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What is the difference between metaphors and idioms?

How can understanding

metaphors and idioms help you in an academic classroom?
Metaphor means using different word witch describes something by indirectly associating
to something else with has similar characters. For example, America is a melting pot.
This sentence means that America is multicultural country. On the other hand, idiom is a
phrase, which contains more than one word, and the individual words do not make the
meaning clear, but it has a hidden meaning. For instance, to let the cat out of the bag
means to reveal a secret.
In order to understand English, students must know what the metaphors and idioms in
English mean. American people use metaphors and idioms a lot. Understanding what
these words mean will help students understand the English language well.

2. What are common idioms or metaphors you have heard or used in conversation with
classmates? What are they? What do they mean? I have heard the word it drive me
crazy which means it makes me angry or confused.
Also, catch potato which uses to describe someone who is lazy or like to watch TV a
3. Use the following metaphors and idioms to write sentences. Be sure to proofread and
edit your sentences to make sure they are grammatically correct. You also want to use
these metaphors and idioms in academic form.
1) Educators shed light on the importance of reading to learn new concept.
2) People are bombarded with of hundred of junk email every day.
3) Doctors remain in the dark of discovering a medicine of AIDS disease.
4) Universities should maintain a united front on the question plagiarism between
Directions: Read the student responses to a short answer question
below. Give each student a grade (8 points total 5 for content &
3 for grammar). Make sure to justify the grade you give.
The question: How can you write an effective answer to an essay
question on an exam?

Grade: __4____ / 8
The first students answered the half of the answer. He/she missed 3
parts of the correct answer.
First, the easy must be easy to follow.
Second, students should support the answer, and not just giving
details. I gave her half point in this part.
Third, students must pay attention to the essay appearance.
They should leave empty space, write by pens instead of pencils,
write in one side, and make the font clear.
Also, her answer is not clear in some parts. For example, when she
said First make sure that you understand because if you do not )
She has many grammar, spilling , and punctuation errors.

When writing an effective essay, there tends to be several steps
that are involved. I am to tell you how to write the answer to a test
question when it has to be in essay form.
First make sure that you understand because if you do not people
on what the assignment is and start to write on another
subject. Second, do some type of brainstorming, like do a
prewrite. Jot down things that come to youre mind on the
particular subject that you are writing about. Then start writing and
go back what you have written. Third always be clear on what you
are writing and give a lot of detail. Teachers, usually like when you
give a lot of detail. Last, but not least write a concluding statement
summarize what you have said In you thesis statement.
When writing an ,her ,what has to be written tend to loose focus,
and Last, but not least, In)
Grade: ___7.5___ / 8
His answer is correct because it has the all the stratigese.
He has few grammar mistake
My instructor says it important to use the check list for answering
essay questions in order to make sure I get the most points possible
for what I know. Its a bunch of stuff to memorize, but after
analyzing the list more carefully I think she may be right. I do need
to understand what the question is asking otherwise I probably
wont get any credit even if I know something about the topic. The
best way to do this is to plan my answer and then show the grader
both that I understand what the question is asking me to do and
how I will answer it. The grader knows I know the answer and
should standout so that I know Ive covered them and the grader
can check off points hes looking for. If I dont support the major
points. I come-up with just a list. Thats not good. I need to make
sure my writing is readable and that I have checked mistakes. I
know when Its a test situation I may make more mistakes and not
even know Ive made them. A concluding statement lets me
double check that I answered the question and reminds the grader
again that I knew what the answer is. The check list may be over
kill, but if I want to get the most points for what I now, I probably
will do better if I did everything on it.

Grade: ___7.5___ / 8
He did a good job in answering this questions.
His answer is clear and includes all the stratgies.
He just has few grammar mistake such as (Is and this area consist)
In order for someone to write an effective answer to a discussion
question he must include at least these nine strategies that fall into
the categories of developing, supporting and concluding the
essay. The first category is to develop and plan your answer. You
need to read the question over to see that you fully understand
what is being asked of you. Next, you do any preliminary planning
that needs to be done in order to organize your answer before you
start and then you make the first sentence of your essay repeat the
questions and show how you will answer it. The second stage is to
support your answer. You need to make sure that you list all your
major points and they are supported by examples. You must also
make sure that anyone who is not in this class would be able to
read your essay and know what the discussion Is about. The last
and sometimes most important thing to do Is conclude your essay.
Now this area consist of several checklist. First, did you cover all
the major points? Did your completely answer the questions? Have
you re-read over the essay and proofed for any spelling or
grammar errors/Most importantly you should make sure your
handwriting is neat and legible for someone to read and
understand, without guessing, what you are saying. If you can
include most, if not all of these strategies in your essay then you
should be able to write an exceptional answer to a discussion

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