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Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

College of Development Education

San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur
Activity $o% &
Understanding Research
I. Introduction:
#esearc' is organi(ed learning, loo)ing for specific t'ings to add to
your store of )no*ledge% #esearc' is finding out *'at you don+t already
)no*% $o one )no*s everyt'ing, ,ut every,ody )no*s somet'ing%
o*ever, to complicate matters, often *'at you )no*, or t'in) you )no*, is
T'ere are t*o ,asic purposes for researc'- to learn somet'ing, or to gat'er
evidence% T'e first, to learn somet'ing, is for your o*n ,enefit% .t is almost
impossi,le for a 'uman to stop learning%
II. Objectives:
&% Differentiate t'e meaning of researc'%
/% Define researc' in my o*n *ords
0 ave e1perience in researc'%
III. Write Ups:
#esearc' is t'e systematic process of collecting and analy(ing
information to increase our understanding of t'e p'enomenon under study%
.t is t'e function of t'e researc'er to contri,ute to t'e understanding of t'e
p'enomenon and to communicate t'at understanding to ot'ers%
As a researc' is inevita,le in one+s daily life, researc' must t'en ,e
e1plained% 2eedy 3&4567 states t'at researc' is 8simply a systematic 9uest
for undiscovered trut'8% ence it is t'e searc' for an ans*er to an
unans*ered 9uestion% Tuc)man 3&45/7 defines researc' as a systematic
attempt to provide ans*ers to 9uestions% Sellti(, et al% 3&45:7 define
researc' as 8to searc' again, to ta)e anot'er, more careful loo), to find out
more8 % .n ot'er *ords, *'en t'ere are unans*ered 9uestions in mind,
and one *ould li)e to searc' for possi,le solutions to t'e
pro,lem,conducting researc' is a good alternative% o*ever, it must not ,e
overloo)ed t'at researc' is a systematic attempt% And ,eing a systematic,
it falls *it'in t'e purvie* of science% T'is is ,est e1plained ,y ;erlinger
&45/7 *'en 'e defined researc' as 8a systematic, controlled, empirical
and critical investigation of 'ypot'etical propositions a,out t'e presumed
relations among natural p'enomena%
#esearc' is t'e see)ing of facts ans*er and solution to a particular
9uestion or pro,lem *'erein it follo*s a systematic procedures to ans*er
t'ose 9uestion% .t is somet'ing to do *it' our self< discipline%
IV. References-
Catane, Juliet A% Conducting #esearc'- A Practical Application% =ue(on
City% P'ilippines, />>>
Evelyn M% #eyes
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture
College of Development Education
San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur
Activity $o%6
Research and the Researcher
I. Introduction:
Research is a process of finding facts and arranging t'em in suc' a manner
t'at information is o,tained regarding any fact, figure or p'enomenon%
#esearc' process 'as ,een conducted from t'e time since 'uman ,eing
*as first created and it is a never ending process%
More t'an 'undreds of definitions of researc' 'ave ,een availa,le in
*ritten form in different ,oo)s, encyclopedias, dictionaries and in researc'
literature% !nline encyclopedia ?i)ipedia defines researc' in t'e follo*ing
*ords- researc' is a searc' for )no*ledge, or as any systematic
investigation, *it' an open mind, to esta,lis' novel facts, usually using
scientific met'ods%To ,e a good researc'er first re9uires t'e intention to ,e
involved in researc' and immediately t'ereafter to s'o* a dedicated
interest to do t'e ,est researc' possi,le% "rom t'ere *e must accumulate
t'e )no*ledge needed to advance t'e current ideas already e1istent in t'e
researc' *orld.T'e system t'at a researc'er follo*s to find out t'e facts
t'at are 'idden and not )no*n to people, determines t'e validity,
genuineness and relia,ility of researc'% A researc' is ,iased or fa)e if t'ere
is no validity or relia,ility in t'e researc' process% To underta)e researc'es
in different fields t'ere are variety of procedures and tools set ,y
e1perienced researc'ers% T'e relia,ility of t'ese tools 'ave ,een c'ec)ed
over a period of time and are t'erefore approved to ,e fit for underta)ing
?it' t'e advancement in researc' processes eac' day ne* met'ods,
tools and procedures are developed and eac' tool or procedure is suita,le
for one form of researc' ,ut 'as limitations for anot'er form of researc'%
II. Objectives:
&% Descri,e t'e c'aracteristics of researc'%
/% Specify t'e t'e processes involved in conceptuali(ing researc' study%
0% .ndicate t'e ,asic steps in planning and conducting researc'%
6% State t'e c'aracteristics of researc'er s'ould posses%
III. Write-ups:
Certain terms are very commonly used in researc' and t'e success of
any researc' depends on t'ese terms% T'ese terms determine *'et'er a
researc' is free of ,iases, pre@udices and su,@ective errors or not%
