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14 Untuk Kalangan Sendiri

English Enrichment is a series made to meet the need of learning sources
for upper secondary school students. This book is therefore applicable to be a
reference in managing KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPendidikan).
By using the book students are e!pected to be "ell informed "ith #arious
types of te!ts in daily life after gaining the communicati#e competence. Teachers
may select based on the students need and interest. $onsiderable modification to the
acti#ities can be #ery good. Se#eral te!t models may also be selected to meet the
need and time allotment pro#ided in the semester.
The acti#ities are presented in t"o cycles "ith four stages in each cycle. The
stages include BK%& (Building Kno"ledge on the &ield) '%T ('odeling of the
Te!t) ($%T ((oint $onstruction of the Te!t) and )$%T ()ndependent $onstruction
of the Te!t).
This book is also concerned "ith $T* ($onte!tual Teaching and *earning)
since the acti#ities and the te!t models bring the students to their "orld. The
acti#ities in#ite them to reali+e the situations around them. Some imaginati#e te!ts
especially in narrati#e or unreal situations gi#en in the speaking acti#ities are
intended to bring students to the predictable situations in the future. Teachers are
supposed to moti#ate students to learn ,nglish by gi#ing them te!ts "hich are not
difficult for them. The alternati#e topics of spoken and "ritten te!ts should be
selected as closer as to their daily life.
&inally the "riters hope that the book can be useful especially for the students
in learning ,nglish to master the language competence and for the teacher in helping
their students understand ho" to learn ,nglish. The reader suggestions are highly
appreciated to impro#e the performance and -uality of this book.
Surabaya, May 28
Map of the Boo
!nit "opic #enre Sills
1 'onolog .arrati#e
/esponding The
e!pression of
1sing the
grammar point
Simple Past
Tense 2irect 3
)ndirect Speech
/esponding to the
te!t .arrati#e
)dentifying the
component of the
narrati#e te!t
1nderstanding the
connectors of the
cause 3 effect
1sing grammar
point of Simple
Past Tense
&inding %ut the
'aking "ritten
te!t of narrati#e
$o%er &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&''''''''''' i
Preface &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'' ii
Map of Boo &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'''' iii
$ontents &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'''''' i%
!()" 1* Monolog
)' Spoen $ycle &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&''''''''''' 1
+' Buil,ing -no.le,ge of /iel, &&&&&&&&&&&&' 2
Essential grammar point* Simple Past "ense &&&''''''''' 3
Essential grammar point* 0irect an, )n,irect speech &&
B' Stu,y Mo,el &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&''' 2
$on%ersation of gambit* E3pression of +nger &&''''''''''' 4
$' Wor "ogether &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'''' 8
0' )n,epen,ent "as &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8
))' Written $ycle &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'' 5
+' Buil,ing -no.le,ge of /iel, &&&&&&&&&&&&'' 5
Essential grammar point* Simple Past "ense &&&'''''''''' 5
B' Stu,y Mo,el &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&' 11
$' Wor "ogether &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&' 11
0' )n,epen,ent "as &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&' 13
B+6+S+ )(##7)S
SM+ -E8+S9 SEMES"E7 * :))9 2
(+77+");E "E:" * M<(<8<#
+' Stan,ar, -ompetensi
5. 'emahami makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan
interpersonal resmi dan berlan6ut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan
B' -ompetensi 0asar
5.1. 'erespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan (toget things
done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) berlan6ut (sustained) secara
akurat lancer dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan
dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari7hari dan melibatkan tindak
tutur8 membu6uk mendorong semangat mengkritik mengungkapkan
harapan dan mencegah.
!()" 1
(+7+");E* M<(<8<#
1'1' )("7<0!$")<(
2o you like reading stories9 4hat kinds of stories do you like9 :ou "ill find
some legend story in this unit. /ead the stories to gi#e you pleasure and teach you
some lessons. $an you "rite such te!t effecti#ely9 *earn those and more in this unit
through interesting tasks.
1'2' <B=E$");ES
+' SP<-E( $>$8E
1nderstanding the construction of the narrati#e te!t.
