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Alan Wolton receives Prestigious award from Oil Painters of

America Distinguished Artist of the Year

Wolton has 4 Pieces Currently on Display at Mountainsong Galleries and will participate in the First in
the World Oil Painters of Americas Masters Only !how"# hosted $y Mountainsong Galleries in Carmel%
Carmel&$y&the&!ea# CA# 'une ()# (*)4 & Wolton has 4 Pieces Currently on Display at Mountainsong
Galleries and will participate in the First in the World Oil Painters of Americas Masters Only
Show! hosted "y Mountainson# $alleries in Carmel! California! %uly &' throu#h Au#ust &4! &()4
* First in the World OPA Masters Only Show: July 25 - August 24
o Openin# *eception %uly &' '+(( , -+(( All OPA Masters
o ./clusi0e opportunity+ Masters Dinner for Saturday! %uly &1 from 1+(( , -+((2 Anyone who
purchases a Master3s paintin# "efore or durin# the Openin# of the First in the World OPA Masters
Only Show will "e in0ited to dinner with the Masters2
o Artists for the show include+ Alan Wolton! Daniel $reene! 4e0in Macpherson5 .0erett *aymond
4instler and more2 Complete list a0aila"le upon re6uest2
Mountainsong Galleries in Carmel,"y,the,Sea! California! is committed to representin# more
credentialed OPA and A7S Master Artists than any #allery in the entire world2 Mountainson# also
represents some of the "est "ron8e! #lass and furniture artists today2
Ba!ground on Alan Wolton
*enowned artist and Sedona resident! Alan Wolton has 9ust returned from :ennin#ton! ;ermont!
where he was the recipient of the Distin#uished Artist of the <ear from Oil Painters of America =
Already an >OPAM> = reco#ni8ed as >master painter> "y the #roup! Wolton has had an illustrious
career spannin# si/ decades2
Woltons wor? has "een accepted "y the *oyal Academy of @ondon! the *oyal Society of :ritish
Artists! the *oyal 7nstitute of Oil Painters! and the Paris Salon2 Ae has also "een a Master Charter
Mem"er of the Society of American 7mpressionists and a mem"er of Plein Air Painters of Borthern
Ais wor? has "een e/hi"ited all o0er the world! includin# @ondon! %ohannes"ur# and Paris2 Ais
peripatetic nature has led to the creation of powerful art from many "eautiful places! includin# his
ori#inal South African home! Bew Cealand and .urope = nota"ly ;enice2
An e/cerpt from the OPA3s announcement a"out the award states! >Alan Wolton is indul#in# in an
artistic freedom "rou#ht a"out "y his years of de0elopment and the confidence of maturity2
Followin# international reco#nition! his paintin#s now show a re0ised simplicity of statement2
Dechnically! Mr2 WoltonEs wor? is un6uestiona"le2 Ais list of credentials and e/hi"itions o0er the
years is 0ery impressi0e2>
7n his own words Wolton claims! >$enerally! 7 am not too affected "y awards "ut this decision "y
the Oil Painters of America Masters! nota"ly retirin# OPA president Beil Patterson! alon# with
Masters Chiwei Du! Charles Mo0alli and others! has truly touched my heart2 Dhe ?indness and
honor these wonderful fol? showered upon me will remain a lifetime hi#hF
*e#ardin# his wor?! the artist recently said! >7 li?e my paintin#s to stop passers,"y who had only
"y accident cau#ht a #limpse of the picture2 What they see should "e "reathta?in#ly different!
deli#htfully fresh! somethin# emotionally appeti8in# and a 9oy2 A su"conscious 0isual hi#h spi?ed
"y a happy relationship of colors! tones! forms and cleanliness2>
Dhe award comes on the heels of the pu"lication of >Dhe Art of Alan Wolton!> a G4-,pa#e
hard"ound "oo? which is at once a memoir! a close loo? at how paintin#s are made! and
a retrospecti0e of a lifetimes achie0ement! includin# more than 4(( color ima#es of artwor?s
from e0ery period of the artists life2 Dhe "oo? is a0aila"le from Ama8on2com! and local residents
can find it at the Sedona Pu"lic @i"rary2

Oil Painters of America is a not,for,profit or#ani8ation representin# more than 4!((( artists
throu#hout the Hnited States! Canada and Me/ico2 OPA is dedicated to preser0in# and promotin#
e/cellence in representational art2 7ts primary focus is to draw attention to the lastin# 0alue of fine
drawin#! color! composition and the appreciation of li#ht on can0as2
Dhe mission of OPA is to ad0ance the cause of traditional! representational fine art "y pro0idin# a
forum in which artists can display their art in re#ional and national competitions2 7n addition! the
or#ani8ation is committed to pro0idin# educational opportunities to its mem"ers throu#h its
newsletter! criti6ue pro#ram! scholarships! wor?shops! seminars! and demonstrations "y todays
"etails on Mountainsong Galleries:
I @ocation+ Ocean "etween San Carlos and Mission Carmel,"y,the,Sea! California J ;iew Map
I Phone+ K-G)L 1&1,(1((
I Pri0ate ;iewin#s :y Appointment , Call -G),&GG,-&''
I We"site+ http+MMwww2mountainson##alleries2comM
I Aours of Operation
o Monday - Saturday #$ % & and Sunday #2-&
I @ist of Master Artists
o Daniel .2 $reene! B2 A2! AWS! PSA! OPAMaster
o .0erett *aymond 4instler! B2 A2! AWS! PSA! OPAMaster
o Beil Patterson! OPAMaster! President! Oil Painters of America
o De"ra %oy $roesser! A7S! President! American 7mpressionist Society
o Cyrus Afsary! OPAMaster
o 4enn :ac?haus! A7SMaster! OPAMaster
o Clayton %2 :ec? 777! A7SMaster
o Aarley :rown! OPAMaster
o Bancy :ush! A7SMaster
o %ohn Michael Carter! OPAMaster
o William D2 Cham"ers! OPAMaster
o Bancy Seamons Croo?ston! OPAMaster
o 4im .n#lish! A7SMaster
o Al"ert Aandell! A7SMaster! OPAMaster
o Da0id Aettin#er! OPAMaster
o Dou# Ai##ins! OPAMaster
o Nuan# Ao! A7SMaster! OPAMaster
o William Scott %ennin#s! OPAMaster
o Ste0en @an#! OPAMaster
o %eff @e##! OPAMaster
o Cal0in @ian#! A7SMaster! OPAMaster
o Wei8hen @ian#! A7SMaster
o Auihan @iu! A7SMaster! OPAMaster
o 4e0in Macpherson! A7SMaster! OPAMaster
o Bed Mueller! OPAMaster
o Paul Mullally! OPAMaster
o %oyce Pi?e! OPAMaster
o %oan Potter! OPAMaster
o William Schneider! A7SMaster
o Crai# Dennant! OPAMaster
o Chiwei Du! A7SMaster! OPAMaster
o %effrey *2 Watts! OPAMaster
o William Whita?er! OPAMaster
o Alan Wolton! OPAMaster
o %im Diet8! Premier Automo"ile and Military Artist
o *andy Stron# who has three of his e/6uisite #lass pieces in the @ou0re in Paris
Marci :racco Cain
Mountainson# $alleries
PO :o/ GGO1
Ocean A0enue G S. Of San Carlos
Carmel,:y,Dhe,Sea! CA OGO&),GGO1

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