sounds like truth..that is what it means..verity or truth..
5 0

by preetisoni2411

TROTH and OATH are rhyming words which mean, faithfulness to a promise. You abide by what you
promise to do.
3 1

by pushpa_edit

Troth -> True + Oath
1 1

by anujpathania

TRUE+OATH (To Marry)
0 0

by Riad Explore

Short Definition : long narrow container for feeding farm animals; lowest point (of a wave, business
cycle, etc.); long narrow depression as between waves
(noun) a narrow depression (as in the earth or between ocean waves or in the ocean bed)

(noun) a channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater
Synonyms : gutter

(noun) a concave shape with an open top
Synonyms : bowl

(noun) a treasury for government funds
Synonyms : public treasury , till

(noun) a long narrow shallow receptacle

(noun) a container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed
Synonyms : manger

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trough
We are fimiliar with/studied the crest and troughs of waves !
8 2

by khushi5

TROUGH is near to TOUGH. It is TOUGH to reach peak from TROUGH(lowest point/nadir)
4 0

by Saquib

A TROUGH is something HOLLOW, say a hollow receptacle for feeding animals. It also refers to a ditch
or crater.
1 3

by pushpa_edit

Imagine the spelling as 'through'. Rain water passes through 'Trough'.
1 0

by gunjanshah

it sounds throw...if we throw any thing it will reach the LOWEST POINT at the end
1 0

by sriramraparla

t+rough: feed The ROUGH,
0 5

by anshulnirvana

sounds like plough. when a field is ploughed, it forms narrow channels of soil over field
0 1

by aravindhbaskaran

remember crests and troughs in waves...crest is upper wave and trugh is lower wave
0 0

by manasareddy

Short Definition : aggressiveness; ferocity; ADJ. truculent: aggressive; pugnacious; fierce
(noun) obstreperous and defiant aggressiveness
Synonyms : truculency

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for truculence
truc(sound like truck) + cull(means to kill animals) + ance(hence).. the truck driver culled some of the
animal while driving, hence the villagers are angry with him and are agressively barring him from entering
the village.
37 6

by preetisoni2411

sounds like turbulent means property of being wild i.e. showing aggressiveness.
5 3

by sagarbudavi

A truculent person will tell you to "TRUCK" off
2 6

by tymothy

sounds very similar to DRACULA which is damn aggressive
2 8

by jammy4u

2 3

by dshefman

TRUCULENCE -> TRUCK. A TRUCK is difficult to move like a TRUCULENT person is difficult to
1 1

by dshefman

focus on first part.....relate it to old lady who fights.....and hence she is very aggresive.
0 2

by preetisoni2411

divide into...t+ruc(sounds like ruck....means group of people fighting....only when used as
noun)+lence...(sounds like lens)now
0 2

by preetisoni2411

TRUCULENCE and DEFIANCE are rhyming words with a similar meaning. Both the words mean - to be
defiant (someone who does not listen to others and does what pleases him) and aggressive.
0 3

by pushpa_edit

Truculence ==> Truck + Fence . imagine a truck hitting a fence of a farm and the farm owner getting very
aggressive on truck driver. :P
0 2

by chandu24

truculence - True - Cool - lency = nowadays teenagers things it is truly cool to just be defiant and
0 0

by shalnew

if u play SSBBrawl, you will know that Ike is a "truck" and that his attacks are quite aggressive
0 0

by Suikurai

because of the driver's truculence, a crash between a TRUCK & an AMBULANCE happened.
0 0

by shbf

Short Definition : self-evident truth
(noun) an obvious truth

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for truism
TRUISM = TRUI(TRUE) + SM(SELF MADE) => self evident truth
12 0

by rsakthivelece

TRUISM and AXIOM have a similar sound and meaning. The words describe a statement or a principle
that is generally taken to be true.
1 4

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : cut the top off; shorten
(verb) replace a corner by a plane

(verb) approximate by ignoring all terms beyond a chosen one
Example Sentence
truncate a series

(verb) make shorter as if by cutting off
Synonyms : cut short
Example Sentence
truncate a word
Erosion has truncated the ridges of the mountains

(adj) terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off
Synonyms : truncated
Example Sentence
a truncate leaf
truncated volcanic mountains
a truncated pyramid

