Sei sulla pagina 1di 14



1.- Opening
1.1.- Tell !"# $"pplie# %&! !" '#e !# (&e $!#( !) !#g'ni*'(i!n !" '#e.
- We are a cooperative wholesale society based in
- Somos una sociedad cooperativa de venta al
mayor con base en Zrich.
- Our company is a subsidiary of Universal
Business Machines and we specialie in !
- "uestra empresa es una sucursal de
Universal Business Machines y nos
especialiamos en !..
- We are one of the main producers of industrial
chemicals in #ermany and we are interested in
- Somos uno de los principales productores de
productos $u%micos industriales de &lemania y
estamos interesados en ...
1.+ .- ,!% -i- !" &e'# '.!"( (&e /!0p'n !" '#e /!n('/(ing
- We were given your name by the 'oteliers(
&ssociation in )aris.
- Se nos facilit su nombre a trav*s de ........
- You were recommended to us by Mr +ohn ,in-
of .awson / 0avies.
- Usted nos fue recomendado por Mr. +ohn
,in- de .awson / 0avies.
- 1he British 2onsulate in Madrid has told us
that ..!.
- 3l consulado brit4nico de Madrid nos ha
informado que
- We were impressed by the selection of -ardenin-
tools displayed on your stand at this year(s
'ambur- #ardenin- 35hibition .
- Nos impresion la selecci6n de herramientas
de 7ardiner%a e5puesta en su stand de la
35posici6n de +ardiner%a de 'ambur-o de este
+.- B!-
+.1.-A$1ing )!# in)!#0'(i!n2 /'('l!g"e$2 p#i/e li$($2 e(/.
- Could you please send your current catalogue
and price list for !
- "Nos podr#a enviar cat$logo actual y lista
de precios de !
% We have heard about your latest &equipment in
laser surgery' and would li(e more details
)lease send us any information you can supply
% *emos tenido noticia de su +ltimo
equipamiento de cirug#a laser y nos gustar#a
tener m$s detalles )or favor, env#enos
cualquier informacin que nos pueda dar al
- We would be grateful if you could send me a
prospectus and details of your fees
% -e agradecer#amos si nos pudiera mandar
un programa . folleto y detalles de su tasas .
tarifas . precio de matr#cula
- / am replying to your advertisement in the +une
edition of 91ailor: and would li(e to (now more
about !!
- Could you please give more information about
your business 3n-lish course;
- -e escribo en respuesta de su anuncio en la
edici6n de +unio de 91aylor: y me gustar#a
saber m$s sobre
- <0e podr#a, por favor, dar m$s informacin
sobre su curso de =n-l*s 2omercial;
- / would appreciate more details about the
University 2ommunications System which you are
currently advertising on your website
- -e agradecer#a &me enviara' m$s detalles
sobre University 2ommunications System que
usted anuncia actualmente en su p$gina
+.+.- A$1ing )!# $'0ple$2 p'((e#n$ 'n- -e0!n$(#'(i!n$
- When replying, could you enclose a pattern
% Cuando responda, "nos podr#a ad1untar un
- We would also appreciate it if you could send
us some samples of the material . product
- / would be grateful if you could arrange for one
of your representatives to call on me within the ne5t
two wee>s.
- 2ambi3n le agradecer#amos si nos pudiera
mandar una muestra del material . producto
- -e agradecer#amos si pudiera concertar la
visita de su representante dentro del plao de
dos semanas.
- Where can = see a demonstration of this system; - <06nde puedo ver una demostracin de este
+.3.- S"gge$(ing (e#0$2 0e(&!-$ !) p'0en(2 'n- -i$/!"n($
- We usually deal on a ?@A trade discount basis
with an additional $uantity discount for orders over
BC@@@ units.
- "ormalmente tratamos Dhacemos tratoE en
base a un descuento comercial del ?@ A con
un descuento adicional por cantidad para
pedidos de m4s de B.@@@ unidades.
- &s a ruleC our suppliers allow us to settle by
monthly statement
- 2omo normaC nuestros proveedores nos
permiten saldar las cuentas por medio de un
e4tracto mensual
- We would also li>e to point out that we usually
settle our accounts on a 0F& Ddocuments a-ainst
acceptanceE basis with payment by ?@-day bill of
- "os -ustar%a se5alar $ue normalmente
saldamos nuestras cuentas en base a
documento contra aceptaci6n con pa-o a trav*s
de letra bancaria a ?@ d%as.
