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Week 48, Day 1: Monday, 30 November 2009

Daniel 3, 4

What happened to Nebuchadnezzar’s proclamation that "God is the God of gods and
the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries?" (2:47, 3:1-4)

Who did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego fear more than Nebuchadnezzar? (3:16)

Who do you think was the fourth man in the fire? (3:25)

What set Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego apart from the rest of God’s people?

Did God give Nebuchadnezzar options? (4:27)

Who gives authority to kings? (4:31)

Did God know exactly what Nebuchadnezzar would do? (4:33)

What is God’s response to human pride? (4:37)

Proverbs 30

Is there anything we can add to God’s word? (30:6)

What do we know about those who believe they are pure? (30:12)

How can you avoid strife? (30:33)

John 19

Compare John 19 with Isaiah 53.

Who among Jesus’ followers remained with him until the end? (19:25-27)

Week 48, Day 2: Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Daniel 5, 6

What did Daniel desire in this life? (5:17)

Does God hold men accountable for the knowledge they have? (5:23)

What was the result of Daniel’s faithful obedience to God? (6:26-28)

Proverbs 1

For whom were the Proverbs written? (1:1-5)

Who will not benefit from the Proverbs? (1:7)

Who has the primary responsibility for teaching children about God and how to live?

What is the first warning Solomon gives to his children in Proverbs? (1:10)

John 20

What did Jesus mean by what he said in verse 20:23?

Week 48, Day 3: Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Daniel 7, 8

Does God allow His saints to be oppressed for long periods of time? (7:25)

What will ultimately happen to all earthly kingdoms? (7:27)

About what is Daniel’s vision in chapter 8? (8:17, 26)

How is the “master of intrigue finally destroyed? (8:25)

How did Daniel feel about what he saw? (8:27)

Proverbs 2

How do you get wisdom? (2:6)

How does faithfulness relate to wisdom? (2:7-11)

How important is the covenant of marriage in the eyes of God? (2:17)

John 21

What unsettled issue remained between Peter and Jesus? (21:15-17; review John

Week 48, Day 4: Thursday, 3 December 2009

Daniel 9, 10

How did Daniel acquire knowledge and truth? (9:2, 4, 20, 21)

What role did fasting play in Daniel’s prayer life? (10:3)

Is there a spiritual battle going on of which we are not aware? (10:12-14; compare
with Ephesians 6:12)

Proverbs 3

When obedience to God seems to contradict our understanding our common sense,
what should we do? (3:5-8)

Who does the Lord discipline? (3:12)

When is the right time to show generosity to your neighbor? (3:27, 28)

Revelation 1

Why was John given this revelation? (1:1)

Who is blessed? (1:3)

Who is the ruler of the kings on earth? (1:5)

What has God made us to be? (1:6)

How will those who pierced Jesus see him coming in his glory if they are dead? (1:7)

What is ours? (1:9)

Who holds the keys of death and Hades? (1:18)

Week 48, Day 5: Friday, 4 December 2009

Daniel 11, 12

What motivates leaders to persist in conflict? (11:27)

What will be the inevitable enemy to evil men? (11:30, 31)


Who remains to resist evil leaders when everyone else has been seduced? (11:32)

What will be the fate of many who resist evil? (11:33)

Those who do not glorify God seek to glorify who? (11:36)

Do the evil often appear to prevail? (11:37)

What happens to all who have died in the end? (12:2)

When was Daniel to arise? (12:13)

Proverbs 4

How do you guard your heart? (4:23-27)

Revelation 2

What actions of the church of Ephesus were positively recognized by Jesus? (2:1-3)

What did Jesus hold against the church of Ephesus? (2:4-6)

What level of sacrifice did Jesus expect from his servants? (2:10)

How does God feel about compromise? (2:20)

Week 48, Day 6: Saturday, 5 December 2009

Hosea 1-3

Why did God call Hosea to take an adulterous wife? (1:2)

How did God treat His “adulterous wife?” (2)

How did God tell Hosea to treat his adulterous wife and why? (3:1)

Proverbs 5

When do people often realize the error of their ways? (5:11-14)

Psalm 140

What do righteous people do? (140:13)


Week 48, Day 7: Sunday, 6 December 2009

Hosea 4, 5

Compare 4:1 with Proverbs 3:3.

Compare 4:5 with Proverbs 4:12, 19.

Compare 5:6 with Psalm 32:6 and Isaiah 55:6.

Proverbs 6

What does the Lord hate? (6:16-19)

How does God use his Word and discipline to build your character? (6:23)

Psalms 141, 142

What is the relationship between what you say, what you desire, what you do, who
you hang out with and your spiritual development? (141:1-5)

Why should we surround ourselves with wise, Christian companions? (141:5)

Where do you turn when it seems no one supports you? (142:1-4)

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