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Jim Kelmun Protocol

Supplemental Cancer Treatment

Jim Kelmun Baking Soda and Maple Syrup Protocol
This treatment is a combination of pure, 100% maple syrup and aluminum free baking soda.
The maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15 times more glucose than normal
cells) and the baking soda is dragged into the cancer cells with the maple syrup.
hen buying maple syrup, buy !"rade #! maple syrup. $f you cannot get !"rade #,! then get
the darkest !"rade %! you can get.
The baking soda, being &ery alkaline, is the main anti'cancer substance. The maple syrup is a
!carrier! to get the baking soda inside the cancer cells.
(easurements for baking soda are for a le&el T)%spoon, or a &ery slightly rounded
#ased on other alkaline protocols, this protocol works by killing the microbes which are
inside of the cancer cells.
There are actually se&eral different cancer protocols which in&ol&e highly alkaline products*
cesium chloride, calcium and baking soda.
The mi+ture is made by mi+ing one part high ,uality baking soda with three parts ( pure,
100% ) maple syrup in a small saucepan.
No water i added to t!e mi"ture##
%rm - .ammer and /ed (ill brand baking soda (preferred), which is now called !%ll
0atural,! ,ualify as being !aluminum free! brands. $o N%T mi" t!e &aking oda and
maple yrup in an aluminum pot or pan## 1se 2yre+ (or similar), stainless steel or copper
cookware only33
'n (act, i( you own any aluminum cookware ) T*+%, 'T -,-.## -luminum i t!e
main caue o( dementia/
Stir t!e mi"ture &rikly wit! low !eat (or 0)10 minute/ %t first start at 140 degrees 5(say
50 degrees 6), and each day increase the temperature by 5 or 10 degrees 5 ( 5 degrees 6)
until the mi+ture is slightly burned. Then back off 5 or 10 degrees 5 ( or 5 degrees 6) for
your permanent temperature. 6ook it for 5'10 minutes each time you make it.
$f the mi+ture tastes terrible, you burned it, which is easy to do. #ut if you keep it 7ust warm
enough so that it doesn8t burn, the two substances will combine and it will tate 1uite
%lso do not refrigerate the mi+ture at all. %nd do not make more than nine'day9s
re,uirement at one time. This is suggested to insure the mi+ture does not separate during
C!ange your diet to no meat and epecially no ugar and no w!ite (lour## This is because
you want the cancer cells to consume as much baking soda:maple syrup as possible33
T!e $oe
Take one, two or three teaspoons daily. 0e&er take them at the same time, always spread them
out by at least two hours.
;tart at one teaspoon per day and in a few days build up to three teaspoons. <ou may continue
with two teaspoons daily. =o not take more than > teaspoons daily.
0ormally, only one teaspoon a day is taken, but it is now known that an adult can safely take
close to one teaspoon a day of baking soda. #ecause the ?elmun mi+ture is 1:@th baking
soda, taking it two or three times a day is perfectly safe for an adult33
Cot per mont!2 at ma"imum doe3
#aking soda 140 gm /s. 400.00
(aple syrup @50 ml /s. 1400.00
Total 4 +/ 1500/00
Note 6 13 C!ildren &elow 17 year !ould take at !al( doe (or adult/
83 T!e mi"ture may &e taken at any time o( t!e day &ut take at leat two !our
:3 Continue t!e treatment (or a mont!/
53 Stage 5 patient !ould ue t!i t!erapy a upplemental treatment only along
wit! primary t!erapie and tage 1): patient may ue t!i a com&ination
wit! ot!er upplemental t!erapie/
The original article which made this protocol public information:

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