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Chapter 17: Exploratory factor analysis
Smart Alexs Solutions
Task 1
ketoo tbe ooolysls lo tbls cboptet osloq ptloclpol compooeot ooolysls ooJ compote tbe
tesolts to tbose lo tbe cboptet. (5et tbe ltetotloos to coovetqeoce to J0.)

Running the analysis
Access Lhe maln dlalog box (llgure 1) by selecLlng .
Slmply selecL Lhe varlables you wanL Lo lnclude ln Lhe analysls (remember Lo exclude any
varlables LhaL were ldenLlfled as problemaLlc durlng Lhe daLa screenlng) and Lransfer Lhem
Lo Lhe box labelled votlobles by cllcklng on .

!"#$%& () Maln dlalog box for facLor analysls
1here are several opLlons avallable, Lhe flrsL of whlch can be accessed by cllcklng on
Lo access Lhe dlalog box ln llgure 2. 1he uolvotlote Jesctlptlves opLlon provldes
means and sLandard devlaLlons for each varlable. MosL of Lhe oLher opLlons relaLe Lo Lhe
correlaLlon maLrlx of varlables (Lhe k-maLrlx). 1he coefflcleots opLlon produces Lhe k-maLrlx,
and selecLlng Lhe 5lqolflcooce levels opLlon wlll lnclude Lhe slgnlflcance value of each
correlaLlon ln Lhe k-maLrlx. ?ou can also ask for Lhe uetetmlooot of Lhls maLrlx, and Lhls
opLlon ls useful for LesLlng for mulLlcolllnearlLy or slngularlLy.
kMO ooJ 8ottletts test of spbetlclty produces Lhe kalser-Meyer-Clkln measure of
sampllng adequacy and 8arLleLL's LesL. We have already sLumbled across kMC and 8arLleLL's
LesL and have seen Lhe varlous crlLerla for adequacy, buL wlLh a sample of 2371 we shouldn'L
have cause Lo worry.
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1he keptoJoceJ opLlon produces a correlaLlon maLrlx based on Lhe model (raLher Lhan
Lhe real daLa). ulfferences beLween Lhe maLrlx based on Lhe model and Lhe maLrlx based on
Lhe observed daLa lndlcaLe Lhe reslduals of Lhe model. SSS produces Lhese reslduals ln Lhe
lower Lable of Lhe reproduced maLrlx, and we wanL relaLlvely few of Lhese values Lo be
greaLer Lhan .03. Lucklly, Lo save us scannlng Lhls maLrlx, SSS produces a summary of how
many reslduals lle above .03. 1he keptoJoceJ opLlon should be selecLed Lo obLaln Lhls
summary. 1he Aotl-lmoqe opLlon produces an anLl-lmage maLrlx of covarlances and
correlaLlons. 1hese maLrlces conLaln measures of sampllng adequacy for each varlable along
Lhe dlagonal and Lhe negaLlves of Lhe parLlal correlaLlon/covarlances on Lhe off-dlagonals.
1he dlagonal elemenLs, llke Lhe kMC measure, should all be greaLer Lhan 0.3 aL a bare
mlnlmum lf Lhe sample ls adequaLe for a glven palr of varlables. lf any palr of varlables has a
value less Lhan Lhls, conslder dropplng one of Lhem from Lhe analysls. 1he off-dlagonal
elemenLs should all be very small (close Lo zero) ln a good model. When you have flnlshed
wlLh Lhls dlalog box cllck on Lo reLurn Lo Lhe maln dlalog box.

!"#$%& *) uescrlpLlves ln facLor analysls
1o access Lhe exttoctloo dlalog box (llgure 3), cllck on ln Lhe maln dlalog box.
1here are several ways of conducLlng a facLor analysls, and when and where you use Lhe
varlous meLhods wlll depend on numerous Lhlngs. lor our purposes we wlll use ptloclpol
compooeot analysls ( ) whlch, sLrlcLly speaklng, lsn'L facLor analysls,
however, Lhe Lwo procedures may ofLen yleld slmllar resulLs.
ln Lhe Aoolyze box Lhere are Lwo opLlons: Lo analyse Lhe cottelotloo mottlx or Lo analyse
Lhe covotlooce mottlx. 1he ulsploy box has Lwo opLlons wlLhln lL: Lo dlsplay Lhe uotototeJ
foctot solotloo and a 5ctee plot. 1he scree ploL ls a useful way of esLabllshlng how many
facLors should be reLalned ln an analysls. 1he unroLaLed facLor soluLlon ls useful ln assesslng
Lhe lmprovemenL of lnLerpreLaLlon due Lo roLaLlon. lf Lhe roLaLed soluLlon ls llLLle beLLer
Lhan Lhe unroLaLed soluLlon Lhen lL ls posslble LhaL an lnapproprlaLe (or less opLlmal)
roLaLlon meLhod has been used.
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!"#$%& +) ulalog box for facLor exLracLlon
1he xttoct parL of Lhe dlalog box provldes opLlons perLalnlng Lo Lhe reLenLlon of facLors.
?ou have Lhe cholce of elLher selecLlng facLors wlLh elgenvalues greaLer Lhan a user-speclfled
value or reLalnlng a flxed number of facLors. lor Lhe lqeovoloes qteotet tboo opLlon Lhe
defaulL ls kalser's recommendaLlon of elgenvalues over 1. lL ls probably besL Lo run a
prlmary analysls wlLh Lhe lqeovoloes qteotet tboo 1 opLlon selecLed, selecL a scree ploL and
compare Lhe resulLs.
Cllck on Lo access Lhe dlalog box ln llgure 4. 1he exacL cholce of roLaLlon wlll
depend on wheLher or noL you Lhlnk LhaL Lhe underlylng facLors should be relaLed. lf Lhere
are LheoreLlcal grounds Lo Lhlnk LhaL Lhe facLors are lndependenL (unrelaLed) Lhen you
should choose one of Lhe orLhogonal roLaLlons (l recommend varlmax). Powever, lf Lheory
suggesLs LhaL your facLors mlghL correlaLe Lhen you should go for one of Lhe obllque
roLaLlons (dlrecL obllmln or promax). ln Lhls example l've selecLed varlmax.
1he dlalog box also has opLlons for dlsplaylng Lhe kototeJ solotloo and a looJloq plot.
1he roLaLed soluLlon ls dlsplayed by defaulL and ls essenLlal for lnLerpreLlng Lhe flnal roLaLed
analysls. 1he loadlng ploL wlll provlde a graphlcal dlsplay of each varlable ploLLed agalnsL Lhe
exLracLed facLors up Lo a maxlmum of Lhree facLors. WlLh Lwo facLors Lhese ploLs are falrly
lnLerpreLable, and you should hope Lo see one group of varlables clusLered close Lo Lhe x-
axls and a dlfferenL group of varlables clusLered around Lhe y-axls. lf all varlables are
clusLered beLween Lhe axes, Lhen Lhe roLaLlon has been relaLlvely unsuccessful ln maxlmlzlng
Lhe loadlng of a varlable onLo a slngle facLor. WlLh Lhree facLors Lhese ploLs can become
qulLe messy and cerLalnly puL conslderable sLraln on Lhe vlsual sysLem! Powever, Lhey can
sLlll be a useful way Lo deLermlne Lhe underlylng sLrucLures wlLhln Lhe daLa.
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!"#$%& ,) loctot Aoolysls. kototloo dlalog box
A flnal opLlon ls Lo seL Lhe Moxlmom ltetotloos fot coovetqeoce, whlch speclfles Lhe
number of Llmes LhaL Lhe compuLer wlll search for an opLlmal soluLlon. ln mosL
clrcumsLances Lhe defaulL of 23 ls more Lhan adequaLe for SSS Lo flnd a soluLlon for a glven
daLa seL. Powever, lf you have a large daLa seL (llke we have here) Lhen Lhe compuLer mlghL
have dlfflculLy flndlng a soluLlon (especlally for obllque roLaLlon). 1o allow for Lhe large daLa
seL we are uslng, change Lhe value Lo 30.
1he foctot scotes dlalog box (llgure 3) can be accessed by cllcklng on ln Lhe
maln dlalog box. 1hls opLlon allows you Lo save facLor scores for each case ln Lhe daLa edlLor.
SSS creaLes a new column for each facLor exLracLed and Lhen places Lhe facLor score for
each case wlLhln LhaL column. 1hese scores can Lhen be used for furLher analysls, or slmply
Lo ldenLlfy groups of parLlclpanLs who score hlghly on parLlcular facLors. 1here are Lhree
meLhods of obLalnlng Lhese scores. lf you wanL Lo ensure LhaL facLor scores are uncorrelaLed
Lhen selecL Lhe AoJetsoo-koblo meLhod, lf correlaLlons beLween facLor scores are
accepLable Lhen choose Lhe keqtessloo meLhod. As a flnal opLlon, you can ask SSS Lo
produce Lhe facLor score coefflclenL maLrlx.