1sing the grammar point8 past tense and direct7indirect speech.
/esponding to the spoken monolog narrati#e type of te!t.
/esponding to the e!pressions of angry surprised and happy.
$onducting the dialogs by using the e!pressions of angry surprised
and happy
Presenting the te!t of narrati#e orally.
B' W7)""E( $>$8E
/esponding to the te!t of narrati#e.
)dentifying the components of the narrati#e te!t construction.
1nderstanding the connectors of the cause and effect.
1sing the grammar point simple past tense.
&inding out the specific information.
'aking "ritten te!t of narrati#e.
1'3' SP<-E( $>$8E
+' B!)80)(# -(<W8E0#E </ /)E80
+cti%ity 1
Answer the following questions based on your knowledge about the picture above!
1. ;a#e you e#er seen the picture9
<. 4hat do you think about it9
=. 4hy is it happened9
4. ;o" to pre#ent it9
>. )s it happened in your family or en#ironment9 4ho is the #ictim9
+cti%ity 2
a' #eneric Structure
Study about the generic structure from the narrative text!
0 narrati#e is a meaningful se-uence of e#ents told in "ords. )t is
se-uential in that the e#ents are ordered not merely random. Se-uence al"ays
in#ol#es an arrangement in time (and usually other arrangements as "ell). 0
straightfor"ard mo#ement from the first e#ent to the last constitutes the simplest
chronology. ;o"e#er chronology is sometimes complicated by presenting the
e#ents in another order8 for e!ample a story may open "ith the final episode and
then flash back to all that preceded it.
Sometimes the arrangement (generic structure) can contain te!t narrati#e8
Orientation, Complication, valuation, !esolution and !eorientation. 0lthough
the ?,#aluation? and ?reorientation? is optional@ may be added and could not.
,#aluation pro#ides assessment A e#aluation of the course of the story or conflict.
4hile reorientation contains final conclusions of the contents of the story.
b' #rammatical /ocus
The past tense is a grammatical tense "hose principal function is to place
an action or situation in past time. )n languages "hich ha#e a past tense it thus
pro#ides a grammatical means of indicating that the e#ent being referred to took
place in the past. ,!amples of #erbs in the past tense include the ,nglish
#erbs sang went and was.
#7+MM+7 /!($")<( /<7M
Past "ense 2escribes an e#ent that occurred in
the past.
7 ) went to Surabaya yesterday.
7 ) got sick t"o days ago.
+cti%ity 3
Change the words in the brackets into past tense form!
1. They (sit)BBat the beach all day.
<. They (not stay)B.. at the party the entire time.
=. 4e (talk)BBB.on the phone for thirty minutes.
4. ) (finish)BB"ork("alk) the beach and (find)BB.. a nice place to
>. ;e (not like)BBtomatoes before.
+cti%ity 1
"atch these past forms with its meanings!
1. Pushed
<. 4rote
=. Taught
4. 0te
>. $aught
0irect speech repeats or -uotes the e!act "ords spoken. 4hen "e use direct
speech in "riting "e place the "ords spoken bet"een in#erted commas (CB.D) and
there is no change in these "ords. 4e may be reporting something thatEs being said
.%4 (for e!ample a telephone con#ersation) or telling someone later about a
"rain some people in front of the class'
#rab something .ith your han,s'
"he ,aily acti%ity of people for their life'
Press someone from the opposite .ay'
"he acti%ity .hich ha%e ,one by a pen or
pencil an, some papers'
pre#ious con#ersation. )n,irect speech is usually used to talk about the past so "e
normally change the tense of the "ords spoken. 4e use reporting #erbs
like say, tell, ask, and "e may use the "ord that to introduce the reported
"ords. )n#erted commas are not used.
