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A Bag of ISPF Tips

Target Readers: Anybody who is working in ISPF environment.

Objective: Most of these rules are generic. It talks about general guidelines which will
help a programmer to work efficiently in ISPF environment.
you would like to know, who is using a specific DSN at that particular point of time, proceed as
follows ..
Type TSO WHOHASIT at the command line
Type the DSN name without quotes when prompted for it and press enter
You will get the userid of the person who is presently using that DSN
1. TSO DSN !ursor Dataset command"
Type this command on the command line and #ring your cursor to the dataset of interest on the
$ress %nter.
This takes you to a screen which will allow you to perform lots of functions on the dataset. &t
allows you to edit, #rowse, 'iew, delete, open in (ileaid, )O* it, lists other people+,o#s using
the dataset and many more....go on and e-plore...
.. /o to (ileaid directly from &S$( 0.1
Open a dataset in &S$( 0.1
On the command area at the left, enter command (1.
$ress %nter.
This will take you directly to (ileaid 2rowse panel.
3ere is a way to switch directly to the ,o# output screen after su#mitting a ,o# from the edit screen
.. (ollow the steps #elow ...
Su#mit the ,o# from the edit screen
The following steps e-plains the procedure of directly getting into the SDS( screen, from the edit
screen to see the ,o# output
Type CJOB at the commandline
$lace the cursor on the 4o# name of the ,o# card
$ress %nter
This 4O2 edit macro picks up the ,o# name from the cursor position and takes you to the
corresponding ,o# in the SDS(
output. 3ope this pro'es handy to most of us.
$&*S is now also a'aila#le on D2.. This means you can use all the functionality of the S56
language to runs queries against ,o#s, procs, programs, dataset names and ddnames.
The ta#le name is $&*S.46)7%( in D2.T.
The column names are
S%5NO !use O7D%7 2Y S%5NO to list rows in the same order as $&*S would"
The D28 group are currently arranging for this ta#le to #e refreshed e'ery week.
9hile writting ,o#s, if u want to ha'e a look at different template 46s, here is a way ...
Open a datset in the edit mode
Type JCLSTAN in the command line
This would show you a lookup screen, where :1 different kind of 46s would #e listed.
Select a particular 46 and press enter
The whole 46 would #e copied to your dataset. You ha'e to ,ust modify the different
parameters to use the 46
This would pro'e handy, when u dont know the input ; output parameters to e-ecute utility
program like SO7T, &D8*S,
&<4%(T=1, and many more.
Common Services - ISPF Tips & Techniqes
Home Grown Tools Invoke by typing TSO cmd Hit !"#$%elp& to display %elp panel
!""C# - ookup error code in !""#M$%
$B% - Sample code& '( to call common routines )*+!.,-.
%&'CO% - /uick method for transmitting datasets from , site to another
C#S( - Allows user to put cursor on dataset on any panel and invoke multiple functions on the
FI(#%B" - Searches the ISPF libraries for the specified member
$BCB)OPT - Shows ("!" options used to compile a load module )*+!.0.
I%S*TI) - IMS 1tilities )PS!23!3 Map& PS! $en& MFS $en& PS!23!3 4ref %eports& !M(&
etc.. )*+!.56.
+O*!'P(# - 7iew source code by e8panding all copybooks )*+!.55.
+O*C%F(# - Search prod source baseline libraries for member )*+!.5-.,.
+O*SCA( - Scan source libraries for reference to a character string )*+!.9.
)OCAT! - Search the linklist to find a module
+#+B)# - $3$ 1tility )3efine& 3elete& Modify. )*+!.,9.
+OTA%S* - :AMS utility menu
CTS%!(* - (:S utility menu
'endor Tools Invoke by typing TSO cmd
CA, - :ape Management 1tilities )similar to :MS.
-+ - ;our $lass 5666 )allows you to set date to be used for <5# testing.
FA#A - File-Aid 3ata Ager )allows you to convert2change dates in a file. )*F.FA3A.
FA#B.' - File-Aid for 3!5 )FA3 command.
FI%!(* - File-Aid for IMS )*F.FIMS.
/A-I - /A ;iperstation )record2playback tool for regression testing and automated processing.
'CO%0. - 4("M interface
(#% - =3M interface )can transmit using SMS& can transmit 7SAM and :ape.
'pe1iter - 1se >*4P? to invoke 4pediter :S". Select option - for detailed help on Ame8 related
:ype >:S" +!4PI=I:? from P3@7 and @3@7 to get the (ommon Services version of
the 4pediter Menu.
2I!$#*%P - Abend-Aid 4S )maps abend to source code. For more info& locate on A!@=3AI3 in
IS!" Settings Tips Type Settings on ISPF command line
%emove 3 ne8t to Tab to action bar choices to allow ;"M@ key to return to command line
:o remove underscores from panel fields - Select Co4ors pull-down& then select C*A Attribtes& then
change *SCO"! to(O(!
:ype PFS;"+ "FF on command line to remove PF #eys from being displayed on panel
1se (%@:%I@7 command )(ursor2%etrieve commands combined in one command.
IS!" () Tips
1se the "I*+ string command to search for a specific dataset in a large list of datasets
1se following clists to invoke corresponding File-Aid M7S option A F,& F.& F5,6F578 F98 F:,-F::8 F08
F;8 F<8 F7
1se 3 as a placeholder for dataset on line when invoking a command )ieB 4MI: +%"(.userid 3A)2..