!"#$%& -) loctot scotes dlalog box
1he flnal Lwo opLlons relaLe Lo how coefflclenLs are dlsplayed. 8y defaulL SSS wlll llsL
varlables ln Lhe order ln whlch Lhey are enLered lnLo Lhe daLa edlLor. usually, Lhls formaL ls
mosL convenlenL. Powever, when lnLerpreLlng facLors lL ls someLlmes useful Lo llsL varlables
by slze. lf you selecL 5otteJ by slze, SSS wlll order Lhe varlables by Lhelr facLor loadlngs. ln
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facL, lL does Lhls sorLlng falrly lnLelllgenLly so LhaL all of Lhe varlables LhaL load hlghly onLo
Lhe same facLor are dlsplayed LogeLher. 1he second opLlon ls Lo 5opptess smoll coefflcleots.
Absolote voloe below a speclfled value (by defaulL .1). 1hls opLlon ensures LhaL facLor
loadlngs wlLhln .1 are noL dlsplayed ln Lhe ouLpuL. Agaln, Lhls opLlon ls useful for asslsLlng
ln lnLerpreLaLlon. 1he defaulL value ls probably senslble, buL on your flrsL analysls l
recommend changlng lL elLher Lo .4 (for lnLerpreLaLlon purposes) or Lo a value reflecLlng Lhe
expecLed value of a slgnlflcanL facLor loadlng glven Lhe sample slze. 1hls wlll make
lnLerpreLaLlon slmpler. ?ou can, lf you llke, rerun Lhe analysls and seL Lhls value lower [usL Lo
check you haven'L mlssed anyLhlng (llke a loadlng of .39). lor Lhls example seL Lhe value aL

!"#$%& .) lacLor analysls optloos dlalog box

Interpreting output from SPSS
SelecL Lhe same opLlons as l have ln Lhe screenshoLs and run a CA wlLh orLhogonal roLaLlon.
8epeaL, buL uslng dlrecL obllmln roLaLlon. lor Lhe purposes of savlng space ln Lhls secLlon l
seL Lhe defaulL SSS opLlons such LhaL each varlable ls referred Lo only by lLs label on Lhe
daLa edlLor (e.g., C12). Cn Lhe ouLpuL yoo obLaln, you should flnd LhaL Lhe SSS uses Lhe
value label (Lhe quesLlon lLself) ln all of Lhe ouLpuL. When uslng Lhe ouLpuL ln Lhls chapLer
[usL remember LhaL C1 represenLs quesLlon 1, C2 represenLs quesLlon 2 and C17 represenLs
quesLlon 17.
1he flrsL body of ouLpuL concerns daLa screenlng, assumpLlon LesLlng and sampllng
adequacy. ?ou'll flnd several large Lables (or maLrlces) LhaL Lell us lnLeresLlng Lhlngs abouL
our daLa. lf you selecLed Lhe uolvotlote Jesctlptlves opLlon ln llgure 2 Lhen Lhe flrsL Lable wlll
conLaln descrlpLlve sLaLlsLlcs for each varlable (Lhe mean, sLandard devlaLlon and number of
cases). 1hls Lable ls noL lncluded here, buL you should have enough experlence Lo be able Lo
lnLerpreL lL. 1he Lable also lncludes Lhe number of mlsslng cases, Lhls summary ls a useful
way Lo deLermlne Lhe exLenL of mlsslng daLa.
1he Lop half of Lhe k-maLrlx (or correlaLlon maLrlx) shows Lhe earson correlaLlon
coefflclenL beLween all palrs of quesLlons, whereas Lhe boLLom half conLalns Lhe one-Lalled
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slgnlflcance of Lhese coefflclenLs (CuLpuL 1). We can use Lhls correlaLlon maLrlx Lo check Lhe
paLLern of relaLlonshlps. llrsL, scan Lhe maLrlx for correlaLlons greaLer Lhan .3, Lhen look for
varlables LhaL only have a small number of correlaLlons greaLer Lhan Lhls value. 1hen scan
Lhe correlaLlon coefflclenLs Lhemselves and look for any greaLer Lhan .9. lf any are found
Lhen you should be aware LhaL a problem could arlse because of mulLlcolllnearlLy ln Lhe
ln summary, all quesLlons ln Lhe SAC correlaLe reasonably well wlLh all oLhers and none
of Lhe correlaLlon coefflclenLs are excesslvely large, Lherefore, we won'L ellmlnaLe any
quesLlons aL Lhls sLage.

/$01$0 (
CuLpuL shows Lhe lnverse of Lhe correlaLlon maLrlx (k
), whlch ls used ln varlous
calculaLlons (lncludlng facLor scores). 1hls maLrlx ls produced uslng Lhe lovetse opLlon ln
llgure 2 buL ln all honesLy ls useful only lf you wanL some lnslghL lnLo Lhe calculaLlons LhaL
go on ln a facLor analysls. MosL of us have more lnLeresLlng Lhlngs Lo do Lhan galn lnslghL
lnLo Lhe worklngs of facLor analysls and Lhe pracLlcal use of Lhls maLrlx ls mlnlmal-so lgnore
CuLpuL shows several very lmporLanL parLs of Lhe ouLpuL: Lhe kMC measure of sampllng
adequacy, 8arLleLL's LesL of spherlclLy and Lhe anLl-lmage correlaLlon and covarlance
maLrlces (noLe LhaL Lhese maLrlces have been edlLed down Lo conLaln only Lhe flrsL and lasL
Correlation Matrix
1.000 -.099 -.337 .436 .402 -.189 .214 .329 -.104 -.004
-.099 1.000 .318 -.112 -.119 .203 -.202 -.205 .231 .100
-.337 .318 1.000 -.380 -.310 .342 -.325 -.417 .204 .150
.436 -.112 -.380 1.000 .401 -.186 .243 .410 -.098 -.034
.402 -.119 -.310 .401 1.000 -.165 .200 .335 -.133 -.042
.217 -.074 -.227 .278 .257 -.167 .101 .272 -.165 -.069
.305 -.159 -.382 .409 .339 -.269 .221 .483 -.168 -.070
.331 -.050 -.259 .349 .269 -.159 .175 .296 -.079 -.050
-.092 .315 .300 -.125 -.096 .249 -.159 -.136 .257 .171
.214 -.084 -.193 .216 .258 -.127 .084 .193 -.131 -.062
.357 -.144 -.351 .369 .298 -.200 .255 .346 -.162 -.086
.345 -.195 -.410 .442 .347 -.267 .298 .441 -.167 -.046
.355 -.143 -.318 .344 .302 -.227 .204 .374 -.195 -.053
.338 -.165 -.371 .351 .315 -.254 .226 .399 -.170 -.048
.246 -.165 -.312 .334 .261 -.210 .206 .300 -.168 -.062
.499 -.168 -.419 .416 .395 -.267 .265 .421 -.156 -.082
.371 -.087 -.327 .383 .310 -.163 .205 .363 -.126 -.092
.347 -.164 -.375 .382 .322 -.257 .235 .430 -.160 -.080
-.189 .203 .342 -.186 -.165 1.000 -.249 -.275 .234 .122
.214 -.202 -.325 .243 .200 -.249 1.000 .468 -.100 -.035
.329 -.205 -.417 .410 .335 -.275 .468 1.000 -.129 -.068
-.104 .231 .204 -.098 -.133 .234 -.100 -.129 1.000 .230
-.004 .100 .150 -.034 -.042 .122 -.035 -.068 .230 1.000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .410
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .043
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .017
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.000 .006 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .005
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .001
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .009
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .004
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .007
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .001
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .039
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
.410 .000 .000 .043 .017 .000 .039 .000 .000
Sig. (1-tailed)
Q01 Q02 Q03 Q04 Q05 Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22 Q23
Determinant = 5.271E-04 a.
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flve varlables). 1he anLl-lmage correlaLlon and covarlance maLrlces provlde slmllar
lnformaLlon (remember Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween covarlance and correlaLlon) and so only
Lhe anLl-lmage correlaLlon maLrlx need be sLudled ln deLall as lL ls Lhe mosL lnformaLlve.

/$01$0 *
lor Lhe kMC sLaLlsLlc kalser (1974) recommends a bare mlnlmum of .3 and LhaL values
beLween .3 and .7 are medlocre, values beLween .7 and .8 are good, values beLween .8 and
.9 are greaL and values above .9 are superb (PuLcheson & Sofronlou, 1999). lor Lhese daLa
Lhe value ls .93, whlch falls lnLo Lhe range of belng superb, so we should be confldenL LhaL
Lhe sample slze ls adequaLe for facLor analysls.