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for truncate
trunc(TRUNK) + cate(CUT).....when you CUT the TRUNK OF THE tree, by cutting the top off, you make
11 0

by preetisoni2411

trunCAT(NEAR TO CUT)+E.......and when you CUT something ,YOU SHORTEN things.
1 0

by preetisoni2411

0 2

by userdce

TRUNCATE or ABBREVIATE which are rhyming words, mean, to cut something short, to make precise
or shorten.
0 1

by pushpa_edit

Cut short to fit in a trunk(Box)= Trunk+Cut
0 0

by shadip

Short Definition : main wooden stem of a tree; human body excluding the head and limbs; torso;
prehensile nose of an elephant
(noun) the main stem of a tree; usually covered with bark; the bole is usually the part that is commercially
useful for lumber
Synonyms : bole , tree trunk

(noun) luggage consisting of a large strong case used when traveling or for storage

(noun) the body excluding the head and neck and limbs
Synonyms : body , torso
Example Sentence
they moved their arms and legs and bodies

(noun) compartment in an automobile that carries luggage or shopping or tools
Synonyms : automobile trunk , luggage compartment
Example Sentence
he put his golf bag in the trunk

(noun) a long flexible snout as of an elephant
Synonyms : proboscis

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trunk
TRUNK and STUMP...Only the Stump (a part of the Trunk and the roots) of the tree remained after the
rest of it had been chopped down.
0 0

by pushpa_edit

trunk we know is the main part of a tree, and hence it is also the main part of our body
0 0

by friendofafriend

Short Definition : meeting arranged by lovers; arrangement between lovers to meet
(noun) a date; usually with a member of the opposite sex
Synonyms : rendezvous

(noun) a secret rendezvous (especially between lovers)
Synonyms : assignation

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tryst
TRY TO MEET SECRETLY the girl told her boyfriend. TRYST = try to meet secretly.
23 3

by arulmozhi

TRYST-->TRUST. You TRUST ur lover & so u make a TRYST (secret meeting)with him or her.
16 5

by Saquib

lovers need to trust each other
3 7


try+st(something);Lovers meet in the evening to try something interesting!!!:P
3 5

by 0m3gA

TRYST(people who try in my sense).... TRYST is a place where lovers come and they try all possible
things to satisfy their carnal desires....
2 2

by nileshdive

tryst with destiny is are the famous word by jawaharalal nehru. "Meet with destiny" it means
1 1

by prabhukaranki

TRYST an ASSENT (to say yes, to agree) - Agree to an arrangement of meeting ( a rendezvous)
between lovers.
0 13

by pushpa_edit

Short Definition : (of a part of the body) swollen; distended; bombastic; pompous
(adj) ostentatiously lofty in style
Synonyms : bombastic , declamatory , large , orotund , turgid
Example Sentence
a man given to large talk
tumid political prose

(adj) abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas
Synonyms : intumescent , puffy , tumescent , turgid
Example Sentence
hungry children with bloated stomachs
he had a grossly distended stomach
eyes with puffed (or puffy) lids
swollen hands
tumescent tissue
puffy tumid flesh

(adj) of sexual organs; stiff and rigid
Synonyms : erect

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tumid
tumid has the first three letters common with TUMOUR, which is a swollen mass or ball of cells. So tumid
is swollen, or distended.
33 3

by tenzingocha

i go with tenzingocha..but u get confused with other words starting with consider TUMID=
10 5

by ajitvarma

tum(y)is bulged in id(festival)
3 2

by u.roopesh

TUMID and EXPANDED refer to something swollen or bulging out.
2 16

by pushpa_edit swollen.
2 3

by ritu1018

TUMID= Tummy + Increasing + Daily so swollen or distended
1 0

by mathrushree
Short Definition : commotion of a great crowd; riot; noise; uproar; ADJ. tumultuous: noisy and disorderly
(noun) a state of commotion and noise and confusion
Synonyms : garboil , tumultuousness , uproar

(noun) violent agitation
Synonyms : turmoil

(noun) the act of making a noisy disturbance
Synonyms : commotion , din , ruckus , ruction , rumpus

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tumult
tu+mu = tu tu main main
26 16

by 1.6k

the word can be broken into TWO+MULK mulk is a group..we often see that there is a commotion,riot
b/w two mulks
5 4

by viveksa7

sounds like turmoil - disturbance
3 8

by lord_slayer

TUMULT or TUMULTUOUS and TEMPESTUOUS have the same sound and meaning i.e great
confusion or disorder.
2 18

by pushpa_edit

tumult , tumour a disease which is about to bring end to your life thus which creates confusion in your
mind about wellbeing your parents in the future
1 1

by santosh pokhrel

Sounds like tumble. One can imagine that in a tumble there would be a tumult.
1 1

by heater

Short Definition : rolling treeless plain in Siberia and arctic North America
(noun) a vast treeless plain in the Arctic regions where the subsoil is permanently frozen