"he 7ules of 0irect?)n,irect Speech
+' "enses
0irect )n,irect
Simple Present "ense Simple Past Tense
Simple Past "ense Past Perfect Tense
Present Progressi%e "ense Past Progressi#e Tense
Present Perfect "ense Past Perfect Tense
Simple /uture "ense Past &uture Tense
Past Progressi%e "ense Past Perfect Progressi#e
B' "ime
0irect )n,irect
"o,ay %n the day that day
"omorro. The ne!t day the follo"ing day
>ester,ay The pre#ious day the day before
(e3t .ee The follo"ing "eek the ne!t "eek
8ast .ee The pre#ious "eek the "eek before
(o. Then
$' Place
0irect )n,irect
6ere There at that place
)n this room )n that room
"hese Those
0irect )n,irect
'ary told her friends C) ha#e been to
Bali t"ice.D
'ary told her friends that she had been to
Bali t"ice.
&ather said C) am going out of to"n
&ather said that he "as going out of to"n
the follo"ing day.
+cti%ity 2
Change the direct speech to indirect speech correctly!
1. 'ary told (ohn Cmy father "arned me last nightD
<. Tom said C) didnEt go to school this morningD
=. The boy asked (ohn8 C2oes 'ary li#e near here9D
4. ;e asked me C%pen your bookD
>. The man asked me8 C4here do you li#e9D
B' M<0E8 </ "E:"
+cti%ity 4
"atch the words according to their antonym!
1. 0rri#al
<. 'arried
=. *arge
4. 4ide
>. Slim
+cti%ity @
#isten to the recording carefully$ %hese questions may lead you to understand the
1. 4hat is the title of the story9
<. 4ho are the characters9
=. ;o" does the story end9
4. 4hat do you learn of the story9
>. 4hat is the complication9
F. ;o" is the resolution9
+cti%ity 8
#isten to the same recording one more time carefully$ &rite '%( if these statements
are true and ')( for false in pairs!
1. This s"eet little girl missed her mother "ho had passed a"ay.
<. She could bear the goodness of the gentlemanEs pretty girl.
=. $inderella did the meanest 6obs in the house.
4. $inderella unlike "ise called up to them for ad#ice.
>. $inderella brought the trap to her and in it there "ere three huge rats.
+cti%ity 5
#isten to the recording again$ %hen fill in the blank of column text in the following
table$ *et the main ideas of the orientation, evaluation, complication, resolution
and re+orientation in the recorded text!
AWrite the main i,ea onlyB
1' <rientation &
2' E%aluation &
3' $omplication &
1' 7esolution &
2' 7e?orientation &
+cti%ity 10
&rite the answer of the questions below by discussing with your partner!
1. ;a#e you e#er felt angry9
<. 4hat made you feel angry9
=. 4ould you like to share it "ith your friends9
4. 4hat do you do "hen you feel it9
>. 4hen do you often feel like that9 4here is it happen9
)nput $on#ersation Gambit
E3pression +nger
Study the following dialogue$
Student 8 ) am sorry Sir ) donEt finish my home"ork yet.
Teacher 8 <h noC :ou are stubborn students
Student 8 2onEt "orry sirH ) "ill not repeat again in the ne!t time.
Teacher 8 %K sit do"n
The bold typed e!pression in the dialogue abo#e is used to e!press anger.
There is some saying e!pression to sho" anger8
!ead the expressions aloud$ ,ay attention
,!pression of 0nger Possible responses
7 )Em #ery annoyed
7 %h no
7 %h dearH
7 4hat a nuisanceH
7 ) must sayH ob6ect to
7 %h thatEs great (sarcastic)
7 %h no "hat ne!t9
7 ) canEt stand
7 This is e!tremely irritating
7 )Em #ery unhappy
7 Sorry donEt be angry again
7 Be calm
7 donEt "orry
7 ) am too
7 oh sorry about it
7 ) am really sorry
7 2onEt punish me
+cti%ity 11
-our teacher will say expression of angry above and repeat after him.her to
practice your pronunciation and intonation$
+cti%ity 12
/nderline the expressions of angry of the dialogue below!
/udy is sitting in front of his father his father gets angry because he "as 6ust told by
/udyEs teacher that /udy "as caught red7handed smoking at school.