/$01$0 +
Inverse of Correlation Matrix
1.595 -.028 .087 -.268 -.233 .017 -.024 .011 .002 -.078
-.028 1.232 -.224 -.057 .013 -.037 .076 .062 -.148 -.003
.087 -.224 1.661 .138 .057 -.175 .118 .122 -.009 -.103
-.268 -.057 .138 1.626 -.203 -.049 -.006 -.149 -.045 -.023
-.233 .013 .057 -.203 1.410 -.024 -.016 -.074 .045 -.006
.034 -.078 -.072 -.011 -.055 -.023 .080 .069 .058 .025
.039 .025 .127 -.152 -.072 .105 .077 -.386 .019 -.012
-.087 -.051 -.013 -.134 -.045 .074 .034 -.039 -.035 .003
-.023 -.242 -.208 .043 -.027 -.141 .050 -.047 -.156 -.110
-.017 -.015 -.023 .009 -.124 -.012 .056 .026 .023 .017
-.075 .061 .121 -.041 .000 -.010 -.140 -.009 .055 .015
-.011 .046 .147 -.259 -.091 .060 -.100 -.141 .026 -.038
-.145 -.011 -.055 .040 .007 .014 .028 -.061 .077 -.042
-.064 .033 .115 -.007 -.040 .063 .002 -.110 .041 -.034
.138 .050 .013 -.098 .021 .013 -.054 .058 .034 -.030
-.454 -.017 .142 -.063 -.155 .071 -.008 -.158 -.005 .033
-.084 -.045 .063 -.064 -.030 -.074 .025 -.077 .015 .080
-.041 .028 .070 -.044 .004 .047 -.004 -.136 -.037 .033
.017 -.037 -.175 -.049 -.024 1.264 .120 .048 -.141 -.045
-.024 .076 .118 -.006 -.016 .120 1.370 -.511 -.014 -.034
.011 .062 .122 -.149 -.074 .048 -.511 1.830 -.036 .018
.002 -.148 -.009 -.045 .045 -.141 -.014 -.036 1.200 -.202
-.078 -.003 -.103 -.023 -.006 -.045 -.034 .018 -.202 1.094
Q01 Q02 Q03 Q04 Q05 Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22 Q23
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy.
Approx. Chi-Square
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity
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l menLloned LhaL kMC can be calculaLed for mulLlple and lndlvldual varlables. 1he kMC
values for lndlvldual varlables are produced on Lhe dlagonal of Lhe anLl-lmage correlaLlon
maLrlx (l have hlghllghLed Lhese cells). 1hese values make Lhe anLl-lmage correlaLlon maLrlx
an exLremely lmporLanL parL of Lhe ouLpuL (alLhough Lhe anLl-lmage covarlance maLrlx can
be lgnored). As well as checklng Lhe overall kMC sLaLlsLlc, lL ls lmporLanL Lo examlne Lhe
dlagonal elemenLs of Lhe anLl-lmage correlaLlon maLrlx: Lhe value should be above Lhe bare
mlnlmum of .3 for all varlables (and preferably hlgher). lor Lhese daLa all values are well
above .3, whlch ls good news! lf you flnd any varlables wlLh values below .3 Lhen you should
conslder excludlng Lhem from Lhe analysls (or run Lhe analysls wlLh and wlLhouL Lhem and
noLe Lhe dlfference). 8emoval of a varlable affecLs Lhe kMC sLaLlsLlcs, so lf you do remove a
varlable be sure Lo re-examlne Lhe new anLl-lmage correlaLlon maLrlx. As for Lhe resL of Lhe
anLl-lmage correlaLlon maLrlx, Lhe off-dlagonal elemenLs represenL Lhe parLlal correlaLlons
beLween varlables. lor a good facLor analysls we wanL Lhese correlaLlons Lo be very small
(Lhe smaller, Lhe beLLer). So, as a flnal check, you can [usL look Lhrough Lo see LhaL Lhe off-
dlagonal elemenLs are small (Lhey should be for Lhese daLa).
8arLleLL's measure LesLs Lhe null hypoLhesls LhaL Lhe orlglnal correlaLlon maLrlx ls an
ldenLlLy maLrlx. A slgnlflcanL LesL Lells us LhaL Lhe k-maLrlx ls noL an ldenLlLy maLrlx,
Lherefore, Lhere are some relaLlonshlps beLween Lhe varlables we hope Lo lnclude ln Lhe
analysls. lor Lhese daLa, 8arLleLL's LesL ls hlghly slgnlflcanL (p < .001), lL usually ls.
1he flrsL parL of Lhe facLor exLracLlon process ls Lo deLermlne Lhe llnear componenLs
wlLhln Lhe daLa seL (Lhe elgenvecLors) by calculaLlng Lhe elgenvalues of Lhe k-maLrlx. We
know LhaL Lhere are as many componenLs (elgenvecLors) ln Lhe k-maLrlx as Lhere are
varlables, buL mosL wlll be unlmporLanL. 1o deLermlne Lhe lmporLance of a parLlcular vecLor
we look aL Lhe magnlLude of Lhe assoclaLed elgenvalue. We can Lhen apply crlLerla Lo
deLermlne whlch facLors Lo reLaln and whlch Lo dlscard. 8y defaulL SSS uses kalser's
crlLerlon of reLalnlng facLors wlLh elgenvalues greaLer Lhan 1 (see llgure 3).
CuLpuL llsLs Lhe elgenvalues assoclaLed wlLh each llnear componenL (facLor) before
exLracLlon, afLer exLracLlon and afLer roLaLlon. 8efore exLracLlon, SSS has ldenLlfled 23
llnear componenLs wlLhln Lhe daLa seL (we know LhaL Lhere should be as many elgenvecLors
as Lhere are varlables and so Lhere wlll be as many facLors as varlables). 1he elgenvalues
assoclaLed wlLh each facLor represenL Lhe varlance explalned by LhaL parLlcular llnear
componenL, and SSS also dlsplays Lhe elgenvalue ln Lerms of Lhe percenLage of varlance
explalned (so facLor 1 explalns 31.696 of LoLal varlance). lL should be clear LhaL Lhe flrsL few
facLors explaln relaLlvely large amounLs of varlance (especlally facLor 1), whereas
subsequenL facLors explaln only small amounLs of varlance. SSS Lhen exLracLs all facLors
wlLh elgenvalues greaLer Lhan 1, whlch leaves us wlLh four facLors. 1he elgenvalues
assoclaLed wlLh Lhese facLors are agaln dlsplayed (and Lhe percenLage of varlance explalned)
ln Lhe columns labelled xttoctloo 5oms of 5pooteJ looJloqs. 1he values ln Lhls parL of Lhe
Lable are Lhe same as Lhe values before exLracLlon, excepL LhaL Lhe values for Lhe dlscarded
facLors are lgnored (hence, Lhe Lable ls blank afLer Lhe fourLh facLor). ln Lhe flnal parL of Lhe
Lable (labelled kototloo 5oms of 5pooteJ looJloqs), Lhe elgenvalues of Lhe facLors afLer
roLaLlon are dlsplayed. 8oLaLlon has Lhe effecL of opLlmlzlng Lhe facLor sLrucLure, and one
consequence for Lhese daLa ls LhaL Lhe relaLlve lmporLance of Lhe four facLors ls equallzed.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 9
8efore roLaLlon, facLor 1 accounLed for conslderably more varlance Lhan Lhe remalnlng Lhree
(31.696 compared Lo 7.360, 3.723 and 3.336), buL afLer exLracLlon lL accounLs for only
16.219 of varlance (compared Lo 14.323, 11.099 and 8.473, respecLlvely).

/$01$0 ,
CuLpuL shows Lhe Lable of communallLles before and afLer exLracLlon. 8emember LhaL
Lhe communallLy ls Lhe proporLlon of common varlance wlLhln a varlable. rlnclpal
componenL analysls works on Lhe lnlLlal assumpLlon LhaL all varlance ls common, Lherefore,
before exLracLlon Lhe communallLles are all 1 (see Lhe column labelled loltlol). ln effecL, all of
Lhe varlance assoclaLed wlLh a varlable ls assumed Lo be common varlance. Cnce facLors
have been exLracLed, we have a beLLer ldea of how much varlance ls, ln reallLy, common.
1he communallLles ln Lhe column labelled xttoctloo reflecL Lhls common varlance. So, for
example, we can say LhaL 43.3 of Lhe varlance assoclaLed wlLh quesLlon 1 ls common, or
shared, varlance. AnoLher way Lo look aL Lhese communallLles ls ln Lerms of Lhe proporLlon
of varlance explalned by Lhe underlylng facLors. 8efore exLracLlon, Lhere are as many facLors
as Lhere are varlables, so all varlance ls explalned by Lhe facLors and communallLles are all 1.
Powever, afLer exLracLlon some of Lhe facLors are dlscarded and so some lnformaLlon ls losL.
1he reLalned facLors cannoL explaln all of Lhe varlance presenL ln Lhe daLa, buL Lhey can
explaln some. 1he amounL of varlance ln each varlable LhaL can be explalned by Lhe reLalned
facLors ls represenLed by Lhe communallLles afLer exLracLlon.
Total Variance Explained
7.290 31.696 31.696 7.290 31.696 31.696 3.730 16.219
1.739 7.560 39.256 1.739 7.560 39.256 3.340 14.523 30.742
1.317 5.725 44.981 1.317 5.725 44.981 2.553 11.099 41.842
1.227 5.336 50.317 1.227 5.336 50.317 1.949 8.475 50.317
.988 4.295 54.612
.895 3.893 58.504
.806 3.502 62.007
.783 3.404 65.410
.751 3.265 68.676
.717 3.117 71.793
.684 2.972 74.765
.670 2.911 77.676
.612 2.661 80.337
.578 2.512 82.849
.549 2.388 85.236
.523 2.275 87.511
.508 2.210 89.721
.456 1.982 91.704
.424 1.843 93.546
.408 1.773 95.319
.379 1.650 96.969
.364 1.583 98.552
.333 1.448 100.000
% of
% Total
% of
% Total
% of
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 10