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tundra
TUNDRA is a region like the SAVANNA, Pampas, Prairies etc.
1 14

by pushpa_edit

tundra - a region where there is lot of 'thund' meaning cold in hindi
0 1

by shalnew

Short Definition : (of a liquid) having the sediment disturbed; muddy; thick
(adj) (of liquids) clouded as with sediment
Synonyms : cloudy , mirky , muddy , murky
Example Sentence
a cloudy liquid
muddy coffee
murky waters

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turbid
T+URBID(urban) we can see that the urban areas are still muddy.. and disturbed sediment.
10 19

by keyurpatel87

When you walk into a lake and the water is disTURBeD, the water becomes TURBID
7 5

by dshefman

TURBID=TURBINE. The TURBINES on a boat can churn up the water and make it TURBID and murky.
6 2

by dshefman

TURBID sounds as in "WATERBED"...When WATERBED is disturbed..the water automatically becomes
muddy ;)
2 7

by nikhilsuhas

might have heard the word turbidity in chemistry..
2 1

by ritu1018

You experience TURBulance when you are on in a plane going through CLOUDY areas
1 0

by jasonmuzzillo

turbid== turbulence in the bed. disturbance in the bed of sea or water container creates muddy liquid by
disturbing the sediments
1 0

by wordsmania

tainted water bed
1 0

by vocabIsFun

TURBID and CLOUDED are rhyming words defining the same meaning i.e something unclear or muddy.
0 11

by pushpa_edit

turbid: The water in turbine is very muddy
0 0

by saujan

0 0

by Riad Explore

Short Definition : state of violent agitation; ADJ. turbulent: violently agitated or disturbed
(noun) unstable flow of a liquid or gas
Synonyms : turbulency

(noun) instability in the atmosphere

(noun) a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally)
Synonyms : sturm und drang , upheaval
Example Sentence
the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turbulence
7 2

by pvnpras

TURBULENCE and DISTURBANCE are similar sounding words having the same meaning - great
2 3

by pushpa_edit

when someone trouble(TURBU) you, you gets DISTURBED sounds like ambulance, its siren causes
DISTURBANCE and causes DISORDER on road as vehicles gives passage to ambulance
1 0

by nikhilparasher

Short Definition : deep dish for serving soup
(noun) large deep serving dish with a cover; for serving soups and stews

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tureen
It can be broken as Tureen = Tarri + In TARRI is famous hindi slang for spicy curry. IN means isnide. So
where we put TARRI. Which is nothing but bowl.
17 10

by daffodils

A TUREEN (a deep covered dish) is a BASIN (dish) from which soup is served.
3 12

by pushpa_edit

TUREEN:TUREE+EN:MEANS CURRY IN.Curry is always served in a dish
2 0

by tapobratabag

epicure (coneissure of food) is close to tureen (vessel to serve food)
0 9

by friendofafriend

Short Definition : swollen; distended (as from liquid)
(adj) ostentatiously lofty in style
Synonyms : bombastic , declamatory , large , orotund , tumid
Example Sentence
a man given to large talk
tumid political prose

(adj) abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas
Synonyms : intumescent , puffy , tumescent , tumid
Example Sentence
hungry children with bloated stomachs
he had a grossly distended stomach
eyes with puffed (or puffy) lids
swollen hands
tumescent tissue
puffy tumid flesh

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turgid
10 25

by Marise

People always tell tragedies by overblowing them
7 9

by ksameer_coep

TURGID= (TURBID and TURGID river). If there is extreme turbidity in the river, then the river must a
turgid river(swollen),because it washes away the mud from the bank.
6 4

by smsayem127

Tu(you) r(are) gid (gas+solid=gid) If you are all gas and solid about yourself, the you are POMPOUS
3 16

by tanay

can be read as To+Get+rid of MUD = muddy
2 7

by jahnavi89

Turgid can be thought of opposite of RIGID..i.e.. can be SWOLLEN or DISTENDED
2 0

by Keerti Sekhar Sahoo

'tumid" "turgid" sounds like tumor...which means over blown
1 2


Iceberg(Turg) + in(i) + dialogue(d):- means using bombastic words in speech
1 0

by vocabIsFun

Turgid and Tumid are synonyms which also rhyme.
0 6

by anshulnirvana

TUR(swim)+ID - on ED's day I dont want to swim in water because it is very TURGID
0 6

