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Python Programming by Example Page 1 of 82 Richard Riehle

Richard Riehle
April 5, 2013
For Python Version 3.0 and later
Python Programming by Example Page 2 of 82 Richard Riehle
Table of Contents
About this Book ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Computer Basics ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Computer Programming............................................................................................................................ 6
Data Types ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Programming Languages ........................................................................................................................ 11
About Python ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Getting and Using Python....................................................................................................................... 13
Python 3.0 and higher ............................................................................................................................. 14
IDLE...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Simple Python Statements ...................................................................................................................... 16
Console Input and Output ....................................................................................................................... 18
Python Lists ........................................................................................................................................... 20
Print Items From A List .......................................................................................................................... 21
More List Operations.............................................................................................................................. 23
Store List in an External File................................................................................................................... 25
Nested Lists also called Matrices.......................................................................................................... 25
Python Dictionary Type.......................................................................................................................... 31
Python Strings........................................................................................................................................ 35
A simple string example ......................................................................................................................... 35
String Methods....................................................................................................................................... 36
Iteration Operations................................................................................................................................ 37
Alternate version of Summation Example .............................................................................................. 38
For Loop Examples in Python Functions................................................................................................. 39
While Loops........................................................................................................................................... 40
Working With Sets ................................................................................................................................. 41
More on Python Functions...................................................................................................................... 41
Function with a While Loop.................................................................................................................... 43
File Variation of Interest Function .......................................................................................................... 44
Numbers in other Number bases ............................................................................................................. 46
Functions as First-class Objects. ............................................................................................................. 47
Passing a function as a parameter............................................................................................................ 48
Make the function example more explicit................................................................................................ 48
Assertions for pre-, and post-conditions .................................................................................................. 50
lambda functions .................................................................................................................................... 51
Recursion............................................................................................................................................... 52
Python Files ........................................................................................................................................... 54
Python Modules...................................................................................................................................... 56
A Bubble Sort......................................................................................................................................... 57
Abstract Data Type (ADT)...................................................................................................................... 58
Object-Oriented Programming................................................................................................................ 59
A Stack Class Example........................................................................................................................... 60
A Bounded Stack Class........................................................................................................................... 61
An Account Class Example .................................................................................................................... 62
Windows Applications (tkinter) ............................................................................................................. 63
More sample Programs........................................................................................................................... 68
Documentation in Python........................................................................................................................ 72
Software Engineering with Python.......................................................................................................... 73
Appendix A -- Fundamental Algorithm Structures................................................................................. 80
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Programs in this book have been
written and executed in Python
version 3.2 or later.
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About this Book
This book is intended to help the newcomer to computer programming learn how to create
programs in the Python programming language. It will present simple examples of Python that
you can create using your own computer. In some examples, a line of source-code may be
commented. Comments in Python are line-oriented, and begin with the symbol, #. We will
often use two of these (e.g., ##) to make clear that there is a comment. You will get the most
benefit from this book by entering the source code examples exactly as shown, and then
experimenting with them to see what will happen when you modify the working programs to try
something different. This is the what if I do this approach to learning how to program.
Before looking at the Python programming language, we first review a few fundamental ideas
about computer programming. These ideas should help you understand Python, but will also give
you some insight into other programming languages that you may encounter in the future.
Computer Basics
A computer operates because it has a combination of hardware and software. The Hardware is
the physical circuitry of the computer and includes many millions of logic gates. The software is
the computer program(s). A program is required for the hardware to do its work. Without a
computer program, the computer is simply a lot of inert circuits that do nothing. If you remove
the software from the hardware, the computer will not operate.
The physical computer consists of the following fundamental components:
Central Processing Unit (sometimes more than one); CPU
Input and Output capabilities
A primary memory (accessible directly by the CPU)
In addition, a computer system may include any of the following components:
Display devices (e.g., Flat-screen, LEDs, Cathode Ray Tube, etc.)
Pointing devices (e.g., mouse, light-pen, finger-sensitive touch screen)
Secondary Memory (e.g., disk drive, USB storage, SD card, tape drive)
Any other kind of data capture device (e.g., scanner, bar-code reader, etc.)
Communication ports (for such things as Internet communication)
Many other things still be invented in the future.
The pre-loaded software for a computer will usually include:
Operating System (sometimes not included or necessary)
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Application programs
Utility Programs
In addition to the pre-loaded software, the computer needs some application software.
Applications are the programs that do the work. This software can include accounting software,
games, general utilities, spreadsheets, word processors, and a wide range of industry specific
software. We sometimes speak of software in terms of vertical applications versus horizontal
Horizontal applications are those that are not specific to a given industry or line of work. These
would include word processors, spreadsheets, etc. Vertical applications are industry specific.
Examples are inventory system for an automobile parts wholesaler, sales order system for a
manufacturer, and premium billing system for a life insurance company. Horizontal software is
rarely industry-specific. Vertical software is frequently focused on the needs of a small segment
of some industry with a lot of common needs.
We also have development software. Python and other programming languages fall into this
category. Other development languages are C, C++, Java, Ada, COBOL, Scala, Ruby, Fortran,
Scheme, Erlang, OCAML, and many more. With these languages we create the source -code
solutions (program) both vertical and horizontal applications. This is called computer
programming. The person who does this kind of work is called a computer programmer.
There are other jobs related to computer programming. These jobs include software architects,
software engineers, software testers, and many more. The fact is that there are many kinds of
jobs involved in creating and maintaining software besides that of computer programmer.
Many people begin their career as computer programmers and move beyond programming to
some of the other jobs listed in the previous paragraph. It seems to be a widely held view in the
world of computer software that everyone, regardless of job classification, should have learned
the skills associated with computer programming.
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Computer Programming
Computer programming is the process of creating a set of instructions for the computer so it can
do useful work. The program instructions are usually written in a human-readable language, such
as Python, (or one of hundreds of other languages) that programmers call source-code. The
source-code is then translated (using specialized translation software) into the native language of
the computer. Once the translation is complete and linked into the operational environment of the
computer, we say the computer program is executable.
There are two requirements for a computer program: the data on which it will operate and the
behavior (collection of instructions) for performing operations on that data. The behavior
associated with a computer program is often called an algorithm. A famous computer scientist
named Niklaus Wirth summarized this idea with the statement that a computer program is Data
plus Algorithms, summarized as:
Program = Data + Algorithms
There are three fundamental behaviors associated with any computer programming.
1. Sequence A series of instructions with no decision logic
2. Iteration A loop with some kind of logic to terminate the loop
3. Selection Controlled by a TRUE or FALSE condition
Sequence means that the program is simply a set of instructions, one after another, step-by-step.
Iteration is means that the program goes into what programmers often call a loop. A loop
continues until some condition (unless the loop is infinite) is satisfied. Selection is based on the
idea that the program can test conditions of relationships between one or more items of data
(True/False) and execute a different set of instructions based testing that condition.
There are other parts of a program you will learn in this book. For example, a program, even
when designed using the fundamental structures just described, will be broken into smaller groups
such as functions, procedures, modules, and classes. These small groupings make it easier to see
a set of program behaviors without having to understand the entire program. A simple function
is shown below.
Of course, real and practical functions will be a bit more robust than the one just shown. We can
create functions to do very complicated mathematical formulae, compute interest on a bank
account, or regulate the cruise-control on an automobile. The point is that a program, in any
A fourth kind of construct is called recursion. We cover that separately in this book.
def compute(x, y):
return x + y
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language, is developed by creating many small functions and putting them together in a larger set
of functions, modules, classes, or procedures.
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Three Fundamental Behaviors
Sequence Iteration Selection
The above three behaviors are often regarded as the fundamental structures. You can think of
them as smallest kind of algorithms, as well as the building blocks for more complicated
algorithms. However, programmers understand there are many variations of each of these
structures. For example, an iteration might test for the condition before entering the loop, or wait
until reaching the end of each complete iteration. Selection might be an alteration (if else
end if) or what some languages call a case construct which we sometimes call a muti-way
selection. In Appendix A of this book, you will see more examples of these diagrams,
including some variations on them, as they might be used in the construction of algorithms.
The example shown below is an illustration of sequence. The instructions simply proceed from
one to another without any decision making.
This example is a bit more complicated. We have a while loop which iterates until some
condition (selection) is reached. It is not unusual to combine fundamental behaviors in an
algorithm as we have in this example.
>>> def sequenceExample(x, y, z):
temp = x
x = z
z = y
y = temp
print(x, y, z)
def IterationExample():
alist = []
while True:
avalue = input("Enter an Integer: ")
if int(avalue) >= 0: ## convert the input to an integer
return alist
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Data Types
As noted in our reference to Niklaus Wirth, programs contain algorithms and data. Just as there
are many kinds of algorithms, there are also many kinds of data. The data are classified
according to a scheme we call data-types. Data types are sometimes unique to a given
programming language, but they typically have following fundamental properties (sometimes
more for some languages):
1. The name of the type (some types might be anonymous)
2. The set of values (or allowed states) for an instance (item of data) of the type
3. The set of operations/behaviors for instances of the type
4. A set of rules; often language-specific rules for instances of the type
The concept of data-type is important in programming. In languages such as Python, Perl, and
Ruby, the type of an item of data is called dynamic typing. In static-typed languages, such as
those listed below, the type name is how we classify instances of data of a given type. For
example, integer (often abbreviated as int) is the name of the type, not the instance. Therefore,
x : integer; ## Ada, Pascal, Modula, other languages
q, r, s : float; ## Ada, Pascal, Modula, other languages
int x; ## C, C++, Java, C# (note type name comes first)
float q, r, s; ## C, C++, Java, C#
In the above examples, the values x, q, r, s are all instances of the integer of float data-type.. Think of the
data-type as a cookie-cutter from which you can stamp multiple cookies, where int (or integer) is the
cookie-cutter, and x, q, r, and s are the cookies.
The primitive types also have a representation in the memory of the computer. For most static typed
languages, the size of the word (number of bits) will be a determining factor for how the data of a given
type is represented. Using a 32 bit word as an example,
Byte 8 bits
Character Either 8 or 16 bits depending on implementation
Unsigned Integer 32 bits
Signed Integer One bit for sign; 31 bits for mantissa (value)
Floating-Point Bit zero for sign of mantissa; bits 1 8 for Exponent to determine
positive or negative placement of decimal point. 9 31 for mantissa.
Double Floating-point Similar to above, but with 64 bits
Boolean Varies by language
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The floating-point representation is a bit complicated. For IEE-754 (the current standard), the
exponent is designed so it can represent the position of a decimal point. So, the following
mantissa, 32458365 can have a decimal point located according the exponent. Examples are:
Notice how the decimal point can float depending on the value of the exponent for the mantissa,
even as the mantissa remains the same. This is sometimes called scientific notation.
As a Python programmer, using a dynamically type language, you are rarely concerned with these
under-the-hood details. However, it is sometimes useful to know them. Moreover, some of you
aspiring future programmers will be wondering about this so now you know a little more about it
that you did a few minutes ago.
Python does not require the programmer to explicitly associate data with data types before they
are used or declared. However it does have a type model for built-in types. However unlike many
other languages, Python infers the data-type from the initial assignment of an instance of that
type, as well as from certain uses of grouping symbols (e.g., parentheses, curly braces, quotation
marks, and square braces). Built-in types include integers, floating-point, strings, lists,
dictionaries, sets, and others.
In addition to the built-in data-types for Python, the programmer can invent entirely new types.
The new types have the same four properties (listed above) as a built-in type. When a
programmer creates a brand-new data type, one not already in the language, it is called an
abstract data type (ADT). There are two kinds of ADT, extensible and non-extensible ADT. In
Python an ADT of either kind is designed using the word class instead of type. The
extensible ADT is used for Pythons version of Object-oriented Programming (OOP).
We will have more to say about ADTs and OOP later in this book. For now, as a new
programmer (or new to Python), you will be using Python built-in types.
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Programming Languages
As noted earlier, programmers write/compose their programs in a human-readable programming
language. The completed composition is sometimes called source-code. The programmers
source-code is readable by other programmers who are trained in that programming language.
The computer programmer has available a large choice of programming languages. Some of
these languages are close to the native language of the machine, the computer called Assembler.
We call Assemblers low-order languages. Assembler programs are very difficult for most humans
to read unless they are trained in that language. Also, Assembler programs are usually not
portable from one computer to another.
A popular language such as C is a low-order, but human readable language sometimes called a
universal Assembler. High-order languages abstract away nearly everything about the low-level
details of the computer. Python is a high-order language. There is a continuum between the
lowest-level and the highest-level so that some languages have both high-order features and low-
level features. A highly skilled Python programmer can create programs that interface with low-
level languages to produce programs that are more efficient, but not as easily readable.
With a high-order language such as Python, a person with little knowledge of the underlying
features of a computer can learn to write powerful computer programs. Low-order programming
languages require more knowledge of how computers do their work. As noted earlier, the most
common lowest-order language is called Assembler because the programmer writes source code
in a human-readable symbolic code that is close to the native language of the computer. The
symbolic source code is then assembled into that native language to produce an executable
(runnable) computer program.
Some programming languages are interactive from the keyboard. Python provides interactive
capabilities. Other languages require the programmer to submit the completed source code to a
separate translator called a compiler. Programs that can be translated on-the-fly (interactive) are
sometimes called interpreted source-code programs. Others, require a compiler. Both styles
of programming have their advantages. Python is an interactive language that can be interpreted
as each line of code is entered. That is, the Python programmer can see the effect of every
statement as it is entered, or wait for the entire program to execute as a whole. This makes it
easy to see mistakes in real-time. However, Python programs can also be compiled. This means
the Python programmer can benefit from the best of interactive programming as well as from the
ability to create larger more comprehensive compiled programs.
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About Python
A person using Python can write programs without much knowledge of how a computer works.
Python is a high-order programming language that can be used for solving a large variety of
programming problems. Under most circumstances, Python is interpreted. However, there
are translators (compilers) available for Python. You, as a new Python programmer, will learn
the benefits and usefulness of both approaches to programming in Python.