T'ese are t'e c'aracteristics of researc' t'e first one is relia,ility,
Reliability is a subjective term which can not be measured precisely but today there are
instruments which can estimate the reliability of any research. Reliability is the
repeatability of any research, research instrument, tool or procedure. If any research
yields similar results each time it is undertaken with similar population and with similar
procedures, it is called to be a reliable research. Suppose a research is conducted on the
effects of separation between parents on class performance of the children. If the results
conclude that separation causes low grades in class, these results should have to be
reliable for another sample taken from similar population. More the results are similar;
more reliability is present in the research. he second one is Validity the strength with
which we can call a research conclusions, assumptions or propositions true or false.
!alidity determines the applicability of research . !alidity of the research instrument can
be defined as the suitability of the research instrument to the research problem or how
accurately the instrument measures the problem. Some researchers say that validity and
reliability are co"related but validity is much more important than reliability. #ithout
validity research goes in the wrong direction. o keep the research on"track define your
concepts in the best possible manner so that no error occur during measurement. he
third characteristics of research is Accuracy it is also the degree to which each research
process, instrument and tool is related to each other. $ccuracy also measures whether
research tools have been selected in best possible manner and research procedures suits
the research problem or not. %or e&ample if a research has to be conducted on the trans"
gender people, several data collection tools can be used depending on the research
problems but if you find that population less cooperative the best way is to observe them
rather than submitting 'uestionnaire because in 'uestionnaire either they will give biased
responses or they will not return the 'uestionnaires at all. So choosing the best data
collection tool improves the accuracy of research. $nother one is the Credibility comes
with the use of best source of information and best procedures in research. If you are
using second"hand information in your research due to any reason your research might
complete in less time but its credibility will be at stake because secondary data has been
manipulated by human beings and is therefore not very valid to use in research. $ certain
percentage of secondary data can be used if primary source is not available but basing a
research completely on secondary data when primary data can be gathered is least
credible. #hen researcher give accurate references in research the credibility of research
increases but fake references also decrease the credibility of research.(e&t,
Generalizability is the e&tent to which a research findings can be applied to larger
population. #hen a researcher conducts a study he)she chooses a target population and
from this population he takes a small sample to conduct the research. his sample is
representative of the whole population so the findings should also be. If research findings
can be applied to any sample from the population, the results of the research are said to
be generali*able.he si&th characteristic of research is it should be Empirical nature of
research means that the research has been conducted following rigorous scientific
methods and procedures. +ach step in the research has been tested for accuracy and is
based on real life e&periences. ,uantitative research is more easy to prove scientifically
than 'ualitative research. In 'ualitative research biases and prejudice are easy to occur.
$nother, systematic approach is the only approach for research. (o research can be
conducted hapha*ardly. +ach step must follow other. here are set of procedures that
have been tested over a period of time and are thus suitable to use in research. +ach
research therefore should follow a procedure. $nd the last one characteristic is the
Controlled"in real life e&perience there are many factors that effect an outcome. $ single
event is often result of several factors. #hen similar event is tested in research, due to the
broader nature of factors that effect that event, some factors are taken as controlled
factors while others are tested for possible effect. he controlled factors or variables
should have to be controlled rigorously. In pure sciences it is very easy to control such
elements because e&periments are conducted in laboratory but in social sciences it
becomes difficult to control these factors because of the nature of research.