/$01$0 -
CuLpuL also shows Lhe componenL maLrlx before roLaLlon. 1hls maLrlx conLalns Lhe
loadlngs of each varlable onLo each facLor. 8y defaulL SSS dlsplays all loadlngs, however, we
requesLed LhaL all loadlngs less Lhan .4 be suppressed ln Lhe ouLpuL (see llgure 6) and so
Lhere are blank spaces for many of Lhe loadlngs. 1hls maLrlx ls noL parLlcularly lmporLanL for
lnLerpreLaLlon, buL lL ls lnLeresLlng Lo noLe LhaL before roLaLlon mosL varlables load hlghly
onLo Lhe flrsL facLor.
AL Lhls sLage SSS has exLracLed four facLors. lacLor analysls ls an exploraLory Lool and so
lL should be used Lo gulde Lhe researcher Lo make varlous declslons: you shouldn'L leave Lhe
compuLer Lo make Lhem. Cne lmporLanL declslon ls Lhe number of facLors Lo exLracL. 8y
kalser's crlLerlon we should exLracL four facLors and Lhls ls whaL SSS has done. Powever,
Lhls crlLerlon ls accuraLe when Lhere are less Lhan 30 varlables and communallLles afLer
exLracLlon are greaLer Lhan .7 or when Lhe sample slze exceeds 230 and Lhe average
communallLy ls greaLer Lhan .6. 1he communallLles are shown ln CuLpuL , and only one
exceeds .7. 1he average of Lhe communallLles can be found by addlng Lhem up and dlvldlng
by Lhe number of communallLles (11.373/23 = .303). So, on boLh grounds kalser's rule may
noL be accuraLe. Powever, you should conslder Lhe huge sample LhaL we have, because Lhe
research lnLo kalser's crlLerlon glves recommendaLlons for much smaller samples. 8y
!olllffe's crlLerlon (reLaln facLors wlLh elgenvalues greaLer Lhan 0.7) we should reLaln 10
facLors, buL Lhere ls llLLle Lo recommend Lhls crlLerlon over kalser's. As a flnal gulde we can
use Lhe scree ploL whlch we asked SSS Lo produce by uslng Lhe opLlon ln llgure 3. 1he scree
ploL ls shown ln CuLpuL . 1hls curve ls dlfflculL Lo lnLerpreL because lL beglns Lo Lall off afLer
Lhree facLors, buL Lhere ls anoLher drop afLer four facLors before a sLable plaLeau ls reached.
1herefore, we could probably [usLlfy reLalnlng elLher Lwo or four facLors. Clven Lhe large
1.000 .435
1.000 .414
1.000 .530
1.000 .469
1.000 .343
1.000 .654
1.000 .545
1.000 .739
1.000 .484
1.000 .335
1.000 .690
1.000 .513
1.000 .536
1.000 .488
1.000 .378
1.000 .487
1.000 .683
1.000 .597
1.000 .343
1.000 .484
1.000 .550
1.000 .464
1.000 .412
Initial Extraction
Extraction Method: Principal Component
Component Matrix

.652 -.400
.549 .401 -.417
.436 -.404
.562 .571
1 2 3 4
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
4 components extracted. a.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 11
sample, lL ls probably safe Lo assume kalser's crlLerlon, however, you mlghL llke Lo rerun Lhe
analysls speclfylng LhaL SSS exLracL only Lwo facLors (see llgure 3) and compare Lhe resulLs.

/$01$0 2
CuLpuL shows an edlLed verslon of Lhe reproduced correlaLlon maLrlx. 1he Lop half of
Lhls maLrlx (labelled 3&1%45$6&5 74%%&890"4:;) conLalns Lhe correlaLlon coefflclenLs beLween
all of Lhe quesLlons based on Lhe facLor model. 1he dlagonal of Lhls maLrlx conLalns Lhe
communallLles afLer exLracLlon for each varlable.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 12

/$01$0 <
1he correlaLlons ln Lhe reproduced maLrlx dlffer from Lhose ln Lhe k-maLrlx because Lhey
sLem from Lhe model raLher Lhan Lhe observed daLa. lf Lhe model were a perfecL flL of Lhe
daLa Lhen we would expecL Lhe reproduced correlaLlon coefflclenLs Lo be Lhe same as Lhe
orlglnal correlaLlon coefflclenLs. 1herefore, Lo assess Lhe flL of Lhe model we can look aL Lhe
dlfferences beLween Lhe observed correlaLlons and Lhe correlaLlons based on Lhe model. lor
example, lf we Lake Lhe correlaLlon beLween quesLlons 1 and 2, Lhe correlaLlon based on Lhe
observed daLa ls !.099. 1he correlaLlon based on Lhe model ls !.112, whlch ls sllghLly hlgher.
We can calculaLe Lhe dlfference as follows:
!"#$%&'( ! !
! !
!"#$ $#&'(

! !!!!"" ! !!!!!"
! !!!"#
?ou should noLlce LhaL Lhls dlfference ls Lhe value quoLed ln Lhe lower half of Lhe
reproduced maLrlx (labelled keslJool) for quesLlons 1 and 2. 1herefore, Lhe lower half of Lhe
reproduced maLrlx conLalns Lhe dlfferences beLween Lhe observed correlaLlon coefflclenLs
and Lhe ones predlcLed from Lhe model. lor a good model Lhese values wlll all be small. ln
facL, we wanL mosL values Lo be less Lhan 0.03. 8aLher Lhan scan Lhls huge maLrlx, SSS
provldes a fooLnoLe summary, whlch sLaLes how many reslduals have an absoluLe value
greaLer Lhan 0.03. lor Lhese daLa Lhere are 91 reslduals (33) LhaL are greaLer Lhan 0.03.
1here are no hard and fasL rules abouL whaL proporLlon of reslduals should be below 0.03,
however, lf more Lhan 30 are greaLer Lhan 0.03 you probably have grounds for concern.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 1J
Orthogonal rotation (varimax)
CuLpuL shows Lhe roLaLed componenL maLrlx (also called Lhe roLaLed facLor maLrlx ln facLor
analysls), whlch ls a maLrlx of Lhe facLor loadlngs for each varlable onLo each facLor. 1hls
maLrlx conLalns Lhe same lnformaLlon as Lhe componenL maLrlx, excepL LhaL lL ls calculaLed
oftet roLaLlon. 1here are several Lhlngs Lo conslder abouL Lhe formaL of Lhls maLrlx. llrsL,
facLor loadlngs less Lhan .4 have noL been dlsplayed because we asked for Lhese loadlngs Lo
be suppressed uslng Lhe opLlon ln llgure 6. lf you dldn'L selecL Lhls opLlon, or dldn'L ad[usL
Lhe crlLerlon value Lo .4, Lhen your ouLpuL wlll dlffer. Second, Lhe varlables are llsLed ln Lhe
order of slze of Lhelr facLor loadlngs. 8y defaulL, SSS orders Lhe varlables as Lhey are ln Lhe
daLa edlLor, however, we asked for Lhe ouLpuL Lo be 5otteJ by slze uslng Lhe opLlon ln llgure
6. lf Lhls opLlon was noL selecLed your ouLpuL wlll look dlfferenL. llnally, for all oLher parLs of
Lhe ouLpuL l suppressed Lhe varlable labels (for reasons of space), buL for Lhls maLrlx l have
allowed Lhe varlable labels Lo be prlnLed Lo ald lnLerpreLaLlon.
1he orlglnal loglc behlnd suppresslng loadlngs less Lhan .4 was based on SLevens' (2002)
suggesLlon LhaL Lhls cuL-off polnL was approprlaLe for lnLerpreLaLlve purposes (l.e., loadlngs
greaLer Lhan .4 represenL subsLanLlve values). Powever, Lhls means LhaL we have suppressed
several loadlngs LhaL are undoubLedly slgnlflcanL. Powever, slgnlflcance lLself ls noL
Compare Lhls maLrlx Lo Lhe unroLaLed soluLlon (CuLpuL ). 8efore roLaLlon, mosL varlables
loaded hlghly onLo Lhe flrsL facLor and Lhe remalnlng facLors dldn'L really geL a look ln.
Powever, Lhe roLaLlon of Lhe facLor sLrucLure has clarlfled Lhlngs conslderably: Lhere are four
facLors and varlables load very hlghly onLo only one facLor (wlLh Lhe excepLlon of one
quesLlon). 1he suppresslon of loadlngs less Lhan .4 and orderlng varlables by loadlng slze
also make lnLerpreLaLlon conslderably easler (because you don'L have Lo scan Lhe maLrlx Lo
ldenLlfy subsLanLlve loadlngs).
1he nexL sLep ls Lo look aL Lhe conLenL of quesLlons LhaL load onLo Lhe same facLor Lo Lry
Lo ldenLlfy common Lhemes. lf Lhe maLhemaLlcal facLor produced by Lhe analysls represenLs
some real-world consLrucL Lhen common Lhemes among hlghly loadlng quesLlons can help
us ldenLlfy whaL Lhe consLrucL mlghL be. 1he quesLlons LhaL load hlghly on facLor 1 seem Lo
all relaLe Lo uslng compuLers or SSS. 1herefore we mlghL label Lhls facLor feot of compotets.
1he quesLlons LhaL load hlghly on facLor 2 all seem Lo relaLe Lo dlfferenL aspecLs of sLaLlsLlcs,
Lherefore, we mlghL label Lhls facLor feot of stotlstlcs. 1he Lhree quesLlons LhaL load hlghly
on facLor 3 all seem Lo relaLe Lo maLhemaLlcs, Lherefore, we mlghL label Lhls facLor feot of
motbemotlcs. llnally, Lhe quesLlons LhaL load hlghly on facLor 4 all conLaln some componenL
of soclal evaluaLlon from frlends, Lherefore, we mlghL label Lhls facLor peet evolootloo. 1hls
analysls seems Lo reveal LhaL Lhe lnlLlal quesLlonnalre, ln reallLy, ls composed of four
subscales: fear of compuLers, fear of sLaLlsLlcs, fear of maLhs and fear of negaLlve peer
evaluaLlon. 1here are Lwo posslblllLles here. 1he flrsL ls LhaL Lhe SAC falled Lo measure whaL
lL seL ouL Lo (namely, SSS anxleLy) buL does measure some relaLed consLrucLs. 1he second ls
LhaL Lhese four consLrucLs are sub-componenLs of SSS anxleLy. Powever, Lhe facLor analysls
does noL lndlcaLe whlch of Lhese posslblllLles ls Lrue.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 14

