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Departe!t "# B$"%"&y
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-ebr,ary .01/
I!*tr,'t$"!* #"r 0r$t$!& S'$e!t$#$' Rep"rt*
Ge!era% $!*tr,'t$"!*
a. Type the report on 22x28 cm (8.5x11 in) white bond paper. The minimum number of pages is
ten (10) but excluding preliminary pages and attached Tables and igures.
b. !se Times "ew #oman typeface$ ont 12$ double space throughout and single column. %ustify
the text. &ndent the first sentence of each paragraph.
c. 'ea(e at least a 2.5 cm (1 in) margin on all sides except for the left side with 1.5 in.
d. )tarting on the second page of the report (typed page 2)$ type the page number se*uentially$
preferably at the bottom of the page.
e. !se metric units of measurement and$ only when necessary$ +nglish e*ui(alents may be gi(en
in parentheses.
f. ,efine all abbre(iations the first time they appear on the report.
g. )cientific names should accompany common names in the Title and when they are first
mentioned in the -bstract and in the text.
h. )pell out the words one to ten unless followed by a unit of measurement (e.g.$ four fishes$ 1.
fishes$ / 0g). ,o not begin a sentence with a numeral. !se 1$000 instead of 10001 0.1/ instead
of .1/1 and$ 2 instead of percent.
i. -rrange the paper as follows3 &ntroduction $ 4aterials and 4ethods$ #esults$ ,iscussion
5onclusions$ ac0nowledgments (if applicable)$ #eferences$ -ppendices. The answers to the
guide *uestions in the exercises are to be incorporated in your discussions
-"rat "# t+e #$r*t pa&e
The first page ser(es as your report6s co(er page.
Ab*tra't ( also called )ynopsis or )ummary)
7ro(ide a one paragraph -bstract. 8e concise (maximum of /00 words only). &ndicate the ma9or
topic of discussion$ the significance of the study$ highlights of the results and their rele(ance to the ma9or
topic$ and possible conclusions.
L$terat,re '$tat$"!* $! t+e te1t
1. ollow the name:and:year system when citing literature in the text. for example$
;ne author3 5ru< (2001) or (5ru<$ 2001)
Two authors3 5ru< and 7ere< (2002) or ( 5ru< and 7ere<$ 2002)
Three or more authors3 7ere< et al. (200/) or (7ere< et al.$ 200/)
4anuscripts accepted for publication3 )imon (in press) or ()imon$ in press)
2. =ithin parentheses$ use a semicolon to separate multiple citations of literature$ such as (5ru< et
al.$ 20011 7ere<$ 200/1 7ere< and 5ru<$ 200.). 5ite multiple references within parentheses by year$
with the oldest first.
/. 'ist multiple wor0s by the same author(s) by date$ such as 5ru< and 7ere< (2002)$ 5ru< (2001)$
5ru< et al. (1>>>). 8ut$ distinguish papers by the same author in the same year by putting lower
case letters after the date (5ru<$ 1>>8a$b$c) and be sure that such date citations in the text
correspond to the dates in the #eferences.
.. 5ross chec0 that all literature citations in the text appear as full bibliographic entries in the
L$terat,re C$te2 "r Re#ere!'e*
1. -(oid website addresses as references. 8e extremely cautious about lifting entire passages from
reference materials appearing in websites and in other publications.
2. -(oid too citing articles published in conference or wor0shop proceedings$ loose manuscripts$
technical reaports$ final pro9ect reports$ etc. There are a lot of these gray literatures around??
/. #eferences in boo0s$ 9ournal articles$ aricles in collections and conference or wor0shop
proceedings$ technical reports$ and other such materials cited in the text should be listed at the end
of the paper in alphabetical order.
.. Type list of 'iterature 5ited #eferences alphabetically$ single:spaced$ per reference but double:
spaced between references. @ou do not ha(e to separate them per category. ont 12 hanging
indent as shown below. )pell out 9ournal names in full italics. ollow this format3
3",r!a% Art$'%e
-lheit %. and )cheibel =. 1>82. 8enthic harpacticoids as a food source for fish.
Marine Biology, A03 1.1:1.A.
)ale 7.. 1>80a. The ecologgy of fishes on coral reefs. Oceanographyand Marine
Biology$ 183 /BA:.21.
)ale 7.. 1>80b. -ssemblages of fish on patch reefs : predictable or unpredictableC
Environmental Biology of Fishes$ 53 2./:2.>.
%ohannes #.+. 1>81. =ords of the lagoon3 fishing and marine lore in the 7alau district
of 4icronesia. !ni(ersity of 5alifornia 7ress$ 8er0eley$ 5alifornia$ !)-. .50p.
Art$'%e "r '+apter $! a b""45 pr"'ee2$!&* "r te'+!$'a% rep"rt
7ower %.D. 1>8.. -d(ection$ diffusion$ and drift migrations of lar(al fish. 7ages 2A:
/A in %, 4c5lea(e$ E7 -rnold$ %% ,odson$ and =D "eill (editors)$ 4echanisms of
migrations in fishes$ 7lenum$ "ew @or0$ !)-.
D$**ertat$"! "r 6+e*$*
Eerard F.-. 1>AB. )ome aspects of material dynamics and energy flow in a 0elp
forest in 4onterey 8ay$ 5alifornia. 7h, ,issertation$ !ni(ersity of 5alifornia$ )anta 5ru<$
5alifornia$ !)-. /10p.
1. "o wai(er$ insurance and medical certificates$ no fieldwor0.
2. )ettle accommodation and transportation dues on or before GGGGGGGGG and prepare your food and
budget well.
/. The logistics officers will ha(e to chec0 list to ensure that nobody is missing at all times.
.. The e*uipment custodian will ha(e to list down all borrowed field guides and e*uipment. -ll of
these must all be 0ept in a dry box and borrowers must be able to return them for use of other
members during the fieldwor0 days.
5. -ppointed logistics persons$ time 0eepers and first aid persons must be able to perform their roles.
B. =ashH5lean dirty e*uipment at the end of each fieldwor0 day.
A. ollow the gi(en schedule$ there is enough time for wor0 and play.
8. The fieldwor0 is treated as an extension of classroom time. Therefore$ the same rules regarding
attitudes and discipline applied in the classroom setting must be followed. )tudents are not
allowed to smo0e or drin0 alcohol anytime during the entire duration of the fieldwor0.