by userdce

the sea water is turgid.
0 1

by krish007

it's boring as turd
0 1

by ok_2pro

turgid - giddy with gas or tummy
0 0

by shalnew

turgid - adj form of turgor which means vigor and energy - and when used too much it becomes turgid
opposite to flaccid
0 0

by shalnew

Associate the G in turgid to Gross (swollen)
0 0

by Mike JN

Sound similar to turn+gas= I'm bloated and I need to turn gas
0 0

by Walkingdictionary

0 1

by Walkingdictionary
Short Definition : extreme confusion; great commotion and confusion; Ex. throw the country into turmoil
(noun) a violent disturbance
Synonyms : convulsion , upheaval
Example Sentence
the convulsions of the stock market

(noun) violent agitation
Synonyms : tumult

(noun) disturbance usually in protest
Synonyms : agitation , excitement , hullabaloo , upheaval

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turmoil
turmoil: turn + oil...when the government raises the price of creates turmoil among the public.
18 0

by anshulnirvana

turn me into oil means state of confusion
3 1

by naresh0291jod

turmoil: the term "oil" has always been a matter of great confusion for me to pronounce correctly.
2 2

by saujan

turmoil-relate it to the incident in the East tumor where there has been disturbance due to the political
1 0

by santosh pokhrel

An EMBROIL can cause a lot of TURMOIL.
0 2

by pushpa_edit

oil is in gulf countries!!! and a "big agitation, unrest" is going on there!!!
0 1

by anujmore

turmoil seems like boil.. remember how it looks like if something is boilibg.. high agitation
0 0

by lokesh755

Short Definition : traitor
(noun) a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
Synonyms : apostate , deserter , ratter , recreant , renegade

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turncoat
if you turn your coat then you show your back... and one who back stabs you is a traitor..
19 1

by rsakthivelece

u have a coat with inside having indian colours and outside having pakistan colours. a traitor will possess
such a coat
2 2

by harsha00711

A TURNCOAT is someone who FLUCTUATES - A person who quickly changes sides in a dispute etc.
1 0

by pushpa_edit

Read it as Changing the Coat or Uniform : A traitor changes the military uniform and wears the enemy
uniform ( metaphorically)
1 0

by 937256

Short Definition : depravity; baseness; Ex. moral turpitude
(noun) a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice
Synonyms : depravity
Example Sentence
the various turpitudes of modern society

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turpitude
TAPORI ATTITUDE.....I hpe nw its easy
53 3

by prateekspaw

turpitude = turbid attitude so a depraved act.
35 8

by ranjan_thinker

TURPITUDE and RECTITUDE are rhyming words with opposite meanings. Turpitude refers to
wickedness while Rectitude refers to correctness of behaviour, upright and honest.
10 5

by pushpa_edit

turpitude...concentrate on "turp", now replace 't' with 's' becomes surp..which means snake in
hindi..what can you expect from a snake..turpitude, or depraved act
8 32

by anshulnirvana

The first word that comes with my association with TURPITUDE is TORPEDO..torpedo is similar as it is
destructive too
6 5

by wsquare

focus on the last part of the word turpITUDE...(SOUNDS SIMILAR TO ATTITUDE).....SO SOMEONE
4 11

by preetisoni2411

notice the word PIT. a turpitude or turd + PIT + dude, or a turd dude will definately go to hell(pit of fire) if
he is immoral
3 2

by friendofafriend

When you do "TUR" (tor) and "PIT" (peet), u are being corrupt, or degenerate, or depraved - morally not
correct !
1 3

by aanchal1007

When you say something TURPITUDINOUS your mother washes your mouth out with TURPentine soap
1 1

by dshefman

To punish the little boy for his turpitude, his mother put TERPENTINE on his TORPEDO.
1 1

by Jackery

turks wre thrown in the pit by morgan black's invaders. in the pit they had to live in depravity to servive
0 2

by harsha00711

Short Definition : guardianship; training; function of a tutor; instruction
(noun) teaching pupils individually (usually by a tutor hired privately)
Synonyms : tuition , tutorship

(noun) attention and management implying responsibility for safety
Synonyms : care , charge , guardianship
Example Sentence
he is in the care of a bodyguard