&ather 8 .o" ans"er me frankly /udy. )s it right that you smoked at school9
/udy 8 :es butB.
&ather 8 But9 4hat do you mean9 :ou really make me mad son. 2onEt you kno"
that smoking is really disad#antageous for students 9
/udy 8 2ad9 $ould you listen to me please9
&ather 8 4hy should )9 :ou ha#e made me embarrassed. :ou kno" that.
(Iuiet for moment) :ou kno" the reasons ) forbid you smoking donEt you9
/udy 8 :es 2ad. )t endangers my health.
&ather 8 ) am sure you ha#e heard many people get lethal diseases because of
/udy 8 Sure 2ad. ) promise )Ell ne#er do it again s"earH
&ather 8 Beside smoking moti#ates you to embe++le money from your parent. 0renEt
/udy 8 Sure 2ad you are absolutely right about it. 4hen ) ha#e to smoke but )
donEt ha#e money usually ) use the school tuition.
&ather 8 4ell you ha#e to use the money "hich does not belong to you. Besides
smoking brings you to the "rong friend. 'any students "ho smoke usually
like skipping the class.
/udy 8 .othing is "rong "ith your "ords 2ad.
&ather 8 ) feel relie#ed if you got that.
/udy 8 ) am so sorry 2ad. ) 6ust embarrass you and )E#e lied to you so far. ) kno" )
make you #ery angry but please ) beg another chance please. ) "ill beha#e
"ell and listen to your "ord.
&ather 8 0ctually itEs too hard for me to belie#e you after "hat youE#e doneBbut )
decided to gi#e you another chance and this is the last chance.
/udy 8 Thanks 2ad. )E#e been a bad son far and ) "ant to be a better son from no"
on. $an you help me 2ad9
&ather 8 Sure ) "ill my son. So you for you o"n sake you should stay a"ay from the
smoking. $ome on gi#e me a hug son.
+cti%ity 13
Answer the following question based on the text!
1. 4here does the con#ersation possibly happen9
<. 4hat did /udyEs teacher tell his father9
=. ;o" did he feel9
4. ;o" does he e!press his feeling9
>. 2oes /udy tell a lie to his father9
F. 2oes his father kno" that9
5. ;o" does his father kno" that9
J. 4hat does his father say "hen he kno" that /udy tells a lie9
K. 4hat does /udy promise9
1L. 2oes father gi#e another chance to /udy9
+cti%ity 11
&ork in pairs$ "ake a dialog expressing surprise and disbelief in your own words
then practice it with your partner in front of class!
$' Wor )n #roup
+cti%ity 12
&ork in groups and do the following instructions!
1. Preparation
a. 4ork in groups to perform your short drama.
b. $onstruct the dialog based on the te!t abo#e. :ou are e!pected to do it for
1> minutes.
1. Practice
a. Practice the dialog.
b. Try to pronounce e#ery "ord correctly and apply the correct intonation.
c. 2o it se#eral times.
<. Presentation
a. Team "ork is important.
b. Present your dialog confidently.
c. :our teacher assesses your speaking in the play by using the follo"ing
&luency pronunciation intonation.
Grammar and #ocabulary use.
)nteracti#e communication.
%rgani+ing ideas.
0' )n,epen,ent "ass
+cti%ity 14
0e independent! "ake a simple story of narrative text based on the explanation of
narrative construction components then present your story in front of class!
1'1' W7)""E( $>$8E
+' B!)80)(# -(<W8E0#E </ /)E80
+cti%ity 1@
!earrange these paragraphs into a good passage based on the generic structure
you have learned!
"he Story of Sanguriang an, "anguban Perahu
%ne day 2ayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting "ith his lo#ely dog
Tumang. 0fter hunting all day Sangkuriang began desperate and "orried because he
hunted no deer. Then he thought to shot his o"n dog. Then he took the dog li#er and
carried home.
%nce there "as a kingdom in Priangan *and. *i#ed a happy family. They
"ere a father in form of doghis name is Tumang a mother "hich "as called is
2ayang Sumbi and a child "hich "as called Sangkuriang.