- 2ould you let us >now if you allow cash
- "os podr%a informar si conceden descuentos
por pago en efectivo!
- 6s we intend to place a substantial orderC we
would li>e to >now what $uantity discounts you
- Ya que tenemos la intencin de hacer un
pedido considerableC nos -ustar%a saber $u*
descuento por cantidad conceden ustedes.
+.4.- A$1ing )!# g!!-$ ON APPRO5AL2 !# ON SALE OR RETURN
- We would only consider placin- an order if it was
on the usual basis of sale or return. =f this is
acceptableC we will send you a firm order.
- Gnicamente considerar%amos realiar un
pedido si este fuera en depsito. Si encuentran
esto aceptableC le mandar%amos un pedido en
- Would it be possible for you to supply us with a
range of designs on an approval basis;
- <Ser%a posible $ue usted nos suministrara una
gama de dise5os a prueba;
3.- Cl!$ing
- =f the product is satisfactoryC we will place further
orders with you in the future.
- Si el producto es satisfactorioC le haremos m4s
pedidos en el futuro.
- =f the prices $uoted are competitiveC we will order
on a re-ular basis.
- Si los precios establecidos son competitivosC
haremos pedidos re-ularmente.
- We would be grateful for an early reply - 6gradeci3ndole su pronta respuesta!
- We loo( forward to hearing from you &soon' % 7sperando tener noticias suyas
% We hope to hear from you in the near future % 7sperando tener noticias suyas en un
futuro pr4imo


1.- Opening
- 2han( you for your enquiry of H +une I@@J in
which you as>ed about...
- 8racias por su consulta del H de +unio de
I@@J en la $ue usted pre-untaba ....
- / would li(e to than( you for your enquiry of B@
May I@@H.
- 0e gustar#a darle las gracias por su
consulta del B@ de mayo de I@@H.
- 9e %e#e ple'$e- (! le'#n )#!0 !"# le((e# of B@
0ecember that you areFwere impressed with our
selection of ...
- Nos complace saber por su carta del B@ de
diciembre $ue usted $ued6 impresionado con
nuestra selecci6n de ...
+.- B!-
+.1.- C!n)i#0ing (&'( !" /'n &elp
- / am pleased to tell you that we would be able
to supply you with
% 0e complace decirle que podr#amos
proveerle de
- Our factory would have no problem in producin-
the HC@@@ units you as>ed for in your letter.
- "uestra f4brica no tendr%a problema en
producir las H.@@@ unidades $ue usted ped%a en
su carta.
- We can supply from stoc( and we will have no
trouble in meetin- your delivery date.
- )odemos proveerle de nuestras
e4istencias y no habr4 problema en hacer
frente a su fecha de env#o.
+.+.- :Selling; !"# p#!-"/(
- When you have had the opportunity to see the
samples for yourselfC we feel sure that you will a-ree
that they are of the hi-hest $uality.
- 2uando usted haya tenido la oportunidad de
ver las muestrasC estamos se-uros de $ue
usted estar4 de acuerdo en $ue las muestras
son de la m4s alta calidad.
- Kou will be impressed by its trouble - free
- Usted se $uedar4 impresionado de sus
prestaciones libres de problemas.
- Our confidence is supported by five-year
- "uestra confiana est4 basada en L a8os de
- Kou can see our wide selection onlineC -o to
- Usted puede ver nuestra amplia selecci6n en
internet ...
+.3.- S'ing (&'( !" /'n<( &elp = Re)e##ing (&e /"$(!0e# (! 'n!(&e# pl'/e
- / regret to say that we no lon-er produce this
product as there is no lon-er sufficient demand for it.
= am sorry we cannot help you.
- -amento decirle que no producimos m4s este
tipo de producto ya $ue no hay suficiente
demanda. Siento no poder ayudarle.
- We no lon-er manufacture this product as its retail
price tends only to attract the upper end of the
- "o fabricamos este producto m4s ya $ue los
precios al por menor tienden a atraer al e5tremo
m4s alto del mercado.
- /f you are interested in this product, we advise
you to contact
- Si usted est$ interesado en este producto,
le aconse1amos contactar con
- We only deal with wholesalersC not retailers.
1herefore = su--est you contact ...
- 1ratamos con mayoristasC no con minoristas.
)or lo tantoC le su-iero contactar con!