/$01$0 2
1he flnal parL of Lhe ouLpuL ls Lhe facLor LransformaLlon maLrlx. 1hls maLrlx provldes
lnformaLlon abouL Lhe degree Lo whlch Lhe facLors were roLaLed Lo obLaln a soluLlon. lf no
roLaLlon were necessary, Lhls maLrlx would be an ldenLlLy maLrlx. lf orLhogonal roLaLlon were
compleLely approprlaLe Lhen we would expecL a symmeLrlcal maLrlx (same values above and
below Lhe dlagonal). ln reallLy Lhe maLrlx ls noL easy Lo lnLerpreL, alLhough very
asymmeLrlcal maLrlces mlghL be Laken as a reason Lo Lry obllque roLaLlon. lor Lhe
lnexperlenced facLor analysL you are probably besL advlsed Lo lgnore Lhe facLor
LransformaLlon maLrlx.
Rotated Component Matrix

.473 .523
I have little experience of computers
SPSS always crashes when I try to use it
I worry that I will cause irreparable damage because
of my incompetenece with computers
All computers hate me
Computers have minds of their own and deliberately
go wrong whenever I use them
Computers are useful only for playing games
Computers are out to get me
I can't sleep for thoughts of eigen vectors
I wake up under my duvet thinking that I am trapped
under a normal distribtion
Standard deviations excite me
People try to tell you that SPSS makes statistics
easier to understand but it doesn't
I dream that Pearson is attacking me with correlation
I weep openly at the mention of central tendency
Statiscs makes me cry
I don't understand statistics
I have never been good at mathematics
I slip into a coma whenever I see an equation
I did badly at mathematics at school
My friends are better at statistics than me
My friends are better at SPSS than I am
If I'm good at statistics my friends will think I'm a nerd
My friends will think I'm stupid for not being able to
cope with SPSS
Everybody looks at me when I use SPSS
1 2 3 4
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Rotation converged in 9 iterations. a.
Component Transformation Matrix
.635 .585 .443 -.242
.137 -.168 .488 .846
.758 -.513 -.403 .008
.067 .605 -.635 .476
1 2 3 4
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 15
Oblique rotation

/$01$0 <
lor Lhe paLLern maLrlx for Lhese daLa (CuLpuL ) Lhe same four facLors seem Lo have emerged
(alLhough for some varlables Lhe facLor loadlngs are Loo small Lo be dlsplayed). lacLor 1
seems Lo represenL fear of sLaLlsLlcs, facLor 2 represenLs fear of peer evaluaLlon, facLor 3
represenLs fear of compuLers and facLor 4 represenLs fear of maLhemaLlcs. 1he sLrucLure
maLrlx (CuLpuL ) dlffers ln LhaL shared varlance ls noL lgnored. 1he plcLure becomes more
compllcaLed because, wlLh Lhe excepLlon of facLor 2, several varlables load hlghly onLo more
Lhan one facLor. 1hls has occurred because of Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween facLors 1 and 3 and
facLors 3 and 4. 1hls example should hlghllghL why Lhe paLLern maLrlx ls preferable for
lnLerpreLaLlve reasons: because lL conLalns lnformaLlon abouL Lhe oolpoe conLrlbuLlon of a
varlable Lo a facLor.
Pattern Matrix



.412 .462
I can't sleep for thoughts of eigen vectors
I wake up under my duvet thinking that I am trapped
under a normal distribtion
Standard deviations excite me
I dream that Pearson is attacking me with correlation
I weep openly at the mention of central tendency
Statiscs makes me cry
I don't understand statistics
My friends are better at SPSS than I am
My friends are better at statistics than me
If I'm good at statistics my friends will think I'm a nerd
My friends will think I'm stupid for not being able to
cope with SPSS
Everybody looks at me when I use SPSS
I have little experience of computers
SPSS always crashes when I try to use it
All computers hate me
I worry that I will cause irreparable damage because
of my incompetenece with computers
Computers have minds of their own and deliberately
go wrong whenever I use them
Computers are useful only for playing games
People try to tell you that SPSS makes statistics
easier to understand but it doesn't
Computers are out to get me
I have never been good at mathematics
I slip into a coma whenever I see an equation
I did badly at mathematics at school
1 2 3 4
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization.
Rotation converged in 29 iterations.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 16

/$01$0 (
1he flnal parL of Lhe ouLpuL ls a correlaLlon maLrlx beLween Lhe facLors (CuLpuL ). 1hls
maLrlx conLalns Lhe correlaLlon coefflclenLs beLween facLors. As predlcLed from Lhe sLrucLure
maLrlx, facLor 2 has llLLle or no relaLlonshlp wlLh any oLher facLors (correlaLlon coefflclenLs
are low), buL all oLher facLors are lnLerrelaLed Lo some degree (noLably facLors 1 and 3 and
facLors 3 and 4). 1he facL LhaL Lhese correlaLlons exlsL Lell us LhaL Lhe consLrucLs measured
can be lnLerrelaLed. lf Lhe consLrucLs were lndependenL Lhen we would expecL obllque
roLaLlon Lo provlde an ldenLlcal soluLlon Lo an orLhogonal roLaLlon and Lhe componenL
correlaLlon maLrlx should be an ldenLlLy maLrlx (l.e., all facLors have correlaLlon coefflclenLs
of 0). 1herefore, Lhls flnal maLrlx glves us a gulde Lo wheLher lL ls reasonable Lo assume
lndependence beLween facLors: for Lhese daLa lL appears LhaL we cannoL assume
lndependence. 1herefore, Lhe resulLs of Lhe orLhogonal roLaLlon should noL be LrusLed: Lhe
obllquely roLaLed soluLlon ls probably more meanlngful.
Cn a LheoreLlcal level Lhe dependence beLween our facLors does noL cause concern, we
mlghL expecL a falrly sLrong relaLlonshlp beLween fear of maLhs, fear of sLaLlsLlcs and fear of
compuLers. Cenerally, Lhe less maLhemaLlcally and Lechnlcally mlnded people sLruggle wlLh
sLaLlsLlcs. Powever, we would noL expecL Lhese consLrucLs Lo correlaLe wlLh fear of peer
evaluaLlon (because Lhls consLrucL ls more soclally based). ln facL, Lhls facLor ls Lhe one LhaL
correlaLes falrly badly wlLh all oLhers - so on a LheoreLlcal level, Lhlngs have Lurned ouL
raLher well!
Structure Matrix
.695 .477
-.632 -.407
.567 .516 -.491
.548 .487 -.485
.520 .413 -.501
.462 .453
-.435 .446
.404 .761
.401 .723
.723 -.429
.426 .671
.576 .606
.561 -.441
.453 -.822
.451 -.818
I wake up under my duvet thinking that I am trapped under
a normal distribtion
I can't sleep for thoughts of eigen vectors
Standard deviations excite me
I weep openly at the mention of central tendency
I dream that Pearson is attacking me with correlation
Statiscs makes me cry
I don't understand statistics
My friends are better at SPSS than I am
My friends are better at statistics than me
If I'm good at statistics my friends will think I'm a nerd
My friends will think I'm stupid for not being able to cope
with SPSS
Everybody looks at me when I use SPSS
I have little experience of computers
SPSS always crashes when I try to use it
All computers hate me
I worry that I will cause irreparable damage because of
my incompetenece with computers
Computers have minds of their own and deliberately go
wrong whenever I use them
People try to tell you that SPSS makes statistics easier to
understand but it doesn't
Computers are out to get me
Computers are useful only for playing games
I have never been good at mathematics
I slip into a coma whenever I see an equation
I did badly at mathematics at school
1 2 3 4
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 17

/$01$0 *
Factor scores
Pavlng reached a sulLable soluLlon and roLaLed LhaL soluLlon, we can look aL Lhe facLor
scores. CuLpuL shows Lhe componenL score maLrlx 8 from whlch Lhe facLor scores are
calculaLed and Lhe covarlance maLrlx of facLor scores. 1he componenL score maLrlx ls noL
parLlcularly useful ln lLself. lL can be useful ln undersLandlng how Lhe facLor scores have
been compuLed, buL wlLh large daLa seLs llke Lhls one you are unllkely Lo wanL Lo delve lnLo
Lhe maLhemaLlcs behlnd Lhe facLor scores. Powever, Lhe covarlance maLrlx of scores ls
useful. 1hls maLrlx ln effecL Lells us Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween facLor scores (lL ls an
unsLandardlzed correlaLlon maLrlx). lf facLor scores are uncorrelaLed Lhen Lhls maLrlx should
be an ldenLlLy maLrlx (l.e., dlagonal elemenLs wlll be 1 buL all oLher elemenLs are 0). lor
Lhese daLa Lhe covarlances are all zero, lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe resulLlng scores are uncorrelaLed.
Component Correlation Matrix
1.000 -.154 .364 -.279
-.154 1.000 -.185 8.155E-02
.364 -.185 1.000 -.464
-.279 8.155E-02 -.464 1.000
1 2 3 4
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 18