;8)+#F+ ,&)5&7'&"+ -", 8+ 5;!#T+;!) -T -'' T&4+).
>. 5'+-"'&"+)) -", ;#,+#'&"+)) &) )T#&5T'@ &47;)+,. #emember to put all candy
and food wrappers inside your garbage bag. ;bser(e proper segregation of bio and non:
biodegradable. 'abel your garbage bags per group per section. These will be chec0ed at the end
of the field (isit. =ash your own eating utensils after e(ery meal. )oap and scrub will be
pro(ided at the dorm.
10. 8e considerate with other students. There will be limited comfort and shower rooms so do not
act as if you are the sole user.
11. 7ac0 light and bring only essential items. ,o not bring your whole house? 7repare a chec0list of
things to bring and pac0 them ahead of time.
12. 8e organi<ed with personal and borrowed items. 'abel these if necessary and store them in the
proper containers. ,o not lea(e personal items (li0e money$ cell phone$ laptop computers$ palm
pc6s$ disc players$ camera) unguarded. -lways 0eep them in <iploc0s.
1/. ,o not wear 9ewelry (earrings$ rings$ bracelets) when in the water.
1.. 'earn to wor0 in pairs (buddy system) and as0 for help when necessary.
15. ield reports are due 2 wee0s after the last fieldwor0 day.
1B. +n9oy the outdoors while learning?
+cosystem is considered as the basic unit of ecology since it in(ol(es two components and the
two:way interactions between them. The simple autotroph:heterotroph:decomposerHreducer classification
is a good wor0ing arrangement for describing ecological structure of biotic community. ;n the other
hand$ the simple production:consumption:decomposition are useful terms for describing o(erall functions
The biotic components include the producers$ the consumers$ and the decomposers. The abiotic
components are the complex of physical factors which include the climatic factors (light$ temperature$
humidity$ and wind)$ the edaphic factors (soil nutrient$ acidity$ and moisture)$ and the topographic factors
(aspect$ angle of slope$ and altitude).
&. 5'&4-T&5 -5T;#)
5limate is usually the result of the interplay of (arious factors$ which include the seasonal temperature$
humidity$ precipitation$ and light conditions. =eather on the other hand$ refers to the momentary
conditions of the atmosphere. 8oth the climate and weather patterns affect the distribution and acti(ity of
both terrestrial and a*uatic organisms.
1. amiliari<ation with common climatological factors.
2. ;bser(e relationships that exist among such factors.
/. 'earn simple field instruments to measure specific climatic elements
'aboratory thermometer compass
)lingshot psychrometer aluminum pan
'ight meter tape measure
=ind meter mar0ing pen
#ain gauge mar0ing tape
8arometer data noteboo0
5hoose at least two types of en(ironment and delineate specifically your study areas (e.g. car par0
and tree par0 at the bac0 of canteen). -t three random points within the study area$ measure the physical
conditions. ,escribe and present a clear illustration of both temporal and spatial dimension of the said
-. Temperature
4easure the aerial temperature by suspending a laboratory thermometer for / mins before ta0ing any
reading. #ecord all (alues in I5.
8. 'ight intensity
Dold a light meter at arm length in front of you in a way where the light sensing
plate is directed towards the direction of the sun. #eport all (alues in foot candles.
5. #elati(e humidity
4oisten with clean water the cloth wrapped around the end bulb of the wet bulb thermometer of a sling
psychrometer. #otate the slingshot in the air for 2 mins then get the wet bulb and dry bulb reading.
#eport the (alues in I5. #efer to the transformation table pro(ided to you to estimate the 2 relati(e
humidity (alues.
,. =ind and speed direction
)ecure a wind meter and hold it at arm length in front of you. 7osition the wind meter at eye le(el and in a
manner in which the wind scale faces you. The air (ents at the bac0 of the unit should remain
unobstructed. ;rient the unit to the direction of the wind stream and note the le(el attained by the
JwhiteballK mar0er in the spin tube. #ecord the (alues in mHs. &ndicate the direction of the wind stream at
the time of measurement using a compass.
+. -tmospheric pressure
!sing a barometer$ determine the initial pressure by ad9usting the red needle to coincide with the blac0
needle then transfer to area with lower ele(ation and note the new position at the blac0 needle. #ecord
this as the final pressure le(el and report the (alues in cm.
. 7recipitation
4easure the precipitation through the use of rain gauge. &f this is not a(ailable$ lea(e 2 calibrated
containers within the area. -fter approximately 2. hrs ha(e elapsed$ collect and measure the amount of
precipitation and express the (alues in mlHday. -lternati(ely$ you may also get precipitation data from
local weather station.
E. #ate of e(aporation
7lace 2 aluminum pans of similar shape and dimension$ each containing a 0nown (olume of water. -fter
2. hrs$ record the mean (olume of the water left in the pans due to e(aporation. +xpress the results in
G,$2e ;,e*t$"!*8
1. 8riefly describe the ecological significance of each of the climatic factors in(estigated in this
2. ,escribe the ecological interactions in each of the following set of climatic factors3 light and
temperature$ temperature and humidity$ pressure and precipitation rate.
/. =hat factors affect the light intensity (alue in a gi(en habitatC
.. ,iscuss how wind (elocity affects animal acti(ities and plant transpirationC
5. =hat are climatographsC Ei(e the two types of climatographs popular among ecologists.
&&. +,-7D&5 -5T;#)
)oil is defined as the weathered superficial layer of the earth6s crust comprised of minerals and organic
matter and that is capable of supporting plant growth ()mith$ 1>80). The physic:chemical properties of
soil that limit abundance and distribution of li(ing organisms are called edaphic factors which include soil
temperature$ moisture$ pD$ organic matter$ nutrients$ and soil profile and texture. -ll of these influence
the physiological processes of all terrestrial inhabitants.
1. +xamine important ecological properties of soil.
2. 'earn standard procedures and simple laboratory instruments used in soil analysis.