+.4.- Sen-ing /'('l!g"e$ 2 p#i/e li$($2 'n- $'0ple$
- )lease find enclosed DWe encloseE our current
catalo-ue and price list $uotin- cif prices .ondon.
1he units you referred to are featured on pa-e...
-.e ad7untamos nuestro catalo-o actual con la
lista de precios cif a .ondres. .as unidades a
las $ue usted se refer%a est4n en la p4-ina...
- We should point out that prices are sub7ect to
chan-e as the mar>et is very unstable at present.
- 0ebemos se8alar $ue los precios est4n
su7etos a cambiar ya $ue el mercado est4 muy
inestable actualmente.
+.>.- A##'nging -e0!n$(#'(i!n$ 'n- ?i$i($
- We would be happy to arrange for our
representative to visit you and -ive a demonstration.
- Nos complacer#a concertar una cita para
$ue nuestro representante le visitara e hiciera
una demostraci6n.
- We may su--est you visit our showroom in
.ondon where you can see our wide range of
- .e su-erir%amos $ue usted visitara nuestra
e4posicin de .ondres donde usted podr%a ver
nuestra amplia gama de productos.
3.- Cl!$ing
- We would li(e to than( you for your writing and
we would welcome any further questions you
might have.
- Nos gustar#a agradecerle el habernos
escrito y tendr#amos a bien recibir cualquier
pregunta m$s que usted pudiera tener.
- )lease contact us if you have any questions
using the above telephone number or e%mail
- )or favor contacte con nosotros si tiene
alguna pregunta en el tel3fono arriba
indicado o el correo electrnico
- We hope to hear from you again soon and we
can assure you that your order will be dealt with
- 7speramos tener noticias suyas de nuevo y
le podemos asegurar que su pedido ser$
atendido con prontitud
1.- Opening
+.- B!-
+.1.- P#i/e$
- 1he net price of this article is MB@@.@@C to which 962
must be added at BN.LAC ma>in- a gross price of
- 3l precio neto de este art%culo es MB@@.@@C a lo
$ue se le debe a8adir un /96 del BN.LAC lo $ue hace
un precio bruto de MBBN.L@.
- 1he price of this model is M ICL@@ at todayOs rate of
- 3l precio de este modelo es de I.L@@ d6lares al
cambio actual.
- We can offer you a price of M LC I@@.@@C firm IB daysC
after which the price will be sub7ect to an increase of LA.
- )odemos ofrecerle un precio de ML.I@@.@@C firme
en IB d%asC despu*s del cual el precio estar4 su7eto
a un incremento del LA.
- 1hese -oods are e5empt from P&1 Dvalue added ta5E. - 3stas mercanc%as est4n e5entas de =P&.
+.+.- T#'n$p!#( 'n- in$"#'n/e /!$(
- 1he price is M ?@C@@@ cfr 'on- ,on- Dthe price includes
all delivery costsC e5cept for insuranceE.
- 3l precio es de M ?@.@@@ cfr 'on- ,on- Del precio
incluye todos los -astos de env%o e5cepto el
- We will send you replacements for the dama-ed -oods
cFp Dcarria-e paidE.
- .e mandaremos repuestos de las mercanc%as
da8adas sin -asto de transporte.
- &s we are not responsible for the dama-ed -oodsC we
will send replacements cFf Dcarria-e forwardE.
- &l no ser responsables de las mercanc%as
da8adasC le enviaremos repuestos sin -asto de
+.3.- 6i$/!"n($
- We allow a ?A cash discount for payment within a
- 0amos un ?A de descuento en efectivo para
pa-os en el plao de un mes.
- 1he net price is MBN@C@@C less B@A discount for
$uantities up to B@@ units and BLA discount for $uantities
over B@@ units.
- 3l precio neto es de MBN@C@@C menos un B@A de
descuento en cantidades de hasta B@@ y un BLA de
descuento en cantidades de m4s de B@@.
- 1he prices are sub7ect to a I@A trade discount off net
price. We can offer a further B@A discount off net prices
for orders of more than IC@@@ units.
- .os precios est4n su7etos a un I@A de descuento
del precio neto. .e podemos ofrecer un B@A m4s
de descuento comercial del precio neto para pedidos
de m4s de I.@@@ unidades.
+.4.- Me(&!-$ !) p'0en(
- On receipt of a che$ue for the amount $uotedC we will
send you the article by re-istered mail.
