Sei sulla pagina 1di 12


Lead Articles

9 Where to From Here? by Dyan Garris

Bring yourself into alignment

13 What are Chakras and Why Should We Care? by Dyan Garris

Balance your life

16 Break Through the Illusion of Limitation by Guy Finley

You can do anything

Music Reviews

82 Chakras Gone Wild – Allan Burns

Review by Dyan Garris

83 Aum – Om, Om, Om, Om, Om –

Review by Dyan Garris

Book Reviews

86 Changing Planes by Laurie J. Brenner

Review by Dyan Garris

87 Awakening of the Dream Riders by Lynda Louise Mangoro

Review by Dyan Garris

88 The Future That Brought Her Here by Deborah DeNicola

Review by Dyan Garris

89 The Voice for Love by DavidPaul and Candace Doyle

Review by Laurie Brenner

90 Mouches Volantes by Floco Tausin

Review by Dyan Garris

91 Curse of the Tahiera by Wendy Gillilsen

Review by Laurie J. Brenner

92 Book Promo 201 by Nikki Leigh

Review by Dyan Garris

93 Magic Doorway to the Divine by Devrah Laval

Review by Laurie J. Brenner
Featured Articles

11 Hope Makes Up The Substance of Faith by Laurie J. Brenner

Vision of things yet unseen

19 Are Angels Real? by Jennifer Lynch

Book excerpt from The Silver Lining

24 Suicide from the Other Side by Susan Rushing

What really happens

31 What to Ask in a Live Online Psychic Reading by Dyan Garris

Save yourself time and money

34 Cookie’s Doves by Deborah DeNicola

Dream Image Work

39 Believe in yourself – Be Still and Know by Rev. Melissa Akers

What are we supposed to know?

41 The Rules of Negative Engagement by Dyan Garris

What not to do

43 Manifesting a Fulfilling Life by Anne Toinnette

You can be happy

49 The Archangel Chronicles by Rev. Dianna Isam

Archangels then and now

65 Holiday Gift Guide by the Angel Team


6 Letter from the Publisher

Dyan Garris

7 Letter from the Editor

Laurie J. Brenner

22 A Healing Journey – Voice of the Angels Spiritual Card

Angel card for winter and what it means for you

28 Channeled Message by Shanta Gabriel

The Possibility of Miracles

33 Crystal for Winter

The warmth of clear quartz

37 Featured Artwork
Angel Sculptress – Lisa Walsh
46 Recipes – Intimate Holiday Meal
Cornish hens with honey and fruit glaze

66 Ask a Psychic by Danielle Daoust and the Global Psychics Team

Q. and A. from real psychics

Waves of Ascension
Horoscopes by Elizabeth Bradley – Please see our online version

105 “High” Lights

What’s going on at


72 Animals Talk – Give Your Pet a Voice by Danielle Daoust with Laura Simpson

69 Dear Dyan Spiritual advice column by Dyan Garris

Dealing with cruel relatives

75 Steps Into Light – Book Excerpt: Forgiveness-The Key to Ascension by Rev. Melissa
Akers and Rev. Pamela Wangler

79 How to Cope with a loved one with a Personality Disorder

Keep your sanity

94 Alzheimer's Researchers Find High Protein Diet Shrinks Brain

96 Light And Sound Vibrations Trapped Together In Nanocrystal For First Time

99 Link Found Between Depression, Early Stages Of Chronic Kidney Disease

101 Link Between Alcohol And Cancer Explained: Alcohol Activates Cellular Changes
That Make Tumor Cells Spread

103 An Interview with Suzanne O’Connor – Director of the Partner Program

107 Authors & Contributors

Letter from the Publisher - Dyan Garris
December 1, 2009. It’s been quite a year. As we prepare to leave 2009
behind, most of us will be ecstatic to see it go, along with many other
things we’ve had to leave behind. It’s all been a bit of very heavy
luggage. We’re ready to look to the future and the coming year, 2010
with new hope and a lighter load.

What we’ve been doing over the last year is working on cleaning house,
deciding who and what stays, what goes, and what old patterns need to
go. Some people and situations that showed up were simply to point us in
the direction of the clear path forward, even if it didn’t feel like it at the
time. Right now we’re like a snake shedding its skin. We’re in transformation. And it hasn’t been
comfortable as we’ve watched our old foundations crumble into dust. We can’t build an excellent new
house on an old and musty foundation. But we can build a very sturdy structure on a new base.