Soon 2ayang Sumbi found out that it "as not deer le#er but TumangMs his
o"n dog. So she "as #ery angry and hit SangkuriangMs head. )n that incident
Sangkuriang got "ounded and scar then cast a"ay from their home.
Sangkuriang failed to marry her. She "as #ery angry and kicked the boat. )t
felt o#er and became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.
She couldnMt marry him but ho" to say it. Then she found the "ay. She
needed a lake and a boat for celebrating their "edding day. Sangkuriang had to make
them in one night. ;e built a lake. 4ith a da"n 6ust moment a"ay and the boat "as
almost complete. 2ayang Sumbi had to stop it. Then she lit up the eastern hori+on
"ith flashes of light. )t made the cock cro"ed for a ne" day.
:ears go bye Sangkuriang had tra#el many places and finally arri#ed at a
#illage. ;e met a beautiful "oman and felt in lo#e "ith her. 4hen they "ere
discussing their "edding plans the "oman looked at the "ound in SangkuriangMs
head. )t matched to her sonMs "ound that had left se#eral years earlier. Soon she
reali+ed that she felt in lo#e "ith her o"n son.
S"!0> +B<!" S)MP8E P+S" "E(SE
a' 7egular ;erb
+//)7M+");E /<7M
S D ;
D <
E3ample *
7 *ast year ) tra%ele, to (apan.
(E#+");E /<7M
S D 0)0 D (<" D ;
D <
E3ample *
7 *ast year ) ,i,nEt tra%el to Korea.
)("E7<#+");E /<7M
0)0 D S D ;
D <
E3ample *
7 0i, you tra#el to Korea last year9
b' )rregular ;erb
+//)7M+");E /<7M
S D ;
D <
E3ample *
7 ) sa. a mo#ie yesterday.
(E#+");E /<7M
S D 0)0 D (<" D ;
D <
E3ample *
7 ) ,i,nEt see a play yesterday.
)("E7<#+");E /<7M
0)0 D S D ;
D <
E3ample *
7 0i, you see a play yesterday9
+cti%ity 18
Change the verb in the brackets into the simple past form!
1. *ast year ) (go) to (apan on holiday.
<. )t (be) spectacular sight.
=. ) (#isit) lots of interesting places. ) (be) "ith t"o friends of mine.
4. )n the morning "e ("alk) in the streets of (apan.
>. )n the e#ening "e (go) to pubs.
F. The "eather (not A be) fine.
5. )t (not A rain) hea#ily.
J. 4e (see) some beautiful rainbo"s.
K. 4here (spend A you) your last holiday9
1L. She (kno") you "ere going out "ith your ne" friends yesterday.
+cti%ity 15
Complete the table in simple past form!
B' M<0E8 </ "E:"
"he Story of Sanguriang an, "anguban Perahu Mountain
%ne day 2ayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting "ith his lo#ely dog
Tumang. 0fter hunting all day Sangkuriang began ,esperate and "orried because
he hunted no deer. Then he thought to shot his o"n dog. Then he took the dog li#er
and carried home.
%nce there "as a kingdom in Priangan *and. *i#ed a happy family. They
"ere a father in form of doghis name is Tumang a mother "hich "as called is
2ayang Sumbi and a child "hich "as called Sangkuriang.
Soon 2ayang Sumbi found out that it "as not deer le%er but TumangMs his
o"n dog. So she "as #ery angry and hit SangkuriangMs head. )n that incident
Sangkuriang got .oun,e, and scar then cast a"ay from their home.
Sangkuriang failed to marry her. She "as #ery angry and kicked the boat. )t
felt o#er and became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.
She couldnMt marry him but ho" to say it. Then she found the "ay. She
needed a lake and a boat for celebrating their "edding day. Sangkuriang had to make
them in one night. ;e built a lake. 4ith a da"n 6ust moment a"ay and the boat "as
almost complete. 2ayang Sumbi had to stop it. Then she lit up the eastern hori+on
"ith flashes of light. )t made the cock cro.e, for a ne" day.