-&l recibo del che$ue por la cantidad establecidaC le
mandaremos el art%culo por correo certificado.
- )ayment should be made by si-ht draftC payable at ...
Dban>EC cash a-ainst documents.
- 3l pa-o debe ser hecho por tal6n bancario a la
pa-able en ... DB&"2OE... dinero en efectivo contra
- We normally allow a I?A trade discount off net prices
with payment on documents a-ainst payment basis.D0F)E
- "ormalmente ofrecemos un descuento comercial
del I?A sobre precios netos en pa-os en base a
Qdocumentos contra pa-oQ.
+.>.- Q"!(ing -eli?e# -'(e
- We are pleased to say that we can deliver by
- "os complace decirle $ue podemos realiar el
env%o para "oviembre.
- We are sure that the consi-nment will reach you within
the time you specified.
- 3stamos se-uros de $ue la remesa le lle-ar4
dentro del periodo de tiempo $ue usted especific6.
+.@.- Gi?ing 'n e$(i0'(e
- = have the pleasure in enclosin- our official estimate. - 1en-o el -usto de ad7untarle nuestro presupuesto
- 1he estimate covers labour and parts and carries a si5-
months -uarantee on all wor> completed.
- 3l presupuesto cubre mano de obra y material y
lleva una -arant%a de H meses sobre todo el traba7o
3.- Cl!$ing
OR6ERS7 PLACING AN OR6ER (C!?e#ing le((e#)
1.- Opening
- )lease find enclosed our order "o BJLIB. - .e ad7unto nuestro pedido "o. BJLIB.
- 1he enclosed order is D"o RBLJE for L@ pac>ets. - 3l pedido ad7unto D"o. RBLJE es de L@
- = would li>e to place a trial order for the Q.etherineQ
- Me -ustar%a hacer un pedido a prueba del
material QletherineQ.
+.- B!-
+.1.- P'0en(
- 1he payment is to be made by letter of creditC
which we have already applied to the ban> for.
- 3l pa-o va a ser hecho ser hecho por carta de
cr*ditoC $ue ya hemos solicitado al banco
- We a-reed that payments should be made a-ainst
$uarterly statements.
- 'emos acordado $ue los pa-os ser%an hechos
en e5tractos trimestrales.
+.+.- 6i$/!"n($
- We would li>e to than> you for the ?@A trade
discount and B@A $uantity discount you allowed us.
- "os -ustar%a a-radecerle el descuento
comercial del ?@A y el descuento de cantidad
del B@A $ue usted nos dio.
+.3.- 6eli?e#
- =tOs essential that the -oods are delivered before
"ovemberC and we reserve the ri-ht to refuse -oods
delivered after that time.
- 3s esencial $ue las mercanc%as sean enviadas
antes de noviembreC y nos reservamos el
derecho de rechaar mercanc%as enviadas
despu*s de esa fecha.
+.4.- Me(&!-$ !) -eli?e#
- )lease remember that air frei-ht F e5press rail
frei-ht will ensure prompt delivery.
- )or favor recuerde $ue el porte DfleteE a*reo F
por tren ase-urar4 un env%o pronto.
- We advice delivery by road. - &conse7amos env%o por carretera.
+.>.- P'/1ing
- 1he -oods must be shipped in wooden crates
mar>ed with your lo-o for easy identification.
- .a mercanc%a debe de embarcarse en
contenedores de Madera y marcada con su lo-o
para me7or identificaci6n.
3.- Cl!$ing
- We will place further orders if this one is
- 'aremos m4s pedidos si este es satisfactorio.
- We loo> forward to receivin- your
ac>nowled-ementC confirmation.
- 0eseando recibir su acuse de reciboC
1.- Opening
+.- B!-
- 1han> you for your order "o.....which we received
today. We are now dealin- with it and you may
e5pect delivery within the ne5t three wee>s.
- #racias por su pedido "o.... $ue hemos
recibimos hoy. &hora estamos tratando con ello
y usted puede esperar el env%o en el plao de
las ? pr65imas semanas.
- Kour order "o. HNBI is now bein- processed and
should be ready for despatch by the end of this
- Su pedido nS HNBI est4 siendo ahora
procesado y debe estar preparado para su
despacho para el final de esta semana.
3.- Cl!$ing
1.- Opening
+.- B!-
- We are pleased to advise you that the -oods you
ordered are on board ...DShipEC sailin- from DcityE on
...DdateE. &nd arrivin-...DcityE on ...DdateE.