If you are new to computer programming and/or new to Python, we recommend you begin your
study using a Python built-in development environment. The environment integrated into Python
is called IDLE. IDLE is an Integrated development environment for Python. Using IDLE will
make your early experience with Python more productive. Later, when you are more
comfortable with programming, you may choose to use any of a large number of other
development tools and editors for creating source-code. Some skillful programmers prefer to
write their Python programs as close to the machine as possible. We do not recommend that for
most programmers.
We suggest that you enter the programs in this book as they appear. Then, experiment with them
by making little changes to see, What if . Every experiment should help you understand
Python a little more.
If you are really a scholar/scientist, you will keep a notebook of what did work and what did not.
That is, keep a journal of your experiments so you can learn from them, avoid past mistakes, and
continue to improve your understanding.
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Getting and Using Python
One of the most important features of Python is its portability. It rarely matters what operating
system or computer platform you want to use to write your programs when you are using Python.
There are a small number of environments that do not accept Python. Most notable among the
more popular devices is the Apple Ipod/iPad series which only accept programs written in a
compiled language called Objective-C. All versions of Windows and Unix support Python. As
of this writing, there is work being done for Python support the pad computers running the
Android operating system, but Android support is not quite ready.
On the Internet, enter From there, download the most recent version of
Python appropriate to your choice of operating systems. For the lessons in this book, be sure to
use a Python version higher than 3.0. The earlier versions have significant differences from the
examples in this book. Then, when Python is installed on your computer, use IDLE, the built-in
development environment for most of the exercises in this book. Later, after you are experienced
with IDLE, you may choose to do your programming with a different editor, or even from the
command line prompt. For now, IDLE makes Python easy to get started.
Every Python installation is integrated with IDLE, so using it for your with this book will make
your learning experience a bit faster. You can configure IDLE to satisfy your particular choice of
font, color, etc. We recommend you start by using the default options.
IDLE will allow you to open a development window in which you can create your programs.
You can save this window each time you write a program in it. Also, you can have multiple
functions defined in that window. We have several exercises where we will do exactly that..
The prompt in the IDLE command window has three angle brackets shown as >>>. You will
enter your Python commands/instructions at that prompt. Later, when you are writing larger
programs using IDLEs programming window, that >>> prompt will not be part of the window in
which you write your Python programs.
A final note on entering source code into Python. Unlike many other languages, Python uses
indentation as the delimiter for its statements. This is especially important for loops, conditional
statements, and the design of Python functions. IDLE will do the indentation for you
automatically. Therefore, rely on IDLE as a novice instead of trying to to the indentation
yourself. With more experience, you can configure your own indentation scheme.
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Python 3.0 and higher
This book is focused on Python 3.0 or later. As of this edition of this workbook, we are using
Python 3.2. A higher numbered version will also work, but not a version prior to 3.0. Download
a 3.2 or higher version for the programming exercises in this book.
You will find examples of Python programs all over the Internet. Many of those
examples are written for versions of Python prior to 3.0. If your code does not work
when you try to run examples from the Internet, the chances are that it is from a version
of Python earlier than 3.0.. Look for the statements that are no longer valid (statements
that are producing error messages) and change them to conform to Python 3.0.
The student may modify (update the syntax) and use programming examples from earlier
versions of Python even though they may not work, as coded, with Python 3.0 and later. The
most typical of these is the Python print statement. Fix this by changing a statement such as:
print x to print (x) ## parentheses required in Python 3.0
The command line prompt for Python is a set of three angle brackets that looks like >>>
At that command prompt (using IDLE or the command line on your computer), you can enter any
Python statement; that statement will execute on pressing the ENTER key on your keyboard.
There are many other important differences between 3.0 and earlier versions. For Python 3.0
you do not need raw-input and its associated overhead. Many libraries, such as Tkinter, are
now lowercase (e.g., tkinter). If you see a library module in an example from, say, Python 2.6
and try to import it without success, it might be that the module is now lowercase. For example,
>>>import Tkinter ## no longer works; must be tkinter
>>>import tkMessageBox ## is now tkinter.tkmessagebox
The correct syntax for these import statements is now:
>>>import tkinter ## OKfor 3.0 and higher
>>>import tkinter.tkmessagebox ## OK for 3.0 and higher
Prior to Python 3.0, input was entered using the command raw_input. That is now replaced
with the simple input command. This newer command requires the programmer to do a type
conversion (sometimes called type-casting) for numeric input. For example,
>>> x = input("Enter a number: ") # Get a number from the terminal with prompt
Enter a number: 42 # The number is an integer (int)
>>> x # Check to see if that is what you entered
'42' # Yes, but it is recorded as a string
>>> y = 2 # Create another integer
>>> y + int(x) # Arithmetic operation requires type conversion of x
44 # Correct answer is an integer due to type conversion
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IDLE (An Editor available with every Python installation)
Pythons built-in editor is called IDLE. And IDE (interactive development environment) is commonly
provided with most modern programming languages. However, many programmers choose alternative
editors. If you are a beginner, we recommend you use IDLE until you have more experience. An IDLE
screen will look like this:
The prompt is designated by the three angle brackets >>>. This is where you enter your commands when
in interactive mode. IDLE also allows you to open a window for composing a programs.
This window is designed so you can save your programs, re-edit them later, and execute them directly from
the window. You can also, after saving one of these files, execute it directly without having to open the
Python IDLE dialogue window.
There is an OPTIONS menu in Python for configuring your Python environment. We recommend you do
not use option this until you are more experienced with interactive Python programming.
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Simple Python Statements
The following statements illustrate Pythons interactive capabilities we mentioned earlier. We remind you,
again, to use IDLE for this set of statements even though you could use these at the command-line prompt
on some of your Python-supported computers.
The Python command prompt is three >angle-brackets: >>> At each command prompt, you can enter
any valid Python instructions or statements. The Python environment wil give you and instant reply. The
reply will either be the result of evaluating your input or, if you get it wrong, an error messge. In IDLE,
your error message will be in red. Python comments can be on the same line as your statement and are
denoted with a #. In this book, we will use ## for most comments, and sometimes print the comment in
>>>print (Hello Happy Student) ## print a string; be sure to include parentheses
Hello Happy Student ## result of keyboard entry
>>> 42 ## display a number
42 ## output of previous line
>>> 42 + 5 ## add two numbers
47 ## result of addition
>>> 42 * 2 ## multiply two numbers
84 ## result of multiplication
>>> 42 / 3 ## divide one number by another
14.0 ## floating-point result from/
>>> 42 // 3 ## divide one number by another
14 ## truncated to integer with //
>>> 42 ^ 12 ## xor operation
38 ## result of XOR operation
>>> 42 or 12 ## logical or operation
42 ## result of logical OR operation
>>> 42 and 12 ## logical and operation
12 ## result of logical AND operation
>>> x = [56, 67, 12, 96, 34] ## a list of integers
Order of Evaluation
For the normal Algebra expression, 6/2(2+1) you might get the answer 9 or 1, depending on
how you parse that expression. The famous PEMDAS rule suggests first adding 2 +1, then
dividing 6 by 2 and then multiplying by 3. Or it might be interpreted in some other way by the
human doing the problem. In Python, that expression will be evaluated as follows:
>>>x = 6 / 2 * (2 +1)
>>> x
This might not be what you wanted. In all of computer programming, not just Python, it is
essential that you be clear. Therefore, you might want to code the following, instead:
>>>x = (6 / (2 * (2 +1))
Parentheses Exponentiation Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction
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This kind of defensive programming is always recommended when you have an expression of
mixed operations. In some languages (e.g., Ada) the language rules demand that you always
code mixed expressions with parentheses to avoid order-of-operation surprises.
1. Open the Python IDLE programming environment. Try some of the examples shown above using
your own numbers. Experiment with computations using parentheses to see whether you can
control the order of operations. That is, if you put part of your computation in parentheses, does
that change the order of evaluation of your expression.
2. For the last example, a list of integers try the print statement on the list named, x. Remember
that, as of Python 3.0, the print statement requires parentheses. Prior to Python 3.0, the
parentheses are not required.
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Console Input and Output
Pythons console input (e.g., keyboard) and output (e.g., video display terminal) capabilities will
work equally well with any kind of computer and any operating system that supports Python.
For Python 3.0 and later, there are some changes to how input is acquired from the keyboard. In earlier
version of Python there was a function for raw-input. This is no longer appropriate. Instead, you will
use the built-in function named, input along with a type conversion (type cast for you C/C++
Example 1:
>>> data = input("Enter: ") ## a variable named data.
Enter: hello ## any string of characters
>>> data ## key in the data name
'hello' ## outputs the content of the named data
Example 2:
>>> data = int(input("Enter: ")) ## convert input to an integer
Enter: 45 ## enter a valid integer value
>>> data ## key in the data name
45 ##The data is an actual integer
Example 3:
>>> data = int(input("Enter: ")) ## convert input to an integer
Enter: hello ## entered a non-integer, invalid value
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#34>", line 1, in <module>
integer = int(input("Enter: "))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '"hello"'
In Example 3, we tried to convert a non-numeric string to an integer and received an error message. This
error will occur with any attempt to convert invalid input using a type conversion syntax. While Python is
dynamically-typed, it is not weakly-typed.
Example 4:
>>> fdata = float(input("Enter value: ")) ## input using float conversion
Enter value: 32.5 ## input data with decimal point
>>> fdata ## check to see it it is correct
32.5 ## display the value entered
>>> fdata = float(input("Enter value: ")) ## input function, again
Enter value: 67 ## input without a decimal point
>>> fdata ## check to see if it is correct
67.0 ## a decimal point was added
This is a typical error message
when you make a mistake. We
will look at some of these in
more detail later.
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Example 5:
Sometimes it is better to put the input action in a try-block. We cover exception handling in
more detail later, but this example demonstrates an elementary form of this capability.
>>> def get_integer(): ## own input function
data = input("Enter Integer: ") ## get a string of data
try: ## start of try block
idata = int(data) ## try to convert the input data
except: ## start of exception handler
return ("Input not integer! ") ## input data was wrong
else: ## but if it was OK then,
return idata ## return the converted data
Example 5 in use:
>>> get_integer() ## call the function
Enter Integer: 34 ## function displays the prompt
34 ## user enters an integer value
>>> get_integer() ## call the function
Enter Integer: dhdadfa ## user enters a non-integer value
'Input was not an integer! ' ## function returns an error message
Console Output
The simplest form of output is as text to the video display [screen] on your computer.
Examples 1:
print ("Hello Python Programmer") ## a simple string print statement
print ("We can embed ", 42, " in the output.") ## 42 ; a great hockey star!
Example 2:
>>> print (" line 1 \n", "line 2 \n", "line 3 \n", "all done")
## \n means line feed
line 1
line 2 ## four lines of output from the print statement
line 3
all done
Later in this book we will show you how to get started displaying messages with Python in a
more interesting format using the Microsoft Windows environment.
Backslash n ( \n ) causes a carriage return and line
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Python Lists
A Python list is a collection type (sometimes called a composite type). A collection type is one
that contains more than one value, sometimes all of the same type, sometimes of differing types.
You can perform many powerful operations on Python composite types. A Python list is
mutable, and can contain data of more than one datatype (even other instances of lists and other
collection types). Being mutable means you can change the values in the list, remove items, or
add items. The list is a fundamental data type in computer software; Python hides the
implementation details, but we will consider those later. Consider these examples.
>>> alist = ['howdy', 67, 'qwerty', '*indalated', 666, 'SANDMAN']
>>> alist ## enter list name and press the return/enter key
['howdy', 67, 'qwerty', '*indalated', 666, 'SANDMAN']
>>> numberList = [65, 23, 78, 48323, 32767, 12, 94, 43]
Note the use of square brackets [ ]for declaring a list. Using the wrong kind of bracket for a
collection type is a common Python error. Later you will see structures (collection data types)
that look like lists, but are delimited by {}, ( ), and quotation marks (single or double). Python
has special (and often unique) rules for each collection data type.
More list examples:
>>> anEmptyList = [ ] ## We can populate the empty list later
>>> nameList = [john', 'preethi', 'qiaoyun', 'miyako', 'abdul']
>>> numberList = [325, 872, 921, 173, 368, 735] ## list of numbers
Note that a list can contain a mixture of data types. It is also possible to nest lists within lists. For
>>> listOflist = [List1, List2] ## Two lists (from above example) nested in outer list
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Simple List Operations
Here is a simple list named breakfast followed by some operations on the list. Notice that we
can refer to all the list items, some of them, the last few items, the first few items, or any
combination of the items. List processing is a powerful capability of Python (as well as many
other languages.
>>> breakfast = ["ham", "eggs", "oatmeal", "sausage", "orange juice"]
>>> breakfast ## Display the entire list
['ham', 'eggs', 'oatmeal', 'sausage', 'orange juice']
>>> breakfast[2] # get the third item in the list; first item is breakfast[0]
>>> breakfast[-1] # get the last item in the list
'orange juice'
>>> breakfast[0] # get the first item in the list
>>> breakfast.append("toast") # add another item to the list
>>> breakfast
['ham', 'eggs', 'oatmeal', 'sausage', 'orange juice', 'toast']
>>> breakast[-1] # spelled it wrong; we get the following immediate error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#50>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'breakast' is not defined
>>> breakfast[-1]
>>> breakfast[4] = "grapefruit juice" # change orange juice
>>> breakfast
['ham', 'eggs', 'oatmeal', 'sausage', 'grapefruit juice', 'toast']
Notice that a list has a set of indices (plural word for index). The first index value is zero (0), so
it is a common error to get an off-by-one error when indexing through a list with iteration
The common indexing iteration operations include for statements and while statements. There is
also a less commonly used, but powerful iteration capability called recursion. We have a lesson
in Python recursion later in this book. Meanwhile, please look at the diagrams in in Appendix A.
Note 1: Iteration is a word that means doing something over and over. Iteration of a list means, reference each item of the list
on time until we have come to the end of the list. See Appendix A for diagrammed examples.