)oil corer resealable plastic bags
'aboratory thermometer trowel
)oil analy<er data noteboo0
5ollect soil sample using the soil corer (a hollow half:opened metal tube). 7ush the tube into the
soil until the top of it is le(el with the soil surface. 7ull it carefully from the soil and examine. )oil
exhibits (ertical <onation called hori<ons. 5ollect information concerning the ;$ -$ and 8 hori<ons of the
soil. Ta0e note of the differences in color$ structure and thic0ness within these ma9or hori<ons. The corer
must before ta0ing the next sample. @ou may also get complete soil profiles con(eniently from recent
exca(ations in the area
-. )oil temperature
8ury the bulb of the thermometer in the soil about /:B in below the surface. -llow the
thermometer to e*uilibrate for at least 2 mins before recrding the temperature.
8. )oil pD and moisture
!se a soil analy<er (e..g. Ta0emura )oil Tester) to measure the soil pD and soil moisture. &f the
soil to be tested is dry or contains much manure$ the meter will indicate a correct pD (alue. Therefore$
sprin0le about a buc0etful of water on the soil$ and wait for 20:/0 mins before testing. 8efore using the
meter$ be sure to thoroughly polish its metallic surface with a piece of whetting cloth. ("ote3 =hen using
a brand:new meter$ be sure to insert it into the soil a few times in order to remo(e the oily impurities from
it6s metallic surface). 5ompletely embed the metallic surface of the meter and tamp down the surrounding
soil so that it adheres closely to the meter6s metallic electrode surface. -fter about 1 min$ with the white
button on it6s side left un:depressed$ it wor0s as an acidity (pD (alue) meter. =hen the white button is
depressed after it has been inserted in the soil$ it wor0s as a moisture meter. Ta0e at least / readings and
get the a(erage.
&n the absence of soil analy<er$ you can get samples from designated site and prepare soil
suspensions by mixing e*ual amounts of soil with distilled water in a bea0er. )tir the suspension using a
glass rod until the soil is completely mixed with water. =ait for the soil particles to settle until a relati(ely
clear supernate is formed. Eet soil pD readings through the use of a pD meter or paper. =hen using the
pD meter$ be sure to calibrate before using it.
)oil moisture$ on the other hand$ can be determined using *ualitati(e and *uantitati(e means.
- *ualitati(e categori<ation would be3
,ry soil : when it is hard$ crumbly$ and dry to the touch
4oist soil : when it is pliable and damp to the touch
=et soil : when it exudes water when s*uee<ed$ lea(ing the hand muddy
or a *ualitati(e measurement of the percent moisture in the soil$$ obtain the samples from the soil
corer$ seal in a separate plastic bags with labels$ and bring to the laboratory. &n the lab room$ weigh a
clean dry crucible (or bea0er$ or aluminum dish). -dd 10 g of sample$ weigh it and the container then
o(en dry for 2. hrs at 105I5. #emo(e the container from the o(en using tongs and place it in a dessicator
containing a drying agent such as anhydrous 5a5l
and wait for the soil sample and the container to cool
to room temperature before weighing the sample with its container. The dry weight of the sample (=d) is
computed as the weight of the container with the o(en dried sample (=o) minus the weight of the
container when empty (=c).

=d L =o : =c
The weight of the water in the sample is of course the difference between the fresh weight and the
dry weight. Therefore$ the percentage of water in the sample is the weight of the water di(ided by the dry
weight multiplied by 100.
5. )oil texture
Texture class is one of the first things determined when a soil is examined. &t is related to
weathering and parent material. The differences in hori<ons may be due to the differences in texture of
their respecti(e parent materials. 5lassification of soil as to texture can be done by first feeling the soil
whether it is sandy (particles between 0.5 and 2.0 mm in diameter$ feel gritty or grainy) or clayish
(particles less than 0.002 mm)$ sticy and may color your hand.
4oistened 10:15 cm of soil$ 0nead it and try to mold it into ball. !se the figure pro(ided to you to
ma0e a rough classification of the soil into texture class (modified after Thien$ 1>A>).
G,$2e ;,e*t$"!*8
1. =hat is the ecological significance of soil pDC =hat are the factors that affect acidity of soilsC
2. =hat is the role of soil temperature on the ecophysiology of plants$ animals$ and microorganisms
li(ing in the soil mediumC
Euide to Texture by eel. #etrie(ed %uly B$ 2012 from http3HHsoils.usda.go(Heducation
Dallare$ -.F. 200B. Eeneral +cology 5oncepts and )elected 'aboratory +xercises. !7 4anila.
Darbest -gribusiness 5orporation. #etrie(ed %uly B$ 2012 from
D$re't$"!* "! +"< t" ,*e t+e Re%at$)e 9,$2$ty '+art8
=hen gi(en wet and dry bulb readings.
example3 ,ry bulbL 28 degrees1 =et bulb L 1. degrees
)ubtract the wet bulb reading from the dry bulb reading. 28 : 1. L 1. (difference)
!se the chart by locating the dry bulb reading (28)on the left hand side of the chart and lining that up with
tthe difference (1.) on the top of the chart. Therefore the relati(e humidity is 182. =ith low (alue of
relati(e humidity$ there is little chance of precipitation. =hen the relati(e humidity reaches 1002 then it
will rain$ snow$ sleet or hail.
Texture determination of soil (http3HHsoils.usda.go(HeducationHresourcesHlessonsHtextureH)
The structure of a plant community may appear differently as one (iews at a distance or e(en
closely but *ualitati(ely. &t may again assume an entirely different structure if one approaches it
*uantitati(ely. &t is important$ howe(er$ that there be means of characteri<ing a community with sufficient
accuracy to permit identification at any one time$ to compare it with other similar communities$ and to
ha(e ade*uate permanent record of its nature and occurrence (;osting$ 1>5B).
;n the academic le(el$ determination of plant community structure is an important initial step
toward elucidation of plant community function and dynamics. !nderstanding of plant association and
patterns of distribution constitute a constant source of interesting ecological problems that can be wor0ed
out in the laboratory. Towards the applied aspect$ analysis of dominant plant community components is
important in range and farm management as it may ser(e as indicator of soil taste$ soil water status$
potential net primary producti(ity and other related state of the ecosystem.
The methodology for studying (egetation will depend on factors such as3 (1) ob9ecti(es of the
study$ (2) a(ailable sources$ (/) time element$ and (.) nature of the plant community (homogeneity plant
structure$ terrain$ etc.).
1. To learn different techni*ues in *uantitati(e (egetation analysis of a grassland community.
2. To be able to distinguish ad(antages and limitations of each (egetation sampling techni*ue and
parameters to measure for each techni*ue.
/. To be able to learn methods in sampling ground and foliage macroin(ertebrates.