-"os complace avisarle $ue las mercanc%as $ue
usted nos pidi6 van a bordo de.....Dnombre del
barcoEC $ue parte de .. Dlu-arE........ el d%a ...Cy
$ue lle-a a......Dlu-arE ..... el d%a .......
- We are pleased to advise you that the -oods you
ordered "o. TTBLB will be on fli-ht B& BHL leavin-
Zurich at BB.@@C U &u-ustC arrivin- Manchester at
B?.@@. )lease find enclosed copies of invoice &BB?C
which you will need for collection.
- "os 2omplace avisarle $ue las mercanc%as
$ue usted nos pidi6 nS TTBLB estar4n en el
vuelo B&BHL $ue sale de Zurc% a las BB.@@C el U
de a-osto y lle-a a Manchester a las B?.@@. .e
ad7untamos copias de la factura &BB?C $ue
usted necesitar4 para la reco-ida.
3.- Cl!$ing
1.- Opening
+.- B!-
- = am writin- to tell you that unfortunately there will
be a three-wee> delay. 1his is due to a fire at our
-.e escribo para decirle $ue
desafortunadamente habr4 un retraso de ?
semanas en el env%o. 3sto es debido a un
incendio en nuestra f4brica.
- We re-ret to inform that there will be a delay in
-ettin- your consi-nment to you. 1his is due to a cut
in supply. Kour order has been transferred to our
Slou-h factory and will be processed as soon as
possible. We apolo-ie for the delay. We will >eep
you informed.
- .amento informarle $ue habr4 un retraso en
lle-arle la remesa. 3sto es debido a un corte en
el abastecimiento. Su pedido ha sido transferido
a nuestra f4brica de Slou-h y ser4 procesado
tan pronto como nos sea posible. .e pedimos
disculpas por el retraso. .e mantendremos
- =f you wish to cancel your order. )lease let us
>now as soon as possible.
- Si desea cancelar su pedidoC h4-anoslo saber
tan pronto como sea posible.
3.- Cl!$ing
1.- Opening
+.- B!-
+.1.- O"( !) $(!/1
- We are sorry to say that we are completely out of
stoc> of that item and it will be si5 wee>s before we
could ma>e our ne5t delivery. )lease contact us.
-.amentamos decirle $ue no tenemos
e5istencias de ese art%culo y pasar4n H
semanas antes de $ue le podamos hacer el
env%o. )or favor contacte con nosotros.
- We are sorry to say that we no lon-er manufacture
this product as demand over the past few years has
- .amentamos decirle $ue no fabricamos m4s
este producto ya $ue la demanda durante los
pasados a8os ha declinado.
- =f you wish to cancel your orderC please let us
>now as soon as possible.
-Si desea cancelar su pedidoC h4-anoslo saber
lo antes posible.
+.+.- B'- #ep"('(i!n
- &s our plant is closin- for the summer vacationC we
would not be able to process your order for the time
you have -iven . 1hereforeC re-retfullyC we have to
decline it.
- 2omo nuestra planta cierra para las
vacaciones de verano no podremos procesar su
pedido para la fecha $ue nos ha dadoC por lo
lamentablementeC tenemos $ue declinarlo.
- We are sorry to say that we must turn down your
order as we have full order boo>s at the moment
and we cannot -ive a definite date for delivery.
- .amento decirle $ue debemos declinar su
pedido ya $ue tenemos lleno el libro de pedidos
por el momento y no podemos darle una fecha
determinada para su env%o.
+.3.- Un)'?!"#'.le (e#0$
- 0elivery cannot possibly be -uaranteed within the
time -iven in your letter.
-"o le podemos -arantiar el env%o en el plao
$ue nos da en su carta.
- 1he discount you as>ed for is far more than we
offer any of our customers.
-3l descuento $ue nos pide es mucho m4s $ue
lo $ue ofrecemos a cual$uier cliente.
- Our company relies on $uic> salesC low profit
and fast turnoverC and therefore we cannot offer
lon--term credit facilities.
- "uestra empresa se basa en venta r4pidaC
ba7o mar-en de beneficios y r4pida facturaci6nC
por lo tanto no damos facilidades de cr*dito a
lar-o plao.
+.4.- Si*e !) !#-e#
- We are a small company and could not possibly
handle orders for I@C@@@ units.
- Somos una empresa pe$ue8a y no podemos
mane7ar pedidos de I@.@@@ unidades.