Reminder: A list is delimited between square brackets, [ and ].
Note 2: Index values for a list start with 0 and end with some other integer value. The length of the list is the last integer 1.
Python Programming by Example Page 22 of 82 Richard Riehle
Print The List Items
What follows is an example of one kind of Python iteration. This is the so-called forloop.
The forloop is an excellent construct for iterating over a fixed amount of data. You will see
more examples of this construct in other parts of this book. The alternative to the forloop is
the whileloop. We use the whileloop when the amount of data to be processed is not
bounded by a value in the data description. In the following examples, we put the Python special
words in bold-faced type so you can distinguish them from the data itself.
## Declare a list of items
>>> menu = ['hot dog', 'hamburger', 'french fries', 'apple pie']
## create a for loop over the list
>>> for i in menu:
print (i) ## print each itemin the list
You can also print just the indices for this list:
>>> for index in range(len(menu)):
print (index) ## print the index value for each item
Which will print,
>>> fruit = ["apple", "orange", "pear"] ## create a list
>>> emptyList = [] ## create an empty list
>>> emptyList.append(fruit) ## append fruit list to an empty list
>>> emptyList ## display emptyList
[['apple', 'orange', 'pear']] ## a list within a list
>>> emptyList[1] ## this will produce an error message
>>> emptyList[1] [2] ## this will also produce an error message
>>> emptyList[0] [1] ## this will produce the value orange
Recall that index values begin with 0
Python Programming by Example Page 23 of 82 Richard Riehle
Or, from the above list named menu, you could explicitly address each item with a subscripting
>>> for index in range(len(menu)):
print (menu[index]) ## print each itemusing the corresponding index
Notice that the subscript (index) for the list must be in square brackets instead of curved
parentheses or curly braces. The variation in what kind of bracket to use and when to use it is a
source of annoyance to newcomers to Python. Eventually, you will find it less annoying.
More List Operations
## Create a list of soft drink labels
>>> sodaList = ["Pepsi", "Royal Crown", "Dr. Pepper", "7 Up",
"Birch Beer"]
>>> sodaList
['Pepsi', 'Royal Crown', 'Dr. Pepper', '7 Up', 'Birch Beer'] >>>
sodaList[0] = 'pepsi' ## make the correction to the soda name in place
>>> sodaList[0] ## check the correction for correctness
'pepsi' ## OK. The correction was successful
>>> for soda in sodaList: ## create a loop to print the soda names
print (soda)
royal crown
dr pepper
birch beer
Sort the List
## sort the sodaList creating a new list
>>> Ordered_Soda_List = sorted(sodaList)
## print the sorted list using a for loop
>>> for soda in Ordered_Soda_List:
print (soda) ## remember to use parentheses for print
7 Up
Birch Beer
Dr. Pepper
Royal Crown
>>> seven up
## test equivalencies using x == y and x is in y syntax
>>> OSL = Ordered_Soda_List
>>> OSL is Ordered_Soda_List
True ## OSL and Ordered_Soda_List point to the same data
Python Programming by Example Page 24 of 82 Richard Riehle
>>> OSL == Ordered_Soda_List
True ## OSL and Order_Soda_List are identical
>>> OSL == sodaList
False ## OSL is in different order from sodaList
>>> New_OSL = sorted(sodaList)
>>> New_OSL is OSL
False ## New_OSL and OSL point to different locations
>>> New_OSL = OSL
>>> New_OSL = sorted (sodaList)
>>> New_OSL == OSL ## New_OSL and OSL are identical?
>>> New_OSL is OSL ## New_OSL and OSL point to same data?
Deleting an Item from a List
Consider the following list.
>>> theList = [23, 45, 92, 67, 82, 12, 78]
## original list content
>>> del(theList)[4] ## delete the 4
Item (82)
>>> theList ## display the altered list
[23, 45, 92, 67, 12, 78] ## 82 is now removed
Named Lists
You can give the list a name, and use that name for a large number of operations.
>>>CSClass = ["Lane", "Smith", "Johnson", "Sato", "McMann",
"Conn", "Huynh", "Wright", "Witmer"] ## a list of names
>>> for i in CSClass: ## loop through list of names
print (i) ## and print each name
>>>CSClass.append("Carpenter") ## how to append to the list
>>>CSClass [5] ## display an item in the list
Here are some number list examples. Experiment with this list using IDLE.
>>> num01 = [23, 76, 42, 12, 17, 87, 43, 32, 93]
>>> num02 = [62, 53, 41, 38, 25, 18, 16, 11, 5]
>>> num01.append(num02) # a list that contains items of the same type is an array
>>> num01.append(772) # arrays are an important kind of data type in programming
What does num01 look like after these operations? Try this.
>>> num03 = sorted(num02)
What does num03 look like after this operation?
Python Programming by Example Page 25 of 82 Richard Riehle
Store List in an External File
You can also store the values fromthe list in a file using the following function. Note how we
can use the print command for this implementation. Later, we will see other ways to do this.
>>>def creatfile(filename, the_list): ## create a file function
f = open (filename "w") ## open (create) a file named f
for i in the_list: ## traverse the list
f.write(i) ## put each item in the file
The file name can include a directory name for the computer. In most cases, you will want to put
the file in a specific directory. The \n puts an end-of-line for each item.Here is sample code to
create such a file.
>>> the_list = ["abc", "xyz", "qrs", "klm", "hcl"]
>>> the_file = "c:\python32\plist.txt"
>>> crefl(the_file, the_list)
Get List from External File
>>> def getfl(filename):
f = open(filename, "r")
for theString in f:
1. Create a list of animals or some other kind of list. Add new items to the list using the append
command. Remove items from the list using indexing capability. Remember that indices in
Python lists are zero relative. That is, x[0] would be the first item in the list.
2. Write a short loop that will display each item in the list, one item at a time, on the console.
You will need the print() function for this exercise.
3. Create another list and append that list to your first list. Repeat the exercise 1 and 2 for this
new list.
File Notes:
There are many ways to read and write file in
Python. The above example is only one way.
Another is a feature called Pickle. Pickle is one
of the easiest file management routines.
Python Programming by Example Page 26 of 82 Richard Riehle
Nested Lists also called Matrices
A list can contain other lists. This allows for matrix operations and other more complex
structures. Consider the following list that contains three other lists.
>>> nested = [ ['q', 'w', 'e'], ['a', 'b', 'c'] , ['x', 'y', 'z' ]]
This two-dimensional matrix represents a row and a column. For Python and most languages
(not all languages), the matrix is row-major. This means subscript references such as
nested[2] [0]
will address the letter x in the third row and first column. Try to find the letter b with a
subscripted query.
Note: Matrices are an essential structure for a large number of mathematical
problems. Python makes this easy for you with libraries of modules to
support matrix mathematics. There is even a compatible library for
MatLib users.
>>> for data in nested:
print (data)
['q', 'w', 'e']
['a', 'b', 'c']
['x', 'y', 'z']
Lists are zero-relative. The following example illustrates this point.
>>> nested [1] ## get the second list from parent list
['a', 'b', 'c'] ## the result of nested[1]
>>> nested [2] ## get the last nested list
['x', 'y', 'z'] ## result of nested[2]
>>> nested [2][2] ## get one item from nested[2]
'z' ## returns a single character nested list
>>> nested [0][0] ## get the first item in the first list
Here is another, more complicated, nested list. Try to get a specific item from the list using the
subscripting example from above.
>>> threeMeals = [['ham', 'eggs', 'oatmeal', 'sausage',
'grapefruit juice', 'toast'], ['hamburger', 'french fries',
'apple pie', 'cold soda', 'churro', 'tofu taco'], ['roast beef',
'baked potato', 'string beans', 'gravy', 'red wine', 'pecan pie
with ice cream']]
>>> threeMeals
[['ham', 'eggs', 'oatmeal', 'sausage', 'grapefruit juice',
'toast'], ['hamburger', 'french fries', 'apple pie', 'cold soda',
q w e
a b c
x y z
From this example, a simple square matrix, we see that
each level contains one alphabetic character. It prints a
two dimensional array. Note that the array is row major
Python Programming by Example Page 27 of 82 Richard Riehle
'churro', 'tofu taco'], ['roast beef', 'baked potato', 'string
beans', 'gravy', 'red wine', 'pecan pie with ice cream']]
Lists can be nested as deep as you need to represent solutions to a large number of complex
problems. You can also include instances of other composite data types in a list, and mix
instances of different data types in those lists.
The next list is a bit difficult. It is a cube. This example could be used to represent any kind of
three-dimensional matrix. You should experiment with it so you can understand it.
nested3D = [[[3,4,5], [5,2,7], [1, 7,9]], [[5,7,1], [9, 1,9],
[7,8,7]],[[6,5,2], [4,1,4], [6,1,6]]]
A for loop will let us see this as a table.
>>> for i in nested3D:
print (i)
[[3, 4, 5], [5, 2, 7], [1, 7, 9]]
[[5, 7, 1], [9, 1, 9], [7, 8, 7]]
[[6, 5, 2], [4, 1, 4], [6, 1, 6]]
The diagram shown above represents the values the three-dimensional matrix coded above. The
major subscript is shown in the box to the left. On the right are some examples that produce the
result shown in the assignment statement.
3 4 5
5 2 7
1 7 9
5 7 1
9 1 9
7 8 7
6 5 2
4 1 4
6 1 6
This example produces a 3D matrix with a
row, a column, and a third element at each
row and column. We need three subscripts
to access an integer value in the table.
The for loop shows us the table elements
as a matrix.
[0] [0]= 3, 4, 5
[1] [0] = 5, 7, 1
[1] [2] = 7, 8, 7
[2] [1] = 4, 1, 4
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Now experiment to see what happens if you subscript this nested list.
>>> print (nested3D [0] [0] [0]) ## This should print 3
3 ## It does print 3
>>> print (nested3D [2] [2] [1]) ## This should print 1
1 ## Voila! It is a 1
>>> x = (nested3D[0] [0] [0]) + (nested3D [1] [2] [0])
>>> x ## Adding 3 + 7 = 10
10 ## Yes, we do get a 10
There is no limit to how many dimensions of a list you may have. However, for most people,
there is a mental limit. In mathematics, we generally limit ourselves to two dimensions, and
sometimes three dimensions. For most of us, the fourth dimension is a kind of twilight zone.
1. create a pair of two-dimension matrices of the same size and add them together creating
a third matrix.
2. In a two-dimensional matrix, locate a specific value using the subscripting feature
3. Write a nested loop that will traverse a two-dimensional matrix
4. Define a parameterized function (def) that contains a two-dimension matrix traversal.
5. Try to create a four-dimensional matrix or one of more dimensions.
6. Create two all numeric matrices and do linear algebra operations such as add and
multiply on them.
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Some Simple Python Function Design Examples
(These examples can help you understand how to design your own functions)
Functions are a fundamental feature of Python (and most other languages). You can enclose algorithms within
functions and reuse them over and over without changing them. It is important that you include a parameter list for
most functions. The function parameter list (some languages call this an argument) is enclosed in parentheses. Also,
the function definition requires a colon ( : ) before writing the algorithm.
def area(height, width):
return height * width
def cubeSurface(sideLength):
return sideLength * sideLength * 6
def trapezoidArea(longBase, shortBase, height):
return .5 * (longBase + shortBase) * height
To call the trapezoidArea function try the following:
>>>x = trapezoidArea(longBase = 4, shortBase = 3, height = 5)
def getAndPrint():
data = input ("Enter a value: ")
print ("The Input is: " + str(data))
def getComputePrint(Value):
InputValue = input ("Enter a number: ")
print (Value + int(InputValue)) ## Need to convert input to int for arithmetic operation
def buildIntList(): ## A simple way to build a list of integers from the keyboard
theList = []
while True:
data = input("Enter an Integer: ")
if data.isnumeric():
print("End of input to build list ")
return theList
def build2DArray(): ## Creates a two dimensional array of integers from the keyboard
rowList = []
colList = []
while True:
col1 = input("Column 1 ")
col2 = input("Column 2 ")
if col1.isnumeric() and col2.isnumeric:
colList = [] ## Be sure to clear the colList
print("End of input to build list ")
return rowList
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Here is another example of a matrix using a nested List. In this example, we see how we can do
simple matrix arithmetic, as suggested in the exercise from the last section.
Notice the title box, below. This is a good way to do document all your programs.
## ============================================================
## Title: Date: 3 Nov 2008
## Author: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitdz
## Description: A set of matrix operations
## ============================================================
def ZeroIt(m1):
result = m1
for i in range(len(m1)):
for j in range(len(m1[i])):
result [i] [j] = 0
return result
def SumIt(m1, m2):
assert len(m1) == len(m2), "make sure the matrices are the same size"
result = m1
for i in range(len(m1)):
for j in range(len(m1[i])):
result [i] [j] = m1[i][j] + m2[i][j]
return result
def scalarMultiply(theScalar, theMatrix):
result = theMatrix
for i in range(len(theMatrix)):
for j in range (len(theMatrix[i])):
result[i][j] = theScalar * theMatrix[i][j]
return result
The student is encouraged to expand this example with additional matrix operations. For
example, simultaneous sets of linear equations in multiple unknowns are sometimes easier to
solve using matrix inversion. You could add a matrix inversion function to the above set of
functions. This might require those of you who have forgotten how matrix math works to consult
a textbook.
The assert statement is a useful way to check the
preconditions for your defined function.
In mathematics, it is common to use
i, j, and k as index names when
dealing with matrices.
Python Programming by Example Page 31 of 82 Richard Riehle
Dictionary Type
In a dictionary, we can group information by name. A dictionary is defined with curly-braces
instead of square brackets. This is one of the most powerful features of Python. With it, you
can create lists that include a key, and later, access the content referred to by that key.
The format of a dictionary item is:
for as many items as you wish to include in the dictionary structure. The key can refer to a list,
another dictionary item, a set, or a string. We can also store the dictionary in a file. In this
section you will see many kinds of dictionary items, and we will create some functions that you
can use to create your own dictionary structures.