.. To analy<e the interactions among biotic entities$ and between them and the abiotic factors.
)-47'&"E T+5D"&M!+)
Erassland +cosystem
&. 'ine &ntercept Techni*ue
- great deal of information about the composition of a stand of (egetation can be obtained from
data on the numbers$ linear extent$ (ertical extent and fre*uency of occurrence of indi(iduals of different
species intercepted by a series of line of transects through the stand. -ll standard (egetational
measurements except absolute density may be obtained by this techni*ue. This techni*ue is useful in
sampling non:forest (egetation especially if destructi(e sampling is to be a(oided.
4aterials "eeded3
Transect line N 100m length plastic bags for larger plants
meter stic0s cutter for collecting samples
<iploc0s ruler
record noteboo0 and pencil E7)
pegs and straw
1. The most satisfactory de(ice for laying out a line transect is a measuring tape (rope) 100 m in
length. =ith the aid of the tape measure scale$ the transect line can be subdi(ided into 1 meter
inter(al for the determination of fre*uency. The tape:measure scale also pro(ides a con(enient
means of measuring the lengths of the segments of the line intercepted by indi(idual plants. &n the
absence of a long tape measure$ a transect line of string$ rope or wire$ mar0ed off into regular
inter(als for the recording of fre*uency$ may be used. &n this case$ meter stic0s or short tap
measures will be needed to measure the length of transect segments intercepted by indi(idual
2. ;nly those plants that are touched by the transect line or that underlie or o(erlie the transect line
should be recorded. 4easurements of the lengths of the transect line intercepted by indi(idual
plants are recorded. ,ata for different transect inter(als should be recorded in different columns
in this table. The length of transect segments o(erlying bare ground should be measured and
recorded in the same manner. &n sampling communities with more than one plant stratum$ it may
be necessary to record data separately for the different strata. ;btain a(erage height of species
encountered in the sampling line.
/. &n summari<ing the sampling data$ the total intercept length for each species$ and the number of
transect indi(idual in which each species occurred first should be determined and recorded. rom
these (alues$ (arious (egetational measurements may be calculated according to the following
2 #elati(e height L 4ean height of species - O 100
Total mean height of all species
,ominance or co(er L Total of intercept lengths for a species O 100
(as 2 of ground co(er) Total Transect 'ength
2 #elati(e ,ominance L Total of intercept lengths for a species O 100
(#elati(e co(er) Total of intercept lengths for all species
re*uency L &nter(al in which species - occurs O 100
Total number of transect inter(als
2 #elati(e re*uency L re*uency of a species in the sample frame O 100
Total fre*uency of all species
&mportance Falue L #el re* P #el ,en P #el ,om
&f measurements of intercept distance were ta0en in a non:o(erlapping manner$ an estimate
of the total percentage of the ground surface co(ered by (egetation may be obtained by totaling co(er
percentages. &f o(erlap of intercept measurements did occur owing to the sampling of indi(iduals
belonging to different strata$ total plant co(erage must be obtained by the formula3
Total 5o(erage L Total transect length space N space total bare ground x 100
Total transect length
.. 5ompare )ummed ,ominance #atio (,#) and )ingle ,ominance #atio (),#) as basis for
determining dominantHimportant species.
-. ;btain ,# by using two parameters (#5 and #D) for each species.
,# L #5 P #D
=hat are the dominant species in the area sampledC
8. ;btain ,# by using #5 and #3
,# L #5 P #
=hat are the dominant species using this ,#C
5. ;btain ,# by using #D$ #5 and #3
,# L #5 P #D P#

5. 7resent your data in tabular form.
&&. 7oint )ampling 4ethod
This method is (ery similar to the line intercept techni*ue. &t is based on the fact that it is
possible to JcontractK lines into numerous sample points. This method is easy and fast. &t is the best
suited for low structured (egetation.
1. -long the line intercept$ lay out the set:up for point sampling. The set:up consists of 1 meter stic0
with 10 holes to where 1 m rods are inserted. &ndicate the species and the number of times a plant
has been intercepted by the point as the rod is lowered.
2. 5ompute for percent co(er.
5o(er (2) L no of times species - is intercepted x 100
Total no of points (10)
/. 5ompute for relati(e co(er using the formula
2 #elati(e 5o(er L 2 co(er of species - O 100
2 co(er of all species
.. 5ompute for fre*uency and relati(e fre*uency of each species using the formula3
re*uency L "umber of frames species - was encountered O 100
Total number of sample frames
2 #elati(e re*uency L re*uency of species - O 100
fre*uency of all species
5. 5ompute for height and relati(e height of each species 9ust li0e in the line intercept method.
B. 5ompute for single and summed dominance ratio 9ust li0e in the line intercept method.
A. 7resent your data in tabular form .
&&&. )pecies -rea 5ur(e
&f the choice of the methodology in(ol(ed plot sampling$ one can use single or multiple plots. &n
either case$ sampling will in(ol(e the initial determination of the species area cur(e. The usefulness of
this concept lies around the premise that there is a minimal area that can be used for sampling. This
minimal area represents the smallest area that contains the characteristic species composition of the plant
1. )et:up *uadrats in a manner specified below. This method is called *uadrat:nesting. Muadrats are
done by delineating with strings and pegs. &mportant3 =or0 away from the expansion area for
sampling to pre(ent trampling of the (egetation.
Muadrat 4easurements
- 0.5 x 1 m
8 1 x 1 m
5 1 x 2 m
, 2 x 2 m
+ / x 2 m
/ x / m
E / x . m
2. 'ist species encountered in different *uadrats.
"ote3 )tarting in *uadrat -$ list only the additional species encountered. "umber of indi(idual per
species is disregarded.
/. 5onstruct a species:area cur(e and determine numerical area by going through the following steps3
a. 7lot number of encountered species against total area as3
"umber of species
b. !sing 102 of the total number of species and plots$ plot a reference. ,esignate this as #'.
c. ,raw a line parallel to #' and tangent to species area cur(e. The point where this tangent touched
the cur(e is the lower range of the minimal area. =hat is the minimal area you should use for a
particular ecosystemC =hyC
d. 5ollect and label plants for identification and (erification at the herbarium.
&F. 8iomass or Dar(est 4ethod (=ill not be done in the field)
The dominanceHimportance of species in a plant community is normally reflected in its biomass.