Step !ne- Reflect on What Interests You t'in) a,out t'e program,
pro@ect, population, participant, pro,lem, p'enomenon, policy, practice,
process, or product a,out *'ic' you *ould li)e to learn% .t also 'elps you to
find a design t'at fits your passion rat'er t'an needing to find a passion
t'at fits a designA Step T*o- Draft a tate!ent Identif"ing "our
#reli!inar" $rea of Interest and %ustif"ing Its cholarl" and&or
#ractical I!portance compose a simple sentence or t*o in *'ic' you
state your ,eginning area of curiosity and e1plain *'y t'e topic is
significant, relevant, and *ort'y of study% By doing so you ,egin to address
t'e Bso *'atC 9uestion rig't a*ay% .n addition, you can reflect upon your
personal perspectives in relation to your preliminary area of interest and
record your 'opes, aspirations, and ,iases as an educator% As you
progress t'roug' t'e rest of t'ese steps, refer ,ac) to t'is record from time
to time
in order to assess 'o* your personal perspectives are s'aping t'e
researc' process 3e%g%, ,iasing data analysis or researc' design7%
Step T'ree- 'one "our (opic )ocus no* t'at you 'ave ,egun to
articulate your area of interest, ,egin to 'one your focus ,y considering t'e
c'oices you need to ma)e in order to design your study% E1plore t'e
options you can e1ercise ,y deli,erating on t'e follo*ing
9uestionsD?'o,?'at,?'en,?'ere,?'y, and o*% T'is open<ended
posture applies to ,ot' t'e discovery of your researc' focus and your
met'odological design% Also, t'ese 9uestions are @ust some of t'e ones
you can as) a,out your study 'elp you discover t'e areas in *'ic' you
need to ma)e important procedure 9uestions and to decide *'at researc'
met'ods *ill ,est 'elp you ac'ieve t'ese design o,@ectives% Step "our-
*o!pose "our Initial Research +uestion or '"pothesis ,ased upon
your ans*ers to t'e ?'o, ?'at, ?'ere, ?'en, ?'y, and o* 9uestions,
compose your initial researc' 9uestion% .t is o)ay to drift as long as you are
a*are of t'e c'anges made in t'e course of t'e in9uiry and @ustify t'e
corrections ,eing made%Step "ive- Define "our ,oals and Objectives
focus on t'e overall goals of your potential researc' study and t'e
o,@ectives t'at you must accomplis' in order to ac'ieve t'ese goals%
3a7Conduct a literature searc' in order to learn *'at 'as ,een previously
pu,lis'ed on t'is topic, 3,7 Ad@ust t'e researc' 9uestion ,ased upon t'e
literature revie*, 3c7 .dentify potential sites for collecting data, 3d7 Prepare
.nstitutional #evie* %Step Si1- *onduct a Revie- of the .iterature some
researc'ers start t'eir 9ualitative researc' process *it' a revie* of t'e
literature, some delay t'eir revie*s until after t'e study is completed, and
some continually revie* t'e literature t'roug'out t'e researc' process
3C'enail, Cooper, E Desir, />&>7% Step Seven- Develop "our Research
Design in 9ualitative researc', your design is t'e system of c'oices you
ma)e t'at 'elps you to conceive and conduct your study in an orderly and
effective manner% Develop a researc' design *'ic' *ill allo* you to
address your researc' 9uestion or 'ypot'esis effectively and efficiently%
Step Eig't- *onduct a elf-assess!ent in !rder to Determine ?'at
Strengt's Fou ave T'at ?ill Be Useful in your Study and ?'at S)ills Fou
?ill $eed to Develop
in !rder to Complete your Study Develop a gro*t' plan for 'elping you
to master t'e competencies you *ill need t'roug'out t'e study Fou can
com,ine t'is development process *it' your efforts to test and refine t'e
procedures entailed in your design% #emem,er to reflect upon your
personal conte1t and point<of<vie* *'ic' may ,ias you during t'e
