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Course Syllabus

International Technology University

SEN 909 - Object-Oriented Prograing !ith C""
Course #escri$tion
This class teaches Objected Oriented Prograing using C""% & $rior
e'$osure to C is hel$(ul but not re)uired as the basic conce$t o( C
$rograing !ill be revie!ed% The to$ics covered include* Synta' o(
C""+ classes and objects+ enca$sulation+ inheritance+ $olyor$his+
design (or reuse+ $rograing !ith objects+ the standard te$late
library+ naes$aces+ e'ce$tions+ ty$e casting and (ile in$ut,out$ut%
Prere)uisites* -no!ledge o( C%
Course .earning Outcoes
U$on co$letion o( this course the student !ill*
/% Understand Object-Oriented $rograing style and techni)ues%
0% 1e (ailiar !ith $rograing docuentation+ debugging
techni)ues+ and testing%
2% -no! ho! to include (iles in $rogras%
3% 1e (ailiar !ith structured data ty$es+ in(oration hiding+
$ointers+ and lin4ed lists%
5% 1e (ailiar !ith basic Object-Oriented $rograing in C""%
6e)uired Te'tboo4
#ale+ 7ees+ 8eadington+ 90003: Programming and Problem Solving
with C++ 93th Edition:% Sudbury+ ;&* <ones and 1artlett
Publishing% IS1N* 0-=>2=-0=9?-?% 97e !ill cover cha$ters //-/?
in the te't $lus cover $arts o( aterial as necessary (ro $rior
Ainal E'a 05B There !ill be one co$rehensive (inal e'a+
!hich !ill count (or 05B o( your course grade%
The (inal e'a !ill be given during the
scheduled (inal e'a !ee4% This !ill be an in
class !ritten e'a%
05B There !ill be one idter e'a+ !hich !ill
count (or 05B o( your course grade% The
idter e'a !ill be assigned at the hal(-!ay
$oint in the class% This !ill be a ta4e-hoe
CS.O 05B Course Student .earning Objective Essay
8oe!or4 05B Cou !ill be assigned 5 $rograing
assignents+ !orth 5 $oints each%
Ainal E'a* The !ee4 be(ore the (inal e'a is given there !ill be a
revie! session in class% The (inal e'a !ill be an in-class assignent
during the last !ee4 o( the ter 9Ainal E'a 7ee4:% It is a course
re)uireent that every student ta4e the (inal e'a in $erson at the
ITU ca$us% NO e'ce$tions !ill be ade to this $olicy%
&cadeic #ishonesty
&ll o( your assignents and class activities should re$resent your o!n
individual e((ort% Cour assignents should be done !ithout
consultation !ith other students 9or the Internet: and you should not
share your !or4 !ith others% &ny assignent subitted that is co$ied
(ro the internet or essentially the sae as soeone elseDs !ill not
receive credit%
@rading Aorula

& 95 E /00 C" == E =9
&- 90 E 93 C =2 E =>
1" ?= E ?9 C- =0 E =0
1 ?2 E ?> # >0 E >9
1- ?0 E ?0 A 59 or F
Course Schedule and &ssignent #ue #ates
The schedule belo! is subject to change de$ending on $rogress
through the course aterial%
7ee4 To$ic Te't 6eading &ssignent
/-0 6evie! C"" 1asics 6evie! Cha$ters /-/0
Structured Ty$es+
#ata &bstraction and
Cha$ter // Progra E /
Cha$ter /0
&rrays as .ists
.ists as &#T
Cha$ter /2 Progra E 0
.ists continued+
Sorting .ists
Cha$ter /2
/0 Pointers Cha$ter /5
;idter E'a
#ynaic #ata+
6e(erence Ty$es+
.in4ed .ists
Cha$ter /5
Cha$ter />
Progra E 2
/0 .in4ed Structures Cha$ter /> Progra E 3
Object Oriented
Cha$ter /3
/3 6ecursion Cha$ter /? Progra E 5
/5 Ainal E'a 9in Class: Ainal E'a

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