/$01$0 +
ln Lhe orlglnal analysls we asked for scores Lo be calculaLed based on Lhe Anderson-
8ubln meLhod (hence why Lhey are uncorrelaLed). ?ou wlll flnd Lhese scores ln Lhe daLa
edlLor. 1here should be four new columns of daLa (one for each facLor) labelled lAc1_1,
lAc2_1, lAcJ_1 and lAc4_1 respecLlvely. lf you asked for facLor scores ln Lhe obllque
roLaLlon Lhen Lhese scores wlll appear ln Lhe daLa edlLor ln four oLher columns labelled
lAc2_1 and so on.
CuLpuL shows Lhe facLor scores for Lhe flrsL 10 parLlclpanLs. lL should be preLLy clear LhaL
parLlclpanL 9 scored hlghly on all four facLors, and so Lhls person ls very anxlous abouL
sLaLlsLlcs, compuLlng and maLhs, buL less so abouL peer evaluaLlon (facLor 4). lacLor scores
can be used ln Lhls way Lo assess Lhe relaLlve fear of one person compared Lo anoLher, or we
could add Lhe scores up Lo obLaln a slngle score for each parLlclpanL (LhaL we mlghL assume
represenLs SSS anxleLy as a whole). We can also use facLor scores ln regresslon when
groups of predlcLors correlaLe so hlghly LhaL Lhere ls mulLlcolllnearlLy.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 19

/$01$0 (+
1o sum up, Lhe analyses revealed four underlylng scales ln our quesLlonnalre LhaL may, or
may noL, relaLe Lo genulne sub-componenLs of SSS anxleLy. lL also seems as Lhough an
obllquely roLaLed soluLlon was preferred due Lo Lhe lnLerrelaLlonshlps beLween facLors. 1he
use of facLor analysls ls purely exploraLory, lL should be used only Lo gulde fuLure
hypoLheses, or Lo lnform researchers abouL paLLerns wlLhln daLa seLs. A greaL many
declslons are lefL Lo Lhe researcher uslng facLor analysls, and l urge you Lo make lnformed
declslons, raLher Lhan baslng declslons on Lhe ouLcomes you would llke Lo geL. 1he nexL
quesLlon ls wheLher or noL our scale ls rellable.
Task 2
1be uolvetslty of 5ossex coostootly seeks to employ tbe best people posslble os
lectotets. 1bey wooteJ to tevlse tbe 1eocbloq of 5totlstlcs fot 5cleotlflc xpetlmeots
(1O55) poestloooolte, wblcb ls boseJ oo 8looJs tbeoty tbot soys tbot qooJ teseotcb
metboJs lectotets sboolJ bove. (1) o ptofoooJ love of stotlstlcs, (2) oo eotboslosm fot
expetlmeotol Jeslqo, (J) o love of teocbloq, ooJ (4) o complete obseoce of ootmol
lotetpetsoool skllls. 1bese cbotoctetlstlcs sboolJ be teloteJ (l.e., cotteloteJ). 1be
oolvetslty tevlseJ tbls poestloooolte to become tbe 1eocbloq of 5totlstlcs fot 5cleotlflc
xpetlmeots - kevlseJ (1O55-k). 1bey qove tbls poestloooolte to 2J9 teseotcb
metboJs lectotets otoooJ tbe wotlJ to see lf lt soppotteJ 8looJs tbeoty. 1be Joto ote
lo !"##$%&'()*. cooJoct ptloclpol oxls fooctlooloq ooolysls (wltb opptoptlote tototloo)
ooJ lotetptet tbe foctot sttoctote.

ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 20

!"#$%& =) 1he 1CSSL-8
I once woke up in a vegetable patch hugging a turnip that I'd
mistakenly dug up thinking it was Roy's largest root
If I had a big gun I'd shoot all the students I have to teach
I memorise probability values for the F-distribution
I worship at the shrine of Pearson
I still live with my mother and have little personal hygiene
Teaching others makes me want to swallow a large bottle of
bleach because the pain of my burning oesophagus would
be light relief in comparison
I like control conditions
Helping others to understand sums of squares is a great feeling
I could spend all day explaining statistics to people
I calculate 3 ANOVAs in my head before getting out of bed
People fall asleep as soon as I open my mouth to speak
I like it when I've helped people to understand factor rotation
Designing experiments is fun
I'd rather think about appropriate dependent variables
than go to the pub
I soil my pants with excitement at the mere mention of Factor Analysis
Thinking about whether to use repeated- or independent-measures
thrills me
I enjoy sitting in the park contemplating whether to use participant
observation in my next experiment
Teaching of Statistics for Scientic
Experiments Revised (TOSSE-R)
Standing in front of 300 people in no way makes me lose control of my
I like to help students 19.
Passing on knowledge is the greatest gift you can bestow an individual 20.
Thinking about Bonferroni corrections gives me a tingly feeling in my
I quiver with excitement when thinking about designing my next
I often spend my spare time talking to the pigeons ... and even they
die of boredom
I tried to build myself a time machine so that I could go back to the
1930s and follow Fisher around on my hands and knees licking the
oor on which he'd just trodden
I love teaching 25.
I spend lots of time helping students 26.
I love teaching because students have to pretend to like me or they'll
get bad marks
My cat is my only friend 28.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 21

Moltlcollloeotlty. 1he deLermlnanL of Lhe correlaLlon maLrlx was .00000124, whlch ls smaller
Lhan .00001 and, Lherefore, lndlcaLes LhaL mulLlcolllnearlLy could be a problem ln Lhese daLa
(alLhough, sLrlcLly speaklng, because we're uslng prlnclpal componenL analysls we don'L need
Lo worry).

/$01$0 (,

/$01$0 (-
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 22
5omple slze. MacCallum eL al. (1999) have demonsLraLed LhaL when communallLles afLer
exLracLlon are above .3 a sample slze beLween 100 and 200 can be adequaLe, and even when
communallLles are below .3 a sample slze of 300 should be sufflclenL. We have a sample slze of
239 wlLh some communallLles below .3, and so Lhe sample slze may noL be adequaLe.
Powever, Lhe kMC measure of sampllng adequacy ls .894, whlch ls above kalser's (1974)
recommendaLlon of .3. 1hls value ls also 'merlLorlous' (and almosL 'marvellous') accordlng Lo
PuLcheson and Sofronlou (1999). As such, Lhe evldence suggesLs LhaL Lhe sample slze ls
adequaLe Lo yleld dlsLlncL and rellable facLors.
8ottletts test. 1hls LesLs wheLher Lhe correlaLlons beLween quesLlons are sufflclenLly large for
facLor analysls Lo be approprlaLe (lL acLually LesLs wheLher Lhe correlaLlon maLrlx ls sufflclenLly
dlfferenL from an ldenLlLy maLrlx). ln Lhls case lL ls slgnlflcanL, !
(378) = 2989.77, p < .001,
lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe correlaLlons wlLhln Lhe k-maLrlx are sufflclenLly dlfferenL from zero Lo
warranL facLor analysls.

ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 2J

/$01$0 (.

ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 24

/$01$0 (=
xttoctloo: SSS has exLracLed flve facLors based on kalser's crlLerlon of reLalnlng facLors wlLh
elgenvalues greaLer Lhan 1. ls Lhls warranLed? kalser's crlLerlon ls accuraLe when Lhere are less
Lhan 30 varlables and Lhe communallLles afLer exLracLlon are greaLer Lhan .7, or when Lhe
sample slze exceeds 230 and Lhe average communallLy ls greaLer Lhan .6. lor Lhese daLa Lhe
sample slze ls 239, Lhere are 28 varlables, and Lhe mean communallLy ls .488, so exLracLlng flve
facLors ls noL really warranLed. 1he scree ploL shows clear lnflexlons aL 3 and 3 facLors and so
uslng Lhe scree ploL you could [usLlfy exLracLlng 3 or 3 facLors.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 25

/$01$0 (2
kototloo: ?ou should choose an obllque roLaLlon because Lhe quesLlon says LhaL Lhe consLrucLs
we're measurlng are relaLed.
Looklng aL Lhe paLLern maLrlx (and uslng loadlngs greaLer Lhan .4 as recommended by
SLevens) we see Lhe followlng paLLern:
lacLor 1:
C 16. 1hlnklng abouL wheLher Lo use repeaLed or lndependenL measures Lhrllls me
C 14. l'd raLher Lhlnk abouL approprlaLe dependenL varlables Lhan go Lo Lhe pub
C 22. l qulver wlLh exclLemenL when Lhlnklng abouL deslgnlng my nexL experlmenL
C 17. l en[oy slLLlng ln Lhe park conLemplaLlng wheLher Lo use parLlclpanL observaLlon
ln my nexL experlmenL
C 13. ueslgnlng experlmenLs ls fun
C 8. l llke conLrol condlLlons
C 10. l could spend all day explalnlng sLaLlsLlcs Lo people
lacLor 2:
C 19. l llke Lo help sLudenLs
C 20. asslng on knowledge ls Lhe greaLesL glfL you can besLow an lndlvldual
C 23. l love Leachlng
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 26
C 27. l love Leachlng because sLudenLs have Lo preLend Lo llke me or Lhey'll geL bad
C 7. Pelplng oLhers Lo undersLand sums of squares ls a greaL feellng
C 26. l spend loLs of Llme helplng sLudenLs
lacLor 3:
C 23. l ofLen spend my spare Llme Lalklng Lo Lhe plgeons ... and even Lhey dle of
C 28. My caL ls my only frlend
C 3. l sLlll llve wlLh my moLher and have llLLle personal hyglene
C 12. eople fall asleep as soon as l open my mouLh Lo speak
lacLor 4:
C 24. l Lrled Lo bulld myself a Llme machlne so LhaL l could go back Lo Lhe 1930s and
follow llsher around on my hands and knees llcklng Lhe floor on whlch he'd [usL
C 3. l memorlze probablllLy values for Lhe l-dlsLrlbuLlon
C 4. l worshlp aL Lhe shrlne of earson
C 13. l soll my panLs wlLh exclLemenL aL Lhe mere menLlon of facLor analysls
C 21. 1hlnklng abouL 8onferronl correcLlons glves me a Llngly feellng ln my groln
C 1. l once woke up ln Lhe mlddle of a vegeLable paLch hugglng a Lurnlp LhaL l'd
mlsLakenly dug up Lhlnklng lL was 8oy's largesL rooL
lacLor 3:
C 6. 1eachlng oLhers makes me wanL Lo swallow a large boLLle of bleach because Lhe
paln of my burnlng oesophagus would be llghL rellef ln comparlson
C 2. lf l had a blg gun l'd shooL all Lhe sLudenLs l have Lo Leach
C 18. SLandlng ln fronL of 300 people ln no way makes me lose conLrol of my bowels

