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Lesson Plan English V

I. Learning Objectives
Recognize a variety of sentences according to structure.
Use a variety of sentences in giving important ideas/events.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Using a Variety of Sentences according to structures
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
. References: !"#C Spea$ing %.%
C. &aterials: cut'out of mugs and cups
Value (ocus: Respectfulness and )indness
III. Procedure
A. Prearator! Activities
Use t*e semantic +e, to ,ring out t*e pupils- idea a,out ,eing $ind.
As$: .*at comes to your mind +*en you *ear or read t*e +ord $ind/
0.rite pupils- ans+ers around t*e +ord $ind.1
As$: 2ave you ever met people +*o are $ind/
2o+ did t*ey s*o+ $indness/
.*o do you t*in$ are t*e people +*o need more $indness/
2o+ can +e s*o+ $indness to t*em/
". Develo#ent o$ the Lesson
Say: Today3 +e are going to read a story a,out a ,oy and a lovely +orm.
e a,le to find out +*at $ind of a ,oy *e +as and to +*om +e can
compare t*e +orm. #isten as 4 read t*e story.
%he "o! and the &or#
5ne day3 a little ,oy +as playing in *is ,ac$yard near t*e artesian
+ell. 2e +atc*ed a +orm for a long time. T*en *e said3 6.*at an ugly
,ring 7oy to
t*ing you are8 9ou *ave no *air3 no legs3 and 4 don-t t*in$ you *ave
6T*at doesn-t matter3: said t*e +orm. 6All +orms are li$e t*at and
+e manage fine3: t*e +orm commented as it +atc*ed its composure.
6ut3 do you $no+ *o+ to do anyt*ing/: said t*e ,oy. 6T*e animals
run a,out and t*e ,irds fly and sing. 9ou cannot do any of t*ose t*ings.:
6True3: said t*e +orm. 64 cannot do t*ose t*ings3: t*e +orm
64 $no+ *o+ to do everyt*ing3: said t*e ,oy. 64 $no+ *o+ to read3
do my arit*metic3 4-m very good at division. To a certain extent3 4 ma$e
decisions li$e +*at s*irt to +ear or +*at food to order over t*e counter. 4
can do a lot of t*ings +it* minor supervision.:
64 don-t need to $no+ *o+ to read and +rite3: said t*e +orm. 6ut
tell me3 are you prepared for an invasion/ Are you ,rave enoug* to face
explosions/ Tell me3 do you $no+ *o+ to live in t*is +orld all ,y
yourself/ Can you feed yourself and ta$e care of yourself +it*out t*e
*elp of your parents/ Can you stand an immeasura,le cruel regime/:
6;o3 ,ut 4-m still very young3: said t*e ,oy.
6ut 4-m muc* younger t*an you are and yet 4 can feed myself and
ta$e care of myself +it*out any *elp. And ,esides3 did you ever see a
+orm t*at can tal$/ Am 4 not a national treasure/:
Adapted from 6T*e oy and t*e .ord:
,y Ca,rina !adilla
'o#rehension 'hec()u
.rite pupils- ans+ers on t*e ,oard.
<. .*o are t*e c*aracters in t*e story/
=. .*at did t*e ,oy see in t*e ,ac$yard one day/
>. .*at did t*e +orm comment +*en t*e ,oy said3 6.*at an ugly t*ing
you are. 9ou *ave no *air3 no legs3 and 4 don-t t*in$ you *ave eyes.:
?. 2o+ did t*e ,oy descri,e t*e animals and ,irds/
@. To a certain extent3 +*at did t*e ,oy tell t*e +orm a,out ot*er t*ings
*e can do/
!upils- possi,le ans+ers:
<. T*e ,oy and t*e +orm are t*e c*aracters in t*e story.
=. T*e ,oy sa+ a +orm.
>. All +orms are t*e same and t*ey can manage on t*eir o+n.
?. T*e animals can run and t*e ,irds can fly and sing.
@. 2e can ma$e decisions li$e +*at s*irt to +ear or +*at food to order in
a restaurant.
Anal!sis and Discussion
As$ t*e pupils to read t*e ans+ers +ritten on t*e ,oard and let t*em
analyze t*e sentences.