>>> simpleDict = {1 : "Open", 2 : "Close", 3 : "Ajar"}
>>> simpleDict[2]
The above simpleDict has three elements keyed with numbers. There are three dictionary items
named: Open, Close, Ajar. The keys for these items are respectively, 1, 2, and 3. The
key named 1 will access the item we call Open.
For a dictionary, the number is not the relative location of the information. Rather, it is a lookup
key. Consider the following revision where the numbers are in another order.
>>> simpleDict = {2 : "Open", 1 : "Close", 3 : "Ajar"}
In this version, the 2 is the first key. It refers to Open. Now, the same statement as before,
>>> simpleDict [2]
will produce a totally different answer because we altered the definition of the key. The lesson is
that the key is not a physical index location; it is a logical key that, regardless of its value, can be
located anywhere in the dictionary structure.
Item key
Actual Item
(key identifier : item, item, item , key identifier : item, item, item, )
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A dictionary can do the following, using the nested list from the example shown earlier, putting
each nested group in a dictionary (note the two-line definition):
>>> nested = {'qwerty' : ['q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y'], 'constants':
['a', 'b', 'c'], 'variables': ['x', 'y', 'z']}
>>> nested['constants'][1]
In the above example, the keys are named: qwerty, constants, and variables. We can
directly access each of the sub-categories of information using a name instead of simply a
number. In many kinds of applications, especially when there is a lot of information, the
dictionary is a good choice for how to represent your data in Python.
A better way to define threeMeals (earlier example) is to use a Python Dictionary type so we can
explicitly identify each kind of meal by its classification. For example,
>>> threeMeals = {"breakfast" : ['ham', 'eggs', 'oatmeal', 'sausage',
'grapefruit juice', 'toast'], "lunch" : ['hamburger', 'french fries',
'apple pie', 'cold soda', 'churro', 'tofu taco'], "dinner" :['roast
beef', 'baked potato', 'string beans', 'gravy', 'red wine', 'pecan pie
with ice cream']}
>>> threeMeals["dinner"]
With the result of the query printing on the screen,
['roast beef', 'baked potato', 'string beans', 'gravy', 'red wine',
'pecan pie with ice cream']
In the above example, notice that the threeMeals are identified as breakfast, lunch, and dinner (in
quotes) where each kind of meal is followed by a colon. Immediately after the colon, we see a
list (in squared brackets) listing the items for that kind of meal.
We can change the kind of potato we have for dinner with a simple statement,
>>> threeMeals["dinner"][1] = "mashed potato" ## change dinner [1]
>>> threeMeals ## display entire dictionary
{'lunch': ['hamburger', 'french fries', 'apple pie', 'cold soda',
'churro', 'tofu taco'], 'breakfast': ['ham', 'eggs', 'oatmeal',
'sausage', 'grapefruit juice', 'toast'], 'dinner': ['roast beef',
'mashed potato', 'string beans', 'gravy', 'red wine', 'pecan pie with
ice cream']}
Or we can see threeMeals whats for dinner by simply entering,
>>> threeMeals["dinner"] ## List elements for dinner
['roast beef', 'mashed potato', 'string beans', 'gravy', 'red wine',
'pecan pie with ice cream']
Note that the basic structure for a Dictionary item is:
DictionaryItemName = {key
: data, key
: data, key
: data, , key
: data}
We use bold letters to identify the keys. This is not true of Python in use.
Python Programming by Example Page 33 of 82 Richard Riehle
where key
is the last item in the dictionary. There are more ways to declare and process
Dictionary data, but you are directed to find those in one of the many on-line tutorials available
for Python.
Here are some additional examples for you to enter and use for your own experimentation.
>>> d2 = {'stockno' : "", 'quantity' : "", 'description' : ""}
>>> d2 ## List elements of d2
{'stockno': '', 'description': '', 'quantity': ''}
>>> d2['stockno'] = 3472 ## change value of stockno
>>> d2 ## list elements of updated d2
{'stockno': 3472, 'description': '', 'quantity': ''}
>>> d2['description'] = 'the description' ## update d2
>>> d2['quantity'] = 42 ## update d2
>>> d2 ## list updated d2
{'stockno': 3472, 'description': 'the description', 'quantity': 42}
>>> for value in d2.values(): ## loop through the values of d2
print (value)
the description
The following function allows you to add items to a list.
>>> def dictMaker(theKey, theList, theDict = {}):
theDict[theKey] = theList
return theDict
Below are two lists we will add into a dictionary we will call d1
>>> d1 = {}
>>> aList = ['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> bList = ['n', 'g', 'r']
>>> dictMaker (theKey = 1, theList = aList, theDict = d1)
{1: ['a', 'b', 'c']}
>>> dictMaker (theKey = 2, theList = bList, theDict = d1)
{1: ['a', 'b', 'c'], 2: ['n', 'g', 'r']}
>>> d1[1]
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> d1[2]
['n', 'g', 'r']
In the above example, we created a function that takes three arguments, the key of an item in the
dictionary, the name of the data (specified as a list, but it could be anything), and the name of the
We created two lists. Then we called the dictMaker function twice using named association
(specifying the parameter name = argument name) to create two entries in the dictionary. Finally,
we listed each item individually.
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Dictionary Version of Case Statement
A common complaint about Python is that there is no case statement. This is easily
accommodated using a dictionary.
def f1():
print ("called f1")
def f2():
print ("called f2")
def f3():
print ("called f3")
ftable = {1: f1, 2 : f2, 3 : f3} ## ftable contains keys and functions
def fselect(number):
This example also illustrates another important feature of Python: functions can be first-class
objects. By that we mean that a function can be used as if it were data. This is an example of a
feature from functional programming called, referential transparency. It means that the name of
a data item or a function is seen by Python in the same way. The programmer can pass functions
around, use functions as parameters to other functions, and treat functions as if they are data.
The reason this is possible in Python is that the name given to both a function and a data item is
simply a reference to some other location in memory. In language such as C or C++, the
programmer must create a pointer to accomplish this. In Java, it requires creating an entire class
with a method. Python simplifies this for the programmer by treating every name of every
element of a program in the same way.
1. Create some functions using the def command. These examples would be do more in real design.
2. Then, create a dictionary table of the functions with a dictionary key. In this case, we simply used a number.
3. Then, create a function that will call the program from the table based on value in the parameter of that
4. Test the design by calling the fselect() function for each function in the dictionary.
f3 is a function
Python Programming by Example Page 35 of 82 Richard Riehle
Python Strings
The list and dictionary data-types we have studied so far are mutable. That is, they can be added-
to, have data items inserted, or removed. This is not true of Python strings. Strings are
immutable. They cannot be changed once they are created. Where a list uses square brackets as
the delimiter for its data, a string uses parentheses. The fact that Python uses different delimiters
for different data types is sometimes confusing to the Python novice.
A simple string example
## First create a string using parentheses instead of square brackets.
## Note that, unlike lists, strings are not mutable (changeable).
>>> s1 = ("Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of
their friends")
>>> len(s1) ## What is the length of the string?
>>> x = sorted(s1) ## Sort the characters in the string producing new string
>>> x ## Print the new sorted string; s1 has not changed
[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
' ', ' ', 'N', 'a', 'a', 'c', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e',
'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'f', 'f', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'h', 'h', 'i', 'i',
'i', 'i', 'i', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'm', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o',
'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'p', 'p', 'r', 'r', 'r', 's', 's', 't',
't', 't', 't', 't', 't', 'w']
>>> s1[0] ## What is the first character in the string?
>>> if 'all' in s1: ## Is the word all present in the string?
print ('OK')
## Create a function that will look for a word in the string
>>> def checkIt(aWord, theString):
if aWord in theString:
print ('The word is present')
print ('The word is not present in this string ')
>>> checkIt('all', s1) ## Is the word all present in the string?
The word is present
>>> checkIt('ukemi', s1) ## Is the word ukemi present in the string?
Python Programming by Example Page 36 of 82 Richard Riehle
The word is not present in this string
String Methods
str.isalnum() True if string contains only alphabetic characters or digits
str.isalpha() True if string contains only alphabetic characters
str.isdigit() True if string contains only numeric digits
str.isspace() True if all alphabetic characters are lower-case
str.isupper() True if all alphabetic characters are upper-case
str.lower(0 Return lower-case version of string
str.lstrip() Return string with leading whitespace removed
str.rstrip() Return string with trailing whitespace removed
str.strip() Return string with leading and trailing whitespace removed
str.upper() Returns string converted to upper-case
str.split([sep[, maxsplit]]) Break string into words and return result
str.swapcase() Swap upper and lower case and return resulting string
An important concept in string handling (as well as other most other collection types) is the
ability to reference a selected part of the collection. We illustrate this several times in this book
because it is so important. Here is an example for printing part of a string.
>>> str1 = ("How now brown cow")
>>> str2 = ("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog")
>>> print(str1[3:6] + str1[13:17]) ## select two parts of the string to print
no cow ## result of previous statement
The reader is encouraged to experiment with this feature. The more you experiment, the better.
You can also subscript from the end of the string using a negative sign. Here is an example that
gives the exact same result as the previous example.
>>> print (str1[3:6] + str1[-4:]) ## catenate 3:6 with the last four characters
no cow ## same result as before
It is sometimes useful reverse a string entirely with the following syntax:
>>> print (str1[::-1]) ## request string in reverse order
woc nworb won who ## print the string in reverse order
Python Programming by Example Page 37 of 82 Richard Riehle
Iteration Operations
Python provides three methods for iteration: for loops, while loops, and recursion. We provide
some examples of each in this section. Some of the examples use the Python function definition
feature which we discuss in more depth a little later.
The loop shown above illustrates the fundamental idea (see other examples toward the end of this
book). The program tests a condition for true or false. In the illustration shown, if the result is
true, we do a process; if false we drop through to the end of the iteration. The small circle
indicates the end of scope for the loop.
For Loops
The for loop is often used when we have a well-defined and bounded structure such as a list or
dictionary over which to iterate.
>>> import math
>>> for i in range(1,10): ## index from 1 to 10
print (i, 2*i, i**2, math.factorial(i)) ## use i
1 2 1 1 ## list of output from print iteration
2 4 4 2
3 6 9 6
4 8 16 24
5 10 25 120
6 12 36 720
7 14 49 5040
8 16 64 40320
9 18 81 362880
Process Condition
This is one of the annoying features of Python. The second
value in the range is not inclusive but terminal. Therefore, this
loop stops at 9 instead of 10 as we might have expected
The word iterate means to repeat over
and over. In programming, it means
to repeat over and over in some kind
of data structure until we have visited
every item of data item in that
structure. Sometimes we skip every
other item, or select which items we
want to include in the iteration.
Python Programming by Example Page 38 of 82 Richard Riehle
Using the Python Range feature in a for loop
>>> def SumToMax(max): ## call with max value
result = 0 ## declare a result
for i in range(1, max + 1): ## add 1 to max for correct result
result = result + i ## add i to the result
return result ## return the result
>>> SumToMax(5) ## call the SumToMax function
Alternate version of Summation Example
>>> def SumToMaxDirect(max): ## Thanks to Karl Friedrich Gauss
return (max * (max + 1)) / 2
Here is a version of the above program that will produce the sum of any starting value to some
maximum value.
>>> def sumFromAnyStart(start, max):
temp1 = 0
temp2 = 0
temp1 = (start * (start - 1)) / 2
temp2 = (max * (max + 1)) / 2
return temp2 - temp1
>>> sumFromAnyStart(start = 5, max = 100)
Although this section is about iteration, we show the two alternatives to demonstrate that many
functions that might be programmed as iterations, can sometimes be simplified as a direct
This example shows a simple summation function.
Now we call the function
This version is more efficient
This version will take any starting value to any
maximum value
Python Programming by Example Page 39 of 82 Richard Riehle
For Loop Examples in Python Functions
## ============================================================
## Author: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
## Sample for loops
## ============================================================
from random import * ## import random number generator
def f1(n): ## call with a single parameter
print (n) ## e.g., f1(56749)
def f2():
data = input ("enter some data: ")
def f3(n): ## Scalar (single value) parameter
return n + 1 ## This example returns a value
def f4(fn, aList): ## This function takes another function
for data in aList: ## as its first argument. It applies that
fn(data) ## function to members of a list
def f5(aList): ## function takes a single list
for data in aList: ## each item is assigned to data
print (data) ## print each item in the list
def f6(aList):
for data in range(len(aList)):
print (str(data) + " " + str(aList[data])) ## converts data to a string
def forExample_1():
for i in range(1, 10): ## This will not include 10
print (i) ## Prints up to, but not including 10
def forExample_2(args): ## requires a list
for data in args:
print (data)
def forExample_3(*args): ## requires a list of numbers
result = 1 ## e.g., forExample_3(12, 56, 32, ...)
for data in args:
result *= data
return result
An author, date, and revision banner is
always useful in a production program
Python Programming by Example Page 40 of 82 Richard Riehle
While Loops
The while loop has two general forms. The first and most common while loop has a condition
test prior to executing the instructions in the algorithm. This is called a while do variation (or
sometimes called a test-before loop). The second version tests the condition after completing
some action and continues to repeat this test until the algorithm results in some terminating
condition. This is called a do while loop or sometimes called a test-after loop.