no facLor:
C 9. l calculaLe Lhree AnCvAs ln my head before geLLlng ouL of bed every mornlng
C 11. l llke lL when people Lell me l've helped Lhem Lo undersLand facLor roLaLlon

lacLor 1 seems Lo relaLe Lo research meLhods, facLor 2 Lo Leachlng, facLor 3 Lo general soclal
skllls, facLor 4 Lo sLaLlsLlcs and facLor 3 Lo, well, err, Leachlng agaln. All ln all, Lhls lsn'L
parLlcularly saLlsfylng and doesn'L really supporL Lhe four-facLor model. We saw earller LhaL Lhe
exLracLlon of flve facLors probably wasn'L [usLlfled. ln facL Lhe scree ploL seems Lo lndlcaLe
Lhree. LeL's rerun Lhe analysls buL asklng SSS for Lhree facLors. LeL's see how Lhls changes Lhe
paLLern maLrlx:

ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 27

/$01$0 (<
Looklng aL Lhe paLLern maLrlx (and uslng loadlngs greaLer Lhan .4 as recommended by
SLevens) we see Lhe followlng paLLern:
lacLor 1:
C 22. l qulver wlLh exclLemenL when Lhlnklng abouL deslgnlng my nexL experlmenL
C 8. l llke conLrol condlLlons
C 17. l en[oy slLLlng ln Lhe park conLemplaLlng wheLher Lo use parLlclpanL observaLlon
ln my nexL experlmenL
C 21. 1hlnklng abouL 8onferronl correcLlons glves me a Llngly feellng ln my groln
C 13. ueslgnlng experlmenLs ls fun
C 9. l calculaLe Lhree AnCvAs ln my head before geLLlng ouL of bed every mornlng
C 3. l memorlze probablllLy values for Lhe l-dlsLrlbuLlon
C 1. l once woke up ln Lhe mlddle of a vegeLable paLch hugglng a Lurnlp LhaL l'd
mlsLakenly dug up Lhlnklng lL was 8oy's largesL rooL
C 24. l Lrled Lo bulld myself a Llme machlne so LhaL l could go back Lo Lhe 1930s and
follow llsher around on my hands and knees llcklng Lhe floor on whlch he'd [usL
C 4. l worshlp aL Lhe shrlne of earson
C 16. 1hlnklng abouL wheLher Lo use repeaLed or lndependenL measures Lhrllls me
C 7. Pelplng oLhers Lo undersLand sums of squares ls a greaL feellng
C 13. l soll my panLs wlLh exclLemenL aL Lhe mere menLlon of facLor analysls
C 11. l llke lL when people Lell me l've helped Lhem Lo undersLand facLor roLaLlon
C 10. l could spend all day explalnlng sLaLlsLlcs Lo people
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 28
C 14. l'd raLher Lhlnk abouL approprlaLe dependenL varlables Lhan go Lo Lhe pub
lacLor 2:
C 19. l llke Lo help sLudenLs
C 2. lf l had a blg gun l'd shooL all Lhe sLudenLs l have Lo Leach (noLe negaLlve welghL)
C 6. 1eachlng oLhers makes me wanL Lo swallow a large boLLle of bleach because Lhe
paln of my burnlng oesophagus would be llghL rellef ln comparlson (noLe negaLlve
C 18. SLandlng ln fronL of 300 people ln no way makes me lose conLrol of my bowels
(noLe negaLlve welghL)
C 26. l spend loLs of Llme helplng sLudenLs
C 23. l love Leachlng
C 20. asslng on knowledge ls Lhe greaLesL glfL you can besLow an lndlvldual
lacLor 3:
C 3. l sLlll llve wlLh my moLher and have llLLle personal hyglene
C 23. l ofLen spend my spare Llme Lalklng Lo Lhe plgeons ... and even Lhey dle of
C 28. My caL ls my only frlend
C 12. eople fall asleep as soon as l open my mouLh Lo speak
C 27. l love Leachlng because sLudenLs have Lo preLend Lo llke me or Lhey'll geL bad
1hls facLor ls a loL clearer-cuL: facLor 1 relaLes Lo a love of meLhods and sLaLlsLlcs, facLor 2 Lo a
love of Leachlng, and facLor 3 Lo an absence of normal soclal skllls. 1hls doesn'L supporL Lhe
orlglnal four-facLor model suggesLed because Lhe daLa lndlcaLe LhaL love of meLhods and
sLaLlsLlcs can'L be separaLed (lf you love one you love Lhe oLher).
Task 3
ut 5loo wlllloms (uolvetslty of 8tlqbtoo) JevlseJ o poestloooolte to meosote
otqoolzotloool oblllty. 5be pteJlcteJ flve foctots to Jo wltb otqoolzotloool oblllty. (1)
ptefeteoce fot otqoolzotloo, (2) qool ocblevemeot, (J) ploooloq opptoocb, (4) occeptooce
of Jeloys, ooJ (5) ptefeteoce fot tootloe. 1bese Jlmeosloos ote tbeotetlcolly
loJepeoJeot. wlllloms poestloooolte cootolos 28 ltems osloq o 7-polot llkett scole (1 =
sttooqly Jlsoqtee, 4 = oeltbet, 7 = sttooqly oqtee). 5be qove lt to 2J9 people. koo o
ptloclpol compooeot ooolysls oo tbe Joto lo +,--,).('()*.
1 l llke Lo have a plan Lo work Lo ln everyday llfe
2 l feel frusLraLed when Lhlngs don'L go Lo plan
3 l geL mosL Lhlngs done ln a day LhaL l wanL Lo
4 l sLlck Lo a plan once l have made lL
3 l en[oy sponLanelLy and uncerLalnLy
6 l feel frusLraLed lf l can'L flnd someLhlng l need
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* 29
7 l flnd lL dlfflculL Lo follow a plan Lhrough
8 l am an organlzed person
9 l llke Lo know whaL l have Lo do ln a day
10 ulsorganlzed people annoy me
11 l leave Lhlngs Lo Lhe lasL mlnuLe
12 l have many dlfferenL plans relaLlng Lo Lhe same goal
13 l llke Lo have my documenLs flled and ln order
14 l flnd lL easy Lo work ln a dlsorganlzed envlronmenL
13 l make 'Lo do' llsLs and achleve mosL of Lhe Lhlngs on lL
16 My workspace ls messy and dlsorganlzed
17 l llke Lo be organlzed
18 lnLerrupLlons Lo my dally rouLlne annoy me
19 l feel LhaL l am wasLlng my Llme
20 l forgeL Lhe plans l have made
21 l prlorlLlze Lhe Lhlngs l have Lo do
22 l llke Lo work ln an organlzed envlronmenL
23 l feel relaxed when l don'L have a rouLlne
24 l seL deadllnes for myself and achleve Lhem
23 l change raLher almlessly from one acLlvlLy Lo anoLher durlng Lhe day
26 l have Lrouble organlzlng Lhe Lhlngs l have Lo do
27 l puL Lasks off Lo anoLher day
28 l feel resLrlcLed by schedules and plans

/$01$0 ,

/$01$0 -
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Approx. Chi-Square
Bartlett's Test of
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* J0

/$01$0 **
1.000 .646
1.000 .624
1.000 .591
1.000 .589
1.000 .545
1.000 .621
1.000 .486
1.000 .683
1.000 .638
1.000 .417
1.000 .539
1.000 .297
1.000 .531
1.000 .709
1.000 .511
1.000 .681
1.000 .705
1.000 .514
1.000 .536
1.000 .477
1.000 .566
1.000 .766
1.000 .587
1.000 .649
1.000 .550
1.000 .599
1.000 .619
1.000 .538
i like to have a plan to work to in everyday life
i feel frustrated when things don't go to plan
i get most thigs done in a day that i want to
i stick to a plan once i have made it
i enjoy spontaneity and uncertainty
i feel frustrated if i can't find something i need
i find it difficult to follow a plan through
i am an organised person
i ike to know what i have to do in a day
disorganised people annoy me
i leace things to the last minute
i have many different plans relating to th esame goal
i like to have my documents filed and in order
i find it easy to work in a disorganised environment
i make 'to do' lists and acheive most of the things on it
my workspace is messy and disorganised
i like to be organised
interruptions to my daily routine annoy me
i feel that i am wasting my time
i forget the plans i have made
i prioritise the things i have to do
i like to work in an organised environment
i feel relaxed when i don't have a routine
i set deadlines for myself and acheive them
i change rather aimlessly from one activity to another during the day
i have trouble organising the things i have to do
i put tasks off to another day
i feel restristed by schedules and plans
Initial Extraction
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* J1

