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Acta Mechanica 145, 117 - 125 (2000)

9 Springer-Verlag 2000
Shape optimization for general two-dimensional
S. Y. Han, Seoul, Kor e a
(Received May 31, 1999; revised October 11, 1999)
Summary. The growth-strain method was used for general two-dimensional shape optimization. It was
verified in previous papers that the growth-strain method is very effective for shape optimization of struc-
tures with only one free surface to be deformed. But it could not provide reasonable optimized shapes for
structures with two or more free surfaces such as structures with holes inside. Problems occurred, as the
growth-strain method was applied to structures with two or more free surfaces. Then, an improved
method was suggested. Finally, an automatic shape optimization system was built by the improved
growth-strain method with commercial software using the finite element method. The effectiveness and
practicability of the developed shape optimization system was verified by some examples.
1 Introduction
The opt i mi zat i on t echni ques can be classified i n t hree categories, namel y sizing [1], [2], shape
[3], [4] and t opol ogy [5], [6] accor di ng t o t he charact eri st i cs of t he desi gn vari abl es and f or mu-
lation. Thi s paper deals wi t h t he shape opt i mi zat i on pr obl em. Shape opt i mi zat i on is very use-
ful in maki ng a concept i onal design when consi der i ng wei ght and cost in t he earl y design
stage and when maki ng det ai l ed designs f or not ches, holes or fillets, whi ch are f unct i onal
necessities in t he final stage. Mos t of t he opt i mi zat i on t echni ques whi ch have been r epor t ed
r egar di ng t he shape opt i mi zat i on are based on t he mat hemat i cal pr ogr a mmi ng met hod. The
opt i mi zat i on t echni ques per f or m t he opt i mi zat i on by bounda r y par amet er i zat i on and design
sensitivity analysis. Therefore, ma ny cal cul at i ons and a large me mor y f or opt i mi zat i on are
Recent l y, t he gr owt h- st r ai n met hod [7], [8], whi ch is not based on t he mat hemat i cal pr o-
gr ammi ng met hod, has been pr oposed. Hence, t he shape of t he ma xi mum st r engt h or t he
ma xi mum stiffness can be desi gned by t he me t hod wi t hout bounda r y par amet er i zat i on and
sensitivity analysis. The gr owt h- st r ai n me t hod has successfully been appl i ed t o shape opt i mi -
zat i on of t wo or t hree di mensi onal st ruct ures wi t hout a hol e inside or wi t h onl y one def or m-
abl e free surface even t hough t here is a hol e inside. But when this me t hod is appl i ed t o st ruc-
t ures wi t h t wo or mor e def or mabl e free surfaces, a valid opt i mal shape, such as t he shape
obt ai ned by t he mat hemat i cal pr ogr a mmi ng met hod, cannot be obt ai ned.
I n this paper t he pr obl ems occur r i ng as t he gr owt h- st r ai n me t hod was appl i ed t o st ruc-
tures wi t h t wo or mor e def or mabl e free surfaces were exami ned. Then, an i mpr oved me t hod
was suggested. Al so, t he val i di t y and t he pract i cabi l i t y o f t he i mpr ovement of t he me t hod f or
a st ruct ure wi t h t wo or mor e def or mabl e free surfaces was verified. Fur t her mor e, t he linear
PI D ( Pr opor t i onal - i nt egr al - pl us- der i vat i ve) cont r ol was i mpl ement ed t o cont r ol t he vol ume
118 S.Y. Han
or stress designer required and to i mprove the convergence rate. Finally, an aut omat i c shape
opt i mi zat i on system was built by the i mproved growt h-st rai n met hod with commerci al soft-
ware using the finite element met hod for the shape opt i mi zat i on of general t wo dimensional
2 T h e g r o w t h - s t r a i n m e t h o d
The growt h-st rai n met hod optimizes a shape by generating the bul k strain to make distributed
par amet er s uniform. The opt i mi zat i on consists of a two-step iteration. The first step is a
st andard stress analysis to estimate the distributed par amet er under mechani cal conditions.
The second step is a growt h analysis to calculate the growt h displacement or the shape modi -
fication, based on the generation law of the bul k strain under shape const rai nt conditions.
The analysis at each step is performed by the finite element met hod.
