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Executive Committee Structure 2008


NUSHS Infocomm Club Logo

The new infocomm club logo is kindly created by Belinda Ong,
who the club’s advisor for 2007 and is graduating this year,
and further edited and enhanced by Ng Yuting, the club’s
president for this year. The logo is made up of a transponder
which is constantly broadcasting “knowledge waves”. This
signifies the infocomm knowledge that is constantly being
shared to our infocomm club members. The structure of the
transponder represents an “I” for “Infocomm”, while the ring
base of which the tranponder tower sits upon represents a “C”
for “Club”, giving us the word “Infocomm Club”. The color
yellow symbolizes the everlasting energy of the club; blue
signifies our trust; zen represents calmness within our club;
green shows our constant growth; and the multitude of
rainbow colors in the beacon signals reemphasize our
enthusiasm. The beacon signals radiating outwards shows our
connections with the infocomm community in school, while the beam supporting the
transponder beacon emphasizes the strong fact that we are a club with high stability,
sustainability, and a strong foundation.

© NUS High School Infocomm Club Executive Committee 2008
Competitions Achievements 2008
National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI) 2008
National Olympiad Informatics (NOI) is the annual event
organized by NUS’s School of Computer Science and Ministry of
Education. It aims to identify, promote and develop talents in
computer science. The caliber is high as students are expected
to be proficient in mathematics and computer
programming. The programming languages include
C/C++, Java and Pascal.
NOI medalists stand a chance to represent
Singapore at the International Olympiad
Informatics (IOI). The IOI is one of the
prestigious Science Olympiads that include
International Mathematics Olympiad and
International Physics Olympiad.
This year, Vo Thanh Minh Tue participated in
this competition. He did our school very
proud by winning a Gold Award and a
medal. Congratulations Minh Tue!

National Software Competition (Algorithm) 2008

The National Software Competition (NSC) is an annual premier IT
competition organised for students from secondary schools,
junior colleges, as well as centralised institutes in
Singapore. Singapore Polytechnic and Infocomm
Development Authority (IDA) are organising the 24th
NSC, with support from the Ministry of Education
(MOE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU),
National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Management University (SMU), Singapore Computer
Society (SCS) and Singapore infocomm Technology
Federation (SiTF). For the 24th NSC, three competition events are
organised, Algorithm Team Event, IT Quiz and Lego Challenge. The Algorithm Team
Event has two categories of participants, namely, Secondary Schools and Junior Colleges. The IT Quiz
and Lego Challenge catered to the category of Secondary Schools only. The programming languages
include C/C++ and Java.
Vo Thanh Minh Tue also participated in this competition and did our school proud once again by
coming as the second runner up and obtaining a trophy.

© NUS High School Infocomm Club Executive Committee 2008
National Software Competition (I.T. Quiz) 2008
Our school sent a team of infocomm club members, comprising of Sanchit Bareja, Vishnu Prem, and
Allwin Baby, to take part in this competition. Their constant perseverance exhibited during the
competition allowed them to eventually emerge seventh position. They had won for themselves
thumb drives. Congratulations!

National Infocomm Club Awards 2008

Organized annually by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), the National
Infocomm Club Awards honours the best clubs in coming up with products that can exhibit and
showcase the most innovative side of infocomm and also, the power
of infocomm. This year, our school’s infocomm club is represented
by Sanchit Bareja and Vishnu Prem with their project on
“Ranking Friendships On Facebook”. This programme uses
Facebook as a platform to rank friendships formed among NUS
High School Students. The application developed is unique as it
uses only networking information to rank their friends. This
application is able to promote and hone actual networking
skills among NUS High School Infocomm Club members.
Through this application, students are able to view their online
behaviour and make more friends. This makes their network more active and interactive,
thereby increasing the online visibility of NUS High School students in the Facebook network.
Infocomm skills utilized for the creation of this project include PHP, MySQL, Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Facebook Markup Language, Facebook Query
Language and Linear Algebra Graph Theory. Both Sanchit and Vishnu did our infocomm club proud
by coming in second, losing out only to Raffles Institution’s “iControl”. The prize presentation
ceremony was held during the Youth Infocomm Day (YID) 2008 organized by IDA and held at
Dragonfly @ St. James Power Station. Both of them had also done themselves proud by winning in
total, 3 Sony PSPs, $900 Challenger cash vouchers, and 5 iPod Shuffles. The school gets a trophy as
well. Congratulations to Sanchit and Vishnu for doing our club proud!