The while loop is used when the condition is based on some future condition rather than, as for
the for loop, a condition based on the consumption of all the data in a bounded structure.
def whileExample_1():
data = 0
while data >= 0:
value = input("Enter a number: ")
print (value)
data = int(value) ## convert the input to an integer
print (" Program terminated. data value = " + str(data))
def whileExample_2():
while True:
value = input("Enter a number: ")
if int(value) < 0:
print (value + " and not OK. Program stops ")
print (value + " OK value. Continue. ")
print(" Program is stopping because of negative value in input ")
def while_withTryBlock():
print ("Enter an integer for the list ")
print ("Enter single * to terminate program and return the list")
inputData = ''
theList = []
while True:
inputData = (input("Enter a number: "))
if inputData == "*":
print ("Program is finished ")
return theList
print ("The input must be an integer ")
return theList
Python Programming by Example Page 41 of 82 Richard Riehle
Working With Sets
## A set is defined with curly-braces; a set is not a list; it is its own unique data type
>>> set_1 = {'sdf', 'qaz', 'wsx', 'edc', 'rfv', 'tgb', 'yhn', 'ujm',
'ik', 'ol', 'p'} ## create a set
>>> set_1 ## show the items in the set
{'edc', 'ol', 'yhn', 'rfv', 'ujm', 'sdf', 'qaz', 'tgb', 'p', 'ik',
'wsx'} ## set is not ordered
>>> for i in l1:
print (i) ## for loop to print set item one at a time
>>> set_2 = sorted(set_1)
>>> "p" in set_1 ## Is p in the set
>>>set_1.add(32) ## Add 32 to the set
>>> set_1.remove('rfv')
>>> set_3 = set_1.copy()
>>> set_3
{'edc', 'ol', 'yhn', '23', 'ik', 'p', 'qaz', 'tgb', 'ujm', 'sdf',
>>> set_1 = {}
>>> set_3
{'edc', 'ol', 'yhn', '23', 'ik', 'p', 'qaz', 'tgb', 'ujm', 'sdf',
>>> set_1 = set_3
>>> set_1
{'edc', 'ol', 'yhn', '23', 'ik', 'p', 'qaz', 'tgb', 'ujm', 'sdf',
There are many more set operations. It is important to remember that sets are not indexed
in the same way as other kinds of structures. Also, they are not ordered. They do not have
more than one instance of any element.
Python Programming by Example Page 42 of 82 Richard Riehle
More on Python Functions
A mathematical function is defined as y = f(x) where y is the value returned after the function
performs a computation on the parameter named x. A function may have more than one
parameter as in y = f(a, b, c) where it performs an operation involving those three parameters and
returns a result in y. Python allows for the same kind of operations by allowing the programmer
to invent and compose functions that behave much like mathematical functions.
Simple Python Function
def f1(x):
return x + 1
This function will increment the value given to the parameter aValue and return the result to the
caller. Here is an example:
>>> y = f1(24) ## y = f1(x)
>>> y ## display the value of y
25 ## result of calling the function
Where f1 (the name of the function) is called with an actual parameter of (24). The actual
parameter is associated (replaces) the formal parameter (aValue) and is used in the computation.
When the computation is completed, a special statement (return) replaces x (on the left side of the
assignment statement) with the result of that computation.
Function Sample Two
>>> def f2(a, b, c):
return (a + b) / c
This function will increment the value given to the parameter aValue and return the result to the
caller. Here is an example:
>>> y = f2(12, 3, 6) ## y = f1(a, b, c)
>>> y
Where f2 (the name of the function) is called with three actual parameters. We could also have
called the function (any function, really) using named association. So, we could have also called
f2 with the following and achieved the same result:
y = f2(a = 12, b = 3, c = 6) ## using named association
Python Programming by Example Page 43 of 82 Richard Riehle
The technique just shown (named parameter association) allows the programmer to be specific in
how the actual parameters are associated with the formal parameters. It is often useful in
production programming where there are a lot of formal parameters, or where the function is in a
library not easily visible to the user of the function. Name association is not common in other
languages, but another language that does support it is Ada. It is a feature that, for large-scale
programs, allows for an additional level of self-documenting code.
Function with a While Loop
This is an example of a Python function. This function does not have a return value. Instead, it
does a computation and prints the result on the default terminal (usually a video display terminal).
The name of the function is interest. In parentheses there are three parameters (sometimes
called arguments). We often call these the formal parameters. Notice the indentation. If you
are using IDLE the indentation will occur automatically. You can reconfigure IDLE to change
the level of indentation, but once you change it, use those changes and let IDLE decide how to do
that indentation.
def interest(principal, rate, numyears):
year = 1
while year <= numyears:
principal = principal * (1 + rate)
print "%3d %0.2f" % (year, principal)
year += 1
To call this function from the Python Shell or from IDLE you can write:
>>> x = interest(2000.0, 5.0, 24):
>>> x = interest(principal = 2000.0, rate = 5.0, numyears = 24)
In the invocation of the interest function, we provide actual parameters that will associate with
the formal parameters. The first example shows for actual parameters alone. The second
example shows how we can, in Python, directly associate the formal parameters with an actual
parameter using named association. This allows us to call the function with the parameters in
any order we wish. For example, the following is legal Python:
>>> x = interest(numyears = 24, rate = 5.0, principal = 2000.0)
allowing the call to specify the actual parameters in any order by using the explicit named
association feature.
Python Programming by Example Page 44 of 82 Richard Riehle
File Variation of Interest Function
The following variation allows the interest function to open a file, and print the result of the
computation to that file. The open feature, which is part of standard Python, allows our program
to read, write, or append to a file. In the example shown, the file is opened using a w
indicating that the file is opened for writing.
def interest(principal, rate, numyears):
f = open ("interestfile.txt", "w")
year = 1;
while year <= numyears:
principal = principal * (1 + rate);
print >>f, "%3d %0.2f" % (year, principal)
year += 1
Nested Function
Sometimes it is useful to be able to nest one function within another. The outer function will call
the inner function. The outer function will return the result. Keep this in mind when we discuss
Python decorator functions.
def outer(a, b):
temp = 0
print ("intializing outer ")
def inner(x, y): ## a nested function
print ("Executing inner ")
return x + y
print ("executing call to inner from outer ")
temp = inner(x = a, y = b) ## call inner from outer
print ("now we return the result of inner ")
return temp
Suppose we need a function that will take a variable number of arguments. We can accomplish
this with a function where the formal parameter is simply *args. Below is an example.
>>> def variableArgCount(*args): ## unknown number of args
result = 0 ## temporary local storage
for arg in args: ## get each arg one at a time
result = result + arg ## produce sum of args
return result
>>> variableArgCount(2, 2, 2) ## call function with three args
6 ## 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
Python Programming by Example Page 45 of 82 Richard Riehle
From the software engineering perspective, nested functions are usually discouraged. An
important idea to keep in mind is that a function should do only one thing, not multiple things.
In computer science, that rule/guideline, is called: cohesion. The other rule/guideline is to design
a function so it is not dependent of other functions. This allows functions to be reused in many
ways throughout a design. For example, the math.sin function is loosely-coupled and can be used
anywhere one might need such a function. Computer scientists call this: low-coupling.
1. Write a function that takes two parameters and returns the sum of those two parameters.
2. Write a function that takes a list (see the list examples) and prints all the items in the list.
3. Write a function that calls another function, where that function being called returns a
value to the calling function, which in turn returns a value to the original caller. Example,
you might a function that returns the sum of a list of values and a function that produces
the mean of that list. Have the mean function call the summation function to get the sum
of the values, and then divide that sum by the number of items in the list.
4. Write a function that computes the area of a polygon such as a triangle. Try some other
polygons; try a circle; try an ellipse; try the area of a cone; other shapes.
Python Programming by Example Page 46 of 82 Richard Riehle
Numbers in other Number bases
Computers are handy for representing numbers in more ways than the simple decimal numbers.
Sometimes it is useful to represent a number in its pure binary form, hexadecimal, or even octal
notation. Python provides a rich set of operations for doing this kind of thing Here are some
examples of numbers in other bases that could be useful to you in the future.
>>> n1 = 42 ## declare a value for n1
>>> n2 = bin(n1) ## convert n1 to binary and bind to n2
>>> n2 ## check the string value of n2
>>> n3 = hex(n1) ## convert n1 to hex and bind to n3
>>> n3 ## check the value of n3
>>> n4 = int(n2,2) ## convert n2 to an integer; bind to n4
>>> n4 ## check the value of n4
>>> n4 = int(n2,2) + 8 ## add 8 to integer value of n2
>>> n4 ## check n4; is it correct?
>>> 234 / 5 ## divide 234 by 5
46.8 ## result is a floating-point number
>>> 234// 5 ## divide 234 by 5 using //
46 ## result is truncated integer value
>>> 234 % 5 ## do modulus division
4 ## remainder result is 4
>>> divmod(234, 5) ## use the divmod function
(46, 4) ## get dividend with remainder
>>> dec25 = 25 ## December 25 (Christmas)
>>> oct31 = 0o31 ## October 31 (Halloween)
>>> dec25 == oct31 ## Compare December 25 to October 31?
True ## Apparently Christmas == Halloween!
Python Programming by Example Page 47 of 82 Richard Riehle
Functions as First-class Objects.
In the next section, we look at the notion of a Python function. This is one of the most important
features of Python. It is a little different from other programming languages, so you may find
yourself confused, at first, if you are accustomed to languages such as Java, C, C++ or even Ada.
One of the most important ideas about Python functions is that they are first-class objects. Before
proceeding with the discussion of functions, we need to explain what we mean by a first-class
In Python, every item you define to the left of an assignment statement is a first-class object, and
every item you define with a def operator is also a first-class object. Every first-class object can
be treated as if it is data. Therefore, a first-class object, including a function name, can be used as
a parameter to another function.
The reason for this is because of how Python creates data at the time an item is defined. If one
defines a function as:
def f1(x):
return x
Python creates a reference named f1 that points to the actual implementation of the function.
Everytime you reference f1 you are simply referencing a pointer to the actual function.
Therefore, f1 is not the function, it is only a pointer to the real function. If you should decide to
assign a value to f1, instead of calling it as a function, you will break the pointer to the function
and reference data instead. For example,
>>> f1= 42
>>> f1
The original function, f1, is now gone. Python has automatic garbage collection so the original
storage for f1 as a function has not been lost.
There is a category of programming languages explicitly called functional programming
languages. This include LISP, Scheme, ML, OCAML, Haskell, and others. In those languages,
a function is always a first-class object. This capability, along with lambda expressions
(discussed later) gives the Python programmer the ability to emulate functional programming. As
a point of interest, the C# programming languages does support this capability with delegates.
Implemention of f1 f1
A data storage area containing 42 f1
Python Programming by Example Page 48 of 82 Richard Riehle
Passing a function as a parameter
One of the unique and powerful features of Python is its ability to pass a function as a parameter
to another function. This provides a capability to incorporate functional programming into
otherwise procedural programs. In languages such as C, C++, and Ada, the programmer is
required to use a pointer or reference to do this. In Java, the programmer needs to design an
entire, single-method, class to accomplish this. With this feature, the designer can create
generalized (generic?) functions that can behave differently depending on what function is passed
as a parameter. This capability, in Python, makes the language hospitable to a variety of
mathematical algorithms that would be otherwise more cumbersome.
## Define a function that sums a list with a function as parameter
>>> def SquareSum(aFunction, aList): ## aFunction is an actual function
result = 0
for i in aList:
result = result + aFunction(i)
return result
## Define a function that squares a value
>>> def SquareItem(anItem):
return anItem * anItem
## Create a list of numbers
>>> theList = [2, 3, 4, 5]
## Call the function with a list and the function, SquareItem
>>> SquareSum(aFunction = SquareItem, aList = theList)
54 ## Result of calling the SquareSum function shown above
Make the function example more explicit
## put the word being tested in the output string
def checkIt(aWord, theString):
if aWord in theString: ## membership testing is powerful in Python
print ('The word is present')
print ('The word ', aWord,' is not present in this string ')
## Now test the string for presence of the word.
>>> checkIt(aWord = 'time', theString = s1) ## check the string
The word is present
>>> checkIt(aWord = 'howdy', theString = s1) ## check the string
The word, howdy,is not present in this string
The mathematically-inclined
reader will quickly see the
potential for using this kind of
function in solving calculus
problems such as numerical
Python Programming by Example Page 49 of 82 Richard Riehle
Numerical Integration
## Demonstrates function as a first-class object
## to enable the Calculus of numerical integration.
## This is a rectangle version of computation where the function
## simply multiplies the height by the width.
def integrand(width, height):
return width * height
## This version has a fixed increment width so the list of values
## specifies only the height of the rectangle
def integrate_1(theFunction, dataWidth, heightList):
result = 0
for height in heightList:
result = result + theFunction(width=dataWidth, height=height)
return result
## This version requires a two-dimensional array where the
## the width of the increment may vary
def integrate_2(theFunction, heightAndWidthList):
result = 0
for data in heightAndWidthList:
result = result + theFunction(data[0], data[1])
return result
## Sample Test for Integrate_1 ## Should produce 222
>>> heightData = [12, 15, 18, 14, 9, 6]
>>> widthData = 3
>>> x = integrate(theFunction = integrand,
dataWidth = widthData,
heightList)= heightData)
## Sample Test for Integrate_2 ## Should produce 222
>>> heightAndWidth = [[12, 3], [15, 3], [18,3], [14,3], [9, 3], [6,3]]
x = integrate_2(theFunction = integrand, heightAndWidthList =
Another example with Two-Dimension Array (List of Numbers)
def sumRectangles(compute, theArray): ## compute is a function
theAnswer = 0
for item in theArray:
theAnswer = theAnswer + compute((item[0]), (item[1]))
return theAnswer
The above function takes a two dimensional list, applies the compute function to each item in the
array, and add it to the theAnswer. At the conclusion, it returns the result of the algorithm.
Python Programming by Example Page 50 of 82 Richard Riehle
Assertions for pre-, and post-conditions
It is often useful to put constraints on the values being computed in a function. Python has
several ways of doing this. Assertions are the easiest approach.