Don’t you love new? Isn’t it sort of like Christmas? The way we choose to view things has the power to
shape our lives. We can look back on this year as tough love that ultimately led us to benefit greatly,
or we can look upon it as a completely hideous experience in which we learned absolutely nothing of
value and one that made us into victims. Isn’t that like a child telling Santa there is not one present in
the pile that he loves, adores, and is grateful for? Be grateful for the lessons of the past year. They
lead us to where we need to be and would not go willingly if not for these.

We are only victims if we believe we are. There are only limitations if we believe there are. Like those
who have lived through natural disasters, we must rebuild, renew, and prepare for rebirth. Everything
is an opportunity if you choose to see it in that light.

In this issue you will find tools to help you see things in a more multi-dimensional way. If you can see
the bigger picture, see through the illusion, and put the focus on the “present” you’ll be able to see
the gift. Remember, this is the season of dreams and miracles. Happy holidays to all and here’s to a
very happy new year full of light.


Please note that in our collective human quest for wholeness we present many different viewpoints
here. That is part of the multi-dimensional nature of this magazine. Opinions in articles and interviews
do not necessarily reflect the opinions, perspectives, and belief systems of the publishers.

With All Angelic Blessings,

Dyan Garris

Publisher, Voice of the Magazine for Multi-Dimensional Living
Letter from the Editor

Laurie J. Brenner
You may be able to lie to everyone in the world, including yourself, but
you can't lie to the Universe.

It's a simple fact.

The Universe responds to you based upon the energy you're putting back
into the world with your vibrations.

You can pay lip service with your mouth, but if it isn't in your heart – the
Universe will know. It always knows.

That is why your positive affirmations don't work – if you're not feeling them in your heart.

You can say the words, you can chant the chants, you can do the dances, but if you aren't aligned at
your core, none of it is going to work.

There is no magic pill you can take; there is no red "EASY" button that you can push to make it all
change instantly.

What would be the point of that? There would be nothing earned, there would be nothing learned. If
all you had to do was to push a button or take a magic pill, what could be gained? Nothing.

We chose to incarnate on the earth at this time because of the grand adventure that awaited us. You
can tell me different, but I know it to be true.

We are all divine children of the Universe – and this world and our lives are our playgrounds – to not
only discover ourselves, but to discover the Source, the God within each and every one of us.

And once we have discovered the Source within us, then we are capable of recognizing Source in
those we perceive outside of us as well.

This life, this journey is all about hope and our faith is that evidence – if you've ever had faith in
anything – now is the time to experience and feel that faith within.

If you don't know how to hold faith, you can start with simple appreciation and gratitude. I'm not
talking platitudes and beatitudes – I'm talking down-home-honest-to-goodness thankfulness.
Thankfulness for all that is upon your table, good or bad. For even the bad has purpose: to frame and
contrast the good.

If you can step outside of yourself just one small moment and witness the miracle of life that is being,
unfolding, evolving right before your eyes, you might be amazed to see the vibrancy of All That Is.
And when you take the time to witness the miracle called life, you will find a bounty of thankfulness

And when that thankfulness wells up so that it fills your heart, you will be vibrating in alignment with
All That Is and All That You Desire cannot stay away from you. It is law.

Laurie J. Brenner
Editor, Voice of the Magazine
Changing Planes

Free Angel Card Readings

Phone Psychic Readings

Lynda Mangoro Websites/Illustration

Where To From Here?
By Dyan Garris

More than at any other time in our evolution our thoughts have
great power. They are part of the process of manifesting. As we
move toward a planetary alignment the likes of which we’ve not
seen before, we move toward synchronicity. As part of that
phenomenon, we will soon find that we have only to think it and
there it appears. This, among other things, is what happens
when we’re in alignment.

We have great power. Yet, here we sit feeling more powerless than we ever have
before. As we watch our foundations and belief systems crumble, it is important to
understand that we ourselves do not have to follow suit. We do, however have to
take back our power. There is absolutely no power in fear, none in anger, and none
in victimhood. We need to remember who we are and what we are doing here. We
are growing now from adolescence into maturity.

When the universal Law of Attraction filtered into our Earth

plane as the truth that it is, people took the way it was
taught as a way to get what they want. I call it the “I want
Law of Attraction.” This approach was from the ego-based
wants, needs, and desires. And that’s not what the
purpose of the law of attraction is. So now we are having a
course correction simply so we can relearn the foundation. It may not feel
comfortable, but that is what it is.

The reason that this law was poured onto mass consciousness the way it was and at
the time that it did is because it was time for us to learn about foundations. It is
now time for us to transform the lower into the higher. That means that we take
what we’ve learned and apply it to mind, body, spirit alignment and integration.