<. Say: Class3 loo$ at t*e first t+o sentences on t*e ,oard. "xplain t*at
a group of +ords t*at *as a meaning or a complete t*oug*t is called a
As$: .*o are +e tal$ing a,out in t*e first sentence/
.*at can +e say a,out t*e ,oy and t*e +orm/ 0Ao t*e same
+it* t*e second sentence.1
"xplain t*at t*e part of t*e sentence t*at tells who or what is tal$ed
a,out is t*e su,7ect and t*e part t*at tells action of ,eing or tells
somet*ing a,out t*e su,7ect is t*e predicate.
"xplain furt*er t*at group of +ords t*at *as a complete t*oug*t or
independent clause is called a simple sentence.
=. Analyze t*e t*ird sentence. As$ a pupil to go to t*e ,oard and
underline one independent clause t*en3 call anot*er pupil to do t*e
same +it* t*e ot*er clause.
a. As$: Can t*e underlined group of +ords stand alone or are t*ey
,. #et t*e pupils read t*e first clause. As$: Aoes t*is clause *ave a
complete t*oug*t/ 2o+ a,out t*e ot*er clause/ .*at con7unction
connects t*e t+o clauses/
"xplain t*at if a sentence is made up of t+o or more independent
clauses3 it is called compound sentence. 0Cite ot*er con7unctions
t*at connect clauses suc* as but3 moreover3 however3 besides3
thus3 and therefore.1
c. Analyze t*e last sentence. #et a pupil underline t*e first clause and
anot*er pupil to underline t*e ot*er clause. As$: 4s t*e first clause
an independent clause or a dependent clause/ 2o+ a,out t*e ot*er
clause/ .*at con7unction connects t*e t+o clauses/
"xplain t*at if a sentence is made up of one independent clause
and one more dependent clause3 it is called a complex sentence.
0Bive ot*er examples of con7unctions used in a complex sentence
suc* as since, although, who, which, after, before3 and until.1
<. .*at are t*e t*ree $inds of sentences according to structure/
=. 2o+ +ould you identify eac* one/
Sentences can ,e simple3 compound3 or complex.
A simple sentence is made up of a su,7ect and a predicate. 4t contains
one independent clause only. Simple sentences may *ave a:
a. simple su,7ect C simple predicate
,. compound su,7ect C simple predicate
c. simple su,7ect C compound predicate
d. compound su,7ect C compound predicate
A compound sentence is made up of t+o or more independent clauses.
T*e clauses are 7oined ,y con7unctions li$e and3 but3 or3 moreover3
besides3 thus3 and therefore.
A complex sentence is made up of one independent clause and one or
more dependent clauses. Some con7unctions used are since3 though3
who3 which3 after3 before3 until3 and others.
Values Integration
2o+ do you treat people +it* special needs/ .*y do you say so/
'. Post Activities
Read t*e follo+ing sentences a,out a Visayan myt* on t*e sun and t*e
moon. 4dentify t*e $ind of sentences used. 4n t*e ,lan$ ,efore t*e
num,er3 +rite S for simple sentence3 C& for compound sentence3 and CD
for complex sentence.
EEEEE <. T*e Sun and t*e &oon +ere married and t*ey *ad many
c*ildren3 t*e stars.
EEEEE =. T*e Sun +as very fond of *is c*ildren.
EEEEE >. ut +*enever *e tried to em,race any of t*em3 *e +as too *ot
t*at *e ,urned t*em up.
EEEEE ?. T*is made t*e &oon so angry s*e finally for,ade *im from
touc*ing t*em again.
EEEEE @. 5ne day3 t*e &oon +ent do+n to t*e spring to do some
EEEEE F. .*en s*e left3 s*e told t*e Sun t*at *e must not touc* any of
t*eir c*ildren in *er a,sence.
EEEEE %. .*en s*e returned3 *o+ever3 s*e found t*at Sun *ad
diso,eyed *er3 and several of *er c*ildren *ad peris*ed.
EEEEE G. S*e +as very angry3 s*e pic$ed up a ,anana tree to stri$e
EEEEE H. T*e Sun t*re+ sand on t*e &oon-s face3 t*at up to t*is day you
can see t*e dar$ mar$s on t*e face of t*e moon.
EEEEE<I. T*e Sun started to c*ase t*e &oon and t*ey *ad ,een going
around in circles ever since.
EEEEE<<. Sometimes3 t*e &oon gets so near t*at t*e Sun +ould almost
catc* *er3 ,ut s*e escapes.