>>> def compute_1(a, b):
assert a <= 9
assert b <= 9
return a * b
>>> compute_1(6, 2)
>>> compute_1(12, 4)
Traceback (most recent call last): ## failed the pre-condition
File "<pyshell#300>", line 1, in <module>
compute_1(12, 4)
File "<pyshell#297>", line 2, in compute_1
assert a <= 9
>>> def compute_2(a, b):
assert a <= 9, "precondition error"
assert b <= 9, "precondition error on b"
return a * b
>>> compute_2(8, 12)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#308>", line 1, in <module>
compute_2(8, 12)
File "<pyshell#307>", line 3, in compute_2
assert b <= 9, "precondition error on b"
AssertionError: precondition error on b
>>> compute_3(12, 3)
>>> compute_3(19, 12)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#317>", line 1, in <module>
compute_3(19, 12)
File "<pyshell#314>", line 3, in compute_3
assert result <= 100
>>> def compute_3(a, b):
result = a * b
assert result <= 100, "postcondition error on result"
return result
>>> compute_3(19, 12)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#323>", line 1, in <module>
compute_3(19, 12)
File "<pyshell#322>", line 3, in compute_3
assert result <= 100, "postcondition error on result"
AssertionError: postcondition error on result
The concept of pre-, and post-conditions originates with the
work of Floyd and Hoare. The model is sometimes shown as:
Pre-condition {Process} Post-condition
and called a Hoare triplet; alternative, from Bertrand Meyer,
Require {Algorithm} Ensure
Python Programming by Example Page 51 of 82 Richard Riehle
lambda functions
## You can build entire functional programs with lambda functions and never write a loop.
## These are fundamentally stateless. This is a powerful feature of Python, and is possible
## because every variable is a first-class object (see earlier discussion on this topic)
>>> s = lambda x: "" if x == 1 else "s" ## test for 1
>>> s(3)
>>> s(1)
>>> f1 = lambda x: (x * (x +1)) / 2 ## compute sum of 1 thru x
>>> f1(5)
>>> f2 = lambda x, f: f(x) ## apply function to x
>>> def squareIt(v): ## sample function
return v * v
>>> f2(5, squareIt) ## apply the squareIt function
>>> result = f2(25, squareIt) ## apply the squareIt function
>>> result
>>> result = f2(625, math.sqrt) ## apply the math.sqrt function
>>> result
>>> h = lambda a, b: math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2) ## Pythagoras formula
>>> h (3, 4)
>>> f8 = lambda x: x**2
>>> h2 = lambda a, b: math.sqrt(a + b) ## a and b already squared
>>> h2 (f8(3), f8(4)) ## call with a lambda function
>>> rectangular_box = lambda length, width, height : length * width *
>>> rectangular_box(20, 14, 56)
>>> rectangular_box_volume = lambda length, width, height : length *
width * height
>>> rectangular_box_surface_area = lambda length, width, height : ((2 *
width * length) + (2 * width * height) + (2 * length * height))
>>> rectangular_box_surface_area(20, 14, 56)
An important idea for functional programming.
Python Programming by Example Page 52 of 82 Richard Riehle
We covered a kind of iteration earlier using the Ptyhon for loop and while loop. There is another kind of
iteration that is sometimes used in software applications: recursion. In recursion, we have the counter-
intuitve concept of a function calling itself over and over. Recursion requires each call to place an entry on
a stack. A properly designed recursion requires logic in the function to determine when to stop making the
calls to itself. Without such logic, the function would continue calling itself until it ran out of stack
The typical first example of recursion in any programming language is the factorial computation. Those
familiar with mathematics will recall this as a notation such as 5! where the exclamation point is read,
factorial. Therefore, we read this notation as five factorial. Consider the following example:
Here is a diagram from a Stanford University site that shows how this works.
Each iteration puts a multiplied value in the stack. At five factorial, the value is 120 (as in our Python
example). This diagram shows that 6 X 120 = 720. Consequently, the answer will be based on the largest
value of the factorial for the starting value (always the larger number) we decide we want for (n).
def factorial( n ):
if n <1: # ends the recursion function
return 1
return n * factorial( n - 1 ) # recursive call
>>> factorial(5)
Python Programming by Example Page 53 of 82 Richard Riehle
Here is another example of a recursive algorithmin Python. In this example, we have an ordered list of
fourteen numbers, indexed from 0 through 13. We want to find the index value for one of those numbers.
theList = [12, 14, 49, 57, 60, 63, 67, 71, 74, 78, 80, 83, 88, 90]
The algorithm will look like this:
We can call it using named association for clarity and good documentation as follows:
BinSearch(SearchItem = 80, OrderedList = theList,
lowIndex = 0, highIndex = len(theList))
Since the SearchItem = 80, the algorithm will return the index value of 10. Note that this algorithm is
recursive. It continually calls itself, modifying the value of the parameters based on what it discovers with
each iteration. Is the value too high, search a lower half from where we are? If it is too low, search a
higher index from where we are.
There are many opportunities for recursion in computer programming. The most important rule: a
recursive algorithm must encounter a condition under which it will terminate. We encourage you to go on-
line and search for more examples of recursion. However, be careful with published examples. There are
Python examples of the binary search algorithm, and others, that are incorrect as published. The examples
in this book actually behave correctly. They have been tested for correctness.
def BinSearch(SearchItem, OrderedList, lowIndex, highIndex):
if lowIndex > highIndex:
return -1
midPoint = int((lowIndex + highIndex) / 2)
foundItem = OrderedList[midPoint]
if foundItem == SearchItem:
return midPoint
elif SearchItem < foundItem:
return BinSearch(SearchItem, OrderedList, lowIndex, midPoint - 1)
return BinSearch(SearchItem, OrderedList, midPoint + 1, highIndex)
Python Programming by Example Page 54 of 82 Richard Riehle
Python Files
So far, we have been working with primary memory. Most computers also include secondary memory.
The difference between primary and secondary memory is easy to understand. Primary memory is the
memory directly accessible by the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Secondary memory must be transferred
to primary memory before the CPU can access it. Examples of secondary memory include disk files, USB
drives, CD-ROM, DVD media, tape drives, and, in an earlier era of computing, punched cards. For this
discussion, we will focus on disk-based files.
A software container is a place where we store information. A file is a secondary memory container in
which we store data that we want to keep for a long time. There are containers that vanish when we turn-
off the computer. Some containers, those stored in primary memory, have been discussed earlier: lists,
sets, dictionaries, strings, etc. It is often important to save those containers more permanently, and
external (secondary) memory is the place to do that.
Note: File Management is a big topic. We do not intend to cover every possible variation of this topic.
Rather, we will get you started with some simple techniques. You can later expand your knowledge
once you have experimented with the examples in this section.
By far, the easiest way to save and retrieve information in Python is with the pickle utility. Here is a pickle
example using a simple list.
In the first line, we create a list called, names. Then we import pickle. On line three of this example, we
use the dump option of pickle to store the list (names) in a file we called nameFile.txt. The initials, wb,
tell us to write the file in binary format. If a file with the same name already exists, it is overwritten with
this one. Otherwise, it is created automatically. To test that pickle has been successful, we load it back
into our primary memory with a pickle.load function using the same name. This time, the file mode is rb,
which instructs pickle to open the file for reading in a binary format.
1. Try pickle on a Python dictionary
2. Try pickle on a Python string
Pickle is useful for simple file storage and retrieval, but not for more advance applications. In fact, pickle
is not always a safe Python feature, especially if you are working with files from some untrusted source.
Use it for your own temporary files, but not for files you find elsewhere.
Secondary Memory Storage
>>> names = ["sam", "fred", "george", "mary", "alice", "harold", "norma"]
>>> import pickle
>>> pickle.dump( names, open( "nameFile.txt", "wb" ) )
>>> inNames = pickle.load( open( "nameFile.txt", "rb" ) )
>>> inNames
['sam', 'fred', 'george', 'mary', 'alice', 'harold', 'norma']
Python Programming by Example Page 55 of 82 Richard Riehle
Simple IO Example
Consider the following code that works with Python 3.0 or higher.
In the first line, we define a list. Then we open a file with the internal name, theFile, and an external name.
f.txt for writing. On the third line, we write the list to the file. On line four, we open the file for reading.
The for loop gets one line at a time from the file (based on the \n character). Within the for loop, we print
one line at a time from the file. Finally, after getting all the lines from the file, we close the file.
Note: \n is a character used to effect a new-line operation.
1. Put the file reading loop in a parameterized function
2. Return the items you read to another list instead of simply printing them
3. Experiment with other kinds of Python structures: lists, strings, dictionaries, etc.
>>> name = ['w \n', 'g \n', 'q \n', 'k \n']
>>> theFile = open(file = 'f.txt', mode = 'w')
>>> theFile.writelines(name)
>>> theFile = open('f.txt', 'r')
>>> for line in theFile:
print(line, end='')
Python Programming by Example Page 56 of 82 Richard Riehle
Python Modules
One of the handy features of Python is the ability to collect a set of common functions in a module. Some
modules are available with any standard implementation of Python. You may also create your own
module. A module can be included in your program using the import command. Consider the following
examples from the Python math module.
As you can see, there are three ways to import a module. You need to be careful using the asterisk option
when importing multiple modules, especially when there are functions with similar (or nearly identical)
names in each module. Modules are a great way for you to collect related functions for use in your own
applications. A module can contain functions, abstract data types, or OOP classes.
1. Experiment with other standard Python modules such as os,
system, and tkinter.
2. Create modules of you own with a set of functions and
experiment with them
Python Programming by Example Page 57 of 82 Richard Riehle
A Bubble Sort
One of the most frequently used algorithms in programming is that of sorting data. There are
many different sort algorithms. Here is an example of a bubble-sort.
def bubblesort(theList):
"Sorts list in place and returns it." ## a Python docstring
for passesLeft in range(len(theList)-1, 0, -1):
for index in range(passesLeft):
if theList[index] < theList[index + 1]:
theList[index + 1] = theList[index + 1],
return theList
This is one of many kinds of sorting algorithms used in computing. As you progress in your
study of computer science, you will discover many more variations on sorting. We recommend
you create an unordered list of numbers and pass it to the example bubblesort shown above.
Then, following the algorithm by hand, replicating on a sheet of paper the algorithmic behavior
so you can see what is actually happening in the algorithm.
Every sort algorithm has its own special properties. One of the most important of those
properties is something we call Big O notation. This is a notation used for the relative speed of
an algorithm. We also recommend you do an Internet search for that term and get to know how
it affects your choice of sorting algorithms, as well as other algorithms you may choose.
Most well-known sorting algorithms (probably all of them at this writing) have already been
coded in Python, and are available in a variety of modules. These include (but not limited to):
Insertion sort
Merge sort
Quicksort (an early example of a good use of recursion)
Bubble sort
each of which has its own virtues and drawbacks with regard to efficiency. Donald Knuth, one of
the foremost experts on algorithms of all time, says that much of what we do with non-
mathematical algorithms involves sorting and searching. We have tried to include examples of
both in this book.
Python Programming by Example Page 58 of 82 Richard Riehle
Abstract Data Type (ADT)
Data abstraction is a fundamental concept in modern software development. An abstract data
type is a data type not present in the underlying programming language. It is a programmer-
designed type, a data type invented by the programmer for convenience and safety. Consider the
following example:
class COUNTER():
## Note the default values for all arguments in this ADT
def __init__(self, ## local data items are part of self
initial=0, ## initial value argument
step=1, ## integer indicating step increment
minValue = -2**31,## smallest allowed counter
maxValue = 2**31):## largest value for counter = minValue ## for smallest value assert = maxValue ## for largest value assert
assert initial >= and initial <= = initial ## save initial value argument
def increment(self): += step
assert >= and <=
def decrement(self): -= step
assert >= and <=
def reset():
pass ## set the counter to its intial value
def clear():
pass ## set the counter to zero
def currentValue():
pass ## return, non-destructively, value of counter
The ADT is a valuable tool for the experienced software developer. The novice will take a little
longer to realize its value and be able to use it effectively.
In the next section, we examine a special kind of ADT, the OOP class. In software parlance,
especially in languages such as Python, a class is usually an extensible ADT. By extensible, we
mean that we can use the existing properties of the type (see properties of a type as explained at
the beginning of this book), and add new properties, including new a new set of values and a new
set of behaviors. We sometimes say that we designer a specialization of the base type. This
specialization capability is a key property of the class in Object-oriented Programming.
Python Programming by Example Page 59 of 82 Richard Riehle
Object-Oriented Programming
In the early 1970s, Alan Kay, working from contributions of earlier pioneers such as Doug
Englebart (inventor of the mouse), Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard (inventors of Simula),
and many others, developed a style of programming he called object-oriented programming
(OOP). The language he designed was called Smalltalk. It is based on the concept of a class, a
special kind of datatype, a dynamically extensible abstract data type (ADT), that can be extended
and specialized (sometimes called inheritance), and which wraps the data and operations on the
data into a single entity. In the class, the enclosed data is said to be encapsulated since the only
access to that data is via the public operations. Many newer languages, including Python, C++,
Java, Ada, Eiffel, and Ruby support the concept of a class, along with many other object-oriented
programming capabilities. Even Fortran and COBOL have recently evolved to support this
concept of class and the corresponding capabilities of Object-oriented Programming.
The following data-structure, a stack, is a simple example of a class using Python. In modern
computing, elementary data-structures, including trees, lists, queues, maps, etc., are commonly
designed using a class.
The word class is used in place of the word type. Even so, a class is
simply a special kind of type. It includes all the properties we listed for a
type, but has some additional properties.
The word class was chosen to signify that each class is part of a larger
classification scheme that supports both generalization and specialization
of that class. Generalization is how we raise the level of abstraction for a
class. Specialization is sometimes called inheritance.
Python is a language that supports object-oriented programming. Other
languages include (not a complete list): C++, Java, Ada, C#, Ruby, Perl,
Scala, and Eiffel.
Python Programming by Example Page 60 of 82 Richard Riehle
A Stack Class Example
The earlier stack example was an Abstract Data Type (ADT). It did support generalization or
specialization. The following example defines a class for Stack that is a specialization of a
parent class named object.
class Stack(object): ## extend Python object to create class, Stack
def __init__(self): ## define constructor method
self.stack = [ ] ## implement constructor method
self.count = 0 ## initialize the count of the stack
def push(self, object): ## define a stack modifier named Push
self.count += 1 ## increment the count of the stack
self.stack.append(object) ## implement the Push operation
def pop(self): ## define a stack modifier named Pop
self.count -= 1 ## decrement the count of the stack
return self.stack.pop() ## implement the Pop operation
def length (self): ## define a stack query given length of stack
return (self.count) ## report on the length of the stack
>>>the_stack = Stack() ## create an instance of the stack
Python Programming by Example Page 61 of 82 Richard Riehle
A Bounded Stack Class
This example shows how we define a container (in this case, a stack) that has an upper bound.