© NUS High School Infocomm Club Executive Committee 2008
National StrlTWise Challenge 2008
StrITWise is an annual challenge where almost all Secondary Schools take part in. You may think that
it is hard to win but think again! We won! And we won despite having exams in between.
This year, our school sent 2 teams for the National StrITWise Challenge. The competition started in
around July and we had approximately 4 months to prepare for
the competition. We started out very slowly. Finally, as the
competition deadline came closer and closer, we figured out that
we should prepare for the competition before our exams hit us.
Sometime in September (just before exams) was when we started
to get active and sent emails to each other to keep everyone
updated. Luckily for the programmers, they got a great
deal of assistance from Minh Tue and Kenneth who had
come out with an almost default template to build our
robots on. The deadline was now just a week away.

Things started to
move at a really fast
pace now. But there
was 1 problem, we
could only contact
through email and
that is why it was hard to get some files for submission. In the end
we thought we would not make it but miraculously, they extended
the deadline! It didn't happen once but 3 times. This gave us some
time to really fix out some bugs and get a better storyline. But again,
exams were here. In the end, we ended up rushing after the last day
of exam and as mentioned, the deadline got extended and this time we really
made full use of it. We found out that both the groups had the same storyline so one of us
changed it quickly. And there we go! It wasn't really a lot or hard work, was it? The trick is to start
early and do it fast. We were trap this time round as we procrastinated and let the exams come in
between us. Despite all the rushing, one of the groups turned 4th and the other came 14th
throughout Singapore. We also won a couple of other awards like 3rd for RoboDesign, 3rd IT
Savyness Quiz and Yuting also won in the weekly quiz section. All of us got to win attractive prizes at
the end of it and now looking back, we wished we had worked harder so that we could have been
the top!

Team “SYSVAD” comprising of Allwin Baby, Dylan Ho, Eu Yong Xue, Ng Yuting, Tan Shiuh Sheng,
and Vishnu Prem, came in third for RoboDesign and the IT Savvyness Quiz, and overall, they
emerged fourth. They walked away with Nikon Coolpix L16, Toshiba 4GB SDHC, Bamboo Fun
Tablet, TAB Manga V3.1 Software, and a Wireless Presenter.
Team “VigilanceLion” comprising of Lim Xin Ai, Kuan Xiang Wen, Byorn Tan Wei Liang, Vivian Lim
Xin Yan, and Sanchit Bareja, came in fourteenth overall. They walked away with 4GB Sandisk
Thumbdrive, TAB Manga V3.1 Software, and a Modem.

© NUS High School Infocomm Club Executive Committee 2008
Happenings 2008
Training Curriculum (Adobe FLASH 8.0) 2008
Every year, Infocomm Club strives to bring in different fun and interesting training programmes to
cater to the needs of students in the club. It all started off with robotics (2005), followed by
programming – Visual Basic & C++ (2006), then it was photography and graphical editing (2007). This
year, there was something more special… something more
challenging that would encompass the requirement of your
creativity, theoretical knowledge of a program, will-power, and

This year, we hired AsknLearn to conduct an exciting,

interactive, challenging, and fun-filled Flash Training
Programme just for you guys! Let us do a recap! This
programme covered essential concepts
and techniques of Adobe Flash 8.0 and
contained lessons on the important
components of Flash, such as the tools,
tween, masking, motion guides,
concepts of layers, symbols, scenes, and
basic ActionScripting (that taught us to
code for events and also to utilize the
timer function).

We all know that learning may be boring at times. However, you guys did
an amazing job by successfully utilizing and applying the concepts acquired
during the training programme to create wonderful projects such as the
2D maze game, the club’s website, environmental awareness animation
clip, flip-flip cards etc. The Infocomm Club is amazed by its club members’ creativity, great ideas,
proficiency, and of course, passion for Infocomm!

We are sure you guys had an enriching and meaningful experience, and besides that, acquired
animation knowledge that would be useful in your future Infocomm related endeavours. Rock on,
Infocomm Club, and stay tune for more fun and exciting training activities next year!

PS: Club members’ flash works have been uploaded into espace workbin. Do take a look at your
friends’ creative works!

© NUS High School Infocomm Club Executive Committee 2008
IDA Infocomm Ambassadors 2009
The Infocomm Ambassadorship Programme is an initiative by the Infocomm Development Authority
(IDA) which selects and deploys potential leaders from Infocomm Clubs to
lead, plan, and execute infocomm-related programmes. This programme aims
to foster leadership qualities, self-confidence, interpersonal skills, and
creativity in ambassadors, and also allow ambassadors to discover their true
infocomm potential through various extra-curricular activities and
programmes. Infocomm Ambassadors will be representatives and
spokespersons for Infocomm Clubs; form the voices of Infocomm Club
members; and will have plenty of opportunities to work closely with IDA to
make the Infocomm Club experience a fun, fruitful, meaningful, and exciting
one; amongst other responsibilities. Every year, each school can nominate up
to 2 Infocomm Club members for the Infocomm Ambassador selection
programme, which consists of 2 rounds of interview by a panel. Students are
selected based on their knowledge and passion in Infocomm; outgoing communication and
interpersonal skills; initiative, drive and commitment to Infocomm Clubs; attitude and maturity; and
lastly, leadership potential. This year, our school’s Infocomm Club sent 2 EXCO members for the
selection programme and the results were very optimistic. The club would therefore like to extend
our warmest congratulations to our 2 newly appointed Infocomm Ambassadors of NUS High School
for 2009! They are Bradford Loh and Sanchit Bareja. Both of them were officially invested at the
Youth Infocomm Day (YID) 2008 organized by IDA and held at Dragonfly @ St. James Power Station
on 3rd November 2008.