/$01$0 *+

/$01$0 *,

Total Variance Explained
9.064 32.373 32.373 9.064 32.373 32.373 4.558 16.279 16.279
2.787 9.954 42.328 2.787 9.954 42.328 3.460 12.356 28.635
1.664 5.944 48.272 1.664 5.944 48.272 3.239 11.568 40.203
1.515 5.409 53.681 1.515 5.409 53.681 2.631 9.397 49.600
1.180 4.215 57.896 1.180 4.215 57.896 2.323 8.296 57.896
.991 3.539 61.435
.925 3.304 64.739
.819 2.924 67.663
.793 2.832 70.495
.744 2.657 73.152
.705 2.518 75.670
.654 2.336 78.005
.623 2.224 80.229
.574 2.051 82.281
.545 1.945 84.225
.516 1.841 86.067
.487 1.740 87.806
.454 1.621 89.427
.423 1.511 90.938
.382 1.363 92.301
.341 1.218 93.519
.334 1.193 94.712
.309 1.102 95.814
.293 1.046 96.860
.260 .928 97.788
.248 .887 98.675
.207 .738 99.414
.164 .586 100.000
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* J2

/$01$0 *-
Component Matrix
.600 .452
.446 .524
-.501 .453
.614 -.517
.650 -.497
.421 -.523
.432 .518
.501 .444
.533 .502
.458 .520
i like to have a plan to work to in everyday life
i feel frustrated when things don't go to plan
i get most thigs done in a day that i want to
i stick to a plan once i have made it
i enjoy spontaneity and uncertainty
i feel frustrated if i can't find something i need
i find it difficult to follow a plan through
i am an organised person
i ike to know what i have to do in a day
disorganised people annoy me
i leace things to the last minute
i have many different plans relating to th esame goal
i like to have my documents filed and in order
i find it easy to work in a disorganised environment
i make 'to do' lists and acheive most of the things on it
my workspace is messy and disorganised
i like to be organised
interruptions to my daily routine annoy me
i feel that i am wasting my time
i forget the plans i have made
i prioritise the things i have to do
i like to work in an organised environment
i feel relaxed when i don't have a routine
i set deadlines for myself and acheive them
i change rather aimlessly from one activity to another during the day
i have trouble organising the things i have to do
i put tasks off to another day
i feel restristed by schedules and plans
1 2 3 4 5
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
5 components extracted.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* JJ

/$01$0 *.

/$01$0 *=
xttoctloo. SSS has exLracLed flve facLors based on kalser's crlLerlon of reLalnlng facLors wlLh
elgenvalues greaLer Lhan 1. ls Lhls warranLed? kalser's crlLerlon ls accuraLe when Lhere are less
Lhan 30 varlables and Lhe communallLles afLer exLracLlon are greaLer Lhan .7, or when Lhe
sample slze exceeds 230 and Lhe average communallLy ls greaLer Lhan .6. lor Lhese daLa Lhe
sample slze ls 239 and Lhe mean communallLy ls .379, so exLracLlng flve facLors ls noL really
warranLed. 1he scree ploL shows clear lnflexlons aL 3 and 3 facLors, and so uslng Lhe scree ploL
you could [usLlfy exLracLlng 3 or 3 facLors.
Rotated Component Matrix
.409 .545
.432 .470 .447
.440 .450
.447 .509
.505 .523
.407 .568
.613 .411
i like to have a plan to work to in everyday life
i feel frustrated when things don't go to plan
i get most thigs done in a day that i want to
i stick to a plan once i have made it
i enjoy spontaneity and uncertainty
i feel frustrated if i can't find something i need
i find it difficult to follow a plan through
i am an organised person
i ike to know what i have to do in a day
disorganised people annoy me
i leace things to the last minute
i have many different plans relating to th esame goal
i like to have my documents filed and in order
i find it easy to work in a disorganised environment
i make 'to do' lists and acheive most of the things on it
my workspace is messy and disorganised
i like to be organised
interruptions to my daily routine annoy me
i feel that i am wasting my time
i forget the plans i have made
i prioritise the things i have to do
i like to work in an organised environment
i feel relaxed when i don't have a routine
i set deadlines for myself and acheive them
i change rather aimlessly from one activity to another during the day
i have trouble organising the things i have to do
i put tasks off to another day
i feel restristed by schedules and plans
1 2 3 4 5
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Rotation converged in 7 iterations.
Component Transformation Matrix
.633 .520 .384 .302 .301
-.118 .050 .738 -.650 -.129
-.188 -.346 .106 -.053 .911
-.742 .503 .201 .393 .038
.025 -.595 .506 .574 -.246
1 2 3 4 5
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* J4
Looklng aL Lhe roLaLed componenL maLrlx (and uslng loadlngs greaLer Lhan .4 as
recommended by SLevens) we see Lhe followlng paLLern:
lacLor 1: preference for organlzaLlon
C8: l am an organlzed person
C13: l llke Lo have my documenLs flled and ln order
C14: l flnd lL easy Lo work ln a dlsorganlzed envlronmenL
C 16: My workspace ls messy and dlsorganlzed
C17: l llke Lo be organlzed
C22: l llke Lo work ln an organlzed envlronmenL
noLe: lL's odd LhaL none of Lhese have reverse loadlngs.
lacLor 2: plan approach
C1: l llke Lo have a plan Lo work Lo ln everyday llfe
C3: l geL mosL Lhlngs done ln a day LhaL l wanL Lo
C4: l sLlck Lo a plan once l have made lL
C9: l llke Lo know whaL l have Lo do ln a day
C13: l make 'Lo do' llsLs and achleve mosL of Lhe Lhlngs on lL
C 21: l prlorlLlze Lhe Lhlngs l have Lo do
C24: l seL deadllnes for myself and achleve Lhem
lacLor 3: goal achlevemenL
C7: l flnd lL dlfflculL Lo follow a plan Lhrough
C11: l leave Lhlngs Lo Lhe lasL mlnuLe
C19: l feel LhaL l am wasLlng my Llme
C20: l forgeL Lhe plans l have made
C23: l change raLher almlessly from one acLlvlLy Lo anoLher durlng Lhe day
C26: l have Lrouble organlzlng Lhe Lhlngs l have Lo do
C27: l puL Lasks off Lo anoLher day
lacLor 4: accepLance of delays
C2: l feel frusLraLed when Lhlngs don'L go Lo plan
C6: l feel frusLraLed lf l can'L flnd someLhlng l need
C10: ulsorganlzed people annoy me
C18: lnLerrupLlons Lo my dally rouLlne annoy me
lacLor 3: preference for rouLlne
C3: l en[oy sponLanelLy and uncerLalnLy
C12: l have many dlfferenL plans relaLlng Lo Lhe same goal
C23: l feel relaxed when l don'L have a rouLlne
ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* J5
C28: l feel resLrlcLed by schedules and plans
1herefore, lL seems as Lhough Lhere ls some facLorlal valldlLy Lo Lhe sLrucLure.

Task 4
2lbottos, lott, ooJ wooJs (2008) lookeJ ot tbe telotloosblp betweeo petsooollty ooJ
cteotlvlty. 1bey oseJ tbe noqoo uevelopmeot 5otvey (nu5), wblcb meosotes 11
Jysfooctloool Jlsposltloos of employeJ oJolts. beloq */-)0,-1, .,(023(043-, 5)30,/3(,
610)5716, 8)((,*1%)9921((,*1, )22/9):0, .):,83-)0,*1, 62).)0,5, 1551:02,5,
8124150,/:,(0, ooJ 6181:61:0. 2lbottos et ol. wooteJ to teJoce tbese 11 ttolts ooJ, boseJ
oo potollel ooolysls, foooJ tbot tbey coolJ be teJoceJ to tbtee compooeots. 1bey too o
ptloclpol compooeot ooolysls wltb votlmox tototloo. kepeot tbls ooolysls (;,<)22)( 10 )-'
>?@@AB) to see wblcb petsooollty Jlmeosloos closteteJ toqetbet (see p. 210 of tbe otlqlool

/$01$0 *2
CuLpuL shows Lhe resulLs Lhe prlnclpal componenL analysls wlLh varlmax roLaLlon - l
requesLed LhaL SSS exLracLs Lhree facLors Lo maLch Zlbarras eL al. (2008). We can see LhaL Lhe
followlng paLLern:

ulSCCvL8lnC S1A1lS1lCS uSlnC SSS
!"#$%&&#" ()*+ ! $,%-* J6
!9604% (:
CauLlous (negaLlve welghL)
erfecLlonlsL (negaLlve welghL)
!9604% *:
!9604% +:
uependenL (negaLlve welghL)

lf we compare our resulLs Lo Lhose of Zlbarras eL al. (llgure 8), we can see LhaL Lhey are Lhe

!"#$%& 2

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