We declare that upper bound at the time we declare an instance of the class. In this example, we
include a default size of 12. That default can be change when any other instance is declared.
class Bounded_Stack (object):
def __init__(self, maximum_size = 12):
self.stack = [ ]
self.index = -1
self.max_size = maximum_size - 1
self.reversedStack = self.stack
def incrementIndex(self):
self.index = self.index + 1
def decrementIndex(self):
self.index = self.index - 1
def displayStack(self):
self.reversedStack = self.stack
for i in self.reversedStack:
def displayTop(self):
def push(self,value):
if self.index >= self.max_size:
return ("Stack Overflow!" + str(value) + " not pushed")
def pop(self):
if self.index >= 0:
localvalue = self.stack[self.index]
return localvalue
return (str(self.index) + " is out of valid index range. ")
def stackSize(self):
return (self.index + 1)
Note an important property of a class (and an ADT) is that the class knows about itself. We
sometimes say an instance of a class (a class object) is self-aware. Python even uses the word,
self, to make clear its self-awareness. In this case, the word self allows the class to reference
any of its own properties prefixed with that word.
Python Programming by Example Page 62 of 82 Richard Riehle
An Account Class Example
class Account(object): ## extends Python class, object
num_accounts = 0;
def __init__(self, name, balance):
"Initialize a new account Instance" = name;
self.balance = balance;
Account.num_accounts += 1;
def __del__(self):
"Reference counting method"
Account.num_accounts -= 1;
def sufficient_funds (self, amount):
if self.balance > amount:
return True
return False
def deposit (self, amount):
self.balance = self.balance + amount;
def withdraw (self, amount):
if sufficient_funds(amount):
self.balance = self.balance - amount;
print "Insufficient Funds for this Transaction";
def inquiry(self):
return self.balance;
Save this to a file
>>> from Account import *
>>>Sam = Account(Sam, 0)
>>>print Sam.Name
>>>print Sam.Balance
Python Programming by Example Page 63 of 82 Richard Riehle
Windows Applications (tkinter)
Windows applications are easy to create with Python. There are several libraries available for doing this
kind of GUI programming. One of the simplest is called tkinter. Be careful of the spelling. Older
versions of Python capitalized the initial t as T for Tkinter. If your program fails, especially when
using existing code from Internet, be sure to correct the spelling so it will work as expected.
It is important for anyone starting to write programs for windows applications, where using Microsoft
Windows, MacIntosh, or some other operating system, to know the difference between console-based
applications and those using the windows and mouse metaphor. In console applications, the programmer
gets a prompt and enters commands that are then executed by the system. This model extends even to the
input from files and other sources. That is, the program receives information (data) and then operates on
that data. Windows programming is a little different.
A windows program is event-driven. The most common event is characterized by the mouse-click on a
hot-spot on one of the windows currently active on the video-display terminal. The operating system
detects that mouse-click, and then sends notification about it to the program for the active window. That
program includes an event-loop that is waiting for such notifications. When it receives the notification, it
determines whether it has some operations that correspond to the event, and then takes action based on that
code. Often, the code is in the form of a call-back. The call-back is a message to the operating system with
instructions of what to do next. This event/call-back model is unique to windows-style programming, and
understanding that uniqueness is fundamental to your being successful in writing effective windows
programs. In Python, you will often see references to mainloop in the code. When you learn how to use
the mainloop approach, you will be well on your way to being competent at windows programming. By
the way, if you do not have a mainloop, your program may execute and end before you have a chance to
take any kind of action.
simple frame example
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
root.title('Lazy Button')
app = Frame(root)
Notice that this example does nothing more than create a frame. It uses the library named tkinter. Then, it
creates a root window using the feature of tkinter. Then we create an application (abbreviated, app) with a
Frame. Dont worry too much about the grid right now. You can enter this and execute it. The window
is not quite big enough to display everything. Use your mouse to make it larger. This window is
completely empty except for the basic items in the Frame. Close the window using the X in the upper-right
corner (Microsoft).
Sometimes your windows program will behave in seemingly abnormal ways. This is usually because of
your use of some parameter or command that is counter-intuitive. Dont be discouraged. You may have to
experiment with some of your programs to get little things such as spacing, window size, colors, widget
positioning, and more just the way you want them.
Python Programming by Example Page 64 of 82 Richard Riehle
Finally, be careful of examples you find on-line. Some of them are for earlier versions of Python. Some do
not work at all. Others require additional libraries to achieve their effect.
simple message that requires no response
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
Message(root, text=" .........."
"................... "
"This is some text for a message without a response "
fg='ivory', relief=GROOVE).pack(padx=80, pady=80)
You should see a screen that looks like this:
Python Programming by Example Page 65 of 82 Richard Riehle
Another message that requires no response
from tkinter import *
msg = Message(text="Text Text Text Text Text?")
msg.config(bg='pink', font=('times', 16, 'italic'))
Now your screen will be a simple frame containing the absurd message, Text written many
times over and over. You can easily experiment with this example and make it more interesting.
Here is a little program that you can have fun with as you experiment with Python windows programming.
from tkinter import *
import os, sys
master = Tk()
def callback():
print ("Ran OK Routine")
def QUIT():
sys.exit("normal end of program")
b1 = Button(master, text="OK", command=callback)
b2 = Button(master, text="QUIT", command=QUIT)
There is one little problem with this program in some Python installs under version3.0 and higher. The
sys.exit() command does not always work properly. You may have to manually close the window when
the program exits. This is something of a nuisance, and we hope it will be fixed in later version of the
Python releases.
Python Programming by Example Page 66 of 82 Richard Riehle
A GUI application using a class definition
from tkinter import *
class Application(Frame):
def say_hi(self):
print ("hi there, everyone!")
def createWidgets(self):
self.QUIT = Button(self)
self.QUIT["text"] = "QUIT"
self.QUIT["fg"] = "red"
self.QUIT["command"] = self.quit
self.QUIT.pack({"side": "left"})
self.hi_there = Button(self)
self.hi_there["text"] = "Hello",
self.hi_there["command"] = self.say_hi
self.hi_there.pack({"side": "left"})
def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
root = Tk()
app = Application(master=root)
Another GUI Example
root = tk.Tk()
# use width x height + x_offset + y_offset (no spaces!)
root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (300, 200, 100, 50))
root.title('test the ttk.Notebook')
nb = ttk.Notebook(root)
nb.pack(fill='both', expand='yes')
# create a child frame for each page
child_1 = tk.Frame(bg='red')
child_2 = tk.Frame(bg='blue')
child_3 = tk.Frame(bg='green')
# create the pages
nb.add(child_1, text='Red Page')
nb.add(child_2, text='Blue Page')
nb.add(child_3, text='Green Page')
# put a button widget on child_1
Python Programming by Example Page 67 of 82 Richard Riehle
btn1 = tk.Button(child_1, text='Red Button')
btn1.pack(side='left', anchor='nw', padx=3, pady=5)
# put a button widget on child_2
btn2 = tk.Button(child_2, text='Blue Button')
btn2.pack(side='right', anchor='nw', padx=3, pady=5)
# put a button widget on child_3
btn2 = tk.Button(child_3, text='Green Button')
btn2.pack(side='right', anchor='nw', padx=3, pady=5)
A simple Message Box Dialogue; Python 3.1 or higher
import tkinter
import tkinter.messagebox as tkMessageBox ## Python 3.1
top = tkinter.Tk()
def hello():
tkMessageBox.showinfo("Say Hello", "Hello World")
B1 = tkinter.Button(top, text = "Say Hello", command = hello)
Another Message Box Dialogue
import tkinter
import tkinter.messagebox as tkMessageBox
top = tkinter.Tk()
def message():
tkMessageBox.askyesno(title = "lunch time", message = "Do you want
to have lunch?")
## In addition to askyesno, you could have the following messages:
## showinfo(), showwarning(), showerror(), askquestion(),
## askocancel(), askretrycancel()
## Experiment with these other options
B1 = tkinter.Button(top, text = " Raise a question. ", command =
Python Programming by Example Page 68 of 82 Richard Riehle
More sample Programs
Sample Programs - 1
# Module Name:
# Author: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmit
# Creation Date:
# Last Update:
# ===========================================
def theSum(theList):
result = 0
for value in theList:
result = result + value
return result
def buildList():
theList = []
temp = 0.0
while True:
inputData = input("Enter a number: ")
# if inputData.isalpha
if inputData.isalpha():
temp = float(inputData)
print (temp)
print (theList)
return theList
def theMean(theList):
Len = len(theList)
Sum = theSum(theList)
return Sum / Len
## implement other functions such as min, max, standard deviation, variance
This class is designed so you can add more functions such as those listed in red, above. If you would
rather experiment with inheritance, you can simply create an extension of the class
Python Programming by Example Page 69 of 82 Richard Riehle
Sample Programs 2
## ===================== listbox_2.pyw ==========================
## Title: listbox_2.pyw
## Author: R.Riehle
## Date: 14 April 2011
## This program creates a simple, but useful Listbox in Python
## using tkinter.
## Designed to work with Python 3.0 and higher using older code from
## earlier versions of Python (prior to 3.0)
## ================================================================
import tkinter as tk # gives tk namespace
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Listbox Operations")
def add_item():
listbox1.insert(tk.END, enter1.get())
def delete_item():
# get selected line index
index = listbox1.curselection()[0]
except IndexError:
def get_item():
# get selected line index
index = listbox1.curselection()[0]
seltext = listbox1.get(index)
tk.messagebox.showinfo(title='Selected Item',
message='You selected ' + seltext)
return listbox1.curselection()[0]
def get_list(event):
# get selected line index
index = listbox1.curselection()[0]
# get the line's text
seltext = listbox1.get(index)
# delete previous text in enter1
enter1.delete(0, 50)
# now display the selected text
enter1.insert(0, seltext)
def set_list(event):
Python Programming by Example Page 70 of 82 Richard Riehle
index = listbox1.curselection()[0]
# delete old listbox line
except IndexError:
index = tk.END
# insert edited item back into listbox1 at index
listbox1.insert(index, enter1.get())
def sort_list():
temp_list = list(listbox1.get(0, tk.END))
# delete contents of present listbox
listbox1.delete(0, tk.END)
# load listbox with sorted data
for item in temp_list:
listbox1.insert(tk.END, item)
def save_list():
# get a list of listbox lines
temp_list = list(listbox1.get(0, tk.END))
# add a trailing newline char to each line
temp_list = [chem + '\n' for chem in temp_list]
# give the file a different name
fout = open("chem_data2.txt", "w")
# create the sample data file
str1 = """chateau Lafite ## Note the use of triple quotes for line
Chateau Beychevelle
Chateau Neuf de Pape
fout = open("chem_data.txt", "w")
# read the data file into a list
fin = open("chem_data.txt", "r")
chem_list = fin.readlines()
# strip the trailing newline char
chem_list = [chem.rstrip() for chem in chem_list]
#root = tk.Tk()
#root.title("Listbox Operations")
# create the listbox (note that size is in characters)
listbox1 = tk.Listbox(root, width=70, height=20)
listbox1.grid(row=0, column=0)
Python Programming by Example Page 71 of 82 Richard Riehle
# create a vertical scrollbar to the right of the listbox
yscroll = tk.Scrollbar(command=listbox1.yview, orient=tk.VERTICAL)
yscroll.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.N+tk.S)
# use entry widget to display/edit selection
enter1 = tk.Entry(root, width=50, bg='yellow')
enter1.insert(0, 'Click on an item in the listbox')
enter1.grid(row=1, column=0)
# pressing the return key will update edited line
enter1.bind('<Return>', set_list)
# or double click left mouse button to update line
enter1.bind('<Double-1>', set_list)
# button to sort listbox
button1 = tk.Button(root, text='Sort the listbox ',
button1.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.W)
# button to save the listbox's data lines to a file
button2 = tk.Button(root, text='Save lines to file', command=save_list)
button2.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=tk.W)
# button to delete a line from listbox
button5 = tk.Button(root, text='Get selected line ',
button5.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
# button to add a line to the listbox
button3 = tk.Button(root, text='Add entry text to listbox',
button3.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
# button to delete a line from listbox
button4 = tk.Button(root, text='Delete selected line ',
button4.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
# button to delete a line from listbox
button6 = tk.Button(root, text='Quit the Listbox ',
button6.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky=tk.E)
# load the listbox with data
for item in chem_list:
listbox1.insert(tk.END, item)
# left mouse click on a list item to display selection
listbox1.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', get_list)
Python Programming by Example Page 72 of 82 Richard Riehle
Documentation in Python
Python programs are usually collected in a module. A module is a file with a .py (sometimes
.pyw) extension. It is accessed using the import command. For each module, it is appropriate to
have header information to document the author, title, date, time, and other information for the
module. You should also include a revision history for the module as well as a revision history
for each program within the module. Here is one example of what this might look like.
## ====================== Module Documentation =========================
## Module Title:
## Author: Wee Willie Winkle
## Orignal Date: 6 June 1896
## Purpose:
## This module is designed to ...
## ...
## ================== End Module Documentation ========================
## ================== Revision History =========================
## Revised by: Abhinav Jones
## Revision Date: 12 June 2010
## Revision Purpose:
## ...
## ================= End Revision History =====================
## ================== Programs Start Here =====================
## ====================== Program One Documentation =========================
## Program/Function Title: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
## Author: Beanstalk Jack
## Orignal Date: 6 June 1900
## Purpose:
## This program is designed to ...
## ...
## ================== End Program One Documentation ========================
## ================== Program One Revision History =========================
## Revised by: Tornilke Shakashvili
## ...
## ================= End Program One Revision History =====================
If you are a student in a course where you are studying Python, your instructor may require that
every programming assignment has this kind of documentation. In a production environment,
you will certainly be required to include this information for each module and program.
