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no CHapter 1 or 2 will on final!!

Other Chapters: will not test on causal explantions of chapter 3, but should hav
e a good idea of them because they
are presented in the other chapters.
-More of an emphasis on the last 3 or 4 chapters covered on the midterm!!!
-maybe 20,20, 20, 35 most recent section
-Mandatory video under week 9, 15 minutes must see it.
-treatment for substance abuse n dependedce disorders
-Biological arrpoches to treatment: comorbidity for anxiety, depression, ect, tr
eating the comorbid condition, but it
does not mean the at the substance will get better.
-to treat substance disoder is to do treat the substance abuse, by treatment, u
have to hit the substance abuse first,
before u address comorbid conditions
-also using medications that interefere with desire to use substance or produce
similar effects of substances, antibuse
is a medication that when mixed with alcohol it causes a person to become nauses
, increase heart rate, dizzy, unpleasnt
effects or even vomitings, its used as a preventitive mechanism to get person to
decrease their comsumptiom(example
of alcohol comsumptions, just by looking it it would preoduce umpleasant resopon
se to decrease desire to want to drink
-can be violent vomiting, so it enough, so theres a lerned response, conditioned
response, its effective but the problems
because they have to take it, they will most likely not take it, people dont con
sistently take it,
-TREKSON-udes for heroin or morphin dependce n orpium, it reduces the persons cr
aving, may clinics will used, it block the receptor
it blocks the intended effect which leads to a less desire to use it,
-Methadone: used ofr opium dependece for heroine or morphine, its similar proper
ties to heroin, the contervesrsy is that it
replaces one drug for another, it does not have strong effects, addictive, or a
strong as consequneces as heroin, at
certain levels of methadone it will not have a significant effect, u have to be
at an optimal dose that wont procuce
euphoric effect, easier to live a normal life if they use methadone(pill form or
shot, get sent home with doses) , need
to get other involved to maintain their dosegas , n see that they are nor back o
n the streets.
-its a lesser eveil, does not allow them to have the craving, but can become dep
endent on methadone
-the benzodiazepens have a camling effect of gaba, calming effect on the system,
reduce anxiety , decrease autonimic
system response, the problem with benzo is that they are addicitve if used for a
long time n in large dosages,
-treatment is trying to make the quitting of the substance more tolerable but it
does it by having a substitute
-treatment approcahes:
CBT, motivational enhancement theraphy, 12 step apporcahes
-for moderate sustance abuses or ahocol (60%,)
-our hard core abuse (30-40%) of alcohol
-depended on type of sustance, howlong its been used, how many times have they t
ried to quit)
-also soical support plays a role, comorbidity
-need them to have motivation theat they want to do this , revelving door phenom
ena, a lot of relapse,
-our cbt is teaching them to avoid situations n setting or friends who like to d
rink n use drugs
-bars(substance addictions) place urself in dangers, or sporing event, liquor st
ores, clubs in cbt to control their enviroment
n cues around u
-within cbt there is a use of methods to teach problems solving skills, maybe th
ey used the substance to deal with priblems,
cbt will give them different skills or emotions to handle this effectively, or m
anage situtations that would trigger them,
also trigger functional analysis (look at different triggers that lead to using
drugs or alcohol)
-their thoughts, catastrophing n have them have a dairy, what were ur thoughts t
ry to get a better understanding of behavior
to stop the cycle,
cbt its big on relaxed prenvetion (tells people that they could relapse, have th
em decastrotophize, they know its not
the end of the world, part of the process, a lot of people use substance abuse
-more like a disease model, cant mess with it
-diase mofdel n absitance model: like alcohol annonymous
-with alcohol depence is motivational enhancement theraphy focused on getting th
e person to comit to change, there a lot
of ambivilance because of the reinforcement , because its very powerful, this th
eraphy get people to look at their behavior
measure the pros n cons and have them to make their desicions, as a therapist u
tru to facilitate the conversation, focused
-ways n skills that i have tried to quit, the value of group theraphy is that it
allows people to meet other that could meeet
their situation n can relate to, we know the risk factors,
on helping them move to a plce that they want to change, focused
-a peer usually helps them , not neceralli trined professional that taked the gr
-all have equal response reates across all appraoches of theraphy , the match pr
ogram was for alcoholism
-dont have research to prove uniting friends n family to prove it works (tellign
tehm how much they care or how upset they
are is effcetive)
-falls under psychotic disoders, squitzhophrenia beging in early adulthood, oddi
eites in behavior also
-in the 19th century, a person had erratic behavior, this goes back centuries, d
id not get coined as squitzo in 1911,
this is not multi-personality disoder n this person is split of from reality, th
ere has been a misconception
in the way this term has been used,
-low prevelance rate (universal) no dramic fluctuation in cultures,some factors
is associated with increased risk
is a father at concpetions (45 years older at the time of birth)
-onset age 18-30 , after age 30 , for women after menopuase n low levels of estr
ogen might facilitate sqitzophernia,
-for women manepause, sex hormones,
-18-20 occuring changes, any reprocussion of brain abnormality, when brain matur
ation is complete make it more prone
Symproms: delusions, hallucinations, disorganixed SLIDE 6
-accoring to DSM 2 of these sysmptoms must be present for 1 month, if not a mont
h is must be consistent over 6 month
impared fuctiong that comes with having those symptoms,
-slide 7
-examples of delusion, persecutory, referance (signs directly talikg to them) ,
grandiose (belief somebody famous, diety)
, eotmoatic delusions( soembody else is in love with them, usually a celebraty),
thought inseation,w ithdraw, control, broadcating
(irrationa, can read their mind, someone stole their thought, idea that somethin
g else is controlling hteir thoughts)
-bizzare versus non-bizzare delusions( bizzare cant believe or hard to imagine i
t could happen n non bizzare could happen)
-in shitczo we have audotory halluctionations (hearing one or multiple voices, o
r voices talking to eachother) followed
commenting or command auditory hallucinations (50% suiccide rates, 20% completd,
voiced telling them to do nehagive
things), usuall yhave headphones so the ar enot tormmented by the voices, not pl
easant voices negative n scary voices
by visual hallucinaltions, olfactionary hallucinations, tactile or sense of tou
ch hallucinations, gustaroty
-disodernized speech n thought
-for speech, speech patterns, jump form one topic to another, its not in a good
sequence, difficult to understand,
making up words (neologims) make up works in their vocabulary, hard to understan
d what they are saying,
they will attibute provervs abstact into concreate ways, they dont understand hg
her order meaning,
-deisoganized n catatonic behavior, may not bather or dressed appropiatly, may s
exaully act out in public or disoranized
behavior or catonoc bahvior (being very agitaed, pacing back and forth, restless

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