- Unfortunately our factory does not have facilities to
turn out ?@C@@@ units a wee>.
- 0esafortunadamente nuestra f4brica no tiene
instalaciones para producir ?@.@@@ unidades a la
- We only supply orders by the -rossC and therefore
we su--est you contact a wholesaler rather than a
- Solo servimos pedidos en muy -randes
cantidadesC por lo tanto le su-iero contacte con
un mayorista m4s $ue con un fabricante.
3.- Cl!$ing

1.- Opening
+.- B!-
- )lease find enclosed our invoice nS ...... for ML@@. - .e ad7unto nuestra factura " ML@@.
- 1o char-e an invoice. - 2obrar una factura.
- We loo> forward to receivin- your che$ueC from
which you may deduct ?A cash discount if payment
is made within seven days.
- 3speramos recibir su che$ueC del cual se
puede deducir el ?A de descuento en efectivo
si hace el pa-o en un plao de N d%as.
- = enclose your statement as at ?B +uly Das at V up
to this dateE..
- May = remind you that your +une statement is still
outstandin-C and as> you to settle as soon as
- .e ad7unto su e5tracto de cuenta hasta el ?B
de 7ulio.
- .e recuerdo $ue su e5tracto de 7unio est4 an
impa-ado y le pido $ue lo pa-ue lo antes
- =f the balance of M?@@ is cleared within the ne5t
seven daysC you can deduct a ?A cash discount.
- Si el balance de M?@@ es pa-ado en el plao
de los pr65imos siete d%asC usted se puede
deducir un descuento en efectivo del ?A.
- We have pleasure in enclosin- our ban> draft Wor
MJ@@ in payment of your invoice "o. .... dated ...
- 1enemos el placer de ad7untarle nuestro
che$ue bancario de MJ@@ en pa-o a su factura
nS .....con fecha de ........
- We have drawn a che$ue for MJ@@ in payment of
your invoice...
- .e hemos e5tendido un che$ue de MJ@@ en
pa-o a su factura!
- 1han> you for your prompt delivery. )lease find
enclosed our draft for MJ@@ drawn on ..... Dban>E ......
2ould you please ac>nowled-e receipt;
-#racias por su r4pido env%o. .e ad7unto nuestro
che$ue bancario de MJ@@ e5tendido en .....
Dnombre del bancoE .... <)odr%a mandarnos un
acuse de recibo;
Our ban> advised us today that your transfer of
MJ@@ has been credited to our account.
We would li>e to than> you and would be pleased to
help if you need any further informationC or would
li>e to place another order.
- "uestro banco nos ha avisado de $ue su
transferencia de MJ@@ ha sido in-resada en
nuestra cuenta. Se lo a-radecemos y estaremos
encantados de ayudarle si necesita m4s
informaci6n o $uisiera hacer otro pedido.
- = am sorry to say that = was not able to clear my
+une account.
-Siento no haber podido pa-ar mi cuenta de
- We re-ret we were unable to send a che$ue to
settle our account for the last $uarter.
- .amentamos no haber podido enviar el che$ue
para pa-ar nuestra cuenta del ltimo trimestre.
- 1han> you for your letter concernin- the - #racias por su carta referente al balance
outstandin- balance of your account. = sympathie
with the problem you have had in clearin- the
balance and am willin- to e5tend the credit for
another si5 wee>s. 2ould you please confirm that
the credit will be settled then;
impa-ado de su cuenta. 3ntiendo el problema
en pa-ar el balance y le voy a e5tender el
cr*dito por otras seis semanas. <)odr%a
confirmar $ue el cr*dito ser4 pa-ado entonces;
1han> you for your letter concernin- the outstandin-
balance of your account. = appreciate your difficulty
but we ourselves have to pay our own suppliers and
therefore must insist on payment within the ne5t ten
- #racias por su carta referente al balance
impa-ado de su cuenta. &precio su dificultad
pero nosotros mismos tenemos $ue pa-ar a
nuestros propios proveedores. )or lo tanto
insisto en el pa-o dentro del plao de B@ d%as.
3.- Cl!$ing
C#e-i( '##'nge0en($ between two tradin- companies ta>e two forms
- Bills of e5chan-e C or ban> drafts -------- the
supplier -ives credit to the customer for the period
specified D thirtyC si5ty or ninety days E
- Open account facilities ------ the customer is
allowed to pay by monthly or $uarterly statement
- Reputation
- .on--term tradin- association
- References
1.- Opening
- = am writin- to as> if it would be possible for us to
have credit facilities in the form of payments by H@-
day bill of e5chan-e.