Python Programming by Example Page 73 of 82 Richard Riehle
Software Engineering with Python
In this section, we discuss how Python supports some of the more important concepts of software
engineering: reliability, reuse, adaptability, design by contract, constraints, exception handling,
type-safety, and other capabilities usually associated with type-based languages.
Python is not a language such as Ada, C, C++, Eiffel, or Java where the programmer is required
to identify the data types before they are used. For that reason, many designers regard it as less
safe than those kind of languages. This does not mean, however, that Python is weakly typed.
On the contrary, many of the constructs in Python are strict once a data type has been associated
with a variable. Python typing is implicit in the way data is defined. To see examples of this,
revisit the rules for strings, dictionary, set, and list types discussed earlier in this book.
In addition, Python includes some unique features which, if used intelligently, will provide
powerful software engineering capabilities that rival those of the languages commonly
considered more engineering-oriented such as Eiffel, Ada, and C++ . However, no one should be
seduced into thinking that Python is an appropriate language for safety-critical software.
We have already seen one of the more important features using the import statement. Borrowing
from the Ada language, Python distinguishes between the scope of a module and the visibility of
the elements in that module. The import statement puts all the elements of a module in-scope,
but makes none of them visible. This is an important distinction. The requirement to make each
element of a module explicitly visible prevents name clashes and also provides good
documentation for whoever will read a given piece of source code later. Visibility of each
element is achieved by dot-notation or a universal visibility clause with an asterisk.
While the classical software engineering principle of information-hiding is not commonly used in
Python programs, it is possible to make this a part of a good Python design. At this level of the
students Python education, we leave the capabilities for information-hiding and encapsulation to
a later edition of this book; or we leave it as an exercise for the student.
The benefits of reuse through the abstract data type (ADT) and the Python [inheritable] class
mechanism have also been introduced. However, inheritance is only one kind of reuse, and we
will show how Python supports other kinds of reuse such as a close mode of generic, type
independent, modules such as those one might find in Java, Ada, Eiffel, or C++.
Python also provides assertion support for pre-conditions, post-conditions, and invariants. This
support can be enabled either directly or through a contract model based on the Python decorator.
In fact, once the software engineer in a Python environment understands the full range of
capabilities for Python decorators, s/he will be well on the way to creating Python applications
that are as well-engineered as in almost any other language.
Python Programming by Example Page 74 of 82 Richard Riehle
We have already introduced this topic earlier in an elementary form. Assertions are of three
general kinds:
1. Pre-conditions Required before an operation may begin
2. Post-conditions Ensures that the algorithm has completed correctly
3. Invariants A set of or range of states that constrains types or variables
These three elements were originally introduced by C.A.R. Hoare and Edsger Dijkstra. They
were later refined into a general concept called Design By Contract (DbC) by Bertrand Meyer.
Dr. Meyer incorporated them into the Eiffel language. Eiffel probably represents the best
reasoning of DbC for object-oriented programming,, and Python cannot achieve the level of
sophistication found in Eiffel. However, with an understanding DbC we can use some of the
Python features to benefit from that understanding.
Bertrand Meyer, designer of Eiffel, provides us with some useful synonyms for the common
Requires ynonym for pre-condition
Ensure synonym for post-condition
Invariant same name; no synonym
Using these synonyms in your own code will make it more readable. Examples might be (best
coded in the form of decorator assertions):
require_threshold_value (where threshold value is defined elsewhere)
invariant_x_GTE_zero_LTE_2000 ## GTE greater than or equal; LTE less than
These kinds of assertions, and many others, can go a long way toward improving the quality of
your completed programs.
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Assertion Examples:
>>> def DbC1(a): ## a precondition and invariant on parameter named a
assert a > 0 and a < 120, "Parameter out of range"
print (a)
Calling this function with a value out-of-range will produce a run-time AssertionError. In
general, it is a bad idea to simply let the program fail once it is in the domain of the user. A
better approach might be to use the assert in a try except block.
>>> def DbC1(a):
assert a > 0 and a < 120, "Parameter out of range"
Consider the following example:
>>> def BuildIntegerList():
theList = []
inputValue = 0
while inputValue < 999999: ## arbitrary maximum value for an element
inputValue = int(input("Enter an Integer; 999999 to Exit "))
print ("Bad input type")
if inputValue >= 999999:
return theList
In the above examples, the assert statement is enclosed in the try-block. Although we have
simply printed information about the error, when used in a system of functions (or in a class), the
error result in a recovery process appropriate to the kind of error being detected.
Note: An exception handling routine is analogous to a circuit-breaker in an
electrical system. When there is bad data, or a value falls outside an
acceptable range, the exception handler takes over. No one would
design the electrical system of a house without a circuit-breaker, The
same should be true of a software system.
Python Programming by Example Page 76 of 82 Richard Riehle
We can even make sure that all the elements of a collection type are of the same type using the
assertion mechanism. If we want to make sure all the elements are integers we might code:
>>> def testForInteger(data): ## can be used on a collection of elements or single element
anInteger = 0 ## or whatever type you want to test
theType = type(anInteger) ## create a class item for the type to be validated
d = theType(data) ## is the data of the valid type?
print ("data is not an integer")
print ("found an integer")
>>> testForInteger("45")
found an integer
Note: It is possible to code the this with a fewer statements, but the code is
more difficult to read and debug for the novice Python programmer
Python Programming by Example Page 77 of 82 Richard Riehle
Decorators For Python Power Programming
One of the more powerful, more sophisticated additions to Python is the decorator. It is a
difficult concept for newcomers to Python, but it is a major step toward generalization of
functionality and reuse of source code.
Note: Since their introduction into the Python language, decorators have been
found to have a large number of uses. We cannot treat all of those uses
in this book, nor do we need to. The Internet mavens continually post
their newly found uses, some of which are remarkable in their
cleverness and creativity.
In short, a decorator is a function than can modify another function with specialized behavior.
For those who know about the Decorator Patterns from pattern-based development, we need to
clarify that the decorator in Python is not the same thing. Rather, the Python decorator is closer
in behavior to, but not identical to, a Delegation pattern. In the Python literature, this is
sometimes called a wrapped function.
A decorator has particular value when creating a set of reusable assertions (pre-, post-, and
invariant conditions) to support DbC. Here is a rather elaborate example of a post-condition,
using the decorator in Python. We annotate it line-by-line to make it easier to follow. Recall
from our discussion of functions, the example where an outer function can call the inner function.
The wrapper function, in this example, is invoked by the outer function named
First, we define a generalized function that will become our decorator. This function takes as its
own argument, a single (client) function we call targetFunction. We remind the reader that this
is possible in Python because functions are first-class objects that can be passed as arguments to
other functions.
We nest another function called wrapper inside the client function. The wrapper is designed to
take an unspecified number of arguments and an unspecified number of key-word-arguments.
This allows it to be reused as a decorator (and as a post-condition function) for a larger number of
other targetFunctions.
An assert statement looks at the result of computation in the client we have called targetFunction
in the formal parameter and ensures (the post-condition) that it is not negative; it is greater than
or equal to zero. If the assertion fails, the program simply aborts with a long string of messages.
Otherwise, the program will return the intermediate result for the wrapper function.
Note 1: Wrappers are not unique to Python. They are commonly used in
many other programming languages. One of their uses has been to
wrap code from one language with an interface of another. Python
enables this capability too. But our examples of wrappers serve a
different purpose.
Note 2: Do not confuse the term decorator as used in Python with that same
term used in other languages or in the literature of software
engineering pattern design.
Python Programming by Example Page 78 of 82 Richard Riehle
Having taken the result of the targetFunction, the name and the doc parts, the main function,
ensurePositivePostCondition(), allows the result of the client function to be returned as a valid
>>> def ensurePositivePostCondition(targetFunction):
def wrapper(*args, **keyWordArgs):
result = targetFunction(*args, ## variable positional arguments
**keyWordArgs) ## variable keyword arguments
assert result >= 0, targetFunction.__name__ + "() result is not >= 0"
return result
wrapper.__name__ = targetFunction.__name__ ## assign target name to wrapper
wrapper.__doc__ = targetFunction.__doc__ ## assign target docstrings to wrapper
return wrapper ## wrapper-modified target
In the following code, we apply the decorator and its wrapper to a client function. The client
function immediately follows the decorator and is specified using an @functionName. The
example client, in this case, is a simple function named adder, which does nothing more than add
two values. The decorator ensures the addition returns only a positive resulting value.
>>> @ensurePositivePostCondition ## an assertion decorator
def adder(a, b):
return a + b
>>> adder(12, 34)
>>> adder(-19, 5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#280>", line 1, in <module>
adder(-19, 5)
File "<pyshell#276>", line 5, in wrapper
assert result >= 0, targetFunction.__name__ + "() result is not >= 0"
AssertionError: adder() result is not >= 0
To illustrate how this decorator is reusable, here is the same set-up for another function we call
def multiplier(a, b):
return a * b
Once again, if the post condition is negative, the program will fail. We could apply this
decorator to any kind of function where a positive result would be necessary. Of course, we do
not want programs to fail when deployed to the user, so the designer needs to add code to
guarantee that the use can continue without trying to debug the code.
A better approach is to use an exception handler so
the user of the program will not be getting obscure
messages such as the one shown.
Python Programming by Example Page 79 of 82 Richard Riehle
There is now a new module in Python called functools that makes using wrappers much easier,
and also more intuitive. Here is an example of the previous decorator function with a nested
wrapper using this new style of coding.
def ensurePositive(targetFunction):
def wrapper(*args, **keyWordArgs):
result = targetFunction(*args, ## variable positional arguments
**keyWordArgs) ## variable keyword arguments
assert result >= 0, targetFunction.__name__ + "() result is not >= 0"
return result
return functools.update_wrapper(wrapper = wrapper,
wrapped = targetFunction)
In the preceding example, the assignment of the wrapper name, documentation strings, and other
information is automatically handled by the statement, functools.update_wrapper. Of course,
you must import the module named functools for this to work.
Python Programming by Example Page 80 of 82 Richard Riehle
Appendix A -- Fundamental Algorithm Structures
Each rectangle box represents a process or program step. A diamond represents a condition to be
tested. An oval represents the scope terminator for the structure. Every structure should have a
clear exit point designated by a scope terminator.
Python, unlike many other languages, uses indentation for scope designation. This is sometimes
a problem for programmers accustomed to other languages such as Java, Ada, and C++ which
are more explicit in the use of scope designation.
Iteration (Test Before) Selection (If else)
Iteration (Test After)
Selection (multi-way)
Python Programming by Example Page 81 of 82 Richard Riehle
There are five fundamental levels of data type in computer programming.
Pointer (indirection mechanism)
Abstract Data Type
Not all languages support all of the above named types. Sometimes a type name is a reserved
word; sometimes it is a more of a specialized name, but not reserved.
A primitive data type is typically a scalar such as an integer (int), float, character, byte, word, etc.
The usual values and operations for a primitive data type are defined within the language being
used. They may be spelled differently from one language to another. In C, C++, Java, and C#,
an integer is abbreviated as int. In Ada, it is spelled out as integer.
The set of values for primitive data types can sometimes be further constrained by a language.
For example, Ada allows one to limit the range of an integer with a new name with several kinds
of syntax:
type Channel is new Integer range 2..132; -- Derived from Integer; can be casted
type Channel is range 2..132; -- A new kind of Integer; its own type
subtype Channel is Integer range 2..132; -- Can be used with Integer easily
Each of the above definitions has subtle and significant differences that the Ada programmer can
use to good effect. The first two are distinct data types. The subtype can be used with its parent
type without type conversion (type casting).
A primitive type will often correspond closely to the intrinsic data types for a given machine.
However, sometimes a type might be a software type rather than a machine type. An example
would be a machine which does not directly support floating-point, but for which there is a
software version of floating point in the programming language.
A pointer type is often a primitive type, but not always. In C and C++, the programmer can
perform arithmetic operations on pointers. Computation capability on pointers provides great
Reminder: Data type
A data type, in computer programming, is characterized by four properties, which may vary a bit from
one programming language/environment to another. These are:
1. The name of the data type
2. The set of values (or states) allowed for instances of that type
3. The set of behaviors (operations /methods/functions/etc) allowed for that type
4. The set of rules for instances of a type with instances of other types
Python has a rich set of data types, some of which are quite unique, when compared to earlier languages.
For example, Python collection types give the programmer easy power often not found in more
traditional languages.
Python Programming by Example Page 82 of 82 Richard Riehle
power, but it can also be fraught with danger. Other languages such as Java, allow for
indirection through references, but do not allow primitive pointers with arithmetic properties.
The Ada language supports indirection through a special type: access type. By default, there is
no computational capability on access types. However, the language does provide a specialized
library that enables safe computation on some access types.
Most functional languages (e.g., Lisp, Scheme, Haskell) are built on top of the indirection
capabilities that are inherent in modern computer architectures. The programmer need not be
aware of how the indirection mechanism actually works. In addition, some interactive languages
such as Perl, Python, and Ruby also use a reference model for every data item in the language.
User-defined types are not possible in every language. However, most modern languages
provide some capability for this. The student needs to be aware that mechanisms such as typedef
do not define a new data type. They simply provide an alias for an existing type.
Data abstraction is an important idea in modern software development. This idea reaches its
ideal in the concept of an Abstract Data Type (ADT). An ADT is a user-defined type where the
user defines (at minimum) the first three properties of the type (see, properties of a data type,
above). In some cases, the user can also define some of the set of rules from the fourth property.
An ADT is typically not extensible. That is, you cannot apply inheritance and specialization to
it. Some languages, such as Java, provide a keyword for ensuring that the ADT (under the name,
class) cannot be extended, inherited, or specialized. An extensible type is often, but not always,
called a class. The word, class, is a shortened form of the word classification which implies
that a class-based design allows for a classification structure for specializations of the class.

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