The concept is simple. For example, we take two elemental numbers

and instead of adding them together or multiplying them because
that is what we already know how to do as a
foundational basis we use them in an
equation instead. We learn to solve for X. It means that we
move on to algebra, trigonometry, and calculus and begin to
come to an understanding of how far we can go once we
learn about the magic of how everything is connected. We
can do it.

We’ve been hearing those words for a while now: “mind, body, spirit.” We’ve been
hearing about integration and alignment. But what does this really mean? This type
of integration is challenging to fully comprehend if we’re looking from the bird’s eye
view of the ego self. We can’t possibly see it from there. Well, perhaps we can see
it, but we can’t capture the true essence of it, let alone apply it.
Simplified it is this: take what you THINK your mind is telling you
and integrate it with the spirit and the physical body. To do
otherwise is to continue fighting ourselves. Learn to live as the
multi-dimensional beings that you are.

And our fear that has become a living, breathing, monster organism of its own,
through our intense focus on it, is multiplied exponentially through the connection
of mass consciousness. Fear renders us immobilized on the fence, unable to
breathe, unable to move. So, where to from here? First we have to be willing to get
off the fence. Here are some things you can do now to move forward:

1. Get out of fear. Every time you find yourself thinking fearful thoughts, change
them. You have the power to do that. Ask yourself what it is you really fear? If you
know who you are there is no fear. Examine at a core level who you really are. I’m
not talking about what you do. I’m talking about who you are. Get beyond labels.
It’s time to remember what you came here to do. And you can’t do it in fear mode.
The power is in the love.

2. Get creative. This course correction calls for you to do things in different ways
than you’ve ever done before. There are no limitations unless you believe there are.
Where there’s a will, there is a way. Make sure your will is aligned with universal
will and doors will open.

3. Regroup, reevaluate, reorganize. The old ways of doing things just do not work.
We must find new and creative ways to make a living, new and creative ways to get
what we want, need, and desire. Get and implement Plan B, C, and D.

Let’s try to understand that what we are going through is a

process. Life is a process, learning is a process, manifesting your
life the way you want it is a process. And these are processes of
alignment. It’s where we are headed. It’s what we are currently
learning. As in anything new we learn, we can grumble and
complain and refuse to do our homework. Or we can just accept
the learning curve and go with the flow.

We need to learn to take our powerful thoughts and affirmations,

intentions, hopes, dreams, and combine them in harmony and
alignment with our life purpose, instead of using them to demand
what we think we want. We need to understand how energy is
designed to flow in this illusion that we live in. We need to
understand that it is indeed an illusion and not at all what the
mind tells us. And we need to learn then how to work with that energy. It’s not
hard and it’s helpful to have a direction. Let’s move forward now. It’s necessary.
Hope Makes Up the Substance of Faith
By Laurie J. Brenner

When I was five, I remember turning the pages of a huge art tome of my
grandmother's, with prints of the world's most famous art, from the Renaissance
painters, the Dutch Masters, Raphael and pre-Raphael painters and more.

I particularly remember this forlorn picture that I returned to often because it

stirred something in me – its name: Hope.

An 1885 Pre-Raphaelite painting, Hope is one of several in George Frederic Watt's

House of Life series. A Victorian painter, he was trying to create paintings rife with
meaningful symbols of life.

But this picture, symbolic as it may be,

does not represent Hope to me. In fact
it represents its opposite.

Hope is not being hamstrung on a harp

of our own making.

Hope makes up the substance of faith –

the evidence of things not yet seen.

So yes we may be blindfolded to what is

on the horizon, but when we allow it,
faith provides the vision.

When we work with energy in any

fashion by clearing our blocks, removing
past hurts, and forgiving those who have
erred against us, we are working with
the very substance of the universe.

You may not be able to "see" the effects of this work immediately, but it will affect
change in your life if you have but a little faith.

You don't have to "feel" the energy of the work you are doing – just be still and
know that as long as your overall intention is for the greater good for yourself and
others, hope becomes something that will feed you and keep you moving until
you've crested the ridge where you will experience a beautiful light as new day

Robert Fulghum (author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten)

says this about hope: "I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge –
myth is more potent than history – dreams are more powerful than facts – hope
always triumphs over experience – laughter is the cure for grief – love is stronger
than death."
Hope is something we hold for what is to come, for we already know what is in our
moments. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin tells us "the future belongs to those who give
the next generation reason for hope."

Allow hope to grow within you. For hope will be your confident companion and walk
with you toward a future based upon the promises and laws of the Universe. When
you stand in hope, doubt will be removed regardless of what your current
surroundings and circumstances tell you.

For hope does indeed make up the substance of faith and that substance is the very
evidence of things not yet seen.

Voice of the Magazine – Subscribe now!

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