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tutelage
TUTELAGE, concentrate on the first part of the word TUTE meaning a kind of TUTOR, who KEEPS A
35 0

by imajeeth

TUTELAGE is KNOWLEDGE attained from learning.
1 2

by pushpa_edit

Concentrate on tutelAGE..wat does AGED people do...they guardian us..
1 1

by mohitunlimited

tutelage... tutel + age... tuttlane wali age is childhood.. and in the age of childhood we always have
1 1

by chetanbpl

a guardian TUTORS you until you come of AGE... so tutelage is guardianship
1 1

by saif_mohmd

khud tution lene ki age mein (tutelage) dusro ko GUARDIANSHIP aur TRAINING provide kar rahe
1 1

by verbal800

Short Definition : protective; pertaining to a guardianship; Ex. tutelary deities
(adj) providing protective supervision; watching over or safeguarding
Synonyms : custodial , tutelar
Example Sentence
daycare that is educational and not just custodial
a guardian angel
tutelary gods

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tutelary
"Tute Le Rahi" mam jab tutorials leti hain to v r in her custody... but she is very sweet like an angel.
8 4

by guswidgutts

TUTELARY to be in CUSTODY of a guardian angel or god, a protector.
2 5

by pushpa_edit

tutelary sounds similar to salary... so if we give good salary to our guard he will protect us (protective)
2 1

by krishu8

it seems like tutor. who watches u whether you are reading or not..
2 0

by lokesh755

1 0

by biotechlover

tute la ry :tute hue tukde la join dos.mera kaam hai to protect
0 0

by jai ho

Short Definition : wealthy and powerful businessperson; wealthy leader; magnate; Ex. business tycoon
(noun) a very wealthy or powerful businessman
Synonyms : baron , big businessman , business leader , king , magnate , mogul , power , top executive
Example Sentence
an oil baron

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tycoon
we generally say "he is a business tycoon"...u knw the rest...!!!
3 0

by sravan1411

A TYCOON is a POWERFUL, wealthy business magnate. A person who ranks amongst the world's
1 1

by pushpa_edit
Short Definition : tropical hurricane or cyclone
(noun) a tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for typhoon
in hindi it is "tuphaan" sounds similar with typhoon ...meaning is same
3 0

by tannu_acumen

A TYPHOON in the MONSOON is a harsh tropical storm.
2 0

by pushpa_edit

no telephoon in typhoon
0 0

by friendofafriend

Short Definition : oppression; cruel government; ADJ. tyrannical: of a tyrant or tyranny; despotic; V.
tyrannize: treat tyrannically; oppress
(noun) a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or
laws or opposition etc.)
Synonyms : absolutism , authoritarianism , caesarism , despotism , dictatorship , monocracy , one-man
rule , shogunate , stalinism , totalitarianism

(noun) dominance through threat of punishment and violence
Synonyms : absolutism , despotism

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tyranny
TY + RANI ~ just to learn the word. After fucking his RANI, raja says TY(thank you) Rani and then fucks
his janta
14 9

by friendofafriend

TYRANNY is the VILLANY of a wicked person. A Tyrant as is his villainous nature supresses the weak.
3 5

by pushpa_edit

Tyranny- A government by a Tyrant..keep it simple silly:)
1 1

by worldisunderme

The King commands "TIE (ty) THE RANI (ranny)". This shows the dominanance of the king over his wife
( the queen ).. (which is an offence)
1 1

by arulrs

thailand ke rani bohath cruel hai
1 0


the irani
0 1

by ritu1018

TY(The) Chambal ki RANI is authoritarian
0 2

by Rushabh22

tyranny ---ty ranny
0 0

by jai ho

Short Definition : beginner; novice
(noun) someone new to a field or activity
Synonyms : beginner , initiate , novice , tiro

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tyro
tyro...sounds like try karo....a beginner TRYing to establish his buisness.
48 4

by preetisoni2411

TYRO and MAESTRO which are rhyming words have opposite meanings. Tyro refers to a learner while a
Maestro is a master.
9 6

by pushpa_edit

typo, a newbie always make alotta mistakes (typo)
2 2

by usairforce1985

TYRO -change the R with P..a tryo(novice) will usually make a typo(mistake typing)
2 2

by meerz

Novice Gymgoers will soon get tyred of their old routines.
1 1

by memory man

TYRO -> TIGHT + ROPE...beginner TIGHTROPE walkers will die on the circus tightrope without more
1 1

by dshefman

0 5

by s.ram

when i STARTED LEARNIG french i used to go to class sitting on a tyre...friends called me TYRO,later i
bought a car.
0 0

by puncuz

a tyro tyrant
0 0

by roozbeh33

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