Von Mises stress, the shear strain energy density and the maxi mum principal stress for the
probl ems in maki ng strength uni form, and the pot ent i al energy density for the probl ems of
maxi mum stiffness can be used as the distributed paramet ers. In this study, yon Mises stress is
selected as the distributed par amet er since the probl ems of maki ng strength uni form are
I f the distributed par amet er is defined as quant i t y per unit vol ume or area such as yon
Mises stress, the distributed par amet er generally has the pr oper t y of decreasing with the
increase in vol ume in a local infinitesimal volume. Therefore, the bul k strain is generated as a
function of the distributed par amet er due to the growt h law of Eq. (1) to modi fy the shape so
t hat the distributed par amet er s are uni form. The cont ract i ng bulk strain is generated where
is less t han 9, while the expandi ng bul k strain is generat ed where a is great er t han # in all
~ - - f f - - f f ~ i j h , ( 1 )
where c B is the bul k strain, ~ is the distributed par amet er (yon Mises stress), (~ is the basic
value (for example, the average stress or the maxi mum stress) of the paramet er, ~ i j is the
Kr onecker delta, and h is the growt h rat e which adjusts the magni t ude of the growt h defor-
mat i on and is an arbi t rary coefficient to be h << 1.
Assumi ng t hat the mat eri al is a t hermal l y isotropic one, the t hermal strain generat ed is a
bul k strain wi t hout shearing component s. Hence, the t hermal strain can be defined with the
similar Eq. (2) to t hat of the growt h analysis,
= ( 2 )
The growt h law can be divided into two met hods. One is the met hod to reduce stresses
using vol ume control, and the ot her is to reduce vol ume using stress control. Vol ume cont rol
makes the distributed stress uni form, and then the strength is maxi mi zed under a vol ume con-
straint. Stress cont rol makes the distributed stress the objective stress, and t hen the vol ume is
minimized under stress constraints.
When a designer establishes the objective volume, Eq. (3) modifies the growt h law of
Eq. (1) by appl yi ng the PI D control theory. When a designer establishes the objective stress,
Eq. (5) is applied. Therefore, vol ume and stress can be controlled effectively by Eqs. ( 3) - ( 5) ,
Shape optimization for general two-dimensional structures 119
s B ( ~ ) O - ( , , - 1 ) _ ~ ( , , - 1 )
ij - - ~ - ( n - 1 )
n - 1 V ( k ) _ _ ~ o b j
P ~ o b j k : l
V ( n - l ) _ V ( n - 2 ) ~
t - / ~ ' D Vobj j ,
( a )
_ ( ~ - i ) (~-2) }
n- __ O-obj + KD - - - - , + K~ O m a x - - O-max
h = l O-~ O-obj
( 5 )
O-ff$~) - Gobj
B(n) o ' ( n - 1 ) - - O-~ 6ijh + Kp - -
C i J ~-- O-obj O-obj
where (n) is the number of the n-th iteration, Kp , Kr , KD are proportional constants, ve is the
volume of each element, O-~is the representative stress of each element, V~bj is the objective
volume, V (~) means the total volume of the n-th iteration, O-obj is the objective stress, and O-(~)
is the maximum stress of the n-th iteration.
The term with K p corresponds to the proportional action of PID control and generates
the bulk strain according to the deviation from the objective volume or stress. The term with
K1 corresponds to the integral action, and eliminates the residual deviation. And the term
with K 9 corresponds to the derivative action and accelerates the response to a disturbance.
But in this paper, KD is set to be zero because it was found that it causes oscillations during
the optimization process [9].
3 Improvement of the growth-strain method
The growth strain method has successfully been applied for shape optimization of structures
without a hole inside or with only one deformable free surface. But a valid optimal shape can-
not be obtained for the structures with two or more deformable free surfaces by the growth-
strain method as it is.
In the mathematical programming method the design variables of a shape are selected by
boundary parameterization. This causes a changing shape at each iteration compared to the
initial shape. Likewise, in the case that only one free surface of a structure exists, a changing
shape in the growth-strain method is similar to the initial shape since the bulk strain occurs
on the free surface only. But in case that two or more free surfaces of a structure exist, the
bulk strain occurs by the growth law of Eq. (1) between the two or more free surfaces. This
causes an optimized shape far from the initial shape.
Therefore, in order to maintain the initial shape it is necessary that an additional con-
straint should be given, and by doing so a problem with two or more free surfaces is replaced
by that with only one free surface. In this paper, the additional constraint was given by the
type of a line connected with the points where the bulk strains are zero.
For example, consider a two-dimensional bracket with a hole. In case that both the inter-
nal hole and the outer surface are deformable, the optimized shape by the growth-strain
method is obtained as shown in Fig. 1. It is a shape far from the initial shape. It is because the
shape has been changed with the growth law by thermal deformation between the hole and
the outer surface as mentioned before.
120 S.Y. Han
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig. 1. Shape optimized by the growth-strain method for a bracket with a hole
Fig. 2. A bracket with an additional boundary condition around a hole
In order to apply the growth-strain method to the problems which occur for structures with
two or more deformable free surfaces, an additional constraint between the two free surfaces
should be given, as shown in Fig. 2. The constraint is given by a line connected with the points
having zero strains, that is, where the bulk strain has not occurred. By doing so, the two
deformable free surfaces are deformed by the growth law based on the given line constraints.