- .e escribo para pre-untar si ser%a posible $ue
nos diera facilidades de cr*dito en la forma de
pa-os de letras a H@ d%as.
- 2ould you let me >now if you would allow us to
settle on monthly statements;
- <Me podr%a decir si nos permitir%a saldar
cuentas en e5tractos mensuales;
+.- B!-7 C!n?in/ing !"# $"pplie#
- We believe that we have established our reliability
with you over the past si5 months and would li>e to
settle accounts on a $uarterly statement basis.
- 2reemos $ue nos hemos -anado su
confiana durante los ltimos seis meses y nos
-ustar%a saldar cuentas en base a e5tractos
- &s we have been dealin- with you for over a yearC
we feel you >now us well enou-h to -ive us credit
- 2omo hemos estado tratando con usted
durante m4s de un a8oC pensamos $ue ya nos
conoce lo suficiente como para darnos
facilidades de cr*dito.
- We are a well established company and can offer
references if necessary.
- Somos una empresa establecida y podemos
ofrecer referencias si fuera necesario.
- We can certainly pay on the due datesC but if you
would li>e confirmation concernin- our
creditworthinessC please contact any of the followin-
who will act as our referees.
- 2iertamente podemos pa-ar en las debidas
fechas y si $uisiera confirmaci6n de nuestra
solvencia por favor contacte cual$uiera de los
si-uientes DnombresC empresasE $ue actuar4n
como avalistas.
3.- Cl!$ing
- We hope for a favourable decision and loo>
forward to your reply.
- 3speramos su respuesta con una decisi6n
1.- Ag#eeing (! /#e-i(
- &s we have been tradin- for over a yearC
references will not be necessary. Kou may clear
your accounts by ?@-day bill of e5chan-eC which will
be sent to Burnley(s Ban> Dban>(s addressE with
shippin- documents for your acceptance.
- 2omo hemos tratado con usted durante m4s
de un a8oC no ser4n necesarias las referencias.
Usted puede saldar sus cuentas por letra
bancaria a ?@ d%asC $ue ser4 enviada al Banco
Burnley Ddirecci6n del BancoE con los
documentos de embar$ue DtransporteE para su
- We are pleased to inform you that the credit
facilities you as>ed for are acceptableC and as we
>now the reputation of your companyC there will be
no need for us to contact any of your referees. =
would li>e 7ust to confirm that we a-reed settlement
will be made a-ainst $uarterly statements. We loo>
forward to receivin- your ne5t order.
- "os complace informarle $ue las facilidades
de cr*dito $ue usted pidi6 son aceptablesC y
como conocemos la reputaci6n de su empresaC
no habr4 necesidad por nuestra parte de
contactar a sus avalistas. . Me -ustar%a
confirmarles $ue estamos de acuerdo en $ue
los pa-os sean hechos en e5tractos
trimestrales. 3sperando recibir su si-uiente
+.- Re)"$ing /#e-i(
- UnfortunatelyC we never allow credit facilities to
customers until they have traded with us for over a
year. We are very sorry we cannot be more helpful
at present.
- 0esafortunadamenteC nunca damos facilidades
de cr*dito a clientes hasta $ue han tratado con
nosotros durante m4s de un a8o. Sentimos no
poder ser de m4s ayuda actualmente.
- We re-ret that we are unable to offer open account
terms to customers as our products are
competitively pricedC and with small profit mar-ins it
is uneconomical to allow credit facilities .
- .amentamos no poder ofrecer facilidades
de cuenta abierta a clientes ya $ue nuestros
productos son de precio muy competitivoC y con
un ba7o mar-en de beneficios no es econ6mico
dar facilidades de cr*dito.
3.- Neg!(i'(ing
- = re-ret that we cannot offer you credit for as lon-
as three monthsC since this would be uneconomical
for us. 'oweverC we are prepared to offer you
monthly statementsFpayments. )erhapsC you would
let me >now if this is acceptable.
- .amento no poder ofrecerle un cr*dito de
hasta tres mesesC ya $ue no ser%a econ6mico
para nosotros. Sin embar-oC estamos
preparados para ofrecerle pa-os en e5tractos
mensuales. Xui4s me pueda hacer saber si
esto es aceptable.