:ears go bye Sangkuriang had tra#el many places and finally arri#ed at a
#illage. ;e met a beautiful "oman and felt in lo#e "ith her. 4hen they "ere
discussing their "edding plans the "oman looked at the "ound in SangkuriangMs
head. )t matched to her sonMs "ound that had left se#eral years earlier. Soon she
reali+ed that she felt in lo#e "ith her o"n son.
+cti%ity 20
!ead the text above and find the words in the text which have past form!
+cti%ity 21
+ffirmati%e (egati%e )nterrogati%e
;e .ent to library.
;e did not angry
4as she beautiful9
)ind the synonym of the bold words in the text above, you can consult your
+cti%ity 22
!ead the text carefully to answer the following questions!
1. 4ho is the name of 2ayang Sumbi child9
<. 4hat "as he build for 2ayang Sumbi9
=. 4hy he built it9
4. 2id he success to build it9
>. 4here "as the story happen9
+cti%ity 23
)ind and write the main idea of each paragraph in the text above!
"he main i,ea of each paragraph*
1. .....................
<. .....................
=. .....................
4. ....................
+cti%ity 21
&rite '%( on the following sentences if it is true based on the text above, and ')(
for false$
1. Tumang is the name of 2ayang Sumbi child.
<. Sangkuriang failed marry "ith 2ayang Sumbi.
=. Priangan *and is the name of kingdom in ,ast (a#a.
4. Sangkuriang "as succeeded build the lake.
>. Tangkuban Perahu 'ountain located in Bandung 4est (a#a.
+cti%ity 22
Correct the wrong capitali1ations and give punctuations on the following text!
the poor girl bore all patiently and dared not tell her father "ho "ould ha#e been
angry "ith her for his ne" "ife ruled him entirely "hen the little girl had done her
"ork she used to go into the chimney corner and sit do"n among cinders and ashes
"hich led her to be called cinder"ench but the youngest step daughter "ho "as not
-uite so rude and unkind as the eldest called her cinderella ho"e#er cinderella e#en
though she "as dressed in rags "as a hundred times prettier than her sisters though
they "ere al"ays dressed #ery richly
+cti%ity 24
)ill in the blanks with the appropriate words which have been provided below!
Recently, teenagers are (..) free. The relationship () a boy and a girl called
pacaran doesnt like the one did by or parents. !n that ti"e, pacaran tends to
"aintain the heart relation between two person withot (..) se#al contact before
they "arried. $t, today, the relation in pacaran tends to inclde the se#al
contact between the teenagers, especially in the big cities. Therefore, a kind of
edcation gi%ing a correct (..) abot the relationship (.) a boy and a girl, se#
edcation, is needed. $t, there are two opinions& pros and cons. 'o, do yo think
se# edcation () taght at high school(
$' W<7- )( #7<!P
+cti%ity 2@
&ork in groups$ Study the following picture then write the main idea of each
picture appropriately$ Construct the main ideas into a good passage$
0' )(0EPE(0E(" "+S-
+cti%ity 28
"ake a text of narrative by your own words$ /se the generic structure you have
learned to make a narrative text$ "ake some creations on your writing which can
make it more interesting!
0etween Any /nderstanding
*etting Should be
8)S"S </ 7E/E7E($ES*
(ame of #roup *
1' "ri +gustini A11?235?0205B
2' )lham A12?235?0011B
3' Peppy (urlita Mayos A11?230?00@2B
1' Mey +' 0e.i A12?235?0022B
2' Erry Suryo (ugroho A11?230?0212B
4' 7eny Mulya Setya.ati A12?235?0012B
)nstructor * 0rs' Suhanto -astare,Fa, M'P,'
1.)O,/S)T0S PG/) 02) B10.0
&0K1*T0S K,G1/10. 20. )*'1 P,.2)2)K0.
P/%2) P,.2)2)K0. B0;0S0 ).GG/)S
(*. .G0G,* 202) )))7B7=5 S1/0B0:0 7 (*. 21K1; ',.0.GG0* P))

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