Digh biomass reflects the greater ability of that species to utili<e resources of the en(ironment and also its
greater ability to influence other species.
1. !se appropriate si<e of *uadrat obtained from species area cur(e.
2. ,etermine the appropriate number of *uadrat using the formula3
(5.F.)2 L ":n x 52
":1 n
=here3 5.F. L coefficient of (ariation
" L si<e of sampling area
n L total si<e of sample
5 L 5.F. of the sampling area obtained by constructing a species *uadrat number cur(e
9ust li0e the species area cur(e
/. 5ompute for the importance (alue (&.F) or dominance of species as follows3
&.F. L dry weight of species -
,ry weight of species 8
F. Eridded *uadrat
7lace your gridded *uadrat in an area with low (egetation. +xamine each grid and note down the
species in each grid to get the percentage co(er.
F&. 7lotless 4ethod of estimating the density of trees in the forest.
+ach point represents the center of four compass directions ("$ )$ +$ =)$ which di(ided the
sampling site into four *uarters or *uadrants. &n each *uadrant$ the shortest point:to:point distance from
the center point to the tree will be measured and recorded.
F&&. +stimating the bio(olume of the trees
The bio(olume of each tree can be estimated by measuring the basal area and the height of the trees. &t
will be computed as3
F L Q r
where3 #L basal radius at breast height (1.5m)
D L height of indi(idual tree
F L (olume of the trun0 only
The height of the tree can be estimated by choosing the tallest member from your group as a scale. )ee
the figure below3
igure 2. 7rocedure in estimating the height of the tree with a person as the scale in the picture.
8y getting the ratio and proportion of the actual
height (-D) of the person as a scale$ the height
in the picture (7D)$ and the height of the tree in
the picture (7TD) using measuring tape$ you can
compute for the actual height of the tree (D) with
the formula3
D L (-D x 7TD)
=here3 -D (actual height of the person in
&t is a (alid assumption that 502 of biomass on a dry weight basis is carbon (%ina et al.$ 2008)
because it is the bac0bone of all organic materials that ma0e up the bul0 of li(ing forms. The amounts of
carbon stoc0 in the pine trees$ herbaceous plants$ litter and soil can be estimated on a yearly basis by
adopting 8rower and Rar (1>8>)3
E55 L 8
=here$ E55 N Eross 5arbon 5ontent
8 : ,aily carbon content multiplied with 10$000m
(S 1 ha)
T : Time (e.g. year)
Euide *uestions3
1. 'ist down the ad(antages and disad(antages of using the different methods in plant community
2. ,efine co(er$ density$ and fre*uency. Ei(e the ad(antages and disad(antages of using each
parameter in both grassland and forest community analysis.
/. Dow would you differentiate net primary producti(ity and standing biomassC
.. 5an a species area cur(e indicate species di(ersity in plant communityC =hyC
5. =hat is the reason behind the use of a 102 change in slope as basis for finding the minimal areaC
B. ;f what significance is analysis of plant community in farm and range managementC
T+##+)T#&-' &"F+#T+8#-T+ )-47'&"E
4aterials3 transect line
sample bags for soil and in(ertebrate samples
any ob9ect for digging
mar0er pen
mas0ing tape

8ecause of the small si<e of ground in(ertebrates$ use small sampling plots (0.1 or .2 m2) outlined
using a straw and pegs. The data will be treated as in plot sampling for plants. ,ig up the ground$
including both litter and soil$ remo(e it from the plot down to a depth of 10 cm. 7rocess them in the
laboratory by separating the animals from the soil. 7lace each plot6s contents in separate plastic bags$
label and seal it. - more thorough analysis of the soil fauna is possible by placing the soil and litter in a
pan of warm water (.5 to 50 5) and stirring gently. 4ost of the animals will then float to the surface.
)hrub and tree in(ertebrates can be captured by spreading cloth$ trays$ pans or umbrella beneath
the (egetation to be sampled and beating the branches or stems with poles. 5ollect and place
representati(e samples in (ials or <ip loc0s. 'abel them properly.
or butterflies and moths$ better ta0e pictures as you encounter them. "ote them in your logboo0.
T+47;#-' -", )7-T&-' &";#4-T&;"
#ecord the date and time of sampling. #ecord the exact location of your transect line by using the
E7). #ecord the ele(ation and a general description of the land cur(ature.
7D@)&5-' -5T;#)
#ecord atmospheric conditions at the time of sampling such as air temperature$ relati(e humidity
using sling psychrometer$ relati(e amount of cloud co(er and estimate of light intensity.
)!8)T#-T+ -"-'@)&)
)ubstrate samples should be collected at random and ta0en in replicate by using soil corer. The
tube is pushed into the soil until its top is 9ust at the ground surface$ and then carefully pulled from the
soil and examined. The corer should be cleaned before ta0ing the next sample. Ta0e a picture of the soil
profile as seen in the soil corer. )amples should be stored in sturdy$ tightly sealed plastic bags and
analy<ed as soon as possible for the physical and chemical properties such as pD and organic matter.
To determine the soil moisture$ dry the samples obtained from the soil corer for 2.hrs at 105 5.
resh weight minus dry weight e*uals the amount of water in the soil and is expressed in grams of water
per 100 gms of dry soil.
5orrelate these physico:chemical factors with the distribution of flora and fauna in your sampling site.
7resent your field report based on the guideline in writing a scientific paper.
5ue(as$ F.5. and 7. +. )a9ise. 'aboratory +xercises in 7lant +cology3 8otany 150. !ni(ersity of the
7hilippines 'os 8aTos. 5alamba$ 'aguna
8rower$ %.+.$ %.D. Rar and 5.". (on +nde. 1>>0. ield and 'aboratory 4ethods for Eeneral +cology.
+d. !)-3 =m.5. 8rown 7ublishers. p2/A.
+O+#5&)+ /
'imnology is the study of fresh waters$ including their physical and biological aspects. 4any of
the basic principles and concepts concerning terrestrial habitats ha(e parallels in a*uatic habitats$ although
numerous details and patterns are uni*ue to the latter. The physical and chemical factors are often more
complex in a*uatic systems and (egetation has a relati(ely minor role in modifying the physical
characteristics of the habitat.
There are two basic types of freshwater habitats: Lentic (calm) waters and lotic (running) waters.