Then, this problem has been replaced by a problem with only one free surface.
As a result, the final optimized shape can be obtained as a reasonable shape, similar to the
shape optimized by the mathematical programming method.
4 Shape optimization system
A schematic flowchart of the developed shape optimization system is shown in Fig. 3. The
system consists of commercial software using the finite element method (I-DEAS) [10] and the
developed shape optimization algorithm using the growth-strain method.
After modeling the initial shape with the finite element method, a stress analysis is per-
formed. The data obtained from the stress analysis are transformed to new data files by a
post-processing task. Using the values of the distributed parameters (von Mises stress) and
the generated volumetric strains for each element in the post-processing task, new data files
are generated in order to give the conditions of temperature and geometry for growth analy-
sis. It is performed by a developed external program with C-language.
Next, the growth analysis is performed by thermal deformation analysis of the commercial
software. The boundary conditions of the growth analysis can be established independently of
those of the stress analysis. The boundary conditions of the growth analysis are the conditions
of temperature and geometry. Finally, the shape is modified by a developed program. An
optimal shape is obtained by this procedure iteratively. As the above procedure is performed
iteratively, some of the finite elements become severely distorted. Then, mesh refinement is
performed before accomplishing the next stress analysis by examining the shape of the finite
Shape optimization for general two-dimensional structures 121
I n i t i a l S h a p e
I ! i i
S t r e s s A n a l y s i s iiiill
. 0
[ ~ 1 ::General Purpose
9 !i:i~i,~!,i.i FEM Code
: Developed
Fi g. 3. Fl owc har t o f a s hape o pt i mi z a t i o n s ys t em
5 Application examples
5.1 A torque arm
A shape optimization was accomplished by volume control for a two-dimensional torque arm
as shown in Fig. 4. The objective volume was established at 70% of the initial volume of the
torque arm. The values of h and Kp, Kr, KD were 0.05 and 0.5, 0.1, 0.0, respectively. These
Di mensi ons in cm
t = 0 . 3
E = 2 0 . 7 4 . 106 N/ cm 2
%=8. 0 .104 N/cm 2
p = 0.0081 Kg/cm 3
. 4 2 , 0
5066 N
2 . 5
Fi g. 4. Ini t i al des i gn c ondi t i ons o f a
t orque arm
- - I - - V o [ u m e
- - ~ - - S t r e s s
Iteration N u m b e r
Fi g. 5. History of iterations of a torque
arm by volume control
122 S.Y. Han
Fig. 6. Optimized shape for a torque
arm by volume control
Fig. 7. Initial shape of a bracket
t - - - = - - V o lu m e
- - ~ - - S tre s s
~ " ~O~O~l ~o- - o- - e_O_O_o_gl _d0 _ e _ o _ i _ 0
I I P I i I
5 10 15 20 25
Iteration Number
Fig. 8. History of iterations for a bracket by stress control
Fig. 9. Optimized shape of a bracket by stress control
values were obt ai ned from a previous study [9]. The changes of the volume (area) to the initial
vol ume and the yon Mises stress to the maxi mum yon Mises stress are shown in Fig. 5, and
the optimized shape is shown in Fig. 6. Maxi mum yon Mises stress of the optimized shape
was obt ai ned as almost the same value as the initial maxi mum von Mises stress, and the final
vol ume was reduced to 70% of the initial vol ume as it was established.
5.2 A bracket
A shape opt i mi zat i on was accomplished by stress cont rol for a t wo-di mensi onal bracket as
shown in Fig. 7. The objective von Mises stress was established at the initial maxi mum von
Mises stress of the bracket. The values of h and Kp,B2z, Ko were 0.05, and 0.5, 0.1, 0.0,
Shape opt i mi zat i on f or general t wo- di mens i onal st ruct ures
~ = 0 . 3
2400 m m
r m m
20 kN
Fig. 10. Ini t i al b o u n d a r y c ondi t i on o f
Michell t ype be a m
Fig. 11. Opt i mal t o p o l o g y o f Mi c h e l
t ype be a m by ESO me t h o d
. , 1200
Fig. 12. Ini t i al shape f or shape opt i mi -
zat i on
9 '-'i~se.:N ...... / .:;~:' x ':<.+;>
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ , . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . : . Z , ~ . - - ~ " " . ~ . . . . .