1se %&'CO% to transmit file to any mainframe system )use 4MI: when sending to someone elseCs
1se = to repeat last command entered
IS!" ,dit-'iew Tips
1se labels so you can return to an area without having to re-invoke FI=3 command
- Assign a label by typing it over the line number )e.g. >A.& ocate the label by typing ) >4abe4 on
command line )e.g. ) >A.
- Multiple labels can be set and then used in Find and (hange commands )e.g. C ?string,@ ?string.@
A)) >A >B.
1se -I)IT! command to set highlighting options.
For 3ialog developers A 1se %o1e4 command to insert sample code into your member
1se !ounds to limit Find& Move& (hange commands A :ype B(#S on line then use D and A to set left
and right boundaries
1se TS line command to split the te8t at the cursor position. 1se TF line command to flow ne8t record
at the end of current record.
1se shift line commands - Bn or BBn to shift data right& Cn or CCn to shift data left
1se *C line command to change characters to 1pper (ase& use )C to change characters to ower (ase
1se D!% edit macro to check '( )use ) >4abe4 command to locate any errors as indicated in the '@M
1se DSCA( and DSCA(, edit macros for '( checking also. DSCA(, will also resolve '"!:%A(
1se FF8 FP8 F) )Find First& Previous& ast. edit macros to find the field at the cursor position )intelligent
find based on source type.
1se ' A)) to e8clude all. 1se Fn and )n line commands to un-e8clude First and ast e8cluded lines.
1se ' and (' parms on commands such as Find& (hange& and 3elete to impact only e8cluded or non-
e8cluded lines
1se F)IP command to toggle between e8cluded lines and non-e8cluded lines.
Common Services - ISPF Tips & Techniqes EEEEEEEEEEE
!F& 6 InvoGe bH tHping I!F&J on anH ISPF comman1 4ine
Allows you to enter and save commonly referenced datasets. Many functions can be performed against the
A)T!"#I" - Allows you to allocate more directory blocks for a P3S )handy when you get an @-E
while saving a P3S mbr.
"!CO2!" - 1se this to recover a P3S member if you accidently delete it
P#S%A( A :ype P#S%A( on the @F< command line to invoke the P3SMA= utility )P3S utilities.
S#SF Tips C=SB
1se K to e8pand a Gob
:ype S!T #ISP)A& O( to show your S3SF display settings
SD A 1se this command to edit the '( for the 'ob )can edit and re-submit the Gob& must use (opy2(reate
commands to save edits.
S! A 1se this command to edit Gob output )must use (opy2(reate commands to save edits to a file.
'#8 '#C A 1se these commands to route Gob output to a dataset
'S8 'F A 1se these commands to route Gob output to S<S"1: or a pre-allocated 33
I(P*T O( A 1se this command when you get >=o 3isplayable 3ata? message
Fi4e-Ai1 %2S Tips C=FA8 =A>.L8 FA cm1B
<ou can use M when specifiying a dataset on many FAM7S panels. <ou will then get a list of datasets
that Hualify.
1se option -., to map a load module.
1se option -.5 to allocate datasets )more powerful than ISPF -.5.
1se option -.I to search all P3S members for a string. <ou can also do mass changes to members.
1se option -.- to copy a file to another file )destination file can be allocated on-the-fly.
1se option E to create 4%@F for file reHuiring multiple copybooks. 4%@F file must be a P3S with
)%@(FM*7!& %@(*-66..
1se option J to print a copybook and to show the offset of each field within the copybook.
For sample !atch File-Aid '(& invoke the +!M clist and locate on FAM7S
File-Aid @dit2!rowse Features
1se 7ertical Format )2F%T. mode to map a file to a copybook
1se SO"T 3N to sort file by a field number
1se C A(& newvalue 3N to change all values in a specific field to a new value
1se O2)& and %ove commands to perform a move overlay
1se FP"I(T command to print a file in formatted mode using a copybook or 8ref
1se S-O$ (*%K #ISP)A& 8-y O()& commands to limit display to specific fields. (an also be used
to FP"I(T certain fields.
1se F I(2A)I# 3N to find invalid data in a specific field number
Fi4e-Ai1 I%S Tips CTSO FI%!(*8 =F>FI%S8 =A>.:B
1se FAIMS option 9., )@8tract. to unload a database to a file
(onvert the FAIMS 4ref to a FAM7S 4ref by using sample '( in +!M )locate on FAM7S.
1se FAM7S to !rowse or @dit the e8tract file
<ou can use FAM7S to do a formatted print of the database using the converted 4%@F and the FP"I(T
1se FAIMS option 9.5 )oad. to load segments back to the database from the e8tract file
D-S Tips C=D-S8 D-S comman1B
:ype P"OOB"S then select (ATI2! ISPF2:S" mode A :his allows more functionality when browsing
Gob output
1se SO"T command to sort Gob display by any column )ieB 'ob& 'ob L& Started& @nded& (ode& etc.
1se P"T command to print Gob output from ';S. :he print Gob name will be under your useridM in
S3SF. <ou can then use the '# command in S3SF to route the Gob output to a file if desired.
&f you want to gi'e read access to your datasets to any userid or group id here is a 'ery simple
way of doing it...
Type TSO GORACF userid/groupid
So, from now on no need to tamper with ur profile set up in (>8*%)>78(>1
4ust typing this command would gi'e read access for your datasets to any user id.

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