EEEEE<=. T*en3 s*e +ould ,e far a*ead again.
Enrich#ent Activities
A. #et-s *ave a Tea !arty
9ou may not necessarily *ave a tea party in class +*ere you *ave cups
of tea. 4t is an activity +*ere you provide your pupils +it* cut'outs of
cups la,eled +it* topics t*at are of interest to t*em. T*e pupils move
a,out and engage in a conversation using t*e t*ree $inds of
sentences. elo+ are some topics to tal$ a,out in your tea party. Bive
your pupils at least five minutes to +rite t*e sentences.
Auring your tea party3 every,ody s*ares *is/*er ideas. .*at s*ould
you do +*en one of your classmates is tal$ing or s*aring *is/*er idea/
&y favorite
&y ,est
&y +is* for
my ,irt*day
&y most
&y favorite
TV program
. .rite t*e appropriate con7unctions 0and3 or3 not3 ,ut3 after3 ,efore3
until3 t*at3 +*en1 to 7oin t*e sentences to complete t*e myt*.
%he ,ose
T*ere once +as a pretty EEEEEEEEEE very naug*ty c*ild. 2er
name +as Rosa. S*e +as scornful of ot*ers3 especially t*e poor.
5ne day3 a ,eggar +ent to t*eir *ouse. 2e ,egged for a drin$
EEEEEEEEEE *e +as ignored ,y Rosa. S*e sent *im a+ay instead.
Just EEEEEEEEEE t*e ,eggar left3 t*e +orld dar$ened.
4t rained *ard. 4t t*undered EEEEEEEEEE lig*tning flas*ed.
A ,olt of lig*tning struc$ Rosa-s *ouse. T*e rain stopped
EEEEEEEEEE t*e +orld ,rig*tened. Rosa +as no+*ere to ,e seen.
2er parents couldn-t find *er EEEEEEEEEE t*ey grieved.
5ne day3 a plant sprouted in t*eir yard. 4t gre+ EEEEEEEEEE
,ore a ,eautiful flo+er EEEEEEEEEE +as t*orny. 4t reminded t*e
parents t*eir lost c*ild. T*ey called t*e plant rose3 a reminder of t*eir
lost c*ild.
IV. Evaluation
A. Read t*e selection and select t*ree simple sentences t*ree compound
sentences3 and t*ree complex sentences. .rite your ans+ers on your
pad paper.
&h! the S(! is -igh
4n t*e early days3 +*en t*e s$y +as still lo+3 t+o ,rot*ers named
4ngat and Aas$ol lived +it* t*eir parents on eart*.
As t*eir names indicate3 4ngat +as careful in everyt*ing *e did and
+as t*erefore *is fat*er-s rig*t'*and man. 2e +as al+ays *elping +it*
t*e +or$ in t*e field and *is parents +ere very pleased +it* *im.
5n t*e ot*er *and3 Aas$ol did *is +or$ sloppily. 4n t*e a,sence of a
daug*ter in t*e family3 t*e *ouse +or$ came to ,e Aas$ol-s responsi,ility.
2e fetc*ed +ater3 cleaned t*e *ouse3 and did t*e coo$ing. 2e also did
t*e pounding of t*e palay t*at *is fat*er and 4ngat *arvested. "ven in
pounding3 Aas$ol lived up to *is name. 2alf of t*e grain *e pounded
+ould scatter and fall to t*e ground. eing naturally lazy and impatient3
*e did not li$e grain pounding.
5ne day3 Aas$ol *ad to pound a greater Kuantity of palay t*an usual.
2e +as irritated ,ecause every time *e raised t*e pestle3 it +ould *it t*e
s$y. 2is anger added to *is strengt* and desire to finis* t*e +or$
Kuic$ly. So *e raised t*e pestle *ig*er and everytime it *it t*e s$y3 t*e
s$y +ould ,e raised. 4n *is *urry3 Aas$ol did not notice t*at t*e s$y +as
rising. .*en *e finis*ed pounding t*e grain3 *e loo$ed up and discovered
t*at t*e s$y *ad risen3 as +e see it today.
. Aescri,e t*e events in t*e story using simple3 compound3 and complex
V. Assign#ent
.rite a paragrap* a,out t*e t*ings you do at *ome using simple3
compound3 and complex sentences.

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