i li :i :i; :i: ::5..L i i:; ,i. L. i:i ::.: i: ! !] i. i!i :~: !;: ! ::: fl~i~!i' iiiiYi;!i!i:!]i:.::~iiiiXi :~:.};i:!;~!ii~ii i} ;~ii(!iii~:!i !i?.{ii)~i~i~ i{iiii:ii~ i ![': i;! ~i i:i~i i ?ilili:. :: !!!!I !i! i!!i
Fig. 13. Opt i mi zed shape o f Mi chel l
t ype be a m
r e s p e c t i v e l y . T h e c h a n g e s o f t h e v o l u m e ( a r e a ) t o t h e i n i t i a l v o l u m e a n d t h e y o n Mi s e s s t r e s s
t o t h e m a x i m u m v o n Mi s e s s t r e s s a r e s h o w n i n Fi g . 8, a n d t h e o p t i mi z e d s h a p e i s s h o w n i n
Fi g . 9. T h e m a x i m u m v o n Mi s e s s t r e s s o f t h e o p t i mi z e d s h a p e wa s m a i n t a i n e d a s t h e s a me
v a l u e a s t h e i n i t i a l m a x i m u m v o n Mi s e s s t r e s s a n d t h e f i n a l v o l u m e wa s r e d u c e d t o a b o u t
6 0 % o f t h e i n i t i a l v o l u me .
5 . 3 Mi c h e l l t y p e b e a m
Re c e n t l y , t h e s t u d y o f t o p o l o g y o p t i m i z a t i o n [5], [6] h a s b e c o m e v e r y a c t i v e . T h e o b j e c t i v e o f
t o p o l o g y o p t i mi z a t i o n is t o o b t a i n a n o p t i m a l t o p o l o g y s a t i s f y i n g t h e d e s i g n c o n d i t i o n s a t t h e
i ni t i a l d e s i g n s t a g e . T h e o p t i m a l t o p o l o g y is b a s e d o n t h e c o n c e p t o f g r a d u a l l y r e m o v i n g
r e d u n d a n t e l e me n t s o f t h e l o w s t r e s s e s p a r t o f t h e ma t e r i a l f r o m a s t r u c t u r e . B u t t h e o b t a i n e d
124 S.Y. Han
t opol ogy cannot be appl i ed as it is. Therefore, after det er mi ni ng an initial shape based on t he
opt i mi zed t opol ogy, shape opt i mi zat i on of t he det er mi ned initial shape shoul d be per f or med
f or appl i cabl e and mor e precise opt i mal shape.
Fi gur e 10 shows t he initial t opol ogy and const r ai nt s of a Mi chel l t ype beam f or t opol ogy
opt i mi zat i on. The t opol ogy opt i mi zat i on was accompl i shed by ESO ( Evol ut i onar y St r uct ur al
Opt i mi zat i on) [6]. The opt i mi zed t opol ogy was obt ai ned as shown in Fig. 11. The det er mi ned
initial shape f or shape opt i mi zat i on is shown in Fig. 12.
Shape opt i mi zat i on was accompl i shed by vol ume cont r ol f or a Mi chel l t ype beam as
shown in Fig. 12. The obj ect i ve vol ume was est abl i shed at 80% o f t he initial vol ume of t he
Michell t ype beam. The opt i mi zed shape was obt ai ned as shown in Fig. 13. Fr o m t he results,
it was f ound t hat t he final vol ume was r educed t o 80% of t he initial vol ume, and t he maxi -
mu m von Mises stress of 2.1 MPa was r educed t o 0.87 MPa. I t was verified t hat t he i mpr ove-
ment of t he gr owt h- st r ai n me t hod f or a st ruct ure wi t h t wo or mor e def or mabl e free surfaces
was successful.
6 Conclusions
I n this paper, an i mpr ovement of t he gr owt h- st r ai n met hod was suggest ed by giving addi -
t i onal const r ai nt s at the poi nt s or lines wi t h zero strains. Fur t her mor e, it was verified t hat t he
i mpr ovement o f t he gr owt h- st r ai n met hod f or a st ruct ure wi t h t wo or mor e def or mabl e free
surfaces was successful. Therefore, a shape opt i mi zat i on syst em was built f or general t wo-
di mensi onal st ruct ures. Thi s syst em adopt ed t he P I D cont r ol f or desi gners t o cont r ol t he
desired vol ume or stress effectively. I t is expect ed t hat this shape opt i mi zat i on syst em can be
expanded t o general t hr ee- di mensi onal st ruct ures wi t h t wo or mor e def or mabl e free surfaces.
The shape opt i mi zat i on by t he i mpr oved gr owt h- st r ai n met hod coul d be muc h mor e effective
t han t he mat hemat i cal pr ogr a mmi ng met hod f or compl i cat ed t hr ee- di mensi onal st ruct ures.
The author withes to acknowledge the financial support of Hanyang University, Korea, made in the pro-
gram year of 1999.
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Author's address: Prof. S. Y. Han, School of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, 17 Haeng-
dang-Dong, Sungdong-Ku, Seoul 133-791, Korea (E-mail:

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