Streams are lotic$ being flowing bodies of water. Creeks are small streams that are narrow$ shallow$ and
may consist of relati(ely still areas (p""%*)$ areas of rapid shallow flow o(er gra(el or roc0 (r$##%e*)$ and
areas of deeper flows ('+a!!e%*). Rivers are wide and deep streams$ and may ha(e more (iolent rapids
instead of riffles. )ome small streams flow only seasonally or intermittently during periods of rainfall.
The terrestrial borders of stream are said to be the riparian habitat$ and the floodplain is that land that is
periodically sub9ect to flooding.
Mater$a%* Nee2e28
E7) thermometer fine brush and spatula
plan0ton net 5cm x 10cm x 1cm styropor forceps
record noteboo0 and pen plastic ruler meter stic0
refractometer screw:capped (ials A02 +t;D
100 m transect line 500 um sie(e mesh plan0ton net
sample bottles (plastic) pD paper trowel
'ugols solution clod cards (/) 1000 ml basinHcontainer
-. Temporal and spatial information
=hen studying an a*uatic habitat$ record the date$ time of day$ and name of the obser(ers.
#ecorded spatial information should include specific locality$ topography$ and drainage characteristics.
The ma9or drainage system (the watershed) should be identified$ along with the name of the water body.
To get the rough index of the surface area:(olume ratio$ measure the width of the body water
di(ided by the center depth. The larger the surface area relati(e to its (olume$ the greater will be the
amount of gas exchange and mixing due to winds.
8. 7hysico:chemical en(ironment
=hen there is enough time a(ailable$ designate three stations representing the pools$ riffles and
1. #ecord the type of bottom materials (e.g. clay$ silt$ sand$ gra(el$ or roc0) in each station. The substrate
of the water pro(ides habitat for distincti(e animal aggregation called the benthos.
2. water pD. !se pD paper to estimate the pD of water
/. =ater temperature. &mmerse a mercury thermometer about an inch below the water surface. 5alculate
the mean of three measurements ta0en using a mercury thermometer per site. The time when temperature
will be ta0en shall also be noted.
.. )urface current. &f current flow meter is una(ailable$ the surface (elocity can be calculated by
measuring the time it ta0es for a floating ob9ect (5cm x 10cm x 1cm styropor$ weighted so that it is
submerged 9ust on the surface) to be carried by the current 1 m downstream. 4easure first the stream
width and di(ide by /. &nsert stic0s into the substrate to trisect the stream width. The calibrated line
should be stretched taut across the stream 9ust abo(e the water. Doo0 the float to the calibrated line
exactly 1 m of nylon or any string. The point of attachment should be exactly in the middle of one of the
trisects. #elease the float and time with stopwatch until the string goes taut. Ta0e a number of readings
(at least three) and calculate the mean surface (elocity con(erting it to mHs. This procedure is not
recommended when turbulence is great or current is too slow. 5alculate the flow rate in cubic meter per
second using the formula3
# L =,aF where3 = L width of the segment
, L depth at the middle of each segment
F L surface current (elocity
a L constant depending on type of bottom
#ough (roc0s$ gra(el$ etc) L 0.8
)mooth (mud$ sand$ bedroc0) L0.>
5. =ater motion
=ater mo(ement in a*uatic en(ironments can be measured using clod cards made of plaster:of:
paris bloc0s (,oty$ 1>A1). Typically$ these bloc0s are weighed$ then placed at (arious stations under
in(estigation. -fter 2. hours$ the bloc0s are retrie(ed$ dried$ and re:weighed. =eight loss due to plaster
dissolution pro(ides a relati(e index of the degree of water mo(ement between stations. This method is
inexpensi(e and yields useful information$ but to estimate actual current flow$ in(estigators need
information on the factors that affect the solubility of plaster:of:paris.
5lod cards are made by mixing 500 grams of 7laster of 7aris with //5 ml of water. The mixture
will be poured into flexible ice cube trays and allowed to cure for thirty minutes. The cubes will then be
remo(ed from the trays and placed on the lab bench to dry for four more days. ;nce the cubes were
completely dry they will be mounted on small plastic sheets ((inyl tiles) using silicone adhesi(e$ allowed
to cure for another 2. hours then weighed to the nearest tenth of a gram. - minimum of three bloc0s are
needed for each station. 'abel each sheet with a uni*ue number or letter. -ssure stability of clod cards by
using rubber bands or nylon thread in attaching them to the roc0s in water depths corresponding to the
trisects where you measured the surface (elocity. They will be left for a full period of 2. hrs and will be
recollected. The clod cards will be dried for four days on the lab bench and then re:weighed. The
difference will then be assessed to e(aluate relati(e wa(e energy across different localities and depths by
comparing clod card degradation rate or ,iffusion &ndex actor (,&) determined by di(iding the weight
loss of clod cards exposed to flow in the field by the weight loss in still water or water transferred to a
,& L =f0 : =f1Ht0:t1HU of cc
=c0 : =c1Ht0:t1H U of cc
B. Turbidity or light penetration. This is the optical property of water which causes light to be scattered
or absorbed in the water$ resulting in a decrease in water transparency. &n the absence of an instrument to
measure the turbidity (e.g "ephelometer)$ you can get water sample at / different sites and 0eep in small
screw:capped (ials. 8ring them in the laboratory and measure the transmittance using spectrophotometer.
!se the 5.0 nm wa(elength.
A. )alinity. 5alculate the mean of three measurements ta0en using a refractometer.
8. 'ight intensity. 4easure light intensity using light meter.
-ll sampling site positions will be ta0en using a Earmin E7) (Elobal 7ositioning )ystem) unit.
5. 7lan0ton and 4acroin(ertebrate sampling techni*ues
)et the plan0ton net with its orifice facing the current in the three stations. Dold it in its position
for one to two minutes. 'ift the net out of the water allowing the water inside to wash down the plan0ton
stic0ing to the net. 5ollect the concentrated plan0ton in a 250 ml screw cap (ial. -dd a drop of 8ouin6s
solution as a fixati(e. &n the lab$ ta0e the ali*uot of the mixed sample and mount this on a glass slide with
co(er slip and examine under the microscope.