Sybase Excursion Trip 2008

A group of our Infocomm Club members visited Sybase during an
excursion trip. This visit to Sybase sure has given us new insights to
an occupation in the infocomm industry. During the trip, our club
members were given a very impressive presentation with a fantastic
animation of what Sybase does for the world. It was a fantastic trip,
where our eyes were opened to how the world of Infocomm affects
us greatly, and how the world’s
infrastructure relies heavily on
such technologies. After the
presentation, and a short question
and answer session, the Sybase
group brought us for a tour around
the Sybase buildings, where we
saw many employees were hard at
work. We were even given an
opportunity to raid a professional
workplace pantry. The Sybase tour group were tolerant enough to endure our nonsensical antics.
We believe that the Sybase trip has provided us with indispensable information and experience that
would prove useful for our futures.

© NUS High School Infocomm Club Executive Committee 2008
Silicon Valley Study Trip 2008
The Silicon Valley trip, occurring from 4th – 13th June 2008 and organised by IDA, definitely was an
unforgettable experience for Yuting, Vishnu, Sanchit and Dylan. This trip allowed the 4 participants
from our school to meet, interact and bond with other participants from other schools. Participants
from other schools were indeed a group of diverse
and unique individuals that came from various
different races, religions and family backgrounds. It
certainly made the long and arduous road trips more
fun. In Silicon Valley, students visited many
infocomm companies. Among them were, in order,
the Intel Museum, Sun Microsystems, Oracle,
Electronic Arts, Redhat, HP Labs, NBC Studios,
Warner Brothers Studios, and Universal Studios. In
these company visits, the tour group were tasked
with ‘trading’ presentations. They would share a
short presentation about what they did. Students
would in turn return the favour with a presentation
about the infocomm industry in Singapore. They undoubtedly enjoyed these visits immensely; and
were given a taste of an occupation in Infocomm in future.

“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” The students, of course, had their share of sight-seeing
and recreation. This was intelligently weaved into their daily schedules to enrich their trip to The
United States. They had their share of visiting the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman’s Wharf and their
wallets lost some weight at Gilroy factory outlet, where they practically spent an entire day
shopping. They also had a very enlightening experience to Stanford University campus, where a
student from Singapore gave them a personal tour around the site.

© NUS High School Infocomm Club Executive Committee 2008
See2 National Infocomm Conference for Student
See² is an annual IT conference which gathers
student leaders from Infocomm Clubs across
Singapore to engage in lively dialogue covering
important issues related to the management of
their Infocomm Clubs. Initiated in 2006, this event
is jointly organised by Hwa Chong Institution
and Nanyang Girls' High School, co-facilitated by
Crescent Girls' School and is endorsed by the
Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
and the Ministry of Education.

Involving approximately 80 students nominated for their leadership

potential from Infocomm Clubs of secondary schools all over
Singapore, See² attempts to revolutionise the local scene for
Infocomm Clubs by serving as a platform for student leaders to
brainstorm ideas for the transformation of
their clubs.

See² 2008 aims to provides a platform for the sharing of knowledge between Infocomm Clubs in
Singapore, equip participants with leadership skills and stimulate inter-club relations for possible
future collaboration. This event revolved around leadership and management rather than
computing skills, with discussions and critiques of how students might be more proactive in their
respective Infocomm Clubs.
For this year’s conference, our schools infocomm club sent all of its EXCO members, comprising Ng
Yuting, Dylan Ho, Bradford Loh, Vo Thanh Minh Tue, Sanchit Bareja, and Vishnu Prem.

© NUS High School Infocomm Club Executive Committee 2008
Publication Credits

IN-CHARGE: Ms Phylliscia Chew
EDITOR: Bradford Loh

COVER: Ng Yuting

DESIGN: Bradford Loh

ARTICLES: Executive Committee

PHOTOGRAPHY: Ng Yuting + Executive Committee

© NUS High School Infocomm Club Executive Committee 2008

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