- 1hou-h we do not usually offer credit facilitiesC we
would be prepared to consider partial credit. =n this
caseC you would pay half your invoices on a cash
basisC and the rest by ?@-day bill of e5chan-e. =f this
arran-ement suits youC please contact us.
- &un$ue normalmente no ofrecemos facilidades
de cr*ditoC estar%amos dispuestos a considerar
un cr*dito parcial. 3n este casoC usted pa-ar%a
la mitad de sus facturas en efectivo y el resto en
una letra a treinta d%as. Si este arre-lo le
convieneC por favor p6n-ase en contacto con
1. - B'n1$ in (&e U.K.
1.1 - Tpe$ !) .'n1$7
- Merchant ban>sY they specialie in the areas of the
international trade and finance
- 2ommercial ban>sY they are interested in private
- )rivate Ban>sY they are the same as commercial
ban>s but tend to be more e5pensive.
1.+. - C!00e#/i'l .'n1 )'/ili(ie$ in (&e U.K.
aE 2urrent account
bE 0eposit account
cE 2redit and debit cards
dE Standin- orders and directs debits
eE .oans and overdrafts
fE &dministrative correspondence
+. - In(e#n'(i!n'l .'n1ing
aE - Bills of e5chan-e
0rawerY e5porter
0raweeY importer
bE - 0ocumentary credits
- .etters of credit D.F2EY documentary credits Dletters
of credit accompanied by documentsE are widely
used in forei-n trade. 1here are two types of letters
of creditY
RevocableY those that can be cancelled
=rrevocableY those that cannot be cancelled
e5cept with the a-reement of the seller. 1his
one is more usual.
- 0ocumentary credit is -overned by the
=nternational 2hamber of 2ommerce.
cE - Shippin- documents
- Bill !) l'-ing7 shippin- documents that -ive
details of a consi-nmentC its destinationC and the
- C!00e#/i'l in?!i/e7 a document that will include
the name and address of the seller and the buyerC
the terms of delivery and payment and a description
of the -oods been sold.
- In$"#'n/e /e#(i)i/'(e7 document that an insurance
policy is written on.
- C"$(!0$ )!#0
- Ce#(i)i/'(e !) !#igin7 showin- where -oods were
madeC which is used to prevent -oods into a free
trade area or customs union without bein- ta5ed.
- C!n$"l'# in?!i/eY sometimes a stamp on the
commercial invoiceC -ivin- permission for -oods to
be importedC issued by the consulate in the
importin- country.
- Ce#(i)i/'(e !) in$pe/(i!n7 si-ned by a-ents to
ensure the costumer is -ettin- -oods of the type and
$uality he ordered.
- ,e'l(& /e#(i)i/'(e
dE -1he sta-es en a documentary credit
- 1he importer DbuyerE as>s their ban> to issue a
letter of credit in favour of the e5porter DsellerE. 1he
importer applies for a letter of credit by fillin- out a
form .1his -ives the followin- detailsY
1ype of credit D revocable or irrevocable E
Beneficiary D the person receivin- the moneyE
'ow lon- the credit will be available for D valid
until a certain date E
0ocuments involved in the transaction D bill of
ladin-C insurance certificateC commercial
0escriptions of -oods.
- 1he importer(s ban> Dcalled the issuin- ban>E as>s
a ban> in the seller(s country to advise the seller that
a letter of credit has been issued in their favour. 1he
issuin- ban> may also as> the ban> in the seller(s
country Dconfirmin- or advisin- ban>E to confirm the
letter of credit.
- 1he e5porters despatch the consi-nment to the
importers and present the shippin- documents Dbill
of ladin-C commercial invoiceC insurance certificate
!E to the confirmin- ban>.
- 1he e5porters draw a bill of e5chan-e on the
confirmin- ban>. 1he ban> pays the e5porters
a-ainst the bill and then sends the shippin-
documents to the issuin- ban>.
- 1he issuin- ban> chec>s the documents and pays
the confirmin- ban>
- 1he issuin- ban> releases the shippin- documents
to the importers and debits their account.
- 1he importers collect the consi-nments by
presentin- the shippin- documents to the shipper.
eE . - Standby letter of credit
- 35porters may re$uire a -uarantee to ma>e sure
that they are paid. 1his is fre$uently done by means
of a $('n-. le((e# !) /#e-i( where the ban> will
pay the e5porters ifC for any reasonC the importers do
not pay.

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