study and record your plan for managing t'is perspective t'roug'out t'e
9ualitative researc' pro@ect%Step $ine- #lan/ *onduct/ and 0anage the
tud" Successful 9ualitative researc' pro@ects involve careful
management of four different yet connected studies- 3a7 t'e study
proposed, 3,7 t'e study conducted, 3c7 t'e study reported, and 3d7 t'e
study of t'ese studies% .n t'e event of t'ese corrective c'anges, ma)e sure
you are a*are as you ma)e t'ese deviations and revise your study plan or
study report accordingly%
Step Ten- *o!pose and ub!it "our Report identify t'e relevant
policies and rules governing t'e form, su,stance, and su,mission of t'e
report% Even t'oug' t'ere can ,e a variety of outlets to ma)e t'e results of
your study pu,lic, a typical reporting format *ould ,e as follo*s-
G .ntroduction and #evie* of 2iterature
G Met'odology
G "indings or #esults
G Discussion of .mplications and 2imitations of t'e #esults
.t is important to t'in) a,out t'e form in *'ic' you *ill present your study
early and often so you do not *ait until t'e end of your study to *rite up
your report% By ta)ing and re<ta)ing t'ese ten steps, you *ill remain
pragmatically curious as you conceptuali(e and conduct 9ualitative
researc' of 9uality and utility%
Basic Steps in Planning E Conducting #esearc' areD.dentify t'e
pro,lem area, Survey t'e literature relating to t'e pro,lem, Define t'e
actual pro,lem for investigation in clear specific terms, "ormulate
'ypot'eses and define t'e ,asic concepts E varia,les, State t'e
underlying assumptions *'ic' govern t'e interpretation of results,
Construct a time<ta,le s'o*ing different stages of researc'
accomplis'ments, Construct t'e researc' design to ma1imi(e internal E
e1ternal validity, Selection of su,@ect, Control andHor manipulation of
relevant varia,les, Esta,lis' a criteria to develop outcomes,
.nstrumentation selection or development of t'e criterion measures,
Specify t'e data collection procedures,Select t'e data analysis
met'odology,E1ecute t'e researc', Evaluate t'e results and dra*
To ,e more specific, let us divide t'ese good 9ualities into t'ree- T'e
Basics 9ualities, t'e good 9ualities on t'e process, and t'e good 9ualities
upon success% T'e ,asic 9ualities of a researc'er are intelligence, 'onesty,
curiosity and initiative, enoug' )no*ledge, and good in oral and *ritten
communication% .t cannot ,e denied t'at a researc'er must ,e intelligent
enoug'% #esearc' re9uires critical analysis, logical reasoning and common
sense%.t is more interesting to note t'e good 9ualities needed ,y a
researc'er in t'e dynamic parts of doing researc'% ?e can call t'ese
9ualities as t'e good 9ualities on t'e process% Diligence and persistence,
creativeness and innovativeness, o,@ectiveness, open mindedness,
orderliness and cleanliness, cautious, accuracy and precision, 9uic)ness
and responsiveness, ;eenness, systematic and reasona,leness, and
cooperation and leaders'ip%T'ey s'ould also possess e1cellent oral and
*ritten s)ills, ,eing a,le to communicate easily, effectively, persuasively on
t'e p'one and in *riting% Proven postgraduate researc' e1perience, a
multidisciplinary academic ,ac)ground, good visual sense, demonstra,le
interest in interactive multimedia and ,asic *ord<processing s)ills are
IV. References:

#etrieved from 'ttp-HH***%nova%eduHssssH=#H=#6<0Hsevencs%'tml
C'enail, #% J% 3/>>47% .ntervie*ing t'e investigator- Strategies for
.arry, #./. 012314. 56hallenging the Status ,uo Meaning of +ducational ,uality-
Introducing ransformational ,uality 0,4 heory75. Educational Journal of Living
Theories 4- 3819.

+velyn M. Reyes

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