;btain benthic macro:in(ertebrates from three habitat types3 leaf pac0 (submerged macrophyte
beds)$ sand and riffle roc0.
i(e indi(idual stones (per group$ for a total of 25 stones for the entire class) with a diameter
range of 1B:20cm$ will be examined for any attached macro:in(ertebrates. )tones will be sampled as the
collector mo(es progressi(ely upstream. - 500um mesh net will be held immediately downstream behind
each stone$ which will be lifted rapidly into it. 4acro:in(ertebrates will be dislodged by use of a fine
brush or forceps.
or site predominantly sandy$ 5 sub:samples per group will be collected using a 500um mesh
metal sie(e. -rea of sand samples will ha(e an approximate diameter of 1B cm. )and substratum will be
ta0en to a depth of approximately 5 cm with the use of trowel.
8eds of a*uatic macrophytes will be sampled by passing across the upper$ middle and lower
portion of the plants. -ll collected macro:in(ertebrates will be immediately preser(ed in A02 ethanol and
transported to the laboratory for further processing. +xamine the samples under a stereomicroscope and
identify to family le(el using a(ailable taxonomic 0eys.
The b$"%"&$'a% "!$t"r$!& <"r4$!& party (84=7) is a procedure for measuring water *uality
using species of macroin(ertebrates as biological indicators. The method is based on the principle that
different a*uatic in(ertebrates ha(e different tolerances to pollutants. The presence of mayflies or
stoneflies for instance indicate the cleanest waterways and are gi(en a tolerance score of 10. The lowest
scoring in(ertebrates are worms (Oligochaeta) which score 1. The number of different macroin(ertebrates
is also an important factor$ because a better water *uality is assumed to result in a higher di(ersity. The
84=7 score e*uals the sum of the tolerance scores of all macroin(ertebrate families in the sample. -
higher 84=7 score is considered to reflect a better water *uality.
- biotic index will be calculated using a modification of 8ritish 8iological 4onitoring =or0ing
7arty score system. rom each collection from a defined habitat$ the grades of all families present will be
summed to pro(ide an a(erage grade per family di(ided by the total collections to gi(e the )&E"-'
(alue. The status of sampling sites is classified according to )ignal Falues as follows3
)ignal Falue =ater Muality )tatus
V B clean water
5:B doubtful *uality1 possible mild pollution
.:5 probable moderate pollution
W . probable se(ere pollution
8rower$ %.+. Rar$ %.D. and 5arl ".(+. 1>>0. ield and 'aboratory 4ethods for Eeneral +cology. /

+d. =m.5. 8rown 7ublishers. 2/Ap
7agulayan and Dernande<$ personal communication
7orter$ +.T.$ )anford$ '.7. and )uttles$ ).+. 2000. Eypsum dissolution is not a uni(ersal integrator of
water motion. Limnol Oceanogr, .5(1)$ 2000$ 1.5N158
#olan$ #.E. 1>A/. 'aboratory and ield &n(estigations in Eeneral +cology. !)-3 4c4illan
5omapany. 2/5p
)tandard 4ethods for the +xamination of =ater and =astewater. 1>>5. "ew @or0$ -merican 7ublic
Dealth -ssociation.
+O+#5&)+ .
+5;';E@ ; - 5;#-' #++ $ )+-E#-))+) -", T&,+ 7;;'
@ou are to
1) +stimate the percent coral$ algal and non:li(ing co(er of a reef flat using '&T (line intercept
2) ;bser(e interactions in life forms
/) &dentify and recogni<e life forms
.) 5orrelate abiotic factors with life form distribution
1) )nor0eling ability
2) -bility to recogni<e coral reef benthic life forms
/) -bility to use the E7)
1) Transect$ tape and plastic meter stic0
2) 4as0 and snor0el$ fins (if a(ailable)1 life (ests
/) !nderwater writing slate and pencil
.) E7)
5) thermometer$ pD paper$ salinometer$ light meter$ oxygen meter
B) !nderwater disposable camera (if a(ailable)
A) 7ails for life form samples (to return samples after species &, has been made)
1. 'ay down the 50 meter transect lines in the seagrass bed perpendicular to the shoreline. Eet the
E7) coordinates of the transect line laid out from the 0 meter and 50
meter mar0. Transects must not
o(erlap each other and should be laid in the 0.5 :1.5 meter from the shore. They should be laid
2. 5alculate the percent co(er of each life form category (biotope classification such as algal mats$
seagrass beds$ substrate type li0e sand$ rubbles etc) using the line intercept method. -fter the initial
sur(ey$ distribute 0.5m x 0.5 m gridded *uadrats representing two of each of the biotopes identified.
or each *uadrat$ obser(e$ identify and measure the organisms either by getting the density or percent
co(er of each species. !se the 8raun:8lan*uet scale as modified by )aito and -tobe (1>A0) to
estimate the co(er ()ee -ppendix).
/. #ecord -8&;T&5 -5T;#) such as3 water *uality$ temperature$ sediment samples (/
samplesHarea assigned).
a. ,escribe cloud co(er$ weather and get air temperature readings (/x dayH early morning$
noontime$ late afternoon)
b. water *uality3 getting pD$ salinity and oxygen concentration
c. temperature readings of water(/x dayHearly morning$ noon time$ late afternoon)
d. Xnow time that tide changes and the phase of the moon of your fieldwor0 day.
.. 4ap the area where you laid transects using the E7) (show a (isual representation in your output)
5. Ta0e pictures if you ha(e an != camera of different corals and life seen in each drop point. 'oo0
at different coral shapes seen$ count the echinoderms and other animals at 1 turn (/B0 degrees) in each
drop off point. There must be at least / drop points to get consensus.
>(ES6IONS (t" $!'%,2e $! y",r 2$*',**$"!)
1) =hat do you thin0 influences the distribution of life formsC
2) =hat is the ma9or benthic co(er of the siteC
/) =hat other animals are associated with this reefC (Eet di(ersity indices for this)
.) =here do you thin0 is the site that is affected by human acti(itiesC
5) =hat are these acti(itiesC
B) Dow do the physical parameters of the site affect the life form distributionC
1) &dentify fish species from a glance
2) &n(estigate the distribution of fish species
/) ;bser(e features of schooling beha(ior
.) ;bser(e color patterns in fish
5) "ote if there are fishes that are (ery aggressi(e and territorial
1) )nor0eling ability
2) -bility to recogni<e fishes
1. !nderwater camera
2. 7ail
/. fiddle stic0s (popsicle stic0s)
.. 7lastic slate and pencil
5. )nor0el gear and life (est
1) )wim at a slow and constant pace. ;bser(e fishes within / to 5 meters distance in the coral reef
pool$ seagrass or algal assemblages. "ote which fishes you see to answer exercise ob9ecti(es. Try
to list them all.
2) "ote which fish is most abundant by counting them.
/) !sing your fiddle stic0s$ estimate fish lengths in obser(ations.
.) =hat are the species targeted by fishermenC
5) 7repare (isual representations of species obser(ed (drawings or photos)
1) =hat color pattern or color was most commonC
2) =hy do you thin0 reef fish are so colorfulC
/) Dow does the color pattern help species sur(i(alC
.) ,o the fish ha(e color (isionC
5) =hich species is most commonC
B) &f the fishes are schooling$ what is their swimming and possible feeding beha(iorC
A) &s schooling a way of self:defense against predatorsC
8) =here do the different species li(eC "ote their life form association.
>) =hat shapes do the fish ha(eC 5an you tell the swimming ability of the fish from the shapeC Dow
about the habitatC
10) &f you see territorial fish$ what species is thisC =hy are they territorialC ,o they swim far from
their territoriesC
-dapted from 8Falle9o
&nstitute of +n(ironmental )cience and 4eteorology
!7 ,iliman
@ou are to
1.) ;bser(e interactions in life forms
2.) &dentify and recogni<e life forms
/). 5orrelate abiotic factors with life form distribution
1) Transect$ tape and plastic meter stic0
2) writing slate and pencil
/) camera
.) E7)
5) thermometer$ pD paper$ salinometer$ light meter
B) picture guidesHtaxonomic 0eys
;bser(e the organisms that are occupying the tide pools along the roc0y coastline. &dentify and
recogni<e these life forms. ;bser(e other factors that influence the physical and chemical conditions of
the water in tide pools including the surface area$ the depth of the pool$ its height in the intertidal <one$
exposure to wa(e action$ the degree of shading a(ailable$ and the drainage pattern. 4easure the pD$
salinity$ temperature and oxygen concentration in each pool you examine.
1. =hat factors limit the distribution of life forms in this areaC
2. Dow do these life forms able to adapt themsel(es to this type of en(ironmentC
5ompute for the co(erage$ fre*uency$ species di(ersity$ and similarity indices in the coral reef$ seagrass
and tide pool communities.
-ppendix -. Total co(erage of each biotope along line intercept
Total co(erage L total transect length space
total transect length
)aito and -tobe6s class inter(al for assessment of (egetati(e co(er using a gridded *uadrat.
Class !mo"nt of s"#strat"m
$ s"#strat"m covered Midpoint %$&
5 Y to all 50:100 A5.00
. Z to 1H2 25:50 /A.50
/ 1H8 to 1H. 12.5 :25 18.A5
2 1H1B to 1H8 B.25 :12.5 >./8
1 W 1H1B W B.25 /.1/
0 absent 0 0

where M
L mid point percentage of 5lass i
f L fre*uency (number of sectors with the same class of dominance (i)).
-ppendix 8. -ge reconstruction of seagrass using the (ertical elongation rate
)pecies sample Fertical length
"o. of nodes plus
lea(es (n)
inter(al unit (7&)
F+# L [F'H(n)
(7&)\ x /B5
)ample 1
)ample 2
)ample /
-(erage F+#
Dori<ontal expansion rate3
D+# L distance between two shoots
difference between the no. of nodes
and lea(es of the two shoots x 7&
-ppendix 5. ,i(ersity and )imilarity &ndices
,i(ersity index 3 )hannon:=einer (=ea(er) &ndex
D L : ? pi ln pi
Species '"m#er (roportion
lnpi pi ln pi
)imilarity &ndex ()) L 25
- P 8
=here3 - N number of species in sample -
8 : number of species in sample 8
5 : number of species common to both samples
&ndex ranges from 0 (no similarity) to 1 (complete similarity)
-ppendix ,. 7icture of clod cards.
-ppendix +. 8iological indicators in assessing water *uality.
Appe!2$1 -
Date: _____ / _____ / _____ Volunteer ID: ___________ Site ID: ___________
Stream Name: __________________________________ Latitude: ________ Longitude: _______
Time _____:____ AM / PM Time Sampling: _______ hrs Air Temp.: ____________ C
Current Weather: Clear/ Sunny Overcast Showers Rain (steady) Storm ( Heavy)
Worst Weather past !" hours#: Clear/ Sunny Overcast Showers Rain (steady) Storm ( Heavy)
Che$% &ethods 'sed: Kick Seine et (! times) "i# et ($% &a's or scoo#s)
Che$% (a)itats Sampled:
(ndercut )anks Ri**les +ea* Packs Sna,s/ -e,etation Sediment
Stone*ly nym#h "amsel*ly nym#h +eech A.uatic worm
May*ly nym#h "ra,on*ly nym#h Mid,e larva )lood mid,e larva (red)
Caddis*ly larva Scud
Rat0tailed Ma,,ot
Ri**le )eetle Sow'u, )lack *ly larva
+e*t0Handed or
Pouch snail
"o'son*ly +arva Crane*ly larva
Ri,ht0Handed or
1illed snail
Clam/ Mussel
2ater Penny Cray*ish
* o+ TA,Arepresented * o+ TA,Arepresented * o+ TA,Arepresented * o+ TA,Arepresented
2ei,htin, /actor
2ei,htin, /actor
2ei,htin, /actor
2ei,htin, /actor
(Add the *inal inde3 values *or each ,rou#)
1lease $he$% other 2iologi$al Indi$ators 3ou o)ser4ed:
4Al,ae Cover "iversity 5nde3
1ollution Toleran$e Inde- 5ating
ative Mussels 6e'ra Mussels Rusty Cray*ish A.uatic Plants
6roup 0 7 Intolerant 6roup / 7 &oderatel3Intolerant 6roup . 7 8airl3Tolerant 6roups ! 7 Ver3 Tolerant
5e$ord the ta-a group# represented in 3our sampling )3 either entering the num)er o+ organisms 3ou $ounted or a
(o o s i e r 5 i 4 e r 9 a t $ h
2iologi$al &onitoring Data Sheet
1ollution Toleran$e Inde- 1TI#
73cellent $! or More
1ood 89 0 $$
/air 88 0 8:
Poor 8% or +ess

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